
责任的含义:对责任的理解通常可以分为两个意义。一是指分内应做的事,如职责、尽责任、岗位责任等。二是指没有做好自己工作,而应承担的不利后果或强制性义务。同时还包含这出于人类道德。责任既是使社会规则有序的保障,又是保证个人有所成就的可靠基础,也是为人处世所必备的基本要素。责任是美德的表现和基础,伴随人的一生。一个人没有责任感就不值得信赖,一个没有强烈责任意识的民族是没有希望的民族。 责任意识是一个人道德修养的重要组成部分。责任意识要求公民个人自觉履行对他人、对家庭、对社会应尽的义务,并勇于为自己的行为负责。履行责任的标准越高,其人生价值就可能越大。 责任来源:责任产生于社会关系之中的相互承诺。对他人的承诺、分配的任务、上级的任命、职业的要求、法律规定、传统习俗、公民身份、道德原则等。责任来自于社会道德、习俗及法律等方面的要求。一些责任可能只有一个来源,也可能有两个或两个以上的来源。&为什么要承担社会责任:(承担责任意义) ①积极承担责任是做人的基本要求。 ②(对个人来说)承担责任能激励自己充分发挥潜能,支实现奋斗目标,可以赢得别人的信任、帮助和支持,可以获得自尊和自信,增长才干,获得社会的承认与赞誉。 ③(对社会来说)承担责任,才能建立起良好的人际关系和稳定、和谐的社会秩序,促进社会的文明、进步与发展。&不承担责任的后果:不承担责任会给他人和社会带来种种不良后果。同时,一个对他人、对社会不负责任的人,实际上就是对自己不负责任,他必然会受到道德谴责,失去别人的信任,得不到别人的帮助和支持,对他人利益和对社会造成严重危害的还要受到法律制裁,遗憾终生。对“有责任感”的理解:(责任的重要性)人们的每个行为都会产生一定的社会后果。做人应该对自己的行为负责。一个品质良好的人是有责任感的人。有责任感就意味着能够自我认识、自我肯定、自我调节和自我引导。有责任感的人,对行为与后果的一致性有清醒的认识,勇于承担应负的责任,不推诿,不逃避,能够自省自律,制止自己做错事。 作为当代青少年,我们的责任有哪些: ①我们应该对自己负责,努力学习,塑造自我。 ②我们应该对他人负责,关心爱护和帮助他人。 ③我们应该对集体负责,为集体增添荣誉和力量。 ④我们应该对社会负责,以良好行为创造美好的社会。 如何做一个有责任感的人:(怎样培养自己的责任感?) ①树立负责任的人生态度。 ②学会分析事物的因果关系。 ③养成先思考,后行动的习惯。 ④对自己行为造成的后果要勇于承担责任,同时应接受教训。 责任是相互的,对他人负责就是对自己负责,对自己负责,也就是对他人负责。反之,对他人不负责也就是对自己不负责。在生活中,只有大家共同努力,郑重地承担起自己的责任,才会有生活的和谐和美好,才会有国家和民族的繁荣昌盛。 青少年应该如何承担对社会的责任:我们要树立远大志向,立足我国的基本国情,着眼于全面建设小康社会的发展目标,努力学习,提高科学文化素质,自觉投身于中国特色社会主义经济、政治、文化和社会建设,抓住机遇、迎接挑战,担当起实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史使命。我们青少年要:(1)树立崇高远大理想,努力学习科学文化知识,提高自身素质;(2)发扬艰苦奋斗精神,勤于实践,勇于创新;(3)诚信做人,与人为善,尊重和宽容他人,提高和谐交往的能力;(4)树立公平,公正和责任意识,勇于承担责任;(5)树立和提高保护资源和环境的意识,与大自然和谐相处;(6)积极为促进社会和谐向有关部门提出意见和建议.代价与回报:承担责任,需要付出代价,往往也伴随着获得回报的权利。承担责任,是自尊、自信的表现,是自立自强的必然选择,是走向成熟的重要标志。 有些该做的事情,并不是我们自愿选择的,但我们仍要为它们承担责任。履行社会责任,不计较代价与回报,这种奉献精神,是社会责任感的集中体现。 负责任需要承担的代价: ①负责任需要我们付出时间和精力,有时还需要付出金钱。 ②负责任需要我们承担某些精神上的代价。 ③负责任还需要我们放弃一些个人的兴趣和利益。 ④负责任甚至会危及生命。 负责任有哪些好处和意义: ①负责任能建设一个更美好的社会。负责任能改善我们学习、工作和生活的环境。负责任能铸就我们高尚的民族精神。 ②负责任促进个人自由和进步。负责任能使人获得更多的信任和自由;能使人赢得自尊自信;能使人增长才干;能使人获得实际的利益。 不负责任会带来哪些严重后果:不负责任使社会和他人遭受损失;使个人利益遭受损失;使个人名誉遭受损失;甚至受到法律制裁。责任冲突: ①在现实生活中,由于时间、精力和各种条件的限制,有些责任的发生履行可能会引发冲突。 ②面对责任冲突,我们在进行责任选择时,可以着重考虑这些因素:时间、相对重要性、可能性、创新的解决办法和途径。我们在进行责任选择时,可以选择时间上最紧迫的、最重要的、自己有能力去完成的责任去完成。在现实生活中,承担责任经常需要我们拿出勇气和担当道义。 每个人在受惠于他人、受惠于社会。的同时,也承担着对他人、对社会应尽的义务和应负的责任。承担责任,是在履行自己应尽的义务,必然会有相应的付出,往往也伴随着获得回报的权利。一个人在履行责任时,应该不计个人得失。在正常情况下,既少付出代价,又尽到责任,还获得了合理的回报,是最理想的状态。在某些特殊情况下,即使要付出沉重的代价,即使没有任何回报,也要负责任。不同社会身份,承担着不同的社会责任:在家庭中,我们长大后有赡养父母的责任。在学校中,我们有努力学习、做个好学生的责任。在工作岗位上,我们有努力工作、完成工作任务的责任。在社会中,我们有遵纪守法的公民责任。在某些情况下,我们还负有道义上的责任,如信守诺言,见危相救,见义勇为。 不同社会角色承担不同责任:科学家的责任是探索奥秘;医生的责任是救死扶伤;军人的责任是保家卫国;法官的责任是秉公执法、惩恶扬善;公务员的责任是克己奉公、为民服务;警察的责任是保一方平安;教师的责任是教书育人。青少年应如何承担好自己的角色和责任:第一,做为学生来讲,当然是学习重要,这就要求你认真对待学习,课前认真预习,课上认真听讲,课后及时复习巩固等.第二,学生在家还承担着子女的角色,那你对家庭负责的表现就是孝敬父母,听父母的话,但是要知道这里的孝顺不是愚孝和盲从第二,学生在学校可能要承担着班干部或课代表的角色,那也要求你做好自己的工作,能够成为老师一个得力的助手,同时也是你协调与同学关系的良好的锻炼机会“角色与责任”的名言:站在领导立场的人,首先就要确立自己的责任,抱着使命感求其贯彻。———松下幸之助责任并不是一种由外部强加在人身上的义务,而是我需要对我所关心的事情做出反应。———弗洛姆坚毅而崇高的思想方式,能够使一个人建立起生活目的和认识自己的生活职责。———列夫·托尔斯泰责任就是对自己要求去做的事情有一种爱。———歌德我们的责任比我们想像的更为重大的多,因为它是和全人类都有关系的。———萨特责任感常常会纠正人的狭隘性。当我们徘徊于迷途的时候,它会成为可靠的向导。———普列姆昌德一个诚挚、热心,为着光明而斗争的人,不能够不是刻苦而负责的。———鲁迅在这个世界上,最渺小的人与最伟大的人同样有一种责任。———罗曼·罗兰今天多做一份学问,多养一份元气,将来就能为国家多做一份事业,多尽一份责任。———陶行知集体主义的含义:当个人利益与集体利益发生矛盾时,坚持以集体利益为重,并愿意放弃或牺牲一些个人利益,这就是集体主义。 个人主义的表现:将个人利益凌驾于集体利益之上,过分强调个人利益,不顾他人和集体的利益,是个人主义的表现。 个人与集体是相互依存的。一方面,个人生活在一定的集体中,离不开集体;另一方面,集体是由个人组成的。个人的一言一行都会影响到整个集体的利益和发展。 小团体主义:实际上是扩大了的个人主义,往往会腐蚀集体。其特点是当小团体利益和大集体利益发生矛盾时,首先考虑个人和小团体的利益,而不顾他人利益以及大集体根本的、长远的、全局的利益。 关爱集体的表现: ①自觉维护集体的荣誉和利益,服从集体的安排,积极主动地为集体建设贡献才智。 ②发扬集体的好作风,通过自己的努力解决集体遇到的困难。 ③在集体中能求大同存小异,善于团结他人,让集体发挥出更大的力量。个人利益与集体利益的关系: ①在我国,集体利益和个人利益在根本上是一致的。 ②以集体利益为重,并不排斥个人利益。 ③集体利益是个人利益的基础和保障,集体利益高于个人利益。如何正确处理个人利益与集体利益的关系: ①一般情况下,个人利益与集体利益在根本上是一致的。 ②当个人利益与集体利益发生矛盾时,我们要坚持以集体利益为重,并愿意放弃或牺牲一些个人利益。从长远看,坚持集体主义是对个人利益的最大保护。 ③坚持集体主义并不意味着只顾集体利益,不顾个人利益,正当、合理的个人利益是应该受到尊重和保护的。 ④当个人利益和集体利益发生矛盾时需要从多方面周全地考虑并作出妥善处理。为什么维护国家的荣誉和利益?怎样维护? ①国家荣誉是国家和民族尊严的体现。国家利益是全国人民共同利益的集中体现,国家利益高于一切。 ②维护国家的荣誉主要表现为对祖国的关心、热爱和忠诚,对民族的自尊和自信。维护国家利益就是在任何情况下都要以大局为重,局部利益服从全局利益,决不能为满足个人或局部的私利而丧失国格和人格,丧失民族气节,做出有损国家和民族利益的事情。 新主人翁精神:传统的主人翁精神的含义是强调每个人的集体属性,强调每个人在做事的时候,要把集体利益摆在首位,不要忘记自己是集体中的一员,个人如果脱离集体就失去了生存的 土壤,因此,在一个单位里,在社会上生存,要发扬主人翁精神,要热爱集体,要把集体的事当做自己的事,只有每个人都为集体的发展贡献自己的力量,只有把个人的发展融入到集体的发展之中,个人才是集体的真正主人。&&& 认同观点:《新主人翁精神》提出了一个崭新的观点,在传统岗位的主人翁精神之外,增加了一层意思,它在继续强调传统集体精神同时,从个人价值的角度,分析每个人无论从集体的角度、或者从个人的角度讲,自己都应该成为自己的主人,自己都应该为自己负责,对自己负责也就是对集体负责,对工作负责,就是对自己负责,就是对集体负责。&&& 联系实际:很多时候我们把自己和集体对立起来,片面地认为集体的事跟我关系不大,认为学校是大家的学校,把自己工作当作集体的事,大家的事,当做学校的事来做,因此视工作为包袱,做工作怎么简单怎么做,能应付则应付,以把工作做了为标准,而不是做好做到位为标准。很多时候我们以工作忙、工作冲突为借口,将一些工作应付了事,其实是对工作、对集体不负责任,也是对自己不负责任的表现。如果我们把每项工作都当作自己的事,把每位学生都当做自己的孩子去耐心细致地教育,还有什么事不能做好呢?&&& 反思重构:把集体的事当作自己的事来做,对于学校布置的各项工作,或许有自己的意见和看法,但只要形成决议了,就要当做自己的事认认真真去做,这就是新主人翁精神。把任何工作都当作分内事来做,而且把它当做事业去做。明确自己的人生规划,确定明晰的奋斗方向,树立自己的教育思想和理念,树立主人翁的意识,把自己的人生价值锁定在教育这块沃土上,努力探求着教育的有效之道、高效之路,把教学的创新和实践看作是人生最大的乐趣,并且享受着教育探求路上的种种欢乐和痛苦。对事业负责就是对自己负责,对自己负责就是对集体负责。
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太原新东方优能中学名师解析初三英语 13-14学年太原市第一学期期中考试试题答案
(* 新东方内部资料,谢绝转载!)
()&&B. Chinese books. &&C. History books.
()&& &&B. No, she won’t &&C. We don't know.
()&&B. Tina.&&C. Tina's mother.
()&&B. By watching English films.&&
()B. It must belong to Mary.&C. It must belong to Alice.
A. His father. &&&&B. His mother.&&;&C. Mr White.
A. When he was 8. &&B. When he was 10.&&C. When he was 11.
A. For two years. &&B. For three years.&&C. For four years.
A. He goes to Mr White's ping-pong club.
B. He plays ping-pong with his father.
C. He has ping-pong classes.
A. He is a hard-working and confident boy.
B. He is the best player all the time.
C. Sometimes he wanted to give up playing ping-pong.
第II卷&& 书面测试(选择题 共55分)&&
II. 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
(&&)21. —Do you know Wang Yaping, the woman astronaut in Shenzhou-X?
&&—Yes, _________physics teaching in space was amazing.
&&A. she&&&&B. her&&&&C. hers
(&&)22. Shopping on line is a big _______ for the traditional shops.
&&A. challenge&& B. solution&&C. decision
&&分析:&&challenge, n. 挑战—Unit 1词汇
&&solution, n. 解决办法—Unit 1词汇
&&decision, n. 决定—Unit 2 词组make a decision
(&&)23. The Miami Heat(热队) won the ______match and became the champion of NBA 2012 —2013 Season.
&&A. free&& &&B. final&& &&C. fair
&&分析:&&final, adj. 最后的,最终的—Unit 5词汇
&&fair, adj. 公平的—Unit 13词汇
(&&)24. Unfortunately, he_______his eyes and could no longer see anything.
&&A. hurt&& &&B. covered&&C. pressed
&&分析:&&cover, v. 覆盖—Unit 5词汇
&&press, v. 按,压,挤—Unit 4词汇
(&&)25. American universities ask the students to get life experiences _______volunteering.
&&A. with&& &&B. at&&&&;C. by&&
&&分析:&&by doing sth,通过做某事—Unit 1 核心语法
(&&)26. Lily often argues with her classmates. She should learn how to______ others.
&&A. pay attention to &&B. come up with && C. get along with
&&分析:&&pay attention to, 注意—Unit 2核心词组
&&come up with, 想出,提出—Unit 4核心词组
&&get along with, 相处—Unit 4核心词组
(&&)27. The children_______be sleeping,because they are extremely tired after climbing the mountain.
&&A. shouldn’t& B. can't C. must
&&分析:&&Unit 5核心语法之情态动词
(&&)28.—Hi, John, would you please walk more_______?
&&—Don't worry! We have plenty of time.
&&A. quickly B. easily&& &&&&C. slowly
(&&)29. The complete books "Tiny Time” written by Guo Jingming have_______.
&&A. come out B. come along &&C. come over
&&&&come out, 出版—Unit 4核心词组
&&&&come along, 一起来;come over, 过来,顺便来访
(&&)30.& ______you try your best,you will never know how excited you are when you achieve your dream.
&&A. If& &&;B. Unless &&C. Because
(&&)31. In the past few months, people _______some problems about PM 2.5.
&&A. deal with&& B. have dealt with &&C. dealt with
&&分析:考点“in/during/over the past/last +段时间与完成时连用”,近几年常考点,新东方期中考前预测课程内容&
&&课本原句:My life has changed a lot in the last few years.
(&&)32._______we haven't seen each other for long, we’ll never break off our friendship.
&&A. Even though&&B. Ever since&& &&C. Now that
&&分析:&&even though, 尽管—Unit 2重点词组
&&ever since, 自从—Unit 1语法点之现在完成时
&&now that, 因为,既然—Unit 3重点词组
(&&)33. It is not a good habit to listen to music while doing homework. If so, we usually_________more on music than homework.
&&A. concentrate &&B. enjoy&& &&C. influence
&&分析:&&concentrate on, 集中注意力于—Unit 3重点词组
&&influence, v. 影响—Unit 1重点单词
(&&)34.______if you fail the math test. It only makes up 30% of the grades.
&&A. That sounds good && B. That's right &&C. It doesn't natter
&&分析:&&本题在考察交际运用的同时,也考察学生对“make up”的认知
&&make up, 组成,构成,编造,化妆—Unit 1 & Unit 5重点词组
&&课本原话:It’s crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30%of the final exam.
&(&& )35. —We’ll welcome new students. Could you tell me_______?
&&—Maybe next weekend.
&&A. when will we have the party
&&B. when we will have the party
&&C. where we would have the party
A: Hi, Linda. Your English has improved a lot.
B: Thank you. I learned it during the holiday.
A: 36.&& ___C____
B: By listening to the tape and practicing spoken English.
A: 37.&& ___E____
B: Yes, I made a lot of foreign friends there, They are friendly. By the way, how did you spend your holiday?
A: Besides homework, I read a novel(小说) by Han Han.
B: Han Han? I’m interested in his novels, too. 38.____G_____&&
A: Poor girl! Have you ever talked with your parents?
B: && 39.____B____But they always tell me reading novels is a waste of time.
A: 40.___F____ Maybe they will change their mind. Have a talk with your parents.
B: That's a good idea. I will have a try. Thank you.
A.&& Is it difficult?
B.&& Yes, I have.
C.&& How did you learn it?
D.&& The result must be frustrating..
E.&& Did use to go to English corner?
F.&& If I were you, I would ask them to read his novels first.
G.&& But I am not allowed to read such kind of books in my home.
My daughter was named “No. 23” by her classmates, because she always got the 23rd place of the fifty students. I& 41&& the name. However, it didn’t &42& her in the slightest. Weeks ago, we were invited to a children’s party.& 43& , the children were asked about what they &44& be in the future. They replied in a(an)& 45& way, such as pianists, engineers, musicians and so on.&& 46&& a 4-year-old girl said that she wanted to be a woman pilot. My daughter was the last one to be asked. She thought for a while and said,“I want to be a good mother, to cook nice food for my children and read comic books together with&& 47&& .”Everyone was so surprised at the answer and didn’t make any&& 48&& on it. She was calm, but I was a little frustrated.&
After a& 49& day, all the people were sleepy. Unluckily, the bus broke down on the halfway. What’s worse, it is getting& 50& . Some children began to complain and they were&& 51&& and worried. Seeing that, my daughter began to& 52&& the candies to the children and collected the candy paper in her hand. Then, a joke made by her got a big laugh, which encouraged her to continue. At the same time, she was busy& 53& the paper cut(剪纸).In the end, the children received paper animals which were made of the candy paper. “I really& 54& what you have done.”I said. But she replied gently,“Mom,I think I have just done& 55& I need to do.”At that moment, I was moved by my “No. 23”. She is always my Number One because she has a positive attitude and a beautiful heart.
(& )41. A. was unhappy with B. was interested in C. was serious about
(& )42. A .excite B. bother C. surprise
1. bother, v. 打扰—Unit 4 词汇
2. not...in the slightest, 一点也不—Unit 4考点词组
(& )43. A. Later on& B. At present C. To begin with
分析:later on, 后来—Unit 1考点词组
at present, 目前,现在—Unit 3考点词组
To begin with, 首先—Unit 13考点词组,必备逻辑顺序词
(& )44. A. should B. would C. must
(& )45. A. silly B. active C. crucial
分析:silly, adj.愚蠢的—Unit 2词汇
active, adj,活跃的—Unit 9词汇
crucial, adj. 至关重要的—Unit 5词汇
(& )46. A. Even& B. So&C. But
(& )47. A. him B. them& C. us
(& )48. A. decisions&B. interests C. comments
(& )49. A. tiring B. annoying C. disappointing
(& )50. A. warmer and warmer B. better and better C. darker and darker
(& )51. A. energetic& B. anxious C. injured
分析:&energetic, adj. 有活力的,精力充沛的—Unit 4词汇
&& anxious, adj. 焦急的,焦虑的—Unit 5词汇
&& injure, v. 损坏,伤害—Unit 4词汇(课本原文:What would you do if you injured your knee while running)
(& )52. A. offer B. drop C. lift
分析:offer, v.提供—Unit4词汇,近几年常考点,新东方期中考前预测课程内容
drop, v. 落下,掉下—Unit 5词汇
lift, v. 举起—Unit 5词汇
(& )53. A. catching B. losing C. making
分析:考察be busy doing sth:忙于做某事
(& )54. A. come up with B. take pride in C. get angry about
分析:&take pride in, 骄傲,自豪—Unit 2重点词组
(& )55. A. what B. when C. which
V.阅读理解(一) (共10题,每小题2分,满分20分)
The government of Taiyuan is rebuilding a lot of roads, which causes great trouble for people to go out. Here are three students’ different opinions about this when they are interviewed.
Li Yu is a student of a middle school which is near Taiyuan Train Station. He said,"Because of the roads’ rebuilding, I have to get up 30 minutes earlier than before. When it is rainy, it is much more terrible.If I were late for school, my teacher would be angry with me."
&& Xiaomei studies in a school beside Shanxi University. She used to go to school in her father’s car. She finds so many cars brings more air pollution and traffic jams in our city, especially in the rush hour. She thinks maybe the bus is crowded(拥挤的), but it is so fast in the Bus Lane(车道). And riding public bicycles is another good choice for her, because it is good for the environment.
Chen Zhi lives 2 kilometers from his school. He doesn’t like getting up early and he used to ride a bike. Now the road near his home has become a mess. He has to walk to school. But soon he enjoys it."Although we have a difficult time now, everyone has his duty to make our city more beautiful. You see, walking gives us a chance to become stronger and healthier. I think it is green. "
56. Why does Li Yu have to get up earlier?
A. Because it is rainy.
B. Because he lives far from school.
C. Because he might spend more time on the road.
&分析:第一个表格中Li Yun : He said,"Because of the roads’rebuilding,I have to get up 30 minutes earlier than before. 可见,道路施工造成在路上要比平时花更多的时间。
57. How did Xiaomei use to go to school every day?
A. By bike.&&B. By bus.&&C. By car.
&分析:第二个表格中Xiaomei : She used to go to school in her father’s car. 所以,答案选C.
58. What does Xiaomei think of riding a public bike?
A. It’s relaxing.&&B. It's fast. && C. It’s environment-friendly
&分析:第二个表格中Xiaomei : And riding public bicycles is another good choice for her, because it is good for the environment. 所以,答案选C.
59. In the eyes of Chen Zhi, what is the best way to go to school now?
A. Walking.&& B. Taking a taxi.&&&& C. Riding a bike
分析:第三个表格中Chen Zhi :① He has to walk to school. But soon he enjoys it. ②You see, walking gives us a chance to become stronger and healthier. I think it is green. 所以,答案选A.
60. What is TRUE according to the passage?
A.&&Li Yu is always late.
B.&&Not all the students agree to rebuild the roads.
C.&&The three students always complain about the traffic.
分析:第1个表格中Li Yun : I have to get up 30 minutes earlier than before. When it is rainy, it is much more terrible. If I were late for school, my teacher would be angry with me." 显然有抱怨情绪,所以,答案选B.
In the United States, there was a young student who had to work in his father’s factory during the weekends and holidays,because he must pay for his schooling with the money. His father was so strict with him that sometimes he even thought he wasn’t his son. After he graduated from the university, he decides to leave for another city to start his new life. Later, he saved up for years and bought a small workshop of his own. However, it had to shut because of a wrong decision he made. He wondered why his father was too cold-hearted to help him.
With a broken heart, the young man went to his father. The old man didn’t say a word and took out a little box. "Did you still remember it, son?" He opened the box and said. He didn't believe his father had still kept it. It happened many years ago. At that time he was a little boy. One day he returned home with a pupa(蛹) which be found in the garden. And he stayed up to watch how a pupa changed into a butterfly. As he saw it was struggling painfully from the shell, he helped it out with his hand. But early the next morning, he found the beautiful creature dead. "It was killed because of your help."
The father continued. "You need to understand that the pain is necessary for the butterfly." The young man finally understood how much his father loved him and he also realized the hard experiences would make him become "a beautiful butterfly". He is Warren Buffett (沃伦o巴華 持),one of the richest men in the world.
(& )61. When did the young man decide to leave his father's factory?
A. When he had enough money.
B. After he graduated from the university.
C. When his father opened a small shop for him.
分析:第1段After he graduated from the university, he decides to leave for another city to start his new life.
(& )62. What did the father do when the young man failed in business?
A. He sent him a lot of money.
B. He gave him some advice.
C. He told a story about a butterfly.
分析:第2段中The old man didn’t say a word and took out a little box. "Did you still remember it, son?" He opened the box and said....开始讲述蝴蝶的故事。
(& )63. What does the underlined word "struggled" probably mean in Chinese?
&&分析:第2段As he saw it was struggling painfully from the shell, he helped it out with his hand. 因为看见蝴蝶破茧痛苦挣扎,所以伸出援手帮助蝴蝶破茧而出。
(& )64. Why did the young man help the butterfly out of the pupa?
A. Because he thought the butterfly needed help.
B. Because he wanted to kill the butterfly.
C. Because he was too cold-hearted.
分析:第1个表格中Li Yun : I have to get up 30 minutes earlier than before. When it is rainy, it is much
(& )65. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Much love could make the world better.
B. Everything is possible if you try your best.
C. The painful experience helps the young grow.
书面测试(非选择题 共25分)
We all agree time is like a river and we can do nothing to stop it. It is easy to waste. At the beginning of a term, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands, but at the end of the term you may find that time is running out. As ninth-grade students, what should you do?
Tip 1. Get into the habit of planning the time. Go to buy a notebook today. Use it to plan study time each day. Listing a timetable is fairly useful. Time is today. Don’t let yesterday use too much of today. And Sunday is a good day to make the plan for the following week.
Tip 2. Be realistic. Often you know from experience how long it takes you to write a short essay, or study for a test. When you plan time for these things, be realistic. If not, the result may let you down.
Tip 3. Free on Saturday-study on Sunday. Don’ t spend the two days playing or studying. It is good to stop all study activities for one full day. Many students choose Saturday for sports or other activities. Sunday, on the other hand, seems to be the best study day for many students. It is a good day to catch up with others.
As ninth-grade students, we know wasting time is a bad habit. It is like smoking. The more time you waste, the easier it is to go on wasting time. So be the master(主人)of the time.
66. Who is the passage written for?
67. What do you use to plan your study time?
68. What if you’re not realistic when you plan the time?
69. Is it good to spend the whole weekend playing?
70. What can you learn from the passage?
66. & Ninth-grade students.
67. A notebook.
68. The result may let me down.
69. No, it isn’t.
70. We should be the master of the time.
he,&& be,&& opportunity,&& confident,&& teach,&& without,&& one,
&& exactly,&& impress,&& important,&& communication,&& make
Chen Atu was an old farmer in China. He had never 71.________to other places far away. Once, he had a(an) 72._________to visit the United States. He lived in a big hotel. What 73.__________him most was the friendly service of the hotel. But he had trouble 74.___________with the local people. In the morning, the waiter served breakfast and greeted “Good Morning! Sir!” Atu didn’t understand what he said. He thought, “If two strangers meet for the 75. _________time in my hometown, one will ask the name of the other. So he must want to know what my name is.”“I am Chen Atu.”He replied 76. ________in Chinese. But in the following three days, the waiter still repeated the same question, “Good morning! Sir!”And Atu answered 77.__________thinking,“I am Chen Atu.”“What a silly boy, he can never remember my name!” He said to 78.________.At night he told his problem to the guide. The guide laughed and explained the meaning of the three words.“Oh, my God!”He shouted, “I 79.__________the same mistake many times.”After coming back to the room, Atu practiced the three words again and again.Early next morning, as soon as Atu saw the waiter, he said at once“Good Morning! Sir!”in English. To his surprise, the waiter replied aloud in Chinese,“I am Chen Atu.”He finally understood the 80.________of learning English.
71. been. 意为:他从来没有去过其他远的地方。选词be变形为—过去分词形式been.
72. opportunity. 通过词性分析法知该空格缺名词,挑选名词以及可能变成名词词性的词可以加快做题速度。本题意思为他有一个机会去参观美国。
73. impressed. 句意为:最使他印象深刻的是旅店友好的服务。
74. communicating. 考察have trouble (in) doing sth:做某事有困难。句意为:他与当地人交流有困难。
75. first. 句意为:如果在我们家乡,两位陌生人第一次见面。将one变形为first.
76. confidently. 通过词性分析知该空格缺副词。句意为:他用中文自信地回答。
77. without. 句意为:他不假思索的回答。
78. himself. 句意为:他自言自语道。
79. have made. 考察两个点:1. make mistakes. 2. 完成时态题眼: many times.
80. importance. 句意为:他终于明白了学习英语的重要性。
1. Do you always feel stressed out?
2. Tell us one of your experiences that made you stressed out.
3. What should middle school students do to deal with the pressure?
As the competition is becoming more and more fierce, I, an ordinary middle school student, always feel stressed out.
I still remember my experiences that I had before my first exam after I entered the ninth grade. With too much homework to do, I hardly had enough sleep, which made me exhausted and stressed out. What was worse, my parents didn’t allow me to do anything to relax, because they thought the only thing that I should do is to study.
In my opinion, middle school students should do something to deal with the pressure. First of all, we can ask our parents and teachers for advice when we feel stressed out. Besides, listening to some relaxing songs and doing sports regularly are good choices to deal with the pressure. What’s more, we can regard the pressure as our challenges, for only in this way can we make great progress.
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