
& Inspirational Birthday Messages &
A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.生日是环游太阳公公365天之旅的第一天,旅途愉快哟!
Not just a year older, but a year better.不仅年龄长一岁,生活也要更美好。
Birthdays are filled with yesterday's memories, today's joys, and tomorrow's dreams. 生日里充满着昔日的记忆、今日的快乐,还有,明天的憧憬。
Count your life by smiles, not tears.
Count your age by friends, not years.评价自己过得好不好,看笑容,而不是看眼泪;
I'm so glad you were born, because you brighten my life and fill it with joy.真高兴世界上有个你,让我的生活充满了光明和喜悦。
& Belated Birthday Wishes &
哎呀,竟然把你的生日忘得一干二净了!所谓贵人多忘事嘛,no problem,我自有办法打圆场:
How do you expect me to remember your birthday, when you never look any older?你看上去一点都没变老,这叫我怎么记得住你又过生日了呢?
I hope your birthday was all that you hoped for.希望你的生日如你所愿。
Sorry I forgot the most important day of the year... your Birthday!抱歉呐,我把一年中最重要的日子忘记了&&你的生日!
This wish is late so that you can celebrate your birthday longer.为了让你多庆祝一会儿生日,所以我晚点才送上祝福。
I'm so lucky to have such a great friend like you... who'd forgive me if I forgot his(/her) birthday. Happy Belated Birthday!有个像你这样能够原谅我忘记你生日的伟大朋友,我真是三生有幸。送上迟到的生日快乐!
& Funny Birthday Messages &
Happy Birthday, you're not getting older you're just a little closer to death.生日快乐!你没有变老,只是离死亡更近了一步。
Birthdays are like , the more you have the harder it is to breathe.生日如鼻屎,越多越让人喘不过气。
Money's tight
Times are hard
Here's your frigging birthday card资金有限
Better to be over the hill than
under it.虽然你已经在走下坡路,但这总比入土为安好。
Happy birthday to a person who is smart, good looking, and funny and reminds me a lot of myself.祝和我一样聪明漂亮又幽默的家伙生日快乐,你总让我想到自己的这些特质。(起个什么名字好)
[shēngri kuàilè] Happy birthday
[haepi] adj.快乐的,幸福的,陶醉于...的,恰当的 [b?:θdei] n.生日单词生日快乐的英汉对照例句全班一起为老师唱`生日快乐'歌。The class all joined together to sing `Happy Birthday' to the teacher.祝你生日快乐。I wish you a happy birthday.祝你生日快乐!Happy birthday!给你我温存的爱恋和深情的思念,祝你生日快乐。愿你的生活因梦想成真而明媚,愿甜蜜的回忆装满你心间。Happy birthday with my warm affection and loving thought of you. May your days be bright with dreams come true and filled with favorite memories.祝福夫君生日快乐,你给流逝的岁月增添了醉人的情意,你让平凡的事情发出耀眼的光芒,感谢你已成为我生命中特别重要的一部分。Happy birthday to my dear husband. You add a special happiness to days that come and go. You give an ext世上若有诤友,那就是如你对我那样关怀的朋友。愿你拥有无穷无尽的幸福与欢乐,你的生活永远美好,我的执友。祝生日快乐,新的一年中好运、健康、快乐!The kindest friend there could ever be is the kind of friend you are to me. Here's a wish for happiness and joys that never end, and all life's best things always for the nicest kind of friend! Best wishes for a happy birthday and a year of good luck,冲浪小子祝你生日快乐。Happy birthday from cowabunga carl.给你我温存的爱恋和深情的思念,祝你生日快乐。Happy birthday with my warm affection and loving thought of you.恭祝清海师父生日快乐!Happy birthday master ching hai生日快乐,哈大沙!Abihail happy birthday hadassah!他们突然齐声唱《祝你生日快乐》。They burst into a chorus of happy birthday.伟大的意大利,伟大的意大利左后卫!伟大的马尔蒂尼今天生日快乐,意大利万岁。Italy the great! Left back the great! Happy birthday to maldini! Forza italia!祝你生日快乐,祝词不足以表达我们的祝愿。Happy birthday et cetera.你在蛋糕上写米莉森生日快乐I do too. You're writing "happy birthday millicent" on my birthday cake.生日快乐,敬爱的老师!花白的头发,记录了您艰辛岁月的漫长;脸上的皱纹,凝结的是您呕心沥血的劳动荣光!Happy birthday my respected teacher.white hairs report your long labrious days.wrinkles contain your labor of taking indefinite pains.提交更多生日快乐的相关例句
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