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Save on Writers Digest SubscriptionsUrban Dictionary: bad bitch
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Totally mentally gifted and usually also fine as hell.
Darcy is a bad bitch.
December 12, 2004
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Can you define these popular missing words?
1.Female who knows what she wants and knows exactly how to get it2.Female who is always ready for anything physically, emotionally, and also intellectually(one being book smart as well as street smart).3.One who is classy and all about business4.Last but certainly not least one who knows how to take care of her man at home and in the streets and remains loyal to him(her man), herself, and the game at which she plays.
Denice is The BAD BITCH!
August 26, 2007
A self respected, strong female who has everything together. That consists of body, mind, finances, and swagger. Also, a female who does & gets hers by any means necessary.
Syn. - Go Getter *
&Check out Naomi Campbell, looking very fly, you can tell her money right. She's a true bad bitch.&
March 07, 2009
(Noun): The term &Bad Bitch& originated most commonly by music artist to describe females that had a bad attitude, but an attractive body. Being a &Bad Bitch& does not mean they have a job, can cook good, clean good or anything defined above. Don't be fooled by the previous definitions, for they do NOT define what a bad bitch truly.You can usually find bad bitches dancing in videos with barely any clothes on, in your local strip club, or joining the groupie hoes when Wocka Rick Ross or Juicy J is in town.
Man, I was at the strip club and saw this bad bitch with a fat ass booty and motor-boater titts.Opposite of
October 09, 2012
A self awarded title which a trash bag gutterho with a bad attitude and poor social skills gives herself, thinking it's a postive thing. A bad bitch is typically marked by an obscenity laden vocabulary, a penchant for fighting other women who breathe in their vicinity, an overinflated ego, short shorts and cellulite, and poor education. Bad bitches are never to be confused with ladies.
She said she's a bad bitch and I said then I have nothing more to say to you, I'm looking for a lady.
September 15, 2013
A bad bitch is a woman who is attempting to reclaim the usage of the word
by erasing it's previously understood derogatory connotation and replacing it with a celebration of strength. This re-definition, however, overlooks the historically entrenched and problematic discourse surrounding gender relationships.While a bad bitch may be trying to empower herself by taking on a blunt, take-no-shit-from-nobody demeanor, she is more often than not reiterating
She thinks she is such a bad bitch, acting like she's in charge, but really she's just being bossy. And don't nobody got time for that.If she really wants to be a female leader, why doesn't she rely on methods of cooperation and clear communication to meet goals and foster dialogue?
March 29, 2013
One that has a job, a car, no kids or one baby daddy, good credit, cooks, and cleans- everybody lookin when I step on the scene.
Crystal?- now that's a bad bitch.
July 14, 2005
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