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Last update Sat Jan 27, 2018
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This glossary is a guide to many of the terms you might hear in the BDSM community. Not everyone who is involved with BDSM is into ev many of the practices described in the Glossary are quite rare. If you see something described in here which isn't to your tastes, it doesn't mean that you aren't or can't be interested in BDSM.
The definitions given here reflect the usage I am most familiar with. Some term anything following the word Commentary indicates my own views on a particular subject, and should not be assumed to be part of the formal definition.
Links in the definitions will take you to other definitions on this page unless the links are in &angle quotes&, in which case they will take you off this page.
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24/7: Colloquial Of or related to a
A-FRAME: A type of
furniture consisting of an upright triangle, usually made of wood and typically about seven to eight feet tall, sometimes with cross slats. A person can be
to the frame with wrists together, arms above the head and affixed to the pinnacle of the triangle, and ankles bound to the base of the triangle with legs apart.
ABASIOPHILIA: Psychology Sexual attraction to people in or who use wheelchairs, casts, braces, or other orthopedic fixtures.
ABRASION: Any form of
involving stroking or brushing the skin with rough, textured objects such as sandpaper, emery boards, and the like.
ABLUTOPHILIA: Sexual arousal from showering or bathing.
ABSOLUTE POWER EXCHANGE (APE): See . Usage: Less common than TPE.
ADULT BABY: Colloquial A person who engages in
in the role of a very young child or infant.
AFTERCARE: A period of time after intense
activity in which the
partner cares for the
partner. Commentary: Some BDSM activities are physically challenging, psychologically intense, or both. After engaging in such activities, the submissive partner may need a safe psychological space to unwind and recover. Aftercare is the process of providing this safe space.
AGALMATOPHILIA: Sexual attraction to or arousal from statues, dolls, or other representations of the human form.
AGE PLAY: A form of
in which a participant assumes the role of someone of a different age. Typically, the
partner will assume the role of a very young (and hence powerless) child. See related , . Commentary: One common misperception about age play is that it appeals to pedophiles or is intended to simulate pedophilia. For those who engage in this activity, it is the powerlessness aspect of childhood and the inherent power imbalance between an adult and a child, rather than the childhood itself, that is appealing.
AGORAPHILIA: Psychology Sexual arousal from sex in public places. Does not necessarily involve ; the excitement may come from the fear of being caught, rather than from being observed in a sex act.
ALGOPHILIA; also, ALGOLAGNIA: Psychology Sexual arousal from receiving pain. See also ; See related , , .
ALPHA SUB: Colloquial In a relationship in which one
has more than one , the submissive accorded the greatest power or respect among all the submissives. See related polyamory: ; polyamory: . Commentary Not all relationships which have more than one submissive include a hierarchy a that is, not all such relationships have an alpha sub.
ANAL HOOK; also, BUTT HOOK: A smooth, blunt metal hook, typically about an inch thick and six inches long, with a small loop on one end. The shorter side of the hook is inserted into the anus, and a rope tied to the loop on the other end can be tied to an overhead fixture to force the wearer to kneel with his or her butt in the air, or can be secured to the wrists to bind the wearer's hands. Some anal hooks inclide a ball on the end that is inserted.
ANILINGUS: Any sexual activity involving licking, kissing, or tonguing another person's anus.
ANIMALISM: Any form of
in which a participant assumes the role of an animal to be trained, such as a horse or dog. See related , .
(def. 1) specifically designed to be affixed to a person's ankles. Ankle cuffs are often made of leather, but may also be made of cloth, rope, metal, or even wood.
ARMBINDER: A restraint device consisting of a long sleeve into which both arms are placed, often fitted with laces or straps to hold the arms securely together. An armbinder may also include an integrated
to prevent the wearer from withdrawing the arms. Also referred to as a single-glove or monoglove.
ARM TRAPS: A type of restraint, usually made of rigid metal bands, which are designed to go around the elbow and hold the arm in a bent position. When locked in place, they prevent the wearer from straightening his or her arms.
ASPHYXIA: see ; see related .
ASS PLAY; also, ARSE PLAY (British): Any form of sexual stimulation of the ass, including anal sex, , and the like.
technique in which a person is bound i for example, with one leg extended and one leg bent. Many forms of
include asymmetric bondage.
in which a person who is by himself or herself constricts his or her own breathing, often with a rope or similar implement, while masturbating. Commentary: Often considered among the most dangerous forms of
(def. 1). According to some estimates, between five hundred and a thousand people a year die in the United States doing this. It is almost impossible to do safely.
BALL BUSTING: Colloquial Any form of
applied to the testicles, as by squeezing, impact, or tight binding.
consisting of a ball, usually made of rubber, which is attached to a strap. The ball is placed in the mouth and the strap is placed around the head to hold it securely in place.
BALL HOOD: A specific type of , often without openings for the eyes or ears and sometimes containing integrated bladders designed to be inflated with air to press the hood tightly against the head, used as a means of rendering a person unable to hear, see, or speak.
BALL PRESS; also, BALL CRUSHER: A device with two flat pieces, often made of wood, metal, or acrylic, that are placed on each side of the testicles, together with a screw mechanism which allows them to be tightened, compressing the testicles. Used as a form of .
BALL STRETCHER: Any device that wraps around the scrotum and pulls down on it by means of weights or, sometimes, an elastic mechanism, sometimes used as a form of .
BALL TIE: A specific form of
in which the person is bound in a seated position with the knees up, the head bent down over the knees, and the hands behind the back. Commentary: This posture quickly becomes fatiguing and should not be used for extended periods of time on people who are not accustomed to it.
BANDAGE SCISSORS: Specialized scissors, often used by emergency medical personnel, consisting of a pair of scissors with one sharp blade and one blunt blade with a rounded end. The blunt blade can be slid beneath bandages or anything else wrapped tightly around a limb without risk of cutting or injuring the person. Commentary: Often used in
to remove a person from tight
very quickly in the event of an emergency. A sturdy pair of bandage scissors will make quick wor a person totally wrapped in rope can be freed within seconds with bandage scissors without injury.
BASTINADO: Any form of
involving inflicting pain on the soles of the feet, often by striking, , or
BAT: A thin, flexible instrument used for striking, consisting of a rigid but flexible shaft wrapped or braided with leather or cloth, very similar to a
but usually slightly shorter and with a wider leather striking tip.
BATHROOM CONTROL; also, BATHROOM DENIAL: A situation in which a
partner must ask a
partner for permission to use the bathroom, which may be granted or withheld by the dominant partner.
BDSM: A composite acronym for &B&D& ( & ); &D&S& ( & ); and &S&M& (). Used to refer to any consensual activities or lifestyles between adults which include some or all of these things. The term &BDSM& is used in a general sense to describe any situation or practice which includes erotic , dominance and submission, , bondage, , or anything related to these.
BEAR'S PAW: Gloves used for
which have blunt metal spikes or dull hooks at the end of each fingertip.
BELTING: The practice of striking a person with a belt or with any long, narrow, belt-like strap.
furniture consisting of a padded bench with integrated restraints and a pair of arms to which a person's legs can be affixed. A person is bent over the berkley horse and the berkley horse is designed so that it can be elevated, rotated, or moved into any position, and the arms to which the ankles are bound can be opened or closed. Etymology: The berkley horse was allegedly invented in 1828 by Theresa Berkley, a
in London who specialized in
her clients.
BIMMY: See .
BIRCH: An implement used for striking, consisting of a bundle of light, thin wooden rods, typically made of birch. Also, verb To strike with a birch.
BIT: See .
BLACK SHEET PARTY: Colloquial An orgy or sex party at which
activities take place.
BLADING: C see .
BLINDFOLD: Any implement designed to prevent a person from seeing by covering the eyes. Also, verb the act of using a blindfold on a person.
BLOOD PLAY; also, BLOOD SPORTS: Any activity involving drawing blood. Specific types of blood play include
and , among others. Often considered
(def. 1). Commentary: This is a high-risk activity which may transmit HIV and other infectious diseases. Persons who engage in blood play should be aware of these risks and take appropriate precautions.
BODY BAG: A long, heavy bag, often shaped like a narrow sleeping bag and typically made of canvas, rubber, or latex, used to restrain a person very tightly. Sometimes includes integrated straps which wrap around the person within the bag. See related .
BODY HARNESS: A harness consisting of a series of straps designed to be worn around the torso, which may optionally include a mechanism for locking the harness into place and may also include rings or other attachments for ropes, , or .
BODY MODIFICATION: Any practice, including piercing, tattooing, , and the like, intended to modify, often permanently, the appearance of one's body.
BODY WORSHIP: Any practice or activity which involves venerating a person's body, often as an act of
partner. Body worship may involve actions such as kissing, massaging, bathing, sucking, or otherwise touching a person's body or part of it. Common areas of body worship include feet, breasts, hands, or genitals.
BOI: Colloquial 1. A person, usually biologically female and often boyish or &butch& in manner, appearance, or dress, who is ; commonly but not exclusively used in lesbian
relationships. 2. An effeminate man.
BOLERO STRAITJACKET: A specific type of
designed with an opening in the front to expose the wearer's breasts.
BONDAGE: Any practice involving tying or securing a person, as with ropes, , chains, or other restraints. Restraint bondage, the most common form of bondage, involves immobilizing a person, by tying or otherwise restraining him or her to an object or by binding his or her limbs together. Stimulation bondage is any form of tying in such a way that the subject is not immobilized and has freedom of motion, but the ropes or ties shift and move against the body, often in sensitiv certain forms of
are stimulation bondage. A person in bondage is said to be bound. See also , , , , , , , , , ,
(def. 4), , , , , , . See related , , , , , , , , , .
BONDAGE BELT: A belt used to restrain a person, which consists of a heavy band of leather or a similar material which can be strapped or locked about the waist and which has several attachment points to which the subject's wrists may be .
BONDAGE BUNNY: Colloquial A person who enjoys being tied or . Usage: Often implies that the person described is not necessarily
or , but enjoys bondage because he or she takes pleasure from being restrained.
BONDAGE MITT; also, BONDAGE MITTEN: A fingerless mitten, often made of leather, canvas, heavy vinyl, PVC, or similar materials, which is placed over the hand and then fastened in place with an integrated buckling or locking . The bondage mitt holds the hand flat or balled up, and prevents the wearer from being able to pick things up or otherwise make use of his or her hands.
BONDAGE TAPE: A vinyl tape material, available in many colors, which sticks only to itself but not to other materials such as skin or clothing, making it ideal for .
BOOTBLACKING: Polishing and spit-shining a pair of boots, sometimes as a gesture of , sometimes as a part of military-style , sometimes as part of , and sometimes to mark the beginning of a
(def. 1). Commentary: In some corners of the
community, bootblacking was used as part of a ritual between a
and a ; the submissive partner would shine the dominant's boots while the dominant sat above the submissive.
BOOT BOY: Colloquial A male , usually but not always a gay male, who engages in acivities such as
BOOT WORSHIP: A specific type of
centered around boots, in which the
partner may kiss, lick, polish, or otherwise adulate the
boots. Often, but not always, includes some elements of . See related .
BOTTOM: A person who receives spankings, floggings, or other forms of stimulation in situations which specifically exclude . For example, a
may be interested in receiving some kind of stimulation but may not be interested in giving up p whereas a
has given up authority and may receive some kind of stimulation on the instruction of a , a bottom does not give up authority and may control exactly how, under what circumstances, and to what degree he or she receives some form of stimulation. Contrast ; see related .
BOTTOM DROP: Colloquial A sudden, abrupt feeling of depression, unhappiness, or similar negative emotion in a
which may occasionally occur immediately after a period of
activity. May include feelings of shame or guilt, especially if the submissive has traditional ideas about relationship or socially
after a period of intense , bottom drop may be related to the reduction of levels of
in the brain as well.
BOTTOM'S DISEASE: Colloquial The tendency for some people who identify as
to behave as if everyone who identifies as
is dominant to them, for example by large demonstrations of obsequiousness even if there is no negotiated relationship between them.
BOX TIE: A specific form of
in which a person brings his or her arms together and grips each forearm with the opposite hand, and then ropes are brought around the forearms to tie them together. Often combined with ropes between the upper arms to prevent the bound person from slipping his or her arms sideways out of the tie.
by the use of a heated metal implement to brand a person's skin, leaving a permanent mark in the form of a scar. Occasionally done as a way for a
to &mark& his or her .
BRANK; also, BRANKS: A see .
BRAT: Colloquial A
who may refuse to obey a
commands, tease or taunt the dominant, or engage in other activity intended to provoke a response, often a punishment response.
BREAST BONDAGE: A specific form of
involving binding around or over the breasts. See related , , .
BREAST PRESS; also, BREAST CLAMP: A type of device, often consisting of two horizontal wooden planks with an adjustable screw or clamp mechanism between them, which can be clamped over the breasts.
involving the breasts and/or nipples.
BREATH CONTROL: Any practice in which a person's breathing is constricted or interrupted, as with a hand or ligature around the throat or with a covering over the face, for the purpose of increasing sexual arousal or sexual climax. Often considered an extremely dangerous form of
(def. 1), as it can and often does lead to permanent injury or death. Also referred to as asphyxia, erotic asphyxiation, gasping. See related .
BREEDING FETISH; also, IMPREGNATION FETISH: A type of sexual expression centered around a fixtion on impregnating a woman, which may also include fixation on other things normally associated with pregnancy or childbirth, such as lactation or the physical changes in the body that accompany pregnancy.
BUCK HAMMER: A medical instrument used to test reflexes and neurological function, consisting of a metal handle with two cylendrical, rubber-tipped metal hammerheads. Typically, one or both hammerheads can be detached and replaced with a short metal spike or needle-like attachment, or with a short, soft brush, both of which can be used to test sensation and neurological function in the skin. Sometimes used for
BULLWHIP: A type of
consisting of a woven or braided leather whip, usually longer than 4' and sometimes 6' long or more, with a short rigid handle. Commentary: Requires extensive practice and great skill to use safely.
BUKKAKE: (from the Japanese , &to splash water.&) A sexual practice, originating in Japan, in which a very large number of men masturbate and ejaculate onto a person.
BUTT PLUG: A sex toy intended for anal stimulation, consisting of a flared dildo, usually quite short, with a wide base, designed to remain securely in the anus until removed.
BUTTERFLY CHAIR: A chair which contains two horizontal planks to which the legs can be secured, affixed to a pivot such that the legs of the secured person can be spread apart.
BUTTERFLY GAG: A specific type of inflatable
consisting of a central oblong placed in the mouth with two wings that inflate with air, filling the mouth and preventing easy removal.
CABLE LOOP; also, CABLE SLAPPER: An implement used for striking, consisting of a loop or occasionally two loops of thick wire, coated with plastic, rubber, or leather, and affixed to a handle. A cable loop can be used much like a
or similar implement, and produces intense sensations.
consisting of a thin plastic strip with a row of teeth in its surface, and a small ratchet on one end. The end of the cable tie can be placed through the ratchet to form a loop which can be pulled tight but not loosened again. Sometimes used by police in favor of .
CANE: A thin, flexible instrument used to strike a person. Canes are often made of rattan or a similar material, but may be made of other types of wood or even of flexible plastic such as polycarbonate. They are quite painful, often leaving marked welts. Also, verb to strike with a cane.
CAPTAIN'S DAUGHTER: Archaic, see . Etymology: The cat o' nine tails was used as an implement of discipline aboard British Navy sailing ships beginning in the late 1600s. The term &captain's daughter& was a slang term for the cat o' nine tails popular among sailors, likely because it could not be used without the captain's express authorization.
CARABINER: Any device used to connect two chains or ropes together, often in the form of a D-shaped metal ring with a spring-loaded lever which can open the ring. See related . Commentary: Carabiners are not usually appropriate for , as they cannot easily be removed if the suspended person's full weight is bearing down on them.
using plaster casts or plaster tape to immobilize a person.
CAT: C from : A generic term for any
whose lashes are braided or knotted, regardless of the number of lashes. Commentary: Knotting or braiding the lashes makes the flogger considerably more painful.
CAT O' NINE TAILS: A specific type of
consisting of a handle, often made of wood and wrapped with cloth, with nine lashes affixed to it. The lashes are usually made of rope or of leather cords, and are braided or knotted. Generally more painful than many other types of floggers. The cat o' nine tails was commonly used aboard British Navy sailing ships beginning in the 17th century. Commentary: The original cat o' nine tails was made by unbraiding a section of the rope used aboard British sailing ships. Each rope was made of three sections twisted together, each section of which consisted of three cords twisted together, so the rope when untwisted had nine tails.
CATHERINE'S WHEEL: A large, upright wheel, usually made of wood, to which a person may be
and then rotated to any position.
CATHETER: Any thin, flexible tube designed to be inserted in the urethra. See related .
CATHETERIZATION: The act or process of inserting a , often as a part of a medical .
CAT'S PAW: See .
CBT: see .
CILICE: 1. A garment, often made of coarse animal hair or sackcloth, worn under clothing during medieval times as a form of religious atonement. 2. Any garment or article designed to be painful to wear, often featuring wire or spikes that press into the skin, worn during
CILICE BELT: A spiked or barbed metal implement, often designed as a linked series of metal loops with spikes on each loop, designed to be worn around the waist, thigh, or neck and to cause discomfort to the wearer.
CHASTITY; also, CHASTITY PLAY, ENFORCED CHASTITY: The practice of disallowing any form of sexual release or sexual activity, sometimes imposed on a submissive by a dominant. Some forms of imposed chastity include the use of locking devices such as
to prevent direct sexual stimulation of the genitals.
CHASTITY BELT: Any device intended to prohibit contact with or stimulation of the genitals. Female chastity belts often take the form of a lockable harness which passes between the legs
male chastity belts may include a locking enclosure into which the penis is placed.
CHASTITY PIERCING: Any body piercing intended to preven as, piercings along the labia which can be locked together to prevent penetration, or a piercing of the foreskin which can be used to pull the foreskin over the head of the penis and lock it in place.
CHEMICAL PLAY: Any form of
involving the use of mild irritants such as peppermint oil, menthol, Tabasco sauce, and the like to create sensation.
CHDW: (Acronym) Colloquial Clueless Horny Dom Wannabe. A derisive term for a person who proclaims himself or herself a , but who has little or no real-world experience, and/or behaves with reckless disregard for the needs or safety of the . Pronounced &chudwa.& Usage: Invariably indicates disdain for the person so named. Etymology: Originated on the now-defunct Usenet newsgroup alt.sex.bondage.
CICATRIZATION: 1. Formally, medicine The process of wound closure by means of scar tissue formation. 2. See .
CINCHER; also, RIBBON CORSET, WAIST CORSET: A specific type of
which is shorter than a full corset and wraps around the wearer's waist.
CINCH KNOT: A specific type of knot made by passing a rope or line through an opening, then around and around itself several times, and finally through a loop near the opening.
CINCH: 1. To wear a , often very tightly and sometimes as a form of . 2. To tie with rope by making several windings of rope around two limbs, or around a limb and a fixed object, then passing a loop of rope around the windings. The loop of rope is used to regulate the tightness of the binding. 3. To tie a .
CLEAVE GAG: A type of , usually made of cloth, that is pulled tightly between the wearer's teeth and tied behind the head. The cleave gag forces the mouth partway open and is quite effective in preventing speech.
CLIT CLIP, also, CLIT JEWELRY: A piece of jewelry, often in the form of a springy clip, designed to be affixed to the clitoris, providing constant clitoral stimulation for as long as it is worn. Frequently includes a ball, crystal, gemstone, or other decorative element which rests directly on the clitoris while it is worn, providing additional stimulation.
CLOVER CLAMP: A specific type of
consisting of a clamp with a lever mechanism to which a chain or cord is affixed in such a way that pulling on the chain or cord increases pressure on the clamp.
COCK AND BALL TORTURE (CBT): Any of a number of different practices involving pain play of the penis and testicles, including such practices as binding, compressing, striking, or stretching the penis or testicles. See related .
COCK BOARD: A flat piece of wood or metal with a hole in it which can be placed over the hips of a man lying on his back, so that his penis extends through the hole. It usually contains a locking mechanism and/or tie-down points that enable tying, strapping, or locking the penis in place as a form of
COCK BONDAGE: Tying or restraining the penis.
COCK RING: A ring (often made of metal or rubber) or strap designed to be affixed around the base of an erect penis. The ring allows blood to flow into the penis but constricts the penis sufficiently to prevent blood from flowing out, preventing the penis from becoming flaccid once it is erect.
CO-DOM: 1. A person who acts in conjunction with or as an assistant to a
during a specific . 2. A person who shares a
with another dominant, often in the context of a
relationship. Also, verb to act in concert with another dominant.
COFFIN: An item of furniture consisting of a long, narrow box, sometimes shaped like a conventional coffin, padded on the inside and usually featuring built-in restraints, a lockable lid, or both. The lid of a coffin typically features small openings or flaps at the level of the face, breasts, and genitals, allowing people outside the coffin to reach in and stimulate the person inside, or to allow the person inside to perform oral sex on those outside.
COLLAR: An item worn around the neck, sometimes equipped with a locking device to prevent its removal, and often worn as a symbol of . Also, verb To put a collar on, often as part of a ceremony indicating a committed relationship between a
and a . See also , , , , ; see related . Commentary: Some people outside the BDSM community associate collars with animals or pets, and erroneously believe that a collar is a sign of humiliation or is used to deh however, the symbolic value of a collar within the BDSM community is completely different.
COLLARED: The condition of having engaged in a committed, long-term relationship to a , often by means of a
of some kind.
COLLARING CEREMONY: A formal ceremony celebrating or symbolizing a commitment between a
and a , typically during which a
is placed around the submissive's neck. Commentary: There is no single type of collaring ceremony, and not all people in committed relationships in the BDSM community practice collaring ceremonies. A collaring ceremony in the BDSM community has many of the same kinds of social significance as something like a m often, the process of collaring is used to indicate a committed long-term relationship, particularly in
relationships. A submissive who has participated in such a ceremony is often said to be &collared to& his or her dominant. A collar in this context has symbolic value not unlike that of, say, a wedding ring. Collaring ceremonies may be public or private, and may include whatever elements the people involved find appropriate. Collaring ceremonies may or may not imply a mon one dominant may have more than one collared submissive, but it is extremely uncommon for one submissive to be collared to more than one dominant. A collaring ceremony is sometimes used to mark the formal beginning of a TPE relationship.
CONSENT: Affirmative permission, assent, or approval. In a
context, &consent& is an affirmative assent to engage in a particular activity, freely given without coercion or distress. Informed consent: Consent freely given with full and prior knowledge of the conditions and potential consequences of the assent. Also, verb To give affirmative permission to engage in an activity. Commentary: Consent is one of the hallmarks of BDSM, distinguishing it from abusive activities which may appear superficially similar. Consent is based on the active, willing participation of everyone involved in a for example, if two people are engaged in something like , a key defining characteristic which differentiates this play from physical abuse is that all the people involved know exactly what they're doing, want to be there, and give specific assent to the activities in question, whereas the victim of abuse does not specifically and affirmatively assent to the abuse. Consent is valid and meaningful only if it is informed, meaning that all the participants have full knowledge of the activities to which they are consenting (including but not limited to the circumstances under which the activity will take place and the possible risks, if any, inherent in the activity); if it is uncoerced, meaning that the participants give the consent freely without threat, force, and if the people involved give that consent from a condition of sound mind, meaning their judgement in not impaired by drugs, disease, or any other condition which might cloud or distort their ability to make reasonable, rational decisions.
CONSENSUAL NON-CONSENT: Any situation in which one person knowingly and voluntarily gives up the ability to prevent another person from doing what as, for example, deliberately engaging in activities which the
may be physically prevented from resisting and does not have a . Some forms of
are consensual non-. Commentary: Consensual non-consent is still consent. A person who gives consent in this way is giving affirmative assent to engage in an activity that he or she will not be able t it can be thought of as consenting to an activity in such a way that the consent may not be revoked.
CONTRACT: A mutually negotiated, written agreement between a
and a , outlining the submissive's , the activities the participants wish to explore, and the like. Commentary:
contracts are not legally valid or enforceable, but are useful tools for defining what activities are and are not acceptable and in what contexts.
CONTRAPOLAR STIMULATION: Physiology Of or relating to any form of stimulation which produces both pleasure and pain sensations simultaneously.
CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Any activity involving disciplining a person through physical means, as by spanking.
CORSET: An article of clothing, often made of leather, PVC, or vinyl and sometimes including strips of rigid &boning,& which is tightly laced and designed to narrow the waist and lift the breasts, creating an &hourglass& figure. See related .
CORSET COLLAR: A specific type of , typically made of leather, vinyl, PVC, or similar material and sometimes containing rigid inserts or rigid metal sides, which is designed to lace up the front, back, or sides rather than buckling or locking closed.
in which multiple rows of rings are placed through a person's skin, then laced together with a silk cord or similar tie. Corset piercings can be done on the back, down the sides, or even on the labia, tying it closed. The piercings themselves may be temporary or permanent.
CORSETRY: The practice of wearing a , often laced extremely tightly, and sometimes constraining motion, as a form of
or for the purpose of control. See related
CO-TOP: A person who acts together with or as an assistant to a
during a specific . Also, verb to act in concert with another top.
CRACKER: 1. A short piece of cord on the end of a , which makes a loud cracking sound as the whip is snapped. 2. Archaic, colloquial One who wields a whip. Commentary: The colloquial term &cracker& when used to describe a person from the rural southern United States originates with def. 2.
CRASH: Colloquial An abrupt feeling of depression or unhappiness immediately following the end of a
activity. This feeling may be triggered by a number of different factors, including feelings of guilt (especially among people raised with traditional ideas about sex and relationships), confusion, unexpected psychological response to the activities, or even physiological processes such as a drop in the levels of . See related , .
CROP, also RIDING CROP: A thin, flexible instrument used for striking, consisting of a rigid but flexible shaft wrapped with leather or a similar material, with a handle at one end and often with a small leather loop at the other. Also, verb to strike with a crop.
CROSS CUFFS: A specific type of
which hold the wrists together in a crossed position.
CROSS-DRESSING: Sexual arousal or gratification from wearing clothing appropriate for the opposite sex.
relationship, the third party with whom a
person has sex in order to humiliate the
CUCKOLD: One whose partner practices . Usage: Most often refers to a man whose partner practices cuckoldry by having sex with other partners, though occasionally used to describe women as well. For the female equivalent, see .
CUCKOLDRY: The practice by which a
takes one or more sexual partners other than his or her , for the purpose of humiliating the submissive. Commentary: Cuckoldry is distinct from the practice of
in the sense that it is done in a context where the submissive has no direct control over the dominant's other partners, and the primary purpose is to humiliate the submissive. Those who are aroused by cuckoldry are most often attracted to the humiliation and powerlessness aspects of it. The majority of the people who practice cuckoldry as a sexual fetish are women, who humiliate their male partners by having sex with other men.
CUCKQUEAN: One whose partner practices . Usage: Always refers to a woman whose partner has sex with other people.
CUFF: 1. Any restraint which has a band or band-like structure, which may be made of metal or of a flexible material such as canvas or leather, intended to be strapped or locked around an extremity such as a wrist or ankle for the purpose of securing or immobilizing it. 2. Archaic the fist. Also, verb 1. To restrain or immobilize by means of a cuff or cuffs. 2. To strike a rapid blow, as with the hand. 3. Archaic: Cuff with, to engage in a fistfight with.
CUPPING: A type of
involving the use of small glass or plastic cups which are placed over the skin and then evacuated to create a vacuum, and hence suction. Some cups have an integrated valve to which a hand-operated vacuum
in other cases, the vacuum is created by dropping a flaming cotton ball, usually soaked in alcohol, into the cup and then placing the cup over the skin in such a way as to extinguish the flame. The vacuum is created by the contraction of the cooling air.
DACRYPHILIA; also, DACRYLAGNIA: Psychology Sexual arousal from seeing a partner cry.
DARBY CUFFS: A specific type of rigid metal
where each cuff is shaped like the letter "C," and has a straight lockable bar that can be attached to the open side of the C to close it.
involving highly specialized equipment, furniture, or devices, often very elaborate, to immobilize a person.
DEVIL'S FIRE: Colloquial An unusual branding technique involving taking a pointed needle that has been heated red-hot and touching it lightly to the surface of the skin for a brief instant The point of the needle creates a tiny round burn on the skin. Hundreds or thousands of these tiny marks are combined to create a pointillistic design which may persist for several weeks to several months.
DIAGONAL CROSS: See . Usage: Primarily B uncommon in the United States.
DISCIPLINE: 1. Any activity in which one person trains another person to act or behave in a specified way, often by enforcing rigid codes of conduct or by inflicting punishment for failure to behave in the prescribed way. 2. Archaic Any instrument used to enforce discipline or to punish physically, such as a
DOLLIFICATION: A specific form of
in which the
dresses or acts like a living doll, and the
takes on the role of the doll's owner.
DOMINA: A female .
DOMINANT: A person who assumes a role of power or authority in a
relationship. A dominant takes psychological control over or has power over another person, and may, for example, give that person orders which are to be obeyed. Contrast ; see related , .
DOMINATE: To assume o to take psychological power over. A person who controls another person or takes control of a scene is said to dominate that person.
dominate is a verb. Domination, dominance: the act of wielding authority over another.
DOM: A . Usage: Often indic however, may be applied to a dominant of any sex.
A , usually female and often a .
DOMME: A female .
DOOR HANGAR: A n implement for
consisting of a short piece of flat webbing, usually an inch or two wide, connected to a thick metal or wooden dowel on one end and a metal ring on the other. The webbing can be hung ov when the door is closed, the dowel prevents the webbing from being pulled through the door, and a person may be bound to the ring.
DRAGON'S TAIL: An unusual type of
consisting of a handle, often made of wood and wrapped with leather, to which a wide triangular piece of thin leather or suede is attached. This leather or suede forms a lash which is a hollow tube tapering to a point at the striking end.
DRAGON'S TONGUE: An unusual type of
consisting of a handle, often made of wood and wrapped with leather, and a lash made of a single wide piece of leather or suede wrapped around another, thinner suede lash. The outer lash is rolled into a tube around the inner lash, and tapers to a point at the striking end.
made from a rope handle tied to several Koosh balls, which are children's toys consisting of a small, hard rubber ball with a very large number of long rubber &whiskers& attached. The dread koosh flogger was invented by a participant of the Usenet newsgroup alt.sex.bondage, and is generally considered the definitive standard for
in a flogger.
DROP COLLAR: A specific type of
which is shaped in such a way as to descend in the front, so that the frontmost part of the collar rests in the hollow of the throat rather than around the front of the neck. A drop collar may be constructed of a rigid material like stainless steel, or made of more conventional materials such as leather. Some drop collars feature a medallion, charm, or other ornamentation on the frontmost part of the collar. Commentary: Some people find that drop collars are more comfortable than collars that go around the neck, particularly for extended wear.
DUNGEON: Any place specifically set up for
activities, often equipped specifically for BDSM play, as with furniture such as , , and the like.
DUNGEON MONITOR: In a , a person charged with ensuring that the participants adhere to safety rules and treat one another with respect.
EDGE PLAY: 1. Any practice which involves significant risk of inj as, , . 2. Any practice which challenges the
or boundaries of one or more of the participants.
EDGING: The practice of sexually stimulating one's self or another person to near the point of orgasm, often repeatedly, without allowing orgasm. This can be done to create an intense state of arousal, to tease and frustrate the person being edged, and/or as a form of control.
ELECTREAT: A device invented in 1919 which was claimed to be able to treat chronic pain by delivering an electric shock. Similar in some ways to a crude , the electreat uses D-cell batteries to generate pulses of high voltage. They are no longer made, and are often sought out by enthusiasts of .
ELECTRIC PONY: A variation on the
consisting of a sawhorse or similar piece of furniture with two electrical conductors, such as copper rods or thin copper pipes, running along its length, to which an electric current is applied. A person is made to straddle the electric pony so that as long as he or she remains on tiptoe, thee is no contact with the pony, but lowering from tiptoe results in an electric shock to the inner thighs, penis, or vulva. When the person becomes tired, it becomes increasingly difficult to avoid being shocked.
ELECTRICAL PLAY: Any of a variety of different practices involving the use of electrical current or electricity to stimulate a person. Some common forms of electrical play include using high-voltage, low-current devices such as
or the use of controlled pulses of electricity to induce muscle contractions as with a . Commentary: Many forms of electrical play are not safe to use above the waist, as even small amounts of electrical current across the chest may induce heart arrythmia or heart attack.
EMETOPHILIA: Sexual arousal from vomiting.
ENDORPHINS: Naturally-occurring opiate-like chemicals produced in the brain in response to pain, which block pain and can produce a euphoric sensation. The euphoria sometimes described by people who engage in
is often attributed to endorphins.
ENEMA: The act of introducing water or other liquid into the bowel or lower intestine, often by means of a nozzle inserted into the anus and connected to a liquid-filled bag or bulb. Commentary: In a BDSM context, enemas may be given for pleasure (some people find the sensations enjoyable or arousing), as a form of , or simply as a precursor to anal sex.
ENGLISH: Archaic .
EVIL STICK: Colloquial An implement consisting of a thin rod of carbon fiber, typically about the diameter of a mechanical pencil lead, attached to a small, rigid handle. The carbon fiber rod is flex when laid against the skin and then flicked with a strong upward motion at its tip, it causes a sharp pain and typically leaves a thin, well-defined welt that can persist for days.
EXECUTIONER'S HOOD: A specific form of , almost always made of leather, which covers the head and the upper part of the wearer's face but not the wearer's mouth.
EXHIBITIONIST: One who is sexually aroused by showing others his or her body or by being watched, particularly in a sexual setting or while engaged in sexual activity.
EXHIBITIONISM: The act of engaging in
behavior, such as sexual behavior, for the sexual gratification of the person being watched.
FALL: 1. The striking end of a . 2. See
activity centered around creating the feeling of fear in one or more of the participants. This does not necessarily have to involve elements of p sensations of fear may be created through the use of psychological pressure, , the threat of pain or discomfort, or even exposing a person to the object of a phobia.
designed to hold the mouth open so that the person wearing the gag has no choice but to accept anything which is placed in the mouth. 2. See .
FEMALE LED RELATIONSHIP (FLR): An ongoing romantic or sexual relationship in which
is an integral part.
relationship in which the
is female. Often (but not always) used to refer to a relationship between a female dominant and a male .
FEMINIZATION: The practice of enforcing activities or behaviors on a male
which are typically associated with women, as , requiring the submissive to sit when urinating, and the like. Often used as a form of . Also referred to as sissification.
FEMSUIT: A specific type of full-body suit made to resemble a woman's body and including silicone breasts and a prosthetic vagina, worn either as a sexual fetish or as a prosthetic for transgender women.
FERULA: See . Usage: Originated in C uncommon among people who have not attended Catholic school.
FETISH: 1. Formally, Psychology a non-sexual object whose presence is required for sexu informally, anything not generally considered sexual which arouses a person, as a foot fetish or a leather fetish. 2. Anything of or relating to
as a fetish convention, a fetish event. 3. Items, practices, or apparel relating to BDSM; as, fetish photography, fetish clothing.
FETTERS: see .
FIDDLE: A type of restraint consisting of a short metal rod that has a locking , usually made of metal, affixed to one end and a pair of locking
on the other, or a rigid yoke with openings for the neck on one end and the wrists on the other. Used to bind the wrists together and prevent freedom of motion of the hands and arms.
FIGGING: The practice of placing a piece of carved ginger root into the anus or vagina. The result is a burning sensation which many people claim can intensify orgasm, and which other people use as an adjunct to physical discipline such as . Commentary: This practice is believed to date back to Victorian times, when it was used in conjunction with
as a technique for disciplining errant women.
FIRE PLAY: Any of a number of practices involving the use of fire or flame in
or sexual play. One form of fire play, for example, involves placing an accelerant such as alcohol on a person's body, then igniting and quickly extinguishing it. Commentary: Very dramatic, but also dangerous. Not appropriate for inexperienced people.
with multiple lashes made of flat woven Kevlar, designed to be soaked with a flammable accelerant such as lighter fluid and then ignited prior to use. The fire whip is used by keeping it continuously in motion, so that it strikes the target for very brief periods of time so as to avoid burning the person being whipped. 2. A type of
consisting of a rigid handle connected to a long, flexible Kevlar rope, often with a short length of Kevlar string on the end, designed to be soaked in an accelerant and then ignited prior to use.
novels, one of a group of female sex slaves owned by the same master, who is considered 'first' or predominent over the other sex slaves. In , a woman who identifies as a
and has status or rank over any other women who consider themselves slaves to the same person.
FISH HOOK, also, FISHHOOK, FISHHOOKING: The practice of keeping a 's mouth open by means of blunt hooks placed at the corners of the mouth that draw the lips apart, often for oral sex.
FISTICUFF: Archaic 1. To strike with the closed hand. Fisticuffs: Archaic 1. The fists. 2. Colloquial A fistfight. Get into fisticuffs: Engage in a fight with bare fists.
FISTING: The practice of inserting the entire hand into the vagina or (less commonly) into the anus. Commentary: Vaginal fisting is actually quite a bit easier to do than the human body is quite accommodating. Contrary to common misconception, fisting is not done by making a fist and shovin rather, the fingers are placed together as the hand is inserted, the fingers tend to curl into a loose ball. Many women experience intense orgasms from vaginal fisting.
designed in such a way that the person within the sling is reclined with the legs spread apart, in a posture convenient for .
FLAGELLATION: A generic term for any sort of activity involving
or whipping.
FLAGGING: The act of wearing a specific clothing, insignia, jewelry, or other sign as a means of expressing interest in a specific form of
activities. See related .
FLOG: To strike with a .
FLOGGER: An implement used to strike a person, consisting of a handle with multiple
attached to it. The lashes are typically made of leather, but may also be made of materials such as rope, suede, horsehair, or even Koosh balls. See also , , , ; See related , .
technique involving the use of a
in each hand. The floggers are swung in a figure-8 pattern. Sometimes called a double weave. See related .
FORCED MASTURBATION: A practice whereby a
partner forces a
partner to masturbate, usually in ways that are unpleasant, painful, or humiliating, as part of , , or . May include elements of
(for example, forcing a person to masturbate with an irritant such as Tiger Balm).
FORCED ORGASM: An orgasm induced in a person against that person's will or as part of , often by means of
combined with sexual stimulation. See related .
FORNIPHILIA: (literally, Latin fornire furniture + Greek philos love): a specific type of
combined with
in which a person is bound and immobilized, and then used as furniture, such as a table or footrest.
involving urination by a woman.
activities in which there is no
or . See related , , .
FROG TIE: A specific form of
in which the person kneels and the ankles are bound to the thighs, preventing th the wrists are then bound to the ankles.
FUCKING MACHINE: Any device or machine which is designed to sim often consisting of a dildo affixed to a reciprocating motor so as to thrust in and out of a person. Many varieties of fucking machines exist, some designed so that the subject straddles or sits on them, others designed to be used when the subject is prone or .
FUNNEL GAG: A , usually consisting of an oblong or penis-shaped rubber or plastic bit, which has a tube running through it connected to a funnel. When the gag is placed in the mouth, any liquids introduced into the tube will pass into the mouth, and the person wearing the gag has no choice but to swallow them.
GAG: Any device or object designed to be placed in the mouth, most commonly to prevent a person from speaking or making loud sounds, sometimes to hold the mouth open. Also, verb 1. To place an object into the mouth to prevent a person from speaking. 2. To choke, particularly by placing something in the mouth. See also , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
GASPER: colloquial One who participates or engages in
device consisting of a series of metal rings connected by a leather band which are placed around the penis.
GENITAL CLAMP: Any device designed to be clamped on the genitals, either as part of
or to sensitize the genitals. Commentary: Different designs of genital clamps exist for use on male or female genitalia.
inflicted on the genitals.
GIMP: Colloquial A ; most often, a gay male submissive. Usage: Almost always refers to a submissive who frequently wears tight-fitting vinyl, leather, PVC, or rubber suits with a
or mask. Sometimes used insultingly or to indicate derision of the person so named.
GIMP MASK: Colloquial A specific form of , often made of heavy leather or rubber, which entirely encloses the face and head, and which often lacks openings for the eyes, mouth, or ears.
GIMP SUIT: Colloquial Any tight, formfitting suit, typically made of black rubber, PVC, heavy leather, or a similar material, which encloses the wearer's entire body. May have straps, rings, or other accessories which can serve as tie-down points.
involving the act of urinating on a person.
GOKKUN: (from the Japanese , &gulp.&) A sexual practice, originating in Japan, in which a person drinks a large quantity of ejaculate from a container.
GOR: A mythical planet created by science fiction writer John Norman and used as the setting for an entire series of science fiction novels. The novels describe a civilization in which women occupy an extremely submissive position in society and are often used as sex slaves. The novels describes a formalized, ritualized set of social structures centered around female submission and male superiority, which have been adopted by a subcommunity of people within the
and female
according to a formal system adapted from the fictitious society described in the
novels, and characterized by strong hierarchy, male superiority, and an elaborate system of . Includes such elements as ritualized postures and positions which women are expected to take in the presence of men under certain circumstances. Also Gorean master, Gorean slave: one who adopts a dominant or submissive role in a manner which reflects the society described in the novels. See related , .
who specializes in assuming the role of a strict disciplinarian, requiring adherence to rigid rules and punishing infractions with spanking or .
GREEK: Colloquial Of or related to anal sex.
GROPE BOX: A long, narrow, enclosed box, often made of wood, with many openings along its front and sides, into which a person may be placed and then groped or fondled by people outside the box. A person within a grope box is helpless to prevent the fondling and often cannot see the people doing the fondling.
GWENDOLINE HOOD; also, SWEET GWENDOLINE HOOD: A specific type of , often made of leather or latex but sometimes made of materials such as PVC or Spandex, which fits around the head and covers the mouth but has a large opening for the eyes and nose. Etymology: Named for Sweet Gwendoline, a character in a series of bondage comics written by artist John Willie in the 1950s and 1960s, who was often depicted wearing this style of hood.
GYNARCHY: 1. Formally, Sociology A political or governmental system ruled by women. 2. Colloquial , particularly femdom in which all females are assumed to be superior to the male.
technique in which a rope, twine, or cord is woven or braided through a person's hair, then tied in such a way as to limit mobility of the bound person's head.
HANDCUFFS: Narrow metal
with a pivoting hinge and a ratcheted locking mechanism, connected to each other by a short length of chain and often used to restrain people's wrists together. Commonly used by law enforcement and security personnel. Commentary: Handcuffs are not always safe to use in
scenarios, particularly if
is involved, as their narrowness and hardness can cause injury to the wrist if the restrained person pulls or struggles against them.
HANDBALLING: C see . Usage: Less common than the term fisting.
HANKY CODE: A covert technique developed largely by the
community for advertising one's
preferences and to indicate the activities in which one was interested. The code worked by using a system of colored handkerchiefs, usually worn in the back pocket, on the left side for
and the right side for . Each class of activity had its
for example, a person who was interested in
might wear a black handkerchief, whereas a gray handkerchief might indicate an interest in , and so on.
which is considered to be absolute, inflexible, and non-negotiable. Contrast .
with additional straps which pass around the wearer's face and head to hold it securely in place.
HEDGEHOG: A device used for
consisting of a short metal cylinder with numerous spikes attached to a handle in such a way that it can be rolled over the skin, producing a sensation somewhat similar to that of a .
HOBBLE SKIRT: A item of clothing consisting of a very tight skirt that ends below the knee, which prevents freedom of motion of the legs, allowing the wearer to walk slowly in a hobbling motion but not to move quickly.
HOBBLE STOCK: Any device intended to restrain a person by the genitals, such as a fixed bar or blank with an attached
designed to be locked around the penis and testicles, or a fixed rod ending in a dildo to which a woman's legs may be bound so that she is penetrated by the dilldo and can not move. See related .
HOG SLAPPER: An implement for striking, consisting of a strap of thick, heavy rubber, often wrapped in burlap or some other coarse material.
technique in which the bound person's ankles and wrists are bound together, usu then the ankles are bound to the wrists wile the person lies on his or her stomach. Also, verb to tie in a hogtie.
HOJOJITSU: also, HOJUJITSU, HOJ?JUTSU, HOJU JITSU (Japanese ) A martial art, originating in medieval Japan, for tying and restraining prisoners. Seldom used or taught any more, but the art of hojojitsu may have been the origin of .
HOOD: Any covering designed to go over the head, often partly or completely covering the face as well.
HORSE: 1. A piece of bondage furniture consisting of a plank supported by two legs on each end, similar to a sawhorse. A person may be bent or tied over the horse and
or . 2. See .
HOUSE BOY: A male .
HOUSE GIRL: A female .
HOUSE SLAVE: A , who may often live with the , who acts as a maid, cleaning up the dominant's house and performing other household errands, often while nude. A house slave may sometimes be punished for failure to perf with this form of , sexual submission may or may not be part of the arrangement.
HUCOW: A person into lactation and milking particularly, milking via pumps or other machines. Etymology: "hucow" is a portmanteau of "human cow."
HUMBLER: An implement consisting of a locking metal ring which fits around the testicles, connected to two wings which go between the legs and behind the buttocks. A person wearing a humbler cannot stand straight without placing painful press the humbler forces the wearer to walk bent over or on all fours.
HUMILIATION PLAY: Sexual arousal from activities which include an element of humiliation, shame, or embarrassment for one or more of the participants. Commentary: Humiliation play is a relatively unusual taste that is often very difficult to explain to someone who doesn't understand it. While humiliation play may carry little or no risk of injury, it can be psychologically very intense, and is sometimes the psychological equivalent of .
skilled at . Etymology: The word was coined by Edmund Bohun in 1853, from the Latin for &woman who humiliates.&
ICE LOCK: A type of timed lock used in , consisting of a metal cylinder that is filled with water with a rod or cone-shaped insert that can slide into the end of the cylinder. The ice lock is assembled, filled with water, and frozen. When the water freezes, it traps the in the insert can not be removed until the water melts. Once the water has melted, the insert slides out. The larger the lock, the longer it takes for the ice to melt.
IMPACT PLAY: Any activity involving striking or hitting, as for example , spanking, , or .
IMPALEMENT: A practice in which a person is , usually while standing, and penetrated anally or vaginally with a dildo attached to the end of a fixed pole or rod in such a way that the person cannot escape or remove himself or herself from the dildo. Commentary: This practice can be dangerous if not done correctly. The person must be bound in such a way that he or she cannot fall if he or she loses balance.
in which one of the adult participants takes on the role of an infant, and may be dressed in diapers, suck on a pacifier, and so forth. See also ; see related .
INFIBULATION: 1. , particularly of men. 2. In some cultures, the practice of female genital mutilation, typically forced on women at the onset of puberty and often for religious reasons. The practice consists of surgical removal of the clitoris and/or sewing the labial lips together to prevent sexual penetration. 3. In some historical contexts, particularly in ancient Rome, the practice of sewing the foreskin over the head of the penis to prevent a male slave from engaging in sexual intercourse.
INFLATION: A practice involving injecting saline solution into the scrotum to &inflate& the scrotal sac, sometimes to a very large extent. Commentary: A sometimes painful practice that is not safe if not done by a skilled and experienced person.
INFORMED CONSENT: See . Commentary: Consent is not valid i in order to be valid, a person who gives permission to engage in an activity must know and understand what the activity is, what the circumstances surrounding the activity are, and what the potential consequences are, including any risks involved in that activity.
INHIBITOR BAR: A rod or bar, usually made of metal, that is attached at one end to a dildo inserted vaginally or anally, and attached at the other end to a , so that the person wearing it will cause the dildo to move and twist with every step they take.
INVERSION TABLE: A piece of furniture consisting of a flat table to which a person can be , suspended between upright supports on a pivot in such a way that the table can be rotated upright, inclined, or completely upside-down.
in the shape of the number 8, designed to be locked around the wrists. Unlike normal , the Irish 8 cuffs are a single piece of metal, designed to hold the wrists rigidly and therefore more securely than ordinary handcuffs.
IRONS: See . Archaic, colloquial locked in irons, thrown in irons, clapped in irons: restrained with leg irons.
designed to be used for
by removing the wearer's ability to see, hear, or speak. See related .
KAJIRA: In the
novels, a female sex slave. In , a woman who identifies as a .
KAMI: In , any technique or tie that involves the hair, such as by weaving ropes through the hair to hold the head immobile.
KARADA: A rope harness, originating in Japan, that is tied around the torso in a series of diamond-shaped patterns. Often used as a foundation in . The karada does not restrain the subject, and can even be worn under clothing.
KENNEL PLAY: A specific form of
in which the
is confined to a kennel or doghouse as part of the play. See related .
KEYHOLDER: Someone who has the keys to a
and determines when, how often, and under what circumstances that person may be released from the chastity belt, in the context of .
KINBAKU: See . Usage: Most technically, shibari is the act of tying, and kinbaku is artistic bondage. In general use, however, shibari and kinbaku are often used as synonyms.
KOTORI: A rope harness intended to support a person's weight from the torso and upper legs, used for
on a very short frame, such that a person may be restrained by kneeling in front of the stock and then bending over. The top of the stock is then closed around the person's kneck and wrists, restraining him or her in a kneeling position.
KNIFE PLAY: Any activity involving use of a knife. Sometimes done strictly for psychological effect,
sometimes done for the purpose of cutting or breaking the skin. See related ,
KNOUT: A specific type of
with multiple lashes made of wire or of leather thongs twisted with wire and usually knotted.
LABIA SPREADER, also, LABIA SPREADER BAR: A short, curved metal bar or ring, typically no more than a few inches across, with a clamp at each end designed to be clamped to the labia to hold it open. Used to facilitate penetration or as a form of .
LACTOPHILIA; also, EROTIC LACTATION, LACTATION FETISH: Sexual arousal from sucking on a lactating woman's breast.
LADDER: A structure consisting of either a triangular wooden frame with wooden slats running across it or two vertical wooden planks with several horizontal cross members, to which a person can be .
LACING: 1. The practice of extreme ; particularly, very tight corsetry done as a form of . 2. A specific and unusual type of
a part of the body to or around a fixed object. 3. Any functional tie used to close an article of clothing, such as boots or . 4. Any style of
involving restraining a person by tying a cord or rope over the person and around many fixed points. See related . Commentary: In the sense of def. 2, the practice of lacing is often considered
and may not be safe if done by a person who is not skilled and knowledgable.
LACING TABLE: A table or other flat, horizontal table-like object specifically designed for
(def. 4), usually consisting of two or more rows of eyehooks affixed to the table in such a way that a person lying between the rows of eyehooks can be restrained to the table by a rope or cord that is laced back and forth between the eyehooks.
LASH: 1. Any long, flexible implement, often made of leather or cord, used to strike a person. 2. The flexible striking part of a . Also, verb To strike with a lash (def. 1).
LEATHER BAR: A drinking establishment catering to the
community, often specifically to the
community, which may have strict dress codes for entrance.
LEATHER BUTT: Colloquial A condition where prolonged, repeated stimulation of a particular part of a person's body, most often pain play involving paddling or striking so as to leave deep bruises, makes that part of the body less sensitive. Usage: Used generically, not necessarily only to describe one's butt. Commentary: In some cases, repeated, prolonged, and very hard striking, as with a paddle or a crop, can create bruising deep enough that the area that is bruised becomes less sensitive. If this is done repeatedly over a period of time, this decrease in sensation can reportedly become permanent, resulting in leather butt. As the people I know tend to enjoy forms of play that do leave very deep bruises, and as I've never seen any cases of permanent reduction in sensation, I am of the opinion that such permanent reduction in sensation is probably rare.
LEG IRONS: A set of locking , often made of iron fastened together with rivets, with a length of chain about a foot long between them. Designed to be locked around the legs or ankles in such a way that the bound person can still walk, in a slow, shuffling gait, but cannot run. May also include additional chains designed to be affixed to a belt and to cuffs fastened about the wrists. Leg irons which attach specifically to the ankles or feet are also called fetters.
LEGREE: An implement used for striking, similar in design to a
but without a rigid handle.
LIFESTYLE: 1. C often &the lifestyle& Of or pertaining to involvement in , as in How long have you been in the lifestyle? 2. Of or pertaining to a
relationship, as in We practice lifestyle D/s. 3. Of or pertaining to LIMIT: A boundary, which may be set by a
or a , which specifies a point past which any activity will not go. See , . See relat


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