
月雅思口语题库Part 3—事件类I
& & & 惊心动魄的9月15日又准备来临了。下面小新为大家整理2016年9月-12月题库,part3部分地点类+事件类雅思题库。各位备考雅思的烤鸭们,抓紧时间准备啦~~
An occasion a person/ something that made you laugh (New)
You should say:
When this happened
Where this happened
Who were there
And explain why you laughed
1. How would you define happiness?
2. Do Chinese people like to watch comedy?
3. Who is the most popular comedian in China?
4. What do you do when you feel unhappy?
5. Why do children tend to be happier than adults?
A time you planned for a happy event (New)
You should say:
What event it was
How you planned for it
Who helped you
And explain how you felt about it
A time you missed an important appointment for something (New)
You should say:
When and where it happened
What the appointment was for
What happened when you missed it
And explain how you felt about the appointment
1. How often do you make appointment?
2. Is it important to be punctual in your country?
3. Is it easy to make an appointment in China?
A time you needed to use imagination (New)
You should say:
What the situation was
Why you needed to use imagination
What the difficulties were
And explain how you felt about it
1. Why do most children have wild imagination?
2. What kinds of books can boost people’s imagination?
3. Do you like to watch movies about the future?
4. What can schools do for students’ creativity?
A time you were very busy (New)
You should say:
When it happened
Where you were
What you did
And explain why you were that busy
1. Do you like the fast pace of modern life?
2. How do you feel when you are really busy?
3. What’s the best way to deal with stress?
4. What kind of lifestyle is suitable to people in modern society?
5. What relaxation techniques do you usually use?
A bicycle/ motorbike/ car trip that is interesting that you want to go (New)
You should say:
Where you would like to do
How you would like to go there
Who you would like to go with
And explain why you would like to go there by bike, motorbike or car
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编辑: Jennifer来自: 环球教育整理
雅思考试日考试已经结束,不知道同学发挥的怎么样呢,11月5日雅思考试都考了哪些内容,考试难度是怎样的。为了方便广大考生准备雅思考试查找雅思真题及答案,环球教育小编为大家整理了最新的2016年11月3日雅思考试真题回忆汇总。听、说、读、写四个单项的雅思机经考题回顾希望可以帮助同学们参加日后的雅思考试。后续还有陆续发布关于此次雅思考试环球教育老师们对于考试题型的分析和讲解,以及未来雅思考试趋势和预测。雅思口语雅思听力雅思阅读雅思写作  以上就是2016年11月5日雅思考试真题回忆汇总。希望烤鸭们能够对好好复习本次雅思考试所出现的雅思题目结合历年雅思真题,努力进行备考。关注雅思名师们分享的考情分析。想了解更多关于雅思考试消息,雅思真题机经下载请关注环球教育雅思频道。
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  日雅思考试笔试部分已经结束,为将此次考试第一时间呈现在烤鸭们的眼前,环球雅思一线名师特意参加此次考试,与众多考生一起进行雅思考试机经整理,下面就为大家介绍一下,最齐全的日雅思全科考试回忆。以期帮助同学们备考雅思考试。机经回忆由张景鹏老师回忆,解析由程元老师解析。  听力:  1. Section one:传统10道填空题。其中1,3,10三道题考传统意义上的数字和专有名词拼写,第7题和第9题考查常规单词拼写,特别是tools这个词,可能会对一些考生产生困扰。剩下的5道题,统统考的是抓听。也就是说,听力的第一部分考察抓听的填空题比例已经越来越高,其实这是件好事,只要我们在读题预测中对同义替换的敏感度有所提升,那么正确率是可以短期内大幅提升的;反而如果考察拼写的题目比例增大,不利于短期提分。  2.section 2:4道简答题部分是典型的考察抓听,在答案的拼写上未有任何难度。第16题的单选比15题要容易些,主要是细节的纪录即可,当然,建议是把答案记录下来,然后再去逐一对比选项,否则3个选项都提到,容易被选项绕晕。15题,3个选项说的是3件不同的事,也一定都会提到,所以更好的做法是排除法。people of all ages有可能用具体数字去同义替换,有可能有不同人群的集合名词依次出现,来解释说明all ages。所以,在这个section里,11题,12题和16题是更容易抓住的题,13到15题是小有干扰的中档题,17到20的多选题是比较容易被干扰到的。17到18,需要通过排除选项去做,需要排除的选项往往说得最清楚。还有一点需要注意,就是多选题的选项也不一定按顺序出现,同学们千万不要死等着A选项优先出现。至于19题和20题,所玩的把戏主要就是把某一选项的动词跟另一选项的宾语混搭,以此来进行干扰,而A C E三个选项相对抽象,所以会用其范围内的名词进行举例,而并不出现原词。  3. section 3:6道单选,除了第一道是纯细节题,只要听主题句的语言标志即可选出答案,剩下5道考察的都是排除干扰选项的能力,有一定难度。特别是23到25题,3个选项说的是3件事,主要考察的就是同义替换,即抽象选项与原文具体2到3个句子之间的对应关系。22题和26题,难度相对低一些,因为选项中的排除点比较明显,采用的还是各选项中各关键词的混搭来干扰考生,所以专注于题干,把答案略记下来,再反过来对比选项,会比较实用。至于27到30题的配对题,选项是人名,所以无从替换,所以容易进行替换的是题目,若死盯着题目的关键词,反而容易让考生get lost。注意语段中的并列或顺序关联词来判断说到哪儿了,然后注意其中的人名及相关态度的词以及出现的否定词。  4.Section 4:传统填空题。33到35,38到40,一共6道题考察纯抓听,主要用的替换手段是颠倒语序和反着说(同义替换常见手段总结的详情请参考环球雅思听力内部讲义和V3吸收课教材)。剩下4道题考察的是拼写。值得注意的是,31题和37题的答案,容易漏掉字母,比较考察基本功,而32题和36题的答案,则根据常规的音标拼读拼写规律即可做出,哪怕没有反应出来词的具体意思。  阅读:  总体来说,我们的老朋友,填空题,判断题的比例有所增大,第三篇还出了个许久不见的段落大意题,可以说相当考验基本功。再加上第三篇中的单选题,每做一道,就相当于做了4道判断题,可见本次阅读考试每道题的做题代价有多大。而技巧性较强的matching,特别是人名配理论的matching没有出现,说明阅读考试的考察重点开始返璞归真,越来越倾向于最初的考察快速读句子,理解句子并进行判断的能力了。好在,本次考试填空题的比例不算小,算是给了基本功一般的考生绝处逢生的一点机会,不至于一败涂地。  写作:  1. 小作文是3个饼,又是我们的老朋友了,篇章结构并不复杂,只要踏踏实实把每个饼的关键数据描述清楚,不要一会儿讲对比,一会儿讲变化,犯完美主义的错误,就不会出大篓子。重点考察各种对比类句式的储备和切换。  2.大作文:工作类话题。观点并不难想,关键是在于观点与观点之间是否有逻辑关系,对关键词的分类是否符合逻辑。既然问高管更高薪是否是good thing,那么就看对谁good,公司,高管个人,还是对基层员工。既然话题内容比较接地气,那么对篇章逻辑,段落结构即展开论述,以及句子结构的评估,就会更加严格和细化  总体来看,本次雅思考试的笔试,并未出现新题,怪题,都是我们的老朋友了,所以透析出题思路,反思总结同义替换,以及简化做题流程,在做题代价越来越大的情况下提升读句子和段落的能力,依然是王道。  口语:  以上就是由环球雅思教研中心一线名师们为同学们整理的日雅思考试机经的全部内容,更多雅思机经、雅思试题、雅思复习计划、雅思培训以及雅思考试技巧等相关信息请持续关注! & & & &
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来源:新航道&&&&&&浏览:166&&&&&&发布日期: 11:06
& & 开学了,在这里给那些还在备考雅思考试的同学汇总了一下月雅思口语考试Part2题库,希望能够给烤鸭们在雅思口语的备考中获得一些帮助!
  1.People &人物
  Describe someone you met recently and would like to know more about.
  You should say:
  Who this person is
  When and where you met.
  What you did or talked about
  And explain why you would like to know more about this person.
  Describe a leader you admire
  You should say:
  Who this person is
  How you know this person
  What skills he or she has for leadership
  And explain why you think he or she is a good leader.
  Describe a character or personality of yours
  You should say:
  What it is
  How it affects your life
  Where you get it from
  And how it affects your life
  And explain how you feel about it
  Describe a time you saw an wild animal.
  You should say:
  Where you learned about this animal.
  Where it looks like
  Where it lives ( or where you saw it )
  And explain why you felt about this wild animal.
  Describe a person who once moved to live with you
  You should say:
  When and where this person moved in
  How you know this person
  How you got alone with this person
  And how you feel about living with this person.
  Describe someone you admire who is much older than you. ( an older people you admire)
  You should say
  Who the person is
  How you got to this person
  What kind of person he or she is
  And explain why you admire this person
  Describe a family ( not your own ) that you like.
  You should say:
  Where this family lives
  Who the member of the family are
  How you go to know them
  And explain why you like this family
  Describe a person that you like to spend time with
  You should say:
  Who is this person
  How do you know this person
  What you like to do together
  And explain why you like to spend time with this person
  Describe a creative person that you admire ( for example , inventor or musician )
  You should say:
  Who this person
  How do know this person
  What creative things this person likes to do
  And explain why you admire this person
  2.Object 物品
  Describe an important piece of ( electrical or electronic) equipment that you use at home.
  You should say:
  What it is
  How often you use it
  Who you usually use it with
  And explain why this item is important to you.
  Describe a gift you gave someone recently.
  You should say:
  What the gift was
  Who you gave it to
  Why you chose that gift
  And explain how the person felt about this gift.
  Describe a program or app in your computer or phones
  You should say:
  What the app is
  When , where you found it
  How you use it
  And explain how you feel about
  Describe a photo of yourself that you like
  You should say :
  When and where the photo was taken
  Who took the photo
  What you were doing when the photo was taken
  And explain why you think it is a good photo.
  Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a long time
  You should say:
  What it is
  How ( or when) your family first got this thing
  How long your family has kept it
  And explain why this thing is important to your family
  Describe a product you bought that made you happy
  You should say :
  What it was
  When and where you bought it
  Why you bought it
  And explain why it made you happy
  Describe sth. You ate for the first time
  You should say:
  When you had it
  Where you ate it
  What it was
  And explain how you felt about it .
  Describe sth. that you shared with other people , such as public transport , accommodation and food.
  You should say:
  What it was
  Who you shared it with
  Why you shared it with others
  And explain how you felt about sharing.
  Describe an area of science you studied that you are interested in , such as medicine , physics or mathematics.
  You should say:
  What branch of science it is
  When you studied it
  How you studied it
  And explain why you are interested in it.
  3.Place 地点
  Describe your favorite part in your city ( town)
  You should say:
  What it is called
  Where it is
  When you like to visit
  And explain why it is your favorite
  Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike
  You should say:
  Where this building is
  What it looks like
  What it is used for
  And explain why you like or dislike it .
  Describe a sport stadium that&s important in your city
  You should say:
  Where it is
  How often you go there
  What people do there
  And explain why you think it is important.
  Describe a park or garden you visited and liked
  You should say:
  Where it was
  What it looked like
  What you did there
  And explain why you liked it there.
  Describe a place where you go to relax.
  You should say:
  Where it is
  What you usually do there
  How often you go there
  And explain why it relaxes you.
  Describe a foreign country you would like to work for a short period of time.
  You should say:
  Where it would be
  How you got to know about it
  What you would like to do there
  And explain why you would like to work in this country.
  Describe a small business you would like to have.
  You should say:
  What it would be
  What you need to prepare for it.
  Where you would have this business
  And explain why you would like do this business.
  4.Event 事件
  Describe something you enjoy doing after work or study
  You should say:
  What it is
  Who you usually do it with
  How long you usually spend doing this activity.
  And explain what you get from doing this activity.
  Describe a time that something made you laugh.
  You should say:
  What made you laugh.
  Where you were when it happened
  Who you were with
  And explain why it made you laugh.
  Describe a time you needed to used you imagination.
  You should say:
  What the situation was
  Why you needed to use imagination.
  What the difficulties were
  And explain how you felt about it.
  Describe a journey you would like to go on by car, motorbike or bike.
  You should say:
  Where you would like to go
  How you would like to go there
  Who you would like to go with
  And explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike.
  Describe a time you missed an appointment.
  You should say:
  When and where it happened
  What the appointment was for.
  What happened when you missed it.
  And explain how you felt about missing the appointment
  Describe a time when you were very busy.
  You should say:
  When it was
  What you had to during that time.
  How you managed it.
  And explain how you felt about being busy.
  Describe a special meal that you would like to have.
  You should say:
  Where you would like to have it.
  Who you would like to have it with.
  What you would like to eat.
  And explain how you would feel about the meal.
  Describe sth. You did with a group of people
  You should say:
  What the activity was
  When and where you did it
  Who you were with
  And explain how you felt about being part of this group.
  Describe an important skill you learnt when you were a child
  You should say:
  What this skill was
  When you learned it
  How you learnt it
  And explain why you think it was important.
  Describe an occasion you got up extremely early
  You should say:
  When this happened
  What you needed to do that day
  Who you were with
  And explain how you felt about getting up early that day.
  Describe a piece of good news that you received
  You should say:
  What this news was
  When and where you heard it
  How you heard it
  And explain why you think it was good news
  Describe a situation that you got a little angry
  You should say:
  Where it happened
  When it happened
  Who you were with
  And why you felt angry
  Describe a mistake that you once made
  You should say:
  What the mistake was
  When, where you made it
  Who was with you
  And how the mistake affected you.
  Describe a happy family event when you were a child
  You should say:
  What the event was
  What and where it happened
  Who was with you
  And explain why feel it was happy
  Describe a special trip you would like to go on in the future
  You should say:
  Where this place is
  Who you would like to go with
  What would you do there
  And explain why this would be a special trip.
  Describe a short trip that you disliked
  You should say:
  Where you went
  Who you went with
  What you did
  And explain why you disliked this journey /trip
  Describe a wedding you have been to
  You should say :
  Where it was
  Who you went with
  What you saw
  And explain how you felt the wedding
  Describe a situation ( or a time) when you helped someone
  You should say:
  What the situation was
  Who the person was
  How you helped them
  And explain how you felt after helping them
  Describe a method that helps save money
  You should say:
  What the method is
  When you started to use it
  How you knew it
  And explain why it is helpful.
  Describe a positive change in your life
  You should say:
  What the change was
  When it happened
  How it happened
  And explain why it was a positive change.
  5.Social & Media 社会&媒体
  Describe a goal you&d like to achieve in the future.
  You should say:
  What it is
  Why you would like to achieve this goal.
  Whether you can achieve the goal easily
  And explain what you need to do to achieve this goal.
  Describe an activity you do to keep fit
  You should say:
  What the activity is
  When , where you usually do it
  How you do it
  And explain why it can keep you fit.
  Describe an article you read online or from magazines about healthy living
  You should say:
  Where you read it
  When you read it
  What the article talked about
  And explain what you learnt from the article
  Describe a piece of local news that was interesting to you
  You should say:
  What the news was about
  Where you saw /heard the news
  When you saw/heard the news
  And explain why it was interesting
  Describe a course that you want to learn if you had time.
  You should say:
  What this course is
  When you want to learn it
  How you would learn it
  And explain why you want to learn it
  Describe an interesting tradition in your country
  You should say:
  What the tradition is
  When do you celebrate it
  How you celebrate it
  And explain why it is interesting
  Describe your favorite film.
  You should say:
  When and where you saw it.
  What type of film it was
  What the film was about
  And explain why it is your favorite film.
  Describe an interesting song you like.
  You should say:
  What it is
  Which country the song comes from
  What story the song tells
  And explain why you think it is interesting.
  Describe a useful website that you often visit.
  What the contents of this website are.
  How you first found this website.
  How often you go to this website.
  And explain how this website helps you.
  Describe an ads you recently saw or heard.
  You should say:
  When and where you saw it
  What was advertised
  What the contents of the ads were
  And explain how you felt about it.
  Edited By Aaronbigman
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