
Bathing suit, sunglasses, swimming mirror, swimming laps
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在临沂人民公园门口很多卖的,也不贵,在临沂一中附近也有卖的,都在门口摆着的还有就是温州批发市场也有卖的,我去年就是在温州买的 很多内衣店就有
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英文翻译swim ring&&&&swim&&&& ring&&&&love handles&&&&swim
去游泳 在游泳中学习游泳 learn ...&&&&swimming leg&&&&be fond of swimming&&&&cataphoresis apparatus&&&&know how to swim&&&& to go swimming&&&&learn swimming&&&&swimming&&&&swimming plate&&&&swimming watch&&&& swimming stadium&&&&swimming pool
室内游泳池 室外游泳池 open ...&&&&stay-afloat&&&& swimming&&&& natatorium&&&&international swimming federation&&&&swimming trace&&&&swimmist&&&&goggle&&&& swimming trunks ...&&&&natatory hair&&&& swimming cap
例句与用法The life ring is my best friend when i swim我的游泳圈是我游泳时的最好朋友。 Half said they had " muffin tops " - " podgy rolls sticking out over the top of their waistband " . women in manchester were found to be the most body - obsessed太过稀少63的人说自己的脖子不够漂亮还有半数人对腰上的“游泳圈”感到恶心。 Dr carol cooper said : " this sounds like a new year ' s gift for all those guys who are tubby round the middle but aren ' t ready to give up the trips to the boozer卡罗尔?库珀医生说: "对于那些'腰挂游泳圈'却又不肯停止饮酒的男士来说,这一发现听起来是不错的新年礼物。 Dr carol cooper said : " this sounds like a new year ' s gift for all those guys who are tubby round the middle but are n ' t ready to give up the trips to the boozer卡罗尔库珀医生说: "对于那些'腰挂游泳圈'却又不肯停止饮酒的男士来说,这一发现听起来是不错的新年礼物。 " shallow - water classes use kickboards and buoys for the post - aerobics toning , " said aquatic aerobics instructor sherrie rheingans . " deep - water classes have . . . belts and hand weights .浅水课程使用浮板和游泳圈进行有氧运动之后的肌力锻链,水中有氧老师谢丽瑞根斯说:深水课程则有…漂浮用水带和手持式重量训练器材。 There was widespread discontentment with teeth 57 per cent , thin hair 56 per cent , and neck 63 per cent . half said they had " muffin tops " - " podgy rolls sticking out over the top of their waistband " . women in manchester were found to be the most body - obsessed统计显示, 57的英国女人觉得自己的牙齿很难看56的女人认为头发太过稀少63的人说自己的脖子不够漂亮还有半数人对腰上的“游泳圈”感到恶心。 Parents fear that their children are developing inferiority complexes because they do not look like women they see in magazines and on television . last week , the author j k rowling berated the self - obsessed world of very thin , highly - paid models , describing them as talking toothpicks统计显示, 57的英国女人觉得自己的牙齿很难看56的女人认为头发太过稀少63的人说自己的脖子不够漂亮还有半数人对腰上的“游泳圈”感到恶心。 In order to safeguard the masses to be safe , besides representative team train sports and sports teaching activity , this swimming pool forbids carrying other clothes , frog shoes , dive under water frog mirror ( swim hydroscope subject to the limits generally ) , life buoy , water wing , ball , water toy and other to enter pool by article that check and approve为维护大众安全,除运动代表队训练及体育教学活动外,本泳池禁止携带其他衣物、蛙鞋、潜水蛙镜(一般游泳水镜不在此限) 、救生圈、游泳圈、球类、水上玩具及其他非经核准之物品入池。 &&
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