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Master Fitness Nutrition - 1000IU Vitamin D3 - 25mcg Per Tablet - 90 Tablets
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Bio-Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) (Pharma Nord) [1000IU - 25mcg (80 capsules)]
Bio-Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) (Pharma Nord) [1000IU - 25mcg (80 capsules)]
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What is vitamin D3?&
Vitamin D3 (also known as cholecalciferol) is a fat soluble vitamin which plays an important role in maintaining blood levels of calcium, maintaining healthy bones and teeth as well as a healthy immune system.
The majority of vitamin D in the body is created during skin exposure to sunlight, but many people in Northern Europe and the USA do not get adequate exposure. Small amounts of vitamin D can also be found in egg yolk, fish oils and oily fish such as salmon, herring and mackerel. Cholecalciferol is an animal source of vitamin D3 (derived from lanolin).&
Pharma Nord's Vitamin D3 is specially formulated in gel 'pearls'. Our preparation is dissolved in cold pressed organic olive oil to enhance absorption. It contains the cholecalciferol form of D3, which is produced naturally in the skin.&
How does vitamin D3 work?&
Vitamin D3 increases the absorption of calcium from food and reduces the excretion of calcium from the body. These effects ensure that calcium levels are maintained and allow adequate levels to be stored in bones and teeth. If blood calcium levels are too low, calcium may be mobilised from bones for use elsewhere in the body, resulting in bone weakening. Vitamin D3 is also responsible for maintaining healthy muscles and nerves, and for maintaining a healthy immune system.&
What do you take vitamin D3 for?&
In children a lack of vitamin D may result in rickets (softening of the bones leading to &bow legs')
In adults, deficiency may result in osteomalacia, (softening of the bones and muscle weakness). Deficiencies may also appear in strict vegetarians, pregnant women and people who do not have any exposure to the sun as well as those with intestinal malabsorption. The body's ability to manufacture vitamin D declines with age, and vitamin D deficiency is more common in the elderly.
Studies have shown that vitamin D may stimulate the body's production of anti-viral and anti-bacterial proteins.
Some experts say they would choose vitamin D before vitamin C when considering cold and flu protection.&
How much should you take?&
The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Vitamin D3 is 5mcg per day. This amount is purely to avoid deficiency and has long been viewed as inadequate, (for more information ask for our leaflet &Why the RDA is not enough').&
Pharma Nord recommends 800 International Units (IU) to 5000 IU per day or as recommended by a physician.&
Which is the best form to take?&
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is the most easily absorbed form of vitamin D. Vitamin D3 is lipisoluble (dissolves in oil), so an oil-based preparation is best.
Are there any contra-indications?
Vitamin D supplementation is generally well tolerated. People with hyperparathyroidism and sarcoidosis should not take vitamin D supplements without the consent of a doctor.
Pregnant and lactating women and those on medication should seek professional advice prior to taking nutritional supplements.
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Vitamin D3 1000 IU
Nature Made& Vitamin D3 1000 IU tablets are made of vitamin D3, the body&s preferred form of vitamin D.
Supports bone, teeth, muscle and immune health&
Helps improve calcium absorption&
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Product Details
Maintaining healthy levels of vitamin D in your body has been shown to be an important part of overall health.& Nature Made& Vitamin D3 1000 IU tablets are formulated with vitamin D3, the body&s preferred form of vitamin D.
Vitamin D supports bone, teeth, muscle and immune health&
Vitamin D supplements come in two forms: vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is more effective at raising and maintaining adequate levels of circulating vitamin D in the body&
Nature Made& Vitamin D3 1000 IU is guaranteed to meet our high quality standards & it is made from carefully selected ingredients under strict manufacturing processes.
#1 Pharmacist Recommended Letter Vitamin Brand*
United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Verified
No Color Added
No Artificial Flavors
No Preservatives
Gluten Free
Available Sizes: 100 Count / 300 Count
*Based on US News & World Report - Pharmacy Times Survey of pharmacist recommending in this category.
Dosage and Interactions
When to Take:Suggested Use: Take one tablet daily, with a meal. For easier swallowing, take with water before and during ingestion.
Interactions:Given that no two people are alike, if you are taking any medications you should be aware that potential drug-nutrient interactions may occur and are encouraged to consult a health care professional before using this product. Combining certain prescription drugs and dietary supplements can lead to undesirable effects such as:
Diminished drug effectiveness
Reduced supplement effectiveness
Impaired drug and/or supplement absorption
How do I know if I need to supplement with vitamin D?
Your personal health care professional can order a simple blood test to check your vitamin D levels. You may be at risk if you:o Experience less than 15-30 minutes of full body exposure sunlight between 10 am and 3 pm.o Wear sunscreen.o Have a darker hue of skin color.o Are over 65 years of age. o Spend most of your time indoors.o Live in a region with a long winter season. o Are overweight or obese.
I didn’t realize vitamin D had immune system benefits. How exactly does vitamin D work to support my immune system health?
Researchers have found vitamin D receptors on most immune cells suggesting a significant role for vitamin D in the immune system. In fact, when we're not getting enough vitamin D, our immune system may not to function at its best. That’s why we recommend having your vitamin D level tested with your health care professional so that they can help you decide on the vitamin D product that is right for you.
What is the difference between your liquid softgel vitamin D and your tablet form of vitamin D?
As long as the dosages are the same, there is no difference between the two forms. Some people prefer the liquid softgels over the tablets believing that they are easier to swallow, but it is a personal preference.
What is the relationship between calcium and vitamin D?
Vitamin D helps with the absorption of calcium and most calcium supplements contain some vitamin D.
For 40 years, we have been obsessed with quality at Nature Made(R). From ingredient sourcing, to industry-leading manufacturing practices, to our third-party verification approach, we believe it is our responsibility to lead in delivering quality products and a quality consumer experience. For more information, click .
At Nature Made, we&re committed to quality. That&s why we work with USP, an independent organization that tests for quality and purity. The Nature Made difference is easy to see & just look for the USP Verified Mark on the label of our products.
Nature Made& is the #1 Pharmacist Recommended Brand in Nine Categories, based on US News & World Report - Pharmacy Times Survey. & Nature Made has been recognized in the Letter Vitamins, Omega-3/Fish Oil, Coenzyme Q10, Flax Seed Oil, Herbal Supplements, Cholesterol Management-Natural, Garlic, Diabetic Multivitamins and Mood Health Supplements categories.
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The best and primary source for essential daily nutrients is a diet rich in a variety of foods.
However, as many as 9 out of 10 Americans fall short in getting some key nutrients necessary for good health.
The majority of Americans take supplements daily or occasionally1, yet many aren’t sure which ones to take, how much to take, or even when to take them.
Vitamin D has emerged as the “star supplement” because of its many nutritional benefits for both men and women. Vitamin D plays a key role in the proper absorption of calcium for strong bones and teeth. This important vitamin also enhances immune system strength in adults. Unfortunately, too many Americans are not getting enough of this “star supplement.”
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