you have to make thingsmake it happen yaya

When Simon called me up to say that he was really excited about
working with
because of their interest
in Asterisk but that they hadn’t gotten in touch with him yet, I said,
“Really? That’s it, I’m going to make something happen.”
So I did. I didn’t have anyone from QSR online in my buddy list, but I
knew that if anyone could find people, it would be
. (Tip: If you ever need any kind
of information, no matter how obscure, ask a librarian!) She gave me
Ian’s cellphone number. I tried calling it up, but my cellphone seems
to be blocked for international calls. She called it up, but Ian
didn’t answer. I sent a text message to Ian asking him to go online.
Clair also pointed me to other QSR people like
Marvin Pascual. Marvin told me that Ian was
probably out to lunch or en route to dotPH because it was Friday. He
gave me Ian’s Yahoo Messenger ID and dug up Myna’s cellphone number. I
remembered that Ian told me I should talk to Myna about business
development opportunities, so it was terrific that they were traveling
I noticed that I had a Google chat message from
. I remembered that
Angelo’s associated with dotPH, so I asked him to track Ian down,
possibly by calling the dotPH folks. Angelo set that in motion, too.
… and when I saw Ian’s Yahoo Messenger status change, I was, like,
“w00t!” I messaged, “Thank you for letting me assert my SUPER GEEK
GIRL POWER and renicing myself to -20!”
Big, big, big kudos to , , and Marvin Pascual for helping me track Ian down and get him online right then and there. I owe homemade cookies and lasagna all around. You rock.
Simon and Ian had a great conversation threshing out the technical
aspects of the project. I think they were basically establishing that
they knew what they were talking about and that the other person did,
too. While they were doing this, Myna and I chatted about the business
side of things.
Good stuff. I think it’ll be a terrific fit, and I look forward to
seeing what’ll come of it. I’m glad I helped make that phone
conversation happen, if only because I exerted enough will for them to
get around to talking. I knew they’d have a good conversation, but
it’s sometimes hard to get around to it what with everything else
Sometimes you just have to make things happen.
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