欧美女声开头大概就是:“what to the do and what i do i i i do and 哦喔哦喔哦~喔!”

>>>People think what I do is so wonderful because I interview s..
People think what I do is so wonderful because I interview stars. And I have to admit that when I first started working at Sassy in 1987 I was excited about that part of my job for the first couple of months,anyway. Then I noticed how stars would fool me around for months. I could never get enough time with a star to find out anything interesting, and some acted just simply rudely. I started hating the way I was treated, and I was really disappointed to see that these people I had worshipped (崇拜)before were pretty ordinary. So I decided I would just tell the truth instead of keeping up their myths(神秘).If the star was a bad guy, I would say so. If I thought anyone was stupid, I did not hold back that information.I thought readers would appreciate that kind of honesty. Surprisingly, many of them hated me for it. I have gotten so many attacks on my character. In their eyes,being famous is everything, even more desirable than being truly creative and talentedWhy do we need stars? In fact, the media created stars to satisfy our basic need for gossip (闲话).Over time, talking about people we have never met and we are never likely to meet has become what we are crazy about. Thus, some people are more interested in the personal lives of the stars than in the lives of their own family and their own friends. That is why it is so ridiculous when a star wants to discuss only his or her work in an interview -as we care. We want the dirt on their personal lives.There is another reason we worship stars. As a whole, our society is not as religious as it once was. It seems that people need something to fulfill them the way religion once did. Star worship exists as an unfulfilling desire for true heroes.We make them stars, but then their reputation makes us feel unimportant, and we truly feel better about ourselves when they die. I am part of this whole process. No wonder I feel soiled at the end of workday.小题1:What are the stars like according to the author?A. They always treat others rudely.B. They always talk about something dull.C. They are acutually ordinary people.D. They are usually honest and polite,小题2:We worship stars because ______.A,& we need true mental heroes to support usB.& we can learn something useful from famous starsC.& we concern about the stars ,family and friendsD.& we like talking about the stars ,dressing styles小题3:When the author is writing this article ,his tone sounds& ______.A,& excited B. angry&&& C. worried& D. calm小题4:What is the main purpose of the author writing the passage?A. To show the disadvantages of working with stars.B. To remind us not to worship famous stars blindly.C. To laugh at the failures of stars he has interviewed.D. To talk about the reasons why we worship stars.
小题1:C小题2:A小题3:D小题4:B试题分析:文章介绍了作者在当娱乐记者时总是报道明星的真实生活和性情,却遭到了读者们的厌恶。作者分析了人们需要明星的原因有两个,一是媒体创造明星是为了满足人们的八卦需求,二是明星崇拜的存在是因为对真正英雄的空虚渴望,提醒人们不要盲目崇拜明星。小题1:细节题:根据第一段中“I was really disappointed to see that these people I had worshipped (崇拜)before were pretty ordinary”我真的很失望的看到那些以前我崇拜的人其实很普通。故选C。小题2:细节题:根据第三段最后一句“Star worship exists as an unfulfilling desire for true heroes.”明星崇拜的存在是因为对真正英雄的空虚渴望。故选A。小题3:推理题:阅读最后一段可知作者认为自己只是参与制造明星的一个部分,由此可知此时作者是相当冷静的分析了自己与明星的关系了。故选D。小题4:推理题:阅读全文可知明星是被制造出来的,他们也和普通人一样和缺点,我们不要盲目崇拜明星。故选B。
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“People think what I do is so wonderful because I interview s..”主要考查你对&&日常生活类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
日常生活这一话题主要涉及人们衣食住行等方面的活动。这一话题的选材主要针对人们日常的工作,生活以及学习情况。做这一类题时,最主要的是要把握好人物的活动内容,时间和地点。 日常生活类阅读题答题技巧:
【题型说明】该类文章内容涉及到人们的言谈举止、生活习惯、饮食起居、服饰仪表、恋爱婚姻、消遣娱乐、节日起源、家庭生活等。文章篇幅短小,追根溯源,探索各项风俗的历史渊源,内容有趣。命题也以送分题为主,如事实细节题、语义转换题、词义猜测题和简单推理判断题等。虽然这类文章读起来感觉轻松,试题做起来比较顺手,但绝不能掉以轻心。因为稍不留神,就会丢分。   【备考提醒】为了保证较高准确率,建议同学们做好以下几点:   1、保持正常的考试心态。笔者在教学中发现,越是容易的试题,同学们越是容易失分。为什么呢?因为在这种情况下,同学们极易产生麻痹思想,认为题目好做,就不引起高度重视,于是思维不发散、不周密。而命题人就是利用同学们的这一弱点,设计陷阱题。所以,无论试题难易与否,我们都要保持正常的考试心态。试题容易,不欣喜;试题难,不悲观。   2、根据前面讲到的方法,认认真真、细细心心做好事实细节题。   3、做好语义转换题。这类题是根据英语中一词多义和某些词语在文中能表达一定的修辞意义的原则而设计的。要求同学们解释某生词的含义,确定多义词或短语在文中的意思,确认文中的某个代词所指代的对象,或者对英语中特有的表达、格言、谚语进行解释。这种题要求同学们一定要根据上下文猜测词义或理解句子,切不可望文生义。   4、做好简单推理判断题。简单推理判断题要以表面文字为前提,以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断。这种推理方式比较直接,只要弄清事实,即可结合常识推断出合理的结论。
与“People think what I do is so wonderful because I interview s..”考查相似的试题有:
453032386217201653241141370857365043Think back to a time in your life when you tried something new.When I was a teenager I volunteered to pass out water at a local race. I was so excited to see all the different runners who passed by and quickly took a cup of water. Some ran past,some walked past and a few wheeled past.I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I could do it too! The next year I decided to run for the race,but I had little running practice. I just wanted to finish.On the day of the race,it was terribly hot. After running for about 5 miles,I was thinking,“I must be crazy. Why did I do this? What was I thinking?” And at one moment,I said to myself,“I am never doing this again!”That first 10 km race was quite an experience. I jogged (慢跑),I walked,I jogged and walked. At times,I didn’t know if I could finish.Near the end,a 70&year&old man ran past me,very fast,and I felt a little embarrassed (尴尬的) that I was more than 50 years younger than he and I couldn’t even keep up with him. But then I realized something. He was running his race and I was running mine. How often in life do we compare(比较) ourselves to others when we really shouldn’t? I decided that I would not give up on running races,and that one day I would be one of those 70&year&olds who were still running.As I crossed the finishing line,I was proud of myself. I didn’t regret (后悔) having such an experience.【小题1】What did the writer do at a local race as a volunteer?A.He helped old runners.B.He cheered up the runners.C.He passed out water to the runners.D.He took back the cups from the runners.【小题2】Why did the writer join the race?A.He just wanted to experience.B.He was crazy about running.C.He had practiced running very hard.D.He wanted very much to win a prize.【小题3】How did the writer’s feeling change after running about 5 miles?①He regretted.②He encouraged himself.③He felt a little embarrassed.A.①—②—③B.②—①—③C.①—③—②D.②—③—①【小题4】 What is the best title (标题) of the passage?A.To be No.1.B.Let’s compare.C.A volunteering job.D.Running your own race. - 跟谁学
跟谁学学生版:genshuixue_student精品好课等你领在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:Think back to a time in your life when you tried something new.When I was a teenager I volunteered to pass out water at a local race. I was so excited to see all the different runners who passed by and quickly took a cup of water. Some ran past,some walked past and a few wheeled past.I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I could do it too! The next year I decided to run for the race,but I had little running practice. I just wanted to finish.On the day of the race,it was terribly hot. After running for about 5 miles,I was thinking,“I must be crazy. Why did I do this? What was I thinking?” And at one moment,I said to myself,“I am never doing this again!”That first 10 km race was quite an experience. I jogged (慢跑),I walked,I jogged and walked. At times,I didn’t know if I could finish.Near the end,a 70&year&old man ran past me,very fast,and I felt a little embarrassed (尴尬的) that I was more than 50 years younger than he and I couldn’t even keep up with him. But then I realized something. He was running his race and I was running mine. How often in life do we compare(比较) ourselves to others when we really shouldn’t? I decided that I would not give up on running races,and that one day I would be one of those 70&year&olds who were still running.As I crossed the finishing line,I was proud of myself. I didn’t regret (后悔) having such an experience.【小题1】What did the writer do at a local race as a volunteer?A.He helped old runners.B.He cheered up the runners.C.He passed out water to the runners.D.He took back the cups from the runners.【小题2】Why did the writer join the race?A.He just wanted to experience.B.He was crazy about running.C.He had practiced running very hard.D.He wanted very much to win a prize.【小题3】How did the writer’s feeling change after running about 5 miles?①He regretted.②He encouraged himself.③He felt a little embarrassed.A.①—②—③B.②—①—③C.①—③—②D.②—③—①【小题4】 What is the best title (标题) of the passage?A.To be No.1.B.Let’s compare.C.A volunteering job.D.Running your own race.Think back to a time in your life when you tried something new.When I was a teenager I volunteered to pass out water at a local race. I was so excited to see all the different runners who passed by and quickly took a cup of water. Some ran past,some walked past and a few wheeled past.I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I could do it too! The next year I decided to run for the race,but I had little running practice. I just wanted to finish.On the day of the race,it was terribly hot. After running for about 5 miles,I was thinking,“I must be crazy. Why did I do this? What was I thinking?” And at one moment,I said to myself,“I am never doing this again!”That first 10 km race was quite an experience. I jogged (慢跑),I walked,I jogged and walked. At times,I didn’t know if I could finish.Near the end,a 70&year&old man ran past me,very fast,and I felt a little embarrassed (尴尬的) that I was more than 50 years younger than he and I couldn’t even keep up with him. But then I realized something. He was running his race and I was running mine. How often in life do we compare(比较) ourselves to others when we really shouldn’t? I decided that I would not give up on running races,and that one day I would be one of those 70&year&olds who were still running.As I crossed the finishing line,I was proud of myself. I didn’t regret (后悔) having such an experience.【小题1】What did the writer do at a local race as a volunteer?A.He helped old runners.B.He cheered up the runners.C.He passed out water to the runners.D.He took back the cups from the runners.【小题2】Why did the writer join the race?A.He just wanted to experience.B.He was crazy about running.C.He had practiced running very hard.D.He wanted very much to win a prize.【小题3】How did the writer’s feeling change after running about 5 miles?①He regretted.②He encouraged himself.③He felt a little embarrassed.A.①—②—③B.②—①—③C.①—③—②D.②—③—①【小题4】 What is the best title (标题) of the passage?A.To be No.1.B.Let’s compare.C.A volunteering job.D.Running your own race.科目:难易度:教材: 初中英语综合库最佳答案【小题1】C【小题2】A【小题3】C【小题4】D解析【小题1】C&从文章“When I was a teenager I volunteered to pass out water at a local race.”可看出答案。【小题2】A 从文章“I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I could do it too! The next year I decided to run for the race,”可看出他想体验一下。【小题3】C 从文章倒二和倒三段的叙述可看出顺序【小题4】D 从后两段作者的感悟可选出答案知识点:&&&&&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
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我愿意 I Do的片尾曲《sirsa shekim - i do》 歌词哦收藏
It's a funny little world before meI'm here, two of you adore meI wanna do what's best for me, for youThey say love is complicatedFor me, it's so understatedI got a beat in my heart for the two of youWhat do I doI do, I do, I do, I doI do, I do, I do, I doI do, I do, I do, I doCome here, come here nowIt's be sure you're both not mistakenI'm not a girl easily takenI got a voice of my own and a strong will tooYes, I doIf on my own, and all aloneI'll be all rightI'll be just fineI want a man who let me shine over him tooIsn't it youI do, I do, I do, I doI do, I do, I do, I doI do, I do, I do, I doCome here, come here nowIt's a funny little world before meI'm here, two of you adore meI wanna do what's best for me, for youThey say love is complicatedFor me, it's so understatedI got a beat in my heart for the two of youWhat do I doI do, I do, I do, I doI do, I do, I do, I doI do, I do, I do, I doCome here, come here nowIf on my own, and all aloneI'll be all rightI'll be just fineIf on my own, and all aloneI'll be all rightI'll be just fineIf on my own, and all aloneI'll be all rightI'll be just fineIf on my own, and all aloneI'll be all rightI'll be just fineI do, I do, I do, I doI do, I do, I do, I doI do, I do, I do, I doI do, I do, I do, I doI do, I do, I do, I doI doI do, I do, I do, I doI do, I do, I do, I doCome here, come here nowI do, I do, I do, I do
It's always been about me, myself, and I 曾经
我是个单身主义者I thought relationships were nothing but a waste of time 爱情只会浪费我的时间I never wanted to be anybody's other half 我从没想过要成为别人的另一半I was happy saying I had a love that wouldn't last 爱上我 不会有结果That was the only way I knew 'til I met you 这就是我
直到我遇见了你You make we wanna say 我想告诉你I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 我真的
我真的愿意Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 我真得
因为你Cause every time before it's been like这要是在以前 Maybe yes and maybe no我就爱理不理 I can't live without it, I can't let it go 可现在我放不下你
我真的放不下 Ooh what did I get myself into? 唉 我到底是着魔了还是怎么?You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do 我想告诉你
我真的真的Tell me is it only me 告诉我Do you feel the same? 你只对我有过这种感觉You know me well enough to know that I'm not playing games 你会了解
我没和你开玩笑I promise I won't turn around and I won't let you down 我绝不会离你而去
我不会抛弃你You can trust I've never felt it like I feel it now我真的不会再有这种感觉了 Baby there's nothing, there's nothing we can't get through 只要我们在一起
有啥大不了的?So can we say I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 我真的
真的真的 不是假的Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 我真的
真的真的 不是假的Cause every time before it's been like 这要是在以前Maybe yes and maybe no 我就爱理不理I won't live without it, I won't let it go 可现在我放不下你
我真的放不下What more can I get myself into? 唉 我到底是着魔了还是怎么?You make we wanna say 我想告诉你
我真的真的Me, a family, a house, a family Ooh, can we be a family? 我们在一起
有个温馨的家And when I'm eighty years old I'm sitting next to you 直到 我们都老了
坐在你身边And we'll remember when we said 那时我们都还记得I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do do 我真的
我真的愿意Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do do 我真得
因为你Cause every time before it's been like 这要是在以前Maybe yes and maybe no 我就爱理不理I won't live without it, I won't let us go 可现在我放不下你
放不下我们的爱Just look at what we got ourselves into 我们 唉 无药可救啦!You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, 我想告诉你
我真的真的Love you只爱你
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或iLove ... ... Marathon vs PSH | “ I always feel you are not only standing behind of me, we are holding our hands together and you are always stand beside me. It is because you are holding my hands to give me courage to facing difficult moments. Please remember never let go of my hand no matter what happen. I am really happy today. It is because you love me, and I love all of you. We are loving each other. It is the reason for I can always be happy. I feel really blessing today. How about you? Do you also feel blessing today? 我一直覺得你們不止在我後面,你們一直在我的身邊,手牽著手。但當我遇到有點困難有點辛苦的時候,因為有你們握著我的手,我才有勇氣走不去。你們要記著永遠都不要放開我的手,一直走下去。剛才我說過我很開心,我所以會開心,是因為你們愛我,我愛你們,我們是一直相愛,這是我可以永遠擁有開心的心情吧!我今天覺得很幸福,你們覺得幸福嗎?”
Park Shin Hye@ 16 Aug 2015 Taiwan FM
– – HongKong – Taipei – ShenZhen -ChengDu
– Korean
( the content of Eng ver not identical with Chi ver )
If you ask me to rank, I will rank this FM is the second the best after Tokyo White Day party in Mar among all 9 FM I have ever attended since last year ^_^
I did mention in my Tokyo FM FA to state that kind of closeness Shin Hye with us ( fans ) is something can only happen in JP ( I think can also happen in KR even Shin Hye seems never hold similar FM in her hometown ). But even Shin Hye only stayed at stage in Shanghai FM, but we can feel another kind of closeness among Shin Hye & fans regardless the physical distance.
MC brother & the translator have done a great job for the FM. And I am pretty sure Shin Hye understand many simple Chi words now. With the good MC & translator’s help, she can more easy to understand China fans’ response ( from Chi to KR ) & can gave more direct / faster response to echo with each other. It played a crucial part in a FM when we ( fans & Shin Hye ) comes from different language & culture background ^_^ It is part of the reasons when you watched back those fan cam videos, you will easy to find she was keeping big laugh & big laugh in FM. In some parts, my feeling was she total forgot she was on her public appearance with fans, and that kind of happiness was just like she enjoyed her own private party with friends.
Continue to talk more on the funniest moment in FM. Another reason was cos many response from China fans were really straight forward, honest & with all their true hearts. They will shouted loudly to tell Shin Hye ” because you are always pretty ” when MC brother asked Shin Hye why she still can so pretty during crying scenes to ” We don’t want you played as a lover with KYK cos you belongs to us ” . The best part was actually coming from Shin Hye & fans not totally agree with each other! China fans will shouted out clearly with the message ” No ” to Shin Hye & Shin Hye also answered with full of her quick response & in a humor way ^_^ At the end, big laugh is the only thing left in the conversation.
During FM, China fans asked Shin Hye update more on Weibo. Shin Hye’s first reply was a little bit tricky actually. She didn’t admit it & just asking fans ” you don’t think I have more update lately ? ” Sure all China fans shouted loudly ” No “. Then she smiled as her usual charming way & continued making joke with fans to say , ” Oh, you don’t think it will lack of mysterious if I updated more “. Well, here is our Shin Hye. After FM, she started to sync her IG post to Twitter & Weibo at the same time. She heard her fans’ voice ^_^
I always enjoy Shin Hye singing in live. Her live performance was full of emotion but not flawless. Every time when she stopped for a moment during her singing, no matter the reason what, sometime it was because of fans’ screaming response, and sometime it seems like she just stopped by herself, she will have that kind of sweet & a little bit shy smiles. It is a kind of signature smiles for me ^_^ In Shanghai FM, she had that kind of smiles again when singing
She seems couldn’t believe she will sing wrong in chorus part & keeping to smiles in that look for awhile. Well, after the song, she actually talked about it by herself when no one asking her ,” Oh, I just didn’t really aware that I was singing wrong ” &_&
Here is our humble & sweet Shin Hye as usual ^_^
In every FM, fans always expect some surprise. Sometime, surprise was coming from the scheduled rundown. Last year ( 2014 ), the biggest surprise should be Shin Hye was wearing Jeguk High School uniform to bring Cha Eun Sang on stage! Surprise can also bring from fans to the artists themselves. In 2014 tour, the last FM was in Bangkok ( Thai FM ), Thai fans prepared a
to Shin Hye and MC was asking Shin Hye come down the stage to watch the video ( she actually can just watch the video on stage ). After she watched the video and back to stage facing us again, in the dark, she saw all fans holding a banner with shinning words ” You’re the best dear to me “.
She was so touched and she couldn’t stop crying while giving her long .
If you are a fan of her, you should know she is a person easy been touched and cries. But she is also a person easy to laugh. I never seen her laughs and cries so much in a FM like Shanghai one ( SH FM is my 9th FM since 2014) ^_^ It was a FM which full of surprises for her.
from Pinocchio buddies has recalled her some complex emotion of the lost and loneliness after Pinocchio. She started to cries. After she was sharing how she felt from 3 Pinocchio buddies’ warm greeting message, then the biggest surprise of that night happened.
“ , Shin Hye said it with her full of surprise & excited expression. She was so touched and excited to keep crying, laughing and jumping around the stage, and all fans was also so excited to screaming as loud as they can to welcome SeoBeomJo / KimYoungKwang joining us for that night! ^_^
KYK x Shin Hye part was full of joy. Shin Hye and fans had many funny and naughty conversation in this part. I don’t think such kind of surprise or emotion can duplicate or repeat in later FM this year. It will only be make sense after everybody still in a kind of post-Pinocchio symptoms and mood. &_&
is the name of the video which PSH_BaiduBar prepared to playing in the FM as the last surprise to Shin Hye. I don’t really know how these young people ( the hard core PSH BaiduBar admin are really young, even much younger than Shin Hye ) can produce a video in such direct, clear and full of emotion images & messages.
My Dear KR versions and other two Chinese songs “ 夜空中最亮的星 ( The brightest star in the darkness sky ) “ & “ 漂洋過海來看你 ( To see you, I come across the oceans )) “ has been chosen as background music for the video. If you read 3 songs name in once then you will get the core message of the video: “ My Dear, the brightest star in the darkness sky, to see you, I come across the oceans. “
If you know and understand Chinese, you will have more feeling on “ To see you, I come across the oceans “ ( 漂洋過海來看你 ) this sentence of lyric. Obviously Shin Hye seems can total emotionally connected with this lyric from the video: “ I spend all my half year saving to come across the oceans to see you! “ Even she was backing us while watching the video but all of us still can see and feel that she was so touched and was trying so hard to .
I will quote part of the content from the video and part of as the last part of my FA Eng ver ^_^:
You always will be the brightest star in the eyes of StarLight Angels
The best thing we can imagine is to stay with you to becoming old
Even we don’t know each other’s language and culture
But we still hope we can near you more
Even we only see you quietly
You are our angel
We are your guardians
Please remember living in a good way, Park Shin Hye
Come to visit us often
Can you meet us once per year?
“ Today, I had enjoyed such a happiest and fortunate time
It reminds me that I was so silly for the feeling down and unhappy in pervious period of time
I can acting like it and won’t falling down, and keep going ahead bravely
我可以像這樣子演戲 然後不會跌倒 一直勇往直前走下去
It is all because of your love and caring
It let me can keep going ahead bravely
I will believe all of you. Keep going ahead bravely
Thank You very much
I love you
“by Park Shin Hye
& I wrote my FM blogging after each FM. Sometime I can finish the blogging really fast. Sometime it takes me certain period of time to finish all writing. Sometime I only wrote in one language ( most of time I was writing in Eng ). Sometime I will write both Chi & Eng ver ( content is different). And in each FM across Asia, I have made many new fanship. You have no idea how amazing it can be. &_&
In Shanghai FM, it was my first FM has connected with China PSH_BaiduBar. But I didn’t have much time to chit chat with them during the FM day. They were so busy from the afternoon I first met them outside the FM venue to see them to distribute many FM support gifts, to inside the FM concert hall still busy to take care many minor things, shooting photos & videos etc. But one thing really hit my mind was those faces I have met was really young ( One hard core admin is much younger than Shin Hye). After I back to HK, I have read one
to re-cap how they were trying to organise all FM related activity. I was so impressive. Later then, through my Chi Weibo FM blogging, I have connected with many China fans to re-cap many good memories for this FM.
I truly believe one day when those young people grow up, they will feel so blessed that in their young age, that kind of love & support they have ever made for their brightest star in the darkness sky. &
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Park Shin Hye-??? -パク·シネ-朴信惠 ( Photo credit: eiji0037 ) @16 Aug 2015 – Taiwan FM
Park Shin Hye-??? -パク·シネ-朴信惠 ( Photo credit: S.A.L.T. Ent ) @16 Aug 2015 – Taiwan FM
PSH Thank You Speech @13 Jun 2015 Hong Kong FM
" Today should be a happy day. I am sorry I’ve got a bad news to tell you. My grandfather will happy for me to spending time with a lot of fans today. He will proud of me to have meeting with so many fans. I am so happy to see many of you coming today. I hope we can have a formal Fan Meeting and see each other in a near distant next time. I am happy and thank you very much for sparing your precious time coming today. Thank You!
/ 在今天這樣開心的日子,剛才講了一個不是太好的消息,對不起。爺爺知道我跟這麼多 fans 一起都會很開心。爺爺會好自豪我可以跟這麼多 fans 一齊見面。今天很開心見到這麼多人來,希望下次有機會可以開一個正式的
Fan Meeting,跟大家再近距離見面。今天大家抽到這樣寶貴的時間來見面,我很開心,謝謝! " Park Shin Hye@ 13 Jun 2015 Hong Kong Fan Meeting
Park Shin Hye-??? -パク·シネ-朴信惠 ( Photo credit: HD_Gallery ) @13 Jun 2015 – Hong Kong
PSH Thank You Speech @28 Mar 2015 Shanghai FM
“ 這次今天一起相處的時間真的是非常愉快。今天我真的渡過了一段非常快樂又幸福的時間。這讓我覺得之前一陣子為什麼那麼沮喪和不開心好傻。今年已經是第三年啦 來跟大家見面,真的 我之前都未有想到會有今天的一天。我可以像這樣子演戲,然後不會跌倒 一直勇往直前走下去都是為因你們給我的愛和關心,讓我可以勇敢的走下去,我就相信你們 一直勇往直前走到底。真的很謝謝你們。我愛你們。/ Today, I had enjoyed such a happiest and fortunate time. It reminds me that I was so silly for the feeling down and unhappy in pervious period of time. I can acting like it and won’t falling down, and keep going ahead bravely. It is all because of your love and caring. It let me can keep going ahead bravely. I will believe all of you. Keep going ahead bravely. Thank You very much. I love you” Park Shin Hye @ 28 Mar 2015 Shanghai FM
Park Shin Hye-??? -パク·シネ-朴信惠 ( Photo credit: S.A.L.T. Ent ) @28 Mar 2015 – Shanghai FM
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Park Shin Hye-??? -パク·シネ-朴信惠
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” 你和阿嘆無論遇到任何困難,也不要把緊握的手放下來,即使遇上任何困難,都要像阿嘆常說的勇往直前。能遇上你,我覺得好幸福,也很謝謝你。有一日你和金嘆結婚,記住寄帖俾我 “
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I am so glad & be blessed can meet you and also thank you so much / And if one day you and Kim Tan is getting marry, please remember to send me an invitation! “
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