youdonot make me thinkunderstandme

To enter a woman's heart, only love and love is not enough, you have to understand her.
There's some things that people don't admit because they don't like the way it sounds.
I dont regret the things Ive done, I regret the things I didnt do when I had the chance. ~~~
Don't let people expect you to look forward to for too long, don't laugh at you for too long.
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.
All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.
Destroy our is not something we hate, and it is precisely what we love.
In a word, one thing, some people will disappear from your life.
The world is very very small, so we met often. The world is big, separate is hard to goodbye. ------
The last one, can not turn, do not turn, turn over the dirt will be lost in his eyes.
Time to us is not the opportunity, but a choice, if you dont understand, have more is wasted.~~~
However, when once you understand, all is already far.
We all grow into the beautiful person that we're supposed to be. Some earlier, some later.
The so-called eternal love, from flower to flower, from love to the white-haired confidante has been.------
Our eyes are in front, because the more important to look ahead than to look back.
Don't let his tears, you laugh and the world followed laugh. You cry, whole world only you crying.
Fear melts when you take action towards a goal you really want.
The worst feeling, is to doubt the previously believe firmly.
Never say goodbye when you still want to try, never give up when you still feel you can take it, never say you don't love that person anymore when you can't let go.
Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~~~
Coffee bitter and sweet, is not how mixing, but rath a pain, not to forget how, but rather have the courage to start again.
--------Three people happy thing: someone to love, something to do, something to look forward to.
Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
Commitment doesnt mean sticking to a person when you dont have any option, it means keeping a relation with someone even though you ve lots of options.
Learn to be yourself, and gracefully to let go of all does not belong to you. ------
Im a big fan of people being exactly who they are.~~~
There is always messy colors, so happy, warm light with dark.
Happiness is like the sunshine, maybe you can not touch it, but it's always beside you.
--------I am very happy today, because no what will make me unhappy.
Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress
Maybe one day you'll forget your past. If you do, let me know.
The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, your attention, your love, your concern.
--------If you are still single, don't worry. God is looking at you, said: "I want to have a special person for this girl."
Reach out for what you want, whether it's real, or just your fantasy. Dreams are real sometimes. All you have to do is just believe.
----Never frown,cause you don't know who is falling in love with your smile.
Some ignore you for the whole life even if they are with you from the
you will keep thinking about some people for the whole life after you have just thrown your eyes on them.
Never make permanent decisions on temporary feelings.~~~
--------Love is like now before the song. Before go people are still missing. You are a bad habit.
If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything.
Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.
When you stop, do not forget to forget others are still running behind, when you give up, do not forget the others in front of you, only one step.
Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and theres so much to smile about.~~~
Giving up doesn't mean you're weak, sometimes it means you're strong enough to let go. ~~~
I am responsible for what I say, but I am not responsible for what you understand. ?
Life must be lived with love, happiness, and dreams.
The most ridiculous thing in the world, I know the truth, you are still lying, also said so real, so deep.------TA
People at night are emotional animal, will think of many things, but most are painful, this kind of mood control not to live, to touch on pain. --------
There is a kind of missing which can be called a light happiness. There is a kind of happiness which is the frequent concern. There is a kind of concern which is the distant appreciation.
Dont give up, just be you. Because lifes too short to be anybody else.
You are not clear, like a person are the fate, even if is doomed is the disaster, is also doomed.
Hiding in a given time, miss som hiding in a given location, miss a standing antecedents standing on the path, which makes me worry.
all in love with an important symbol is: any beauty met in regret, why you're not around.
It is my luckiest thing l have met in my life that being loved by you.
The mind is always the place of their own, which itself can make a heaven of hell, can also be a hell of heaven.--------
Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be.~~~
When you miss me, yo forgotten, you is so close to me.
When you want to give up you, since you can come here, you than you think to be strong.
Some things, you hide it in my heart, perhaps better, wait for a long time, becomes a story... ....
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the freedom to choose his attitude in any given set of circumstances.
When someone abandons, in fact, by the loss of each other: because he lost someone who truly loves his people, and you just do not like your nothing.
Some of it is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.
Make the person mature is not the time, but the experience. Subway tasted, Through the world, see light the world.
The encounter is a beautiful, met a favor, and knowing each other is a blessing.
Trouble is that memory is good, things should or should not keep in mind are all stay in memory.
It"s okay to be afraid of losing the person your eally care.But it"s not okay if the person doesn"t really care of losing you.
Many people like to do two things: leave a visible wounds, such as an invisible man
I dont always need advice. Sometimes all I need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand.
Life, is a grand meet. If you understand, please cherish this precious met. ~~~
True happiness, not ecstasy, nor pain, it is long, blue sea without waves.
The simple life is reconcile oneself to one's situation, what enjoy what. Smile to accept all.
The road of life, whether through many ups and downs, know the day, will have flowers, butterfly, the sun.------
--------I am not perfect, I make mistakes, but also harm others. But when I say sorry, I mean.
Don't forget the things u once u owned. Treasure the things u can't get. Don't give up the things that belong to u and keep those lost things in memory. ~~~
Life, the best, perhaps is not necessarily the most suitable for us, the most appropriate, is really the best. ------
The vow is simple. finding someone worthy, of such a promise is the hard part.But if we can, thats when we begin to live, happily ever after.
--------There are some things we must give up, have the energy to meet the more Wonderfull Life.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
Love is when you find someone better, yet you stay with the same person you promised to spend forever with.
Trust is a knife, you give it to others, he will have two choices, poke you or love you and protect you.
The person who might love many times, only one person can make me laugh the most beautiful cry the most painful!~~~,,,!
Yours, it will be always yours. The more you hold it, it will be easier to lose. After having tried and cherished all, there will be no regrets. Anything else can be given to the fate.
Those who steal time, urge the old we face, but the abundance of our life.
Life, happy to share the joy, share the pain, the pain halved.------
Good relationships don't just happen. They take time, patience and two people who truly want to be together
The one who really love you not say many words of love you, but it will do a lot of things you love.------
No matter how the result is, at least try. ~~~
--------If a woman to meet a good man, do not need to grow up. Women become more mature and strong, because they did not meet a good man.
--------Sometimes, shut up, put down the proud, admit they are wrong, not defeat, but growth.
Pain is a part of growth. ~~~
The worry is 12 words: do not put, take things too hard, can't see, can't forget.12
With the most true to myself, to meet the most appropriate.
the busy to see as much as possible, let the heart return to freedom. And we should be happy, because, life is only once.
You are never alone. Because, there must be a person in this world, go to you in an effort to.
Sometimes, love is like the wind, can not see, only the heart to feel!------
In some way, to where is not important, the important thing is that you'll see what kind of scenery on the way
insisted should adhere to, give up should give up, cherish now have, don't regret it has decided to.
It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone,an hour to like someone,and a day to love someone- but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. ,,,,
Sometimes it's not the person you miss, it's the feeling and moments you had when you were with them.
Life is what you see in the world, you have what kind of the heart.
Dont make the choice if you dislike, once you make the decision, please hold on.~~~
Be the actor of your own life, not a spectator of others'lives.
When I miss you, I re-read our old conversations, and smile like an idiot.
I have passed your heart, not I don't want to stay, but you would not shelter. ~~~
A guy will make you think he loves you, but he really doesn't. A girl will make you think she doesn't love you, when she really does.
--------Time will tell you, the ordinary company, the more long.
A person who has a free, two people have two person's sweet.,
Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.
May the New Year be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you Best wishes
Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.
I want someone who's afraid of losing me.~~~
Happy New Year's Eve. Happy Spring festival to you and your family! !
I wait for you, he will be really to wait, do not want to wait for you, always turned to hold someone's hand.
Hope that you would have what you want in the year of the horse.
--------Just because we don't talk, don't say I didn't think of you. Try to avoid you, because I know I can't have you.
Happiness is a butterfly, which ,when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.
I am ordinary yet unique.
-------Not to see how much a person, but a pers not to see a person is good, but see him right for you. Find a good to you, what is most important.
--------We used to talk everyday, now it's like we don't know.
No one indebted for others, while many people dont know how to cherish others. ~~~
You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don't kvetch for it if it doesn't appear in your life.
TA的推荐TA的最新馆藏[转]&[转]&[转]&[转]&[转]&[转]&[转]&[转]&Let’s play devil’s advocate here for a bit.
Admittedly, that can be hard (and let’s be grateful that it IS hard to understand those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder). Yet, for us HSPs, it’s essential to stop assuming that narcissists are “just like us”. It’s essential to stop assuming that we want the same things or that we go about getting those things in the same way. When we forget that narcissists are significantly different, then we get hurt.
So here’s my “what if they’re actually thinking THIS?” list to get you started. I’m not claiming that this is “The Truth”. I do think it’s close enough to the truth to help you to start imagining any narcissist in your life as being significantly different.
When it comes to handling narcissists, we have to start by rewriting the “how we think they work” stuff in our own head.
In dealing with a narcissist, it’s easy for us HSPs to slip into the “nobody would do that / think that / want that etc.” mode, which effectively throws up a smokescreen that keeps us from seeing what is -or is likely- going on. So let’s explore some shocking possibilities, and note where you feel a tug of “that makes more sense than I’d like to admit about X”…
Devil’s advocate, right. How do you become a narcissist?
So, just in case you wanted to ditch the whole HSP/empath approach for a bit (yep, let’s pretend you can!). Or if you wanted to try out the “if you can’t beat them, join them approach”(ever notice how hard it is to either please or “beat” a narcissist?)… Here’s what you’d need to do.
1. Convince yourself that the world sucks
This is very important. You want to get to the point where you believe with all your little black heart (pretend you have one for starters) that there is nothing really intrinsically worthwhile and that anyone who tells you differently is just a smug and self-delusional liar.
2. Take what you want
That’s right. The world sucks remember, so noone is going to give you what you want. So, you have to take it. If you’re smart, you’ll recognize that, since nothing is intrinsically worthwhile, nothing is really worth having, so your best bet is to ruin other people’s enjoyment of what they have. Hey, they’re delusional about anything having “value”anyway, so you’re actually doing them a favour!
3. Nobody is your friend
You are not a friend, you don’t have friends and real friends don’t exist. That’s just the way things are, get over it.
4. There is no such thing as a win-win
There’s just one winner and many losers. Make sure you’re the winner. If that can’t be done, your best bet is to convince the others that they’re losers. This is easier than it seems. Most people have some insecurities and shame: play it, exploit it, rub salt into those wounds.
5. Give up on love
It’s a four letter word, that’s all you need to know about it.
6. Aim for praise, admiration and envy
You want to be praised, admired and envied.
7. Anyone who has something that you don’t have doesn’t deserve it
Remember that.
8. Lie to yourself
You’re lying to everyone else already, so why not lie to yourself too. It makes life a lot easier.
9. Never question your own (faulty) logic
You believe it, so it’s true.
10. Your stuff is always biggest
No matter how great someone else’s success, it’s always irrelevant compared to yours. No matter how great someone else’s problems, yours are always bigger.
11. You only sympathize or congratulate to a) to get attention and b) introduce your own BIGGER story
Other people’s stories are a great way to gauge what to say in order to get all the attention. (It’s not about getting a particular kind of attention. It’s about controlling your audience. You are centre stage, no matter what).
12. Put on some frosting
People are not completely stupid (where would be the fun in that anyway?) So you’ll have to lure them and dazzle them with some convincing bling. Remember, your bling is just like Santa Claus, it doesn’t exist, but people so desperately want to believe in it that they won’t recognize a fake beard when they see one.
13. If you can’t have it, hate it
Clear, yes?
14. If someone tries to please you, make sure you’re never satisfied so that they’ll keep pleasing
Remember, life sucks and you have nothing to offer others in the form of genuine care. So, you better keep dangling the carrot and hope nobody discovers that it’s made of plastic.
15. If someone gives you an inch, walk all over them
You know the drill. Get your foot between the door!
16. Pretend you don’t know what you’re doing
Remember: wolf in sheep’s clothing.
17. Never mind self-doubt
If you master all the above to the point of even being narcissistically honest with yourself, you might admit that there is such a thing as “virtue” and that you don’t have it. But, no worries, apart from the fact that definitions are always philosophically debatable, I’ve got the remedy right here: when you meet anyone with virtue (or who is happy – horror of all horrors) just pile a whole load of crap on them. It doesn’t matter what it is. Recite the whole bad news list of the week if you have to. As long as you can make them feel bad, you’ve succeeded in dampening their smug little whatever. Just remember one word: negative.
17. Find an HSP or Empath to “team” up with
They want to help. Suckers. So, exploit that. Hey, you’re doing them a service, waking them up to the harsh realities of life. Meanwhile, be sure to exploit their social intel as well. Sensitive people have great insight into others, use that info for your own benefit.
18 OK, now this point is kind of complicated
Even though everyone else is stupid, you might still feel inexplicably insecure and scared at times. And OK, so maybe you’re not that fantastic in every possible single way at all times. Obviously this feeling sucks. To make it go away: Destroy the things that bring out the insecurities. It’s those things that are the real culprit. It’s not you, OK? There is nothing wrong with you. It’s just the twisted bragging of others that confuses your emotions to think that you are “less than”. But you’re not. You just need to stay on top of the game by squashing the opposition is all.
19 Keep things simple
Granted, life can be confusing and you may almost lose your head at times. It’s easy though. Just remember: “I am right and others are wrong”.
20. Your mind exists to protect you and create evidence to make you right
Just stay focused on the truth: “I am right” and all confused thinking will automatically auto correct to state what others need to hear to see that you are right.
21 Don’t worry about who you are, just worry about getting what you want
Put this one on a post-it.
22 Give goodness your own little twist
Here’s a great way to “do good” and thus raise your perceived “virtue” and still get your narcissistic needs met. Offer to help others and, while doing so, either completely mess up (creating more work than there was from the outset) or use your offering to rub in the helplessness and inferiority of the other person. Get it? By helping, you get to show that you are better than them and you get to be virtuous too, because helping is by definition virtuous! Plus, you get to mess up big time and, if you get any complaints on that, you can then make people feel bad for their ingratitude (another bonus for you!). The drama that this creates is something you’ll be able to capitalize on for weeks (if not months!)
23. Happy people suck
You know that, they don’t. Do whatever it takes to make them understand and take their joy down a few notches until it’s bearable.
24. It’s all about power
You praise someone if this is to your advantage. There is no need for consistency. Switch allegiance mid-sentence if that will put you on the winner’s team.
Troubleshooting: What if you’re having a disagreement with someone but it turns out you can’t win? How do you change tactics without losing face? It’s simple: simply pretend you agreed with the other from the start. Just rewrite the whole conversation in your head (it’s called Artful Amnesia) and, if any questions are asked, just say there’s been a misunderstanding.
25. Throw lots of pity parties
A great way to get attention from others is to do the “poor you act”. Poor you: nobody understands you, nobody appreciates you, nobody likes you…don’t just think these things (thinking it doesn’t distinguish you from non-narcissists!) Go on about it, endlessly! The word is “recycle”. Recycle all your hurts. By retelling them again and again, you also make sure that you won’t forget them. Over time, you’ll have an endless repertoire of poor you stories. There will lots of natural transitions between one story and another. In the midst of one story you’ll be reminded of an even worse (read: better) one. This way, you could talk for hours! Ahhh, bliss!
26.What about the unimaginable?
Every now and again you might come across someone who seems unusually caring. Deep down you know it’s just a fa?ade but you find yourself affected anyway. Here’s what you do: challenge them and criticize them. Just keep at it and, at some point, they will show their true uncaring face and not want anything to do with you. Then you can relax because you knew you were right about them all along.
27. Attack is your best defense – and at one point or another everyone is out to get you
Don’t hesitate to attack others, you’re just one step ahead of their game is all.
28. Say whatever you need to in order to meet your current goal/need
Argumentative coherence just gets in the way of getting your needs met. Just be in the moment and strategically respond to what is happening in the moment, without any concern for what you may or may not have said before.
29. Repeat the narcissist mantra: “my life is unusually difficult and painful, entitling me to take out my frustrations on others without reserve or limitation”
At least 20 times a day.
30. If people are not 100% with you, then they are against you
“In between” and “shades of grey” is for wimps and liars.
31. You crave attention
Here’s a way to get more: make yourself unpredictable. Make yourself into an unhappy enigma. Others will spend oodles of time and energy trying to figure out what you want. This will make you the centre of their universe.
32. As with anything worth being, you can’t just relate to a few points and proclaim yourself a narcissist
You gotta practice all of it. Sure, give it your own spin: no slacking though! Make your fellow narcissists proud.
33. Are you now (rightly) convinced that narcissism is a fantastic and superior way of being?
Well, too bad because you probably can’t pull it off properly anyway. (Exit: the narcissist.)
ED: Btw I think it should be called arsecissism. Note: When I am referring to narcissism I am referring to the full-blown extreme of anti-social (yet often outwardly charming) self-obsession that pretty much fools every HSP at (hopefully only) one point. For your own mental health, it’s probably better to overestimate it rather than underestimate it. If you’re caught in “it couldn’t possibly be that bad”
thinking, then make an effort to emphasize the bad stuff. Really put a spotlight on it until the reality of the situation starts to sink in. Narcissists tend to have a way of
“looking good” and remaining an eternal mystery to those they are “close” to. The air of mystery functions as a fata morgana. AS an HSP, it’s easy to imagine things that exist in others, as if they exist in the narcissist.
Also note that the inner pain and frustration, upset with the world etc. are not what make narcissists narcissists.
What makes them narcissists is the assumption that they are entitled to structurally take their frustration out on others -and make the lives of others miserable- with no true regard for the well-being of anyone but themselves.
So, just because you can relate to the inner woundedness of a narcissist, doesn’t mean they are entitled to your active support and compassion. There are many people who have hurt and disappointment that needs healing, yet not all of those people take it out on others. As an HSP, you know this. When you allow yourself to remember, you’ll come up with oodles of people who, despite their inner pain, care for and truly support other people. Don’t buy into the myth that narcissists are more of a victim in this way than anyone else. They have free will just like any and all of us, and they have the ability to choose how they direct that free will.
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