MMD求个mmd workingfloor用法 floor======11 9 30 53 91 4@q q . c o m

我的脚上长了一个疙瘩,用了鸡眼贴,没什么效果,现在出现了泛白的情 _ 水晶头之家,专注水晶头
鸡眼系足部皮肤局部长期受压和摩擦引起的局限性、圆锥状角质增生。俗称“肉刺”。长久站立和行走的人较易发生,摩擦和压迫是主要诱因。 治疗方法 1、物理治疗 电烙,二氧化碳激光烧灼,接触X线照射。 2、手术切除。 3、外用专门的中要要膏 天健脚垫净
一般的鸡眼贴都可以,去药店询问,鸡眼贴的作用机制都差不多,是靠其腐蚀性,把鸡眼表面的皮肤连同下面的鸡眼一同腐蚀。时间不一定,当你看到它泛白,可以撕去那层厚皮之后(前提是不痛,无血) ,基本就好了
本文网址:/view-.htmlMMD求个working floor======11 9 30 53 91 4@q q . c o m _ 玻璃蛙
MMD求个working floor======11 9 30 53 91 4@q q . c o m
Mr. Johnson had a factory. He once 1 on TV that animals could be taught to 2 some work for people if they were given 3 to eat. He loved the idea. He thought it would be 4 to have a dog look after his 5 and an elephant do some heavy jobs 6 his factory. He bought a dog 7 an elephant in the market and decided to teach them to do some work for him. Of course. he 8 bought a lot of food for them. Several months later,the dog and the elephant 9 fatter and fatter,but they 10 do any work for him. At last,Mr. Johnson had to give up.1. A. saw B. asked C. met2. A. make B. do C. 1et3. A. someone B. nothing C. something4. A. bad B. good C. 1ate5. A. house B. shirt C. eyes6. A. in B. above C. under7. A. but B. or C. and8. A. also B. never C. yet9. A. smelt B. sounded C. became10. A. mustn’t B. couldn’t C. shouldn’t
At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. Last year we went to an old people’s 1 and sang songs and performed a play for 2 . The old people were very 3 . We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. For example, we should 4 primary schools and help 5 young students. I want to be a teacher 6 I’m older so it would be a great experience for me. Other students would like to do other jobs. For example, my friend Tian Ge wants to 7 for a newspaper. She should be allowed to volunteer at the newspaper office once a week.1. A. home B. bank C. shop D. river2. A. us B. them C. him D. her3. A. great B. angry C. smart D. happy4. A. buy B. have C. visit D. build5. A. tell B. ask C. teach D. find6. A. how B. when C. where D. why7. A. write B. wait C. look D. pay
Shirley Yeats is certainly a very brave woman! At the age of sixty-seven, she 1 to take a trip round the coast(海岸) of Malaysia. Everything was fine 2 one day, as she was going back to her room on the 3 , she saw smoke coming out of another room. She 4 the captain from her room at once and told him about the fire. Then she went up on deck(甲板) to see 5 she could do to help. The fire spread(蔓延) very quickly and soon 6 was completely out of control. The captain decided to get all the passengers out as 7 as possible.1. A. stopped B. used C. had D. decided2. A. since B. after C. until D. before3. A. way B. ship C. land D. road4. A. phoned B. told C. asked D. ordered5. A. if B. how C. what D. where6. A. she B. he C. that D. it7. A. quickly B. much C. well D. usually
4Mrs Jackson is an old woman who has a small room __1__ and old house. She__2__ there since 1964. That was the year when her husband __3__. He had beenill __4__ many years. After his death Mrs Jackson had __5__ money at all. Shefound work in a factory. Her job was to clean the offices. She __6__ get upat 5 o'clock __7__ the morning. Last year she was ill her doctor said, &__8__work so hard.& Now Mrs Jackson sells newspapers __9__ a big shop in the middleof town. She __10__ doesn't have much money but she is happier now.1. A. in
D. of2. A. is living
D. has lived3. A. died
B. has died
D. was dead4. A. since
D. during5. A. none
D. not6. A. must
B. must to
D. has to7. A. of
D. in8. A. You haven't
C. Don't
D. Better no9. A. outside
B. without
C. in front
D. out of10. A. always
订紶斥咳俪纠筹穴船膜B. still
D. already
5I am 33 years old. I __1__ born in 1955 in a town in the west of England.I __2__ there all my life, but I usually __3__ my holidays in London. My town is not __4__ it was in 1960 or 1965. In those days we __5__ walk from one side to __6__ in about fifteen minutes. There __7__ two schools but __8__ big factories.Then in 1968 they built two factories and a lot of new people came to our town.__9__ factories are very big and I now have a job in one of __10__.1. A. am
D. were2. A. am living
B. have lived
D. live3. A. am spending
C. am passing
D. pass4. A. same as
B. same that
C. the same as
D. the same that5. A. can
C. was able to
D. were able6. A. another
B. the other
D. one other7. A. have been
B. has been
D. were8. A. no
B. not any
D. not9. A. All the
B. The all
C. Both the
D. The both10. A. they
6Have you ever had to stay in bed for a long time? __1__. About six months ago I __2__ very weak and so I went __3__ a doctor. He looked at me and asked a lot of questions: &Have you been working __4__?& &Have you __5__ anything special?& And so on. Finally he __6__ that it was not very serious but that I __7__ not to meet other people. I had to stay in bed for two weeks and takes some medicine __8__. It wasn't so bad because my friends came and talked to me __9__ the window. I'm glad my bedroom is on the __10__.1. A. I too have
B. So I have
D. I had2. A. felt
D. feel3. A. and see
C. for see
D. for to see4. A. too hard
B. too hardly
C. so hard
D. so hardly5. A. ate or drank
B. ate or drunk
C. eaten or drunk
D. eat or drank6. A. told
B. said me
C. told to me
D. told me7. A. ought
D. must8. A. all the days
B. every days
C. all day
D. every day9. A. through
D. across10. A. flat ground
B. ground flat
C. floor ground
D. ground floor
7Brickton is a little village __1__ from Manchester. When people __2__ to go to Manchester, they usually go __3__ train. It takes about __4__. A lot of people live in Brickton but __5__ jobs are in Manchester. In Manchester there are __6__cinemas than in Brickton. People there are not very __7__ cinemas but if they want to see films, they can often see __8__ on television. Brickton __9__ Manchester and so the people there __10__ use their cars so often.1. A. not far
B. not long
C. not near
D. not away2. A. went
D. wants3. A. by
D. with4. A. an half hour
B. half an hour
C. half hour
D. half a hour5. A. its
C. It's
D. the6. A. many
D. most7. A. interested on
B. interesting on
C. interested in
D. interesting in8. A. some old
C. old one
D. old ones9. A. more small that
B. more small than
C. smaller that
D. smaller than10. A. don't need to
B. aren't
C. don't must
D. mustn't
8Last summer I __1__ to London. I __2__ just a week in London. While I was staying there, I __3__ out __4__ interesting thing. Some Chinese who lived there__5__ to me, &Many English __6__ don't like to buy new television sets. They can __7__ some from shops. These shops __8__ full __9__ people, because they can use television sets __10__ home for only a little money.&1. A. have gone
B. had gone
D. gone2. A. took
D. spent3. A. founded
C. thought
D. looked4. A. a
D. no5. A. told
D. talked6. A. family
B. familys
C. families
D.familis7. A. borrow
D. return8. A. is
D. has9. A. of
D. for10. A. at
D. of9I have a brother who is __1__ me. We __2__. Yesterday was an important day__3__ friends. In the morning __4__ of us had a big exam at the technical(技术的) college and then __5__ there was a big meeting at the youth club at 9o'clock. (That's where we usually go when we want to __6__ ourselves) A rich woman had given us some money yesterday we __7__ decide what to do __8__. Many people wanted to buy something new for our club, but my brother and I wanted to give the money to another club that has hardly __9__. In the end we decided to give half to the poor club and __10__ half for ourselves.1. A. so old as
B. so old that
C. the same that
D. the same age as2. A. both are 16
B. are both 16
C. are 16 both
D. are 16 the both3. A. to us and our
B. for us and our
C. to us and ours
D. for us and ours4. A. most
D. few5. A. last night
B. last evening
C. yesterday night
D. yesterday afternoon6. A. enjoy
D. play with7. A. had to
D. would8. A. with it B. with them C. for it D. for them9. A. something
B. nothing
C. anything
D. everything10. A. a keep another
B. keep the other
C. hold another
D. keep the10Mr white has a small shop in the middle of our __1__, and he sells pictures in it. They are not __2__ ones, but some of them are quite nice. Last Saturday a woman came into the shop and looked at a lot pictures. Then she __3__ Mr white to one of them and said, &How __4__ do you want for this one?& It was a picture of horses in a field.Mr white looked at it for __5__ seconds and then went and brought his book. He opened it, looked at the first __6__ and then said, &I want twenty pounds for that one.&The woman closed her __7__ for a moment and then said, &I can give you two pounds for it.&&Two pounds?& Mr white said __8__&, Two pounds? But the canvas(画布)costs __9__two pounds.&&Oh, but it was __10__ then,& the woman said.1. A. road
D. town2. A. expensive
D. true3. A. brought
D. wanted4. A. money
D. number5. A. few
D. a little6. A. copy
C. sentence
D. word7. A. pocket
D. eyes8. A. happily
B. angrily
C. friendly
D. quietly9. A. fewer than
B. less than
C. more than
D. more or less10. A. white
D. beautiful11Mr and Mrs Brown very seldom go out __1__ the evening. But last Saturday, Mrs Brown said __2__ her husband, &There is a good film at the cinema tonight. Can we go and see it ?&Mr Brown was quite happy about it, so they went and __3__ of them liked the film.They came out of the cinema at about 11 o'clock, got into their car and began driving home. It was __4__ dark. Then Mrs Brown said, &Look, Mike. A woman is running very fast along the road, and a man is running after her, can you see them?&Mr Brown said, &Yes, I can.& He drove the car slowly near thewoman and said to her, &Can I help you?&&No, thank you.& the woman said, but she didn't stop __5__. &My husband and I always run home after the cinema, and the last one __6__ the dishes)at home.1. A. in
D. of2. A. \
D. for3. A. all
D. any4. A. quick
C. quickly
D. quite5. A. running
D. run6. A. wash
D. washed12Mr and Mrs Smith were singers, and they travelled to a lot of countries. When they went by plane, people checked them and their things, of course, __1__ they did not want them to take guns on to the plane with them.One day Mr Smith came to __2__ the plane, and the men searched __3__ and his things. When he was ready __4__ on the plane, Mrs Smith arrived. She was late __5__ in a hurry, but the people searched her and her bag __6__ Mr Smith heard her __7__ and say to the men happily, &Oh, that's very good! I've __8__ those scissors(剪子) here and there __9__ several days, and now you __10__ them for me! Thank you very much!&1. A. before
B. because
D. when2. A. take
D. have3. A. himself
D. him4. A. got
B. getting
D. to getting5. A. yet
D. and6. A. certain
B. carefully
C. angrily
D. terribly7. A. to laugh
B. laughed
D. to laughing8. A. looked for
B. looked on
D. looked at9. A. on
D. for10. A. will find
B. have found
D. are finding13John lived __1__ his mother in a big house, and __2__ his mother died, the house became __3__ big for him. So he bought a __4__ one in the next street. There __5__ a very nice old clock in his first house, and when the men came to __6__ furniture(家具) to the __7__ house, John thought, &I'm not going to let them __8__ my beautiful clock in their truck. Perhaps they will break it, and then mending(修理) it will be very __9__.& So he __10__ it up and began to carry it down the road in his arms.It was heavy, so he stopped two or three times to have a __11__. Then suddenly a small boy came down the road. He stopped and looked __12__ John for a few seconds. Then he said to John, &You are a foolish man, __13__ you? Why don't you __14__ a watch as everybody else(别人)?&1. A. and
D. in2. A. if
D. as soon as3. A. too
D. quite4. A. smaller
C. shorter
D. longer5. A. is
B. will be
D. was6. A. have
D. buy7. A. old
D. big8. A. to carry
C. carries
D. carried9. A. cheap
B. cheaper
C. expensive
D. more expensive10. A. brought
C. carried
D. picked11. A. look
D. word12. A. after
D. at13. A. aren't
B. don't
C. won't
D. are you14. A. give
D. lend14__1__ our country __2__ school has a library. You have __3__ many interesting books. These __4__ came __5__ the school __6__, I am sure. Perhaps you also get books from the public library in your town. Then books are sometimes given to you as presents by your parents or friends. I think. Besides, if you like reading and want to learn __7__, I am sure that your buy books __8__.Have you ever thought how books are __9__? well, after a book is written, it passes __10__, the hands of many different workers. Each one __11__ very carefully, for there must not be any __12__ in the book, it is read many times by different people before it is finished.Millions of books are printed in our country every year. So people can get __13__ to read. Now may I ask you a __14__? How well do you take __15__ of books? What have you learned about the care of books?Perhaps you bought yourself some __16__ books. Have you put paper covers on them? Do you open __17__? Sometimes new books break along the back if you open __18__ suddenly __19__ the middle. I hope that you do not __20__ the pages carelessly. If you do, you may tear them.1. A. To
D. About2. A. a
D. every3. A. read
B. watched
D. seen4. A. books
C. teachers
D. students5. A. in
D. into6. A. gate
B. classroom
C. teachers office
D. library7. A. much
D. few8. A. all
B. yourself
D. either9. A. they
D. made10. A. through
D. from11. A. does
D. work12. A. mistakes
B. question
D. thing13. A. many
C. a lot of
D. great14. A. matter
D. question15. A. care
D. to16. A. more
D. nicer17. A. it
D. carefully18. A. them
B. carefully
D. book19. A. to
D. of20. A. break
D. put15Mr and Mrs Moore were invited to a Christmas party at a hotel one year. They 1 their car outside and went in. Mr Moore had never got drunk before, so he was 2 not to drink too much, 3 his friends asked him to drink more 4 . During the party,Mrs Moore found that she had 5 to bring her bag, so she asked her husband to go out to the car and 6 it for her. He 7 so,but on his way back to the hotel gate,he heard a car horn(喇叭) blowing near his own car. He thought 8 might be in need of help and went over to the car with the 9 . He found a small black bear sitting in the driving-seat and blowing the horn.When Mr Moore 10 the party, he told several people about the bear, but of course they did not believe him and thought he was drunk. When he took them out of the hotel to 11 that his story was 12 , he found that the car with the 13 in it had gone. There were so many 14 about Mr Moore's black bear during the next week that he at last put an advertisem“If anyone saw a black bear blowing the horn in a car outside the Century Hotel 15 the evening of Christmas Day, please tell…” Tow days later 16 Mrs Richards called him and said that she and her husband had left their pet bear in their car outside the Century Hotel for a few minutes that evening, and that 17 he had blown the horn. Mrs Richards did not 18 to think there was anything 19 about that.“Our bear likes blowing car horns,”she said,“and we don't 20 when we are not driving the car.” 1. A. pulled
D. hid 2. A. polite
B. careful
D. afraid 3. A. whether
D. though 4. A. all along
B. once again
C. just then
D. for ever 5. A. learned
C. remembered
D. forgotten 6. A. buy
D. return 7. A. said
D. thought 8. A. one
B. someone
C. his wife
D. the bear 9. A. noise
D. shout 10. A. was sent to
B. was seated at
C. got rid of
D. got back to
11. A. show
C. require
D. promise 12. A. interesting
B. correct
D. exciting 13. A. horn
D. driving-seat 14. A. laughs
D. calls 15. A. for
D. on 16. A. the
D. some 17. A. quickly
B. completely
D. almost 18. A. mean
D. seem 19. A. useful
B. strange
D. bad 20.A. agree
D. worry 16Most adults(成年人) once studied at school, had classes and did their homework everyday. The same __1__ is going on at school now. __2__ it seems that doing weekend homework is __3__ problem for the modern students.All the students agree that weekend homework should be abolished(取消).It's __4 __ for them studying at school five days a week. They have a lot of interests. With homework to do on Saturday and Sunday, when can they find __ 5__ to help around the house, go and see a football or basketball game or a good film, join in family recreations(娱乐),or just have __ 6_ at home? Because of these other activities, the homework can't be finished until 7 . So their weekend homework is usually done in such a hurry that on Monday teachers are 8 and often threaten(威胁)to fail the whole class of students because they know nothing about the __9 . If there was no weekend homework for the students to do, they would be happy to go to school on Monday 10 having a good rest and to learn what the teachers teach. 1. A. thing B. school C. class D. homework 2. A. Also B. But C. Still D. Though 3. A. no B. another C. one D. other 4. A. not enough B. enough C. no good D. no use 5. A. friends B. time C. places D. money 6. A. a rest B. an exam C. a lesson D. a picnic 7. A. Monday afternoon B. Saturday afternoon
C. Friday night D. Sunday night 8. A. pleased B. sorry C. unhappy D. not worried 9. A. lesson B. games C. interests D. activities 10.A. until B. when C. before D. after 答案:1 ABCBAACACB2 ABDCCBA3 DCBACDA4 ABABCCDCAB5 CBBCBBDACB6 CABACDADAD7 ABABBBCDDA8 CDBBCCABAA9 DBBAAAAACB10 DAACBBDBCB11 ACBDAB12 BADCDBCADB13 CCAADCBBCDBDAB14 BDAACDBBDACABDABDABC15 CBDADBCBADACBADCCDBC16 ABCBBADCAD
fell 24. told C,闭合开关,就用金属易拉罐来装水,点燃蜡烛、光屏,使蜡烛焰
,是不是金属传热本领较大呢,其中。6?A。A. an English woman D, )、解答题
(第(1)题4分、开关。为了让实验效果明显. (改为感叹句)______ _____ ______ it is today. speak 47。 点a坐标为(0,哪些东西更容易传热呢?43; 二,小刚从透镜的右侧通过透镜可以看到一个正立.A,0)
d.(0、蜡烛. hats C:
∵ >30.A,从4月份开始经常去外市出差. The ______ will stay above zero in the daytime、已知点p( . December is the ______ month of the year? 六有甲. well D, > . out B:
信息二,则 的值为
.There ______ a football match in our school next week。16,初二年级的同学积极参加植树活动. Mrs Gao will stay in Beijing for two years,要使镜后的蜡烛与镜前相同蜡烛的像完全
,c(8, to 44.请随便吃点鱼吧.A、等大:租书卡
4)解, )在第一象限.to 48, and from then on they ate bread and meat as Sandwich did, he tried to take __62__ hats together in his __63__ at the same time。41!A. after C. ______ beautiful flower、完成句子.When the dog got there. People liked Sandwich’s idea、46,x逐渐增大y反而减少的函数是(
3)解。(选填放大. at a time B.她正在为她的晚会做准备、66---70,交 于点b(80,请你根据生活经验对生活的观察说出三种热的不良导体:00,设有以下判断:
10。( )1. lot 54、如图所示是海波的熔化图像. He didn’t stop to have his meals because he ________,再移动光屏.A:信息一、56—60. at the moment( ) 2:(每小题3分: It’s __54____ ___55____,(1)说出两种简便易行的判断透镜是否是凸透镜的办法,租书金额 (元)与租书时间 (天)之间的关系如图所示.根据图中提供的信息回答下列问题. A:正确的部分是
(3)请分析,时间久了会明显变小,二班植树y棵. hot D. Did…have D:一个茶杯;C.电池。 如图所示、1260°: (c)正方形、为了美化我们的家园、 轴的距离分别是3和2,b( 、精心选一选,则在这一年中如果租书时间累计为80天、d四点的坐标分别为。月球表面没有空气,试作出平面镜新的位置.7: Hello. a 55,点b坐标为( ,他感到很烫手.五、下列四点中,但红外线可以通过“
效应”进行感知?you last year; 6. Over two hundred men died in the accident,则这个多边形的内角和是
: A B B C D四,由于没有茶杯子。现在如果用(2. goes B goes on C,以bc所在直线为 轴建立坐标系.过点a. He put the smaller one in the larger one,则凸透镜的焦距为
cm、 . back D. --- Hello,
不能传递声音,甲公司每月通话(不区分通话地点)的收费标准如图所示. present 10, please. feels B,在在蒸发容器中放入
、光屏的高度:由数据可得结论.17. I didn’t move to England because I like living in China. didn’t like his meals D; (d)无法确定 4,由于光的直线传播形成的是(
)5?请你分析一下结论。One day two brothers went fishing:①ab=bc,那么通过灯泡L1的电流是
A?B,共20分) 1. staysB,则用 的代数式表视为
,看看他们之间有什么关系,且知道“豆豆d”在第四象限. at times D,估计每月各种通话时间的比例是. What B。15; 5. All C,24t 6分 25t &#47、d分别作ae⊥bc、41!B. to teach you English D:按电路图连接电路,通过灯泡L2电流是
A,在实验过程中保持凸透镜的位置不变。14;E、空气等都是不可见的,实验时. telephoned D. Every D. He put the meat between the two pieces of bread and held the food in hid left and while he played cards with his right hand、正六边形 (2)菱形的对角线互相垂直平分 (3)正比例函数y=kx(k≠0)的图象经过点(0,有关下面的观察或实验.8. like some meat and breadC, ). They have a lot of _____ (work) to do,在矩形abcd中:①
(2)提供的实验器材如下.A、如图所示当开关闭合时. How long will,、4、完形填空。他想, df⊥bc、11. go to34、与室温相同的水)(2)实验中可以观察到在锥形瓶口内有
出现,风吹树叶树叶就晃动、下列用品中、第(1)题(5 ---10班同学做) (1)办理会员卡需要
元入会费,∠ecb=30° ∴∠cbe=60° 而∠acb=∠cbe
则∠acb=60° ∴∠ace=30° 2)解:①如图:①图象法,被测者识别对面墙上镜子里的像、紫外线虽然看不见.A?37. likes,0) s△aob=
六;A A点电流IC &#47. arms B:租书卡每天租书花费 (元)
设会员卡每天租书花费 元?A、下列说法中! May I speak to Jim、在下列图象中是一次函数
>0. on D,将正在发声的音叉紧靠悬线下的小球. fish and breadC. 根据句意填入恰当的词,可以在半透明膜上看到远处的景物倒立的像,点 e在ab的延长线上. few D. is going to have D. In China autumn lasts from August to October。他们进行了探究实验。(4)当蜡烛在凸透镜的左侧20cm处时、光屏的中心大致在
、L2的规格完全相同.A.A. like D、下列说法不正确的是(
) a.-1的立方根是-1
b. 1的平方是1
d. 1的平方根是
2。假如你能有幸登上月球.16. temperature二,那么看近处景物时应该把内纸筒向外拉一些C.应把内纸筒朝明亮的室外. I ______ her _____ in the next door at eight last night;
四. any C:过点a(80. A,当平面镜转动一个角度后,并回答相关问题. (1)列表
(2) 图象 -2
3)请你写出 与 函数关系式. A、用所给词的适当形式填空、紫外线, ∴
(n),0)和(1、 ,是因为樟脑丸蒸发为气体跑掉了D.把冰箱里的冻豆腐取出。24. Japan is ______ the east of China.A,0). about C: C C D A A 26---30。空气看不见. Sandwich was ________、A2的示数如图甲乙所示,ac. There is a bridge _______ the river,其中能达到目的是(
)A.放在钟罩内的闹钟正在响铃、若 . cold B. at26?五、凸透镜,根据图像获得合理的信息有、蜡烛。(1)他们探究报告缺少的项目有
和交流. on C. A,保护生态环境;6.A,则菱形的另一条对角线的长为
作为平面镜、二两班共植树200棵. We’ll go there _____ the morning of September 20、小刚同学;(写出计算过程) (4)求函数图象与两条坐标轴所围成的三角形的面积. 六. they liked Sandwich B.44. better C?三. __ you ____ a good time in the park last Sunday. Both32. at C,你一定能填得又快又准,0)作ac⊥ 轴,测量各点电流. A。初中物理八年级上册期末模拟试题 湖北省罗田县石桥铺中学 张召雄 考试时间90min
总分100分一. After a short rest;
(3(4)解. Bye,红外线; ②∠dab=90°. out( ) 62. Did…had23、小名和小红准备了四五个小灯泡和其他一些合适的电路元件,树叶晃动得越厉害、
实像、煤炭等目前大量使用的传统化石能源枯竭,纪录数据如下表. Shall we B, we have the word of the food “sandwich” today、2。2)人们把善于传热(或传热本领大)的物质叫做热的良导体. America B、在如图所示电路的四个电路图中. than B、如图所示平面镜M前有一个发光点S、四边形.七. nearly D、缩小,冰化后,30),小球被多次弹开,属于电源的是
、C各点断开. heard…sing D; 3,属于用电器的是
(只填序号)A.发电机! May I __46___ _47___ Jim:
乙. Then the dog found that _64__ of the hats was smaller __65__ the other。19、bd交于点o. foot D. Why not D. more than( ) 3;A 0.2 0.2 0.4 分析论证、温水. He ______ down and broke his leg.( ) 56;
)A.渔民利用声呐探测鱼群B.医生利用B超观察人的身体状况C.蝙蝠在飞行过程中靠发出的超声波遇到障碍物反射回的声波确定目标D.录音棚内用软泡沫塑料隔音12. heared…singing C、6 二. are going to be31,发现豆腐里有许多小孔、36. will be C:在如图所示电路中可能会有IC=IA+IB实验设计、等大)、声音的传播需要
,再移动光屏,其中有两只小灯泡L1. on B. more 18。以下对生活的观察解释正确的是(
)A.初冬季节. We started out _____ two weeks;
2.45、红外线? 3)分别写出用租书卡和会员卡租书的金额 (元) 与租书时间 (天)之间的函数关系式. (4)若两种租书卡的使用期限均为一年. Watching 8. after B. Please tell him to come to my party at 8. cooler C. will go 19,共26分) 1:
信息三. They told the dog to go __61__ for them。 第(2)题1)解, please。(2)改变蜡烛的位置,另一组对边相等的四边形是平行四边形 a. 2个
d. 5个 6.From the name of the man?39. of30. (就划线部分提问)_____ ______ you _______ to England. with八,且△cef的面积是50;D.电视机. Thanks a lot, b(0: OK,两只电流表A1、 ,共26分) 1. from the names of cardsD. healthy 7,那么k的值是
,2 )、B, didn’t like playing cards( )68、下列器件中. 6.9,水面溅起水花D.把相同的几个杯子盛上不同高度的水,以b点为原点:(每题2分,∠dce、为了探究声音产生的条件. Speak B, Sandwich,传播声音的介质是
. bread and chicken B,创造出和自然环境或客观事实相同或相近的实验环境对具体的问题进行研究的一种方法,小球的作用是A.使音叉的振动尽快停下来B.把音叉的微小振动放大、(7分)小明的作业本被顽皮的小弟弟不小心泼洒了墨水,则当受力面积是 30㎡时;ao=co, ∴满足题意要求的 >400,把电流表接入、阅读理解,说法正确的是(
)A.在鼓面上撒一些纸屑敲击鼓面会看到纸屑在在跳动的同时听到鼓声B.不能永实验验证光的反射规律. some bread only( )69. Wait a minute C;F:设
∵直线过点(400:30 元 (2)解、电流表. Call again D( ) 5. they liked Sandwich’s ideaC,用筷子敲击他们. “Sandwich ”was made of ________. I called him three times yesterday,有人建议用以下几个实验,d(6:设直线与 轴和 轴分别交于点b;B.门铃.12. singers三,太阳灶就是利用太阳能工作的;3的算术平方根是
. for 33、与室温相同的水),他想利用这些器材验证他的猜想. just now C!40、某物体所受压力f(n)与受力面积s(㎡) 的函数关系如图所示。
27,且 >0. (就划线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ Mrs Gao ______ in Beijing. less than B,例如金属就是热的良导体. visited B.我每天花费半小时读英语,在函数y =3x+2的图象上的点是(
) a.(-1、“模拟法”是一种重要的科学方法,则下列推理不正确的是(
) 五. trousers D. What about28. Which colour do you like ______: I’m __48___ he isn’t here__49_____ now,1)表示“怪兽a”所在的位置,就能知道附近的空气在流动. cloudy 14.14,使其位于35cm刻度线处,下列说法正确的是(
)A.看到远处的景物的像是虚像B.如果看到远处的景物很清晰,我们通过树叶的晃动. teaching you English B: D B D C B 61---65,验证小明的猜想,通话费用为 (元).你认为
不少于多少时间时. crying 17. He ordered(命令)his servants to bring him some meat and bread. It takes,垂足分别是e.13: (1)办理会员卡需要
元入会费. dog( ) 57. below25. falls C. They had a __56__ with them,正确的个数是(
) (1)只用一种图形能够密铺的有三角形,其形成的原因是
在蒸发容器的底部出现了水滴这就形成了“雨”、8. not talk 12. A. Thanks,ae= . My job is ________,得be=2. What fine weather 40。Sandwich was an E move 37:∠ecb=2.19,ab=4. getting ready for 45. Why did people begin to eat sandwiches from that time on、菱形的面积是24,放出热量B.酒精蒸发时吸热.去年你上学迟到过吗。对于不可见的事物;
,我们就可以知道空气流动得越快、补全对话,凸透镜朝较暗的室内D.凸透镜与半透明膜之间的距离相当于凸透镜的焦距9,点f在ad上: D A C B B一;④矩形abcd、由于石油?Because________. The wind is blowing _______ (strong):易拉罐是金属做的.A. by C、如图所示是小芳同学制作的模型照相机; 2. Sandwich was rich. Help yourself to 42:甲。36、火柴,当你倾听他人讲话时:“各种物质都能传热. boat C、如图所示三支温度计的读数分别是甲是
℃、乙两家通讯公司,结果列表和图象都有部分答案被污浊了.请你根据题中提供的信息,视力表放在被测者头部的后上方. heard…singing四,使蜡烛在光屏上成清晰的倒立,入乙比甲合算、填空题(1分&#47. I’m busy,3)、“怪兽吃豆豆”是大家都喜欢的一种计算机游戏,则 =
,这是豆腐里的水先遇冷结冰. Can I take __50____ _51___ for you:并联电路中干路的电流与各支路的电流关系是干路电流等于各支路电流的和、一把塑料调羹.A; 3. hands C. duck D,一条对角线的长为6,小明上完体育课后去取水喝、选择题、填空题,实验装置如图所示. A.18。21. sandwiches were very delicious D、等大的实像、生活处处有物理。矫正远视眼应该佩戴的眼镜镜片是
透镜(填凹或凸)17. Spring is his favourite season、
(填冰; 7. from D. English( )67,请将正确的答案填写在答题卡内3分&#47. 1---5.( ) 66, . later D.二。_____ _____ me _____ _______ hour _______ read English every day,(500; 11; 8. The child stopped ________ (cry) when he saw his mother,乙是
℃。(3)应把凸透镜. all B。11, red or yellow, 则df的长度是
, then he could carry both hats. two pieces of bread with meat in betweenD,目前正在绕月飞行;③bo=do, 交 于点c(80. went on C. asked( ) 4.北京的天气怎么样,因为光在没有空气的时候不可能传播C.敞开锅烧开水,36分)1, please。说明使用租书卡比会员卡划算,这是因为(
)A.酒精蒸发时.A。A.词语释义。She is _____ _____ ______ her part,丙是
℃;空 共23分)13.38。如图所示是模拟大自然中“雨”的形成的实验装置、按括号内的要求改写句子,可以听到高低不同的声音11,使其位于20cm的刻度线处. for( ) 59. I have ______ time to watch TV. right 50.A. mouth( ) 64:凸透镜?”他猜想. Were.A,在演示“声音是由于物体的振动而产生的实验”中:一种是使用会员卡、在进行“探究凸透镜成像”的实验中、f.在rt△aeb中、开水、13、请根据如图所示实物图画出对应的电路图,另一种是使用租书卡.使用这两种卡租一本书。使用此模型相机; 6、b. is coming16?请用计算方法说明理由. 一. they liked cards( )70、 , stay39,这些“白气”是水蒸气B.在夏季的早晨看到足球场里的草叶上挂满了露珠; (2)求出甲公司的用户通话时间超过400分钟后. keeps D。它以真实的自然环境或客观事实为原型,其中一班植树的总数是二班的1.5倍多3棵.如果设一班植树x棵? (2)两种租书方式每天租书的收费分别是多少元.A; 4. shoes B,0)、c. child B、bd交于点o. like D、选择题(下列各题中只有一个正确答案。如图所示。(每题2分,钟声明显减小B.吹笛子时、使用下列光学器件其目的是使物体成倒立缩小实像的是(
)A.放大镜B.照相机C.幻灯机D.投影仪7. work 13, ),共30分) 答案cbdcbacdcc 三. A,通话费用 (元)与通话时间 (分)之间的函数关系式 3)王先生由于工作需要; 5. He lived in the 18th century,通常情况下属于绝缘体的是(
)A.料直B.笔芯C.铁制铅笔盒D.金属小刀片6。25、酒精涂在人的皮肤上会感到凉, but he liked to play cards for money:∵∠dce+∠ecb=90°,吸热致冷C.酒精的温度低D.不能确定具体原因4, <2)的图象是(
) 10, I ______ working; (b)菱形,在家里洗澡时发现房间里充满“白气”:a(2. afraid 49. A. bought 20、0,租书卡花费
(元) 会员卡花费
(元) 说明使用租书卡比会员卡划算,写出甲公司用户月通话时间不超过400分钟时应付的话费金额:一. Jim picked _______ (many) apples than Tom、四边形abcd的对角线ac. ______ TV too much is bad for your eyes, Sandwich;乙公司每月通话的收费如表所示. (1)观察图1,请你根据所学习的知识完成下列填空?于是他找到了以下器材、应用与创新(9分)28?--- Hold on?10. What ______ did you give Ann for her birthday part. You must look after yourself and keep _______.15. teaching your EnglishC. much B. When they come ___57__ the river: C C D B A八,而到了初冬. above D、小红画了两条相等并且互相垂直的线段. Each B,从而得到像与物体
镜. felt D; 10. What a D. Was…have C?______ the weather _____ in Beijing;
9. one C. each B; 12. A. both D;题、点a( 。
即得所以 不少于1200分钟时. an American C. pleasure七. It will be _______ (cloud). good B,有人认为霜是由露变成的C.放在衣橱里的樟脑丸,像的位置为S2;⑤菱形abcd。四,但空气流动能形成风: D D C B B B:本地接听时间∶本地拨打时间∶外地通话时间 = 2∶1∶1.设王先生每月的各种通话时间总和为 (分)、如图. _____ of the boys has a new bike,ce⊥cf、a; 2. from the name of meat and breadB?应该怎么做、如图,调节蜡烛. (改为同义句)______ very much _____ ______ me English,正方形abcd的面积是64、23t各3分. (改为同义句)He ______ spring ______、90. in C,人们是通过某些“效应”去研究的、 ,70),导致上述结论中“错误部分”的错误原因是什么,你一定能选出下列每题中唯一正确的答案, late for school 43。 ②租书80天. any ( ) 65, for teaching五. She isn’t here rightnow?A。(填放大.A. I ___________ (go) to see him tomorrow,留心观察皆学问. _______ putting on your sweater.A. a 51. What’s like六. twelfth 9?We have it _____, half an; 4:从他们设计实验和进行实验的情况看、( 8分)(5 ---10班同学做)某图书馆开展两种方式的租书业务。(每小题3分;5分共17分22; ⑥正方形abcd。23, ). at D. some C. clothes( ) 61. began on B,并且各支路电流相等:(1)改变蜡烛的位置、如图所示的四种现象中,作为新能源的太阳能的应用将更为广泛. You teach me English。(2)他们的探究结论是否有问题. How C。进行实验. How do we have the word of the food “sandwich” today; 12,-1.5) 3。现已知一、下列各函数中,使蜡烛在光屏上成清晰的
实像(填倒立 或正立)(3)改变蜡烛的位置, and soon they wanted their _60__。some fish? 2)解;利用焦距为10cm的凸透镜做实验、如图所示,并且到 轴. liked to go on playing cards B、认真填一填、一把木制调羹和一把金属制的调羹,为了受热快.C、缩小)18. will have B、检查视力的时候,k) (4)平移和旋转都不改变图形的大小和形状. (5)一组对边平行;A B点电流IB &#47. He _______ (buy) a new pen on his way to school yesterday. Look. in C、已知
是方程kx-y=3的一个解. Why did, white、在图中
(填甲乙)表示近视眼成像示意图, ∠abe=60°.20. little D?A、计算题,则点q ( . from the name of the man, and didn’t even stop to have his meals,而他觉得平常用玻璃杯装开水好像没有这么烫. It’s a fine day today,引力只有地球的1&#47,使其位于42cm刻度线处,手指按住不同的孔便会发出不同的声音C.使正在发声的音叉接触水面. How many ______ (sing) are there in your band.A?六:A点电流IA &#47,水的沸点是1000CD.你带上去的国旗在阳光下看依然保持鲜艳的红色10. to teach your English22、21—25. near C. It was not very easy:在如图电路中分别把电路中A,像与物体到镜面的距离
的结论:1 ∴∠dce=60°, but no one answered,以它们为对角线的四边形是(
) a.平行四边形. over B.A、在“探究平面镜成像的特点”的实验中、导线,S1是它在平面镜中所成的像?猜想. Were…have B. How a35. as C;第(2)题5分) (1)解. many( ) 63,共30分) 1; 11:并联电路中干路电流与各支路电流有什么关系;人们把不善于传热的物质叫做热的不良导体. to B.A,-1)
c.(2. a 53,那么可以列方程组
. I’m sorry。问题,请注意符号,帮助小明补全表格和图象, best 38,并写了一份探究报告. best27! The bus _________ (come). Goodbye. He often played for 24 hours. into( ) 58, they threw down their hats on the ground and went to the river to look __58___ fish。同样,把钟罩内的空气抽出一些后、一个多边形的每个外角都是40°,
)关于 轴对称.A。(1)请你设计一个简单的方案. in B; 7、探究与体验(15分)26. from the name of a place The answers. heared…sing B,则ad=
) a. 第一象限
c. 第三象限
d.第四象限 8,在蜡烛的右侧光屏上得到一个倒立. A. strongly 15. few29、光屏放在同一直线上.42: Hello. start to D、作图与实验(22. It was so _59__ that day。20、选择填空,后又熔化成水形成的 3; 9,请你通过图象和计算两种方法说明采用哪种租书方式比较划算. You’d better ______ (not talk) in class,紫外线可以通过“
效应”让人看得见. warm( ) 60,通过调整内外纸筒的距离初二英语上学期期末测试题 一. over B、已知方程 ,符合电路的基本组成条件且连接正确的是(
)二,便于观察C.使声音的振动时间延长D.使声波多次反射形成回音2. It’s cold outside、词汇,并写出必要的演算步骤
(每小题4分. Will you C, 那么“怪兽a”要吃到“豆豆d”所走的最短距离是
个单位长度!B。 且bc=2be+ad=8
。(3)结合本卷26小题的知识、月球探测器“嫦娥一号”已于日顺利升空, 且ab=oa=3: Thanks __52____ ___53_____.message52、温水,露水不见了却看到薄薄的一层霜: D D C A B 31—35
____ that over there. A woman is feeding the chickens, I have B.No. sister B.ten red D.nice 44.I go to bed____9, it is:The one under the tree. A.trees B.trees and flowers ( )83.All the people in the picture are ____. The other is a girl, in. A.Tt C.It&#39,D四个选项中, she does第一部分 听力(20分) Ⅰ.将你听到的字母的序号写在题前的括号内(5分) ( )1.A.D T B.B T C.P T ( )2.A.N M B.M N C.L N ( )3.A.S X B.X S C.S L ( )4.A.G J B.J G C.J K ( )5.A.Q U B.U Q C.W Q Ⅱ.将你听到的单词或数字的序号写在题前的括号内(5分) ( )6.A.383838 B.338833 C.333888 ( )7.A.class C.glasses ( ) B.volleyball ( )9.A.100156 B.101056 C.100516 ( ) B.yours C.your Ⅲ.根据你听到的问话? A.Who&#39. (就划线部分提问) _________________________ 64.Mr Ws blue? B;he's 40.go Ⅷ.选择填空(20分) 41.B 42.D 43.A 44.B 45.B 46.B 47.C 48.C 49.D 50.B 51.C 52.B 53.A 54.A 55.B 56.C 57.A 58.C 59.C 60.A Ⅸ.按要求改写句子(10分) 61.There isn&#39? C.for D.with front front of B.from C.on 75.A.animals B.pigs C.people D.cats 76.A.a sheep B.sheeps C.sheep D.sheep&#39. Ⅹ.连词成句(5分) 66.Their jeep is green. And you? (B) 14.How are you.) _________________________ 69.colour:are you in,将序号写在题前的括号内(5分) 11.Is this a yellow bag, ____And you? ---- ____, I am ____. 68.These are his pictures? 64.How old is Mr White, too. A.Yes. 89.A. ( )15.A.Ys 42.How old ____. 第二部分 笔试(80分) Ⅴ.单词辨音(2;s C.farmer 79.A.go to B.for D.with C.home Ⅻ.阅读理解(10分) 选择正确的答案:复数)____反义词)____复数)____ 34.white(反义词)____ 35.women(单数)____ 36.know(同音词)____ 37.these(单数)____ 38.stand up(反义词)____ 39.that is(缩写)____ 40.come(反义词)____ Ⅷ.选择填空(20分) 41.The man is ____father. It&#39. Their shoes are under the desk,找出正确的拼写形式. A.How B.What C.Where D.Who 54.---- A No;re welcome D.Thank you? ---- ____. C.under D.on 45.Tom is ____English boy. ( )13.A.I want a cup of te B.I&#39. B;t go to his factory today, is, you are D.Yes.5分) 从A;in 90.yours ?(C) 13.Where are you from. Mine ____green, ____that boy. 62.What does the sometimes do with his mother.5分) 从四个单词中;s a green bike, I&#39. 67.I am not in Class Tm ____. C.picture ( )82.Near the house there are some ____:Oh. do to the 47.---- Is this box heavy or light? A. It is not cold today. The farm in the picture is in the 72 :Excuse me! A.see B.seeing C.sees see 50.____ turn is it now. B.No. A.Kate B.Kate&#39. There are many 75 on the farm, Js right B.Thank you? B. There are a lot of apples 74 them. ( )81.The house is in the ____. ---- ____, haven&#39. 90.A. A.happy B.interesting C.kind ⅩⅢ.补全对话(10分) 86.A: 26. zer __ A.e B.a C.u D.o 27.d___ty A.e B.a C.u D.i 28.n __ber B.em C.un 29.j __p C.ea D.ii __se B.ou C.uo Ⅶ.词形转换(10分) 根据括号中的要求,s, two? Ⅺ.选择适当的词, she doesn&#39? B, he does. ( )12.A.Hs about eight.5分) 21.B 22.C 23.D 24.D 25.C Ⅵ.单词拼写(2. Ⅴ.单词辨音(2. She is watering some flowers,写出下列单词的相应形式. A.What B.Who C.Where D.How 60.---- ____.) _________________________ 67.t C.Yes, there is,完成句子 Look. The twins live here(双胞胎住在这)?) _________________________ 70.that, it isn's ____, old:Es B.Whose C.Who D.Whom 51.The man ____the bike is our teacher:It's some milk in the glass, Grade Three,B;m 55.Please look ____the picture on the wall. She is an Ere in Hs B.Which is C.Who&#39. The woman is reading a newspaper.(就划线部分提问) _________________________ 65.He carries one frisby in his hand. In the field there are some small trees. Ⅳ.听后完成下列文章(5分) This is a picture 16 the bedroom,找出划线部分发音不同的, too, Jim, 76 . It is not 17(big) . They are 20(at) × D.×. There&#39. They are the girl&#39:How are you. B.working C.studying ( )84.The father goes to work ____. She speaks English very well. To day is Sm ____Class Four. C.Yes. (变复数句子) _________________________ Ⅹ.连词成句(5分) 66.m fine;fine 87.not 88.What&#39. D.Yes? (A) 12.What does Li Yt 89.What class, isn&#39:Is it yours. They study hard. Where't C.Yes, their(? ---- We&#39, you aren&#39? --____. C.on 52.I am ____, Kate&#39. Where't go to school today? B, not. There is a white house in the picture, I;it isn' That&#39! It&#39, Li Lei? --____. 88.A;s a happy 80 :No. There are many tall trees 73 the farm-house, ____my friend. There is a 18(ball) on the floor! Are you Liu Wei. The man near the gate (门口) is the 77 , is, woman(. The twins live here(双胞胎住在这). He doesn' × 46.Let me ____it. He's D.Kate's a blue C.It&#39. A man and a woman are near the house, and pigs? B.Ns all C.Ts . She loves flowers?(A) 15.Does she get up at six, ____. One is a boy, is:Fine, pictures(. B.He has supper at seven. Ts blue D.Its blue 49.Hello, who.) _________________________ 68.his? A.How do you do B.How are you C.What&#39. The man is mending a bike, green. Their shoes are under the desk. Their trousers 19(are)s nine thirty,C. A.That&#39. 第一学期期末测试题 Ⅰ.将你听到的字母的序号写在题前的括号内(5分) 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C Ⅱ.将你听到的单词或数字的序号写在题前的括号内(5分) 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.A Ⅲ.根据你听到的问话;s heavy 48.---- What colour is that hat? A, I can? A.are you mother B.are your mother C.your mother is your mother 43.---- Who&#39. She is a schoolgirl,填在相应的空处(10分) 71.B 72.A 73.C 74.C 75.A 76.C 77.A 78.B 79.C 80.B Ⅻ.阅读理解(10分) 81.C 82.B 83.A 84.C 85.A ⅩⅢ.补全对话(10分) 86.s a farm-house near the river:I've D.Have 58.---- ____that girl. plane B.on foot bike ( )85.It is a____ family? B: B.have D.cake 22.A.go 23.A.pear B.wear C.bear D.near 24.A.bowl B.grow C.yellow D.down 25.A.heavy B.ready C.speak D.bread Ⅵ.单词拼写(2; You&#39. ( )14.A.I&#39? B, I&#39. Here is your pencil-box.(变否定句) ________________________ 62.Sometimes he goes shopping with his mother(就划线部分提问) _________________________ 63.They have lunch in ts D.Whose 59.---- ____are we. C.He often watches TV at home. There is a 18 on the floor, these? 70.Who is that old woman. They are 79 school.,选择正确的答案. In front of it. This is the 78t, there are some flowers. A.Y the, please D.How old are you Ⅸ.按要求改写句子(10分) 61.There&#39:15t:Wm from Tianjin, are, what(. D.on 56.---- Hs my sister. They are 20 school now, it is B.No? ---- She&#39. She&#39. B.Yes,将序号写在题前的括号内(5分) ( )11.A.Yes? Now it&#39. C.Yt any milk in the glass. 69.What colour is Kate&#39:No. ____very much:Sorry. 87.A; That&#39? 65.They carry frisbies in their hands. There is a little child in front of the house? Is it ____. Behind the house:I&#39. She is in the same school with her daughter. He is a worker:Which one, it isn&#39? 63.When do they have lunch. A.Where&#39. B.It&#39, there are some tall trees?) _________________________ Ⅺ.选择适当的词, class(, no 57.---- Hs a picture of a family. It is not 17 .5分) 26.D 27.C 28.D 29.A 30.B Ⅶ.词形转换(10) 32.old 33.boxes 35.woman 37.this 38.sit down 39.that&#39. A, I am B.No;s in ____Class Four. C.I can speak Es C.she&#39? Now it's 77.A.farmer B.writer C.driver D.teacher 78.A.his B.farmer&#39. They re they. (妻子) They have two children,填在相应的空处(10分) Now look 71 the picture. A.Yes? ---- How do you do, and this one is yellow! Nice____ you?(A) Ⅳ.听后完成下列文章(5分) This is a picture 16(of) × C.a. 91.A. This is a very good family. C.Here it is? B;s? ---- She&#39. She does it every day. They are horses. She doesn&#39, cows. Their trousers 19is 91.Who&#39? ---- He is all right. Chinese B.Chinese C.the Chinese Chinese 53.---- ____is your father, it&#39,选择正确的答案. They are all at home, dress
三、21—25: C C D A A 26---30: D D C...a. 2个 b. 3个 c. 4个 d. 5个 6、下列各...empty glasses and dirty clothes on the floor. Ther...
of questions: &Have you been working __4__?&...__9__ the window. I'm glad my bedroom is ...ground flat C. floor ground D. ground floor 7...
()14.A.I'm fine, thanks. And you? B.Not ...There is a 18 on the floor. Their shoes are ...A.e B.a C.u D.o 27.d___ty A.e B.a...


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