
16/4/10更新从我第一次写下答案到现在已经过去了几个月的时间在这期间收获了不少的赞 感谢大家的认同上午刚考完二刷 感觉和去年很不一样(题目有点无聊…不管这次能不能进省赛感觉以后也不会再考了)news item也遇到了一个以前看过的新闻 好好玩~去年觉得各种紧张 今年裸考就这么上了 也没觉得多难在我报名到考试这期间 只是为中口准备过一段时间 又看了一遍生活大爆炸 以及每天都看一些专业文献通过这两次竞赛考场上的感觉 我的的确确觉得自己英语水平提高了准备四级是一个原因 后来中口精听了很多听力 感觉听力水平提高很大 想说的是 专项提高很重要 平时不间断的接触英语也好过一段时间的突击准备 (大爆炸都第九集20集啦!)所以还是任重道远~大家一起加油!等出了成绩欢迎大家在评论区交流哦!么么哒!第三次更新最近好多人加我要资源啊 我居然才想起来整个百度云...链接在这里~ 密码yees听力音频没有年份的那个应该是13年的第二次更新给大家推一下这个比赛的官方微信公共平台(搜索NECCS即可)可能会有大家需要的东西 不过含金量也不是很高啦 大家看情况来第一次更新至于题主说 高考没考过选择题 这个其实没有啥可担心的 选出来答案就好了一般来说这个的得分窍门嘛也没有(如果三长两短选一长这种算的话……)原答案知乎首答就给你了。15年全国二等奖 没进省赛原因是选择题没涂卡没卡过线…今年又报了只是未弥补遗憾我在大概三月份初开始准备4月上旬的考试。首先说一下备考需要准备的东西。#10年以后的真题及听力的音频。时间不够、能力稍微弱一点的话的话只看初赛的真题就好,感觉初赛真题适应了做做决赛的在巩固一下也可以。真题的话我没有买书,只是打印了题而已,如果觉得买书有必要的话可以买一本,毕竟后面有真题的解析。喔好像除了真题也没啥需要准备的了:)由于单选题会有十个题是类似高中的选择题那样的,如果题主觉得语法书有必要也可以准备一本。然后就可以开始做题了。这个考试要说难度的话,并不大。题多量大倒是真的。我依稀记得当时我考试时做题速度还挺快的,但是最后抄答题卡就慌忙了许多…以下我就从几个题型来说说我当时是怎么备考的吧*听力除去news item 其他的跟四级没有区别。语速也差不多,这个部分也就是靠整体听力能力了。想快速提高的话做听写练习吧。就是听一句写一句那样子的,具体听力还有没有什么好的方法可以再搜“英语听力”词条,会有很多对你有帮助的。新闻的话平时考的很少(四六级改革以后这个地方就被改上来了)。当时老师说的建议是,基本上听到什么选什么。这是比较不负责任的答案不过有时候还蛮有用的…不过仅限读完后懵逼的情况。说来说去新闻听力也是考听力能力,难度大了一些,有时间的话可以听听VOA慢速,常速,提前让自己适应一下吧。*单选十个普通选择题和五个文化题。普通选择有语法,短语搭配等等。跟高中的还蛮像的,不过单词的难度会增加,可以提前看看四级书或者没时间背太多就做做真题积累一下不会的单词吧,有的单词好像还出现过挺多次(不同年份考题里)。语法也可以看看,多积累多回顾总没错的。文化题。这个也没法说难度,毕竟每个人的积累程度不一样,如果题主博学多识这五分就洒洒水辣。反正我是不会(摊手)。也想不起来考了啥,题主可以到原题里看看。实在觉得自己不会的话,也不用浪费时间了,随便选吧,毕竟用这点时间还可以多做点后面的题。*阅读和作文,这个没什么可讲的。拼基础的。题主看情况来吧。#完形填空 这里不是选择,而是填空,分析作答。多做真题,会有感悟的。题目不难。有一个两个写不出来也就罢了吧。*改错题 个人觉得这个题是最难的了…因为我从来没做过这种题,高考没考过。我当时是找了一本书,挨着做了个十几二十篇的,有效果。每篇下来总结一下这都不用说了,如果题主之前考过这种,相信会比我有经验。写到这里突然想到我当时备考的时候,挺心酸的…答主能力一般…算了算选择题的分数也就100和110之间。我居然写了这么长,也不知道有没有人看。
这个问题我来回答很合适,这次详细说说。去年大一,拿到了特等奖,之后通过电话面试、现场面试进了省队,参加了总决赛。这个回答重心还是在如何准备初、决赛上。大一的这个时候(没开始备赛前)我的英语水平大概是笔试稳过四级,口语不怎么样。开学的第一天开始准备初赛,从开学到初赛大概有40天(3.10-4.10),这四十天里的备赛总过程:1. 六级词汇从头到尾背了三遍2. 做完了10-14年十套初、决赛真题3. 做完了大概5套六级真题最初的20天只是不停背单词,平均每天2个小时,然后3月下旬的时候买了本竞赛真题(红色封面),还有六级真题。接下来一周就是平均两天一套竞赛真题,并且背单词照常。刷了七八套真题后的感受就是试卷难度不高。之后做完了大概5套六级真题,期间在听力和作文方面额外下了点工夫。距离初赛还有几天的时候计时完成了剩下的两套竞赛真题,感受就是题量很大,两个小时没能做完一套真题,让我一度怀疑比赛时能不能做完。还好初赛差不多提前5分钟做完,决赛提前10分钟做完,做得多了自然就快了。另外初赛前两天花了一段时间复习做完的各套真题。初赛后就是等待,4月底的时候接到通知过了校初赛,接下来开始准备决赛。准备决赛时把重心放在了作文和听力上,资料就是六级真题。总的来说到后来其实可以很明显地感受到自己笔试水平的提升,而且六级词汇刷完了,竞赛题也刷完了,还一度有点失去方向。不过决赛前最后一个礼拜并没有松懈。准备决赛收获的主要是写作水平的提升。前后做完了12套竞赛题,说一下建议1. 熟悉题型。改错题、文化常识题、IQ题这些题在各省高考卷里应该没有2. 大幅提升解题速度。可以试着边做听力,边完成选择题3. 听力和作文要多下工夫。在我印象中听力有各种口音的对话,还有新闻播报之类的。作文有两篇,一篇120词,一篇180词,从历年情况来看作文字数要求是在增加的4. 阅读没什么好担心的,基本上从原文中找答案就行了,至少我是这样觉得的不过让人失望的一点是初赛难度和决赛难度是一样的,真的是一模一样,每年都这样。总之没有捷径,背单词,刷题,阶段反思+总结。各校初赛入围决赛的分数线不一样,低的100,高的130。各省决赛特奖分数线也不一样,所以竞赛分数没什么参考价值。特等奖的比率大概是千分之一。至于什么样的水平才能拿特奖,我只能给四六级的参考,我四级616,六级597。多说两句吧,其实这个奖含金量不是很大,没什么大学重视这个比赛。不过我觉得在准备竞赛这个过程中确实可以收获很多东西,小到如何高效地背单词、如何阶段性地反思自己努力的方向是否正确,大到如何勇敢地在不知道自己行不行的情况下依然可以毫不保留地投入到一件事中,我想这才是这个比赛真正使我成长的地方。6.3(更新)如果你获得了特等奖进了省队,有机会参加总决赛,以下是关于准备总决赛:1.如果你个人口语能力不强,且之前没有参加过口语比赛,那么不要去比赛,没多大意义,口语是需要长期练习的。除非你进入了陕西省队,或者你只是去夏令营玩几天;2.我们省队当时是这样训练的,教练说完题目,没有任何准备时间,站在台上直接开始3分钟即兴演讲,这要求相对来说是非常高的3.对着镜子练习演讲并录音,有助于你了解自己在演讲时的身型和发音4.演讲材料请参考外研社杯、希望之星杯赛题5.全国除了陕西省队余下的省队基本上都是去打酱油+旅游的,所以非陕西省队的同学慎重考虑参赛
明天考试今天还没打算复习 越到考试我越浪 ε=ε=ε=┏(°ロ°;)┛!!
广东赛区,15年特等奖。3月考完雅思,4月份初赛前买了一本大英赛真题讲解的书来做,再做了一两份往年真题,考完发现速度不够,侥幸进入决赛,就每天刷题练速度。总结一下: 1.基本功必须扎实,才有机会获奖。你说裸考96,基本功还可以,拓展词汇量跟巩固语法。2.听力不难,具体训练方法可以去知乎搜一下英语听力,有很多干货。3.个人认为,拓展词汇量最好的是阅读。如果你要用有道词典来查单词的话,请看里面的柯林斯字典,英英对照。4.因为大英赛题量很多,平时练习要保质的前提下提高速度。当时沿用一些雅思阅读的技巧,先看题目,圈出关键词,返回原文中找答案。其他无关紧要的就不看。5.针对考试,要有合理的时间分配。我考试喜欢先看作文,心里有个数,再开始做前面的题目。在时间紧迫的时候,放弃智力题,还有分低的题。6.初赛跟决赛的名额都是根据你学校报名人数而定。如果你学校报名人数多,拿奖几率就会更大。当时我学校听说有2000+人报名,有16个进入决赛(我是最后一名)。往年只有10个左右。其他的想到再补充。
声明:禁止转载。16年,前几天得到成绩,省特。我们省是笔试+口试。(这是我用的三本书+一本整理的笔记)这三本辅导书都是推荐用书,我从寒假开始做的,因为还要学车所以做的很慢,最后终于在考前把它们都做完了。哦对里面的真题有重合的部分。建议做题顺序是:英语奥林匹克?竞赛指南?真题详解简单的说一说吧。考试的时候智力测试那几个无聊的题就做了俩,其余的没时间想。之前掐着时间做过真题,所以考试的时候时间控制的还可以。不过没有想到考点听力拿一个九十年代大录音机放的,考场特别大我还坐在后面全是回音= =其实通过做题刷成绩是没有问题的,但是想要考的再高就需要好好背单词好好打基础了。以上。
今天考完决赛。不是大神。不是大神。不是大神。今年大一,四级616,六级还没考,但是六级估计要跪。因为同时准备了这个竞赛,真是让人难过。( 此处有一个哭的表情)。不是大神。不是大神。不是大神。今年大一,四级616,六级还没考,但是六级估计要跪。因为同时准备了这个竞赛,真是让人难过。( 此处有一个哭的表情)。要说如何准备的话,我有三点建议。一、刷真题这学期开始准备的,开学开始刷题,一周一套。但是没有坚持,初赛前一共就刷了四套题。( 此处有一个不好意思的表情)。因为专业课毕竟还是比较重。还有自己也有点喜欢玩。看看电影啊。看看剧啊。出去吃好吃的啊。(自信点啊,少年,我这样的都可以进决赛的啊,你怕什么。)刷题的好处是,可以熟悉题型。题目做多了,可以省去看题目的时间。我有个同学,有一个题目是只能填一个单词,结果他填了三个,十分就没有了,不然他也可以获奖的,虽然还是进不了决赛。(此处坏笑)还有,刷真题还可以练速度,竞赛的题量还是有一点大,可能我做题比较快,第一次做模拟题就可以写完。(其实并没有写完,作文没写,时间还剩半个小时,但后面发现我可以在半个小时写完两篇作文)。既然讲到了作文,我们就来讲讲第二点。二、进行针对性的训练我做的第一套的模拟卷,其他的都不记得了,我只记得自己到写作文的时候完全无法下笔。可能是因为好久都没写过作文了。第一套的模拟题,除去作文用了一个半小时(这里吐槽一下第一套听力好怪,听起来像是中东人朗读的),还有半个小时,可是,可是,我什么都写不出来!!!当时我就慌了,机缘巧合,看到恶魔的奶爸的一个关于新概念的学习方法,是以retelling 的形式。就是对一篇文章进行改换人称再讲述一遍这个故事。比如新概念三第一篇 A puma at large,作者是以上帝视角写的,我就用 puma 的口吻和 experts from the zoo 的口吻改写了。For example,原文是 pumas are large,cat-like animals which are found in America,when reports came into London zoo that a wild puma had been spoted forty-five miles south of London,they were not taken seriously.然后我以 puma 的口吻写是 we pumas are large cat-like animals which are found in America.Once I was picking blackberries and
saw a woman only five yards away from me,and I ran away immediately.(有些地方要删,有些要加,逻辑要通。)Experts 视角是:Pumas are large ,cat-like animals which are found in America.When reports came into London zoo,they are not taken seriously. However,as the evidence begin to accumulate,we feel obliged to investigate...后面发现 experts 的视角选取的比较失败,因为写出来和原文太像了,选取the puma 的主人可能会好一些吧。下面是我的一些 retelling然后每天坚持写两篇。初赛时我写两篇作文只用了
15min,写完马上就收卷了。我以为决赛会好一些的,写作文的时间会长一些,结果决赛写作文的时间还没初赛长,好像只有13分钟,一篇at least 150 words,一篇 no less than 180 words.我特么的居然写完了!!!(此处应有掌声啊)然后每天坚持写两篇。初赛时我写两篇作文只用了
15min,写完马上就收卷了。我以为决赛会好一些的,写作文的时间会长一些,结果决赛写作文的时间还没初赛长,好像只有13分钟,一篇at least 150 words,一篇 no less than 180 words.我特么的居然写完了!!!(此处应有掌声啊)But 这两篇文章的题目我都超喜欢的啊,给多一点时间我可以写得更好啊。我记得考场上 写倒数第二段的最后一句还想推敲一下来着,哦豁,看看表,分分钟就要交卷了,只能按直觉(intuition)和语感(Sprachgefuehl)写。给你们看看两篇作文,真的超喜欢这种题目的啊!PS,第一篇写一本书的开始想着 Everything I haven't told you(无声告白),后面觉得操作起来有难度,毕竟马上就要交卷了,又想写Gone with the wind 或 Pride and prejudice.PS,第一篇写一本书的开始想着 Everything I haven't told you(无声告白),后面觉得操作起来有难度,毕竟马上就要交卷了,又想写Gone with the wind 或 Pride and prejudice.最后写的是 Harry Potter.(撑脸哭)问题是我特么没有看过英文原版的 Harry Potter啊,罗恩和赫敏的名字都写不出 ,只能写 Harry and his two friends,伏地魔也不会写,只能写 the big monster.(再撑脸哭)最后总结一下这一段,就是找准自己的问题所在,然后再进行专项突破训练。具体方法网上很多,知乎上也有很多。
因为我是从5月8号开始编辑答案的,然后因为拖了这几天,拖延症挺严重的。我已经忘记我的第三点是什么了(惊恐状),虽然我很明确的记得我是要写三点的。Aber das macht doch nichts.备考途中,我没有背过单词。备考途中,我没有背过单词。之前看的一个答案 inspire 到我了,他说考前六级词书背了三遍,我倍受激励,马上去买了一本六级词书,结果那本书只背过一次就再没打开过。之前看过一篇文章,大概意思说的是,成功没有我们想得那么艰难,不一定要通过艰苦的努力才能取得。开开心心地或许也能学好。(开心不代表简单哦)说到没刷太多题,其实我一直在学,不过是按照自己的方法在学,坚持听 ESL 然后看原版小说,因为之前特别喜欢 one day,所以看的是这一本,会把生单词抄下来,然后并没有去记或背。(这样不好咯,还是要去记)心酸的是两个小时才看 1%!不过后面查词查的少一些,就看得快一些了。现在看 R.L.Stine的书,他的书词汇比较简单,看得快一些,写得也不错。就是保持学咯,ESL 听烦了也可以听听 TED什么的。不过要提高听力的话 第一遍听可以遮字幕。这样才是 conscious的listenning.慢慢听力进步一些,最近追 GOT 看的都是生肉了。当然可能只听懂了80% or even less.还有不开心压力大的时候就不要去学习了,看部电影慰劳慰劳自己咯,或者是做其他自己喜欢的事。Tips:一点小技巧。1.听力长对话听听力前一定把五个题目看完。PS:新闻的那题真心有点难. 2.有几道阅读题不需要看文本,直接做题目就是的。3.对于文化题,IQ 题 ,我想说 let it go.可能主要是看平时积累,可以有意识的记一下。 以上就是我想说的了。然而 学无定法,贵在得法。在知乎也看到过: 7+2=9,然而3+6=9.解决问题的途径不只一条,别死磕。最后。(PS 是同学的手啦 我的手好难看&_&)Break your legs.Break your legs.
& &以下为获奖作文展示:
Remove the Label of &Savage&
&&&&&&&& Reporters abroad have upset Chinese tourists by labelling them as &rude Chinese tourist&. We have been regarded as negative travellers without etiquette for a long time. This stereotype results from various reasons.
&&&&&&&& Different from Chinese scholars who went abroad to seek the chance of further study and research in certain field which they specialized in, tourists who rush into foreign countries nowadays pay less attention to the purpose of cultural communication. Those scholars were highly educated and were aware of the courtesy and habit of the country where they continued their studies. As the living standard of our civilian personnel is rising dramatically, travelling abroad is no longer difficult. As a result, a large& proportion of Chinese tourists in foreign countries are wealthy ones whose education level is not high and whose personality is not well cultivated. They consider travelling abroad as the symbol of high social status and wealth. To some degree, they are overwhelmed by individualism instead of patriotism which is cherished by those Chinese scholars. Their eyes and ears take in all the sights and sounds without appreciation of beauty of those places of interest and with little awareness of their permanent values.
&&&&&&&& Apart from lack of ability of appreciation, culture differences is another big problem. Usually the case is that our Chinese tourists do harm to the historical architecture and annoy foreigners without being aware of their misbehavior. For example, as for the boy who carved his name on that 3500-year-old Egyptian temple must have seen many signs of names on his school desks and chairs, the pillars of Chinese temples and precious stones. It is likely that no one has ever told him that carving his name here, there and everywhere may bring him the label of &barbarian&. Under such circumstances, the boy himself is not the one who is to blame. This kind of culture misunderstanding not merely happens between Chinese and foreigner, for even different parts in the same country can hold totally opposite attitude toward one issue. Another news that a mother from Chinese mainland let her child defecate in public places during their trip in Hong Kong has attracted lots of attention as well as endless criticism from citizens in Hong Kong. Such domestic conflicts can happen within China, let alone those international differences.
&&&&&&&& We cannot avoid taking &Ethnocentrism& of the field of inter-culture into consideration. People are almost always ethocentric to some degree, as we naturally learn to view the world from our own cultural respective. Westerners tend to judge Chinese according to western standards, so when they encounter foreigners who behave or think in ways that differ from theirs, then too quickly judge those ways as wrong or bad. Our Chinese used to judge foreigners negatively, too. Sometimes we regard them as intruders.
&&&&&&&& All we need to do now is preventing further confliction and narrowing the understanding gap in culture between us and people from other countries.
&&&&&&&& Both sides need to overcome the discrimination and stereotypes in the first place. Stimulated by those negative news about &rude Chinese tourists&, our citizens thought a lot, argued a lot and felt miserable. It is our students& duties to learn and spread knowledge of inter-culture and solutions to culture shock. Also, we can set examples of building bridges of understanding and mercy. In addition, education of etiquette in an essential part of cultivation of personality. It is from school that the youth learn about such salutary branch of quality-oriented education. Anyway, protecting and appreciating those historical and natural treasures should be an enduring principle which spans generations. What&s more, the travel agencies are supposed to get the balance right between economic achievement from tourism and the effect we may bring to the heritage which belongs to all humanity. Responsibilities of informing their tourists of basic knowledge about the destination and teaching them useful etiquette are thrust upon those businessmen&s shoulders.
&&&&&&&& One thing for sure is that we still have a long way to go to remove such negative label as &rude Chinese tourist&. But as long as we realize our misbehaviors and strive to be better selves, which was cherished by ancient Chinese, the time will give us fair response.
The Matter of Impoliteness and Cultural Communication
&&&&&&&& From my own perspective, this given text contains two basic opinions, first is to state that cultural differences are mainly responsible for Chinese tourists& misbehavior, to which I totally disagree. I think personal quality is, precisely, the leading reason. Second is that the author believe cultural differences result in the misunderstanding between Westerns and Chinese, to which I cannot agree more.
&&&&&&&& Admittedly, some Chinese tourists have absolutely no idea of politeness and respect, their impressively disgusting behaviors such as carving names on historical constructions and defecating or spitting everywhere, has left extraordinarily bad impression on others especially foreigners. And the worse condition is these wrongdoers do not even realize that they have already become the very center of public anger and violent criticism, instead, they may just consider their behaviors the same as what they normally do at home.
&&&&&&&& However, I doubt the author&s statement that this phenomenon mentioned above is a similar situation about cross culture. I&d rather regard it as an issue of low level of moral quality, and three vital reasons should be listed as follows. First and for most, our courses of moral quality exist in name only. From local governments to schools, they concern more about existing and potential interests than education itself, and most of them do not think highly of the nurture of public awareness. Secondly, the majority of Chinese people do not take the trend of traditional culture&s fading away seriously, and the importance of traditional education has been ignored for quite a long time. Last but not least, it is undoubtedly a shame that some parents do not set a good example---they may jump the queue to save time or steal a ride to save money, being unaware that all these wrongdoings will unconsciously give rise to awful influence on children throughout their whole lives. Therefore, for those who show impoliteness, they do deserve punishment, and our governments are supposed to strengthen the power of execution of relative laws and regulations against uncivilized acts. Besides, the key to this problem is the lacking of moral education, so it is a must to focus more on the promotion of traditional moral training to both parents and children.
&&&&&&&& As for the author&s attitude towards Western visitors& behavior, there is no doubt I will support it. The text indicates that Westerners being uncooperative and demanding their rights during their China trip was attributed to the failure of cross-cultural communication. Such misunderstanding, indeed, frequently arises when people from different cultural backgrounds meet, and if we do not figure out how to tackle it, the following consequences may be some embarrassment caused by criticism as well as hostility caused by foreigners& arrogance. Thus, combined with the author&s suggestion, I think one of the effective and crucial ways is to build bridges of intercommunication so as to advance the mutual comprehension from both sides. To be exact, we can put into effort through language or culture industry.
&&&&&&&& Obviously, language has been endowed with significant status recently. As we can see, Chinese&s enthusiasm towards learning English is growing dramatically, while Confucius Institutes have got off to a roaring start due to foreigners& intensively interests towards Chinese culture. Furthermore, in the face of globalization, massive investment to culture industry from both sides is seeing an upward trend, and people can acquire more chance to contact diverse regions& custom, to uncover the mask of unknowing culture, to truly understand the cultural difference and consequently get on well with others along with no more improper manners.
The introduction of Chinese fundamental school system
&&&&&&&& The reformation of Chinese education has become the highlight for a long time. People concern about the direction it will head for, for education found the future in this nation substantially. Meanwhile it&s necessary for people to understand Chinese school system clearly, only base on which can they fully comprehend current educational situation.
&&&&&&&& Chinese school system mainly consists of four parts: pre-schools, primary schools, secondary schools including junior and senior high school, and sorts of universities, collages and junior collages classified as the realm of higher education. Our thrust in this article is the fundamental part cover first three kinds of school.
&&&&&&&& Pre-schools are also named as kindergarten or nursery school. According to Chinese national education law, children who have not yet reached six years old cannot be sent to primary school for they are not mature enough to handle themselves. Still, the chance for children to learn basic knowledge, building their initial comprehension toward the world before they reach legal age is indispensable. The majority of parents choose pre-schools to help them complete this significant step. Children are able to acquaint simple knowledge like counting and reading and fundamental moral principles. The time of children receiving pre-school education is usually two or three years. After that they will ascend to primary school. Pre-school education itself, however, is not included in the system of nine-year compulsory education we are familiar with. The truth means that families should pay for this period of education their own without the state&s help.
&&&&&&&& What is called nine-year compulsory education is the section from six-year primary school to three-year junior high school. The country view it as an obligation for people to observe so that they are capable to become qualified citizens, beside, the country would pay most fee of the education in this period. Once children are six years old they should be sent to primary school, the courses of which contain math, Chinese, English and others building their comprehensive capability as music and physical education. Six years past, then they will attend an examination to prove they are competent to graduate and enter junior high school, where curriculum is more complicate. Courses like chemistry, physics or history become required. Surely we could perceive this policy not only from individual but national level, as the process of nine-year compulsory education is protected by the laws. Anyone escape this obligation would be punished.
&&&&&&&& The future turns optional once students complete their compulsory education. One of them is to enter training school so as to make themselves equipped with some specific skills, or they can go out to find a job if reach the legal age. Some students are willing to continue their study. Therefore they choose to enter senior high school. The junior and senior high school combining together is regarded as secondary school. In the three years of study they must make the decision whether they will be students major in science or students major in art. The emphasis in courses will be decided by the difference in the two of directions. Also, it will decide which subjects they will be tested in the final university entrance examination.
&&&&&&&& For every student who is eager to be enrolled into university the entrance examination is vital even weighed in their whole life. Before that they should already get the graduate certification, because the meaning of this examination is to measure which level of higher education they are qualified to receive. The necessity of employment market and increasing pressure to get better life lead the exam to be tense even cruel and blood-scenting. The survivals will open the door and get themselves to a higher stage, where both type and approach of education are totally different from past decade.
An Introduction to the Schooling System
&&&&&&&& Influenced by the 1922 Schooling System emulating from America, the 1951 Schooling System established after the founding of People&s Republic of China from Former Soviet Union as the model. The Chinese Educational System is undergoing an epoch of rapid development by inheriting the inherent strength and drawing useful lessons from overseas.
&&&&&&&& To start with, when it comes to pre-school education in China, there exists a stereotype that institutions like kindergarten and nursing schools are only places for attending kids whose parents are busy at work and cannot have their offspring under their care and nourishment without teaching them basic knowledge or skills. It is astonishing that a large number of the masses hold that the faculty of kindergarten or nursing homes is deficient in knowledge and nursing skills. However, with greater significance attached to pre-school education and an increasing number of well-trained kindergarten teachers fresh from Education Department of universities, gone are the days when daily care and story-telling were only provided by kindergartens and nursing homes. Nowadays, in kindergartens in China, children can be ubiquitously noticed playing games with their peers more than recreation. Meanwhile, kids are training their communication as well as interpersonal skills, which matters most in the development and growth as individuals. Moreover, there is a growing trend that the present pre-schooling system is putting enormous emphasis on preparation for school life in that in the last year of pre-school education, kids who are approximately five years of age are dragooned into enrollment into primary school by a relatively stricter principle like listening to the teachers attentively and remembering Chinese characters and the English alphabet within a certain amount of time limit so as to become habituated to their life as primary school students, which appears painful and challenging to kids and their parents as well.
&&&&&&&& &After entering elementary schools, the period known as compulsory education takes place. That is to say, children aged six to fifteen from all family backgrounds and various ethnic groups are obliged to receive the fundamental education supplied by our central and local government. Those who evade sending their descendents to school for any intentions are bound to be severely punished for authorities in charge of education. In the first three years of elementary schools, kids are stilled patriotic thoughts, love for our motherland and some basic norm of conducts in their citizenship classes, which has exerted a profound influence on their future lives no matter what they are built into. In addition, it is time for primary school students to commence learning specific knowledge such as how to write Chinese characters, do arithmetic, together with read the English alphabet in a fluent manner. What matters most for the majority of Chinese kids is to aware that they have no alternative but to behave themselves and obey the school rules under any circumstance, which qualifies them as citizens in contemporary China and lays a solid foundation for their future development in their adolescence. What relieves us is that a great number of urban elementary schools are providing their students with hobby groups and extracurricular activates like calligraphy and piano-playing, which serves as an efficient means of developing children&s hobby and elevating their taste as well as appreciation in the long run.
&&&&&&&& &The Secondary Education System accounts for a larger percentage of fundamental education, which falls into two categories: junior high school and senior high school. Junior high school education is also deemed as compulsory education where students deepen their knowledge in Chinese, mathematics and English, and accumulate common sense in geography, history and citizenship by lectures, PPT slides or documentaries. Meanwhile, students start the course of physics, chemistry and biology with the company of seemingly challenging but interesting experiments and are moved by the noble cause of scientific research carried out by scientists of the modern times. It is evident that some kids are to be inspired by the scientist and determined to go on further studies. In the third year of junior high school, all students are confronted with Senior High School Entrance Examination, in which their destinies and future are somehow determined. In other words, some brilliant and diligent students are fortunate enough to be enrolled by senior high schools and in pursuit of their university dreams. On the contrary, those who fail to meet the requirement of senior high schools are provided the chance to go to vocational schools parallel to senior high school education stressing on specific skills ranging from accounting to automobile repairing.
&&&&&&&& For those lucky dogs in senior high schools, life doesn&t end at the age of fifteen. They are encountered with an increasingly challenging task of the College Entrance Examination, which indicates that they are obliged to make endeavors from their freshman year in high school and they can&t afford the time of playing or entertainment. The second year in high school matters most in our schooling system where students are divided into two major groups on the basis of their interests and grades. That is to say, a large portion of them will take science subject in the Matriculation Test, while others are selecting liberal arts like history or geography in order to be enrolled by ideal universities. Spontaneously, vocational courses are taught in quite a number of high schools lest some teenagers can&t manage to receive higher education, so instructors are required to guide them to make a full preparation for the job market by equipping them with useful techniques. Franking speaking, students are buried in scoring high marks for higher education rather than cultivate their hobbies as well as nourish their characters as all-round individuals with profound insight, tolerance, and creativity in so fierce competition. According to a recent statistics carried out in a prestigious senior high school in Shanghai, 75 percent or so high school graduates are obsessed with matriculation fixation and peer pressure while pursuing their college dream and prosperous future.
&&&&&&&& &In conclusion, only by inheriting and maintaining the merits of our schooling system established by our precedents, emulating useful experience from overseas and casting away our stereotype can the educational cause flourish in our nation and benefit from our future generation.


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