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caterpillar&n. 毛毛虫grumble&vi. 诉苦;嘟囔boast&vi. 自吹自擂So the little prince tamed the fox. And when the hour of his departure drew near--"Ah," said the fox, "I shall cry.""It is your own fault," said the little prince. "I never wished
but you wanted me to tame you…""Yes, that is so," said the fox."But now you are going to cry!" said the little prince."Yes, that is so," said the fox."Then it has done you no good at all!""It has done me good," said the fox, "because of the color of the wheat fields." And then he added:"Go and look again at the roses. You will understand now that yours is unique in all the world. Then come back to say goodbye to me, and I will make you a present of a secret."The little prince went away, to look again at the roses."You are not at all like my rose," he said. "As yet you are nothing. No one has tamed you, and you have tamed no one. You are like my fox when I first knew him. He was only a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But I have made him my friend, and now he is unique in all the world."And the roses were very much embarrassed."You are beautiful, but you are empty," he went on. "One could not die for you. To be sure, an ordinary passerby would think that my rose looked just like you-- the rose that belongs to me. But in herself alone she is more important than all the hundreds of you other roses: because it is she that I because it is she that I have put u because it is she that I have shelter because it is for her that I have killed the caterpillars (except the two or three that we saved to become butterflies); because it is she that I have listened to, when she grumbled, or boasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing. Because she is my rose.And he went back to meet the fox."Goodbye," he said."Goodbye," said the fox. "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that what is essential is invisible to the eye.""What is essential is invisible to the eye," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember."It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.""It is the time I have wasted for my rose--" said the little prince, so that he would be sure to remember."Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose…""I am responsible for my rose," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.就这样,小王子驯服了狐狸。分手的时候快要到了,狐狸说道:“哎!我肯定会哭的。”“这是你的过错。”小王子说道,“我原来一点儿不希望你惆怅的,可你偏偏要我驯服你……”“是这样的。”狐狸说。“你都要哭出来了。”小王子说。“那虽然。”狐狸说。“可你什么利益还没有获得呢。”“由于麦子颜色的缘故,我照旧获得了利益。”狐狸说。然后狐狸又说:“你再去看看那些玫瑰花吧。你一定会明白,你的那朵花是天下唯一无二的玫瑰。当你回来向我告此外时候,我将赠你一个秘密作礼物。”于是小王子就跑去看那些玫瑰花。“你们一点也不像我的那朵玫瑰花,你们还什么都不是呢。”小王子对她们说。“没有人驯养过你们,你们也没有驯养过任何人。你们就像我的狐狸已往那样,它那时只是一只与成千上万只狐狸一样的狐狸。可是,我现在已经和它交上朋友,它现在就是世界上一只唯一无二的狐狸了。”这时,那些玫瑰花们感应很难为情。“你们美丽,但是你们空虚。”小王子又对他们说道,“没有人能为你们去死。虽然,一个普通的过路人会以为我的那朵玫瑰花和你们一样。但是,她单唯一朵花就比你们全体都名贵。因为她是我浇灌的花。因为她是我放到玻璃罩下的。因为她是我用屏风保护起来的。因为她身上的毛毛虫(除了两三只变蝴蝶的幼虫外)都是我除掉的。因为我听过她倾诉愁苦或自夸自赞,有时甚至还倾听过她缄默沉静无言。因为她是我的玫瑰花。”小王子又回到了狐狸身边。“再见。”他说。“再见。”狐狸说,“这就是我的秘密,它很简朴:只有心灵才气洞察一切,肉眼是看不到事物本质的。”“肉眼看不见事物的本质。”小王子重复着这句话,要把它记在心间。“正因为你在你的玫瑰花身上花费了时间,这才使她变得如此名贵。”“正因为我在我的玫瑰花身上花费了时间……”小王子重复着这句话,要把它记在心间。“人们已经忘记了这个真理,”狐狸说,“但是你不应忘记它。你要对你驯养过的一切永远卖力,你要对你的那朵玫瑰花卖力……”“我要对我的那朵玫瑰花卖力……”小王子重复着,要把它记在心间。大鱼影戏院(gh_db44e2c1b9ca)
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Artificial Intelligence: What's To Come for EHS…&And When?
Artificial &intelligence (AI) is a concept already embedded
in our day-to-day lives. &Your smart phone? AI. Google’s algorithm? AI.
Your email spam filter? &AI. When we speak about AI, it’s easy to jump to thoughts of the &Terminator movies or i-Robot, but is this really a vision of where &technology is heading?AI is an &extremely broad subject, but there are some fundamentals
that will &become common terms as the AI revolution gathers pace, and
they’re &relevant to EHS.&3 Categories of AIThere are 3 categories of AI:Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)We’ve &already achieved ANI – that’s a program that can beat the most
&intelligent human at one thing, like a chess game or the board game &
“Go,” as recently was achieved.What &lies ahead is AGI, and it might be approaching us much quicker
than we &think. AGI is classed as a computer system that is as smart as
the human &brain across the board. In a first-draft style attempt,
Microsoft &recently created “Tay,” a tweeting AI chatbot that learns
from what the &online Twitter community is talking about and responds to messages with &logical answers… in theory.Tay &almost immediately had to be taken down in March after it (she?)
went &rogue and generated sexist, racist remarks for all to see. At
this point &in AI development, it’s easy to underestimate the progress
made to date &and the impact of progress we will see even in the next
couple of &years.Although practical use of &this new technology right now can be a
little clunky and gimmicky, we &are on an unstoppable path where AI will continue to become ever-more &sophisticated and integrated into our lives.How Quickly Will AI Evolve?As &with any technology – the first phone, first car, first flying &contraption – it would be hard for the inventors of such technology to &imagine the convergence
and development of their inventions (and their &impact on society).
Crucially, though, is that the speed of progress is &getting much, much
faster. In effect, technologists now can achieve what &would have been
100 years of progress at 20th century development rates &in just seven
years, and the pace of change is quickening still.What &does this mean? Well for starters, huge amounts of change!
Change &comparable to the Wright Brothers seeing a jumbo jet thunder
past within &seven years of their first powered flight at Kitty Hawk. A
bit mind &blowing? You betcha!I have &mentioned ANI and AGI – clearly as Tay, Siri and
Cortana demonstrate, we &have lots of progress to make to move from ANI
to AGI (Artificial &General Intelligence). Long before we see Terminator
type T-800’s with &EHS scanners and hi-vis jackets roaming about construction sites, we &will see a huge transformation for health and safety and health and &safety law.But let’s not get too &carried away (at this point) and look at a
single application of AI: &It’s currently predicted that we will see the
first consumer cars capable of fully autonomous driving by 2019. Yes, that’ only three years away.You &may have seen in the news recently that one of Google’s
driverless cars &(an ANI system) in California was involved in a
collision with a &passenger bus (see Figure 2). A minor one, and luckily
nobody was &injured, but this brought to my attention to ways AI –
especially in its &infant stages – could have a significant impact on
health and safety. &Or, at least, will soon demand new laws be put in
place for regulating &how safety incidents involving AI are handled.
Combine this with the &speed of change and its ability to transform the
workplace and we have a &continual challenge for EHS and the law to keep up.&The wider impact of AI on the workplace is difficult to imagine. It’s
&predicted that 30 percent of our jobs will be taken over by AI
machines &by 2025. This could result in a safer working environment, but
there &will be other issues we just have not anticipated that will
impact the &EHS manager, occupational safety and health laws
and wider society. Just &as Microsoft did not predict that humans would
“teach” Tay to tweet &racist and sexist comments, you can bet that us
humans will create havoc &in many cases. It will be a first if such
widely deployed technology is &not hacked, stolen and generally abused
by the unscrupulous.This &article has now probably got you thinking not just from an EHS
perspective, but from a life-as-we-know-it perspective. ASI is where
the &sphere of AI becomes the biggest game changer. ASI is defined as
an &intellect much smarter than the best human brains in every field,
and it &would reach levels of intelligence humans cannot even
comprehend. Most &experts believe we are some way off ASI, but once we reach AGI, ASI very &quickly could follow.If you want to read about how this could even be possible, an article by Tim Urban, &The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence,& sums it up.&Will a Robot Interpret Near-Misses?In a word YES, but it’s more of a question of when will it be widely applicable?A &bicyclist rides
by a Google self-driving car at the Google headquarters &in Mountain
View, Calif. (Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)Since &I’ve already mentioned AI in transport, let's look at
the ability of &driverless vehicles to detect nearby objects – Google’s
cars take notice &of cyclists, pedestrians and other hazards by using an
on-board &scanning system. This technology even can pick up human
gestures like a &cyclist’s hand signal, and analyzes movements to decide
the car's &position. If a cyclist is hovering around lanes, the car
will hang back. &It doesn't seem this level of sophisticated
decision-making was present &in the California bus incident, but it will
get there. AI can “see” in a &sense, but to what extent can it apply
logic to general processes?In &a close call, the significant incident that could have happened
didn’t &happen, so ANI may have trouble registering it as an event. As
humans we &have a high degree of sophistication when it comes to logic
and &intuition, and it’s these natural skills that may prove most
challenging &to teach – the things we do without thinking. But when
(rather than if) &AI can recognize any narrowly avoided situation, AI
very well could &reveal near-misses humans are incapable of spotting.
Furthermore, AI &will eliminate the barriers that humans experience when
logging a close &call such as difficulty, embarrassment or peer
pressure.Near-miss &reporting is an extremely important player in reducing accident rates. &There’s been cases of companies reducing monetary
losses by 90 percent &as a result of investigating near-misses, so it’s
fairly crucial any AI &system employed to be self-sufficient can
understand the concept.It’s &estimated that for every workplace fatality, there are 300
near-misses – &which would mean there were 1.4 million near-misses in
the United &States in 2014, based on OSHA fatality statistics. Whether these close &calls are reported and investigated is the responsibility of individual &organizations and is something AI almost certainly could help us with.Arguably, &if sufficiently sophisticated AI systems were carrying out
the jobs of &humans in, for example, construction, near-misses would
occur &significantly less often. AI will be efficient, careful and not
open to &human mistake such as knocking a heavy wrench off a scaffold
platform.Can &an AI see like a human can? Can it witness a near-miss and
recognise &it? Any AI operating in high-risk industries would have to be
programmed &to understand exactly what a near-miss is. Explaining the
concept of &“almost what could have been” to a machine seems
impossible at this &point in time, but we will see huge advances over
the decade in this &area.Can AI Recognize Risk?Assessing &risk remains a real effort for human beings. It’s so important in &decision-making, yet can be difficult to quantify and measure.When &AGI transpires, it will be fully understanding of what risk is
and how &to mitigate it. It will be able to calculate the percent
likeliness of &an incident happening, probably instantaneously, and
without any human &intervention. ASI will be able to determine lower
risk ways of doing &things that humans have never even thought of.The answer to this question is yes, and certain industries already are using hybrid AI to aid in calculating it.What’s the Situation Right Now?The &case of Google’s driverless car hitting a municipal bus on Feb. 14 &tells us a lot about how we’re going to have to adjust. The incident &came about
because the car sought to avoid some sandbags in a wide lane &by moving
over to the left, before re-entering the center of the lane &and
striking the side of the bus.The &Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority still is
investigating the &crash, so we’ll have to stay tuned for the outcome.
Right now what we &need to realize is the potential for this kind of
incident to become a &lot more commonplace as we move to more sophisticated AI such as &driverless cars in our everyday lives.The &question of accountability could become a difficult topic. So
far so &minor, but we need to ensure that everything is effectively
monitored, &reported and followed up, just as we should be doing with
human-caused &accidents. Google admits “some responsibility” for the
collision, but is &quick to add that the bus driver also is not
blame-free. If charges are &pressed, this would be the first time we see
a prosecution against a &car with no driver, and could be an obscure
glimpse into the future.Daimler driverless truck (Photo: Daimler)It’s &all very speculative, but based on the current AI
capabilities we &experience throughout the world, EHS is going to have
to adapt to these &new intelligent machines. We're now seeing driverless
trucks due to be &tested on UK roads, following Germany's test in 2015
and Daimler’s U.S. &license for such a test – a step towards the
predictions of 30 percent &of jobs being replaced by AI within the next nine years.&The &poignant thing for me is that the advance of technology is getting &quicker – much, much quicker, thanks to exponential growth – and &therefore we are not far from the point technology sufficiently will &advance to replace
the human in harm’s way with a machine. Technology &already developed
will transform many industries over the next couple of &years, as the
ability to replicate it becomes increasingly &cost-effective. One only
needs to look at the advances being made in &research centers across
the globe to get a glimpse of what the future &looks like.With improvements in &battery life, software, hardware and,
crucially, costs, there are &numerous ways EHS can benefit from the rise
of AI in coming years. So, &good news for health and safety, but
difficult to understand the &implications for life as we know it! After
all, once AI becomes &self-aware and smarter than us, surely it becomes the biggest potential &risk to us in all history?&I’ll &leave you with an indicative statement – if this all sounds
too much &like science fiction, it’s worth noting that the World Economic Forum &mentions AI in their Global Risks 2015 report:The &rapid pace of innovation in emerging
technologies, from synthetic &biology to artificial intelligence, also
has far-reaching societal, &economic and ethical implications. Developing regulatory environments
&that are adaptive enough to safeguard their rapid development and
allow &their benefits to be reaped, while preventing their misuse and
any &unforeseen negative consequences is a critical challenge for leaders.John &Drzik, president of Global Risk and Specialties at Marsh, said:
&“Innovation is critical to global prosperity, but also creates new &
risks. We must anticipate the issues that will arise from emerging &
technologies, and develop the safeguards and governance to prevent &
avoidable disasters.”&Murray Ferguson is a director at Pro-Sapien Software. Ferguson
&has been involved in providing business intelligence IT solutions to &
some of the world's largest companies for over 15 years. He particularly
&is interested in using modern technologies for improvements in EHS &
performances, striving to support business processes and promote safety
best practice in high-risk industries. He can be reached via email at murray.ferguson@ or by phone at +44 (0) 141 353 1165.
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