用who s造句's造句

Who is he ?He is my father.
How is the weather like ?
It's sunny.
What's your favorite color ?
It's red.
Where is my bag ?It's under the bed.
When do you have holiday ?
Next week .
扫描下载二维码英语造句造句 定语从句 要求用到 who whose whom that
语法标注解释 who英音:[hu:]美音:[hu] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释who代词 pron.1.(用作疑问代词)谁,什么人Did Mary tell you who that girl's father is?玛丽有没有告诉你那女孩的父亲是谁?Who has borrowed my pen?谁借了我的钢笔?2.(用作限定关系代词)...的人The girl who spoke is my best friend.那讲话的女孩是我最好的朋友.3.(用作非限定关系代词)他;她;他们;她们I went to the movies with Mary,who I think you once met.我与玛丽一起去看电影.我想你见过她.4.【古】(省略先行词的关系代词)...的人WHO缩写词 abbr.1.=World Health Organization(联合国)世界卫生组织语法标注解释 whose英音:[hu:z]美音:[huz] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释代词 pron.(who或which的所有格)1.(用作疑问代词)谁的Whose books are these?这些书是谁的?2.(用作关系代词)那个人的,那些人的;他(她)们;他(她)们的Chopin,whose works are world-famous,composed some of his music in this room.肖邦的音乐作品举世闻名,其中的一部分就是在这间屋子里创作的.The woman whose umbrella you took is very angry about it.你拿了那女士的伞,她为此很生气.3.(用作关系代词)它的;它们的The word,whose meaning escapes me,probably derives from Latin.那个词可能源自拉丁文,其意思我想不起来了.whom英音:[hu:m]美音:[hum] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释代词 pron.(who的宾格,用在正式的讲话及书面语中)1.(用作疑问代词)谁,什么人I know who you are and whom you represent.我知道你是谁并代表谁.2.(用作限定关系代词)...的人I'll give my vote to the man in whom I have faith.我将把我的选票投给我所相信的人.She was the girl whom you met at the airport.她就是你在机场遇见的那个女孩.3.(用作非限定关系代词)他,她;他们,她们My new neighbor,whom I introduced to you the other day,had a heart attack last night.日前我介绍你认识的我那位新邻居昨晚心脏病发作.4.【古】(省略先行词的关系代词)...的人语法标注解释 that英音:[&&t]美音:[&&t] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释代词 pron.1.那;那个,那人,那事,那东西That's my English teacher over there.那边是我的英文老师.2.(已被提到的)那个,那人,那事,那东西Who told her that?那是谁告诉她那件事的?3.前者4.(用作关系代词的先行词)那,那个What is that which you have just stuffed into the plastic cup?你刚才塞在塑料杯里的是什么东西?5.(代替句中名词,避免重复)The output of steel this year has increased by 20% compared with that in 1992.今年钢产量比一九九二年增长了百分之二十.6.(用作关系代词,引导关系从句)形容词 a.1.那,那个That book isn't mine.那本书不是我的.副词 ad.1.【口】那样,那么Is the problem that easy?问题有那么简单吗?连接词 conj.1.(引导名词从句)He expressed the hope that we would keep in touch with his firm.他表示希望我们与他的公司保持联系.My idea is that we should act on his suggestion.我的意见是我们应当按照他的建议去办.That she is still alive is a relief.她还活着,这是令人感到宽慰的.2.(引导状语从句,表示原因或理由)因为,由于We are glad that we have accomplished another arduous task.我们都感到高兴因为又完成了一项艰巨的任务.3.(引导状语从句,表示目的或结果)为了,以至于He is working hard that he can catch up with the class.他努力用功,以便赶上班上同学.4.(引导表示愿望,感叹的从句,主句常省略)That I could stay at home today!今天要是我能呆在家里多好呀!
The woman who wrote this letter works in a hospital.That is the man whose house burnt down.A man whom she had met on holiday.He is the man that I saw yesterday
1:We are the people who always believe in ourselves.2:She lives in a house whose windows face to the south.3:Here are the new comers,most of whom are from Italy.4:It's the gift that you gave me last year.
Who that you have ever seen can beat him in chess?That girl who wears red skirt is my sister That is my house whose windows open to south This is the man whom I
saw last night.
Who is there wearing a red coat and reading book.
扫描下载二维码Hello, who's speaking, please?
I say we should reject that little game of who’s busier than whom.
Have you been running after a man who’s not in love with you, when you could have any of the bucks in the County?
你是在追求一个不爱你的男人了? 可这县里有那么多哥儿公子,你是谁都可以挑选的呀!
You must know who’s talking about your company and in what way, too.
Now, debates in Washington tend to be consumed with the politics of the moment: who’s up in the daily polls; whose party stands to gain in November.
I’ll leave you with a guide I wrote a while ago for anyone who’s single but considering dating – useful, even without the science bit!
A priest, a minister, and a rabbi want to see who’s best at his job. So they each go into the woods, find a bear, and attempt to convert it.
One goal is to persuade you that we still need journalism, no matter who’s going to do it.
Often, only "authorized" users can do certain things -- so think about how the program should determine who's authorized.
All the Vietnamese and Japanese restaurants in these areas are also Chinese, because who's gonna tell.
The most likely victim in this whole thing will be the truth but, hey, who’s counting?
Now who’s laughing?
A basic principle of medical practice, “First, do no harm, ” might well be rephrased for content writers as “First, do not assume”—that is, do not assume that you know who’s reading your website.
医疗机构最基本的守则是,“首先不要造成伤害”。 同样,写文章的基本守则是"切勿假象”—— 不要随意假设你的读者的身份,并一厢情愿的认为你了解他们。
We don’t know who’s behind these ads or who’s paying for them.
In fact, what I often find is that everyone agrees who's at the top and bottom of the list.
Just about every guy wonders how he measures up in the "down-there" department at one time or another. Here's the lowdown for any guy who's ever worried about whether his penis is a normal size.
Like I said above – people are driven to improve because they want to escape the experience of being themselves; they want to experience life as someone who's “cooler” or “better” than they are.
It was a heartfelt question, one that could be asked by anyone who’s lost a home or a job in this recession.
So a use case is a text description of how you want the system to work, who's involved and how they interact, how it all works when things go right, and what should happen when things go wrong.
Because anyone who's passionate about an idea thinks about that idea all the time, and everything in life seems to come back to how it affects their passion.
Who's lighting the stove here? I can't even open my eyes for the smoke.
You feel that it has become a part of your house like someone who's moved into your house, and your house is changed then.
Those kinds of experiences I think bode well for someone who’s going to be open and adaptive in this job environment.
Those kinds of experiences I think bode well for someone who’s going to be open and adaptive in this job environment.
- 来自原声例句


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