
drop是什么意思 drop在线翻译 drop什么意思 drop的意思 drop的翻译 drop的解释 drop的发音 drop的同义词 drop的反义词 drop的例句 drop的相关词组
drop英 [dr?p] 美 [drɑ:p] 第三人称单数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:drop 基本解释vt.& vi.(使)落下; 投下; (使)降低; 减少vt.放弃; 停止; (故意)降下; 垂下(眼睛)n.滴; 空投; 降落; 少量vi.(水或其他液体)滴; 结束; (因受伤或死等)倒下; 退出drop 相关词组drop的解释1.
: 离开, 散去, 逐渐减少;2.
: 失败;3.
: 离开, 散去;4.
: 落后;5.
: 偶遇, 惩罚;6.
: 退出, 掉出, 退学;7.
: 退后;8.
: 随便访问;drop 相关例句vt.1. 911查询·英语单词大全1. She dropped acid in high school.&&&&她高中时代服迷幻药。2. 2. The journalists drop ped this subject.&&&&新闻界人士避开了这个问题。vi.1. Price for meat dropped.&&&&肉跌价了。2. The temperature has dropped drastically.&&&&气温已大大下降。drop 情景对话道别A:Well, I must be off now. I have an appointment at six.&&&&&&嗯,我现在得离开了。我六点有个约会。B:In that case, I won’t keep you any longer. Drop in any time.&&&&&&如果是那样的话,我不再挽留你了。(欢迎)随时到我这里来。A:OK. Goodbye.&&&&&&我会的。再见。dropB:See you later.&&&&&&再见。投标B:We‘d like a chance to bid on this business.&&&&&&我们希望能有机会投标这笔生意。A:We‘ll be taking quotations next month .&&&&&&我们将在下个月接受报价。B:Will you let us have the specifications ?&&&&&&规格说明书可以给我们吗。A:Sure ,just drop in my office some time and pick them up .&&&&&&没问题,什么时候到我办公室来拿都可以。Two - word Verbs-(成语动词)A:Hi, Mary, how are you doing?&&&&&&喂,玛丽,你好吗?B:Fine. What happended to you yesterday? I didn't see you in class.&&&&&&很好。昨天你出了什么事?我在课堂上没有见到你。A:Oh, I overslept as usual. What went on anyway?&&&&&&啊,像往常一样睡过头了,难道有什么事?B:We heard about two-word verbs.&&&&&&我们学了一些成语动词。A:What's a two-word verb?&&&&&&什么成语动词?B:Things like drop in, go over, get out, fill up. Listen to these two sentences: citation will run in the Mr.Lee will run in to see you tomorrow. Can you tell which run in is the two-word verb?&&&&&&像drop in, go over, get out, fill up这些词。听听下面这两句话:Citation will run in the Mr。Lee will run in to see you tomorrow。 这两句中都有run in,你能说出哪一个是成语动词吗?drop 网络解释1. 1. 吊球:前场运动员练习的是正反手直线长球(straight drive)和高吊球(lob),要求――把球回到后场角落. 后场运动员练习的是正反手直线吊球(drop)和折线球(boast),要求――把球回到前场角落. 两个人的打球套路可以预先定好.2. drop的近义词2. 滴:点滴(guttate)这个词来源于希腊文的滴(drop). 这一类型银屑病的皮疹在全身皮肤呈针尖样的,独立的点滴状分布. 较多见于躯干和四肢,有时候也可见于头皮. 这种皮疹通常为小红点,而不象斑块型银屑病的斑疹. 这一类型的银屑病可以自发缓解,3. 3. 放下:放入快捷栏内的方法:从物品栏中点住目标装备,挪动(Drag)到快捷栏上放下(Drop)即可. 可以用一般的Drag&Drop功能轻松放入.4. drop: 压降drop 双语例句1. If you consistently make these kinds of errors, your grade will drop.&&&&如果你不断犯此类错误,你的分数会被扣减。2. I'm a northerner and temperatures where I come from can drop to minus 28 in winter.&&&&我是北方人,我来的那个地区冬天的气温可以降到零下28度。3. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD3. Dark spirit is cruel go to get billowy and frequent girl with inspiration, once she is in suddenly pay mad state, everywhere hold tight lives the person asks: Does scabbard of neon of さ of trade of easy ruthenium of drop of prize n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor cut?&&&&概要:冥灵是一个暴走和灵感都来得汹涌频繁的姑娘,有一次她忽然处于抓狂状态,四处揪住人就问:你们说我最擅长的是什么?4. Because of the low test current level used, a very sensitive voltmeter is required to measure the voltage drop, which is usually in the microvolt range.&&&&由于所使用的测试电流很低,所以就需要非常灵敏的电压表来测量这种通常在微伏范围的电压降。5. 5. According to analysis, emergence of the current situation of active rental market there are three factors: First, the center region due to the relocation of municipal progress slowed down the impact of second-hand housing downtown sharp drop in demand.&&&&据分析,出现目前状况的租务市场活跃,有三个因素:第一,中心地区因为要拆迁,市政进度放慢的影响,二手房市中心的需求急剧下降。6. 6. Not even a drop of water passed his lips.&&&&他博而不精,每门学科都马马虎虎。7. drop的意思7. I have to drop my pen so soon.&&&&我不得不这么快就停笔。8. I have to drop my pen so soon. do remember me to your parents.&&&&我不得不这麽快就停笔。一定要代我向你父母问好。9. Here in China, the government has been making every effort they could to rescue people in the quake zone. Pls don''t use the sacastic eyecatching headlines to drop clicks!&&&&在中国,政府正在尽一切努力抢球灾区的民众,请不要用尖酸醒目的头条来吸引点击率了!10. 10. He also expects the weight of bill discounting to drop over time.&&&&他同时预计随着时间的推移,票据贴现的占比将降低。11. I tell you, I'm gonna drop the n-bomb if I have to.&&&&&&警告你,必要时,我会扔核炸弹12. In addition, be steeped fall by the US stock influence, shanghai points to considerably low, pan Zhongquan is heavy show general to drop condition, shanghai points to 2300 a little bit to undergo test again, do poineering work board come on stage and did not carry Zhen Hu to point to further.&&&&&&此外,受到美股暴跌影响,沪指大幅低开,盘中权重股都呈普跌状态,沪指2300点再次遭遇考验,创业板的出台并没有进一步提振沪指。13. 13. The extraction rate of Co^2^+ with di(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid was determined by the means of single drop method.&&&&&&用上升液滴法测定二(2-乙基己基)磷酸从硫酸盐介质中萃取Co^2^+的速率。14. drop14. To determine the reason of impact breakage of new developed plastic packing box for certain cannonball in drop test, this article derives the actual stress formulas in the position of impact breakage.&&&&&&为确定新研制的某炮弹塑料包装筒在跌落试验中,产生冲击破坏的原因,通过理论计算和试验研究。15. Taking into account of this problem, within the heating system Is most appropriate for the processing of materials and to offset the drop-mouth balance runner.&&&&&&考虑到这一问题,内加热系统最适宜加工范围大的材料和到各落口等距的平衡流道。16. Then in terms of software, we have the development costs are fixed, and if more customers, prices can drop.&&&&&&然后在软件方面,我们有发展的成本是固定的,如果顾客越多,价格就可以下降。17. drop在线翻译17. In case that she makes a mistake, the dragon sword will drop into the bottom of the crack and can hardly be obtained again.&&&&&&豆豆在神魔交战造成的剧烈震荡中,搜寻著每一个角落和裂缝,终於,在一个颇深的裂缝中,她看到了架在石角上的神龙剑,她本来想用软刚丝把它卷上来,可正好有一些突起的岩石挡在了那石角上方,使软刚丝的使用变的困难,一旦失手,神龙剑便会掉进裂隙底部,再难取得,豆豆想了片刻,决定把软刚丝一端绑在一块大石上,另一端缠在身上,亲自攀下去拿18. drop18. If the connection broken, we can break a knife to paint 刮干净 Department, the lead Department in the exposed painted wax, and then along the alignment pin is zoned to the wax, then drop in on top of silver nitrate solution.&&&&&&如果连线断,我们可以用刀把断线处的漆刮干净,在露出的导线处涂上蜡,再用针顺着走线把蜡划去,接下来就是在上面滴上硝酸银溶液。19. Dao first art paint line刮干净Department, the lead Department in his wax-coated, and then along the alignment pin is zoned to the wax, then drop in on top of silver nitrate solution.&&&&&&先用美工刀把断线处的漆刮干净,在露出的导线处涂上蜡,再用针顺着走线把蜡划去,接下来就是在上面滴上硝酸银溶液。20. Careless people foeget to put out their barbecues fier. Thoughtless people drop burning cigarette ends everywhere.&&&&&&粗心的人总会忘了扑灭他们的烧烤的火,做实欠考虑的人把向烟头扔得到处都是。。drop 词典解释1. (使)降低;(使)下降;(使)减少&&&&If a level or amount drops or if someone or something drops it, it quickly becomes less.&&&&e.g. Temperatures can drop to freezing at night...&&&&&&&&&&&夜间温度可能会降到零度以下。&&&&e.g. Once the rate rises it never drops back to its previous level...&&&&&&&&&&&一旦价格上去了就再也不会降到以前的水平了。2. (意外地)使掉下,使落下&&&&If you drop something, you accidentally let it fall.&&&&e.g. I dropped my glasses and broke them.&&&&&&&&&&&我不小心把眼镜掉下来摔碎了。3. 掉到…上;从…上掉落&&&&If something drops onto something else, it falls onto that thing. If something drops from somewhere, it falls from that place.&&&&e.g. He felt hot tears dropping onto his fingers...&&&&&&&&&&&他感觉到热泪掉到他的手指上。&&&&e.g. Burning embers started dropping from the ceiling...&&&&&&&&&&&余火未尽的木块开始从天花板上往下掉。4. 投下;丢下;扔下;掉下&&&&If you drop something somewhere or if it drops there, you deliberately let it fall there.&&&&e.g. Drop the noodles into the water...&&&&&&&&&&&将面条下到水里。&&&&e.g. He dropped his plate into the sink.&&&&&&&&&&&他把盘子丢到水槽里。dropping...the dropping of the first atomic bomb.第一颗原子弹的投放5. (疲惫地)垂下,低垂,垂落&&&&If a person or a part of their body drops to a lower position, or if they drop a part of their body to a lower position, they move to that position, often in a tired and lifeless way.\u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD&&&&e.g. Nancy dropped into a nearby chair...&&&&&&&&&&&南希疲惫地瘫坐到近处的椅子上。&&&&e.g. She let her head drop...&&&&&&&&&&&她低垂着头。6. 累倒;累垮&&&&To drop is used in expressions such as to be about to drop and to dance until you drop to emphasize that you are exhausted and can no longer continue doing something.911查询·英语单词&&&&e.g. She looked about to drop...&&&&&&&&&&&她看上去快要累垮了。&&&&e.g. You have to run until you drop.&&&&&&&&&&&一直跑到你跑不动为止。7. (开玩笑或不雅地)脱掉(裤子)&&&&If a man drops his trousers, he pulls them down, usually as a joke or to be rude.&&&&e.g. A couple of boozy revellers dropped their trousers.&&&&&&&&&&&两名醉酒的狂欢者脱掉了他们的裤子。8. (使)(声音)降低,压低&&&&If your voice drops or if you drop your voice, you speak more quietly.&&&&e.g. Her voice will drop to a dismissive whisper...&&&&&&&&&&&她会把声音压低,轻蔑地低语。&&&&e.g. He dropped his voice and glanced round at the door.&&&&&&&&&&&他放低了声音,在门口环视了一下。9. 中途放下(某人);中途卸下(某物)&&&&If you drop someone or something somewhere, you take them somewhere and leave them there, usually in a car or other vehicle.\u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D&&&&e.g. He dropped me outside the hotel...&&&&&&&&&&&他把我送到了酒店。&&&&e.g. Many children had been dropped at the stadium by their parents...&&&&&&&&&&&很多孩子被家长送到了体育馆。10. 停止;终止;放弃&&&&&&If you drop an idea, course of action, or habit, you do not continue with it.&&&&&&e.g. He was told to drop the idea...&&&&&&&&&&&&&他被告知要打消那个主意。&&&&&&e.g. The prosecution was forced to drop the case...&&&&&&&&&&&&&控方被迫撤诉。droppingThis was one of the factors that led to President Suharto's dropping of his previous objections.这是导致苏哈托总统放弃其先前异议的因素之一。11. (运动队或组织)把…除名&&&&&&If someone is dropped by a sports team or organization, they are no longer included in that team or employed by that organization.&&&&&&e.g. The country's captain was dropped from the tour party to England.&&&&&&&&&&&&&该国的国家队队长无缘英格兰之行。12. 输掉&&&&&&If you drop a game or part of a game in a sports competition, you lose it.&&&&&&e.g. Oremans has yet to drop a set.&&&&&&&&&&&&&奥尔曼斯还一局未输。13. (在比赛中)排位退后&&&&&&If you drop to a lower position in a sports competition, you move to that position.&&&&&&e.g. Britain has dropped from second to third place in the league.&&&&&&&&&&&&&英国在联赛中的排名从第二位降到了第三位。14. 滴;少量;微量;一点点&&&&&&A drop of a liquid is a very small amount of it shaped like a little ball. In informal English, you can also use drop when you are referring to a very small amount of something such as a drink.&&&&&&e.g. ...a drop of blue ink...&&&&&&&&&&&&&一滴蓝墨水&&&&&&e.g. Add the cream a few drops at a time...&&&&&&&&&&&&&每次加几滴奶油。15. 滴剂&&&&&&Drops are a kind of medicine which you put drop by drop into your ears, eyes, or nose.&&&&&&e.g. ...eye drops.&&&&&&&&&&&&&眼药水16. (水果味或巧克力味的)糖豆,糖果粒&&&&&&Fruit or chocolate drops are small round sweets with a fruit or chocolate flavour.17. 落差;垂直距离;下降距离&&&&&&You use drop to talk about vertical distances. For example, a thirty-foot drop is a distance of thirty feet between the top of a cliff or wall and the bottom of it.&&&&&&e.g. There was a sheer drop just outside my window...&&&&&&&&&&&&&我的窗外就是垂直深渊。&&&&&&e.g. It's only a four-foot drop.&&&&&&&&&&&&&仅有 4 英尺的落差。Do not confuse drop and fall. Although things can drop or fall by accident, note that fall is not followed by an object, so you cannot say that someone 'falls' something. However, you can say that they drop something, or that something drops. Leaves were falling to the ground... He dropped his cigar... Plate after plate dropped from his fingers. You say that a person drops when they jump straight down from something, for example, when someone jumps from a plane using a parachute. If someone falls it is usually because of an accident. He stumbled and fell. Drop and fall are also nouns. A drop is the height of something when you imagine falling off it. Sixteen hundred feet is a considerable drop. A fall is what happens when someone has an accident. I had been badly bruised by the fall.不要混淆 drop 和 fall。二者均可指东西无意中掉落, 但是fall 不可接宾语,所以不可说someone falls something,却可说they drop something或者somehting drops。如,Leaves were falling to the ground(树叶落到了地上),He dropped his cigar(他扔掉了雪茄),Plate after plate dropped from his fingers(盘子一个接一个地从他指间掉落)。drop 还可指人从某物上跳下, 例如从飞机上跳伞。fall 指人时, 通常指人意外摔倒。如,He stumbled and fell(他绊了一下, 摔倒了)。drop 和 fall 均可用作名词。drop 作名词可指某人想象中物体降落的高度:Sixteen hundred feet is a considerable drop(1, 600 英尺是非常高的垂直距离了)。fall 指意外的跌落:I had been badly bruised by the fall(我摔得鼻青脸肿)。18. 随口说出;给出暗示&&&&&&If you drop a hint, you give a hint or say something in a casual way.&&&&&&e.g. If I drop a few hints he might give me a cutting.&&&&&&&&&&&&&如果我给点暗示,他没准会送我一段插枝。19. (常指因不喜欢而让别人)终止谈论,不要谈论,谈到此为止&&&&&&If you want someone to drop the subject ,drop it, or let it drop, you want them to stop talking about something, often because you are annoyed that they keep talking about it.&&&&&&e.g. Mary Ann wished he would just drop it...&&&&&&&&&&&&&玛丽·安希望他就不要谈论它了。&&&&&&e.g. Does that mean you're going to drop the subject?&&&&&&&&&&&&&那是不是意味着你将不再谈论那个话题了?20. see also: &&&&&&to drop dead -> see &&&&&&at the drop of a hat -> see &&&&&&to drop someone a line -> see &&&&&&a drop in the ocean -> see 相关词组:drop 单语例句1. Business registration fees recorded a 90 percent drop to HK $ 155 million in the same period.2. A drop in tourism and business in Las Vegas could also translate into savings for travelers this year.3. Mornings are the best time to see the market in full bustle, but many believe prices drop towards the end of the day.4. During the busy summer movie season, top hits often drop 50 percent or more in the second weekend.5. In some parts of Inner Mongolia and northeastern China, temperature could drop by 14 degrees Celsius.6. The station said temperatures in Inner Mongolia would drop by 10 degrees Celsius over the next three days.7. Heavy snow and gale force winds have already caused the temperature to drop by 18 degrees in Altay in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.8. Heavy snow and gale force winds caused the temperature to drop by 18 degrees in Altay in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region last week.9. Temperatures in these regions are expected to drop by some 10 degrees Celsius afterwards.10. Temperatures will drop by up to 8 degrees Celsius in parts of those regions.drop是什么意思,drop在线翻译,drop什么意思,drop的意思,drop的翻译,drop的解释,drop的发音,drop的同义词,drop的反义词,drop的例句,drop的相关词组,drop意思是什么,drop怎么翻译,单词drop是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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英音 [ dr?p ] ; 美音 [ drɑp ]
同义词:,,;,;,;,;。 反义词:。
单词分析:这些动词都表示“落下,下降”之意。:通常指沿斜线或斜坡下降。 :指物体从一定高度落下。:与drop同义,指突然或猛烈地降落,但fall也可指任何下落,同高度或形式无关。:指在空气或水中垂直下降、下沉。
Drop by/in
A drop of the creature
Drop the coins in the slit.
Nancy dropped the toothbrush
It drops down into the receiving ladle .
Dsend a letter to
A sheer drop of 50 feet
Line drop8 compensator.
The cliff drops off here
stop associating with
hang freely
fall or drop to a lower place or level
terminate an association with
let or cause to fall in drops
let fall to the ground
utter casually
lose (a game)
lower the pitch of (musical notes)
go down in value
1. 雄蜂,懒惰者,嗡嗡的声音,靶标
2. 无人驾驶飞机
[I] 嗡嗡作声,混日子
[T] 低沉地说出
2016drop是什么意思由沪江网提供。Mysql命令drop table是什么意思--任务易


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