
回复血色指甲的图片:果然泡菜居多!!!英文短语和谚语的故事(二)关于Hen - 简书
母鸡 Hen有的时候用来指女性,有的时候用来指母性,可以是褒义词也可以是贬义词1Henpeck someone参考上一篇文章(公鸡),说明女人过分管着丈夫。这里的henpeck成为一个动词。2Hen house意思:很多女性住在一个房间里。**千万别想歪了,不是妓女,也不是鸡窝。鸡窝叫 Chicken Coop**英国和澳大利亚把全是女性的party和night 叫Hen party/night。但是美国没有这个说法我知道一个专门为女士做头发的地方就叫“Hen House Salon”例子:As happy as a rooster in a hen house. (one guy, lots of girls--what's not to love!)万花丛中一点绿,超开心的3
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fox guarding the henhouse看着就不像一句好话就是指这个人,你用他去保护或者掌管一件事情,他却借此利用信息和资源。这也让我想起来Zootopia里面,狐狸给人的印象就是不值得信任。下文的例子,是商业上考虑用哪个公司的系统安全软件,在做决定之前一定要分析好风险。At the end of the day, it all boils down to a risk based business decision and how much you truly trust the fox that will be guarding your hen-house. Whichever direction you choose, I recommend conducting extensive due diligence on the company and the assessors you will be working with before making a decision.4
Mother hen意思:过分保护孩子的母亲,后来统称“特别保护某人”“特别操心”例子:Jenny can be a bit of a mother hen when we're out at the bars. I wish she would just relax a little and let us have a good time! My dad is pretty relaxed about most things, but he can be a bit of a mother hen when it comes to who I hang out with.5
Madder than a wet hen这里的wet hen千万别理解成落汤鸡,跟下雨、跟水都没有半毛钱关系。意思:就是非常非常生气例子:My dad was mad as a wet hen after I crashed his car.You make me as mad as a wet hen with the way you carry on sometimes, you know that?6.~Fussing like an old hen~fussy as a hen with one chick上面这两句话的意思都差不多。就是一个母鸡如果只有1只小鸡的话,那么就会很Fuss,操心焦虑,过分的那种,不知道怎么照顾才好了,总是能看出来孩子/别人身上值得改正的地方。不必要的严格要求。所以这话经常用来形容母亲。例子:A: "I can't believe your curfew is only nine o'clock."B: "Yeah, my mom can be fussy as a hen with one chick sometimes."7.Hen's teetch/tooth就是极其罕见的事情,因为鸡不长牙。比较常见的说法:~rarer than hens' teeth~as scarce as a hen's tooth然而Long long ago, when chickens had teeth 就是once upon a time的意思8Hen Fruit鸡蛋的另外一种说法9He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens.Hen cackle/cluck都是指母鸡叫,公鸡叫怎么说,前一篇文章讲过了。意思:你想要达到什么目的,就必须要忍受那些不愉快的事情。例子:Sue: I'm tired of working after school. All the customers at the store are so rude.Mother: But you wanted money to buy a car. He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens, dear.10~Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow~a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush~take the cash and let the credit go这三句话一个意思:争取现在,不要指望明天。11
Henny Penny==Chicken Little==Chicken Licken这里有一个寓言故事。Henny Penny是一只小鸡,有一天它在吃东西的时候,树上的坚果掉了下来,正好掉到了它的头上,它立刻跳了起来喊:“不好啦不好啦,天塌下来啦。”然后他就跑去告诉鸭子、鹅......最后还有狐狸,狐狸一开始不相信,但正好又一个坚果掉到了它的头上,这下子狐狸相信了,也跳着喊:“不好啦不好啦,天塌下来啦。”但是小鸡、鸭子、鹅......看见了那个坚果掉到了狐狸的头上,发现原来并不是天塌下来了。后来这个短语就表明一种错误的信念,灾难即将来临例子:Feeling like Henny Penny12~A hen that struts like a rooster is often invited for dinner ~pride goeth before the fall(圣经里的一句话)这两句一个意思,可以用来形容美国现任总统,就是过于自信傲慢往往会输得很惨。invited for dinner的意思,就是成为了“盘中餐”。母鸡母鸡一包药。的粉丝&(101)


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