
艾伦是什么意思 艾伦在线翻译 艾伦什么意思 艾伦的意思 艾伦的翻译 艾伦的解释 艾伦的发音 艾伦的同义词 艾伦的反义词 艾伦的例句
艾伦 双语例句1. 1. 开拓者则以10项原则源于书籍的钱通达'艾伦威廉姆斯和彼得耶普松和'首富巴比伦的'乔治clason以及资料,我学到了多年。&&&&Pathfinder operates on 10 principles originating from books'Money Mastery'by Alan Williams and Peter Jeppson and'The Richest man of Babylon'by George Clason as well as information I`ve learned over the years.2. 在这同时,麦克对付t.o。木槿、坦克和艾伦约翰逊艾弗森&&&&In this addition Mike and Althea tackle T. O., Tank Johnson and Allen Iverson...3. 其他的妇女在10个明星人物名单中包括X因子法官谢科尔,女演员梅根福克斯和歌手莉莉艾伦。&&&&Other women included in the list of ten celebrity figures included X Factor judge Cheryl Cole, actress Megan Fox and singer Lily Allen.4. 4. 艾伦太太顾惜自己的新衣服比关照凯瑟琳更甚,她尽可能又小心又敏捷地穿过门旁边的人群;凯瑟琳挨着她旁边,紧紧地勾着她的胳膊以便不被冲开,在这种挨挨挤挤的聚会上,这是很寻常的事。&&&&With more care for the safety of her new gown than for the comfort of her protegee, Mrs. Allen made her way through the throng of men by the door, as swiftly as the necessary Catherine, however, kept close at her side, and linked her arm too firmly within her friend's to be torn asunder by any common effort of a struggling assembly.5. 艾伦的反义词5. 根据我国实际劳动力增长率、工资增长率和实际利率增长率的状况,现在和较长时间能够满足艾伦条件,主张采用现收现付制筹资模式,并借鉴名义账户制,解决我国统账结合实施过程中产生的转轨成本和个人账户空账运行的问题。&&&&Under the circumstance that China`s actual labor growth rate, wage growth rate and real interest rate growth rate all meet the Aaron condition now and in the long run, it claims that China adopt the financing mode of pay-as-you-go system, uses nominal account system for reference to solve the problem of transition cost incurred by the implementation of social pooling and individual account combination as well as that of individual empty account running.6. 艾伦:那样是不错,但这是不可能的。&&&&Aaron: That would be nice, but it`s impossible.7. 911查询·英语单词7. 根据纽约美国自然历史博物馆的艾伦。特纳说这证明了速龙是有翎毛的。&&&&This proves that velociraptors had feathers, according to Alan Turner of the American Museum of Natural History in New York.8. 8. 今天我们聚在这里替我们的一位经理艾伦先生送行,他被指派到伦敦就任新职。&&&&We are gathered here today to send off one off our managers, Mr. Allen, who has been appointed to his new post in London.9. 商业太空之旅预备出发,美国空间探索技术公司总裁兼首席技术官艾伦·马思科称&&&&Commercial space travel is ready for lift-off, says Elon Musk, CEO and chief technology officer of SpaceX10. 10. 盖茨从哈佛退学后,与艾伦一起去了新墨西哥州的阿尔布开克市,在那里,两人创办了微软。&&&&Gates from Harvard dropout, and Allen went to New Mexico with the Albuquerque grams of the city, where they founded the company.11. 艾伦先生对着别一位驾驶员怒骂起来。&&&&&&Mr Allen gave the other driver a piece of his mind.12. 艾伦12. 艾伦:我不知道。&&&&&&ALLEN: I don''t know.13. 13. 从我小的时候,我就认识艾伦了。&&&&&&I have known Allen since I was a child.14. 14. 我是玛丽,很高兴见到你,艾伦先生。&&&&&&Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Mr. Allen.15. 15. 在上中学的时候,我一直很爱看史蒂夫·艾伦的电视节目。&&&&&&When I was in high school, I always enjoyed Steve Allen's TV shows.16. 抛开质量不提的话,单单这种发稿速度也足以引起出版代理人Dave Alber的注意,他很快就和艾伦签了约。&&&&&&Their frequency, if not their quality, caught the notice of a pressagent named Dave Alber, who signed up Woody, then 17, to write japes for other people's credit.17. 艾伦扳手是你需要的一切。&&&&&&An allen wrench is all you need.18. 18. 最后,使用包括艾伦扳手调整镜头移位。&&&&&&Finally, use the included allen wrench to adjust lens shift.19. 19. 务必有权中小型艾伦扳手的螺丝可以成为剥夺和不能使用。&&&&&&Small Allen wrench must have the right to be denied and the screw can not be used.20. 锁,目前由艾伦扳手类工具。&&&&&&The lock is operated by the allen wrench type tool.艾伦是什么意思,艾伦在线翻译,艾伦什么意思,艾伦的意思,艾伦的翻译,艾伦的解释,艾伦的发音,艾伦的同义词,艾伦的反义词,艾伦的例句,艾伦的相关词组,艾伦意思是什么,艾伦怎么翻译,单词艾伦是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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