如何评价 ever17下载

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高级玩家, 积分 297, 距离下一级还需 303 积分
高级玩家, 积分 297, 距离下一级还需 303 积分
心情很低落啊。这就意味着,如果我亲身经历也会是这个结局了。就和EVA似的,全灭,要不是通关画面写着坏结局5th, 1/11,我还以为这是唯一的结局。
游戏狂人, 积分 1629, 距离下一级还需 371 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1629, 距离下一级还需 371 积分
建议你按照月海(还是鸠来着?)-&空 -& 优 -& 沙罗 这个顺序攻略
游戏达人, 积分 2440, 距离下一级还需 1060 积分
游戏达人, 积分 2440, 距离下一级还需 1060 积分
超级玩家, 积分 976, 距离下一级还需 24 积分
超级玩家, 积分 976, 距离下一级还需 24 积分
高级玩家, 积分 297, 距离下一级还需 303 积分
高级玩家, 积分 297, 距离下一级还需 303 积分
建议你按照月海(还是鸠来着?)-&空 -& 优 -&
逆襲のシャア 发表于
高级玩家, 积分 595, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
高级玩家, 积分 595, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
超级玩家, 积分 828, 距离下一级还需 172 积分
超级玩家, 积分 828, 距离下一级还需 172 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1629, 距离下一级还需 371 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1629, 距离下一级还需 371 积分
playbus 发表于
中级玩家, 积分 110, 距离下一级还需 140 积分
中级玩家, 积分 110, 距离下一级还需 140 积分
Powered by【17的秘密】- = (貌似不算剧透)_ever17吧_百度贴吧
【17的秘密】- = (貌似不算剧透)
关于ever17 貌似里面有很多17这个数字的说sora的编号*17)2017年 2034年17~51米还有加压的17分钟
好吧 没去过那刚刚看到- =不过最近才发现的
Karma - 时光之羁绊Der Mond Das Meer - 时光之羁绊最经典2首BGM试听,这2首神曲应该相当多人听过的
多谢 现在就去下载
真心不错 剧情很出彩 而且 虽然人设有点古老啦但是CG真心美
"A Place Where We Must Someday Return."“你是我必然的归宿”Where is Hea?ven? This is the phrase that starts your adventure in Hirameki International's PC visual novel, Ever 17: Out of Infinity. Visual novel fans lucky enough to own a copy of this game already know where Hea?ven is. It exists across the 4 disks of this wonderful game, full of plot t?wists and secrets, tear jerking emotional decisions, romance and suspense, life and death. This is THE game the English visual novel community has been waiting for.天国在何处?这句偈语开启了你在Hirameki International(EVER17的美国代?理商)的电子Ever 17: Out of Infinity中的冒险之旅。电子小说的爱好者们应该庆幸自己能够买到这份,他们已经知道天国在何处——承载于这款精彩游戏的四张光碟中,充满了意外和,悲伤的抉择,浪漫与悬疑,生命与死亡。这正是英文电子小说界所期盼已久的作品。The story starts simple enough. You play as either witty college student Takeshi, or as a mysterious teenager known only as Kid. Both young men ha?ve come to marine theme park LeMU, a fantasy land that exists 167 feet underground. However, shortly after arriving, the park's emergency sirens go off and the patrons are asked to lea?ve immediately. Takeshi and the Kid are unable to escape and find themselves trapped in the theme park. They aren't alone, however. A handful of girls ha?ve also been trapped in LeMU, and soon it becomes a race against the clock to escape. But what will you gain in your time in LeMU? And furthermore, what will you lose?故事开门见山。你可以扮演两个主角中的一个:风趣的大学生仓城武,或是神秘的无名少年。两个年轻人来到了主题LeMU,一个位于水下167英尺的梦幻乐园。然而刚进去不久,公园的紧急警报就突然响起,游客们被要求立刻疏散。武和少年未能及时逃脱,被困在这个主题公园内。同时不仅仅是他们,还有几个女孩也被困在LeMU里。他们必须分秒必争,在有限的时间内逃生。那么,在LeMU的这段时间里,你将获得些什么呢?又将失去什么些呢?The plot is very intriguing, and the great basis of a visual novel. For those new to the visual novel scene, these games are a series of still pictures with text laid out over them. Every so often, there will be various decisions in the story, and you choose what happens next. These types of games, when done right, can be very emotional and addicting, and Ever 17 is easily one of the best ones to see release on the English market. With t?wo characters to play as, both ha?ving very different stories, eleven different endings, plenty of choices to make, Hirameki was not lying when the back of the box says “Over 100 hours of game play.” It's true, this is a game that will take you a very long time to get all the endings and reach the final scenario to learn all the secrets of the game.作为一款剧情至上的电子,的故事情节十分错综复杂。对于那些刚接?触到电子小说的新人来说,这一类游戏就相当于一系列摆在他面前的静态图片和文本。通常故事中有不少的选项,你可以选择接下去发生的情节。这一类游戏游戏如果制?作得很棒,将会感人至深、荡气回肠,而EVER17正是最好的英文版作品之一。两个主角,有着两个截然不同的故事,十一个不同的结局,大量可选的分支,Hirameki公?司在包装盒上所说的“超过100小时的游戏时间”绝非夸大之辞。的的确确,为了打出所有的结局,在最终章中解?开所有的,你需要花费很长的一段时间。
And that's one of the greatest strengths of the game: the plot. The more you play, the more you learn about the characters, and the more you start to wonder what's really going on. Once you think you've gotten a grasp of the story, a new t?wist is revealed that blows your mind. The writing is great, and with the pretty cast of ladies making up the bulk of the characters, fans are sure to ha?ve his/her own fa?vorite characters. They include a girl who works at the park named You, Sora the park's guide, Tsugumi a cold and mysterious girl, Sara the computer wiz, and Coco a cute younger girl. They will all converse and become emotionally attached to our t?wo heroes, and also to players who learn the secrets of these girls. Similar to Hirameki International's other games, there are no pоrnographic scenes in the game. However, unlike other releases like Tea Society of a Witch or Phantom of Inferno, this game was originally made for the Dreamcast and PS2, and never had any adu1t scenes to begin with. What you get is instead a very gut wrenching story that is amazing to behold.超强的剧本是这款游戏最突出的优点,随着游戏的深入,你对剧中人物的了解也逐渐深入,同时你对真?相的疑问也会愈发强烈。每当你以为你已经抓?住线索的时候,一个新的转折将会推?翻你的论断。剧情是优秀的,再加上一批气质动人的女主角,相信每个粉丝都会有他最心仪的角色。女主角包括:在公园工作的名叫优的女孩,公园的导游——空,冷淡的神秘少?女——月海,电脑天才——沙罗,可爱的小女孩——可可。她们都将与我们的两个男主角走到一起,找到情感的归宿,玩家们也将揭她们背后的谜团。和Hirameki公?司代?理的其他游戏一样,游戏中没有18?禁的场景。然而,与Tea Society of a Witch和Phantom of Inferno等作不同,这款游戏首发于DC和PS2平台,原本就没有18?禁的场景。最终呈现在你眼前的,是一个惊心动魄的故事。The art?work is equally as impressive as the story. The girls all look great, and there are plenty of CG scenes to view. The game is a real treat on the eyes, especially for fans of anime style art?work. The sound is also fantastic, all the characters ha?ve voices, and it stayed with me long after I finished getting all the endings.美工也和剧本同样出色。女孩们都很漂亮,有很多CG,是个很养眼的游戏,特别是日式画风的粉丝更是不应错过。音效也是梦幻般的,每个人物都有配音,音乐十分动听,在我通关很久以后都仍然保留着。Moving to the PC (instead of past DVD releases) to release visual novels was a great move for Hiramkei, and allows them to cram a bunch of different features and extras into their games. Gone are the long and irritating passwords, instead replaced with a very simple to use sa?ve feature. You can set the text to auto mode, fast or slow, go at your own pace, turn off the voices, change the screen size, fast forward through text you've already read, and many other convenient features that makes getting all the endings a fun experience instead of a tedious one.把电子小说移植到PC平台(代替以往的DVD介质)是Hiramkei的一种新做法,从而能够给游戏加入一些额外的新特性。不会再有冗长的密码,取而代之的是非常方便的操作界面。你可以把文本设置为自动模式,按你的习惯设定为快速或者慢速,关闭语?音,改变窗口大小,快进已读文本,还有很多其他体贴的设置,让你能更加舒服的体?验通关过程,而不会感到乏味。
There's also a load of extras to be had, besides the 11 different endings. There's around 100 CG images to view after you see them in the game, wallpaper and screen sa?vers to unlock, voice fil?es, the soundtrack, and shortcut points to jump in at certain parts of the story. Being pampered like this with all of these bonus features, makes me wish Hirameki would ha?ve released all of their games on this format, as the amount of options and extras is just wonderful.同样还有一个附加模式,除了11个结局外,还能看到游戏中打出的多达100余张的CG,还有壁纸和屏保,声音文件以及游戏音轨,还有快速进入故事某个章节的通道。如此贴心的设计让我真希望Hirameki的其他游戏也能采用这个系统,丰富的自定义设置和附加模式确实很棒。There are only t?wo negative points to this game. There are sections in the story that do tend to drag on for a bit longer then they should, at least for me personally. Sections like where the characters play games like kick the can with one another are fun and cute at first, but overstay their welcome. Also, as with any Hirameki game, Ever 17 is full of typos and grammar mistakes. You can't go about five screens of text without running into a misspelled word. The story and writing is still great and easy to follow, and I realize Hirameki is obviously a SΜall company, but it's just a heads up. Also, initial printings of the game apparently had a problem where some of the voice fil?es were missing, but my copy was fine and I believe the problem has long been fixed.这个游戏只有2个不足之处。故事中的有几段情节过于拖沓了,至少我个人有这种感觉。比如踢罐子游戏,一开始还觉得很有趣,但是拖的太长了。还有,和Hirameki的其他所有游戏一样,EVER17充斥着大量排版和语法错误。每五段文字就至少会有1个拼错的单词。总算故事情节和文笔都很好,理解起来还是很容易。我知道Hirameki显然是个小公?司,但还是应该注意下这个问题。另外,最初版本的游戏明显有大量的问题,缺了很多语?音文件,不过我的版本是完好的,相信问题已经修正了。Ever 17 joins Phantom of Inferno as one of the best visual novels a?vailable for the English speaking market. This one does ha?ve a more romantic slant to it, but the romance is balanced well bet?ween the threat of the theme park collapsing and the goal of trying to escape. It combines the tension and mystery of Phantom of Inferno, with the great love stories of Hourglass of Summer. If you only buy one Hirameki International title, make it Ever 17: Out of Infinity. It's a great game. And that's a promise.Ever17和Phantom of Inferno一样,是英文电子小说中最出色的作品之一。这一作多了一些浪漫主?义倾向,这种浪漫在主题公园崩溃的威胁和努力逃生的目标之间平衡得恰到好处。它把Phantom of Inferno的紧张和神秘与Hourglass of Summer的美妙爱情故事结合起来。如果你只买一款Hirameki International出的作品,那就是Ever 17: Out of Infinity吧。我可以保证,它是一款伟大的游戏。Reviewer's Score: 9/10, Originally Posted: 08/26/07作者给出的评分:9/10分制发帖日期:日
"This is what a real story should be like.""这是一个绝对让人有爱的故事。"Nowadays when you ask someone to recommend a good game regardl?ess of the platform, expect to hear something like FEAR, Bioshock, World of Warcraft, Call of Duty 4, Ninja Gaiden, Halo, Final Fantasy 12 etc. While these are indeed excellent games (or so people ha?ve said), one can't help but to notice the strikingly familiarity bet?ween them all. That is, the storyline is the weakest aspect compared with the overall game. The so called storylines are often just simple excuses for the player to go to exotic locations and blast every living thing in sight. In a more generalised idea, the purpose of stories in video games nowadays is simply to provide a rationale as to why the player is performing extraordinary actions, ranging from blasting things with hea?vy artillery as aforementioned, or hacking and slashing things to level up and fight the next boss. Rarely are there games where it is simply played for the sole purpose of enjoying a beautifully constructed narrative. Ever17: Out of Infinity is one of these rare games in which its story will captivate and thrust you into its marvellous world.如今,当你让别人推荐一款任意平台上的好游戏时,多半都会听到以下这些作品:超能**组,生化奇兵,魔兽世界,使命召唤4,忍者龙剑传,光晕,最终幻想12等等。尽管这些的确都是非常出色的游戏,但我们难免会发现他们之间有一个明显的共同点。那就是和游戏整体相比,故事情节算是最弱的一个环节了。这些作品中所谓的故事情节,通常就是给玩家编造个理由前往一些奇特的地方,然后轰光视野中的一切生物。如今大多数游戏中,玩家的所做所为完全不像个现实中的正常人,比如拿着重炮到处乱轰,到处打怪升级,杀??BOSS之类的。这些游戏中剧情的作用就是想办法给这些怪异的行为提供一个合理的解释。很少有游戏单纯是为了欣赏一个精彩的故事而玩,而Ever17: Out of Infinity就是这样一个特殊的游戏,它的故事将深深打动你,将会把你带进它的美妙世界Simply put, the storyline of Ever17: Out of Infinity is amazing. The whole focus of the game and the reason why it is played would be because of the story. It is a story about survival, how a SΜall group of people are trapped in an amusement park that was specially created to reside in the deadly ocean. The player can take the viewpoints of 2 characters and proceed from there to experience the journey for escape. This is a story about characters: who can you trust amongst these strangers and who will you love? Most of all though, this is a story that is full of mysteries and surprises. To reveal anything more about the story would ruin a fantastic story. With 4 possible good endings, would you as the player be able to place all the bits and pieces throughout to discover the true event? Within each ending path is a satisfying conclusion for the journey that the player took but at the same time, something just doesn't feel complete yet. So once more the game entices the player to dive into the story again to discover the truth. Forget about the monotonous plotline about sa?ving the princess/world/friend that ha?ve plagued the latest RPG releases. No more will you be forced to play a game where it simply feels your time is wasted on going from point A to point B and so on. This is a story which will bring emotions (eg excitement, sadness, joy), thoughts (eg reasons behind the mysteries) and concerns (eg will they escape successfully) from the player.
一句话,EVER17的剧情是令人惊叹的。整个游戏的重点和我们玩他的理由就是为了推动整个故事的进展。这是一个关于幸存者的故事,一群人被困在一个奇特的公园内,而这个公园被建在深海之中。玩家可以从两个角色的视点中选择一个,从而体?验整个脱险的旅程。在这个故事里,你将在这些陌生人中找寻你所信赖的伙伴和你所爱的人。更重要的是,这是一个充满了悬疑和神秘色彩的故事。更多的剧透将毁了这个梦幻般的故事。有四种可能的好结局,你所扮演的角色能够剥?开一层层谜团去发现故事的真?相吗?在每个结局线路中,玩家所经历的冒险旅程都是一个令人满意的故事。但是同时,还是会感觉到很多线索并没有完结,所以将促使玩家再次开始游戏来进一步发掘真?相。忘记以往的RPG中那些救出公主、拯救世界之类的老掉牙的情节套路吧。你在玩这个游戏时,将不会感到是被?迫在把时间浪费在从A点走到B点之类的情节上。这个故事将带给你情感体?验(包括兴?奋,悲伤,愉悦),思考(比如那些奇特现象背后的解释是什么)以及玩家所关心的悬念(比如他们能成功脱险吗?)。A story cannot be good without good characters and Ever17: Out of Infinity has a wonderful cast, each with their own distinctive personality. These characters all ha?ve their own backgrounds in which the player can discover and understand the reason for their beha?viours. From the cheerful and energetic You (an actual name of a character), the funny yet dependable Takeshi, the cold hearted but sad looking Tsugumi, the kid without memory who is incidentally called Kid, plus a few others, they all share the same important trait that they are likeable. Combined with the tragic event of being trapped underwater with an uncertain future ahead, the player will laugh and cry along the experience of these characters as the story unfolds.一个出色的故事离不开出彩的角色,而EVER17塑造了一批个性鲜明的人物形象。每个人物背后都有他自己的故事,而这些都要玩家去发掘从而才能理解他们的行为。乐观开朗的优(这里You是一个角色的名字),滑稽但又可靠的武,拒人千里之外而又表情悲伤的月海,被偶然称呼为“少年”的失忆少年,还有其他几个人物,他们的共同特征就是都是令人喜爱的角色。被不幸事?故困在水下,面对不可测的未来,玩家将和这些角色一起走进这个交织着欢笑与泪水的故事。Another important aspect of Ever17: Out of infinity that makes it such a wonderful experience is the soundtracks and vocals that are used. One cannot help but feel the current situation that the characters are present in as different background music is played depending on the mood. Also adding it with the good voice acting, the player really feels like they are interacting with the characters and are inside the same situation. This serves to remove the player from the reality that he/she is sitting in front of the computer, but is experiencing the story alongside the characters.EVER17的精彩体?验同样离不开它音乐和人物配音,剧中每个人物的感情都被不同的背?景音乐烘托的淋漓尽致。再加上声优的出色演绎,玩家将切身?体会到与剧中角色的互动,以及那种身临其境的代入感。从而使玩家脱离坐在电脑前的现实中的自己,伴随着游戏人物们一起体?验这个故事。Despite all these wonderful things about this game, Ever17: Out of Infinity is very different from other games. Its best point is also its worst. This game is a visual novel. It is like reading a book with pictures. Ofcourse it delivers the environment and characters that the author wants the reader to see much better than a book due to use of graphics. Neverthel?ess, playing this game means reading. Besides making choices on how the story will proceed, there is no other player interaction. Gameplay is therefore a minimal yet this is a common point in these types of games. Therefore visual novels ha?ve always been selective in their audiences. If reading is not a hobby or something you enjoy doing in the first place, this game is not for you. Otherwise for those tired of playing through the same storylines repeatedly and want something refreshing, emotionally dramatic and thought provoking, Ever17: Out of Infinity is a definite gem in the vast ocean of video games.!
尽管这个游戏有如此多的亮点,但EVER17还是有着与其他游戏截然不同的地方。它最大的优点同时也是最大的缺点。这个游戏是一个电子小说,玩游戏就像是在读一本带图片的书。当然,它塑造了一系列环境和人物,和传统的书本相比,作者通过游戏画面可以给读者展示更多的东西。然而,玩这个游戏就相当于读书了。除了那些决定故事情节走向的选项外,游戏与玩家就什么没有别的互动了。游戏性因此降到最低,这也是这一类游戏最普遍的特点。所以,电子小说有其特定的受众群?体。如果你不爱读书,或者你总喜欢在游戏中自?由地做点什么,这款游戏就不适合你。相反,如果你对以往那些单调无趣的游戏剧本感到厌倦,希望能够有新的体?验、感动,乃至能激发你思索的话,Ever17: Out of Infinity一定会是那浩瀚游戏海洋中的一颗明珠。Reviewer's Score: 9/10Originally Posted: 02/14/08作者给出的评分: 9/10分制发帖日期:日Game Release: Ever 17: Out of Infinity (US, 12/20/05)游戏发布:Ever 17: Out of Infinity 英文版(美国,日)RPGFan网站的评分:地址在这里Graphic
根据网站给出的评分标准,90分以上是"Great"列几个著名游戏的总评得分作为参考:博得之门2:91暗黑破?坏神2:90魔兽世界:95最终幻想9:92最终幻想10:97魔兽3冰封王座:97秋之回忆2:83上古卷轴4:90GameTarget网站的评分:总评 9.4Visual


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