
出国证件翻译:结婚证翻译模板_证件翻译 - 北京翻译公司_专业翻译公司_天译时代翻译公司【中国翻译公司5强企业】
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> 出国证件翻译:结婚证翻译模板
结婚证是男女双方结婚时所领取的合法证件,证明婚姻合法及受法律保护,那如今结婚度蜜月也成为一种新的结婚旅行形式,但大多数年前人会想趁着结婚去国外旅行,那就有很多人不知道已结婚的人出国办签证等是需要提供结婚证明的,而所提供的结婚证是需要外语翻译,出国所涉及的证件需要翻译成所到达国的语言,这是最基本的,也是出国手续办理的必备程序,会影响到之后的出国签证办理及翻译材料的合法性,所以需要专业的翻译,确保信息及格式的正确并加盖翻译专章来证明合法性。一般交给正规翻译公司如来做。,如果是第一次办理,可以参考一下天译时代为您列出的模板)(仅供参考):结婚证封面翻译模板结婚证 & Marriage Certificatel & 中华人民共和国 & People's Republic of China&持证人页翻译模板持证人:张三 & Certificate Holder:Zhang San & 登记日期:日 & Date of Registration:December 29, 2009 & 结婚证字号:J9-000394 & Marriage Certificate Code:J9-000394 & 备注: & Remark:&男女双方信息页翻译模板姓名:张三 & Name:Zhang San & 国籍:中国 & Nationality:China & 身份证号:198888 & ID Number:198888性别:男 & Gender:Male & 出生日期:日 & Date of Birth:October 19, 1985配偶信息姓名:Selena Gomez & Name:Selena Gomez& & 国籍:美国& & Nationality:The United States of America & 身份证号: & ID Number:性别:女& & Gender:Female& & 出生日期:日& & Date of Birth:November 25, 1986&结婚登记页翻译模板中华人民共和国民政部 & The Ministry of Civil Affairs of People’s Republic of & China结婚证 & Marital Certificatel中华人民共和国民政部监制 & Produced by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of People’s & Republic of China结婚申请,符合《中华人民共和国婚姻法》规定,予以登记,发给此证。 & The marriage application is in conformity with “The & Marriage Law of the People’s Republic ofChina”, and qualified to be registered. The certificate is issued to & above named person.湖北省民政厅:Department of Civil Affairs of Hubei Province & 婚姻登记专业章:Seal for Marriage Registration婚姻登记员:The Marriage Registrar:&LI Fang li&尾页翻译模板婚姻法规定,要求结婚的男女双方必须亲自到婚姻登记机关进行婚姻登记。符合本法规定的,予以登记,发给结婚证。取得结婚证,即确立夫妻关系。Marriage Law stipulates that the man and woman who & apply for marriage shall go to the marriage registration authority in person & to get registered. If they meet the requirements of this law, they shall be & registered and be given a certificate of marriage. The obtaining of a & certificate of marriage means the establishment of the relationship of & husband and wife.提供以上模板是为了便于第一次办理出国手续的你来作为参考,有人可能会问难道自己翻译不可以吗?这里小编告诉大家自己也可以参考模板来翻译,但自己翻译过后办理手续时使馆也是不予接受的,因为涉及需要加盖正规翻译公司的章,也可翻译过后找北京天译时代,但翻译公司只对章负责,对内容不予负责,如后期出现内容或格式错误均由个人承担。如您需要正规翻译公司来翻译结婚证件,欢迎咨询北京天译时代翻译公司。&&&样本数量
Relationship Model of Correlation Degree, Precision, Sample Size in Regression Forecast and Application
The influences of sample size and network node linkage number on the optimization ability, accuracy and computational cost were studied by using simulation experiments.
Due to the correlation of local decisions is not known, empirical estimation is adopt to resolve this problem, the relationship of the training sample size and the estimated confidence is analyzed.
Secondly, when the joint pdf is unknown, empirical estimation is adopted to solve this problem, the relationship of the training sample size and the estimated confidence is analyzed.
The sample size of 42 articles is 101~200, The sample size of 4 articles is201~300, The sample size of 2 articles is over 300 , 80 studies mentioned diagnosis criteria , 4 studies mentioned not only Int criteria but also depl criteria , None of them mentioned the correct random allocation .
所有研究样本数量在101~200例42篇,201~300例4篇,300例以上2篇。 80篇给予诊断标准;
Fifthly, using uniformly orthogonal design theory to arrange the four-lever temperatures and four-lever vibration stress, catch an excellent accelerated life text plan, which make the estimate value have the well precision in normal stress lever, at the same time that can reduce the sample number and shorten the test time.
Thirdly, by means of comparing the comprehensive test design, orthogonal design and uniformly design, adapt to the actual requirements of accelerated life test, catch an excellent accelerated life text plan, which make the estimate value have the well precision in normal stress level, at the same time that can reduce the sample number and shorten the test time.
Applying mathematical and statistics method,the author adds up the related indexes of imported steel pipe used for West-to-East Gas Pipeline Project determinates the sampling scope of spot check results with a certain confidence level,and gives the sample number of steel pipe sampling, which is very helpful to the determination of the sampling scenario of imported steel pipe for West-to-East Gas Pipeline Project.
In order to improve the class accuracy of small number of samples caused by the imbalance of sample number,weight of sample difference is introduced.
The problems of harmony between sample number and calculation time, as well as between sample number and sample quality in higher order statistics calculation were achieved.
Study on Methods of Determining GPS Equipped Probe Vehicle Sample Sizes
From the point of view of the probability theory and considering precision of orientation and efficiency of correspondence, the thesis raises an improved method of determining floating car sample sizes.
Floating car applied system based on GPS/GIS is analyzed in the thesis. Secondly, the identification algorithms of road traffic status are studied including methods of determining floating car sample sizes which are based on“the relationship between floating car sample sizes and accuracy of traffic information detection”and“the relationship between floating car sample sizes and requirement of road network information detection”.
One major problem of GPS equipped probe vehicle traffic information collection is how to determine probe vehicle sample sizes. Based on requirements of different traffic parameters measurements, methods of determining probe vehicle sample sizes are analyzed. Considering the precision of positioning and efficiency of correspondence,a calculative model is given and it has an important application value.
Considering that MSC has the disadvantages of enormous sample quantity and time-costing, a new method is adopted ,which decreases the sample quantity and takes full use of the information of the random variables.
In order to cope with three special problems in the hydrocarbon prediction using usual pattern recognition, namely, big quantitaty of samples, nonlinear parameters and known sample quantity which varies greatly in different areas, we change usual BP algorithm into the BP algorithm whose η may be adaptively adjustable,and combine the new BP algorithm with SOM network to form a perfect multi-pa-parameter hydrocarbon prediction system.
prediction using conventional pattem reqnition methods has drawbacks ofhuge sample quantity, parameter nonlinearity and obvious arnbiguity of known
sample types.
Information on region of origin,sample quantity,duration of studies,therapeutic formula and Hp eradication rates were extracted through a standardized protocol.
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The analytical method of Grey Incidence Function was applied to analyse the relationship between the production of coconut and meteorological elements. It is a new mathematical method for quantitatively evaluating incident level between two kinds of things. The method is not restricted by the amount of sample and is easy to handle. The results showed that sunshine time is highly correlated with production of coconut, and the number of accumulated days and accumulated temperature of≤13℃ come next. 本文采用灰色关联函数分析方法,对椰子产量与气象条件的关系进行了分析。灰色关联函数分析是一种定量评价两种事物间相互关联程度的新的数学方法,该方法不受样本数量多少的限制,运算简便。通过本文分析,笔者认为,椰子产量与日照时数关系最为密切,其次为≤13℃累积日数和累积温度。 Based on the data on rubber production in Hainan Island, the grey system GM (1,1)model has been set up for predicting rubber yield. Procedures and steps of the model establisment are described in detail. It has been proved that the new method of rubber yield prediction is simple and precise and its use is not restricted by the number of samples. 本文采用灰色系统GM(1,1)模型,利用海南岛1971——1979年民营橡胶产量资料,建立橡胶产量预报摸型。文中比较详细的介绍了灰色GM(1,1)模型的建模过程和具体步骤。实践表明,该模型简便、不受样本数量的限制,预报精度较高,是一种新的预测方法。 The agricultural area in the eaest part of Qinghai province is the severest soil and water loss area in Qinghai province, belongs the fourth sub-division of hilly-gullied region on loess plateau. On the basis of whole investiging factors of nature,social-economics .land use.soil and water loss and climate in 234 community of 16 counties (cities),using dynamic cluster with fuzzy-cluster analysis,classification of soil and water conservation has been made,it is overcome that using single fuzzy-cluster analysis... The agricultural area in the eaest part of Qinghai province is the severest soil and water loss area in Qinghai province, belongs the fourth sub-division of hilly-gullied region on loess plateau. On the basis of whole investiging factors of nature,social-economics .land use.soil and water loss and climate in 234 community of 16 counties (cities),using dynamic cluster with fuzzy-cluster analysis,classification of soil and water conservation has been made,it is overcome that using single fuzzy-cluster analysis or systemic cluster analysis easily result in cluster dispersion and it is hard to see classification results and using dynamic cluster analysis causes shortcomings of human's over-influnces, especially as division index and sample size are bigger all this situation appers stricking. Using this method to classify, three type districts have been gotten,natural condition, character of soil and water loss and control direction in every district are fully accorded to practice situation, classifying results are scientific and rational.青海省东部农业区是本省水土流失最严重的地区,属黄土高原丘陵沟壑区第四副区。本文在对该区16县(市)共234个乡的自然、社经、土地利用、水土流失和气象等因子全面调查的基础上,采用模糊-动态聚类方法,对本区进行水土保持分类,克服了单用模糊聚类或系统聚类易出现聚类分散,分类结果难于预见和单用动态聚类人为授权过多的弊病。特别是分区指标的样本数量较多时,这种现象就表现的更加突出。应用该方法进行分类,得出了3个亚区,各区的自然条件,水土流失特点和治理方向与实际情况完全相符,分类结果科学合理。&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
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招标机构在招标文件中规定了一些相关的界定条款: 1、甲招标机构发出的文件规定: 投标报价单价和总价不一致时以单价为准。 2、乙招标机构编制的招标文件则规定: 算术错误将按以下方法更正(次序排先者优先): 若投标一览表中报价相矛盾,以投
可以采取以下几种办法的一种或几种办法并用: 第一:评标充分考虑时间因素.具体是这样在评标时对早期完成项目和后期完成的项目设置评分权重,如基础为0.93,屋面为1.07加权后算出加权后造价,依据加权后的总造价确定中标人;(具体操作需要针对不同的工
(1)从计价表中能明确看出一个清单项目的几项特征:项目编码;项目特征;工程量;计量单位;综合单价。 分析表更明细,详细说明了综合单价的构成,即综合单价是怎么来的。 (2)计价表里的综合单价来源于分析表, 综合单价=人工费+材料设备费
标底是由业主组织专门人员为准备招标的那一部分工程或设备,或工程和设备都有而计算出的一个合理的基本价格,是业主对招标工程所需费用的预测和控制,是招标工程的期望价格。 以前投标采用暗标暗投,也就是标底事先不知道,哪家最接近标底,就谁中标


