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你可能喜欢  China eyes artificial intelligence for new cruise missiles  中国为下一代巡航导弹发展人工智能技术  China is eyeing the use of a high level of artificial intelligence and automation for its next generation of cruise missiles, a senior designer was quoted as saying on Friday.  中国航天科技集团的高级工程师Wang Changqing称,中国正在为下一代巡航导弹发展人工智能和自动化技术。  “We plan to adopt a ‘plug and play’ approach in the development of new cruise missiles, which will enable our military commanders to tailor-make missiles in accordance with combat conditions,” Wang Changqing of the China Aerospace and Industry Corp told the state-run China Daily newspaper.  他说,我们将采用“即插即用”的模式,导弹上的人工智能模块可以根据战场环境随时“定制”。  “Moreover, our future cruise missiles will have a very high level of artificial intelligence and automation,” Wang added.  “更重要的是,我们未来的巡航导弹将具备高水平的人工智能和自动化技术。”  “They will allow commanders to control them in real time manner, or to use a fire-and-forget mode, or even to add more tasks to in-flight missiles.”  China is already a global leader in the field of using artificial intelligence in missiles, Wang added, without elaborating.  这种导弹可以做到先发射后管理,或者发射后不管 ,甚至地面控制人员可以在导弹飞行途中,对导弹的功能进行实时增加。  他说中国目前已是世界导弹智能化运用的全球领先者之一。  资料图  印度时报读者的评论:  外文地址:/world/china/China-eyes-artificial-intelligence-for-new-cruise-missiles/articleshow/.cms  Shastri  Chinese Technology is a stolen one, no matter what Missiles China develops, it cannot match with the US technology.  中国的技术是偷来的  不管中国发展出什么导弹技术,都比不过美国技术  Vikramjit Singh  you are mistaken. Cruise missiles are more dangerous than ballistic as their path cannot be predicted.  你错了  巡航导弹比洲际导弹更难拦截,巡航导弹的路径是难以预测的  Lumdheeng  China has already surpessed the US missile technology, even it is a shock for the Americans who themselves feel threatened from Chinese missiles.  中国导弹技术已经超过美国导弹技术  就连美国人也震惊了,感受到来自中国导弹的威胁  bhattck  Chinese Technology specially in High Tech areas is generally a plagiarized one… They have excelled only in Textile and plastic technology…  中国技术,特别是高科技技术,基本上是剽窃来的  他们擅长的只是纺织技术和塑料技术  tanmay chakrabarti  It is a funny statement. The building of any cruise missile without AI is impossible.  搞笑  巡航导弹肯定有应用人工智能技术啊,否则造不出来  Vthommandra  China says it is developing all kinds of lethal weapons in the name of security. But China is itching to fight with all Asian countries under one pretext or other  中国以自身安全的名义,研发各类致命武器  另一方面手痒了,以这样或那样借口打亚洲国家  Ravi  Chinese mission Mars failed badly in 2011. India is far ahead in Space technology, Software”s, pharmaceuticals, automobiles etc,than China. What they are planning to do in Artificial intelligence ,India has already developed it, and proved it , in its very successfull Mission Mars in 2014,and now working beyond it, what China is planning to do.  2011年,中国探测火星的任务宣告失败  印度太空技术遥遥领先  软件、医药和汽车等行业也领先中国  中国打算研发的人工智能,印度已经具备了,且已经证明了的技术  2014年,印度探测火星的任务获得圆满成功,中国打算怎么破  Vishnu Swaroop Kyanam  Indian Scientists should take up the Challenge. Jai Hind.  印度科学家应接受挑战,印度必胜  Yashpal Shah  It is serious alarm for world.  给世界敲响了警钟  vishal more  rise of artificial intelligence will mean END OF MANKIND….china must keep this in mind for common good!!!  人工智能的兴起,意味着人类的灭亡  为了人类的福祉,中国务必铭记在心  Bhaskar  Send your thug citizens to west and steal this technology. We know you are very good at this.  派你们的公民去西方偷技术  众所周知,你们最擅长这事的  Suresh Jain  China is already a economical power house and now with now with militarily supremacy wants to control the world .  中国已经是经济强国  携着军事优势,意图控制世界
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  Chinese Technology is a stolen one, no matter what Missiles China develops, it cannot match with the US technology.  中国的技术是偷来的  不管中国发展出什么导弹技术,都比不过美国技术  Chinese Technology is a stolen one, no matter what Missiles China develops, it cannot match with the US technology.  中国的技术是偷来的  不管中国发展出什么导弹技术,都比不过美国技术  Chinese Technology is a stolen one, no matter what Missiles China develops, it cannot match with the US technology.  中国的技术是偷来的  不管中国发展出什么导弹技术,都比不过美国技术
18:59:00  Chinese Technology is a stolen one, no matter what Missiles China develops, it cannot match with the US technology.  中国的技术是偷来的  不管中国发展出什么导弹技术,都比不过美国技术  Chinese Technology is a stolen one, no matter what Missiles China develops, it cannot match with the US technology.  中国的技术是偷来的  不管中国发展出什么导弹技术,都比不过美国技术  Chines......  -----------------------------  重要的事情說3便
  吹牛逼奥运会已经进入半决赛阶段  进入四强的选手是 冈比亚 印度 韩国 中国台湾地区 这是历届吹牛逼奥运会举办以来 四强实力最为接近的一次 到底鹿死谁手 观众敬请期待
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