
扫描下载二维码绍能组什么词,至少要俩 ,对了有采纳.
介绍 绍兴 会绍 介绍信
2. be associated with  3. be typical of  4. the use of  5. rely on  6. be derived from 起源于  7. refer to  8. be known as sb  9. be known for sth  10. be concerned with  11. in relation to 关于,与相比  12. act on 对……起作用  13. bring about 使发生  14. protect.... from  15. together with  16. a number of  17. be able to  18. be similar to  19. be dependent on  20. with ease 熟练的  21. according to  22. specialize in doing sth  23. serve as  24. at one time  25. tend to  26. interest in  27. due to  28. lead to  29. at least  30. contrary to  31. be equal to  32. contribute to doing sth  33. live in  34. be dedicated to doing  35. deal with  36. belong to  37. it is estimated that  38. be resistant to  39. result from  40. consist of  41. in connection with  42. transform into  43. take place  44. excel at doing 擅长于  45. be based on  46. play a key role  47. spread to  48. come from  49. be related to  50. a minimum of  51. begin to  52. begin doing  53. start to  54. start doing  55. cause/lead/enable/force/order sb to do sth  56. attempt to do sth  57. sb b sb expect (it is expected) that +句子  58. be compared to/with  59. appear/seem to do  60. at a time when +句子...
30组SAT作文常用同义替换词汇,希望考生们可以认真学习,关于本文有任何疑问,都可以和专家联系,.zx_sz { line-height:20 padding:20px 0; text-align: font-weight:}.zx_sz a { padding:10px 10 color: #FFF; background-color: #BE8041; font-size:16 font-weight: text-decoration:}.zx_sz a:hover{ color:# background-color:#b9cd4a; text-decoration:}.zx_dot { font-size:14}.zx_dot a { padding-bottom:2 color:#F60; text-decoration:}.zx_dot a:hover { color:#06F; border-bottom:}.zx_red { color:#F00; font-size:14 font-weight:}  imperial imperious  imperative impervious  visceral viscid  sinister sinuous  dismissive dismissal  virtual virtuous  credible credulous.zx_sz { line-height:20 padding:20px 0; text-align: font-weight:}.zx_sz a { padding:10px 10 color: #FFF; background-color: #BE8041; font-size:16 font-weight: text-decoration:}.zx_sz a:hover{ color:# background-color:#b9cd4a; text-decoration:}.zx_dot { font-size:14}.zx_dot a { padding-bottom:2 color:#F60; text-decoration:}.zx_dot a:hover { color:#06F; border-bottom:}.zx_red { color:#F00; font-size:14 font-weight:}  inveterate invertebrate  complacent complaisant  affection affectation  affected disaffected  tenacious tenable  tenuous attenuate/extenuate  inhibited prohibitive  demur demure  demean demeanor  flammable inflammable  affable effable/ineffable  inapt inept  judicial judicious  grateful gratuitous  reprove reprobate  resent reproach  renounce restitution  confident confidential  momentous momentary.zx_sz { line-height:20 padding:20px 0; text-align: font-weight:}.zx_sz a { padding:10px 10 color: #FFF; background-color: #BE8041; font-size:16 font-weight: text-decoration:}.zx_sz a:hover{ color:# background-color:#b9cd4a; text-decoration:}.zx_dot { font-size:14}.zx_dot a { padding-bottom:2 color:#F60; text-decoration:}.zx_dot a:hover { color:#06F; border-bottom:}.zx_red { color:#F00; font-size:14 font-weight:}  prodigal prodigious  indigenous indigent  dysfunctional malfunction  prescriptive proscriptive  susceptible suspicious  contagious contiguous  ramify ratify  ostensible ostentatious  dissolute dissolvable  insolvable insoluble  voluble voluminous  pathos ethos  indignant indigent  adapt adept  blandish brandish  flagrant fragrant  notable notorious  eminent imminent  decisive deciduous  taunt daunt  wan waning  wither weather  rancor wrangle  expedient expeditious  以上就是整理的50组形近字SAT词汇整理...
如果想了解最新SAT考试资讯,请关注SAT频道,希望考生们可以认真学习,关于本文有任何疑问,请和在线专家联系,1. be preoccupied/preoccupation with  例句: Management’s preoccupation with costs and profits resulted in a drop in the quality The and customer service.  2. be obsessed/obsession with  例句:Picasso's obsession with death and sickness greatly influenced his work.  3. object to 反对  例句: one object to his company, even though he has made insulting remarks about almost No every member of the group.  4. use sth to do sth  例句:The new system, which uses remote cameras to catch of speeding motorists, may undermine the police department’s authority.  5. be sensitive to sth/ be sensitive to doing sth  例句:Although the politician was initially very sensitive to being criticized by the press, he quickly became more confident about responding to reporters’ sometimes pointed questions.  6. a threat to  例句:Malaria, a disease which has been almost completely eradicated in the United States, is still a threat to travelers in some foreign countries.  例句:Although the politician was initially very sensitive to being criticized by the press, he quickly became more confident about responding to reporters’ sometimes pointed questions.  7. be proud of/ take pride in  例句:The Papago Indians of southern Arizona take justifiable pride in their traditional craft of basket-weaving, an art that has brought them fame throughout the Southwest..zx_sz { line-height:20 padding:20px 0; text-align: font-weight:}.zx_sz a { padding:10px 10 color: #FFF; background-color: #BE8041; font-size:16 font-weight: text-decoration:}.zx_sz a:hover{ color:# background-color:#b9cd4a; text-decoration:}.zx_dot { font-size:14}.zx_dot a { padding-bottom:2 color:#F60; text-decoration:}.zx_dot a:hover { color:#06F; border-bottom:}.zx_red { color:#F00; font-size:14 font-weight:}  8. take offence at  例句:The jury took offense at the prosecutor’s mocking tone but could deny neither the accuracy of the charges or the seriousness of the crime.  9. be familiar with/ be familiar to  例句:The signs of drug addiction are familiar to most doctors.  例句:Most doctors are familiar with the signs of drug addiction.  例句:At the highest level of competitive chess, players are so familiar with one another’s strategies that they can practically read their opponents’ minds.  10. regard as  例句:John Edgar Wideman is regarded as one of the most talented writers of the late twentieth century.  以上就是整理的SAT语法词汇搭配词组,相关推荐:  
下面特意总结出了SAT语法满分必备12组形近词,驱使  以上整理的就是SAT语法满分必备12组形近词,一起向SAT语法满分的目标发起冲击!  第一组:  auditory  adj. 听觉的,希望大家能够搞清这些词之间意思的区别,无判断力的  indefinite  adj. 无限期的  第八组:  opposite  adj. (地理位置上)相反的  opposed  adj. (抽象概念上)相反的  第九组:  proceed  v. 前进  precede  v. 在…之前  第十组:  prospective  adj. 可能的,听觉器官的  audible  adj. 能听见的  第二组:  collaborate  v. 合作  corroborate  v. 证实,考察形近词的题型一直是童鞋们冲击满分道路上的拦路虎,观点  第十一组:  raise  v. 举起(别的某物)  rise  v. (某物自己)上升  第十二组:  repel  v. 击退,保证  第七组:  indecisive  adj. 不明确的,在SAT考试语法部分...
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Scholastic Assessment Test是美国高中生进入美国大学所必须参加的考试,其重要性相当于中国的高考,也是决定世界各国想要申请进入美国名校学习的高中生能否被录取以及能拿到奖学金的重要参考。
SATⅠ:推力测验(Reasoning Test)
SATⅡ:专项测验(Subject Tests),包


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