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Illness and Ailments大小病症&formulas>Important disclaimer: I am not a veterinarian, nor do I have any veterinary experience. This page is not intended to be a replacement for proper veterinary care. There is no substitute for taking your guinea pig to a competent, exotics vet that is experienced in treating guinea pigs. This information is provided for reference only, and you should always consult your vet if you suspect that your guinea pig may be ill.&& &重要申明:我既不是一个兽医,也没有任何当过兽医的经验。这个文章不能代替正规的兽医治疗。不能代替外来的对于治疗猪猪有丰富经验的兽医的治疗。这些信息仅供参考,如你你怀疑你的猪猪生病了,还是还是去请教兽医。Guinea pigs, like many small mammals, are very fragile animals. When illness sets in, it is good practice to get the cavy to an experienced guinea pig vet right away. This page is not intended to be a replacement rather, it is intended as an introduction to the various ailments that can afflict guinea pigs. 荷兰猪,和许多其他的小型哺乳动物一样,是非常脆弱的动物。当生病的,最好还是立即带去有经验的猪猪兽医处接受接受治疗。这篇文章的目的不是代替正规的治疗,只是介绍一些猪猪可能会得的病症。· ·生病的迹象· ·疾病预防··&疾病症状· ·其他的健康问题Signs of illness生病的迹象Usually, the first signs of illness in your guinea pig will be a loss of appetite and lethargy. Although not all illnesses affect the guinea pig in the same way, if you see your cavy huddled in the corner of the hutch, refusing to eat or drink, it is almost always indicative of a serious affliction. Being herbivores, guinea pigs eat almost constantly, and metabolize food very quickly. If, for any reason, they stop eating, it should be considered a very serious condition, as the guinea pig could die in a matter of hours. Some illnesses can also cause diarrhea, which is even more serious. Diarrhea can dehydrate a guinea pig very quickly, which can also cause death if not treated right away. & &&一般来说,猪猪生病的第一个迹象就是食欲不振和睡眠减少。尽管不是所有的病症都会导致猪猪出现这样的情况,如果你发现你的猪猪挤在窝里的角落,不吃不喝,这通常是猪猪严重生病的象征。作为食草动物,猪猪几乎一直都在吃,食物的新层代谢非常快。如果,无论任何原因,它们停止进食,都应该被看作是一种非常严重的情况,因为猪猪可能会因某些原因而在几小时内死亡。一些疾病也会导致痢疾,这更严重,痢疾会让猪猪很快脱水,如果不立即接受治疗也会导致死亡。Some illnesses, however, start gradually with a few symptoms and then progress to the more advanced stages. These symptoms can include wheezing, discharges from the eyes or nose, and hair loss. Other afflictions, such as cysts or bladder stones, are not necessarily related to a particular illness or infection, and have their own symptoms that may be more difficult to spot on casual inspection. 一些疾病,然而,开始是一些症状,然后逐渐发展成更严重的情况。这些小的症状包括:气喘、眼睛或鼻子有排泄物、掉毛等。其他的病症,例如脓胞、膀胱结石,不会与一些特定的症状或疾病相联系,有它们自己的症候,从而更难以被察觉。As a general rule of thumb, watch your guinea pigs regularly, and get to know their normal behavior patterns. If you start to see behavior that differs from the usual routine, then it could be a sign that an illness is setting in. Watch their droppings and their pee for deviations from the norm, and keep an eye on their daily appetite. There's no sure-fire way of detecting illness, and not every symptom is the sign of a disease, but it's always better to err on the side of caution. & &&一般来说,经常观察你的猪猪,了解它们的日常行为习惯。如果你发现它们的行为与平时不同,那么则这可能是正被疾病入侵的征兆。观察它们的便便和尿尿与正常标准之间的偏差,注意它们每日的食欲。没有完全准确的方法去判定它是否得病,也不是每种症候都是一种疾病的征兆,但是最好保持谨慎。Precautions疾病预防If you suspect that one of your cavies is ill, it is wise to isolate the cavy immediately as a precaution against infecting the rest of your herd. This sick guinea pig should have it's own water bottle and food dish that is not shared with the other animals. After handling the sick cavy, you should wash your hands with an antibacterial soap. 如果你怀疑猪猪中的一只生病了,明智的做法是立即隔离这只猪猪,以防止病症传染给其他的猪猪。生病的猪猪必须单独使用饮水瓶和食盆,不能和其他的动物共用。抓过生病的猪猪后,你必须用杀菌皂洗手。It is important that a sick cavy be kept in a room where the temperature is warm, and constant. Provide plenty of hay for insulation, and take extra care in protecting the guinea pig from drafts. If a guinea pig has respiratory difficulties, some owners will line the cage with a eucalyptus-based product, such as Vick's VapoRub. Though this won't cure any infections, it will relieve the symptoms somewhat. You can also apply a little bit of eucalyptus oil on their nose and their fore paws, but don't put it directly on their fur. Sticky fur makes a guinea pig miserable. Applying it to their feet, however, will result in their re-applying the eucalyptus if and when they try to rub it off their nose, and is a good trick for keeping the ointment where it will be most effective. 生病的猪猪必须放在温暖的恒温的房间里,这是很重要的。用许多的干草垫窝里,特别小心要将猪猪远离风口通风处。如果猪猪呼吸困难,一些主人就会用一些桉树制的产品垫在窝里,例如Vick's VapoRub,尽管不能治愈任何的疾病,但可以或多或少的减轻症状。你还可以抹一点桉树油在它们的鼻子和前额上,但不要直接涂抹到它们的皮毛上。皮毛粘粘的会让荷兰猪感觉不舒服。抹在它们的脚上,但是,如果它们擦鼻子时会再次将脚上桉树油抹到鼻子上,这是个把药膏抹到能有效治疗的地方的好办法。Last, don't make any major diet changes while your guinea pig is ill. Stability and an established routine will keep stress levels down, and make the cavy more comfortable. If your guinea pig isn't eating at all, then you should contact your vet right away. 最后,当猪猪生病的时候不要改变它的日常饮食的食谱。稳定的,确定的日常模式会降低猪猪的紧张程度,让猪猪觉得舒适。如果你的猪猪不进食,你就必须立即与兽医联系。Symptoms and ailments症状和疾病We'll focus this discussion on symptoms, since that is where most people begin when they suspect that their guinea pig is ill. Again, this is not intended to be a replacement for competent veterinary care, but rather as an introduction to common afflictions. 重视这个关于症状的讨论,从一些人开始怀疑他们的猪猪生病开始。再次申明,这不能代替正规的兽医治疗,只是一些常见疾病的介绍。Sneezing, nasal discharge打喷嚏,流鼻涕Some sneezing is actually normal for guinea pigs, though excessive sneezing could be the sign of a respiratory complaint. Certainly, any time you see discharges from the nose, or the guinea pig regularly wiping its nose, it is most likely related to a respiratory or sinus infection. 猪猪偶尔打喷嚏是很正常的,但是频繁的打喷嚏则是呼吸问题的征兆。当然,任何时候你看到鼻子有鼻涕,或者猪猪频繁的擦拭鼻子,则很可能与呼吸问题或者窦道感染有关。Contrary to popular belief, guinea pig the cold and flu in humans are caused by viruses, but in guinea pigs, most respiratory problems are caused by bacteria. It is also possible to have a fungal infection in the nasal passages, but this is more rare. 与一般人认为的相反,猪猪不会着凉;人类的感冒和流行感冒是由于病毒传染引起,但是对于猪猪,许多的呼吸问题是由于细菌引起。也可能是鼻孔里的真菌感染,但这个很罕见。Some sneezing and nasal discharges are merely allergic reactions that can be caused by soft wood beddings (such as cedar and pine) or dusty hay. Some guinea pigs are even allergic to certain hays, including timothy. 有时候打喷嚏和流鼻涕仅仅是过敏,是由于木屑垫料(如香柏和松树木屑)或者干草上的灰尘所引起。有些猪猪甚至对一些特定的干草过敏,包括提摩西干草。Coughing咳嗽Like sneezing, some coughing is normal in guinea pigs. Most of the time, coughing is brought about by a minor irritation in the windpipe, possibly caused by inhaling dusty hay or something similar. More serious would be constant coughing, which could be the sign of an infection or illness. Kennel Cough, in particular, is a rather serious illness in guinea pigs, and can actually be transmitted between species, including dogs, rabbits and guinea pigs. If any coughing is accompanied by other respiratory problems, particularly wheezing, then it is most likely a sign of a respiratory infection. 和打喷嚏一样,猪猪偶尔咳嗽是很正常的。大多数时候,咳嗽是由于气管受了刺激而引起,很可能是由于吸进了干草上的灰尘或者类似的东西。更严重的情况是频繁的咳嗽,这可能是传染或者疾病的征兆。特别是犬舍咳,对于猪猪来说是相当严重的疾病。日过咳嗽伴有其他呼吸问题,特别是气喘,则很可能是呼吸感染的征兆。Wheezing, labored breathing气喘,呼吸困难Wheezing and labored breathing are usually a symptom of a respiratory infection, and should be treated very seriously. Typically, they are indicators of congestion (phlegm or fluids) in the respiratory system that could easily develop into pneumonia. If your guinea pig has these symptoms, you should take him or her to a competent vet right away. 气喘和呼吸困难通常是呼吸感染的征兆,必须谨慎对待。是呼吸系统堵塞(痰或液体)的典型症状,会很容易发展为肺炎。如果你的猪猪有这些症状,你必须马上带它们去兽医哪里诊治。Scratching抓痕Scratching is also normal for guinea pigs, though excessive scratching can be a sign of a parasitic infection, such as lice or mites. Less common are fungal infections, which can also cause hair loss. 抓痕对于猪猪也是很正常的,但是过多的抓痕可能是寄生虫感染的征兆,比如虱子或者螨。比较少见的是真菌感染,还可能导致掉毛。Lice are a bath in a pyrethrin shampoo will almost always solve the problem, though it should be noted that lice eggs don't go away so easily. Often times, it will take two baths, about a week or two apart, to completely eradicate lice from a guinea pig. The first bath kills the existing lice, and the second kills the lice that hatch from the first batch's eggs. You can obtain a pyrethrin shampoo from your vet, who will instruct you in its use. Lice are also fairly easy to spot: they resemble tiny, brownish worms that crawl around through the hair near the surface of the skin. 虱子很容易杀死;用除虫菊酯洗发剂基本上就能解决问题了,但仍需注意的是虱子的卵不容易被清除。一般来说,需要洗两次,隔一星期洗一次,就能彻底解决猪猪身上的虱子。第一次洗可以杀死已有的虱子,第二次洗就可以杀死第一次洗掉的虱子的卵所孵化的虱子。你可以从你的兽医那里得到这种除虫菊酯洗发剂,他会推荐你使用的。虱子也很容易被发现:它们看起来是很小的棕色的小虫子,在皮肤表面的毛发间爬行。Mites are more difficult to kill. They are also hard to spot initially, as they can't be seen with the naked eye. There are some home-remedies for eliminating mites, but most people opt for veterinary care, which usually involves injections of Ivermectin. 螨很难被杀死。它们开始的时候也很难被察觉,因为它们是肉眼很难看见的。有许多的专门除螨的家庭救助机构,但是大多数人还是选择到兽医处去治疗,通常采用注射伊佛霉素治疗。Contrary to popular belief, fleas are not a big problem with guinea pigs. For some reason, fleas don't care much for the species, and usually aren't present for very long if they do take up residence. 与大众知道的相反,跳蚤对于猪猪来说不是大问题。因为,跳蚤对猪猪不太感兴趣,就算它们已经在猪猪身上了,通常也不会停留太久。The hutch should always be cleaned and disinfected when dealing with parasites. 当处理寄生虫问题时,也需要将整个窝都要彻底清洁和消毒。Diarrhea, soft stool痢疾,软便Diarrhea is an extremely serious condition in guinea pigs, as they can dehydrate and die quickly if the diarrhea persists. If you recently fed your pet a large amount of vegetables, or a new vegetable, that can be the cause. Try backing off the wet foods for a day or two to see if the problem clears up. Feeding lots of grass hay, such as timothy, can help keep your guinea pig's digestive system in balance. 痢疾对于猪猪是很严重的病了,因为如果痢疾持续下去,猪猪会很快脱水死亡。如果你最近喂猪猪大量的蔬菜或者一些新的蔬菜都可能会造成这个结果。试试一两天都给猪猪一些干的食物,看看问题会不会好转。喂食大量的干草,比如提摩西之类的,可以帮助猪猪消化系统的平衡。If your guinea pig is on antibiotics, then the diarrhea could be caused by enteritis. Antibiotics work by killing bacteria, and can and do kill off the good, digestive bacteria in the stomach. If this happens, then it becomes more difficult for the guinea pig to properly digest its food. . 如果你的猪猪正在使用抗生素,那么这个痢疾就有可能是由肠炎引起。抗生素用于杀死细菌,也会杀死胃里的消化细菌。如果发生了这样的情况,猪猪将更难以消化食物。点击这里可以找到更多的关于抗生素对猪猪的影响的信息。No matter the cause of diarrhea in your guinea pig, you can provide some basic treatment immediately that will help him or her recover more quickly. Take a half-capsule of lactobacillus acidophilus (available at any pharmacy or health-food store), and dissolve the powder in 1 cc of water. Using an open syringe (a syringe without the needle), feed the resulting liquid to the guinea pig by inserting the end of the syringe into its mouth, behind the incisors and from the side. Be sure to feed the acidophilus slowly, so they don't accidentally choke on it and send the fluid into their lungs. 无论是什么原因导致你的猪猪痢疾,你都可以采取以下的基本治疗方法帮助猪猪尽快回复过来。取半颗嗜酸乳杆菌(在任何药房或健康食品店均有售),将其磨碎溶解在1CC的水中。用没有针头的注射器,通过将其塞进猪猪的嘴里注射喂食给猪猪,要把针管从门牙旁边塞进猪猪的嘴里。一定要慢慢的喂,不要以为的哽住或者让液体流入肺部。The lactobacillus acidophilus is a bacteria-growing culture that will accelerate the growth of the good, digestive bacteria in the guinea pig's stomach. Although many people suggest feeding yogurt for the same reasons, it is important to note that acidophilus as less is needed for the same results. 嗜酸乳杆菌是一种促进细菌生长的药物,将加速豚鼠胃中的消化细菌的生长。尽管许多人出于同样的目的建议使用酸奶酪,必须注意的是其中的有效成分就少得多了。If your guinea pig is put on antibiotics, you should always give supplements of acidophilus as a preventative measure. 如果你的猪猪正在使用抗生素,也必须使用乳酸菌作为一种保护措施。Milky-white urine, bladder sludge乳白色尿液,膀胱沉淀物The urine of guinea pigs typically has a slightly milky appearance to it, but if the urine is very white, and leaves white deposits after it dries, then it can be an indicator that your guinea pig is getting too much calcium in its diet. This can lead to bladder stones in some pigs. 猪猪正常的尿液看上去是轻微的乳白色,但是如果非常的白,干后还有白色的沉淀,那就预示着你的猪猪在饮食中摄入了太多的钙质。在一些猪猪中,甚至会导致膀胱结石。Pink urine (blood in urine) 粉色尿液(尿液中带血)This can be an indicator of uroliths (bladder stones), which is a very serious condition. Get the guinea pig to a vet right away, and reduce the calcium in his or her diet. Lots of water can help prevent the formation of stones, and cran berry juice can actually help break down stones that have already formed. Cranberry juice is often times prescribed for humans who are suffereing from stones for thie very reason. Cranberry juice also kills off the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, as an added bonus. 这预示这猪猪患有uroliths(膀胱结石),这是非常严重的疾病。立即带猪猪去看兽医,在它们的饮食中减少钙质的摄入机会。喝大量的水可以预防结石,曼越橘的汁可以帮助排出已经成型的结石。曼越橘的汁通畅是给患有结石的人类使用的,它会杀死导致尿道感染的所有细菌。It is believed that the formation of bladder stones is not caused by dietary factors alone. In other words, high calcium levels in a guinea pig's diet will not automatically cause bladder stones. Rather, there is evidence to suggest that there are genetic factors that make guinea pigs more susceptible to stones, and that high calcium levels in these pigs' diets can cause their formation very easily. If your guinea pig is prone to forming stones, then you will need to carefully monitor the calcium that is in their diet, and avoid foods that supply calcium in significant amounts. The biggest offender of high calcium levels is pelleted feed, which is alfalfa-based. In these cases, it may be necessary to eliminate pellets completely from the guinea pig's diet. Your vet will be able to provide you with more information. 据说膀胱结石的形成不单是由于饮食因素造成。换句话说,高钙含量的饮食不会一定引起膀胱结石。相反,有证据表明,遗传因素使得猪猪更容易患结石,而高钙饮食可以让这些猪更容易形成结石。如果你的天竺鼠容易形成结石,那么你就需要仔细监测他们的饮食中钙的含量,避免摄入大量的钙。高钙水平的罪魁祸首是饮食中的饲料,这是苜蓿为主料制作而成。在这些情况下,也许有必要从几内亚猪的饮食中祛除饲料。你的兽医会为你提供更多的信息。Hair loss掉毛Hair loss can be caused by a variety of problems. Mites are once source: they burrow under the skin, and hair will fall out around the resulting sores as the guinea pig furiously scratches the afflicted region. Also, if your guinea pig is bitten, cut or otherwise hurt such that a scab forms, the hair will typically fall out in the vicinity of the wound as the skin heals. Some pregnant sows may lose patches of hair during the period of gestation. Far more serious are ovarian cysts in sows, and fungal infections such as ringworm, both of which can cause massive hair loss across the body. 掉毛可能由各种各样的问题引起。螨是其中一个源头:它们钻入皮肤下面,豚鼠感觉疼痛就会乱抓,毛发就会掉下来。同样地,如果你的豚鼠被咬伤,或者其他形式的一个疤,随着伤口愈合头发一般会掉下来。有些怀孕的母猪在妊娠期可能会斑秃似的掉发。更严重的是,母猪得了卵巢囊肿或者真菌感染,如癣,两者都能引起严重的全身脱毛。Stiff joints, difficulty walking关节僵硬,走路困难If your guinea pig is having trouble walking, it could be a symptom of scurvy, which is caused by a vitamin C deficiency. You should make sure that your guinea pig is getting at least 10 mg of vitamin C a day to prevent scurvy. If the condition develops, you will nee the guinea pig may need an immediate source of vitamin C, possibly by injection. 如果你的豚鼠行走困难,这可能是坏血病的症状之一,这是由于缺乏维生素C。你要确保你的天竺鼠每天至少摄入10毫克的维生素C来防止坏血病。如果这个情况继续恶化,你必须带你的猪猪去看兽医,猪猪可能需要通过注射立即补充维他命C。Watery eyes流眼水This can be caused by allergies or by irritants in the eye. Contact your vet for directions on bathing the eye to remove the irritant. More serious are eye sores caused by cysts on the eyelids, which will need to be removed by a veterinary surgeon. 这可能是由于过敏或眼睛里的刺激物造成。在兽医的知道下洗去眼睛里的刺激物。更严重的是由于眼睑囊肿造成的眼疮,需要兽医手术摘除。Tilted head, difficulty walking偏头,行动困难If your guinea pig is tilting its head to one side and is having difficulty walking, it could be an indicator of a middle ear infection. This is a very serious condition, and you should get your guinea pig to a competent vet right away. 如果你的豚鼠头倾斜到一边,行动困难,则可能是由于中耳感染所引起。这是一个非常严重的情况,你应该立即把你的天竺鼠带去看兽医。Seizures癫痫Generally speaking, there are two &styles& of seizures in guinea pigs. If your guinea pig's seizures involve them lifting their head straight up in the air (without a &tilt& to one side), then the seizures could be caused by mites. Some varieties of mites burrow deep into the skin, and can affect the nervous system, causing these seizures. 一般来说, 豚鼠癫痫发作有两种 “形式”:如果你的天竺鼠的痉挛使他们抬起它们的头直在空气中(没有“倾斜到一边”),那么它的发作可能由蹒引起。有些种类的螨虫钻地深入肌肤,并会影响神经系统,导致癫痫发作。If the seizure causes the guinea pig to &tilt& their head to one side, and/or curl their body, then it is most likely not related to parasites. These seizures can be caused by a variety of factors: everything from genetic seizure disorders to dietary problems. Start off by taking your guinea pig to a vet to have a blood test done. Abnormal levels of sugar, calcium, phosphorus or potassium can all be responsible, as can other blood-related factors. Some guinea pigs, however, do have seizure disorders, and they can be genetic or idiopathic (ie, having no known cause). Brain tumors are also a possible cause, though these are very rare. The frequency and severity of the seizures will determine whether or not they will need to be treated with anti-seizure medication. 如果抽搐引起豚鼠“倾斜”他们的头向一边,和/或卷曲身体,那么它可能是与寄生虫不相关的问题了。这些发作可能是由于各种因素的影响:从饮食方面引发的遗传病的问题。带你的天竺鼠去兽医处验个血。异常的水平的糖、钙、磷和钾都是原因,也可能是其他血液相关的因素。然而,有些猪猪发病,是由于它们的遗传或原发性(即,没有已知的原因)。也有可能是脑瘤的原因,虽然这是非常罕见的。癫痫发作的频率和严重程度会决定是否需要服用抗癫痫药。Most seizures involve, in addition to the head lift or tilt, twitching of the muscles and eyes. The eye twitching can last for several minutes after the seizure has passed, as can some of the head tilt. Some guinea pigs will also vocalize during or after the seizure, with load squeals or screeches. 大多数癫痫发作包含头部抬起或倾斜,肌肉和眼睛抽搐。癫痫发作后,眼睛抽搐可以持续几分钟,头倾斜有时也是这样。有些猪猪在发病期间还会高声的尖叫和喊叫。Eating poop吃便便This is actually not a sign of illness at all, but some inexperienced owners may not realize that it is, in reality, an essential part of guinea pig nutrition. Guinea pigs create special, moist droppings that are stored in a small &sack& just inside the anus. These droppings are rich in vitamins and proteins that are essential for the cavy's health. 这实际上完全不是一个生病的迹象,但有些缺乏经验的主人可能并没有意识到, 是豚鼠在日常生活中不可或缺的一部分营养来源。猪猪的粪便特别潮湿,被存储在在肛门里的一个小的“袋子”里。这些粪便含有丰富的维生素及蛋白质,是猪猪健康所必要的营养。Other health concerns其他健康相关问题There are some health concerns that you will want to be aware of that aren't necessarily related to an illness or an infection. Some of these are described below. 有一些你会想要知道的健康问题,但不是与生病或感染有必然的联系。其中的一些详述如下。Broken toenails折断脚指甲Toenail breaks typically happen when the toenails have grown too long and brittle, but can also be caused by accidents even if kept trimmed to the proper length. If the toenail breaks such that the quick is cut, you should treat the wound with some quick-stop, if available, and dab some iodine or hydrogen peroxide on it periodically to prevent infection. 脚指甲长得太长而脆弱时就容易发生断裂, 即使修剪了保持着适当的长度也可能会由于事故折断。如果趾甲打破或者断裂后,如果有的话,你应该立即往伤口上抹一些快速止血药,再定期抹一些碘酒和过氧化氢以防止感染。Sometimes, the toenail can break off completely, exposing the bone of the toe. In these cases, it is important to go see a vet to have the wound inspected, as it is likely that an abscess may form due to bacterial infections, requiring antibiotics. 有时候,脚趾甲可能完全折断,暴露出的脚趾的骨头。在这种情况下,最重要的是立即去看兽医处检查伤口, 因为细菌感染可能会导致脓疡,需要使用抗生素。Broken teeth折断牙齿If a tooth breaks, then you will need to make feeding arrangements for your guinea pig, as it will not be able to eat hard foods. Most owners will puree pellets, fresh greens and their soft poops and feed with an open syringe. Always consult your vet in these cases for assistance and advice. . 如果有一颗牙折断了,那你将需要对您猪猪的食谱作出改变,因为它不能吃硬的食物。大多数主人将饲料,新鲜的蔬菜和柔软的便便煮成浓汤,然后用没有针头的注射器注入猪猪嘴里喂食。在这种情况下请咨询你的兽医,寻求帮助和建议。一些关于注射器喂养的注意事项可以在这里找到。Impaction阻塞If boars are not getting enough fiber in their diet, they may face impaction problems as they grow older. Impaction occurs when feces hardens just inside the anus, making it impossible for the boar to pull out the soft droppings that it needs to eat. This lump must be removed. Smear petroleum jelly inside the anus, wait an hour, and then squeeze the lump out. This will be somewhat painful for the boar at first. 如果公猪没有从饮食中得到足够的纤维素,随着它们长大可能会面临阻塞问题。阻塞问题发生时,粪便在肛门里时就变硬,那猪野猪很难排出它需要吃的软便,这需要多吃点东西,这个硬团必须清除。将污迹凡士林注入肛门里面,等待一个小时,然后挤出便团。这对猪猪来说将会有点疼痛。There is some evidence to suggest that a regular diet that is high in fiber can prevent impaction. The best source of fiber is a grass hay, such as timothy. 有一些证据表明,日常饮食中富含高纤维可以防止阻塞。纤维的最佳来源是干草,例如提摩西。Excessive tooth length牙齿过长The guinea pig's teeth are usually worn down naturally by eating hard foods. If your guinea pig's diet is too soft, his or her teeth may grow to excessive lengths. It is best to take the guinea pig to a vet to have the teeth trimmed back. Until then, you may have to
if he or she can't eat on his or her own. 豚鼠通常是通过吃坚硬的食物来磨损牙齿。如果你的天竺鼠的饮食太软,它的牙齿就可能过长。最好去看兽医将牙齿切整齐。在那之前, 如果它不能再靠自己进食,你可能不得不用没有针头的针管注射喂食你的猪猪。Heatstroke中暑Heatstroke typically occurs when a guinea pig is housed in a cage with insufficient ventilation, or when they are caught out in direct sunlight for too long. It can also occur on extremely hot summer days, even if the cavy isn't in the sun. Typically, a guinea pig with heatstroke will have a chest that is wet from saliva. It may also run excitedly back and forth, while panting and trembling all over. 中暑通常发生在豚鼠住的笼子里不通风,或者在户外被阳光直射时间太长。也可能是由于夏天里太过炎热,即使猪猪没有被阳光直射。一般情况下,猪猪中暑时表现为胸部会被口水弄湿。它也可能会在兴奋地来回跑动时喘息和颤抖。Heatstroke can kill guinea pigs very quickly, but if you can get to them in time, they can recover. First, move them to a cooler location and offer them room temperature water (drinking cold water can cause a system shock that will kill them, just as it can in humans). Dip their limbs in cool, but not cold, water, and wrap cool, damp cloths closely around the body.中暑可以导致猪猪猪迅速死亡,但如果你能及时治疗它们,是可以恢复的。首先,将它们移到一个凉爽的位置,然后给它们喝些温水(喝冷水会导致系统的冲击,就像人类的情况一样,也会导致死亡)。把它们的四肢泡在凉爽但不冰冷的水中,用凉爽、潮湿的布将它们的身体包裹起来。
猪猪、这几天一直没有进食 水也不喝也不动 好像快不行了 求救,我家猪猪饲养了一年多了,这症状倒是第一次。怎么办?向各位大神求救


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