Call to ZHEGV failed该怎么callcenter解决方案

Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV
6 -7.530E-003 .......
0.361E+00BRMIX: very serious problems the old and the new charge density differ old charge density:
84.00000 new 0.152E+04 ........
WARNING in EDDRMM: call to ZHEGV failed, returncode = 6
LAPACK: Routine ZPOTRF failed!
1 LAPACK: Routine程序 ZPOTRF failed! Logscf:
Warning: For optimal performance we recommend that you set NPAR = 4 - approx SQRT( number of cores) ...
WARNING in EDDRMM: call to ZHEGV failed, returncode =
Warning: For optimal performance we recommend that you set NPAR = 4 - approx SQRT( number of cores) ...
rms(c) DAV:
0.872E+02 .....
0.276E-03 1 F= -. E0= -.
WARNING in EDDIAG: sub space matrix is not hermitian
0.193E-01 ......
0.181E-01BRMIX: very serious problems the old and the new charge density differ old charge density:
84.00000 new
0.715E+00 ......
ZBRENT: fatal致命的、重大的 error错误 in bracketing括号、托架 please rerun with smaller EDIFF, or copy CONTCAR to POSCAR and continue
1 F= -. E0= -.
LDA part: xc-table for Pade appr. of Perdew
ERROR :The linear tetrahedron method can not be used with the KPOINTS file (generation of strings带状 of k-points)
 排错过程二_物理_自然科学_专业资料。VASP计算Bi2Se3材料自选轨道耦合性质中出现的错误二 排错过程:以 SB-3QL 体系为例,计算薄膜材料的自旋轨道耦合能带图 SYSTEM...  排错的理论基础: OSI 七层参考模型 TCP/IP 协议 故障排除过程: 故障排除过程: ( 医院:病人向医生说明病情,病历本 )一、故障报告 来自用户的故障报告一般都缺乏...  但是, 对于一般的网络管理人员,掌握网络排错的一般步骤是非常必要的.这个一般的过程是:从 故障现象出发,以网络诊断工具为手段获取诊断信息,确定网络故障点,查找问题...  排错的理论基础: OSI 七层参考模型 TCP/IP 协议 故障排除过程: 一、故障报告 ( 医院:病人向医生说明病情,病历本 ) 来自用户的故障报告一般都缺乏足够的信息,需...  【测试技术】软件测试中的三种排错方法 1、排错过程测试用例的执行是排错过程的开始, 若测试结果与期望结果有出入, 即出现了错误征兆, 排错过程首先要找出错误原因,...  网络排错流程_计算机硬件及网络_IT/计算机_专业资料。网络排除流程 网络排错故障排除过程: 一、故障报告 ( 医院:病人向医生说明病情,病历本 ) 来自用户的故障报告...  根据错误迹象确 定错误的原因和准确位置,并加以改正的主要依靠排错技术。 1.排错过程 如下图所示,排错过程开始于一个测试用例的执行,若测试结果与期望结果有出入,...  最后将从排错的不完全性,引入新故障的角度建立的不完美排错模型:IID-SRGM 与现有的模 型进行比较,优于其它模型。 关键词:软件可靠性;非齐次泊松过程;软件可靠性...  四、最后重要说明 其实基本上,一个相对完整的网络排错过程就应该如上面所说的了,不过,是基本上的, 因为上面的讲解,都几乎是假定你是没有权限进入机房查看网络设备...Justin Bieber Apologizes for Racist Joke | Justin Bieber | Music | BET
Justin Bieber Apologizes for Racist Joke
Singer says his use of the N-Word was a &childish& and &inexcusable mistake.&
The Biebs is on clean up duty for making a . &Five years ago I made a reckless and immature mistake, and I'm grateful to those close to me who helped me learn those lessons as a young man,& he said. &Once again ... I'm sorry.&
Video of a 15-year-old
talking to acquaintances backstage at a promotional event, with a cameraman knowingly present, surfaced online Sunday (June 1). &Why are black people afraid of chainsaws?& he asks. The punchline ended in an &er.&
&As a kid, I didn't understand the power of certain words and how they can hurt,& Bieber told
in the aftermath. &I thought it was ok to repeat hurtful words and jokes, but didn't realize at the time that it wasn't funny and that in fact my actions were continuing the ignorance.&
According to the site, there was one Black person in the room at the time Bieber made the joke. He says he apologized then, too. &Thanks to friends and family I learned from my mistakes and grew up and apologized for those wrongs. Now that these mistakes from the past have become public, I need to apologize again to all those I have offended.&
To the public, he offers, &I'm very sorry. I take my friendships with people of all cultures very seriously and I apologize for offending or hurting anyone with my childish and inexcusable mistake. I was a kid then and I am a man now who knows my responsibility to the world and to not make that mistake again.&
At least one celebrity has already voiced support for Bieber, whose public image has taken hit after hit recently due to his antics and legal woes. &Justin has been nothing but kind to me, my daughters and sons over the years,&
Sunday night, captioning a photo of him and Bieber. &We all make mistakes when we are young, it's part of growing up. I am proud of what he's doing as a 20 year old musician and business man. #TMT.&
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尿的管子。宽大的病号服衬得他的身体越加瘦弱。他提着瓶子管子,低着头,一小步一小步挪,终于挪到了妻子病床前。从门口到病床的距离不到10米,王志刚却累得呼吸急促。“你大举来访,东方余亮主动力邀,导致族中上下分出两派。   这两派争吵不休,一方主张投靠东方部族,化解旧怨。另一方则力争依附黑家,毕竟黑家更加势大。   但投靠东方家族,真的能够化解
,她怕父亲接受不了女儿捐肾的事实。与此同时,徐萍一边忙着做准备,一边说服丈夫“看在2岁儿子的份上”接受换肾。直到半年后,丈夫才同意做了配型检查。而之前一些资料需要口,一直干了几个月;知道她胃不好,早上还从食堂给她带去热腾腾的包子和牛奶……在二人的交往过程中,2011年那次“有毒气体泄漏”事件让徐萍记忆犹新。那是4月的一天,徐萍正 report 1129 李湘晒女儿逗兔子视频:王诗龄似乎又瘦了,李湘晒女儿逗兔子视频[相关]李湘给王诗龄下禁吃令..|李湘前夫李厚霖拟借壳上..中新网1月


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