youbetterlifei see you everydayy啥意思

The Essential Time-Saving Guide for Busy People : zen habits
The Essential Time-Saving Guide for Busy People
Your lives are always busy, I’m sure, but the holidays always seem to add even more craziness to everyone’s schedule. Christmas parties with family, friends and co-workers, gift shopping, decorating, Christmas pageants, caroling, bell-ringing, snow shoveling (unless you live on Guam like I do), making cookies, baking turkeys, and all the rest.
It’s enough to make you want to give up!
But it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. If you’re a busy person (and who isn’t these days?), I’ve compiled some of my favorite time-saving tips — things I use in my daily life that I’ve found to work wonders for freeing up the schedule.
Why use these tips? First, to keep yourself sane during busy times — we all tend to stress out when schedules are packed. But second, and just as importantly, to make time for what you think is most important. For me, that’s my family, my writing, and exercise. You might have other things you want to make time for. Here’s how to do it.
Tips for Work
Most of us spend the most time at work, so let’s start there. If you have a to-do list that’s a mile long — or worse yet, no to-do list at all — here’s what you can do:
1. Do less. This is my favorite productivity tip, as long-time readers know — simplify your schedule by doing fewer things but focusing on the important things. This will greatly increase the impact of the time you do work, decreasing the time you need to work. What about the tasks you don’t do? See the tips below for more on dealing with them.
2. Delegate. If a task needs to be done but is not one of your most important tasks, and it can be done by someone else, delegate it. Sometimes you can get rid of half your to-do list by finding others who can do the task as well or even better than you can.
3. Limit your workday (or adjust your hours). If you work more than 8 hours a day, by setting a limit of 8 hours you’ll force yourself to focus on getting the must-do tasks done within that limit. If you work 8 hours a day, try limiting yourself to 6 hours. You’ll find that you’ll prioritize, work more efficiently, and waste less time, so that you can get the work done within that time frame. I try to give myself a 4- or 5-hour window on most days. What if you can’t reduce your hours (maybe you’re required to work a certain number of hours)? See if you can shift your work hours either earlier or later than the rest of the crowd. That’ll reduce commute time if you don’t commute during the busy traffic hours, and if you work when almost no one else is in the office you can get tons more done.
4. Get the important stuff done early. Pick the top 2-3 things you need or want to accomplish today, and get those done first. While on other days you might push these important things back (and possibly not get them done at all), if you do them first the rest of your day will be gravy. In fact, if you have the freedom, you can sometimes even call it a day after you get the important stuff done — the rest can wait until tomorrow.
5. Ask your boss to re-prioritize for you. If you don’t have control over your schedule or to-do list, talk to your boss. Tell him you are trying to be more effective with your time, and you only have time for X number of things today (say, 3-4 things) … so ask him to pick those things for you. Tell him if you try to do everything today you’ll be less effective and may not get as many things done or do as good a job. This prioritizing is essentially what you’d do yourself (see the first tip) if you had the freedom.
6. Batch tasks. Instead of interspersing your work day with small tasks all mixed together, try to group similar tasks and do them at once. For example, instead of responding to emails throughout the day, batch them and do all your emails once (or twice) a day. Do all your paperwork at once. Make all phone calls in one batch. Do all errands at once. This grouping of tasks saves a lot of time and allows you to focus better on the important tasks.
7. Focus on one project and get it done. Instead of juggling a large number of projects, set aside a block of time to do one project until completion. For me, this often means setting aside half a day or a day (I try to break my projects down into manageable chunks) to work on a project, and I try to complete it if at all possible. Often this means getting all the resources and information you need beforehand, so you don’t have to look for it or wait on it when you’re ready to actually work on the project. This also means clearing my schedule, so I’ll get other tasks done beforehand and I won’t schedule anything else for that block of time. Then work on that project exclusively and try very hard to get it done. This, I’ve found, is often the most effective way to work on projects.
8. Avoid meetings. Not all meetings are a waste of time, but many are. If you spend a lot of time in meetings, but would rather be doing your actual work instead of listening to other people talk about things they could have sent you in an email, see if you can get out of some of those meetings. You’ll get a lot more done. .
9. Avoid long conversations at work. We’ve all had long conversations with co-workers that were very unproductive — often not related to work or anything important. Sometimes they’re long phone conversations. And while I like conversing with other human beings as much as the next guy — it’s important to maintain good relationships and friendships — at the same time you could be spending that time doing other things. I personally would rather get all my work done and go home and spend time with my family. So I try to stay focused on work rather than having lots of long conversations, although I’ll make an exception now and then.
10. Learn to say no. This is crucial if you want to have a simplified schedule. We all receive numerous requests each day, and all of them are demands on our time. If we say “yes” to those requests, we are giving up our time and committing to doing something for someone else. But if those requests aren’t in line with our priorities, then we are usually biting off more than we want to chew. So learn to say “no” instead. Often this is uncomfortable, because we fear it means disappointing others. But learn to tell people that you just don’t have the time to commit to this right now, and often they’ll understand.
Time-saving Computer Tips
1. Disconnect when possible. This is my favorite computer tip. When I really want to focus on a task, and really get it done, I will disconnect from the Internet. Sometimes this means just closing my browser, other times it will mean disconnecting from my wireless network, and still other times I unplug the cord. However you do it, disconnecting from the Internet is a great way to get things done. Of course, you’ll eventually want to re-connect, but having blocks of time when you’re disconnected can be extremely productive.
2. Quicksilver or AutoHotkey.
for Mac users,
for PCs. I’ve used both an find them to be indispensable tools for getting things done efficiently. For example, we all have documents, programs, folders and websites we go to frequently — set up a hotkey to open them with a keystroke. It takes a little learning to figure out how to set these up (but you can Google tutorials), and to set up each hotkey might take a couple minutes. But once they’re set up, you’re lightning fast. You can go beyond these hotkeys for more powerful combinations, such as a hotkey to email something or resize a photo or do a thousand other things — I have probably a dozen or so I use regularly that save me hours when you add them all up over the course of a month.
3. Keyboard shortcuts for email. Similarly, your email program almost certainly has keyboard shortcuts, and if you’re not using them you should learn them. By using shortcuts for opening, sending, filing, searching and navigating through emails, you can work through a batch of emails in no time. And if you add shortcuts (via Quicksilver or AutoHotkey) for commonly used text or signatures, you can zip through your replies faster than I can go through a batch of Oreos.
4. Email filters. Let your email program do your work for you. I use Gmail filters, but programs such as Outlook or, or what have you, all have similar filtering features. Learn to use them and set up filters for your most common emails. This will usually happen over time as you notice that you’re getting a lot of a certain type of email. For example, I get certain stats and financial reports relating to my work that I have labeled and filed by a filter, so that they never see the light of my inbox. Then I can always go and look in that label (or folder) to read those reports if I need to, but don’t need to read them when I go through my inbox. I also use filters to automatically delete emails from people who send me chain and joke emails (harsh, I know, but I get tired of those), and to file notifications from services like Facebook, Twitter, Paypal and other services.
5. Limit IM, Twitter, forums, other social stuff. You can spend all day chatting with others, or Twittering or going on online forums or social media. And while all of these tools have good uses, they can take up too much of your time if you let them. Set limits for yourself — say one hour a day to do all of these things, at a certain block of time in your schedule. You’ll have lots more time for the important tasks.
6. Stop worrying about filing. I’ve written about this before, of course, but I don’t really believe in filing anymore. Everything I do is digital these days, both online and on my computer’s hard drive. And I learned from Gmail that you can just archive something and search for it later without any problems (I’ve been doing this for two years with no problems finding things at all). So I do this with everything: files on my hard drive, documents in Google Docs and Spreadsheets, other types of online files. And my filing time has been reduced to almost zero — while I used to spend lots of time filing each day.
Tips for Home
1. Keep things clutter-free. I’m a big fan of clutter-free homes and workspaces, not only for their nicer aesthetics but because 1) it helps you to focus on what you’re doing instead of being distract 2) it’s more and 3) it saves time. How does it save time? It makes things easier to find, easier to clean, easier to navigate, and reduces wasted time reshuffling, sorting, looking through, and clearing away piles of clutter. .
2. Keep things in their place. Similarly, having a “home” for everything saves time. You can have an uncluttered home but not know where anything belongs … instead, have a place for everything, and put things back in that place when you’re not using them. Make this a key habit in your life — when you’re done with something, put it back where it belongs. It takes a few seconds to do that, and saves time cleaning up later, looking for things (how many times have you lost something and searched long and hard for it?), and generally keeps things neater and uncluttered.
3. Teach kids to clean up after themselves. If you’re a parent, you know that keeping an uncluttered household isn’t easy when you have little rugrats running around making a mess every minute of the live-long day. Start your kids, from an early age, with the habit of cleaning up after themselves when they’re done playing. So let’s say they take out a bucket of building blocks and make a huge mess — that’s OK, but when they’re done, help them to pick everything up, put them in the bucket, and put the bucket back in its “home”. My younger kids like to sing a “Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere” song as they clean. Make it a game! With six kids, this has saved us countless hours of cleaning up after our kids.
4. Prep the night before. Whether you’re single or have a household full of kids, mornings might be a rush for you. Instead, create an
where you get everything ready the night before, so you can start your day off right. This might not technically save time, but it gives you more time in the morning to focus on getting important things done rather than rushing through your routine.
5. Don’t watch too much TV. I personally have wasted entire days watching TV, so I know what a big time-hole television can be. Instead, limit your TV viewing time — maybe an hour a day? — and use the time you otherwise would have been watching TV on more important things — spending time with your loved ones, exercising, writing that novel you’ve been dreaming about.
6. Plan your weekly menu. If you plan out what you’re going to have for dinner (and even lunch) each day of the week, you can save a lot of time. First, you can go grocery shopping and get everything you need all at once — in fact, if you repeat the weekly menu the next week, you can do two weeks of shopping in one trip. Second, you can prepare food ahead of time (see next item), and pack your lunch easily for work. Third, you don’t have to worry about what’s for dinner each evening — it’s right there on the menu you posted on the fridge.
7. Cook big batches. I like to make large batches of food, which is especially helpful when you have a big family. I’ll cook up a big batch of , , spaghetti, or other dish, and eat the leftovers for lunch or dinner (sometimes it can be several lunches and dinners).
8. Do all your errands at once. This is the same as the “batching” tip from the work section above (as is the previous tip, and the next tip). Write your errands on an errands list throughout the week, and do them all on one day. Plan your route so you do the least amount of driving possible, and get it all done quickly. Compared to running multiple errand trips, this method saves a lot of time.
9. Do your banking online, all at once. I like to do this once every week or even two weeks … I have all my bills ready to pay (actually, most of them are set up to be paid automatically by my bank’s bill-pay system), I reconcile my online bank statement, pay the bills, check my automatic savings transfers and so on.
10. Clean in one big rush. While I like to keep things clean by , there’s also the sweeping and mopping and cleaning the bathrooms and things like that … and it’s a big time-saver to do it all in one big rush. My whole family will take different parts of the house, and we’ll do the cleaning all at once as fast as we can. We’re done in 30-45 minutes, and we can relax the rest of the day. Ahhh!
11. Get your workouts done in no time. If you don’t have a lot of time but want to stay (or get) in shape, try
in circuits, but make the workout more intense by trying to do as many circuits as you can in a short amount of time. For example, do circuits of pullups, pushups, and bodyweight squats (5, 10, and 15 respectively) … and do as many as possible in 10 minutes (or 20 if you’re fit). Create your own circuits with different exercises, or look for similar challenges online to mix things up. Don’t do these intense exercises if you’re just starting out — just try to do a few circuits but not quickly if you’re still a beginner.
12. Keep a great big calendar. My family stays organized with a big calendar on our fridge (which I also manually sync with Gcal because I like Gcal). Everything goes on our calendar: parties, meetings, school events, soccer games, music lessons, birthdays, volunteering dates, and so on. This ensures that we don’t overschedule, that we’re all in sync with each other, and that we don’t miss appointments or events. And one big calendar saves time because we don’t have to keep checking with each other or looking at various schedules.
13. Get a babysitter or swap babysitting. If you are a parent and don’t have time to do things, hire a babysitter so you can find the time, or swap babysitting with another parent. My sister and I do this, for example — we’ll watch her kids some days and she’ll watch ours on others. It’s great because we have more time to do things, and our kids get to play together.
14. Consider hiring someone. Sometimes it makes more sense to hire someone to do something, especially if your time is worth more money than you’re paying that person. For example, if I have a large yard that would take me five hours to maintain (it’s pretty big), it makes more sense for me to pay someone as I can earn more during those 5 hours by working. Other things you might pay someone for: other home maintenance projects, washing your car, doing errands or laundry, doing your taxes … just about anything where doing it yourself isn’t cost-effective.
Join two million breath-taking readers:第三人称单数:
=Cooperative for American Remittances to Everywhere 美国援外汇款合作组织
=Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe 汇款到欧洲合作社
=Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere 美国援外合作组织
vt. & vi. 关心,担心,在乎,介意 be concerned about
vt. 喜欢,愿意 like
[U]照顾,护理 the process of looking after and giving attention to sb who needs it, such as a sick or old person
[U]小心,注意 carefulness in avoiding harm, damage, etc.
[U]忧虑,挂念 worry, sorrow or uncertainty
[C]负责照管、办理的事 a thing for whic cause of sorrow and anxiety
care&:&注意, 小心 ...
care&:&注意, 照料 ...
care&:&护理 ...
the work of providing treatment for or attending to
"no medical care was required"
"the old car needs constant attention"
judiciousness in avo
"he exercised caution in opening the door"
"he handled the vase with care"
"care had aged him"
"they hushed it up out of fear of public reaction"
"his major care was the illness of his wife"
attention and management implying respo
"he is in the care of a bodyguard"
activity involved in maintaining something i
"he wrote the manual on car care"
"I really care about my work"
"I don't care"
"The nurse was caring for the wounded"
"Do you care to try this dish?"
"Would you like to come along to the movies?"
be in charge of, act on,
"I can deal with this crew of workers"
"This blender can't handle nuts"
"She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old"
"I worry about my grades"
用作动词 (v.)
It makes me feel good that you care about me.
She will care for the children while I am away.
He doesn't care for fish.
I don't care whether or not she will attend the meeting.
Would you care for another help?
Would you care to have a small wager on the game?
用作名词 (n.)
Owing to wet weather, motorists are advised to drive with extra care.
John's old enough to take care of himself.
He leads a life free from care.
If you decide to do this, you need to take care of several things.
This patient requires intensive care.
用作动词 (v.)
I couldn't care less.
She affected not to care.
He failed in the examination but I don't think he cares very much.
S+~+ n./pron.
Please give me something to drink,I don't care which.
The captain cares the safety of both the crew and the passengers.
S+~+to- v
I don't care to go to the movies this evening.
Would you care to come and have a chat with me?
We wondered whether you would care to come with us.
I don't care to see plays or films that depict murders or violence.
Would you care to have a drink?
Do you care to have lunch in town?
He did not care to meet these people.
He did not care to be disturbed.
A cat does not care to be washed.
You might care to look at this letter.
Anyone who cares to come will be welcome.
I don't think he would care to come.
S+~+for sb+to- v
I don't care for others to read my diary.
I wonder whether they will care for us all to go there.
I would not care for him to speak ill of her.
S+~+wh-to- v
I don't care what to eat.
An average man cares that things are either true or false, but a warrior doesn't.
We won't let you in if you don't show your pass.We don't care who you are.
I don't care what you do.
She did not care what they thought of her.
I don't care what we'll have for lunch if I don't have to cook it.
They didn't care how much help they could get from outside.They would rely chiefly on themselves.
Carrie doesn't care how far she has to walk.
They didn't care if/whether it rained or not.
I don't care whether he comes or not.
I don't care whether it rains,I am happy.
I don't care whether he stays or goes.
The boss never cared whether a worker should live or die.
I don't care if you smoke.
用作名词 (n.)
The children have the best of care in new China.
He owes it to his doctor's care that he is quite well again.
Being forced to leave, the woman recommended her child to my care.
On Sunday evening he dressed himself with special care.
The peasants weeded and dressed the field with great care while the crop was growing.
He said I should have given more care to my work.
Handle with care, or the acid may get out.
They planned out the trip with care.
The matter requires great care.
Care killed a cat.
He had put off all personal cares.
He was rich and free from cares of every kind.
用作动词 (v.)
care about (v.+prep.)
〔说明〕 care about不用于进行体,也不用于被动结构。
care about sb/sth/v-ing/wh-clause
They do not care about him in the least.
I don't much care about going.
I don't care about talking with her.
对…感兴趣 feel interest in
Does he care about her?
I don't care much about music.
I don't care about going fishing.
担心,关心 be worried about
The professor said that he was interes he didn't care about his students.
He doesn't care about other he thinks only of himself.
He used to care only about his own family, but has greatly changed now.
The average citizen cares less about science and technology.
We should care about other people's problems.
在乎,在意 mind
He doesn't seem to care about his failure in the exam.
They don't care about the expenses.
I don't care about the matter.
A great man does not care about trifles.
Don't you care about losing your job?
He doesn't care about what people say.
I don't care
I'm sure he is right.
She didn't care about when he would leave.
care for (v.+prep.)
〔说明〕 care for不用于进行体。
care for sb/sth/v-ing
喜欢; 宠爱 like
He is fond of her, but she does not seem to care for him.
You don't care for Helen, do you?
I don't much care for sweets.
He doesn't care much for beef.
My brother likes potatoes very much, but I don't care for them.
He does not care for money.
I don't care for Paris.
I don't care for the book.
I care for music.
I don't care for this kind of clothes.
Long, long ago there lived an Emperor who cared more for new clothes than anything else.
My brother doesn't care for sports very much.
I certainly don't care for the way he treats his wife.
I don't care very much for going there alone .
I don't care for standing in queues.
I don't much care for fishing.
牵挂,注重 be concerned or worried about
He cares only for himself.
We must care for each other and help each other.
They didn't care for the livelihood of the people.They cared only for their own personal promotion and prosperity.
I don't care for his safety.
She exhausted herself by hard work, but she didn't care for that.
愿意要… want
Would you care for some more coffee?
Would the children care for some more cake?
照料,服侍 look after
She cares for the children as if they were her own.
Who is going to care for our sick friend?
We must care for each other, must love and help each other.
We should care for the younger generation.
She always cares for my health.
The State must care for the families of soldiers killed in war.
Who will care for the birds while we are away ?
I gradually learned their methods of caring for the rice shoots.
We should learn how to care properly for all the machinery we use.
用于 be ~ed 结构
He was given treatment and cared for until he recovered.
My grandmother was cared for by my aunt.
While their parents were abroad, the children were cared for by a relative.
As an orphan,Abell was cared for by the local authorities.
In China, all children are well cared for.
The children are well cared for in the nurseries.
That ancient temple looked well cared for.
尊重 have regard for
He came back a real hero even in the eyes of those who had not cared for him before.
If you care for my advice,I don't think you should go.
One shouldn't act without caring for public opinion.
I do care for what he says.
用作名词 (n.)
in care of
转交 giving sb sth by the third person
This letter is written to my uncle in care of Mr. Green.
〔说明〕 take care接that从句时,从句的谓语动词要和take的时态一致,即一般现在时;如谓语动词用一般过去时took,则从句中的谓语动词也要用一般过去时。
当心,小心 be careful
Take care!Don't let the child fall over.
Take great care. I pray you!
Take care to add the bill up correctly.
He took care to keep the cattle from falling off.
Take care to match the sewing thread with the cloth so that the stitches, being of the same colour, will not show.
Take care to spell every word right.You missed out the “d” from “bridge”.
They took their care never to offend their visitors.
坚持到底 keep on
He always takes care to see that he comes off best in any deal.
The boys took care that there were no apples left on the tree.
take care of
照顾 look after
Don't worry. I'll take care of you.
She stayed to take care of her mother.
When they were given new uniforms, they were required to take good care of them.
The advice we gave him boiled down to this:he should take care of his health.
对付,处理 deal with
If anybody has troubled you I will take care of him.
Who's going to take care of the complaints?
They will take care of the pending cases.
He's a very busy lawyer and has already taken care of another case.
He was criticized for his delay in taking care of the matter.
The lifeguards must be trained to take care of any sort of emergency.
A decisive person is needed to take care of the situation.
Being prepared, we shall be able to take care of all kinds of complicated situations.
I don't want to take care of the old man, can't we just tie him up to keep him quiet?
抵消 balance
But fairly soon real life disasters took care of publicity.
the care of
由…照顾〔管理〕 being responsible for
They committed some funds to the care of the board of trustees.
The boy was committed to the care of his aunt.
You can place the boy under the care of your neighbour.
He placed his little son under the care of his aunt.
There she remained under the care of Aunt Liu.
Flocks of poultry are usually in the care of small children.
用作动词 (v.)
用作名词 (n.)
His words infix'd unutterable care Deep in great Hector's soul.
I don' a fig for his opinion.
出自:J. Galsworthy
I don't care a bugger whether you won't or will.
出自:Dylan Thomas
I don't mean that one has to love people, but simply that one ought to care.
出自:J. Braine
What care I if good God be If he be not good to me?
出自:Stevie Smith
Don't you care enough about me to marry me?
出自:B. Tarkington
短语take care of的被动形式有以下两种:
以of的宾语作主语。例如:The baby should be taken care of by her.婴儿须由她照料。
以care作主语。例如:Care should be taken of the baby by her.由她照料那婴儿。
care, care about
1.care可用作及物动词, care about中的care是不及物动词。
2.care和care about的含义相同,都表示“在乎”“关心”,但care后可接从句或动词不定式,而care about后面一般接单个名词、动名词或代词。另外,care about比care更强调关心的内容。
care about, care for
这两个短语都可作“关心”解,前者不如后者普遍,且care about更倾向强调重要,可译为“在乎”“在意”“关心”; 而care for强调“照料”“喜欢”。试比较:
He doesn't care about money.
He doesn't care for money.
I don't care about going.
I don't care to go.
I don't care if I go.
care about v-ing, care to-v
I don't care about talking with her.
He doesn't care to play football, he'd rather go for a walk.
care for, be concerned about
这组短语都有“关心”的意思。其区别在于: for主要用于人,且多用于口语中。例如:
I really care for the students in my class, though I've taught them only two months. 我确实喜欢我班上的学生,尽管我才教他们两个月。
Does she care for him at all? 她到底喜欢他吗? concerned about 既可用于人,也可用于物,多用于书面语中。例如:
Please don't be concerned about me.请不要为我的事操心。
Why are you so concerned about the boy's safety?你为何如此担心那孩子的安全?
He is concerned about her illness.他担心她的病情。
The leader was much concerned about the plight of the refugees.那位领导人对难民的悲惨处境很担忧。
care, anxiety, worry
1.care指由于责任重大,担心与恐惧而产生的“忧虑”“担心”; anxiety则指因悬而未决或吉凶难卜的事而引起的焦虑与紧张不安,也可指因即将到来的灾难和不幸而产生的恐惧与忧虑; worry则指由于问题、环境及人而从内心深处产生的“不安”“焦虑”或“烦恼”。
4.care的复数形式cares常表示烦恼或引起不安的具体的事; worry的复数形式worries通常指生活中使人操心的事,而anxiety则没有此用法。例如:
Care had made him look ten years older.操心使他看起来比实际年龄大了10岁。
The rich had their cares also.有钱的人也有他们烦恼的事情。
He expressed his anxiety for his son's safety.他说他担心儿子的安全。
His anxiety for knowledge deserves our praise.他对于知识的渴望,值得我们赞扬。
As his confidence in his work increased, his anxieties about his work is diminished.因为他对工作的信心增加了,对工作的担忧就减少了。
care, concern
1.care后一般接介词for, concern后一般接for, about或at。例如:
He showed no care〔concern〕 for others.他对别人漠不关心。
He does not show much concern about it.他对那事不太关心。
He expressed much concern at the news.他对这条消息十分关心。
Great care should be exercised in the matter.对这件事应特别慎重。
I have no concern with〔in〕 this business.我与这事不相干。
误 I don't care black coffee.
正 I don't care for black coffee.
析 care表示“计较”“介意”“在乎”,其后可接名词作宾语,如表示“喜欢”“想要”,应该说care for。
误 He loves his job, so he does not care of his wages.
正 He loves his job, so he does not care about his wages.
析 表示“介意”“计较”,可用care about ,但不能用care of,后者表示“由…转给…”。
误 Some people do not care others.
正 Some people do not care about others.
析 “关心某人”应说care about sb,不可遗漏介词about。
误 I really care about whether we win or lose.
正 I really care whether we win or lose.
析 表示“在乎”“介意”时, care 可直接接whether/if从句作宾语,不需搭用介词about。
误 I did not care to bend down to pick up the coin.
正 I did not mind bending down to pick up the coin.
析 征询某人是否乐于做某事,或对某事物是否感兴趣,可用care to do sth 或care for〔about〕 而征询某人对做某件事是否介意或反对时,须用mind。
误 I care for a walk.
正 I'd like to go for a walk.
析 care for表示“喜欢”“想要”时,一般只用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中; care接动词不定式时,多作礼貌性用语,在其他情况下多用like或want。
误 Mother stayed home to take a care of my baby.
正 Mother stayed home to take care of my baby.
误 Take the care of public property, please.
正 Take care of public property, please.
析 表示“照料”“爱护”时, care前不加冠词。
误 Take care of pages are clearly numbered.
正 Take care that pages are clearly numbered.
析 take care一般用于祈使句,可以单独使用,也可后接从句,表示“注意”。
☆ 直接源自古英语的crau,意为悲痛,焦虑;最初源自原始日耳曼语的krao。
care&:&关怀 ...
care&:&对…介意, ...
care:care n. 注意, 照料, 烦恼, 忧虑, 由...转交vi. 关心, 顾虑, 照顾, 喜爱vt. 在意习惯用语beyond careing 不管,不关心;不理会past careing 不管,不…


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