vmware open vm tools-vm-tools 究竟应该怎样使用

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open vm tools 安装完成后还是用不了
open vm tools 安装完成后重启了&&还是无法进行复制粘贴 求助
求互.png (335.71 KB, 下载次数: 0)
00:55 上传
5人 等
可能有这样的问题,貌似和VMware的版本有关,最好选用最新的12,还有就是可以在kali官网上直接下载vmware镜 ...
谢谢&&我把虚拟机升级到最新了 可还是不行
源:leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list
kali-rolling main non-free contrib
1.apt-get update
2.apt-get dist-upgrade # get a coffee, or 10.
apt-get install open-vm-tools-desktop fuse
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一直装不了 open-vm-tools& &显示 unable to lacate package open-vm-tools-desktop 按一些网上和官网的教程也没用 是不是源的问题 如果是 请提供给我 谢谢
(20.2 KB, 下载次数: 0)
16:29 上传
7人 等
kali-rolling main non-free contrib 只用这一个 ,
然后apt-get update
deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib 只用这一个 ,
装完了open-tools 可以复制粘贴了&&但还是不能使桌面可以随窗口放大 然后安装VMware tools 又出来如图的问题
(51.75 KB, 下载次数: 0)
16:26 上传
装完了open-tools 可以复制粘贴了&&但还是不能使桌面可以随窗口放大 然后安装VMware tools 又出来如图的问 ...
试了一下在全屏模式下可以放大桌面 而窗口模式窗口最大化 内部桌面不会放大 问题应该算是解决了
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What is the difference between the Open-VM-Tools package and the tool that come with VMware ESX/ESXi?
The wondering this because the ones from VMware are not compiled for anything but RPM and I use Debian. In the past I just compiled them on each machine as per VMware instructions.
But there are a few things I was messing with, like a UTM software called Untangle. And to avoid issues related to opening Untangle up to the vanilla repos I was wanting to try a stab at the Open-VM tools.
Any help would be appreciated.
The VMware Tools package that ships with VMware products contains both open source and closed source components. The Open VM Tools packages is just the open source subset of the VMware Tools package. In general, you can expect that Open VM Tools will provide the same basic features that VMware Tools does, but there may be a few extra things that VMware Tools includes. Also, if your Linux distro has a VMware Tools package in it's repositories, it is based on Open VM Tools an not VMware Tools.
UPDATE: Earlier I was reluctant to be specific about what code was in open-vm-tools vs VMware Tools because the set changes. That's still true, but I found a list from the open-vm-tools website, so I though I would include that here.
says the following about what code it contains vs VMWare Tools:
All of the non-experimental kernel modules and user level applications
that have been developed solely by VMware are being released. Certain
experimental drivers are planned for future release. VMware will
encourage 3rd parties to release their contributions under the GPL.
More specifically:
Drivers for devices and filesystems access
Memory ballooning
Shared folders
Drag and Drop, Text and File Copy/Paste
Clipboard sharing
Disk wiping and shrinking
Time synchronization
Automatic guest screen resolution resizing
GuestInfo (provides statistics about guest environment)
Guest SDK (provides information about the VM)
Soft power operations
Multiple monitor support
GTK Toolbox UI
Again, this set changes over time. As new functionality is released via VMware Tools, it may take some time for it to find it's way to open-vm-tools, or it may not make it there at all if VMware is unable to release it.
In recent versions of VMware, it recommends the use of open-vm-tools
This is the KB
Which basically said:
VMware recommends using open-vm-tools redistributed by operating system vendors.
This of course based on the .
Modern Linux distros also includes VMware drivers directly in the kernel and VMware
this drivers.
VMware actively maintains the source code for VMware paravirtual drivers and kernel modules upstream in the mainline kernel.org tree for Linux.
So you can feel safe using open-vm-tools.
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完整的包名应该是open-vm-tools-desktop。试试。PS:新手学Kali Linux渗透测试,必看Kali Linux安全渗透教程新手版


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