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实在是研究不出来在哪儿修改。/* ----------------------------------
Main CSS file for Discuz! X
(C) Comsenz Inc.
Created & Modified by Lushnis, Pony, Dfox & DragonLee.
1. 重定义浏览器默认样式
2. 全局常用 CSS 样式
3. 表单及表单元素
4. 页面布局以及通用的区块样式
5. 列表样式vwmy
6. 其他特定功能块
1. 个人中心面板
2. 简易编辑器
3. 弹出菜单、弹出层及弹出窗口
4. 联系人列表、短消息窗口
5. 登录和注册
6. 其他
7. 拖拽及页面 DIY
* 其他页面专用样式参见 module.css
通用背景填充色: {COMMONBG} #F2F2F2
特殊背景填充色: {SPECIALBG} #E9F2F9
CSS 样式模块的格式示例:
Name: 模块名称
Level: 级别(Global, Channel, Function)
Dependent: 依赖关系,该模块必须依赖于何种模块
Sample: 用法示例,或指出改模块所作用的直接页面
Explain: 附加说明
Author: 创建者 日期(两位数年月日时)
Last Modify: 最终修改者 日期(两位数年月日时)
CSS 写作注意事项:
1. 属性写在一行内,属性之间、属性名和值之间以及属性与“{}”之间须有空格,例如:.class { width: 400 height: 300 }
2. 属性的书写顺序:
2.1. 按照元素模型由外及内,由整体到细节书写,大致分为五组:
2.2. 针对特殊浏览器的属性,应写在标准属性之前,例如:-webkit-box-shadow:; -moz-box-shadow:; box-shaow:;
3. 谨慎添加新的选择符规则,尤其不可滥用 id,尽可能继承和复用已有样式
4. 选择符、属性、值均用小写(格式的颜色值除外),缩写的选择符名称须说明缩写前的全称,例如 .cl -& Clearfix
5. 避免使用各种 CSS Hack,如需对 IE 进行特殊定义,请参阅下节“关于 CSS Hack 的说明”
6. 勿使用冗余低效的 CSS 写法,例如:
ul li a span { ... }
7. 慎用 !important
8. 建议使用在 class/id 名称中的词语
6.1. 表示状态:a-&active
6.2. 表示结构:h-&header,c-&content,f-&footer
6.3. 表示区域:mn-&main,sd-&side,nv-navigation,mu-&menu
6.4. 表示样式:l-list,tab,p_pop
9. 开发过程中的未定事项,须用 [!] 标出,以便于后续讨论整理
关于 CSS Hack 的说明:
所有 IE浏览器适用: .ie_all .foo { ... }
IE6 专用: .ie6 .foo { ... }
IE7 专用: .ie7 .foo { ... }
IE8 专用: .ie8 .foo { ... }
---------------------------------- */
Name: mod_reset
Level: Global
Explain: 重定义浏览器默认样式
Last Modify: Pony
* { word-wrap: break- }
body { {BGCODE}; }
body, input, button, select, textarea { font: {FONTSIZE} {FONT}; color: {TABLETEXT}; }
textarea { resize: }
body, ul, ol, li, dl, dd, p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, form, fieldset, .pr, .pc { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
table { empty-cells: border-collapse: }
caption, th { text-align: font-weight: 400; }
ul li, .xl li { list-style: }
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-size: 1 }
em, cite, i { font-style: }
a { color: {LINK}; text-decoration: }
a:hover { text-decoration: }
a img { border: }
label { cursor: }
Name: mod_float
Level: Global
Sample: class=&z/y&
Explain: .z/.y 浮动 left/right
Last Modify: lushnis
.z { float: } .y { float: }
Name: mod_clearfix
Level: Global
Sample: class=&cl&
Explain: Clearfix,避免因子元素浮动而导致的父元素高度缺失能问题
Last Modify: lushnis
.cl:after { content: &.&; display: height: 0; clear: visibility: } .cl { zoom: 1; }
Name: mod_hr
Level: Global
Sample: &hr /&
Explain: 重定义 &hr /& 元素的样式,去除默认边距
Last Modify: lushnis
hr { display: clear: *margin-top: -8px ! *margin-bottom: -8px ! }
.mn hr, .sd hr { margin: 0 10 }
.area hr { margin-left: 0 ! margin-right: 0 ! }
Name: mod_hr_solid
Level: Global
Dependent: mod_hr
Sample: &hr class=&l& /&
Explain: 定义 1px 高度实线样式的 &hr /& 元素,具有两个个扩展样式,.l2 和 .l3,分别实现 2px 和 3px 的实线分割线
Last Modify: lushnis
hr.l { height: 1 border: background: {COMMONBORDER}; color: {COMMONBORDER}; }
hr.l2 { height: 2 }
hr.l3 { height: 3 }
Name: mod_hr_dashed
Level: Global
Dependent: mod_hr
Sample: &hr class=&da& /&
Explain: 定义 1px 高度虚线样式的 &hr /& 元素
Last Modify: lushnis
hr.da { height: 0; border: border-top: 1px dashed {COMMONBORDER}; background: color: }
/* [!]使用注意 */
hr.bk { margin-bottom: 10px ! *margin-bottom: 2px ! height: 0; border: border-top: 1px solid {WRAPBG}; background: color: }
.n .sd hr.bk { border-top-color: #F9F9F9; }
/* 清除Margin */
hr.m0 { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; }
Name: mod_page_header
Level: Global
Sample: &h1 class=&ph&&Text&/h1&
Explain: 页面中标题级别的文字 [!]此处须整合为一个单独 class
Last Modify: lushnis
/* .wx --& weight text 粗体字,通常用于大标题 */
.wx, .ph { font-family: 'Microsoft YaHei', 'Hiragino Sans GB', 'STHeiti', Tahoma, 'SimHei', sans- font-weight: 100; }
/* Page header */ .ph { font-size: 20 }
/* Main title */ .mt { padding: 10px 0; font-size: 16 }
/* 行内分割竖线 */ .pipe { margin: 0 5 color: #CCC; }
/* 文本属性:字号、颜色、粗细 */
Name: mod_text_size
Level: Global
Sample: class=&xs*&
Explain: 文字字号,分为四个级别
Last Modify: lushnis
.xs0 { font-family: {SMFONT}; font-size: {SMFONTSIZE}; -webkit-text-size-adjust: }
.xs1 { font-size: 12px ! }
.xs2 { font-size: 14px ! }
.xs3 { font-size: 16px ! }
Name: mod_text_gray_level
Level: Global
Dependent: -
Sample: class=&xs[*]&
Explain: 文字字号,分为四个级别
Last Modify: lushnis
.xg1, .xg1 a { color: {LIGHTTEXT} ! }
.xg1 .xi2 { color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK} ! }
.xg2 { color: {MIDTEXT}; }
Name: mod_text_importance_level
Level: Global
Sample: class=&xs[*]&
Explain: 文字提亮级别,分为两级,默认模板中,1为橙色,2为蓝色
Last Modify: lushnis
.xi1, .onerror { color: {NOTICETEXT}; }
.xi2, .xi2 a, .xi3 a { color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK} ; }
Name: mod_text_weight_level
Level: Global
Sample: class=&xs[*]&
Explain: 文字字号,分为四个级别
Last Modify: lushnis
.xw0 { font-weight: 400; }
.xw1 { font-weight: 700; }
Name: mod_border
Level: Global
Dependent: -
Sample: class=&bbda/bbs&
Explain: 边框样式,该模块仅作用于元素的下边框,分为虚线和实线两种,宽度均为 1px
Last Modify: lushnis
.bbda { border-bottom: 1px dashed {COMMONBORDER}; }
.bbs { border-bottom: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER} ! }
Name: mod_border_reset
Level: Global
Sample: class=&bw0/bw0_all&
Explain: 去除边框
Last Modify: lushnis
.bw0 { border: none ! }
.bw0_all, .bw0_all th, .bw0_all td { border: none ! }
Name: mod_background_reset
Level: Global
Sample: class=&bg0_c/bg0_i/bg0_all&
Explain: 去除背景,bg0_c、bg0_i 和 bg0_all 分别为去除背景颜色、去除背景图片和去除所有背景元素
Last Modify: Pony
.bg0_c { background-color: transparent ! }
.bg0_i { background-image: none ! }
.bg0_all { background: none ! }
Name: mod_notice_line
Level: Global
Sample: &div class=&ntc_l&&
Explain: 黄色背景的提示条,一般用在单行醒目提示,不可用于多行块级区域
Last Modify: lushnis
.ntc_l { padding: 5px 10 background: #FEFEE9; }
.ntc_l .d { width: 20 height: 20 background: url({IMGDIR}/op.png) no-repeat 0 0; line-height: 9999 overflow: }
.ntc_l .d:hover { background-position: 0 -20 }
/* 圆角 [!]此处考虑弃用 */
.brs, .avt img, .oshr { -moz-border-radius: 5 -webkit-border-radius: 5 border-radius: 5 }
.brm { -moz-border-radius: 10 -webkit-border-radius: 10 border-radius: 10 }
.brw { -moz-border-radius: 20 -webkit-border-radius: 20 border-radius: 20 }
Name: mod_margin
Level: Global
Sample: class=&mtn/mtm/mtw/...&
Explain: 外边距样式,作用于元素的上下外边距,上下各具有 n, m, w 三个级别
Last Modify: lushnis
.mtn { margin-top: 5px ! }
.mbn { margin-bottom: 5px ! }
.mtm { margin-top: 10px ! }
.mbm { margin-bottom: 10px ! }
.mtw { margin-top: 20px ! }
.mbw { margin-bottom: 20px ! }
Name: mod_padding
Level: Global
Sample: class=&ptn/ptm/ptw/...&
Explain: 内边距样式,作用于元素的上下内边距,上下各具有 n, m, w 三个级别
Last Modify: lushnis
.ptn { padding-top: 5px ! }
.pbn { padding-bottom: 5px ! }
.ptm { padding-top: 10px ! }
.pbm { padding-bottom: 10px ! }
.ptw { padding-top: 20px ! }
.pbw { padding-bottom: 20px ! }
Name: mod_avatar
Level: Global
Sample: &div class=&avt&&&img src=&avatar source& alt=&username& /&&/div&
Explain: 标准尺寸头像样式,默认为 48px*48px,带边框
Last Modify: lushnis
.avt img { padding: 2 width: 48 height: 48 background: {WRAPBG}; border: 1 border-color: {COMMONBG} {COMMONBORDER} {COMMONBORDER} {COMMONBG}; }
Name: mod_avatar_middle, mod_avatar_small
Level: Global
Sample: &div class=&avtm/avts&&&img src=&avatar source& alt=&username& /&&/div&
Explain: 中等尺寸和小尺寸头像样式,中等尺寸为宽度 120px,高度按比例;小尺寸为 24px*24px
Last Modify: lushnis
.avtm img { width: 120 height: }
.avts img { width: 24 height: 24 vertical-align: }
Name: mod_emp
Level: Global
Sample: &p class=&emp&&暂无数据&/p&
Explain: 页面中无数据输出时,用此样式显示相关提示,如无特殊必要,建议使用 &p& 而不是 &div&
Last Modify: lushnis
.emp { padding: 20px 10 }
.emp a { color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; text-decoration: underline ! }
Name: mod_align
Level: Global
Sample: class=&vm/hm&
Explain: 纵向及横向对齐方式
Last Modify: lushnis
.vm { vertical-align: }
.vm * { vertical-align: }
.hm { text-align: }
Name: mod_alt
Level: Global
Sample: class=&{echo swapclass('alt');}&
Explain: 隔行换色时深色背景
Last Modify: lushnis
.alt, .alt th, .alt td { background-color: {COMMONBG}; }
Name: mod_notice
Level: Global
Sample: class=&notice&
Explain: 类似统计中需注意的文字样式 [!]此处须考虑名称简写为 ntc
Last Modify: lushnis
.notice { clear: margin: 5px 0; padding: 3px 5px 3px 20 background: url({IMGDIR}/notice.gif) no-repeat 2px 6 }
Name: mod_ajax_wait_info
Level: Global
Sample: id=&ajaxwaitid&
Explain: 相应页面中 AJAX 请求时的状态显示
Last Modify: lushnis
#ajaxwaitid { display: position: right: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1; padding: 0 5 background: #D00; color: {LIGHTLINK}; }
Name: mod_showmenu
Level: Global
Sample: class=&showmenu&
Explain: 下拉菜单
Last Modify: lushnis
.showmenu { padding-right: 16 background: url({IMGDIR}/arrwd.gif) no-repeat 100% 50%; cursor: white-space: }
#um .showmenu { margin-right: -5 }
Name: mod_cursor
Level: Global
Sample: class=&cur1&
Explain: 鼠标样式,可以根据需要按序添加
Last Modify: Pony
.cur1 { cursor: }
/* 如果验证码有错乱,可添加此样式.sec(全局,修改时要小心,会涉及分享、快速回复和 feed日志相册中的评论等地方) by Pony */
.ie6 .sec .p_pop { white-space: expression(this.offsetWidth &= 220 ? 'normal' : 'nowrap'); width: expression(this.offsetWidth &= 220 ? 200 : 'auto'); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 表单及表单元素 */
.pn button
.pnc button with light color
.pnp post button
.px input[text]
.pt textarea
.pf input[file]
.pc input[checkbox]
.pr input[radio]
.ps select
.oshr share button
.ofav fav button with oshr
.oivt invite button with oshr
/* 必填项 */ .rq { color: }
Name: mod_input[text]_textarea_select
Level: Global
Sample: class=&px/pt/ps&
Explain: 单行输入框(px)、多行文本框(pt)和选择框(ps/select)
Last Modify: Pony
.px, .pt, .ps, select { border: 1 border-color: {INPUTBORDERDARKCOLOR} {INPUTBORDER} {INPUTBORDER} {INPUTBORDERDARKCOLOR}; background: {INPUTBG} url({IMGDIR}/px.png) repeat-x 0 0; color: {TEXT}; }
.px, .pt { padding: 2px 4 line-height: 17 }
.px { height: 17 }
.pxs { width: 30px ! }
.fdiy .tfm .px, .fdiy .tfm .pt { width: }
.p_fre { width: auto ! }
.er { border-color: #F66 #FFBDB9 #FFBDB9 #F66; background-color: #FDF4F4; background-image: url({IMGDIR}/px_e.png); }
.pt { overflow-y: }
div.pt { height: 100 line-height: 100 }
.ps, select { padding: 2px 2px 2px 1 }
/* 自动调整高度的 textarea by Pony */
.pts { vertical-align: overflow: }
.cmt .pts { width: 60%; }
Name: mod_button
Level: Global
Sample: &button class=&pn&&Submit&/button&
Explain: 按钮样式
Last Modify: Pony
button::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0; padding: 0; }
.pn { vertical-align: overflow: margin-right: 3 padding: 0; height: 23 border: 1px solid #999; background: #E5E5E5 url({IMGDIR}/pn.png) repeat-x 0 0; cursor: -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #E5E5E5; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #E5E5E5; box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #E5E5E5; }
.pn:active { background-position: 0 -23 }
.ie6 .pn { overflow-x: width: 0; }
.pn em, .pn span, .pn strong { padding: 0 10 line-height: 21 }
.pn em, .pn strong { font-weight: 700; }
.ie7 .pn em, .ie7 .pn span, .ie7 .pn strong { padding: 0 5 line-height: 18 }
a.pn { height: 21 line-height: 21 color: {TABLETEXT} ! }
a.pn:hover { text-decoration: }
.ie6 a.pn { width: }
.ie6 a.pn em, .ie6 a.pn span, .ie6 a.pn strong { display: }
.ie7 a.pn em, .ie7 a.pn span, .ie7 a.pn strong { line-height: 21 }
.pnc, a.pnc { border-color: #235994; background-color: #06C; background-position: 0 -48 color: #FFF ! }
.pnc:active { background-position: 0 -71 }
.pnpost .pn { height: 26 }
Name: mod_input[radio]_input[checkbox]_label
Level: Global
Sample: class=&pr/pc/lb&
Explain: 单选按钮(pr)、多选框(pc)和&label&(lb)
Last Modify: Pony
.pr, .pc { vertical-align: margin: 0 5px 1px 0; padding: 0; }
.ie6 .pr, .ie6 .pc, .ie7 .pr, .ie7 .pc { margin-right: 2 }
.lb { margin-right: 20 }
Name: mod_narrow_input
Level: Global
Sample: &div class=&pns&&&/div&
Explain: 小尺寸的输入框和按钮样式。该样式在模板中保留,目前样式为空。
Last Modify: Pony
.pns .px {}
.pns .pn {}
Name: mod_float_typeid
Level: Global
Sample: &div class=&ftid&&
Explain: 模拟下拉菜单样式
Last Modify: Pony
.ftid { float: margin-right: 6 }
.ftid select { float: height: 23 }
.ftid a { display: overflow: padding: 0 17px 0 4 height: 21 line-height: 21 text-decoration: none ! font-size: 12 font-weight: 400; color: {TABLETEXT} ! border: 1 border-color: {INPUTBORDERDARKCOLOR} {INPUTBORDER} {INPUTBORDER} {INPUTBORDERDARKCOLOR}; background: {WRAPBG} url({IMGDIR}/newarow.gif) no-repeat 100% 0; }
.ftid a:hover, .ftid a:focus { background-position: 100% -23 }
/* ctrl 'select' width */
.ftid select { width: 94 }
.sslt a { width: 54 }
.sslt select { width: 60 }
.sltm { padding: 5px 11px 5px 10 border: 1px solid {DROPMENUBORDER}; background-color: {WRAPBG}; text-align: }
.sltm li { padding: 2px 0; color: {MIDTEXT}; cursor: }
.sltm li:hover { color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; }
.sltm li.current { color: {NOTICETEXT}; }
/* 分享按钮 */ .oshr { float: margin-left: 5 padding: 0 5px 0 22 border: 1 border-color: #CCC #A9A9A9 #A9A9A9 #CCC; background: {WRAPBG} url({IMGDIR}/oshr.png) no-repeat 5px 50%; }
.oshr:hover { text-decoration: }
/* 收藏按钮 with oshr */ .ofav { background-image: url({IMGDIR}/fav.gif); }
/* 邀请按钮 with oshr */ .oivt { background-image: url({IMGDIR}/activitysmall.gif); }
Name: mod_form
Level: Global
Sample: &form&
&table cellspacing=&0& cellpadding=&0& class=&tfm&&
&td&&input type=&text& name=&& id=&& class=&& /&&/td&
Explain: 表单样式
Last Modify: Pony
.tfm { width: 100%; }
.tfm caption, .tfm th, .tfm td { vertical-align: padding: 7px 0; }
.tfm caption h2 { font-size: 16 }
.vt th, .vt td { vertical-align: }
.tfm th { padding-top: 9 padding-right: 5 width: 130 }
.tfm th .rq { float: font-size: 14 }
.tfm .pt, .tfm .px { margin-right: 3 width: 330 }
.tfm .c, .tfm .tedt, .m_c .tfm .tedt { width: 338 }
.tfm .d { clear: margin: 5px 0; color: {LIGHTTEXT}; }
.tfm .d em { margin-left: 5 color: }
.tfm .d strong { margin-left: 5 }
.tfm .d a { color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; }
.tfm .p { text-align: }
.tfm .pcl label { display: padding: 0 2px 5 }
.tfm .pcl .pc { margin-right: 5 padding: 0; }
.tfm .l th, .tfm .l td { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; }
.bn .tfm caption, .bn .tfm th, .bn .tfm td { padding-top: 5 padding-bottom: 5 }
Name: mod_postboxtitle
Level: Function
Explain: 发帖页面、弹窗等的标题栏
Last Modify: Pony
.pbt { margin-bottom: 10 }
.ie6 .pbt .ftid a, .ie7 .pbt .ftid a { margin-top: 1 }
#custominfo.mtn { margin-bottom: -5 }
/* 提示信息 alert_win - altw*/
.altw { width: 350 }
.altw .fltc { margin-bottom: 0; padding: 8 }
.alert_right, .alert_error, .alert_info { padding: 6px 0 6px 58 min-height: 40 height: auto ! height: 40 line-height: 160%; background:url({IMGDIR}/right.gif) no-repeat 8px 8 font-size: 14 }
.alert_error { background-image: url({IMGDIR}/error.gif); }
.alert_error a { font-weight: 700; color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; }
.alert_info { background-image: url({IMGDIR}/info.gif); }
.alert_btnleft { margin-top: 8 }
.alert_btn { margin-top: 20 text-align: }
.alert_act { margin-top: 20 padding-left: 58 }
/* 发帖导航 by lushnis */
.pbnv { float: white-space: overflow: width: 400 padding: 7px 0; }
.pbl { overflow: margin: 9px 0; width: 621 border-width: 1px 0 1px 1 border-style: border-color: #CCC; background: {WRAPBG}; }
.pbl li { float: overflow-x: overflow-y: padding: 5 width: 196 height: 300 border-right: 1px solid #CCC; }
.pbl p { height: 25 line-height: 25 }
.pbl a { display: white-space: overflow: padding: 0 4 text-decoration: color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; border: solid {WRAPBG}; border-width: 1px 0; }
.pbl a:hover { text-decoration: background-color: #F3F3F3; }
.pbl .highlightlink { color: #08C; }
.pbls a, .pbls a:hover { background-color: #EEE; color: {MIDTEXT}; font-weight: 700; }
.pbsb { background: url({IMGDIR}/arrow.gif) right -33px no- }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 页面布局 */
#hd Header
#nv Navigation
#mu Customer menu
.wp Wrap
#ct Container
.mn Main area
.sd Side area
#ft Footer
.bm Block in main area
.bn Block in nerrow area
.bw Block in full width
#pp Personal Panel
.pm Personal Message (Window)
.pmfl PM friend list (Window)
/* 通用容器,定义页面宽度 */ .wp { margin: 0 width: 1080 } #wp .wp { width: }
.innerxiao{ background:{BGCOLOR};margin-bottom:10margin-top:-10 }
/* 页头 */
#toptb { line-height: 24 }
#toptb a { float: padding: 0 4 height: 24 }
#toptb a.showmenu { padding-right: 15 }
#toptb a.hover { background-color: #FFF; }
#toptb .pipe { float: display: }
#hd { border-bottom: {HEADERBORDER} solid {SPECIALBORDER}; {HEADERBGCODE} }
#hd .wp { padding: 10px 0 0; }
#diy-tg { float: width: 55 background: url({STATICURL}image/diy/panel-toggle.png) no-repeat 100% 1 text-indent: -9999 overflow: }
#diy-tg_menu { position: margin: -2px 0 0 -1 padding: 6px 0; width: 72 height: 48 background: url({STATICURL}image/diy/panel-toggle-drop.png) no-repeat 0 0; text-align: }
#diy-tg_menu a { float: none ! }
#toptb #diy-tg_menu { margin: -6px 0 0 -10 }
.hdc { min-height: 70 }
.ie6 .hdc { height: 70 }
#hd h2 { padding: 0 20px 8px 0; float: }
#space #hd h2 { margin-top: 0; }
#hd .fastlg { padding-top: 10 }
#scbar { height: 44 border: solid {SPECIALBG}; border-width: 0 1px 1 background: url({IMGDIR}/search.png) repeat-x 0 0; line-height: 44 overflow: }
.scbar_icon_td { width: 50 background: url({IMGDIR}/search.png) no-repeat 0 -74 }
.scbar_txt_td, .scbar_type_td { background: url({IMGDIR}/search.png) repeat-x 0 -222 }
#scbar_txt { width: 400 border: 1px solid #FFF; outline: font-size: 14 }
.scbar_narrow #scbar_txt { width: 260 }
.scbar_btn_td { width: 67 background: url({IMGDIR}/search.png) no-repeat 0 -296 text-align: }
#scbar_btn { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: background: }
.scbar_type_td { background: url({IMGDIR}/search.png) no-repeat 0 -370 }
#scbar_type { display: padding-left: 5 text-align: text-decoration: }
#scbar_type_menu { margin-top: -8 }
#scbar_hot { padding-left: 8 height: 45 overflow: }
#scbar_hot strong, #scbar_hot a { float: margin-right: 8 white-space: }
#nv { overflow: padding-left: 3 height: 33 {MENUBGCODE}; }
#nv li { float: padding-right: 1 height: 33 line-height: 33 background: url({IMGDIR}/nv_a.png) no-repeat 100% 0; font-weight: 700; font-size: 14 }
.ie_all #nv li { line-height: 36 }
.ie6 #nv li { line-height: 33 }
#nv li a { float: padding: 0 15 height: 33 }
#nv li a { color: {MENUTEXT}; }
#nv li span { display: }
#nv li.a { margin-left: -1 {MENUHOVERBGCODE}; }
#nv li.a a { color: {MENUHOVERTEXT}; }
#nv li a:hover { background: url({IMGDIR}/nv_a.png) no-repeat 50% -66 }
#nv li.hover a:hover, #nv li.hover a { background: url({IMGDIR}/nv_a.png) no-repeat 50% -99 }
#mu { position: z-index: 1; }
.ie6 #mu, .ie7 #mu { line-height: 0; font-size: 0; }
#mu ul { background: url({IMGDIR}/mu_bg.png) no-repeat 0 100%; line-height: 22 z-index: 2; font-size: 12 }
#mu li { float: height: 32px }
#mu a { float: display: margin: 5px 6 padding: 0 10 white-space: }
#mu a:hover { margin: 4px 5 border: 1px solid {SPECIALBORDER}; background: {SPECIALBG}; color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; text-decoration: }
.floatmu { position: left: 0; top: 0; }
#um { padding-top: 10 padding-right: 60 _padding-right: 54 line-height: 2.3; zoom: 1; }
#um, #um a { color: {HEADERTEXT}; }
#um p { text-align: }
#um .avt { display: margin-right: -60 }
.vwmy { padding-left: 16 background: url({IMGDIR}/user_online.gif) no-repeat 0 2 }
.vwmy.qq { background: url({IMGDIR}/connect_qq.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 0; padding-left: 20 }
/* .topnav .new, .sch .new 分别为为个人中心和搜索页面头部新消息样式 */
#um .new, .topnav .new, .sch .new, #toptb .new { padding-left: 20 background-repeat: no- background-position: 0 50%; color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; font-weight: 700; }
#myprompt.new { background-image: url({IMGDIR}/notice.gif); background-position: 3px 50%; }
#pm_ntc.new { background-image: url({IMGDIR}/new_pm.gif); }
#task_ntc { background-image: url({STATICURL}image/feed/task.gif); }
#um .pipe { margin: 0 5px 0 0; }
#extcreditmenu { margin-right: 2px ! padding-top: 3 padding-bottom: 3 padding-left: 10 }
#extcreditmenu.a { position: z-index: 302; margin-right: 1px ! border: 1 border-color: {DROPMENUBORDER}; border-bottom: background-color: {WRAPBG}; }
#extcreditmenu_menu { margin-top: -1 width: }
#extcreditmenu_menu li { float: display: padding-left: 10px ! padding-right: 3em ! }
#qmenu { float: display: margin: 3px 4px 0; padding: 0 12px 0 0; width: 83 height: 26 background: url({IMGDIR}/qmenu.png) no-repeat 0 0; line-height: 26 text-align: color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; font-weight: 700; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #FFF; overflow: }
#qmenu:hover { text-decoration: }
#qmenu.a { position: z-index: 302; background-position: 0 -30 }
.ie8 #qmenu { line-height: 30 }
#qmenu_menu { margin-top: -1 padding: 20px 5px 10 width: 180 border-color: #9A9A9A; }
#qmenu_menu ul li { float: }
#qmenu_menu ul a { margin-bottom: 10 padding: 47px 0 0; width: 60 border: border-radius: 4 background: url({IMGDIR}/noicon.gif) no-repeat 50% 5 text-align: }
#qmenu_menu ul a:hover { background-color: {SPECIALBG}; color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; text-shadow: }
/* 页面主区域 */
#ct { min-height: 300 }
.ie6 #ct { height: 300 }
.mn { overflow: }
.ct1 { border: 1px solid {WRAPBORDERCOLOR}; border-top: }
.ct2 .mn { float: width: 730 margin-bottom: 1 }
.ct2 .sd { float: width: 220 overflow: _overflow-y: }
.appl { float: overflow: margin-bottom: 10 padding: 6px 10 width: 100 }
.ct2_a, .ct3_a { border: 1px solid {WRAPBORDERCOLOR}; {SIDEBGCODE} }
.ct2_a_r { border: background-image: }
.ct2_a h1.mt { display: }
.ct2_a .tb { margin-top: 3 }
.ct2_a .mn { float: width: 810 }
.ct2_a .mn { display: margin-right: 10 padding-top: 10 width: 700 }
#nv_userapp .ct2_a .mn, .ct2_a_r .mn { margin-right: 0; width: 740 }
.ct3_a .mn { float: margin-left: 20 width: 565 }
.ct3_a .sd { float: width: 220 }
#nv_home .ct3_a .sd .bm { margin-right: 10 border: }
#nv_home .ct3_a .sd .bm_c { padding: 10px 0; }
.mw { width: 100%; float: }
.mnw { clear: border-top: 1px solid #CCC; }
.mnh { width: 643 background: {COMMONBG}; margin-bottom: 0; }
/* 页尾 */
#ft { padding: 10px 0 150 line-height: 1.8; color: {FOOTERTEXT}; }
#flk { text-align: }
#flk img { vertical-align: }
#scrolltop { visibility: position: bottom: 100 display: margin: -30px 0 0; width: 26 height: 50 background: url({IMGDIR}/scrolltop.png) no-repeat 50% 0; line-height: 999 overflow: cursor: }
.ie6 #scrolltop { position: bottom: }
#nv_home #ft, .pg_announcement #ft, .pg_modcp #ft, .pg_portalcp #ft, .pg_ranklist #ft, #nv_userapp #ft { border-top: }
/* 通用的区域块 */
.bm 是最常用的区块元素,默认带有 1px 的边框和 10px 的下边距。一般情况下,.bm 内应包括两个子容器:.bm_h 和 .bm_c,前者代表区块头部,带有灰色背景和下边框;后者是容器主体,默认带有 10px 的内边距。
.bm 另有三种子样式
.bmw Weight 头部为彩色背景
.bml Lite 头部无背景填充
.bmn Notice 整体带有彩色背景,常用于提示信息
.bm, .bn { margin-bottom: 10 }
.bm { border: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; background: {WRAPBG}; }
.bm_c { padding: 10 }
.drag {}
.bm_h .o { float: width: 30 }
.bm_h .o img { float: margin-top: 11 cursor: }
.bm_h .i { padding-left: 10 }
.bm_h .pn { margin-top: 4 }
.bm_h { padding: 0 10 height: 31 border-top: 1px solid #FFF; border-bottom: 1px solid {CONTENTSEPARATE}; background: {COMMONBG}; line-height: 31 white-space: overflow: }
.bmw { border: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; }
.bmw .bm_h { border-top-color: {WRAPBG}; border-right: 1px solid {WRAPBG}; border-bottom-color: {CONTENTSEPARATE}; border-left: 1px solid {WRAPBG}; background: {SPECIALBG}; }
.bmw .bm_h a { color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; }
.bml .bm_h { padding-top: 5 border: background: }
.bml .bm_c { padding-top: 0; }
.bmn { padding: 7px 10 border-color: {SPECIALBORDER}; background: {SPECIALBG}; }
.fl { border: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; border-top: background: {WRAPBG}; }
.fl .bm { margin-bottom: 0; border: }
.fl .bm_h { border-width: 1px 0; border-color: {SPECIALBORDER}; {TITLEBGCODE}; }
.fl .bm_c, #online .bm_c, .lk .bm_c { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; }
.bm2 .bm2_b { float: width: 49%; border: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; }
.bm2 .bm2_b_y { float: }
.bw0 { background: }
/* 宽布局下的通用块 */.bw { padding: 0 15 }
Name: mod_path
Level: Global
Sample: &div id=&pt&&&div class=&z&&Path here&/div&&/div&
Explain: 面包屑导航
Last Modify: lushnis
#pt { margin: 2px 0; height: 29 border: background: line-height: 29 }
#pt .z { padding-right: 10 }
#pt .z a, #pt .z em, #pt .z span { float: height: 29 }
#pt .z em { width: 20 background: url({IMGDIR}/pt_item.png) no-repeat 3px 10 line-height: 200 overflow: }
.nvhm { width: 16 background: url({STYLEIMGDIR}/icon_nav.gif) no-repeat 2px 9 line-height: 200 overflow: }
/* XP 或 Windows 7,IE 最高版本为 8 或 9,这几种组合情况对字体的渲染存在差异,所以需要对背景进行微调,以适应更多情况 by Pony
.ie_all #pt .z em { background-position: 3px 9 }
.ie_all .nvhm { background-position: -8px -120 }
Name: mod_userheader
Level: Global
Sample: div id=&uhd&
Explain: 论坛皮肤下用户页面头部
Last Modify: lushnis
#uhd { padding-top: 10border: 1px solid #CCC; border-bottom: background: {SPECIALBG}; }
#uhd .tb a { border-width: 1px 0; border-top-color: {SPECIALBG}; border-bottom-color: {WRAPBORDERCOLOR}; }
#uhd .tb .a a { border: 1px solid #CCC; border-bottom-color: #FFF; }
.ie6 #uhd .tb .a { position: }
#uhd .mn { float: margin-right: 15 margin-bottom: -30 line-height: 28 }
#uhd .mn a { padding: 2px 0 2px 20 background: no-repeat 0 50%; color: {MIDTEXT}; }
#uhd .mn a:hover { color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; }
#uhd .mn .addflw a { background-image: url({IMGDIR}/flw_ico.png); }
#uhd .mn .addf a { background-image: url({STATICURL}image/feed/friend.gif); }
#uhd .mn .pm2 a { background-image: url({IMGDIR}/pmto.gif); }
#uhd .h { padding-left: 75 }
#uhd .avt { display: float: margin-left: -65 }
#uhd .mt { padding-bottom: 0; }
#uhd .flw_hd { float: width: 260 margin-right: 10 margin-bottom: -30 }
#uhd .tns th, #uhd .tns td { padding-left: 20 text-align: }
#uhd .flw_hd .o { padding-left: 20 }
/* 统计数据 */
.tns { padding: 10px 0; }
.tns table { width: 100%; }
.tns th, .tns td { text-align: font-size: 12 }
.sd .tns th, .sd .tns td { width: 110px ! }
.tns th { border-right: 1px solid #CCC; }
.tns th p, .tns td p { font-size: 14 margin: 0; }
.pls .tns { padding: 0 10px 10 }
.pls .tns th p, .pls .tns td p { font-size: 12 margin: 0; }
/* 带图标页面头部 ih. --& icon header */
.ih .icn { float: width: 60 }
.ih dl { margin-left: 60 }
.ih dt { font-size: 14 font-weight: 700; }
.ih dd { padding-bottom: 1 }
.ih dd strong { margin: 0 2em 0 4 color: #C00; }
Name: mod_tab
Level: Global
Dependent: mod_clearfix
Sample: &ul class=&tb cl&&
&li class=&a&&&a href=&#&&Active Tab Item&/a&&/li&
&li&&a href=&#&&Tab Item&/a&&/li&
Explain: 标签样式
Last Modify: lushnis
.tb { margin-top: 10 padding-left: 5 line-height: 30 border-bottom: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; }
.tb li { float: margin: 0 3px -1px 0; }
.ie6 .tb .a, .ie6 .tb .current { position: }
.tb a { display: padding: 0 10 border: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; background: {SPECIALBG}; }
.tb .a a, .tb .current a { border-bottom-color: {WRAPBG}; background: {WRAPBG}; font-weight: 700;}
.tb a:hover { text-decoration: }
.tb .y { float: margin-right: 0; }
.tb .y a { border: background: }
.tb .o { margin: 1px 4px 0 2 border: 1px solid #235994; }
.tb .o, .tb .o a { height: 23 line-height: 23 background: #06C url({IMGDIR}/pn.png) repeat-x 0 -48 }
.tb .o a { padding: 0 15 border: font-weight: 700; color: #FFF; }
.ie6 .tb .o a { float: }
.tb_h { margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: {SPECIALBG}; }
.tb_h li { margin-right: 0; }
.tb_h a { border-top: border-left: }
.tb_h .o { margin-top: 2 }
.tb_s { margin-top: 0; line-height: 26 }
/* 类似menu的Tab */
.tbmu { padding: 8px 10px 8px 0; border-bottom: 1px dashed {COMMONBORDER}; }
.tbmu a { color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; }
.tbmu .a { color: {LINK}; font-weight: 700; }
/* tab的强调信息提示 */
.tbms { padding: 10px 10px 10px 26 border: 1px dashed #FF9A9A; background: url({IMGDIR}/notice.gif) no-repeat 10px 50%; }
.tbms_r { background-image: url({IMGDIR}/data_valid.gif); }
/* 极简 Tab */
.tbx { margin: 10px 0; }
.tbx span { margin-right: 10 cursor: }
.tbx .a { padding: 3px 5 border: solid #999; border-width: 0 1px 1px 0; background: {COMMONBG} url({IMGDIR}/thead.png) repeat-x 0 -20 }
.tbx strong { color: {NOTICETEXT}; }
/* 类似相册侧边切换页面用的 */
.obn { border-bottom: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; }
.obn select { width: 100%; margin-bottom: 5 }
/* 广告 */
/* 页头广告 */ .a_h { padding-top: 5 }
/* 二级导航广告 */ .a_mu { border: solid {COMMONBORDER}; border-width: 0 1px 1 background: {COMMONBG}; }
/* 页尾广告 */ .a_f { margin: 5 }
/* 日志内容广告 */ .a_b { float: margin: 0 0 5px 5 }
/* 格子广告 */ .a_t { margin-bottom: 10 }
.a_t table { width: 100%; }
.a_t td { padding: 4px 15 border: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; }
/* 帖内广告 */ .a_pr { float: overflow: }
.a_pt, .a_pb { background: url({IMGDIR}/ad.gif) no-repeat 0 50%; margin-bottom: 6 padding-left: 20 zoom: 1; }
/* 漂浮广告 */ .a_fl, .a_fr { float: position: top: 350 z-index: 100; }
.a_fl { left: 0; }
.a_fr { right: 0; text-align: }
* html .a_fl, * html .a_fr { position: top: expression(offsetParent.scrollTop+350); }
/* 对联广告 */ .a_cb { top: 20px }
* html .a_cb { top: expression(offsetParent.scrollTop+20); }
/* 文章漂浮广告 */ .a_af { float: margin-right: 10 margin-bottom: 10 }
/* 右下角广告 */ .a_cn { position: right: 10 bottom: 10 z-index: 300; }
* html .a_cn { position: top: expression(offsetParent.scrollTop+document.documentElement.clientHeight-this.offsetHeight); }
.a_cn .close { text-align: }
.a_h, .a_mu, .a_c, .a_p, .a_f, .a_t { text-align: }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 列表样式 */
.xl Text list
.xl1 1 line list ( wrap text will be hidden );
.xl2 2 col list
.xld list with description ( the HTML tag must be &dl& )
.ml Media/Image list
.mls Media size: 48*48px
.fl Forum list
.tl Thread list
.al Application list
/* 文本列表 */
.xl li { margin: 2px 0; }
.xl em { float: padding-left: 5 }
.xl em, .xl em a { color: {LIGHTTEXT}; }
.xl label, .xl label a { color: #C00; }
.xl1 li { height: 1.5 overflow: }
.xl1_elp { float: width: 100%; white-space: overflow: text-overflow: }
.xl2 li { float: margin: 2px 0; padding: 0; width: 48.6%; height: 1.5 overflow: }
.xl ol, ol.xl { background: url({IMGDIR}/sortnum.png) no-repeat 0 3 line-height: 21 }
.xl ol li, ol.xl li { background: padding-left: 20 }
.xl ol li, ol.xl li { height: 21 }
.xld dt { padding: 8px 0 5 font-weight: 700; }
.xld dd { margin-bottom: 8 }
/* text with thumbnail image ( must with the additional class .cl ) */
.xld .m { float: margin: 8px 8px 10px 0; }
.xld .atc { float: margin-left: 20 }
.ie8 .xld .atc { max-width: 86 }
.xld .atc img { padding: 2 max-width: 80 max-height: 80 border: 1px solid #CCC; background: {WRAPBG}; }
.ie6 .xld .atc img { width: expression(this.width & 80 && this.width&=this.height ? 80 : true); height: expression(this.height & 80 && this.width&=this.height ? 80 : true); }
.xld a.d, .xl a.d, .attc a.d, .c a.d, .sinf a.d { float: width: 20 height: 20 overflow: line-height: 100 background: url({IMGDIR}/op.png) no-repeat 0 -2 }
.attc a.d { float: }
.xld a.d:hover, .xl a.d:hover, .attc a.d:hover, .c a.d:hover, .sinf a.d:hover { background-position: 0 -22 }
.xld a.b { background-position: 0 -40 }
.xld a.b:hover { background-position: 0 -60 }
.xlda dl { padding-left: 65 }
.xlda .m { display: margin: 8px 0 8px -65 }
.xlda .avt img { display: }
.xlda dd img { max-width: 550 }
* html .xlda dd img { width: expression(this.width & 550 ? 550 : true); }
.xlda dd a { color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; }
.xlda dd .hot { color: {NOTICETEXT}; }
/* 图片列表 */
.ml {}
.ml li { float: padding: 0 5px 5 text-align: overflow: }
.ml img { display: margin: 0 }
.ml p, .ml span { display: width: 100%; height: 20 white-space: text-overflow: overflow: }
.ml span, .ml span a { color: {LIGHTTEXT}; }
.mls li { padding: 0 0 5 width: 66 }
.mls .avt { display: margin: 0 width: 54 }
.mls img { width: 48 height: 48 }
.mls p { margin-top: 5 }
.mlm li { padding: 0 0 5 width: 150 }
.mlm img { width: 120 height: 120 }
.mla li { width: 140 height: 224 }
.mla1 li { height: 150 }
.mla .c { margin: 0 width: 136 height: 150 background: url({IMGDIR}/gb.gif) no-repeat 0 0; text-align: }
.mla .a { background-position: 0 100%; }
.mla .c a { display: padding: 14px 4px 3px 8 width: 120 height: 120 overflow: }
.mla img { max-width: 120 max-height: 120 _width: expression(this.width & 120 && this.width&=this.height ? 120 : true); _height: expression(this.height & 120 && this.width&=this.height ? 120 : true); }
.mlp li { width: 140 height: 140 }
.mlp .d { padding: 0 0 5 width: 150 height: 180 }
.mlp img { padding: 2 max-width: 120 max-height: 120 border: 1px solid #CCC; background: {WRAPBG}; }
* html .mlp img { width: expression(this.width & 120 && this.width&=this.height ? 120 : true); height: expression(this.height & 120 && this.width&=this.height ? 120 : true); }
/* 用户头像列表时,各种状态图标。.gm -& 管理员; .gs -& 明星会员 ; .gol -& 在线会员; */
.gm, .gs, .gol { position: overflow: margin: -3px 0 0 -3 width: 60 height: 18 background: url({IMGDIR}/gst.gif) no-repeat 0 0; display:/* ie6 */ }
.gs { background-position: 0 -18 }
.gol { background-position: 0 -36 }
/* 应用列表*/
.appl ul { margin: 3px 0; }
.appl li { display: height: 28 line-height: 28 white-space: word-wrap: font-size: 14 text-overflow: overflow: }
.appl li a { text-decoration: none ! }
.appl img { margin: 5px 5px -3px 0; }
.appl span { float: font-size: 12 }
.appl span a { color: {LIGHTTEXT}; }
.appl span a:hover { color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; }
/* 应用侧边 by Pony */
.myo li { height: line-height: 1.5; }
.myo img { margin-bottom: -1 }
.myo a { color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; }
/* 侧边管理列表 */
.tbn { margin: -6px -10px 0; }
.tbn ul { margin: 0; }
.tbn li { margin: 0 10 height: 33 border-bottom: 1px dashed #CCC; }
.tbn li.a { margin: -1px 0 0; padding: 0 10px 0 9 border-top: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; border-bottom-style: background: {WRAPBG}; }
.tbn ul a { display: height: 33 line-height: 33 }
.tbn .mt { padding: 10 }
/* 道具 magic */
.mg_img { padding: 10 width: 76 height: 76 background: url({IMGDIR}/magic_imgbg.gif) no-repeat 0 0; }
Name: mod_link
Level: Global
Sample: &ul class=&tb cl&&
&li class=&a&&&a href=&#&&Active Tab Item&/a&&/li&
&li&&a href=&#&&Tab Item&/a&&/li&
Explain: 友情链接
Last Modify: lushnis
.lk img { float: margin-right: 5 margin-bottom: 5 width: 88 height: 31 }
.lk p { color: {MIDTEXT}; }
.lk .m li { clear: padding: 0 0 10px 98 }
.lk .m img { display: margin-top: 4 margin-top/*\**/: 1px\9; margin-left: -98 }
.lk .x li { float: margin-right: 5 width: 88 height: 1.5 overflow: }
.lk_logo .lk_content { float: }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 其他特定功能块 */
/* 简易编辑器 Tiny Editor */
.tedt { width: 98%; border: 1 border-color: #999 #CCC #CCC #999; }
.tedt .bar { padding: 0 10px 0 0; height: 25 line-height: 25 border-bottom: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; background: {COMMONBG}; }
.fpd a { float: margin: 2px 5px 0 0; width: 20 height: 20 background: url({STATICURL}image/editor/editor.gif) no- text-indent: -9999 line-height: 20 overflow: }
.fpd a.fbld { background-position: 0 0; }
.fpd a.fclr { background-position: -60px 0; }
.fpd a.fmg { background-position: 0 -20 }
.fpd a.flnk { background-position: -40px -20 }
.fpd a.fqt { background-position: -140px -20 }
.fpd a.fcd { background-position: -120px -20 }
.fpd a.fsml { background-position: -20px -20 }
.fpd a.fat { background-position: -140px 0; }
.tedt .area { padding: 4 background: {WRAPBG}; zoom: 1; }
.tedt .pt { width: 100%; margin-right: 0; padding: 0 ! border: background: {WRAPBG} }
.tedt .pt:focus { outline: -moz-box-shadow: }
.m_c .tedt { width: 600 }
/* 表情 */
.sllt { padding: 10px 5px 5px ! }
.sllt td { padding: 8 border: cursor: }
.sllt_p { *float: text-align: }
.sllt_p a { margin-right: 5 color: #069; text-decoration: }
.sl_pv { margin-top: 5 padding: 8 background: #FAFAFA; border: 1px solid #CCC; }
.ie6 .slg, .ie7 .slg { width: expression(this.parentNode.offsetWidth); }
Name: mod_style_selector
Level: Fuction
Dependent: mod_popupmenu
Explain: 风格切换菜单
Last Modify: lushnis
#toptb a#sslct { width: 10 background: url({IMGDIR}/style_switch.png) no-repeat 50% 50%; text-indent: -9999 overflow: }
#sslct_menu { padding: 6px 10px 10 }
.sslct_btn { float: margin: 4px 4px 0 0; width: 12 height: 12 border: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; cursor: }
.sslct_btn i { float: display: margin: 1 width: 10 height: 10 background: #2E80D1; overflow: font-style: }
/* 弹出菜单、弹出层及弹出窗口 */
.p_pop, .p_pof, .sllt { padding: 4 border: 1 min-width: 60 border-color: {DROPMENUBORDER}; {DROPMENUBGCODE}; box-shadow: 1px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); }
.ie6 .p_pop { width: 100 }
.p_pof .p_pop { padding: 0; border: box-shadow: }
.p_pof { width: 500 }
.p_opt { padding: 10 }
.p_pop li { display: }
.p_pop a { display: padding: 3px 5 border-bottom: 1px solid {SPECIALBG}; white-space: }
.p_pop li:last-child a { border: }
.ie6 .p_pop a { position: }
.p_pop a:hover, .p_pop a.a, #sctype_menu .sca { background-color: {SPECIALBG}; color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; text-decoration: }
/* .blk -& block 内容较为复杂的弹出层使用 .blk 的 class,内部的 a 标签重新定义 */
.blk a, .inlinelist a { display: padding: 0; border: }
.blk a:hover { background: color: {LINK}; text-shadow: text-decoration: }
.inlinelist { padding: 5 }
.inlinelist a { float: width: 5 height: 2 overflow: text-align: line-height: 2 }
.h_pop { min-width: 120 border-top: }
/* .txt 和 .textarea 属于旧的命名规范,待整理 by lushnis */.p_opt .txt, .p_opt .txtarea { margin: 5px 0; }
.p_pop .flbc, .p_pof .flbc{margin-right: 8margin-top: 4}
/* 弹出层 以下 class 都可以分开写,单独定义,以便个性化 */
/* 四条边、四个角的公用样式 */
.t_l, .t_c, .t_r, .m_l, .m_r, .b_l, .b_c, .b_r { overflow: {FLOATMASKBGCODE}; opacity: 0.2; filter: alpha(opacity=20); }
/* 四个角 */
.t_l, .t_r, .b_l, .b_r { width: 8 height: 8 }
/* 上下两条边 */
.t_c, .b_c { height: 8 }
/* 左右两条边 */
.m_l, .m_r { width: 8 }
.t_l { -moz-border-radius: 8px 0 0 0; -webkit-border-radius: 8px 0 0 0; border-radius: 8px 0 0 0; }
.t_r { -moz-border-radius: 0 8px 0 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0 8px 0 0; border-radius: 0 8px 0 0; }
.b_l { -moz-border-radius: 0 0 0 8 -webkit-border-radius: 0 0 0 8 border-radius: 0 0 0 8 }
.b_r { -moz-border-radius: 0 0 8px 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0 0 8px 0; border-radius: 0 0 8px 0; }
.m_c { {FLOATBGCODE}; }
/* 弹出层内容区 by Pony */
.m_c .tb { margin: 0 0 10 padding: 0 10 }
.m_c .c { padding: 0 10px 10 }
.m_c .o { padding: 8px 10 height: 26 text-align: border-top: 1px solid #CCC; background: {COMMONBG}; }
/* 分享时会用到 */
.m_c .el { width: 420 }
.m_c .el li { padding: 0; border: }
/* .flb 弹出层header */
.flb { padding: 10px 10px 8 height: 20 line-height: 20 }
.flb em { float: font-size: 14 font-weight: 700; color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; }
.flb em a { text-decoration: }
.flb .needverify { float: margin-left: 8 padding-left: 13 width: 45 height: 21 line-height: 21 background: url({IMGDIR}/re_unsolved.gif) no-repeat 0 0; font-size: 12 color: {LIGHTTEXT}; font-weight: 400; }
.flb .onerror, .flb .onright { padding-left: 20 height: line-height: 140%; white-space: font-size: 12 font-weight: 400; }
.flb .onerror { background: url({IMGDIR}/check_error.gif) no-repeat 0 50%; }
.flb .onright { background: url({IMGDIR}/check_right.gif) no-repeat 0 50%; color: {MIDTEXT}; }
.flb span { float: color: {LIGHTTEXT}; }
.flb span a, .flb strong { float: text-decoration: margin-left: 8 font-weight: 400; color: {LINK}; }
.flb span a:hover { color: {LIGHTTEXT}; }
.flbc { float: width: 20 height: 20 overflow: text-indent: -9999 background: url({IMGDIR}/cls.gif) no-repeat 0 0; cursor: }
.flbc:hover { background-position: 0 -20 }
.floatwrap { overflow: overflow-x: margin-bottom: 10 height: 280 }
.f_c { }
.f_c li { list-style: }
.f_c hr.l { margin: 0; }
.f_c a { color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; }
.f_c .list { margin: 0 auto 10 width: 570 border-top: 3px solid {COMMONBORDER}; }
.f_c .list th, .f_c .list td { padding: 5px 2 height: border-bottom: 1px dashed {COMMONBORDER}; }
.f_c .list .btns th, .f_c .list .btns td { border-bottom: }
.f_c .th th, .f_c .th td { padding: 10px 0; }
.f_c .list th { background: }
/* 弹窗未开启时 nofloat */
.nfl { height: auto ! height: 320 min-height: 320 }
.nfl .f_c { margin: 60 padding: 20 width: 580 border: 3px solid {COMMONBG}; background: {WRAPBG}; }
.nfl .loginform { height: }
.nfl .clause { width: height: }
/* dropdownbtn 下拉菜单 */
.hasd {}
.hasd input { float: width: 121 }
.hasd input.crl { padding: 0; width: 20 height: 20 background: border-style: border-color: {INPUTBORDERDARKCOLOR} {INPUTBORDER} {INPUTBORDER} {INPUTBORDERDARKCOLOR}; border-width: 1px 0 1px 1 }
.hasd .spmediuminput { width: 115 }
.dpbtn { float: overflow: text-indent: -9999 width: 21 height: 21 border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0; border-style: border-color: {INPUTBORDERDARKCOLOR} {INPUTBORDER} {INPUTBORDER} {INPUTBORDERDARKCOLOR}; background: {WRAPBG} url({IMGDIR}/newarow.gif) no-repeat 100% 0; }
.dpbtn:hover { background-position: 100% -23 }
.hasd label { float: }
.tpclg h4 a.dpbtn { float: border-width: 1 }
.tpclg h4 { font-weight: 400; }
.tpclg .pt { margin: 5px 0; width: 212 overflow: }
/* 下面两行为评分时用到的 */
.mark .dt, .mark .tpclg h4 { width: 270 }
.mark .tpclg .pt { width: 260 }
#postbox dd.hasd input { width: 99 margin-right: 0; }
/*弹窗 编辑器 颜色框 colorbox*/
.colorbox{ width: 130px ! }
.colorbox input { float: margin: 2 padding: 0; width: 12 height: 12 border: 0; cursor: }
/* 短消息对话框 .pm -& personal_message (window) by Pony */
.pm { overflow: width: 400 }
.pm .flb { margin-bottom: 0; padding: 1px 5px 4 background: #CCC url({IMGDIR}/pm.png) repeat-x 0 -101 }
* html .pm .flb { padding: 4px 5px 1 }
.pm .flb em { padding-left: 15 background: url({IMGDIR}/pm.png) no-repeat 0 -65 text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px {WRAPBG}; color: {LINK}; font-size: 12 }
.pm .flbc { background-image: url({IMGDIR}/pm.png); }
.pm_tac { padding: 5px 10 background: {COMMONBG}; }
.pm .c { padding: 0; background: {COMMONBG}; }
.pmb { position: padding: 20px 20px 0; width: 360 height: 280 overflow: overflow-x: }
.pmb li { position: margin-bottom: 10 }
.pmt { overflow: position: bottom: 0; left: -6 text-indent: -999 width: 7 height: 7 background: url({IMGDIR}/pm.png) no-repeat -13px -40 zoom: 1; }
.pmd { float: padding: 5px 8 background: #F0F0F0 url({IMGDIR}/pm-bg1.png) repeat-x; border: 1 border-color: #E7E7E7 #BBB #999 #E7E7E7; word-wrap: break- -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #DDD; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #DDD; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #DDD; -moz-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 0; -webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 0; border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 0; }
.pmd, .pmd img { max-width: 292 }
* html .pmd { width: expression(this.offsetWidth & 292 ? 292+'px':'auto'); }
* html .pmd img { width: expression(this.width & 292 ? 292 : true); }
/* 短消息下的引用和代码样式 */
.pmd .quote { overflow: margin: 0; padding-left: 16 background: url({IMGDIR}/qa.gif) no-repeat 0 0; color: {MIDTEXT}; }
.pmd .quote blockquote { display: margin: 0; padding-right: 16 background: url({IMGDIR}/qz.gif) no-repeat 100% 100%; }
.pmd .blockcode { overflow: margin: 0; padding: 0; background: color: {MIDTEXT}; }
.pmd .blockcode code { font-family: Monaco, Consolas, 'Lucida Console', 'Courier New', font-size: 12 line-height: 1.8 }
* html .pmd .blockcode code { font-family: 'Courier New', }
.pmm .pmt { right: -6 left: background-position: 0 -47 }
.pmm .pmd { float: background: #FEF5E7 url({IMGDIR}/pm-bg2.png) repeat-x; border-color: #FFC68C #F9D4A7 #F3BB65 #DDC4A9; -moz-box-shadow: -2px 2px 4px #DDD; -webkit-box-shadow: -2px 2px 4px #DDD; box-shadow: -2px 2px 4px #DDD; -moz-border-radius: 10px 10px 0 10 -webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 0 10 border-radius: 10px 10px 0 10 }
.pmb h4 { text-align: }
.pmfm { padding: 0 15px 15 }
.pmfm .tedt { width: 365 }
.pmfm .pt { height: 65 }
.pmfm .pn { float: }
.pma a { margin-right: 5 }
/* 短消息联系人列表 by Pony */
.pmo { position: top: 8 right: 10 overflow: padding-left: 10 width: 130 height: 31 line-height: 24 line-height /*\**/: 26px\9; background: url({IMGDIR}/pn.png) repeat-x 0 -320 text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px {WRAPBG}; }
.pmo em { display: padding: 3px 5px 4px 0; background: url({IMGDIR}/pn.png) no-repeat 100% -360 }
.pmo a { overflow: white-space: display: padding-right: 10 background: url({IMGDIR}/pm.png) no-repeat 100% -222 outline: }
.pmo .b { background-position: 100% -278 }
/* .pmfl -& pm_friend_list (Window) */
.pmfl { position: top: 35 right: 10 z-index: 200; width: 138 border: solid #CCC; border-width: 0 1px 1 background: {WRAPBG}; }
.pmfl .s, .pmfl .o { padding: 5 border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC; background: {COMMONBG}; }
.pmfl .o { border-bottom-color: {WRAPBG}; }
.pmfl .s .px { padding-left: 20 width: 101 background: {WRAPBG} url({IMGDIR}/pm.png) no-repeat 0 -160 }
.pmfl .o .ps { width: 100%; }
.pmfl ul { overflow: overflow-x: width: 138 height: 306 }
.pmfl li { padding: 5 height: 24 }
.pmfl .avt { float: width: 29 height: 29 }
.pmfl .avt img { padding: 0; width: 24 height: 24 border: }
/* 跳动的头像样式 by Pony */
.pmfl .newpm img { margin: 1px 0 0 1 }
.pmfl p { overflow: white-space: width: 78 }
/* 当前交谈的用户 */
.pmfl p .a { color: }
/* 在线的用户 */
.pmfl p .ol { color: {LINK}; }
.pmfl strong { color: #000; }
/* 登录和注册 */
.rfm { margin: 0 width: 760 border-bottom: 1px dotted {COMMONBORDER}; }
.rfm a { color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; }
.rfm .rq {}
.rfm th, .rfm td { padding: 10px 2 vertical-align: line-height: 24 }
.rfm .tipwide { padding-top: 0; }
.rfm th { padding-right: 10 width: 10 text-align: }
.rfm .px { width: 220 }
.rfm .px:focus { border-color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; background: #FFF; }
.rfm .p_tip { position: z-index: 2; display: padding-left: 10 width: 390 background: {WRAPBG}; color: {MIDTEXT}; font-style: }
.rfm .p_chk { position: z-index: 1; padding-left: 10 width: 390 color: font-weight: 700; font-family: {FONT}; }
.rfm #emailmore { position: }
.p_right { background: url({IMGDIR}/check_right.gif) no-repeat 10px 12 width: 30 }
#returnmessage4 { display: padding: 10px 0; border-bottom: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; background: #FFE; text-align: font-weight: 700; }
#returnmessage4.onerror { display: }
.rfm .l { margin: 0; }
.blr .c { padding: 0 10px 10 }
.login_slct a { margin-right: -8 padding-right: 16 background: url({IMGDIR}/arrwd.gif) no-repeat 100% 50%; }
.fwin .rfm, .nfl .f_c .rfm { width: 500 }
.fwin .rfm th, .fwin .rfm td, .nfl .f_c .rfm th, .nfl .f_c .rfm td { padding: 6px 2 }
.fwin .loginb button { margin-left: 11.3 }
.nfl .f_c .loginb button { margin-left: 12 }
Name: mod_passlevel
Level: Function
Explain: 密码强度检测
Last Modify: lushnis
.passlevel { padding-left: 70 background: url({IMGDIR}/passlevel.png) no-repeat 0 5 }
.passlevel1 { background-position: 0 -35 }
.passlevel2 { background-position: 0 -75 }
.passlevel3 { background-position: 0 -115 }
.blr { width: 580 margin: 20px auto 30 }
.m_c .blr { margin: 0 }
.lgfm { font: {FONTSIZE} {FONT}; float: margin-bottom: 10 *margin-bottom: -10 padding: 20px 0; width: 280 border-right: 1px solid #CCC; }
.rgs { margin-bottom: 10 }
.lgfm label, .lgfm p, .reginfo { clear: overflow: display: margin-bottom: 10 line-height: 22 }
/* 自定义的注册信息 */
.reginfo label { display: }
.reg_c { float: width: 200 }
.lgfm .txt, .lgfm .px { padding: 2px 4 height: 16 border: 1 border-color: {INPUTBORDERDARKCOLOR} {INPUTBORDER} {INPUTBORDER} {INPUTBORDERDARKCOLOR}; background-image: }
.lgfm .txt, .lgfm .px, .lgfm .pt { width: 170 }
.lgfm .ftid a, .lgfm .ftid a:hover { height: 20 background-position: 100% -1 border-color: {INPUTBORDERDARKCOLOR} {INPUTBORDER} {INPUTBORDER} {INPUTBORDERDARKCOLOR}; }
.fsb { clear: margin-top: 8 padding: 10 }
.fsb .z { padding-top: 5 }
.m_c .fsb { background: {COMMONBG}; border-top: 1px solid #CCC; }
.fsb .pns { margin-right: 8 }
.lgfm em, .fsb em { float: width: 60 }
.fsb .pnr { *margin-top: 4 }
.nlf .txt{ width: 230 }
.brls { overflow: margin-bottom: 10 width: 470 height: 240 }
.sipt { float: margin: 0 0 10 width: 234 height: 20 background-color: {WRAPBG}; border: 1 border-color: {INPUTBORDERDARKCOLOR} {INPUTBORDER} {INPUTBORDER} {INPUTBORDERDARKCOLOR}; clear: }
.sipt a { float: width: 54 border: }
.sipt a:hover, .sipt a:focus { border: }
.sipt .txt { float: width: 154 border: outline: background: {WRAPBG}; }
.sltp { float: margin: 10px 0; clear: }
.sltp a, .sltp a:hover, .sltp a:focus { height: 20 line-height: 20 border-color: #EEE; background-color: background-position: 100% -1 color: #069 ! }
.sltp a:hover, .sltp a:focus { background-position: 100% -24 }
.lpsw label { float: padding-left: 4 width: 61 line-height: 150%; }
.clck, .sipt .clck { background: {WRAPBG} url({IMGDIR}/clck.gif) no-repeat 98% 50%; }
.lgf { float: overflow: margin: 47px 25px 10px 40 }
.lgf h4 { margin-bottom: 10 font-weight: 400; font-size: 14 }
.lgf a { color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; }
.minf { margin-top: 23 }
Name: mod_messagelogin
Level: Global
Explain: showmessage 处的登录框
Last Modify: lushnis
#messagelogin { margin-top: 5 border-top: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; }
#messagelogin .flb { padding-left: 0; }
#messagelogin .blr { margin: 0; }
#messagelogin .lgfm { padding-top: 0; }
#messagelogin .minf { margin-top: 0; }
#messagelogin .fsb { padding: 0; }
Name: mod_fast_login
Level: Global
Explain: 页面头部的快速登录
Last Modify: Pony
.fastlg { line-height: 24 }
.fastlg td { padding: 2px 0 2px 4 }
.fastlg_fm { margin-right: 5 padding-right: 5 border-right: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; }
#ls_fastloginfield_ctrl { line-height: 20 border: background-color: background-position: 100% -1 }
#ls_fastloginfield_ctrl:hover { background-position: 100% -24 }
.psw_w { padding-left: 5 }
.fastlg_l { padding-right: 4px ! border-right: 1px solid {SPECIALBG}; }
/* 打招呼 by Pony */
.poke { margin-bottom: 10 }
.poke li { float: margin: 0 1% 5px 0; width: 32%; height: 22 }
.poke img { vertical-align: }
/* 普通数据列表 datatable by michael */
.dt { border-top: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; width: 100%; }
.dt th { background: {COMMONBG}; }
.dt td, .dt th { padding: 7px 4 border-bottom: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; }
.dt .c { width: 50 }
/* 用来展示数据的表格 */
.tdat { width: 100%; border: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; }
.tdat th, .tdat td { padding: 4px 5 border: 1px solid {COMMONBORDER}; }
/* == um 公告 帮助 message 通用列表 lum -- um list == */
.um { margin-bottom: 1 padding-bottom: 1 border-bottom: 1px dashed {COMMONBORDER}; clear: }
.umh { margin-bottom: 10 overflow: }
.umh h2, .umh h3 { clear: font-size: 14 float: background: {WRAPBG} url({IMGDIR}/arrow.gif) no-repeat right 6 padding-right: 14 cursor: }
.schfaq h3 { background: cursor: }
.umh h3 a { color: {MIDTEXT}; }
.umh h3 span { font-size: 12 font-weight: 400; color: {MIDTEXT}; }
.umh h2 em, .umh h3 em { margin-left: 8 font-size: 12 color: {LIGHTTEXT}; font-weight: 400; }
.umh_act { float: }
.umh .umh_cb { display: }
.umh .umh_ext { display: }
.umn { background: url({IMGDIR}/dash.gif) repeat-x 0 10 clear: }
.umn h3 { background: {WRAPBG} url({IMGDIR}/arrow.gif) no-repeat right -35 font-size: 14 }
.umn .umh_cb { display: background-color: {WRAPBG}; color: {MIDTEXT}; cursor: }
.umn .umh_ext { display : }
.lum {}
.lum h2 { font-size: 14 }
.lum ul { padding: 1em 0 1em 2 margin-bottom: 1 border-bottom: 1px dashed {COMMONBORDER}; }
.lum ul li { padding: 0.2em 0; }
/* pgs --& pages & postbutton 分页、发帖按钮, pgb --&返回首页, nxt --&下一页 */
.pgs {}
.pgs #newspecial, .pgs #newspecialtmp, .pgs #post_reply, .pgs #post_replytmp { float: margin-right: 5 }
.pg { float: }
.pg, .pgb { line-height: 26 }
.pg a, .pg strong, .pgb a, .pg label { float: display: margin-left: 4 padding: 0 8 height: 26 border: 1 border-color: {SPECIALBORDER}; background-color: {WRAPBG}; background-repeat: no- color: {LINK}; overflow: text-decoration: }
.pg a.nxt, .pgb a { padding: 0 10 }
.pg a:hover, .pgb a:hover { border-color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; color: {HIGHLIGHTLINK}; }
.pg a.nxt { padding-right: 25 background-image: url({IMGDIR}/arw_r.gif); background-position: 90% 50%; }
.pg a.prev { background-image: url({IMGDIR}/arw_l.gif); background-position: 50% 50%; }
.pg strong { background-color: {SPECIALBG}; }
.pgb a { padding-left: 25 background-image: url({IMGDIR}/arw_l.gif); background-position: 10px 50%; }
.pg label { cursor: }
.ie6 .pg label { padding-top: 3 height: 23 }
.pg label .px { padding: 0; width: 25 height: 16 line-height: 16 }
#pgt .pg, #pgt .pgb { margin-top: 5 }
/* 用于行动的按钮 button action */
.bac {margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 70 height: 30line-height: 30 color: {LINK}; overflow: text-decoration: background: url({IMGDIR}/pg_arw.png) no-repeat 0 0; text-align: text-indent: -7 display:}
#psd .bn .mbn input, #postbox input { margin-right: 4 }
#postbox .mbn, #psd .mbn { height: 1.6 line-height: 1.6 }
/* 用于积分奖励提示等弹出层提示 */
.popupcredit {}
.pc_l, .pc_c, .pc_inner, .pc_r { width: 29 height: 56 line-height: 56 background: url({IMGDIR}/popupcredit_bg.gif) no-repeat 0 0; }
.pc_c { width: 200 background-position: 0 -56 background-repeat: repeat-x; }
.pc_inner { white-space: text-align: width: background-position: 50% -112 }
.pc_inner i { margin-right: 10 font-size: 12 font-style: color: {LIGHTLINK}; font-weight: 400; }
.pc_inner span { margin-right: 15 color: #FFEA97; font-size: 14 font-weight: 700; }
* html .pc_inner span { display: inline- }
.pc_inner span a { color: #FFEA97; text-decoration: }
.pc_inner span em { color: {LIGHTLINK}; font-size: 18 font-weight: 400; }
.pc_inner span u { font-size: 10 text-decoration: }
.pc_inner span em.desc { color: #930; }
.pc_btn img { opacity: 0.5; }
.pc_btn:hover img { opacity: 1; }
.pc_r { background-position: -30px 0; }
/* 快速跳转菜单 */
#fjump_menu { padding: 7px 0 10px 10 background: {COMMONBG}; }
.ie6 #fjump_menu { width: expression(this.getElementsByTagName('li')[2] ? '600px' : (this.getElementsByTagName('li')[1] ? '400px' : '200px')); }
#fjump_menu .sch { position: top: 6 right: 10 }
.jump_bdl { overflow: }
.jump_bdl li { float: overflow-x: overflow-y: margin-right: 10 padding: 5 width: 178 height: 300 border: 1px solid {WRAPBORDERCOLOR}; background: {WRAPBG}; }
.bdl_title li { float: margin-right: 9 padding: 0 1 width: 189 height: 33 line-height: 23 font-weight: 700; }
.bdl_title .px { width: 80 }
.jump_bdl p { overflow: height: 25 line-height: 25 }
.jump_bdl .sub { text-indent: 1 }
.jump_bdl .child { text-indent: 2 }
.jump_bdl a { display: position: static ! padding: 0 4 text-decoration: color: {TABLETEXT}; }
.jump_bdl .a a, .jump_bdl .a a:hover { background-color: {SPECIALBG}; }
/* 可用道具列表 by lushnis */
.mgcmn { width: 100 }
.mgcmn a { padding-left: 25 line-height: 16px ! }
.mgcmn img { position: margin-left: -20 }
/* 高亮道具用到的 */
.cmen { overflow: width: 63 }
.cmen a { overflow: float: width: 20 height: 20 }
/* 热点:站长推荐内容,在页面右下角弹出 */
.focus { position: right: 10 bottom: 0; z-index: 300; overflow: width: 270 background: {WRAPBG}; }
* html .focus { position: top: expression(offsetParent.scrollTop+document.documentElement.clientHeight-this.offsetHeight); }
.fctrl { margin-left: 10 font-weight: 400; }
.fctrl img { margin-bottom: -4 }
.fctrl em { display: inline- }
.focus .m img { width: 60 height: 60 }
.focus dt { padding-top: 0; }
/* 分享的验证码(全局) by Pony */
.m_c .sec .secq { display: margin: 5px 0 10 }
Name: mod_reason_select
Level: Global
Explain: 类似评分窗口中的评分原因选择的样式
Last Modify: Pony
.reason_slct {}
.reason_slct .reasonselect { height: 4.3 overflow: scroll ! overflow-x: auto ! }
.reason_slct .reasonselect li { white-space: }
.reason_slct .pt, .reason_slct .px { width: 25.2em ! }
.reasonarea { height: 5.8 }
Name: mod_filebtn
Level: Global
Sample: &div class=&filebtn&&
&input type=&file& class=&pf cur1& size=&1& /&
&button type=&button& class=&pn pnc&&&strong&{lang}&/strong&&/button&
Explain: 模拟 &input type=&file& /&,注意不要让 button 太宽
Last Modify: Pony
.filebtn { position: margin: 0 width: 60 overflow: }
.filebtn .pf { position: right: 0; height: 23 opacity: 0; filter:alpha(opacity=0); }
/* 上传弹出层 */
.upfile { width: 220 }
.uploadform { padding: 0 10 border: 1px dashed {COMMONBORDER}; background: {COMMONBG}; }
Name: mod_flashupload
Level: Global
Explain: Flash 上传时的处理界面,结构参见 /static/js/fileprogress.js
Last Modify: Pony
.progressWrapper { overflow: width: 100%; }
.progressContainer { overflow: margin: 5 padding: 4 border: solid 1px #E8E8E8; background-color: #F7F7F7; }
.message { overflow: margin: 1em 0; padding: 10px 20 border: solid 1px #FD9; background-color: #FFC; } /* Message */
.red { border: solid 1px #B50000; background-color: #FFEBEB; } /* Error */
.green { border: solid 1px #DDF0DD; background-color: #EBFFEB; } /* Current */
.blue { border: solid 1px #CEE2F2; background-color: #F0F5FF; } /* Complete */
.progressName { overflow: white-space: width: 323 height: 18 text-align: font-weight: 700; color: #555; }
.progressBarInProgress, .progressBarComplete, .progressBarError { clear: margin-top: 2 width: 0; height: 2 background-color: font-size: 0; }
.progressBarComplete { visibility: width: 100%; background-color: }
.progressBarError { visibility: width: 100%; background-color: }
.progressBarStatus { white-space: margin-top: 2 width: 337 text-align: }
a.progressCancel { display: float: width: 14 height: 14 background: url({IMGDIR}/cancelbutton.gif) no-repeat -14px 0; font-size: 0; }
a.progressCancel:hover { background-position: 0 0; }
.swfupload { vertical-align: }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 拖拽及页面 DIY */
.frame, .frame-tab { margin-bottom: 10 border: 1px solid {WRAPBORDERCOLOR}; background: {WRAPBG}; }
.title { padding: 0 10 height: 32 font-size: 14 font-weight: 700; line-height: 32 overflow: }
.frame-title, .frametitle, .tab-title { background: {COMMONBG} url({IMGDIR}/title.png) repeat-x 0 100%; }
/* 新的框架结构 */
.frame-1-1-l, .frame-1-1-1-l, .frame-1-1-1-c, .frame-2-1-l, .frame-1-2-l, .frame-3-1-l, .frame-1-3-l { float: }
.frame-1-1-r, .frame-1-1-1-r, .frame-2-1-r, .frame-1-2-r, .frame-3-1-r, .frame-1-3-r { float: }
.frame-1-1-l, .frame-1-1-r { width: 49.9% }
.frame-1-1-1-l, .frame-1-1-1-c, .frame-1-1-1-r, .frame-2-1-r, .frame-1-2-l { width: 33.3%; }
.frame-2-1-l, .frame-1-2-r { width: 66.6%; }
.frame-3-1-l, .frame-1-3-r { width: 74.9%; }
.frame-3-1-r, .frame-1-3-l { width: 24.9%; }
/* End */
/* X1 之前的框架结构 */
.frame .mn { margin-bottom: 0; }
.frame .sd { min-height: 0; _height: }
.frame-1-1 .col-r { float: width: 49.9%; }
.frame-1-1 .col-l { float: width: 49.9%; }
.frame-1-2 .mn, .frame-1-2 .col-r, .frame .frame-1-2 .mn, .frame .frame-1-2 .col-r { float: width: 66.6%; }
.frame-1-2 .sd, .frame-1-2 .col-l, .frame .frame-1-2 .sd, .frame .frame-1-2 .col-l { float: width: 33.3%; }
.frame-2-1 .mn, .frame-2-1 .col-l, .frame .frame-2-1 .mn, .frame .frame-2-1 .col-l { float: width: 66.6%; }
.frame-2-1 .sd, .frame-2-1 .col-r, .frame .frame-2-1 .sd, .frame .frame-2-1 .col-r { float: width: 33.3%; }
.frame-1-3 .mn, .frame-1-3 .col-r, .frame .frame-1-3 .mn, .frame .frame-1-3 .col-r { float: width: 74.9%;}
.frame-1-3 .sd, .frame-1-3 .col-l, .frame .frame-1-3 .sd, .frame .frame-1-3 .col-l { float: width: 24.9%;}
.frame-3-1 .mn, .frame-3-1 .col-l, .frame .frame-3-1 .mn, .frame .frame-3-1 .col-l { float: width: 74.9%;}
.frame-3-1 .sd, .frame-3-1 .col-r, .frame .frame-3-1 .sd, .frame .frame-3-1 .col-r { float: width: 24.9%}
.frame-1-1-1 .col-l { float: width: 33.3%; }
.frame-1-1-1 .col-c { float: width: 33.3%; }
.frame-1-1-1 .col-r { float: width: 33.3%; }
.frame .frame-1-1-1 .col-l, .frame .frame-1-1-1 .col-c, .frame .frame-1-1-1 .col-r { padding: 0; width: 33%; }
.frame .frame-1-1 .col-l, .frame .frame-1-1 .col-r { width: 49.9%; }
/* End */
.frame .title .titletext, .block .title .titletext{ float: }
.frame-tab .tab-title .titletext { float: margin: 0 10 }
.tab-title { padding: 0; width: 100% ! border: }
.frame-tab .tb { margin-top: 0; padding-left: 15 line-height: 32 border: }
.frame-tab .tb li { margin: 0; margin-left: -1 font-weight: 400; }
.frame-tab .tb li, .frame-tab .tb li a { -moz-border-radius: 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0; border-radius: 0; border-top: background: }
* html .frame-tab .tb li a { float: }
.frame-tab .tb .a a { background: #FFF; font-weight: 700; }
.frame-tab .tb-c { padding: 10px 16 }
.block { margin: 10px 10px 0; }
.frame-1-2 .sd .block, .col-l .block, .frame-2-1 .mn .block, .frame-1-1-1 .col-c .block, .frame-1-3 .sd .block, .frame-3-1 .mn .block { margin-right: 10 }
.frame-1-2 .mn .block, .col-r .block, .frame-2-1 .sd .block, .frame-1-1-1 .col-c .block, .frame-1-3 .mn .block, .frame-3-1 .sd .block { margin-left: 10 }
body#space .block { margin: 0 5px 10 }
.temp {margin:1}
/* 重定义 frame */
#ct .frame { margin: 0; border: }
.bx { border: }
.bx .frame-1-1-1 { background: transparent url({IMGDIR}/vline2.png) repeat-y 320px 0; }
.bx .frame-2-1 { background: transparent url({IMGDIR}/vline.png) repeat-y 645px 0; }
/* 拖动生成的页面元素 by lushnis */
.drag .block .title { margin-bottom: 0; padding-left: 0; font-size: 14 font-weight: 700; }
/* 重定义 block */
#ct .sd .block { margin: 0; }
.block .xl1 ul li { padding-left: 10 background: url({IMGDIR}/dot.gif) no-repeat 0 50%; }
.ie_all .block .xl1 ul li { background-position: 0 6 }
/* Frame stylies by lushnis */
.xfs { border-top: }
.xfs .frame-title, .xfs .frametitle, .xfs .tab-title { border: background: transparent url({IMGDIR}/mu.png) repeat-x 0 0; }
.xfs .frame-title, .xfs .frametitle, .xfs .tab-title, .xfs .frame-title a, .xfs .frametitle a, .xfs .tab-title a { color: #FFF ! }
.xfs .tb li a { height: 32 border: none ! }
.xfs .tb .a a { background: transparent url({IMGDIR}/mu.png) no-repeat 50% -165 }
.xfs_1 { border-color: #2267B5; }
.xfs_1 .frame-title, .xfs_1 .frametitle, .xfs_1 .tab-title { background-color: #2267B5; background-position: 0 0; }
.xfs_1 .tb .a a { background-position: 50% -66 }
.xfs_2 { border-color: #A90000; }
.xfs_2 .frame-title, .xfs_2 .frametitle, .xfs_2 .tab-title { background-color: #A90000; background-position: 0 -99 }
.xfs_2 .tb .a a { background-position: 50% -165 }
.xfs_3 { border-color: #006C6C; }
.xfs_3 .frame-title, .xfs_3 .frametitle, .xfs_3 .tab-title { background-color: #006C6C; background-position: 0 -198 }
.xfs_3 .tb .a a { background-position: 50% -264 }
.xfs_4 { border-color: #EC5A00; }
.xfs_4 .frame-title, .xfs_4 .frametitle, .xfs_4 .tab-title { background-color: #EC5A00; background-position: 0 -297 }
.xfs_4 .tb .a a { background-position: 50% -363 }
.xfs_5 { border-color: #6F099E; }
.xfs_5 .frame-title, .xfs_5 .frametitle, .xfs_5 .tab-title { background-color: #6F099E; background-position: 0 -396 }
.xfs_5 .tb .a a { background-position: 50% -462 }
.xfs_nbd { border: }
.xfs_nbd .block { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 10 }
.xfs_nbd .col-l .block, .xfs_nbd .frame-1-1-l .block, .xfs_nbd .frame-2-1-l .block, .xfs_nbd .frame-1-2-l .block, .xfs_nbd .frame-3-1-l .block, .xfs_nbd .frame-1-3-l .block, .xfs_nbd .frame-1-1-1-l .block { margin-left: 0; }
.xfs_nbd .sd .block, .xfs_nbd .col-r .block, .xfs_nbd .frame-1-1-r .block, .xfs_nbd .frame-2-1-r .block, .xfs_nbd .frame-1-2-r .block, .xfs_nbd .frame-3-1-r .block, .xfs_nbd .frame-1-3-r .block, .xfs_nbd .frame-1-1-1-r .block { margin-right: 0; }
/* Block stylies by lushnis */
.xbs { background: no-repeat 0 100%; }
.xbs .title { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 10 background: no-repeat 100% 0; }
.xbs .titletext { float: padding-left: 10 background: no-repeat 0 0; }
.xbs .dxb_bc { padding-bottom: 6 background: transparent no-repeat 100% 100%; }
.xbs .module, .xbs .portal_block_summary { padding: 10px 10px 4 border-style: border-width: 0 1 }
.xbs_1 { border: 1px solid #CCC; }
.xbs_1 .title { padding: 0 10 height: 31 border


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