
1604是什么意思 1604在线翻译 1604什么意思 1604的意思 1604的翻译 1604的解释 1604的发音 1604的同义词 1604的反义词 1604的例句 1604的相关词组
16041604 双语例句1. Of the 1, 604 people interviewed, 64 percent said their salary rises could not match the economic development.&&&&在1604名受访者中,64%的人认为他们的工资涨幅与经济发展不相称。2. 2. Of the 1, 604 people interviewed, 64 percent said their salary rises could not match the&&&&在1604名受访者中,64%的人认为他们的工资涨幅与经济发展不相称。3. 3. Hi i tried this, but it is giving 1604 error? ?&&&&您好我尝试这一点,但它给1604错误??4. Here he passed two years, and at the solemn promotion of 1604 was proclaimed first of 118 competitors.&&&&在这里,他通过两年来,在庄严的促进1604年被宣布为第一个118的竞争对手。5. His exact birthdate is not known, but it was probably in 1604 or 1605 in Marino, near Rome.&&&&他的确切生日并不清楚,但它可能是在年在圣马力诺附近的罗马,。6. It was the closest supernova since SN 1604, which occurred in the Milky Way itself.&&&&这是超新星1604发现以来,银河中距地球最近的超新星。7. Supernova 1604, the most recent supernova to be observed in the Milky Way.&&&&1604年的今天,1604号超新星被观察到,这也是银河系中迄今为止被观察到的最后一颗超新星。8. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D8. From 1591 to 1604, Barley was associated with at least 57 works.&&&&从1591年到1604年,巴克莱至少干过57份工作。9. Socinianism is the name given to the specific form of anti - trinitarianism or Unitarianism stated by the Italian theologian Socinus (Fausto Paolo Sozzini, 1539 - 1604) and developed during the early 17th century, particularly in Poland.&&&&Socinianism的名称是考虑到具体形式的反-三位一体或U nitarianism所指出的意大利神学S ocinus(福斯托保罗索奇尼,1 539至1 604年)和发达国家在1 7世纪初,特别是在波兰。10. 10. After dropping off Cammie and Mack with a neighbor, Mike raced his car along 1604 toward the hospital.&&&&在把开米和麦克安顿给邻居照看后,迈克开着车沿着1604号公路开往医院。11. Natural aluminium, supplied with countersunk screw&&&&&&铝合金,与沉孔螺钉M1611/20一起用于扁铝型材M160412. Customers were blamed for 48 percent of the thefts, staff for 29 percent and suppliers for 7 percent.&&&&&&在所有偷窃行为中,有48%为消费者所为,商店员工监守 1604英语13. If I have no other qualities I can succeed with love alone. Without it I will fail though I possess all the knowledge and skills of the world. 1604.cn&&&&&&有了爱,我将成为伟大的推销员,即使才疏智浅,也能以爱心获得成功;相反地,如果没有爱,即使博学多识,也终将失败。14. Lijingji published in 1566 and Mantianchun published in 1604 are the representatives of the early period.&&&&&&出版于1566年的《荔镜记》和1604年的《满天春》可以代表早期的闽南方言。15. In addition, the Getac V100 has been UL 1604 certified by Underwriters Laboratories, an independent lab that tests products to ensure public safety.&&&&&&更为引人注意的是,GETAC V100通过美国美华实验室UL1604认证,美华认证是为产品公共安全提供认证服务的独立机构。16. Results During the study period, the incidence of brain death was 0.87%(14/1604) in PICU.&&&&&&结果 脑死亡在PICU的发生率为0.87%(14/1604),占总死亡患儿数的12.1%。17. Emmanuel Diaz came to China in July 1604.Due to a mistake in forecasting solar (eclipse), the voice of amending calendar was evoked towards the end of Ming dynasty, and it lasted for more than one year.&&&&&&阳玛诺于1604年7月来华。日日食预报错误,激起了明末改历的呼声,事件持续了一年有余。<p class="p104的近义词18. The founders were two Korean brothers who began to make tea ceremony bowls from local clay in 1604.&&&&&&创始人是两个朝鲜族兄弟,他们从1604年开始用本地粘土制作典礼用的茶碗。19. The work principle, feature and application of dot matrix LCD EDM 1604A are introduced.&&&&&&文章介绍了点阵式液晶显示器EDM-1604A的工作原理、特点及应用。20. Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.&&&&&&10:11 他们遭遇这些事,都要作为监戒。并且写在经上,正是警戒我们这末世的人。1604英语1604是什么意思,1604在线翻译,1604什么意思,1604的意思,1604的翻译,1604的解释,1604的发音,1604的同义词,1604的反义词,1604的例句,1604的相关词组,1604意思是什么,1604怎么翻译,单词1604是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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