Go to see the shar,in the quite seenight cosy官网的意思

The sun was shining when I got on No.151 Bus. We passengers sat jammed together in heavy clothes. No one spoke. That’s one of the
we see the same faces every day, we prefer to
behind our newspapers. People who sit so close together are using those thin sheets of newsprint to keep their
As the bus came near the Mile, a
suddenly rang out “
!This is your driver speaking.” We looked at the back of the driver’s head. “Put your papers down. All of you.” The
came down. “Now, turn and face the person next to you. Go
Surprisingly we all did it. Still no one smiled. I faced an older woman, her head wrapped in a red scarf(围巾).I saw her
every day. Our eyes met We waited for the next
from the driver. “Now repeat after me. Good morning neighbor!”
Our voice were
.For many of us, these were the
words we had spoken that day. But we said them together, like
,to the strangers beside us. We couldn’t help
.There was the feeling of relief(解脱), that we were not being held up(抢劫). But more, there was the sense of ice being
. “Good morning ,neighbor.” It was not so
after all. Some of us repeated it, others shook hands ,many laughed. The bus driver said nothing more. He didn’t
to. Not a single newspaper went back up. I heard laughter, a warm sound I had never heard before in
When I reached my stop, I said
to my seatmate, and then jumped off the bus. That day was
better than most. 【小题1】8 U; j" j1 X( j$ d3 J" i
^ A.unwritten+ U$ _, ]6 D6 a% K0 U B.strict/ K$ Q9 M6 f0 U3 J' ]7 f: O. K C.bus: Q* `& Z8 S6 G D.city6 _2 b6 I0 ?$ i+ N& V/ g# _9 D ( K- V$ D5 \8 I: ^ 【小题2】$ N) ?$ X% e8 F6 R A.As+ A& I: c) U- T4 W/ J B.Because: \- H: b5 I
Q! f$ Q* [% A C.When3 C# K; F. O7 W5 Q8 Z8 T5 H D.A F6 a! G' P+ d) P1 H9 V & Z9 F1 X( F; `$ A5 X1 ]% M8 e& I 【小题3】1 `( T! V3 E; `2 I) M4 R9 N& Z A.read, R+ d" T+ S* T+ [3 G' I% B9 D B.sit3 g! d" U0 U% V, @8 D C.talk) W/ ^9 B& a7 J0 H D.hide3 i7 j" c9 K9 F, O1 g
b4 M. Y" S( R6 K4 j 【小题4】$ B. b( M% R0 [: M+ M3 d/ \ A.ways1 g* d* G3 ]( D B.methods: B) T6 f( F: f6 c# Y C.respect% Z. I+ M7 @: g. Y6 U4 T" j
@ D. `# Q2 J; M2 N" X 5 K" b. G& A
R- W! D3 O 【小题5】9 G' @" A+ g6 V% b3 I6 [4 i9 ?( O A.message8 X" O1 ]* ^% S" V! e B.warning. N$ O/ O6 _9 c2 U0 _& J C.suggestion/ g: Z8 N6 a- f: A6 i5 G! ` D.voice8 j! L9 L; I# ]' I) W2 T7 [% Q 8 I
X( Z. a8 A2 a- W# ^ 【小题6】2 ^8 `1 R4 O2 j2 S6 Z A.Attention, d* [: D+ U# A" j B.M ?+ `0 R5 M' Q7 M C.Help0 Z" e8 Q5 P% D9 S9 c D.Listen( j( R, h9 ]
P6 C5 W : i' \8 b3 D: N3 G- N! F 【小题7】$ c. e6 d" D- O, H7 W9 F1 f- b& a A.papers5 B. \: N8 f- a+ O; `' c B.passengers# R4 C$ T* [' W" h
Q' d. Z C.driver: T( A3 Z. _, A. M D.tears3 B2 H1 L" X+ N4 M( G) `* K6 b- b7 g 8 @, f, _$ X" H 【小题8】# E. K! [& @% G4 D
S! B# X$ W A.on4 i* ]5 \( _. T$ Q1 e# a) e B.round/ M7 ]* N4 D1 V C. ahead, R1 H6 I) V/ L7 G D.down2 \! c) U! d2 Z. h$ F % C/ M: g4 \5 K
F 【小题9】9 F) e/ X3 @+ ^9 ]& G A.still8 g6 I0 V1 L+ V B.nearly% D# I2 L6 f+ D0 [$ Q C.even9 B5 j4 W: V3 L+ S: Q, @. D. Y2 c/ ] D.hardly9 L/ ^1 e3 W! I# M7 ?- E9 B% V 3 P2 d% T% O; L, [5 g
Z3 V8 K 【小题10】5 c$ A/ X% Q8 R( D* `" E' B A.turn5 `& Y6 f, N! c6 N B.talk$ F
`2 H# D* S& S C. Q) X+ D* D+ ?& b0 A D.remark0 Y% P# Q( S5 _2 i: Y) @ % Y7 A
b$ G! L' B$ ] 【小题11】" g$ S& c& O/ f A.loud/ B0 ^: h, d, N1 Y B.neat( _0 e! P4 Q4 b# g: T C.slow+ Y' [1 W4 I) ` D.weak( `/ S& Q" B; K# \' \" A* M ' N0 S7 a- \* ?5 a 【小题12】4 G) O6 f# ]6 Q A.first. \8 [/ a5 g1 K4 S) A B.last- R7 Y. ]* J& F3 J& I C.best! L9 D* e$ a6 Q" B! F7 ^" Y/ O D.only4 ?1 M" f3 R" X) J8 A9 `' i ( I2 X; j% O, Z# U7 [# V0 R0 X 【小题13】' H9 A7 P9 ]: H6 `' U A.passengers, E. i1 c2 Z/ C' _$ P, e/ [ B.citizens4 ?3 [8 ^& h: X# ^% Z/ R" f& @5 e C.patients' E! H2 U" ]/ C" K8 ?, U! M D.schoolchildren9 T7 D6 d
P4 @4 d ! h% K; d/ h4 L
h 【小题14】- @% F% D. d! T/ P# M) ? A.shouting/ P" f+ c$ [9 @6 A7 ]& f B.crying2 g6 b" O' D8 B- e" W: E C.smiling- K( R
i1 A! R: F- V
Y" W D.wondering6 G7 F* S, K; P % B; d. [% B3 b7 ?* Z/ i 【小题15】( E1 Z/ H3 _6 M" R2 i) a A.formed5 C. H( E, I. P; B) H4 D# C7 ^ B.heated6 O% T# e7 U7 \; h5 _0 Y C.broken% j, `
I' L5 N" X5 ?- S# I# @% H D.frozen% I# T3 O' Q. Y7 Y; b 2 P6 H+ h" G' F! ?$ M% L 【小题16】4 [) O! `' A9 K. g6 T) ^2 c4 [0 X1 j A.sad* e
K8 D2 H8 J7 Y7 J# E B.hard$ J! ]& d3 g: b
\0 U8 @ C.ordinary. S8 L1 W4 M1 @& ]1 D7 g* H D.shy0 ?7 h0 c- N$ h9 Y) i( h + g5 j/ c/ V. D/ W 【小题17】
M+ c0 b( F8 c
P A.need5 [: j, N8 U1 g, T B.want4 P; B+ a3 g- J1 e C.like6 ?& S) R3 W; M7 S+ B( Q D.begin/ Y- Y7 A5 h- f: Z7 h ' h+ i$ M
W& `# M; S3 X 【小题18】! A) j5 d3 L' G: g6 Q A. f9 _$ I% ^' P$ E: b B.Bus No.1511 E% ?" S+ `) I- i& ? C.public# e4 J0 `1 Y4 G6 I& @ D.other words5 f$ I6 T4 h4 N" e: T& F4 X " c4 O& a1 S1 W! G7 @& M* M 【小题19】! V, \7 Y0 R& [. K6 @5 @& Y A.good morning+ S; G" D+ `8 H2 I' B B.good-bye- W" Z# J, O0 X C.hello( @* U9 O7 D, ]9 X) G$ V+ N D.thanks' I; F4 P
]( _ % b! H( I1 R; C
L/ U7 W 【小题20】
]8 c# H# L& Y+ Z A.starting6 j( R
U5 C9 P B.seeing) L9 \+ b$ ^. N/ W" j" @ C.taking- Y4 H+ ^
h+ T& R6 ` D.turning' F! E; M1 G
I3 b* G 8 c) J6 R/ L+ ]
跟谁学学生版:genshuixue_student精品好课等你领在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:The sun was shining when I got on No.151 Bus. We passengers sat jammed together in heavy clothes. No one spoke. That’s one of the
we see the same faces every day, we prefer to
behind our newspapers. People who sit so close together are using those thin sheets of newsprint to keep their
As the bus came near the Mile, a
suddenly rang out “
!This is your driver speaking.” We looked at the back of the driver’s head. “Put your papers down. All of you.” The
came down. “Now, turn and face the person next to you. Go
Surprisingly we all did it. Still no one smiled. I faced an older woman, her head wrapped in a red scarf(围巾).I saw her
every day. Our eyes met We waited for the next
from the driver. “Now repeat after me. Good morning neighbor!”
Our voice were
.For many of us, these were the
words we had spoken that day. But we said them together, like
,to the strangers beside us. We couldn’t help
.There was the feeling of relief(解脱), that we were not being held up(抢劫). But more, there was the sense of ice being
. “Good morning ,neighbor.” It was not so
after all. Some of us repeated it, others shook hands ,many laughed. The bus driver said nothing more. He didn’t
to. Not a single newspaper went back up. I heard laughter, a warm sound I had never heard before in
When I reached my stop, I said
to my seatmate, and then jumped off the bus. That day was
better than most. 【小题1】8 U; j" j1 X( j$ d3 J" i
^ A.unwritten+ U$ _, ]6 D6 a% K0 U B.strict/ K$ Q9 M6 f0 U3 J' ]7 f: O. K C.bus: Q* `& Z8 S6 G D.city6 _2 b6 I0 ?$ i+ N& V/ g# _9 D ( K- V$ D5 \8 I: ^ 【小题2】$ N) ?$ X% e8 F6 R A.As+ A& I: c) U- T4 W/ J B.Because: \- H: b5 I
Q! f$ Q* [% A C.When3 C# K; F. O7 W5 Q8 Z8 T5 H D.A F6 a! G' P+ d) P1 H9 V & Z9 F1 X( F; `$ A5 X1 ]% M8 e& I 【小题3】1 `( T! V3 E; `2 I) M4 R9 N& Z A.read, R+ d" T+ S* T+ [3 G' I% B9 D B.sit3 g! d" U0 U% V, @8 D C.talk) W/ ^9 B& a7 J0 H D.hide3 i7 j" c9 K9 F, O1 g
b4 M. Y" S( R6 K4 j 【小题4】$ B. b( M% R0 [: M+ M3 d/ \ A.ways1 g* d* G3 ]( D B.methods: B) T6 f( F: f6 c# Y C.respect% Z. I+ M7 @: g. Y6 U4 T" j
@ D. `# Q2 J; M2 N" X 5 K" b. G& A
R- W! D3 O 【小题5】9 G' @" A+ g6 V% b3 I6 [4 i9 ?( O A.message8 X" O1 ]* ^% S" V! e B.warning. N$ O/ O6 _9 c2 U0 _& J C.suggestion/ g: Z8 N6 a- f: A6 i5 G! ` D.voice8 j! L9 L; I# ]' I) W2 T7 [% Q 8 I
X( Z. a8 A2 a- W# ^ 【小题6】2 ^8 `1 R4 O2 j2 S6 Z A.Attention, d* [: D+ U# A" j B.M ?+ `0 R5 M' Q7 M C.Help0 Z" e8 Q5 P% D9 S9 c D.Listen( j( R, h9 ]
P6 C5 W : i' \8 b3 D: N3 G- N! F 【小题7】$ c. e6 d" D- O, H7 W9 F1 f- b& a A.papers5 B. \: N8 f- a+ O; `' c B.passengers# R4 C$ T* [' W" h
Q' d. Z C.driver: T( A3 Z. _, A. M D.tears3 B2 H1 L" X+ N4 M( G) `* K6 b- b7 g 8 @, f, _$ X" H 【小题8】# E. K! [& @% G4 D
S! B# X$ W A.on4 i* ]5 \( _. T$ Q1 e# a) e B.round/ M7 ]* N4 D1 V C. ahead, R1 H6 I) V/ L7 G D.down2 \! c) U! d2 Z. h$ F % C/ M: g4 \5 K
F 【小题9】9 F) e/ X3 @+ ^9 ]& G A.still8 g6 I0 V1 L+ V B.nearly% D# I2 L6 f+ D0 [$ Q C.even9 B5 j4 W: V3 L+ S: Q, @. D. Y2 c/ ] D.hardly9 L/ ^1 e3 W! I# M7 ?- E9 B% V 3 P2 d% T% O; L, [5 g
Z3 V8 K 【小题10】5 c$ A/ X% Q8 R( D* `" E' B A.turn5 `& Y6 f, N! c6 N B.talk$ F
`2 H# D* S& S C. Q) X+ D* D+ ?& b0 A D.remark0 Y% P# Q( S5 _2 i: Y) @ % Y7 A
b$ G! L' B$ ] 【小题11】" g$ S& c& O/ f A.loud/ B0 ^: h, d, N1 Y B.neat( _0 e! P4 Q4 b# g: T C.slow+ Y' [1 W4 I) ` D.weak( `/ S& Q" B; K# \' \" A* M ' N0 S7 a- \* ?5 a 【小题12】4 G) O6 f# ]6 Q A.first. \8 [/ a5 g1 K4 S) A B.last- R7 Y. ]* J& F3 J& I C.best! L9 D* e$ a6 Q" B! F7 ^" Y/ O D.only4 ?1 M" f3 R" X) J8 A9 `' i ( I2 X; j% O, Z# U7 [# V0 R0 X 【小题13】' H9 A7 P9 ]: H6 `' U A.passengers, E. i1 c2 Z/ C' _$ P, e/ [ B.citizens4 ?3 [8 ^& h: X# ^% Z/ R" f& @5 e C.patients' E! H2 U" ]/ C" K8 ?, U! M D.schoolchildren9 T7 D6 d
P4 @4 d ! h% K; d/ h4 L
h 【小题14】- @% F% D. d! T/ P# M) ? A.shouting/ P" f+ c$ [9 @6 A7 ]& f B.crying2 g6 b" O' D8 B- e" W: E C.smiling- K( R
i1 A! R: F- V
Y" W D.wondering6 G7 F* S, K; P % B; d. [% B3 b7 ?* Z/ i 【小题15】( E1 Z/ H3 _6 M" R2 i) a A.formed5 C. H( E, I. P; B) H4 D# C7 ^ B.heated6 O% T# e7 U7 \; h5 _0 Y C.broken% j, `
I' L5 N" X5 ?- S# I# @% H D.frozen% I# T3 O' Q. Y7 Y; b 2 P6 H+ h" G' F! ?$ M% L 【小题16】4 [) O! `' A9 K. g6 T) ^2 c4 [0 X1 j A.sad* e
K8 D2 H8 J7 Y7 J# E B.hard$ J! ]& d3 g: b
\0 U8 @ C.ordinary. S8 L1 W4 M1 @& ]1 D7 g* H D.shy0 ?7 h0 c- N$ h9 Y) i( h + g5 j/ c/ V. D/ W 【小题17】
M+ c0 b( F8 c
P A.need5 [: j, N8 U1 g, T B.want4 P; B+ a3 g- J1 e C.like6 ?& S) R3 W; M7 S+ B( Q D.begin/ Y- Y7 A5 h- f: Z7 h ' h+ i$ M
W& `# M; S3 X 【小题18】! A) j5 d3 L' G: g6 Q A. f9 _$ I% ^' P$ E: b B.Bus No.1511 E% ?" S+ `) I- i& ? C.public# e4 J0 `1 Y4 G6 I& @ D.other words5 f$ I6 T4 h4 N" e: T& F4 X " c4 O& a1 S1 W! G7 @& M* M 【小题19】! V, \7 Y0 R& [. K6 @5 @& Y A.good morning+ S; G" D+ `8 H2 I' B B.good-bye- W" Z# J, O0 X C.hello( @* U9 O7 D, ]9 X) G$ V+ N D.thanks' I; F4 P
]( _ % b! H( I1 R; C
L/ U7 W 【小题20】
]8 c# H# L& Y+ Z A.starting6 j( R
U5 C9 P B.seeing) L9 \+ b$ ^. N/ W" j" @ C.taking- Y4 H+ ^
h+ T& R6 ` D.turning' F! E; M1 G
I3 b* G 8 c) J6 R/ L+ ] The sun was shining when I got on No.151 Bus. We passengers sat jammed together in heavy clothes. No one spoke. That’s one of the
we see the same faces every day, we prefer to
behind our newspapers. People who sit so close together are using those thin sheets of newsprint to keep their
As the bus came near the Mile, a
suddenly rang out “
!This is your driver speaking.” We looked at the back of the driver’s head. “Put your papers down. All of you.” The
came down. “Now, turn and face the person next to you. Go
Surprisingly we all did it. Still no one smiled. I faced an older woman, her head wrapped in a red scarf(围巾).I saw her
every day. Our eyes met We waited for the next
from the driver. “Now repeat after me. Good morning neighbor!”
Our voice were
.For many of us, these were the
words we had spoken that day. But we said them together, like
,to the strangers beside us. We couldn’t help
.There was the feeling of relief(解脱), that we were not being held up(抢劫). But more, there was the sense of ice being
. “Good morning ,neighbor.” It was not so
after all. Some of us repeated it, others shook hands ,many laughed. The bus driver said nothing more. He didn’t
to. Not a single newspaper went back up. I heard laughter, a warm sound I had never heard before in
When I reached my stop, I said
to my seatmate, and then jumped off the bus. That day was
better than most. 【小题1】8 U; j" j1 X( j$ d3 J" i
^ A.unwritten+ U$ _, ]6 D6 a% K0 U B.strict/ K$ Q9 M6 f0 U3 J' ]7 f: O. K C.bus: Q* `& Z8 S6 G D.city6 _2 b6 I0 ?$ i+ N& V/ g# _9 D ( K- V$ D5 \8 I: ^ 【小题2】$ N) ?$ X% e8 F6 R A.As+ A& I: c) U- T4 W/ J B.Because: \- H: b5 I
Q! f$ Q* [% A C.When3 C# K; F. O7 W5 Q8 Z8 T5 H D.Although; F6 a! G' P+ d) P1 H9 V & Z9 F1 X( F; `$ A5 X1 ]% M8 e& I 【小题3】1 `( T! V3 E; `2 I) M4 R9 N& Z A.read, R+ d" T+ S* T+ [3 G' I% B9 D B.sit3 g! d" U0 U% V, @8 D C.talk) W/ ^9 B& a7 J0 H D.hide3 i7 j" c9 K9 F, O1 g
b4 M. Y" S( R6 K4 j 【小题4】$ B. b( M% R0 [: M+ M3 d/ \ A.ways1 g* d* G3 ]( D B.methods: B) T6 f( F: f6 c# Y C.respect% Z. I+ M7 @: g. Y6 U4 T" j
@ D.distance; `# Q2 J; M2 N" X 5 K" b. G& A
R- W! D3 O 【小题5】9 G' @" A+ g6 V% b3 I6 [4 i9 ?( O A.message8 X" O1 ]* ^% S" V! e B.warning. N$ O/ O6 _9 c2 U0 _& J C.suggestion/ g: Z8 N6 a- f: A6 i5 G! ` D.voice8 j! L9 L; I# ]' I) W2 T7 [% Q 8 I
X( Z. a8 A2 a- W# ^ 【小题6】2 ^8 `1 R4 O2 j2 S6 Z A.Attention, d* [: D+ U# A" j B.Minding; ?+ `0 R5 M' Q7 M C.Help0 Z" e8 Q5 P% D9 S9 c D.Listen( j( R, h9 ]
P6 C5 W : i' \8 b3 D: N3 G- N! F 【小题7】$ c. e6 d" D- O, H7 W9 F1 f- b& a A.papers5 B. \: N8 f- a+ O; `' c B.passengers# R4 C$ T* [' W" h
Q' d. Z C.driver: T( A3 Z. _, A. M D.tears3 B2 H1 L" X+ N4 M( G) `* K6 b- b7 g 8 @, f, _$ X" H 【小题8】# E. K! [& @% G4 D
S! B# X$ W A.on4 i* ]5 \( _. T$ Q1 e# a) e B.round/ M7 ]* N4 D1 V C. ahead, R1 H6 I) V/ L7 G D.down2 \! c) U! d2 Z. h$ F % C/ M: g4 \5 K
F 【小题9】9 F) e/ X3 @+ ^9 ]& G A.still8 g6 I0 V1 L+ V B.nearly% D# I2 L6 f+ D0 [$ Q C.even9 B5 j4 W: V3 L+ S: Q, @. D. Y2 c/ ] D.hardly9 L/ ^1 e3 W! I# M7 ?- E9 B% V 3 P2 d% T% O; L, [5 g
Z3 V8 K 【小题10】5 c$ A/ X% Q8 R( D* `" E' B A.turn5 `& Y6 f, N! c6 N B.talk$ F
`2 H# D* S& S C.order; Q) X+ D* D+ ?& b0 A D.remark0 Y% P# Q( S5 _2 i: Y) @ % Y7 A
b$ G! L' B$ ] 【小题11】" g$ S& c& O/ f A.loud/ B0 ^: h, d, N1 Y B.neat( _0 e! P4 Q4 b# g: T C.slow+ Y' [1 W4 I) ` D.weak( `/ S& Q" B; K# \' \" A* M ' N0 S7 a- \* ?5 a 【小题12】4 G) O6 f# ]6 Q A.first. \8 [/ a5 g1 K4 S) A B.last- R7 Y. ]* J& F3 J& I C.best! L9 D* e$ a6 Q" B! F7 ^" Y/ O D.only4 ?1 M" f3 R" X) J8 A9 `' i ( I2 X; j% O, Z# U7 [# V0 R0 X 【小题13】' H9 A7 P9 ]: H6 `' U A.passengers, E. i1 c2 Z/ C' _$ P, e/ [ B.citizens4 ?3 [8 ^& h: X# ^% Z/ R" f& @5 e C.patients' E! H2 U" ]/ C" K8 ?, U! M D.schoolchildren9 T7 D6 d
P4 @4 d ! h% K; d/ h4 L
h 【小题14】- @% F% D. d! T/ P# M) ? A.shouting/ P" f+ c$ [9 @6 A7 ]& f B.crying2 g6 b" O' D8 B- e" W: E C.smiling- K( R
i1 A! R: F- V
Y" W D.wondering6 G7 F* S, K; P % B; d. [% B3 b7 ?* Z/ i 【小题15】( E1 Z/ H3 _6 M" R2 i) a A.formed5 C. H( E, I. P; B) H4 D# C7 ^ B.heated6 O% T# e7 U7 \; h5 _0 Y C.broken% j, `
I' L5 N" X5 ?- S# I# @% H D.frozen% I# T3 O' Q. Y7 Y; b 2 P6 H+ h" G' F! ?$ M% L 【小题16】4 [) O! `' A9 K. g6 T) ^2 c4 [0 X1 j A.sad* e
K8 D2 H8 J7 Y7 J# E B.hard$ J! ]& d3 g: b
\0 U8 @ C.ordinary. S8 L1 W4 M1 @& ]1 D7 g* H D.shy0 ?7 h0 c- N$ h9 Y) i( h + g5 j/ c/ V. D/ W 【小题17】
M+ c0 b( F8 c
P A.need5 [: j, N8 U1 g, T B.want4 P; B+ a3 g- J1 e C.like6 ?& S) R3 W; M7 S+ B( Q D.begin/ Y- Y7 A5 h- f: Z7 h ' h+ i$ M
W& `# M; S3 X 【小题18】! A) j5 d3 L' G: g6 Q A.my life; f9 _$ I% ^' P$ E: b B.Bus No.1511 E% ?" S+ `) I- i& ? C.public# e4 J0 `1 Y4 G6 I& @ D.other words5 f$ I6 T4 h4 N" e: T& F4 X " c4 O& a1 S1 W! G7 @& M* M 【小题19】! V, \7 Y0 R& [. K6 @5 @& Y A.good morning+ S; G" D+ `8 H2 I' B B.good-bye- W" Z# J, O0 X C.hello( @* U9 O7 D, ]9 X) G$ V+ N D.thanks' I; F4 P
]( _ % b! H( I1 R; C
L/ U7 W 【小题20】
]8 c# H# L& Y+ Z A.starting6 j( R
U5 C9 P B.seeing) L9 \+ b$ ^. N/ W" j" @ C.taking- Y4 H+ ^
h+ T& R6 ` D.turning' F! E; M1 G
I3 b* G 8 c) J6 R/ L+ ] 科目:难易度:最佳答案【小题1】A
【小题2】D【小题3】D【小题4】D【小题5】D【小题6】A【小题7】A【小题8】C【小题9】B【小题10】C【小题11】D【小题12】A【小题13】D【小题14】C【小题15】C【小题16】B【小题17】A【小题18】B【小题19】B【小题20】A解析试题分析:本文通过讲一个发生在公共汽车上的小故事,说明人与人之间需要交流,一个看似很简单的“问好”,也可以改变很多。【小题1】考查形容词。 根据No one spoke. That’s one of the
we see the same faces every day, we prefer to
behind our newspapers.可知这里表示转折关系。尽管我们每天都看到相同的脸,但是我们更喜欢藏在报纸后面。As作为;Because因为;When当……时;Although尽管,故选D。【小题3】考查动词。根据People who sit so close together are using those thin sheets of newsprint to keep their
. 可知这里意思是我们更喜欢藏在报纸后面。Read阅读;sit坐;talk 说;hide隐藏,故选D。【小题4】考查名词。根据No one spoke. That’s one of the
we see the same faces every day, we prefer to
behind our newspapers.可知人们用报纸保持距离。Ways方法;methods方法;respect
尊重;distance距离,故选D。【小题5】考查名词。根据suddenly rang out “
!This is your driver speaking.”可知这里意思是突然,一个声音环绕。message 信息;warning警告;suggestion 建议;voice声音,故选D。【小题6】考查名词。根据As the bus came near the Mile, a
suddenly rang out “
!This is your driver speaking.”可知这里意思是“注意! 你们的司机在说话。” Attention注意;Minding 介意;Help帮助;Listen听,故选A。【小题7】考查名词。根据We looked at the back of the driver’s head. “Put your papers down. All of you.”可知这里意思是报纸放下来。Papers报纸;passengers乘客;driver司机;tears眼泪,故选A。【小题8】考查短语。根据“Now, turn and face the person next to you. Go
.”可知这里意思是“看着你旁边的人,马上”。Go ahead是固定用法,故选C。【小题9】考查副词。根据I saw her
every day. 可知这里意思是我几乎每天看到她。still 仍然;nearly 几乎;even甚至;hardly几乎不,故选B。【小题10】考查名词。根据“Now repeat after me. Good morning neighbor!”可知司机一直在发布命令。turn 转动;talk说;order命令;remark评论,故选C。【小题11】考查形容词。根据For many of us, these were the
words we had spoken that day. But we said them together, like
,to the strangers beside us.可知这里意思是我们的声音很微弱。loud
大声的;neat 整洁的;slow 慢的;weak微弱的,故选D。【小题12】考查数词。根据For many of us, these were the
words we had spoken that day.可知这里意思是对于我们中的大多数,这是我们那天说的第一句话。first 第一;last最后;best最好;only仅仅,故选A。【小题13】考查名词。根据But we said them together, like
,to the strangers beside us.可知这里想说但是我们同时说这句话,像学童一样。Passengers乘客;citizens市民;patients病人;schoolchildren学童,故选D。【小题14】考查动词。根据There was the feeling of relief(解脱), that we were not being held up(抢劫).可知这里意思是我们情不自禁的笑了。Shouting大喊; crying哭;smiling 笑;wondering惊奇,故选C。【小题15】考查分词。 根据But more, there was the sense of ice being
.可知这里意思是有一种冰被打破的感觉。formed 形成;heated加热;broken打破;frozen冻结的,故选C。【小题16】考查形容词。根据“Good morning ,neighbor.” It was not so
after all. Some of us repeated it, others shook hands ,many laughed.可知这里意思是毕竟,这并不困难。Sad悲哀的;hard 困难的;ordinary 普通的;shy害羞的,故选B。【小题17】考查动词。根据The bus driver said nothing more. He didn’t
to. Not a single newspaper went back up.可知这里意思是他也不需要。need 需要;want想;like喜欢;begin开始,故选A。【小题18】考查名词。根据The sun was shining when I got on No.151 Bus.可知这里意思是我之前从没在151路公交车上听到的欢声笑语。故选B。【小题19】考查常识。根据When I reached my stop, I said
to my seatmate, and then jumped off the bus.可知我和我座位旁的人说再见。故选B。【小题20】考查动词。根据That day was
better than most. 可知这里意思是那一天比平时有了一个更好的开始,故选A。考点:考查生活哲理类短文知识点:&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心Review: ‘Mad Men’ – ‘At the Codfish Ball’: The dirty city
Senior Television Writer
A review of tonight’s “Mad Men” coming up just as soon as I spread my legs and fly away…
“It’s the future. It’s all I ever wanted.” -Raymond
Midway through “At the Codfish Ball,” Don and Megan discover that the
business dinner they’re attending isn’t what they thought it would be,
and that Raymond is going to fire them (and, based on his prior Edward
Albee tickets, has likely already flirted with another agency) at their
meeting the next day. But Megan improvises like a champ, prodding Don
into doing their pitch on the spot (and Don in turn masterfully plays to
Raymond’s ego by pretending like they hadn’t already thought of his
casting idea), and they nail it. It is the pitch Raymond has been
waiting months to hear from them, the pitch that lands them the account
and makes both Don and the rest of SCDP realize that Megan really does
have a gift for this business and isn’t just mid-life crisis arm candy.
It is a glorious moment, and the best Don Draper pitch in ages. It is
also, unfortunately, the last moment in this terrific episode where the
rug is pulled out from under someone and they respond remotely that
well. Raymond get everyone else gets dumped on,
usually by the people whose love or respect they crave the most.
Abe scares Peggy with a dinner invite that she assumes is leading to a
break-up, while Joan convinces her that it could be a marriage proposal.
Instead, it turns out to be neither: Abe just wants to move in
together. And while Peggy Olson is a very modern woman in so many ways
(though Raymond didn’t want to see it, she’s very much living in the
future), there are certain traditions from her family and her religion
she hasn’t been able to entirely leave behind. Much as she’s not sure
about Abe, and much as she wants to be independent, when Joan puts the
marriage idea in her head(*), she realizes she actually wants it. She
shows up for the dinner wrapped up like a Christmas (or Chanukah)
present for Abe, and is positively giddy as he goes through what she
assumes is a proposal. She goes along with it, but you can see in her
face when Abe looks away that what she badly wants is for her “I do” to
have a more traditional context.& And then her old-fashioned mother –
who, remember, responded to Peggy’s last major piece of housing news by
warning her that she’d get raped if she moved to Manhattan –
tears her to shreds, suggesting that Abe is using her for practice for
the woman he’ll actually marry, and that if Peggy is this desperate and
lonely, she may as well become a cat lady. Peggy still wants approval
from her mother – wants to act like an adult with her, and be treated
like one in kind – but Mrs. Olson only confirms Peggy’s fears about both
Abe and their frayed mother-daughter relationship.
(*) If this had been earlier in the series, I might have wondered if
Joan was just messing with Peggy. But I think they’ve reached a level of
mutual respect – if not actual friendship – and in light of recent
events in Joan’s own life, I took her advice, and her acknowledgment of
trouble in her marriage (if not the whole story) as genuine. Where other
characters are dumping on the ones who want approval, Joan declines an
opportunity to be catty with Peggy, just as Peggy does with Megan, and
both give a full-hearted, generous endorsement. Peggy’s shared joy for
Megan was, in fact, about her only moment of pure happiness in the
Don and Megan spend quite a bit of time scrambling in this episode,
starting with when Sally and Bobby have to come stay with them at the
same time Megan’s bickering parents are in town. But other than the
Heinz pitch, nothing quite works out how they envisioned it. Megan is a
hero at work, but her socialist father has utter contempt for the
advertising business and for his rich new son-in-law, and nothing Megan
does or says will change that. To Dr. Calvet, she’s not a woman who just
closed a huge account for her husband’ she’s his little girl who
has sacrificed her own dreams for those of a loathsome man in a
loathsome industry.
Sally also wants to be seen as a grown-up, and to have a grown-up
experience, by going with Don to the American Cancer Society shindig.
But Don’s not having his little girl in make-up and go-go boots just
yet, and the dinner is one disappointment (no grand fairy tale
staircase) after another (the codfish), leading up to the horrifying –
and far more grown-up than Sally wants to be at this point – image of
Megan’s mother gratifying Roger(**) as a way to get back at her
disappointing, philandering husband.
(**) Okay, so maybe Raymond isn’t the only one who gets everything he wants in this one.
And though Don downplays the possibility of using the awards banquet to
land new business for the agency, it’s clear how surprised and
disappointed he was to hear Ken’s father-in-law tell him that while he’s
won the respect of all the titans of industry at that dinner, none will
ever hire him for fear of being the subject of another full-page New
York Times ad.
Though the episode actually concludes on a brief, darkly amusing coda
where Sally tells Glen Bishop that the city is dirty, its proper
conclusion is that beautiful shot of Megan’s parents, Megan, Don and
Sally sitting around that fancy table, some combination of
disappointment, pain, betrayal and disgust washing over all their faces.
This isn’t how anyone expected this trip, or this night, to go.
Sometimes, you get everything you want. Other times, you get infidelity,
cruel parental lectures, and a fish with the head still attached.
Some other thoughts:
* Sally’s concluding line to Glen inspired me to finally goof around on
Tumblr (I apologize that it delayed the review by about 7 minutes, most
of which was spent making the picture, as Tumblr is fast to set
up). Enjoy , in which only Sally Draper and Rorshach can see the city’s true face. (And, yes, I owe a debt to )
I’m open to submissions (surely there’s a perfect “GIVE ME BACK MY
FACE!” image, and the “human bean juice” exchange with Nite Owl is a
natural given the Heinz arc), which you can
* While I’m having brilliant Sally-related ideas, who wants to start
writing a “Roger Sterling: Professional Babysitter” spin-off pilot
script? We know John Slattery has great chemistry with everyone –
including his own wife in real life, Talia Balsam, in a welcome return
as the first ex-Mrs. Sterling – but until I saw him with Kiernan Shipka,
I hadn’t realized the enormous possibilities of putting Roger in a room
with children. Wow.
* Roger was on fire in general with this one. I thought his surprised
response to seeing Don and Megan actually working in his office was
going to be the tops, but then we got “For all we know, Jesus was trying
to get the loaves and fishes account,” and then his every interaction
with Sally and then with Marie.
* This was only Jonathan Igla’s second “Mad Men” script credit to date
(he co-wrote “Tomorrowland” with Matt Weiner), and also the first
episode of the season where Weiner didn’t have either full or partial
* Julia Ormond and Jessica Par& are only 17 years apart in age (if IMDb
is to be trusted with actor ages, that is), but I suppose you can age
Ormond up just enough to make it work.
* I assumed when the show briefly introduced Ray Wise as Ken’s
father-in-law last season that we were going to see more of one of the
most reliable character actors in the business. And he didn’t disappoint
in his big scene tonight with Jon Hamm.
* Pete hasn’t had a lot to do in these two episodes since Lane gave him a
good thrashing, but I quite liked him demonstrating to Megan’s father
just what an account man does. (And, like so many other moments in the
episode, it let Dr. Calvet get his hopes up for a moment, only to have
them crushed with the realization of what was really happening.)
* How many times is that white carpet going to suffer? First the sloppy
guests at Don’s surprise party, and now Bobby not quite keeping all the
fountain pen ink on the newspaper.
* Also, as the seventh hour of the season, this is technically the
mid-point. The season premiere counts as two episodes, so there are only
6 more to come.
What did everybody else think?
Alan Sepinwall may be reached at
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