英语翻译:只有少喝酒才能保持健康 英文

From now on you do not need to feel guilty just because you love beer. On the contrary, the benefits of drinking beer are obvious. The secret is in how much beer you consume.从现在开始,你再也不用因为爱喝啤酒而自责了。相反,喝啤酒的好处显而易见,唯一要注意的是你喝了多少。
1. Beer reduces risk of heart disease啤酒降低患心脏病的风险
You can easily reduce the risk of heart disease by 30% or more if you are one of the individuals who drink a&&of beer per day. The result is totally opposite if you drink too much beer. Be careful with your&.如果你每天喝一品脱啤酒,轻易就能使患心脏病的风险降低30%或更多,但如果喝太多就会适得其反,注意要适量。
2. Beer lowers risk of&啤酒降低患糖尿病的风险
Beer prevents diabetes due to the alcohol content which increases&&sensitivity. Also, beer is rich in soluble fiber that is so needed if the individual suffers from diabetes.啤酒能预防糖尿病是因为所含酒精会提高胰岛素敏感度,而且啤酒富含糖尿病人所需的可溶性纤维。
3. Beer minimizes risk of cancer啤酒将患癌症的风险降到最低
&is an&&found in beer. It&s very important since it has anti-cancer properties. Drinking beer in&&&chemical reactions that&&off the risk of&&cancer in males. Women should also drink beer & the beverage contains components that decrease the risk of&.啤酒中含有抗氧化剂黄腐酚,这种物质很重要,因为它含抗癌物质。适量喝啤酒能促进化学物质反应,从而降低男性患前列腺癌的风险。女人也要喝啤酒,啤酒中的成分能降低患乳腺癌的风险。
4. Beer manages blood pressure啤酒控制血压
According to the recent studies carried out by Harvard researchers, middle-aged women who drink beer in moderation were much less&&to development of high blood pressure. Other alcoholic beverages do not have the same properties.哈佛大学研究人员最近进行的研究显示适量喝啤酒的中年女性患高血压的风险低很多。其他酒类没有同样的功效。
5. Beer treats&啤酒对抗头皮屑
Beer is much healthier than all the shampoos and&&that you see on the shelves. The high content of vitamin B and&&will make your hair smooth and silky. You&ll finally get rid of dandruff.啤酒要比货架上你看到的所有洗发护发产品都健康。啤酒中富含维生素B和酵母,能使头发丝质顺滑,最终摆脱头皮屑。
我们应该多吃水果蔬菜,来补充维他命.We need to take more fruits and vegetables to supplement vitamins不要吃太多肉类.Do not eat too much meat少吃快餐,Eat less fast food 因为它们很没有营养.because they have less nutritions不要吃垃圾食品.” Do not take junk food
我们中国人的膳食中钾和钠的比例是不对的,钠高钾低. 因为我们咸的东西太多了.所以我们要吃一点水果、蔬菜的时候,考虑多吃一点钾也很好. 钠、钾一定要达到一定比例的平衡.不达到,你的肾脏代谢负担重一些,你的身体吃进去的东西,人都要把它处理掉.像钙和钾平衡的时候,身体就很容易把它综合成骨骼来吸收.那么,我们的钙不够,钾偏高,
As we can see from this picture,if you eat too many hamburgers and hot dogs every day in a week and don't do any exercise ,you will get very fat. We students sh
Do not spit,do not litter,time to sleep,drink plenty of water,eat more fruits and vegetables,maintain a good attitude
1.尽量呆在家里,少去人多的地方Stay at home as much as possible,don't go to places have too many people often.2.勤洗手,讲卫生Washs your hands thoroughly,observe sanitation.3.多开窗,保持空
A Healthy Lifestyle If we want to live a happy and healthy life,we need to keep a healthy lifestyle.Frist of all,we need enough sleep .Every day we should sleep
It is very important for us to have a good health .Only if we have a good health ,we can do a good job and good life .As to the health ,i have several suggestio
For health,we need to maintained food and drink an balance ,taken the body exercise excessively ,drinking wine ,not smoking ,kept healthy psychology by fruit ve
1everyone wants to be healthy2healthy diet,eat more fruits,vegetables,because they are rich in fiber,vitamin,eat less butter,cheese,coffee,because they contain
inorder to keep fit ,you need to eat healthy food such as eat more fruits ,vegetables and drink more milk and so on .
Don't spit everywhere.Don't throw garbage randomly.Wash you hands before a meal and after a shit or piss.Get up early and go to bed early.Insist on exercising e
I have to eat more fruit and vegetables,and less meat.Eat more healthy food and less junk food.We need to obtain a healthy eating habit by ensuring a good eatin
The diet must be healthy, have/eat more fruits and vegetables, and less garbage/rubbish foods.
it good for your health to eat more vegetbables and fruits
1.GO to bed early and get up early.the day less than 8 hours 再答: 2.It's necessary for US to have balance diet. We should eat more fruit and vegetable and l
第一篇Good health is important for everone.Let me tell you how to keep good health.First,eat more fruit and vegetable.Shouldn't eat junk food.The best drink of all
How to Keep in Good Health?As we all know, keeping healthy is important for every one of us. We can’t be offered good jobs in the future if we are not strong en
Mary wrote Linda a letter,she wants to ask her how to keep her body healthy.(request)1.do sports everyday 2.eat alot of vegetables and fruit,don't eat junk food
have more fruits and vegetables, have less junk food. 上传我的文档
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