
如果你有了钱怎么花 英语作文急急急!_百度知道
如果你有了钱怎么花 英语作文急急急!
I'll build a wastewater clarify stand, let wastewater change qing dynasty can be recycled, let the stream changes back to its original clear let fish free cheerful growth.If I had money., I'll build a belongs to the disabled school, let them with our own hands make money, let they no longer self-abased, no longer feel oneself as well as others, no longer let them feel oneself is a burden, and drag his own family.If I had money, I'll take part give me most close relatives and make them happy and carefree of over the 70sIf I had money...Another part of the proceeds to impoverished areas of poor children let them go to school to obtain knowledge can alter his life, have good painful life.If I had money
Few people need to be told not to overspend on credit or debit cards or to curb shopping. You know you shouldn't, even if you always do. What you need are solutions.Whatever your problems with money, you can change & but it&s going to take work. After all, you're trying to break lifelong patterns. Start with these strategies一些人需要别人提醒,不要透支信用卡或借记卡,要注意冲动消费的问题。也许你一直在过度消费可是你却不自知。那么你需要解决这些问题了。不管你在花钱上有什么坏习惯,你都可以改变,但需要你用心去做。不管怎么说,起码你已经想要开始改变长期以来的不良消费习惯了,让我们从下面这些方法开始吧
Set realistic goals.制定符合实际的目标。
A lot of people set themselves up for failure because they have a
or . If you try to deprive yourself of too much, where you spend almost nothing, then you end up giving up, and you indulge, and then you overspend. So if you have an unrealistic plan, you're probably going to lose control.Good habits bad habits happen on their own.很多人无法成功改变,不是因为他们固有的放纵观念就是因为固有的克制观念。当你试图克制自己不花一分钱时,结果只会是你因无法忍受而放弃。然后你就放纵自己,最终变成过度消费。因此如果你为自己制定的计划是不符合实际的,你很可能会失去控制。好习惯的养成源于合理的计划,坏习惯的发生也可能源于不合理的计划。
Change your mindset.改变你的观念。
Smith-Acuna says she had a couple in therapy who constantly
about what she feels has become a monetary cliche. They would always argue about how much money they were spending at Starbucks.The wife loved capping off each workday with a drink.Ultimately, the wife ended up quitting her Starbucks habit.Instead of replacing her drink with nothing, she got something else, something free, in return.史密斯&阿库纳说她曾为一对夫妇提供心理咨询,他们经常因妻子乱花钱而争吵,甚至经常为他们在星巴克消费了多少而吵个不停,因为妻子喜欢在每个工作日为自己购买一杯可口的饮料。不过最终妻子改掉了这个习惯,她不再经常买饮料,而是喝一些免费的饮品。
Change how you spend your money.改变你花钱的方式。
It&s a good start if you switch from paying for
and services with a debit or credit card to paying with cash.&It's easy when you're using plastic to mindlessly swipe and fall into a pattern of not thinking or noticing how much you're actually spending.You can divide up your money and put it into envelopes, marking down on thes what each pile of money is for. That can make it easier to see where your money is going.如果你能够将刷卡消费的习惯改成现金消费将是很好的开始。刷卡消费很容易让你感觉不到自己具体花费了多少,并且养成无意识消费的习惯。你可以将你的钱分成几份将其放入信封,并在信封上写明每笔钱的用处。这样你就可以清楚的知道你的钱都花在了哪里。
Track your spending.记账。
Get a receipt for every purchase.Breaking up your expenses into categories like food, clothing, housing, medical care and so on, but also labeling each expense as a need or a want.Be realistic as to what is really necessary. A need is something where you would die or go to jail if you didn&t spend the money or ruin your credit.At the end of the month, total up all the categories.Do this, and you'll be more educated about how much money you actually have, and how much you have left over for fun stuff.购买东西尽量保留收据或发票。将你的花费分类记录,比如食品、衣服、家用、医疗等等。并区分哪些是必须买的,哪些只是你想要买的。对于什么是真正必须购买的要确认清楚,它是指如果你不买你就生存不下去的物品,以及如果你不买就有可能引诱使犯罪或者造成不良信誉的物品。然后在每月月底,将每一类花费汇总起来算算自己的开销情况。坚持这样做下去,你将会越来越清楚你实际应该花费多少,有多少钱是花在了享乐上。
Reward yourself 奖励自己。
There is probably a reason you developed bad habits, which are often adopted on the road easier traveled. So if you're suddenly balancing your bank account every day, or you're regularly putting money into an emergency fund, plan to give yourself some sort of prize for the past two weeks, you've been saving money or spengding it more wisely. you can probably afford it.在省钱的过程中也可能会有某种原因让你养成坏习惯。如果你突然每天都能平衡开支,或者将钱存起来以备急用,那么每半个月奖励以下自己吧。你已经学会如何存钱,如何更加合理的用钱了,那么相信你是负担得起这偶尔一次的享受的。
英语作文大学生花钱大手大脚On the extravagant spengding of college student要求1:现在有些学生花钱大手大脚2:出现这一现象的原因3:我的看法
  Around the compus, we can commonly see some college students wear branded clothes, using the most advanced appliances such as Ipod, Iphone and Ipad. In spite of where the money comes from, I absolutely oppose the view that college students consume luxuries. As far as I am concerned, we should advocate rational consumption among college students. As follows, I will share some suggestions.  Above all, college students should have access to earning pocket money. This is a priority. Most college students, who have already asked their parents to pay their fee, should take responsibility to afford their daily consumption, let alone luxurious consumption.  In addition, it is necessity, rather than luxury, that counts. Seeing other students buying luxiry, some students are jealous and would like to buy one themselves. This is what we call irrational consumption.  Last but not least, keep a balance table each month. If you have fancy dinner this week, then you are supposed to cut down the cost next week. Also, you can set up some bonus plan for yourself. If you spend less than, say, 500 yuan per month, then you can allow yourself a 200 yuan luxury consumption next week. The amount varies as to how much you earn and how much you have.  In a word, it is beneficial to carry rational consumption among college students.


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