Do youi don t know her梗who is replace hear in her duties?

& “Several years ago, I...”习题详情
Several years ago, I had to replace a receptionist for my unit. Before I advertised for the position, I was approached by another manager, and asked if l would consider a transfer from his staff instead of opening a new competition. My natural question was to ask who he wanted me to consider and why.&&&& It appeared from his description of this employee, Maria, that she was having a lot of problems performing her duties, and had difficulties with her boss, and did not appear to respond to any attempts he, the manager, had made to settle the issues. Now, after listening to his explanation, I really had severe doubts. What crossed my mind, after this discussion, was that he wanted me to take a problem off his hands.&&&& I told him I would think about it and would let him know the next day. As promised, after thinking more about this potential performance issue, I decided that I would agree to speak with Maria privately before I made any decision.&& &&And, what I found out during this interview, left me deep in thought. As it turned out, the&&& performance issue appeared to result from working for a boss who never extended a good morning greeting, never gave a word of encouragement, and was constantly changing the work load and routines. The end result was a totally ruined employee who was unconfident, hated to see a new work day start.&&&& I decided to accept her transfer to my unit. What started out as a shy, withdrawn and frightened employee turned out to be one of the most productive and loyal employee that I had ever worked with. Maria couldn't do enough and was constantly asking for more and for more responsibility. I was more than happy to give her what she needed-praise for work well done, respect as a person, and encouragement for doing well in anything she dealt with.&&&& Sometimes, we are guilty of holding others back from accomplishing or doing or developing as they should or could. It may be a wise idea that we all look in the mirror, from time to time, to see what we are really like.1.What can we learn about the writer from the first paragraph?A. He is a manager in the company.B. He doesn't like his receptionist.C. He likes to compete with others.D. He wants to find another position.2.After hearing his colleague's description of Maria, the writer thought that Maria&.A. attempted to settle the issuesB. was a problem to her bossC. shouldn't stay in the companyD. could get on well with others3.Why did Maria fail to perform well in her previous job?A. Her previous job was not suitable for her.B. She had difficulty responding to her manager.C. Her boss didn't inspire her working enthusiasm.D. Her boss showed no trust in her ability.4.The writer accepted Maria's transfer to unit probably because he thought that &.A. she was a ruined employee& B. she would need his protectionC. she would turn out to be a good employee&& D. she was a shy and frightened employee5.The writer probably believes that a good boss should &.A. praise and award his employees a lot&&& B. respect, praise and encourage his employeesC. greet his employees and give them much work&&&& D. always give his employees guidance in working&
习题“Several years ago, I had to replace a receptionist for my unit. Before I advertised for the position, I w...”的分析与解答如下所示:
作者在文中讲述了自己经历的一件事。一位经理向作者推荐了一名员工,通过经理的介绍作者意识到这是一个问题员工,于是他背后找到这名员工,了解到其实员工的状况都是由于经理自身的问题造成的,在鼓励和赞赏下这名员工成了作者的得力干将。这个故事告诉了我们赏识和鼓励的重要性。1.A推理判断题。根据文章第一段中I was approached by another manager“,另一位经理和我接洽”由此可以判断作者也是一个经理,故选A。2.B细节理解题。根据文章第二段中另一位经理的讲述Maria, that she was having a lot of problems performing her duties, and had difficulties with her boss,可知Maria是另她老板头疼的人物,故答案选B。3.C细节理解题。根据文章第三段中the performance issue appeared to result from working for a boss who never extended a good morning.&& greeting, never gave a word of encouragement,她的老板从来没有给她说过鼓励的话,可以判断她的问题都是由此老板的缘故造成的 ,所以答案选C。4.C推理判断题。文章第四段讲述了作者私下和这名员工进行了交流,意识到了员工自身不存在什么问题,问题都出在经理身上,而且认为她会成为一名优秀员工,所以把她调到了作者所在的部门,答案选C。5.B推理判断题。根据I was more than happy to give her what she needed-praise for work well done, respect as a person, and encouragement for doing well in anything she dealt with.根据作者对待Maria态度可以看出他认为老板应该尊敬表扬和鼓励他的员工,故选B。
Several years ago, I had to replace a receptionist for my unit. Before I advertised for the position...
“Several years ago, I...”的最新评论
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“Several years ago, I had to replace a receptionist for my unit. Before I advertised for the position, I was approached by another manager, and asked if l would consider a transfer from his staff instead of opening a new competition. My natural question was to ask who he wanted me to consider and why. It appeared from his description of this employee, Maria, that she was having a lot of problems performing her duties, and had difficulties with her boss, and did not appear to respond to any attempts he, the manager, had made to settle the issues. Now, after listening to his explanation, I really had severe doubts. What crossed my mind, after this discussion, was that he wanted me to take a problem off his hands. I told him I would think about it and would let him know the next day. As promised, after thinking more about this potential performance issue, I decided that I would agree to speak with Maria privately before I made any decision. And, what I found out during this interview, left me deep in thought. As it turned out, the performance issue appeared to result from working for a boss who never extended a good morning greeting, never gave a word of encouragement, and was constantly changing the work load and routines. The end result was a totally ruined employee who was unconfident, hated to see a new work day start. I decided to accept her transfer to my unit. What started out as a shy, withdrawn and frightened employee turned out to be one of the most productive and loyal employee that I had ever worked with. Maria couldn't do enough and was constantly asking for more and for more responsibility. I was more than happy to give her what she needed-praise for work well done, respect as a person, and encouragement for doing well in anything she dealt with. Sometimes, we are guilty of holding others back from accomplishing or doing or developing as they should or could. It may be a wise idea that we all look in the mirror, from time to time, to see what we are really like.1.What can we learn about the writer from the first paragraph?A. He is a manager in the company.B. He doesn't like his receptionist.C. He likes to compete with others.D. He wants to find another position.2.After hearing his colleague's description of Maria, the writer thought that Maria____.A. attempted to settle the issuesB. was a problem to her bossC. shouldn't stay in the companyD. could get on well with others3.Why did Maria fail to perform well in her previous job?A. Her previous job was not suitable for her.B. She had difficulty responding to her manager.C. Her boss didn't inspire her working enthusiasm.D. Her boss showed no trust in her ability.4.The writer accepted Maria's transfer to unit probably because he thought that____.A. she was a ruined employee B. she would need his protectionC. she would turn out to be a good employee D. she was a shy and frightened employee5.The writer probably believes that a good boss should____.A. praise and award his employees a lot B. respect, praise and encourage his employeesC. greet his employees and give them much work D. always give his employees guidance in working”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“Several years ago, I had to replace a receptionist for my unit. Before I advertised for the position, I was approached by another manager, and asked if l would consider a transfer from his staff instead of opening a new competition. My natural question was to ask who he wanted me to consider and why. It appeared from his description of this employee, Maria, that she was having a lot of problems performing her duties, and had difficulties with her boss, and did not appear to respond to any attempts he, the manager, had made to settle the issues. Now, after listening to his explanation, I really had severe doubts. What crossed my mind, after this discussion, was that he wanted me to take a problem off his hands. I told him I would think about it and would let him know the next day. As promised, after thinking more about this potential performance issue, I decided that I would agree to speak with Maria privately before I made any decision. And, what I found out during this interview, left me deep in thought. As it turned out, the performance issue appeared to result from working for a boss who never extended a good morning greeting, never gave a word of encouragement, and was constantly changing the work load and routines. The end result was a totally ruined employee who was unconfident, hated to see a new work day start. I decided to accept her transfer to my unit. What started out as a shy, withdrawn and frightened employee turned out to be one of the most productive and loyal employee that I had ever worked with. Maria couldn't do enough and was constantly asking for more and for more responsibility. I was more than happy to give her what she needed-praise for work well done, respect as a person, and encouragement for doing well in anything she dealt with. Sometimes, we are guilty of holding others back from accomplishing or doing or developing as they should or could. It may be a wise idea that we all look in the mirror, from time to time, to see what we are really like.1.What can we learn about the writer from the first paragraph?A. He is a manager in the company.B. He doesn't like his receptionist.C. He likes to compete with others.D. He wants to find another position.2.After hearing his colleague's description of Maria, the writer thought that Maria____.A. attempted to settle the issuesB. was a problem to her bossC. shouldn't stay in the companyD. could get on well with others3.Why did Maria fail to perform well in her previous job?A. Her previous job was not suitable for her.B. She had difficulty responding to her manager.C. Her boss didn't inspire her working enthusiasm.D. Her boss showed no trust in her ability.4.The writer accepted Maria's transfer to unit probably because he thought that____.A. she was a ruined employee B. she would need his protectionC. she would turn out to be a good employee D. she was a shy and frightened employee5.The writer probably believes that a good boss should____.A. praise and award his employees a lot B. respect, praise and encourage his employeesC. greet his employees and give them much work D. always give his employees guidance in working”相似的习题。Show Spoilers
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O.C. Stand-in
of , and the
equivalent of . An OC Stand-in is a canon
that gets little screentime or few (if any) lines, and therefore can be molded into whoever the fan wants. Often, they may not even . Thus, an OC Stand-in is like an OC, but the fact that these characters usually have at least some personality already means the author has some general direction to go in.
Like all things in fanfiction, when handled badly, the OC Stand-in can delve straight into
territory. Compare with the . Sometimes, these characters are just used to insult the heroes and make life hard for them, giving the character little point. Does
really need another teacher who's out to get him? Hasn't
dealt with enough crap already? In these cases, the character is simply used to replace the
obstacles for
with smaller and (sometimes) more realistic ones. An OC Stand-in is sometimes used to save a main character from being bashed... The OC Stand-in .
However, there are cases, even when the OC Stand-in is "high school evil", that these characters turn out likeable. Or, at least, the
In video games, the canon protagonist is sometimes an OC Stand-in, due to being a , a , and/or a highly customizable RPG player character.
A particularly successful
of one of these is likely to ascend into
when other fans want to play with that version.
Also known as an "Original Canon Character" or OCC.
Related to .
&&&&open/close all folders&
&&&&Anime and Manga&
Tenten is an archetypical example. Her brief appearances in canon
for fanfic writers to build upon, and yet she never even got a formal introduction. —off-panel in the manga—is her most memorable scene. Naruto author Kishimoto
that she was created simply to be fill the spot of
Kishimoto, oddly enough, said he likes
most out of the female ninja.
This becomes even more embarrassing when you see the number of fanfics. She has much more fics than any other secondary characters with little to none screen time, like , Shizune and
togheter, and more than other characters with full fleshed personalities, like
or , and even
who is a major character. Her personality varies with the author, but you got to admit, it's quite impressive .
Sakura's parents, particularly her mother, are common
characters. Sakura's mother is heard off-camera in the anime, but she only seems to exist to prove that Sakura, unlike Naruto and Sasuke, had a normal childhood. In fan works, she is usually both a
and a total bitch to Naruto — someone the Naru/Saku shippers can use as a
for Sakura. Both of Sakura's parents finally appeared and received names in the movie .
Other members of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist show up often as oneshot villains. They're not even real characters to stand in for, so much as placeholders where characters presumably go.
Similarly, tailed beast hosts number 2 and 4-7, as two and four were only seen briefly while the others were all killed offscreen. The fact that the author made full designs of all of them (even for the three-tail host, when the three-tailed beast didn't presently have a host) for a cover as part of a
is pretty much asking for this — though ironically at least one of them has been given a plot-relevant backstory post-mortem (the three-tails was the last Mizukage).
Yugito Nii (the 2-tails host) is an extremely popular OC Stand-in, and is a frequent
for Naruto. Fuu (the 7-tails) is also becoming popular in this way after her design was revealed.
Also, Hanabi Hyuuga, Hinata's sister, who only speaks in one scene and primarily only asks questions of her father. Fans tend to differ on whether she would become the heir or a branch house member (and how well she would accept either), and whether she loves Hinata or sees her as worthless. Or, for that matter, sees her as a threat - the natural consequence of the prospect of one sister enslaving the other or else dying. Ironically when Hanabi got some spotlight in the anime she clearly loves Hinata, to .
Naruto's mother also got this treatment - either as a placeholder (like the swordsmen), or a true example once Kushina was first seen, even though we only got to see her when she was pregnant and hear her say one line in her first appearance.
is that she was a tomboy in her youth -
when her soul appeared to help Naruto gain control over the Kyuubi's chakra.
The Rikudo Sennin is this when he's used in a fanfic. We have virtually nothing, and authors can turn him into anything from , to .
: Vegeta's father gets this treatment. He's been dead for years and gets three scenes total over the course of the anime. He gets another in the , but if you count it as canon (which requires some shoehorning) it's a . He shows only bare hints of personality. Yet he's also the subject of fan devotion that's surprisingly intense, if small in scale. (Vegeta's
is also the subject of much speculation.)
too. 's Dragon Ball Minus short story formally introduced the official version — Gine, a pacifist who
because of her lack of combat ability. (Of course, this
most of the
fans had about Bardock's mate.)
On a related note, the Chick of Bardock's squad, Fasha/Seripa sometimes overlapped with the "Goku's Mom" role. She, and all of Bardock's teammates, are frequently OC stand-ins in their own rights.
Happens very often in
fandom with
that have only appeared in profiles or on the author's blog, especially since fanfic writers can research these nations' histories and stereotypes to come up with some technical canon. Some of these common fan characterizations are:
Denmark as a
and Norway as
for him because of their l the former turned out to be pretty spot-on with canon, while the latter is still up in the air (though Norway did strangle Denmark with his tie in one strip).
Belgium as a sassy, this turned out to be fairly accurate to canon (although she's more cheerful than sassy) with the
part being the only one left unconfirmed.
Netherlands as similar to Denmark in personality with a pot- this was one of the
characterizations that ended up
by canon when Netherlands was revealed to be a mainly blunt and stoic , though the smoking habit was pretty much confirmed.
Hong Kong as an
this was mostly confirmed by canon, although he doesn't seem to be quite as emotionless as fanon loved making him out to be.
Taiwan as a
with romantic feelings for J the
with the Drama CD (and more recently, the fourth manga volume) showing her to be a
, and she doesn't seem to act differently with Japan than she does with her other Asian siblings.
Vietnam as a
emotionally it looks like her canon self will be more subdued than either of these characterizations.
Thailand as a
who also happens to be a
that sometimes uses a
as a weapon. He cooks well and loves , and lastly, no matter how nice a guy he is, he is ALWAYS portrayed as . A few times, he's a
(thanks to RL Thailand's kathoey, or ladyboys).
Romania was almost always depicted by fans as a female (probably because of the potential
between her and ), only to have canon
that with the fourth manga volume establishing him as male. With the canon Romania appearing to have red eyes and , it's becoming common to depict him as either a
or an ordinary human who pretends to be a vampire for the lulz. It also helps that most of Transylvania has mostly has been part of Rumania since they conquered it from Communist Hungary in 1919.
New Zealand is almost always depicted as either having a
type relationship with Australia.
India, like Romania, was almost always depicted as female in fanworks only to be established as male later on in canon. No one seems to really care, though, probably because of his awesome Bollywood entrance in .
For a long time, Bulgaria's only canon scene was him hitting Italy with his stick and the most common fanon depiction of him was as a
with a . This seems to have been , however, with him being shown in
as a fairly nice guy who's good friends with Romania.
Matt is a good example of this. He gets little time on the page in the manga, and even less time in the anime, but he has a large fan base, and thus many people end up writing about him, usually just writing him as whatever they need, within limits, for the story.
Also Linda, who was mentioned in the manga a grand total of twice, seen only once, and has only one line. Considering that, she is a massive ; if you type in "linda death note" on deviantART you get 526 results, and she has 34 fanfictions on
Yamamoto, Light's friend from school who later becomes Matsuda's partner at the NPA and has
with both. He gets about as many scenes as Matt (though he's not nearly as insanely popular) and doesn't appear at all in the anime but he does show up regularly in fic.
Namikawa, on account of being one of the cooler members of the interim villain's .
There's also Nori, Misa's punk friend.
There's also Misa's sister, who is mentioned in the manga and may or may not even exist.
The spin-off novel Another Note (which was not written by Ohba, but was approved by them) gives readers the character of "A", the first Wammy's House child who committed suicide out of pressure of being L. Unlike B/Beyond Birthday, we get nothing in the way of A's personality or backstory, leaving fans to have to fill in a lot of blanks when they utilize him in ther fanfic.
Though they go unnamed in the manga,
has Ranma's buddies Hiroshi and Daisuke, and for the girls there's Akane's friends Yuka and Sayuri. They mainly exist to be .
seems to love this trope, especially in Ranma. Herb's got Mint and Lime. Kima has Masara and Koruma, and is herself not much developed beyond her role as Saffron's bodyguard. The Anime also gave us Kaori Daikoku, who appeared just once in the anime and yet comes up rather frequently in fanfiction.
We have Kyoko Soryu. We have no idea what she was like before
, or even what the woman looks like
To a lesser extent, due to having somewhat of a discernible canon characterization, Yui Ikari.
Hikari Horaki's sisters, Kodama and N they never appear on-screen, and the only known facts about them are that they're older and younger (respectively) than Hikari and that the three of them have a
like the rest of their class. To a lesser extent, Hikari herself.
Touji's little sister sometimes got used this way even before her first onscreen appearance in the second Rebuild movie. She became even more important in the third movie, finally
(Sakura Suzuhara).
Occasionally the few Evangelion
(such as Mana Kirishima) can fall into this, since .
was this for some fans before her actual personality was revealed, and even then there's still a lot about her that's completely unknown. This can make her an
The unnamed girl from The Dissociation of Haruhi Suzumiya was often used as this in
fanfiction until the release of The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya, where she was given a name (Watahashi Yasumi) and a backstory which
pretty much all interpretations of the character overnight. Less commonly, the unnamed boy with glasses whose life Kyon saves in The Rampage of Haruhi Suzumiya, as well as Kyon's sister's friend Yoshimura Miyokonote& are used for authors who want to write about Kyon's sister's age group.
During the end of , and later in , Edward
gets sent to "our" world where everyone he knows has an . Fans have a ball with the unseen ones as several fanons have popped up. Winry's alter usually portrayed as the opposite of tomboyish Winry, is often Jewish, and is usually perceived as a . Some fans have Edward's deceased alter as related to Alfons but in canon that is unlikely.
In , Kallen's brother Naoto Kozuki sometimes get this treatment, largely because all we know about him is that he was the leader of Ohgi's group and died sometime before the series started.
In the fandom, there was a brief period of time during which people knew about the , but had no fansub available. Cue Miho, who was a one-shot character in
and had a prominent role in the anime, becoming an OC Stand-in, though her personality did often overlap with
Yugi's parents are also frequently subject to this in fanfiction. In canon, Yugi's father , and the most known about him is that he's a traveling salesman who's always away on work, while Yugi's mother appears only twice in the manga and once in the anime. Her anime appearance is cut entirely from the dubbed version, however, hence she isn't really remembered. Fanon characterizations of them vary between , , , or .
there are a few characters that had little timescreen and characterization:
Nakim is one of Miss Yomako's pupils during the timeskip. The fanfic
takes him as the protagonist, as a pilot against the Ymir.
Tsuuma, who appeared as Viral's wife in his dream in the
is also used in some fanfics. One particular example is , in which she's Viral's
have feelings for him.
This is heavily subverted with , where unless you're Zatch, Tia, Zeon, Sherry, Brago, or another of the main characters, you'll never get any actual writing or stories based around you. Case in point, any of the many villian-a-week enemies of other mamodos Zatch faces. This extends to major recurring enemies as well.
A lot of the
get this treatment in fanfiction, most commonly 's mother Garlude and 's father "Jecra". Note that most of them are , Jecra included.
Sword Knight and Blade Knight get this a lot, too.
The Star Warriors who only appear in the finale do as well.
Whenever Tiida Lanster, Quint Nakajima, Alicia Testarossa, or Olivie Segbrecht- aka the Sankt Kaiser- shows up in a
fanfic they'll probably be this, since they were
gets bonus points for it's use of the
from Episode 3 (yes, the trope image). In the fic, she's named Vesta and after a series of events
she becomes Nanoha's familiar. After being shrunken down, of course.
: Many minor characters only have one episode to themselves before they're . There are , so take your pick:
Brian, the young man from Great Britain and whom Akane Hino fell in love with. He's depicted as a charming man who means well.
The Bad End Pretty Cures. They're introduced at the end of episode 45 and are
during episode 46. Yet, their status as
means they've received a lot of love from fans, having had fanart a week before they even debuted. Many Smile Precure fanfics involve the Bad Ends in some way both to fill in their characterization and to avoid using potential
a la Mode was coming long before we saw it, so a lot of fanfic authors pounced on the new team member who was, for the nonce, a blank slate. Unfortunately, this meant the name "Berii" (and several spelling variants) appeared on a lot of
in hopes of giving them legitimacy. More unfortunately, the truth of
was even worse than (fan)fiction.
There are a few other cyborgs in
besides the main girls however they're not given significant screentime.
Amber Fuji is the protagonist of quite a lot of fanfics for a character who appears for less than ten minutes in a single movienote&(in a anime whose movies are
and whose existence is known to precisely none of the main characters at any point. Yet when she appears, it's inevitably an
in which she either is successfully resurrected or never died to begin with, goes on her own journey, and is
made into a
for the pairing of the author's choice.
In the earlier days of the fandom Mondo was a popular character in Team Rocket themed fics. He only appeared in one radio drama so we only know so much about him.
There are dozens of active Nurse Joy's and Officer Jenny's. While most canonically share basic traits like being nice, everything else is up in the air.
became the first segment of , a nameless scientist character with only two brief appearances in the series became Emil Lang, Earth's greatest expert on alien technology. The
of the Robotech novels and comics just ran with him, and he became one of the most important characters in the franchise.
OVA series has Kate Madigan, the female
executive who appears in the Largo arc. The only thing known about her is she's as
as the rest of Genom.
Maka's mother from . The information about her is few and far between. All we know is that she was at the top of her class, created the current Death Scythe, divorced said Death Scythe, and left Death City before the manga began. Her personality and her physical appearance are both anyone's guesses. You'd be hard-pressed to find even two fanfics that use the same characterization for her. The only ubiquitous thing about her is name, Kami, and even that's rooted in .
Erwin from . Due to both her attire, which includes a German general's peaked hat and jacket from WW2, and her personality, of a history geek who has even borrowed Rommel's name (to the point she verges on expy status), she's quite popular with the fans, and as a result features in a relatively large number of fanfics with a greatly increased role, even in the relatively small fandom of this anime.
Writers of
fan fiction who want to focus on
will frequently depict her dead family members from her life before she became a magical girl, if they don't bring them
altogether. Of the three, we know only that her sister was named Momo and that her father was a priest who (according to ) was
and killed himself, his wife, and Momo because of Kyoko's wish inadvertently giving him a . Despite only existing to facilitate a 's
and , Kyoko's father is even listed on 's character filter! In contrast,
dead parents almost never appear in fanfic, not even in flashbacks.
has Michiru and Kaname Kururugi, the
from . The fanfic series
gives heavy focus to the Kururugi twins, and there are multiple pairing stories where either Michiru or Kaname is paired with a particular canon character.
&&&&Comic Books&
fic is one of the rare
cases. It takes a very obscure character (Magneto's canonically-dead wife Magda) and turns her from a meek woman whose only real moment of characterization was fleeing her husband after he accidentally killed a bunch of people into a
(since, as a Holocaust survivor, she should be fairly old, even with )
mutant with a power that's supposedly completely unique and desirable enough that people would kidnap her for it (despite there already being a canon character with the same power whom no one makes much of a fuss over).
could be considered this on a company-wide scale, adapting
heroes from
and giving them personalities and characterisation not seen before.
In the (admittedly small) fandom for the
comics and related spin-offs,
was commonly used this way during the mid/late 2000s. Mostly that's because Vargas was popularized as a potential shipping partner for Johnny, since
and the only other "main" characters in the actual comic are women, children, or imaginary disembodied voices (probably for ). Funnily enough, the original fanfic to use the character, while it did establish the ship, focused mostly on
and his characterization stayed fairly consistent afterward, with the original fanfic being used as the
basis for everything that followed. Vargas was eventually popular enough to merit his own character filter on
&&&&Films — Animated&
Absolutely epidemic in
fandom due to the large amount of background characters and semi-canon characters (characters from books and comics). Unused or non-canon characters are especially apparent in fanon works. The most common are Mheetu (Nala's brother), Kopa/Fluffy (Simba's son), Tesma (a meerkat friend of Simba), Naanda (Sarabi's sister), and Bhati (a bat-earred fox friend of Simba). Given that most of them don't have much of a personality this leads fan-artists to create their own versions. Sarafina, Sarabi, and Vitani are popular choices for canon characters with little screentime. The topic of whether Sarafina is even alive in the sequel is a common .
Ariel's many older sisters in
are this with fans. They don't have much to go by besides comics and the third movie (along with the occasional picture book), which have little consistency even with the details of their designs. Attina is especially popular thanks to the prequel movie making her the oldest and having her indirectly causing her mothers death. Aquata is also fairly popular as well as she was the oldest in older material, and comics go more in-depth into her grooming to be queen.
The siblings parents aren't given much spotlight in
(and in fact Elsa's mother has exactly one line before her death). Due to the fact they're such extraordinarily important characters, fanfic writers have many interpretations of them from well-meaning parents to secretly afraid of Elsa.
In , many of Judy's fellow officers in the ZPD such as Francine, Fangmeyer, Wolford, McHorn, and others often recieve this treatment, due to being Judy's coworkers but having almost no characterization in the movie besides name and species. Another common target for this treatment is Jack Savage, a rabbit superspynote& from an early concept of the movie.
&&&&Films — Live-Action&
movies gave , characterization or any information about the mother of James Norrington other than she exists (because everyone has one). The
made her an extremely likable Irish .
Uhura's Orion roommate Gaila from
(2009) had only a couple of minutes of screentime and a
backstory as having escaped the Orion slave trade on an "underground railroad" of sorts. Fandom took her and turned her into a sex-positive, feminist symbol through which authors often explore cultural taboos regarding sex as well as culture shock and culture clashes.
Fans of the MCU version of Loki frequently import Sigyn from the comics and/or mythology to have someone with a seemingly legitimate romantic stake on Loki. Because Sigyn has never actually appeared in the , fans are pretty free to make her anything they want her to be. Results range from genuinely good characters to shallow .
Darcy Lewis, a minor character from the
movies often gets several fanfics and headcanons centered on her.
is full of characters that hardly get any development that many fanfic writers expand on, some noticeable examples include
and Autobots who are not named Optimus Prime and Bumblebee.
Blaise Zabini gets special mention here, since from his name appearing in book one until he got a physical description in the book six, half the fanfic writers assumed he was a girl, since "Blaise" is more commonly a girl's name in some places. (They've since taken to writing about Daphne Greengrass or Tracey Davis when they need a generic Slytherin girl.)
Daphne Greengrass also gets a lot of attention when authors need a sympathetic Slytherin girl, as she's mentioned just once in the books (and probably because Draco hooks up with her sister after his ). Typically she's said to come from a neutral wizarding family or otherwise isn't connected with the rest of her house, possessing the same traits that Slytherins are known for but without invoking . Tracey Davis (who's not even mentioned in the books, appearing only in an early draft list of students in Harry's year) also gets this to a lesser extent.
Theodore Nott is almost as popular as Blaise. He is usually portrayed as a somewhat good version of Draco Malfoy, or a bookworm loner. It was also once somewhat popular to make Nott a worse version or Draco Malfoy, almost a Tom Riddle 2.0.
At the time of this writing, Marlene McKinnon has
on Who is Marlene McKinnon? An Order member who , a
mentions having cried all night when she heard about her death. That's basically all we know about her, but fans have (somewhat reasonably) extrapolated that Marlene and Lily may have been friends, and (less reasonably) concluded that Marlene was ' girlfriend/wife/etc., which is where most of her popularity comes from.
Similarly to Marlene is Mary MacDonald. All we know is that she was a Hogwarts student during the Marauder Era, apparently a Gryffindor, and on speaking terms with Lily, so she works as another friend of hers.
Severus Snape's Hogwarts friends often get this treatment in Marauders or young Snape fanfics. It helps that we are given names for them: Evan Rosier, Avery, Mulciber, Wilkes, Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange. Regulus Black may also count, though in the final book he gets a fair bit of fleshing out .
Tom Riddle's "friends" also get this to a lesser extent. Fans especially like to play with the fact that their surnames are the same as many of Snape's friends: Avery, Lestrange, Mulciber, and Rosier.
giving his daughter Eleanor
by casting her as Susan Bones in the
might almost count as an "official" version of this. After all, Susan was a background role with no lines, so what better place would there be for the American director to slip his daughter in without effecting the all-British cast requirement? Well, true to form, Susan ended up getting developed into more than just a throwaway name in the books written after the first two movies came out. The latter films handled this by simply not including her plotline, which they likely would have done anyway considering .
Back before Ginny had much of a canonically defined personality, she was a frequent target of this.
Fanfic writers are also fond of writing about the main characters' kids' school days, when they don't just
By the same token we have the spouses of the characters who . Draco's wife, Astoria/Asteria Greengrass, is usually either a sympathetic Slytherin or a victim of . Percy's wife, Audrey, is either a sweet girl or a r she may also be a . Luna's husband, Rolf Scamander, is implied by
to be an adventurous naturalist.
Hermione's . The only thing known for sure about them is that they're Muggle dentists (although at least one fanfic has them as doctors specializing in oral surgery and Hermione just explaining that as 'dentists' to wizards). As long as that requirement is fulfilled, fanfic writers can fill in whatever they want. Even their first names are up for grabs.
Professor Aurora Sinistra. She teaches Astronomy, and since nothing plot-important really happens there until book 5, she didn't even have a clear gender until that time.
Aeneas has a very minor role in , but Virgil made him the protagonist of , partly because he was such a blank slate and partly because he was one of the few Trojans to survive the sack of Troy. This makes this trope, ...
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ?
? become the protagonists of Tom Stoppard's .
In , Jane appeared in only one scene and was basically a
of her mother, Wendy. The Disney sequel Return to Neverland turned her into a highly pragmatic, disillusioned girl who grew up too fast as a result of living through the bombing in London. Margaret, the next descendant in the Wendy line (named, but never shown), gets this treatment in some fanfics.
She also made a two episode appearance in
when Peter brings her to Neverland as a new Lost Boy only to find out about her being Wendy's daughter from the future.
The past competitors/victors in
are often this, since few of them are given backstories. Fics about how they won their respective games are also common.
Also, many of the other tributes from Katniss's games have be used this way. Glimmer, Marvel, Thresh, Foxface, the girl from 4, the boy from 3 who dug up the mines, and the girl from 8 whom the careers killed the first night, are all distinct enough that they aren't completely anonymous, but have almost no defined characteristics or personality.
The Starlings from
served as this in many fanfics, having been
early on in the first book. That book revealed little more than the fact that they were rich triplets and not very nice, and
later claimed that they were part of the
branch of , but other than that, fans were free to fit them with whatever characteristics they wanted. Then .
Terry Pratchett's
has dozens and dozens of spear carriers, cameo roles, and placeholders. Named Assassins such as Alice Band, Miss Smith-Rhodes, Madame Deux-Epees, for instance, or the hero and adventurer Howondaland Smith. Characters like this are fertile turf for the fanfic writer. Howondaland Smith gets a tale of his own in , which also features Miss Smith-Rhodes and Madame Deux-Epees in their fuller forms.
&&&&Live-Action TV&
fanfics that takes the minor survivors, including extras, and gives them the full on Lost treatment, with flashbacks and their own sideplots.
Although the show itself .
In , Wilson the medic shows up in one episode and is mentioned in another (not by name). He shows up in so many fanfictions that his name can be used as a character filter on , combining this trope with .
Ronnie Gardocki from
qualifies as a major example of a live action version, as fans of the character have largely grafted onto him the personality of good guy nerd/geek who fell in with the wrong crowd as far as personality goes. Ironically, David Rees Snell (the actor playing Ronnie) has joked that had the writers fleshed out Ronnie and explored the character's dark side in relations to him being just like Lem, Shane, and Vic as far as being a , that he probably would have lost all of his fans.
: Rebecca Berkowitz, seen only once, in an extended rarely seen version of "iSaw Him First" and usually mentioned off-handedly. In any fic with her as a character, she's basically going to be an OC with a canon name, if they even bother to develop her past the implied .
character used in this way is the Doctor's daughter.cough& For example, see the fanfic series .
On , Lisa Jeffries was a very minor character who shared a few scenes with Summer H she appeared in about a dozen episodes over the course of two years. She has, however, inspired a substantial volume of fanfic, which has developed her in ways totally unrelated to her canonical characterization.
A juvenile character named Marissa Flores, who appeared in the
episode "Disaster" (and absolutely nowhere else in Trek canon), spawned the rather infamous
fanfic series, written by a chap named Stephen Ratliff. And it's not limited to just M Ratliff also included a bunch of one-off kid characters from TNG as the title character's various minions and cohorts.
fandom, the Liz/Gretchen ship has a sizable following. Even if you're regular viewer of 30 Rock, you're probably wondering who Gretchen is. Well, she's a "brilliant plastics engineer/lesbian" whom Liz was set up on a date with as part of a
plot. Gretchen appeared in one episode back in the first season and has not been seen or mentioned since. But let's face it, it's not hard to see the appeal of pairing someone who looks like
with someone who looks like . Plus, the episode contained a substantial amount of , featured Frank and Pete becoming
for Liz/Gretchen ("So you're saying I should just be a lesbian?", "I'm not saying it'll be easy. You get drunk first."), and ended with Gretchen deciding she couldn't be
with Liz because they were getting into a
the Warblers have little to no personality. They're very popular with fanfic writers.
Also, Puck's mother and sister. Since they don't even have
in canon, but he presumably lives with them, they play at least a minor part in most fics about his life outside of school and glee.
Since Sebastian Moran ( to Moriarty in the original Doyle stories) had no canonical characterization in
until "The Empty Hearse", he effectively became one of these for the fandom. He's been depicted as everything from
He appears in the short story
as the narrator
In , it's canonically stated that Stefan and Damon had a sibling (usually a girl in fanfics) that was born from a different mother. Whether or not the writers of the Salvatore sister stories actually know this, however, is unknown.
Also Katherine is shown to have had a younger sister in her origin story that was killed by Klaus. Commonly she is not actually killed but rather turned by him. Katherine also had a daughter that could have been turned after giving birth to a child.
, naturally, since there is nothing canon about the singers, besides name, voice and appearance (and sometimes not even that).
managed to bring in one of the character's creator as a separate character.
&&&&Newspaper Comics&
The Little Red-Haired Girl from
is an unseen character (though she made a few tantalizing non-canon appearances in television specials), and we know nothing about her personality since Charlie Brown doesn't have the guts to talk to her and, hence, really knows nothing about her himself. Any time she appears in a fanfic, she is this trope by necessity.
Peanuts is actually full of minor characters who get used as OC stand-ins. Of particular note are , Violet (usually , especially in stories that require Lucy to be slightly nicer and need a
villain), and
(whose character trait in most fanfics is having no character traits at all, unless he's
to Charlie Brown as he was in several early strips).
This trope is all over the place in . The franchise is filled with characters who only appear as toys with bio notes of varying character depth, and occasionally toys without bio notes. It has even happened in canon on a few occasions - the profile book More Than Meets The Eye required the authors to invent personalities for the Micromasters out of whole cloth, since those characters did not have individual bio notes, only bio notes for their team.
Many fans were actually thrilled when this was done, en masse, in the canon comic . Japanese exclusive Overlord and toy-only characters Pyro, Ironfist, Guzzle, and Rotorstorm were assigned new, quirky personalities and . Well, Guzzle had been used in comics before, just in a negligible, minor role.
The team behind Last Stand Of The Wreckers is now handling
run and has proceeded to expand on the habit of giving lots of time and personality to characters who had previously been little more than a few sentences on a bio card, such as
The same applies to
and its , some of whom only appeared in a
and barely get to be described (the author claims he is very bad at coming up with visual traits, for example). The developers of the beloved Mata Nui On-Line Game said that
barely gave them the most minor of side-characters to work with, and they had to develop their personalities and culture themselves. What resulted was a game teeming with characters more memorable and charming than many of the ones that the "official guys" made up. They easily became fan favorites.
Fans themselves also get chances to flesh out some of the more underused characters, via official writing or art contests. In the latter, they can even design the look of the characters themselves.
This is pretty much the point of . Most ponies don't appear in adaptations and even many who do are lucky to get a single line. G1 ponies had a brief (and often bizarre) story on their backcard, whereas more modern ponies just have a sentence about them (such as "likes to write stories.") This leaves almost everyone up to interpretation.
&&&&Video Games&
has a lot of this. Sure, you have some basic personality for all members besides the mute protagonist, but the character development and interaction between the party is almost zero, every time the team talks is about the next mission or quest. That leaves a lot of open space for .
Just about any fanfic that places characters from the games (Brendan, Lucas, Leaf, etc.) into the anime's continuity will make use of this principle to some extent, since most of said characters never appeared on the show outside of 3-second cameos, with Leaf never appearing at all. There's no set pattern for what personalities writers assign them, but there's usually a good chance that they will be used for
Likewise with game fanfics themselves. Almost no one takes into account the NPC in-game personalities of the opposite gender protagonists. Most
get this treatment to various effects. Rivals and protagonists are given whatever personality, being that you really have to look into the text of the games to see any bit of personality beyond ", determined ".
Due to the fact player characters and rivals , fic writers can freely use any name for any of the above characters, except possibly Brendan and Lucas in the anime. For some reason,
for these characters.
The Generation IV Frontier Brains (other than Palmer and Caitlin, who have appeared outside the Frontier in the games) rarely appear in the anime continuity, but when they do, they are this trope.
Commonly done to Dark Link. In the video games, Dark Link is a mindless, monstrous obstacle, usually representing the evil in Link.
and personality.
Link himself, whose dialogue
() lends himself to this. The main character of a video game is often a , after all. Later versions of Link manage to have some personality (most notably
moments, while
has his relationship with Zelda and a
or two) which makes them easier to write while still being vague enough to write your own way.
has this mainly in the form of the dialogueless midbossesnote&. The standouts are Daiyousei, Koakuma, and Momiji, who have managed to become . Most of the time they remain
to the boss whose stage in which they appear.
Daiyousei and Koakuma don't even have any stated non-danmaku powers in a series where virtually everybody has a random superpower, so fans are required to make up a power for them. They didn't even have names originally, the ones used here invented entirely by the fandom (translated as "big/greater fairy" and "little devil", respectively).
Part of the reason for the massive doujin and fanfiction community that has arisen around the games is that, despite the , only a small portion of the cast receive anything more than a brief character profile and some dialogue, and even fewer receive any form of backstory, leaving writers with enormous wriggle room. Even the two
are written by
working with a lot of second- and third-hand information, and ZUN himself is
and even outright .
Rin Satsuki is also prone to this treatment, being a
character from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. The only remaining piece of data is her name, though fans sometimes associate her with ◊ (later confirmed to be a random sketch which doesn't represent anyone) and a throwaway line of dialogue where Marisa refers to a nurse.
Despite just being someone's quick
creation, the character "Sendai Hakurei no Miko" (The Previous Hakurei Shrine Maiden) was picked up by artists and fully fleshed out as the Miko who existed so long ago everyone has forgotten her name. Depicted as a
with , she fights without Reimu's spell card rules. As such, she ended up . Also depicted as a , depending on the artist.
It's extremely easy to give this treatment to the bosses from the very first game (Highly Responsive To Prayers, for PC-98) because literally nothing aside from a name and a title is known about them. No dialogue, no backstory, nothing. Sariel is apparently an , and that's the extent of the canonical information we have. Konngara, meanwhile, is even more ambiguous - her title "Astral Knight" and theme "Swordsman Of A Distant Star" suggest an extraterrestrial origin, her horn resembles an oni's, her apparent lack of legs make her look like a ghost, while her name seems to reference a deity's attendant. You can do literally anything with the character and not violate any sort of canon in any way.
Doctor Cain usually gets this treatment in . Despite being a pretty important canon character in regards to the backstory, he barely gets a few lines in the games before vanishing. Most fanfic writers characterize him as a kooky old man and a father figure to X and Zero. Lots of other characters could also qualify, since the MMX games were very sparse on characterization until the later games.
Dr. Cain finally did receive some characterization in Day of Sigma, a tie-in OVA for ; the problem here lies in the fact that MHX was something of a reboot for the series, the SNES games in particular, and as such, the cast received tweaks to their characterization (some minor, some major) which may or may not be incompatible with the later titles (plans for sequels fell through when the game underperformed). That, and Cain being killed off in a missile strike on Abel City ordered by Sigma, despite original canon stating that he was alive at least until the time of X4.
The same can be said for the characters in
(most non-playable Robot Masters especially), since most of them only have a small character profile to hint at their personalities.
The Guardian Spirit from the first
game is supposed to be , and is therefore a sort of . Naturally, there have been several fanfics written about the this character. Unfortunately, too many of these fics end up making the Spirit a female
with a crush on Kalas. The term "Spirit Sue" was created by the fanbase to describe this particular interpretation of the character.
Marno from the prequel doesn't get this to the same degree, since he has an actual role in the plot. However, he could still work for this trope, since his actual personality is never shown.
states that this is the entire point of
Gordon Freeman, with the player being the OC in question.
Adrian Shephard as well. All we have of his personality are a few diary entries in the Opposing Force manual which don't say much.
The same is true of Chell, the protagonist of . The few things that we're told about her character are , so any characterisation in fanfic is made from whole cloth.
Decoy Octopus from
is one of these, especially since it's part of his job description. He literally can adopt the personality of whoever he's disguised as.
has a whole group of these in the form of the Cobra Unit.
who, in the game, have a total of about three minutes on screen outside of the battles with them. They are one of the most popular topics of MGS fanfic, especially among female writers.
were practically an entire species (or group of species) of OC Stand-Ins until
fully fleshed them out, jossing a whole lot of fan theories in the process.
The Rookie in
is this to a lesser degree, having no lines beyond grunts, no visible face (he always has his helmet on), and no identification beyond the initials "JD"; the designers claim this was intentional, to better allow the player to integrate with the character. Spartan-B312 in
is this even more so, with male and female voice sets, and armor customization that is persistent throughout both camp this was done for the same reasons as the Rookie. The members of Fireteam Crimson in
are also this, as they're literally your multiplayer characters put into the canon Halo universe.
The "Library Girl with a Pigtail" in , who crushes on Zell and seems to have his interest by the end of the game, yet who remains nameless and without any personality beyond "bookish and shy" in canon. Begs for
treatment by any Zell fangirl.
has several characters
that aren't very well described. Thus when these characters are used in fanworks, the trope is present. Perhaps the biggest example is Altrouge Brunestud, Arcueid's sister. We don't even know what she looks like (beyond ), but that doesn't stop the fanart.
Odd canon example, , a crossover that featured characters from the first 12
games, had to pretty much create personalities for the
from the wholecloth. It should also be noted that the latter could have possibly been avoided if the game used Luneth or one of the other three orphans from the DS remake instead of the OK kids from the NES version, but that wouldn't quite fit what the game was going for.
Fanfiction has Oriana (Miranda's genetic twin sister) and Kolyat (Thane's son) as a relatively popular pairing, despite never meeting, or even coming close to meeting and having no connection to each other in the game besides a certain Commander intersecting with their lives. Kolyat is developed a bit better than Oriana, who never actually speaks or is interacted with until the third game.
Preitor Gavorn ? a turian whom you only meet outside of Afterlife ? is this to an extent, too. He was largely ignored by the fanbase for some time, until a video in Lair of the Shadow Broker showed him with a human male in what appears to be a bedroom. Since then, he has been given varying personalities, though most have some hints of
Another popular target for an OC Stand-in is Hannah Shepard, the 's mother if the spacer background is chosen.
Of course, Shepard him/herself is also much of a blank slate for writers to do whatever they want, given their open-ended nature in the game.
has accrued several such characters, though since these often turn up , said personalities are often used. Nevertheless, Ray the Flying Squirrel, Mighty The Armadillo (though he's almost always put as the lost forth member of Team Chaotix), Bean the Dynamite, and Bark the Polar Bear (often paired together, for being introduced in the same game), often end up being OC stand-ins, as do , , , and
, though these five are very rare to see in fanfic, not that the first four show up often,
are far more common.
A few shopkeeps from
get this treatment, and HT Masuoka in particular is a favourite of slash writers given his . Eri is the minor character who gets the most mileage by far, however, since she has a confirmed pre-existing relationship with Shiki and can be believably integrated into the main cast.
Kaede from
has absolutely no real importance in the story other than acting like Zelkova's bodyguard, although until she joins your party in the post game you have no idea what her weapon even is. The worst part is she basically vanishes in volume 1 after her appearance, yet you can still do the marriage event with her in Volume 3 despite her having absolutely no development and virtually no game time.
can easily be used as this.
from the . His default name is Mark, but you can change that and his gender. He never says anything (that we hear) and is only spoken to. There are a small wealth of fanfics about him/her, and almost each one gives him a separate personality and back story.note&
New Mystery of the Emblem and Awakening have My Unit/Avatar, a customizable unit who actually appears in your army during gameplay. They do actually have lines, though, but their personalities (particularly that of the My Unit in New Mystery) are . Naturally, plenty of fanfics have been written around these two (more so Awakening's My Unit than New Mystery's, probably because of ).
The originally-intended but
protagonist of , Dartagan, appeared in the game for less than five seconds. There is a huge range of interpretations of him within various different fanfics, roleplaying accounts, and even .
The player characters from the
series, being
who's only real characterization is "friendly and hard working." Real OCs only come into the picture when fic writers want an exotic-looking character (90% of the time, female).
often gets this treatment, having the least characterization of all of the classes, , or even . This practice has presumably lessened since his/her .
In , the students in Hisao's class besides him, Shizune, Misha and Hanako get this treatment, as a piece of official art shows their names, club affiliations and disabilities, but nothing about their personalities or backstories.
Sasasha, a Chocobo raiser from , had very few info on them. We never met them, just heard of them. This allowed some fanfic authors like the one for
to shape the character as they pleased.
has had a few over the various versions of the game (due to characters' roles becoming bigger, smaller, changing or being removed altogether), but Mika is the most consistent example. In the most recent version (6.23), she receives very little characterization beyond her attraction to Takuro .
Introducing characters from the "classic" titles into the
reboot is a popular thing. Fans figure if Spyro and Hunter exist what's stopping characters like Bianca, Elora, or Ember from too?
In a more traditional way, certain characters such as Flame are barely in the games but are expanded upon by fans. Flame is often
series, the Bonnes' parents show up in fics at times despite not appearing in canon.
names them Don Juan and Bonnie Bonne, and had them be on constant vacations and overall neglectful.
names them Victor and Anastasia. They died by the time the story starts.
, whom we know almost nothing of, giving a lot of clay to mold.
Similarly, we know very little of the owners of the six colored human souls. Their weapons and armor can be picked up throughout the game, but this is all that we have in regards to discerning their personalities.
&&&&Web Comics&
brought us The Felt, a 16-man mafia group, only two of whom (Snowman and Doc Scratch) got substantial characterization to be clearly defined as characters. The remaining fourteen ALL get this treatment, as only their powers and maybe a single moment of funny is supposed to encompass their characterization. The only exception is Clover, whose appearances manage to characterize him as a fusion between
and the , which is still a fairly open characterization.
Until Act 6 Intermission 5, two of the Felt only appeared , and all that was known about them previously were their names and faces (of course, they still got no characterization at all when they showed up). While their appearances in fanfiction increased once they made an appearance in the story, there still were examples of people using them for as
before anything was known about them.
The Post-Scratch Ancestors were intentionally written like this so that fanfic writers could have access to a more 'serious' Alternian setting than the setting of the modern trolls. Other than their basic appearance, most important actions, some of their
proclivities and a bit of the personality of one of them (Mindfang, a sexy pirate and ), we know very little about what they are like. This is lampshaded in comic where Hussie refers to Doc Scratch's exposition on them as fanfiction.
Quill-Weave in . As par the course in , she's given the slightest hint of a personality and features in the very first fighters' guild quest. She's much more fully fleshed out in the comic, especially through the scenes from her POV.
The same goes for Sigrid, who in Oblivion is a survivor of Kvatch who sells potions. Since the comic takes place before the events of Oblivion, she's made the head of the Mage's Guild in Kvatch and her unusually high Merchantile stat is explained as her being especially beautiful and charming (as well as using some artificial enhancements like Enchantments and Alchemy, mechanics that are known to be
in the series).
&&&&Western Animation&
fanfiction, especially the group of fics known as
are prominent), this is common for the Oni Generals minus Ikazuki. They aren't even named in canon! , Jade's
that appeared in one episode also sometimes gets this as well, albeit to a lesser extent unless the story is very AU.
Until episodes such as "Isabella and the Temple of Sap", the
had close to no lines and no characterization, other than Gretchen, who even then only spoke once or twice. Especially Gretchen, who in
is often paired with Ferb, apparently just because she's the first girl his age (other than Isabella) to get a name.
Django counts as well. He's been used a lot more by fans than in the canon series.
Ezekiel ge he got very little development because he was the first character to get voted off, an event that some viewers thought was unfair since he had completed the episode's challenge while other characters didn't. To a lesser extent Katie and Sadie also get this, since in canon aside from their co-dependency they have very little that separates them from the more developed and funnier Lindsay.
One episode of All-Stars features Scott mentioning his sister, a pig-calling champion named Alberta (who apparently prefers to go by Al). It's become increasingly common among TD fanfiction writers to give Al a full-blown personality and develop her relationship with Scott.
B also sometimes get this treatment. Mostly due to his
and the fact that he .
In canon, Gretchen was strongly hinted to have a crush on
in one episode. The pairing is not widely popular (despite being the only romance in an otherwise
series), but even those who don't use her as a main character often elevate her to "" or mention her and Dib's "romance" in passing.
Another commonly used character is Invader T she only shows up in two scenes in one episode, and it was planned for her to return in the never developed series finale. Because of this, she is very often often used whenever a writer wants or needs to use an Irken outside the ones with more screen time (Zim, the Tallest, Tak, Skoodge). Of course, most of the stories she shows up in are based on (or are outright fan versions) of the aforementioned finale.
Zita is another victim to this. While a girl with her looks is common to see in the episodes, all we know about her is that she considers Dib to be crazy and, unlike other students, is respected by Ms. Bitters and have the most moments of sympathy ofr Zim. Nevertheless, people throw even this minor canon out of the window and pair her up with Dib.
fandom has Klokateers. In the show, they're several legions of hooded, uniformed, fanatically loyal employees of the Dethklok company who rarely have lines and are referred to by number rather than name. Because of the extremely stringent entrance exam and its 50+% mortality rate, the recruits who survive to become Klokateers are extremely exceptional specimens, physically and intellectually. This makes them ripe for this trope. There are a few who have risen to prominence, mostly through slash fandom.
fandom is pretty notorious for this, largely due to the fact that the show has scads of random recurring backgrounders who never do anything and yet have extremely distinctive character designs (a result of them all being based on real people who worked at MTV at the time). Because the fandom is relatively close-knit, the characterizations of many backgrounders have actually become pretty standardized. Burnout Girl is almost always involved wi


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