
用英语说中国传统体育运动:Badminton in China中国羽毛球运动(双语阅读)
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用英语说中国传统体育运动:Badminton in China中国羽毛球运动,介绍了中国羽毛球运动,含有中英双语阅读。
Badminton in China
In ancient China, there was a badminton-like game. In this game, the players served a decorated ball like serving a shuttlecock. The first bad minion association in the world is the UK Badminton Association founded in 1893.& It's the start of modern badminton sport. At that time, there're not many nations joining in the International Badminton Association, which made some international badminton matches aren't the real world-level matches. This situation had lasted till the International Badminton Federation was founded in Hong Kong in 1978. Then the 1 st and the 2nd World Badminton Championships were held, in which Chinese players won 8 gold medals. This indicated that China had reached the world-level in badminton at that time. China National Badminton Team is one of the strongest teams in the world, and it has many outstanding players. The Indonesia National Badminton Team and the China National Badminton Team have had advantages in badminton skills since 1970s. China National Badminton Team won the gold medal when they took part in The Thomas Cup in 1982 for the fast time. Their skills were greatly praised in the world.
中国古代有一种游戏,用木板拍击一个装饰的球,这种球的玩法,颇似今日的羽毛球运动。1893年,世界上最早的羽毛球协会&英国羽毛球协会成立。这是近代羽毛球的开始。当时以中国为首的许多国家的羽毛球协会未能加入国际羽联,使一些国际性比赛相对逊色,没能真正体现世界级水平。直至1978年,在香港成立了&世界羽毛球联合会&(简称世界羽联),先后举办了两届世界羽毛球锦标赛,中国共荣获8项冠军,表明中国羽毛球运动已达到世界水平。现代中国羽毛球队是世界上的强队之一,人才辈出。70年代以来,男子羽毛球技术处于领先地位的是印尼队和中国队。 1982年中国队首次参加汤姆斯杯赛就荣获冠军。中国队的技术受到了世界羽坛的普遍赞扬。
Now the &Young fighters& such as Lin Dan, Bao Chunlai, Chen Jin, Cai Shun and Fu Haifeng, have been main forces of the National Badminton Team at the latest two Thomas Cups. Lin Dan realized his world medallist dream at the 15th World Badminton Championships in Madrid.& Lin Dan is a left-hand player.& He mainly uses sudden attacks mixed with clear and drops, and always attacked actively. His fast speed, nimble movement and good fall-point make his attacks sharp and threatening. He won his first world title at the World Badminton Championships by defeating Bao Chunlai in 2006. Then he and his teammates won the gold medal in men's team at The Thomas Cup at the same year. After that he won gold medals at the UK Open, the China Taipei Open, the China Hong Kong Open, the Macao Open, the World Badminton Championships, the China Open, the Badminton Championships, the China Open, and the Yiyang World Cup, and silver medal at the Malaysia Open.
In China, women's badminton began at the 1950s and reached the world-level at the 1960s. At that time, women players such as Chen Yuniang, Liang Xiaomu and Liang Qiuxia, had defeated other world medallists at all kinds of matches by using men's players' skills.& In 1980s, the China National Women's Badminton Team began to join in international matches with the Men's Team. The famous women players such as Zhang Ailing, Han Aiping and Li Lingwei, who were skillful, nimble, active and speedy, set a gold age in women's badminton skills and strategies in the world. At present, the representatives of the China National Women's Badminton Team are Xie Xingfang and Zhang Jiewen. Xie Xingfang won gold medal of women's doubles at the World Youth Badminton Championships in 1998, and won The Uber Cup with her teammates. She was one of the tops 8 at the Korea Open and the UK Open. At the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, China's Zhang Jiewen and Yang Wei won the gold medals in women's doubles by defeating their teammates Huang Sui and Gao ling(7-15, 15-4, 15-8), which was the 17th gold medals China Delegation, and Huang Sui and Gao Ling won the silver medals. China National Badminton Team totally won three gold medals, one silver medal and one bronze medal at the Athens 2004 Olympic Games. Zhang Jiewen used to cooperate with Wei Yili and won silver medal at the World Badminton Championships and the UK Open in 2001 .After the Asian Games in 2002, she began to cooperate with Yang Wei. Soon after this, they ranked world No. 3 and once World No. 1 .Then they won gold medals at the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.
China, Indonesia and Japan National Badminton Teams are the strongest three teams in the world. China and Indonesia have won 70 percent titles of the International Badminton Federation since 1934. In China, badminton has been very popular. In the city of Guangzhou, it has been a required course in many elementary schools. The China Badminton Open is a professional match, and it supplies a self-showing platform to numerous fanciers of badminton, and has really discovered many excellent badminton players. We can say that China's badminton development has made great contributions to the international badminton matches.
本文相关应用▼19人羽毛球比赛单打 分4组 单循环 取各组第一 再循环 每天一轮 打几天?
英文翻译: badmintonshuttlecock
Badminton and other outdoor games.
Let' s go to the badminton match.
Ever since the game was listed officially in the Olympics Games.
&Rules were first formalized in 1887, and the Badminton association of England was organized in 1893.&
An early form of badminton played with a flat wooden paddle and a shuttlecock.
Knock up a shuttlecock
They are knocking up a shuttlecock.
Can you return the birdie quickly enough?
He plays tennis better than badminton.
Their shuttlecock ended up on the tree branch.
sheep crowding
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取了n次。 原来乒乓球和羽毛球各有5n个。
每次取球的个数都是乒乓球比羽毛球多两个 最后羽毛球省6个 说明取了6/2=3 因此取了3次~ 因此乒乓球15个,羽毛球15个~ 你可以验算下
设一共取了X次 5X--3X=8 2X=8 X=4 3*4+8=20(个) 所以一共取得4次,羽毛球原有20个 不懂追问,求采纳
箱子里装有同样数量的乒乓球和羽毛球.每次取出5个乒乓球和3个羽毛球,取了几次乒乓球没了,羽毛球还剩6个一共取了几次?原来乒乓球和羽毛球各有多少个? 解:设一共取了X次,根据题意有 5X=3X+6 解得 X=3 即 箱子里原有乒乓球和羽毛球各15个。
解法如下: 8÷(5-3)=4 ∴一共取了4次 解析: ∵每次取出5个乒乓球和3个羽毛球 即:每次羽毛球比乒乓球少取2个 ∴每取一次,就会剩下2个羽毛球 最后剩下8个羽毛球 ∴就是取了8÷2=4次 3×4+8=20 ∴羽毛球原有20个 本题也可用方程来解: 设取了x次 根据题


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