thethe crow flyingandthepitcher短文什么意思

thecrowandthepitcher短文什么意思 thecrowandthepitcher短文什么意思
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crowed 现在分词: crowing 第三人称单数the crow and the pitcher意思是;vi; (尤指在其他人不成功时)扬扬自得地夸口; 雄鸡的啼声:乌鸦与水罐crown.
公鸡啼鸣: crows 过去式;复数: crowed 过去分词; 欢呼;复数; 投掷的人.
乌鸦: crowspitchern,报晓.
水面升高了你说得the crow and the pitcher应该就是咱们中国的《乌鸦喝水》的故事,他试了一次又一次,到处找水喝,但如果积少成多。就在他想放弃的时候。故事梗概是:有些东西虽然看起来微不足道,都没有成功,他找到了一个大水罐,他的尖嘴够不到水面,他突然想到一个主意。这个故事告诉我们。乌鸦叼来了一块小石子投到水罐里:一只乌鸦口渴了,便会带来很大变化。渐渐地,水罐里面的水并不多。终于,接着又叼了一块又一块石头放进去。然而。乌鸦高兴地喝到了水
The Crow(乌鸦)and the Fox(短文)A crow is sitting in a big tree.She has a big piece of meat in hermouth.“My babies will have a nice breakfask,” she thinks.An oldfox is looking for(寻找)his breakfast.He sees the meat.“How can I get thatpiece of maet?”he thinks.“Good morning,Mrs Crow,” says the fox sweetly.“How are thry?May Isee them?” Still (仍然),the crow doesn’t say a word.“You are verybeautiful,Mrs Crow.And you have a beantiful voice(声音),too,”says the foxvery,very sweetly.“Will you sing a song for me?” Mrs Crow thinks,“How nice MrFox is!I must sing him a song.”So she open her mouth ,“Caw!Caw!(乌鸦的叫声)”Downdrops(掉下) the meat into the fox’s mouth.问:1.What does the crow have in her mouth?2.What is the old fox looking for?3.The fox says “Good morning” to the crow.Does she say anying?4.Why (为什么)does the crowopen her mouth?5.Who gets the meat at last(最后)?
What does the crow have in her mouth?& & & & The crow has the meat in her mouth.(乌鸦嘴里有块肉.)2.What is the old fox looking for?& & The fox is looking for his breakfast.(狐狸正在寻找早餐.)3.The fox says “Good morning” to the crow.Does she say anying?& &No,she doesn't.&The crow doesn’t say a word.(乌鸦什么也没说.)4.Why (为什么)does the crow open her mouth?& &Because she wants to sing the fox a song.(因为她想给狐狸唱支歌.)5.Who gets the meat at last(最后)?& &The fox get the meat at last.(最后狐狸得到了这块肉.)
The crow &has a big piece of meat &in her mouth.The &old &fox is looking for &his breakfast.No,she &doesn&#39;t.<p...
(1)A big piece of meat(2)The old fox is looking for his breakfast.(3)She does not say a waord.(4)The crow thinks the old fox is so nice that she must sing him a song.(5)The fox gets the meat at last.
1,A piece of meat/Meat2,The oldfox is looking for his breakfast./His breakfast.3,No,she doesn't.4,Because she wants to sing asong for the fox.5,The fox.
What does the crow have in her mouth? & A big piece of meat.What is the old fox looking for? & & &&His breakfast.The fox says ...


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