
&&A-Frame 0.5.0&&Angular 1.3.6&&Angular 1.4.5&&BootStrap 3.3.6&&D3 V2&&D3 V3&&ExtJS 3.0&&TweenLite&&TweenMax&&jQuery 1.11.1&&jQuery 2.1.1&&Kinetic 5.1.0&&Mootools 1.5.0&&Prototype 1.7.2&&Raphael 2.1.2&&React 15.1.0&&React Dom 15.1.0&&Three 73&&Three 80&&Three 84&&FontAwesome 4.5.0
WebGL Three.js高质量3D旋转地球卫星云图着色器代码
HTML5基于Anime.js实现的SVG矢量图变形动画 - 地标切换
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(function() {
var rand, umd, slice = [].
rand = function() {
return (Math.random().toString(36) + &00000&).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, &&).slice(0, 5)
umd = function(factory) {
if (typeof exports === &object&) {
return module.exports = factory()
} else if (typeof define === &function& && define.amd) {
return define([], factory)
return this.textures = factory()
umd(function() {
circles: function() {
var background, circles, complement, fill, id, radius, size, stroke, strokeW
size = 20;
background = &&;
radius = 2;
complement =
fill = &#343434&;
stroke = &#343434&;
strokeWidth = 0;
id = rand();
circles = function() {
var corner, g, i, len, ref,
g = this.append(&defs&).append(&pattern&).attr({
patternUnits: &userSpaceOnUse&,
width: size,
height: size
if (background) {
width: size,
height: size,
fill: background
cx: size / 2,
cy: size / 2,
r: radius,
fill: fill,
stroke: stroke,
&stroke-width&: strokeWidth
if (complement) {
[0, size],
[size, 0],
[size, size]
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = ref. i & i++) {
corner = ref[i];
cx: corner[0],
cy: corner[1],
r: radius,
fill: fill,
stroke: stroke,
&stroke-width&: strokeWidth
return results
circles.heavier = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
radius = radius * 2
radius = _ ? radius * 2 * _ : radius * 2
return circles
circles.lighter = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
radius = radius / 2
radius = _ ? radius / (2 * _) : radius / 2
return circles
circles.thinner = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
size = size * 2
size = _ ? size * 2 * _ : size * 2
return circles
circles.thicker = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
size = size / 2
size = _ ? size / (2 * _) : size / 2
return circles
circles.background = function(_) {
background = _;
return circles
circles.size = function(_) {
return circles
circles.complement = function() {
complement =
return circles
circles.radius = function(_) {
radius = _;
return circles
circles.fill = function(_) {
return circles
circles.stroke = function(_) {
stroke = _;
return circles
circles.strokeWidth = function(_) {
strokeWidth = _;
return circles
circles.id = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return circles
circles.url = function() {
return &url(#& + id + &)&
return circles
lines: function() {
var background, id, lines, orientation, path, shapeRendering, size, stroke, strokeW
size = 20;
strokeWidth = 2;
stroke = &#343434&;
id = rand();
background = &&;
orientation = [&diagonal&];
shapeRendering = &auto&;
path = function(orientation) {
switch (orientation) {
case &0/8&:
return function(s) {
return &M & + s / 2 + &, 0 l 0, & + s
case &vertical&:
return function(s) {
return &M & + s / 2 + &, 0 l 0, & + s
case &1/8&:
return function(s) {
return &M & + s / 4 + &,0 l & + s / 2 + &,& + s + & M & + -s / 4 + &,0 l & + s / 2 + &,& + s + &\nM & + s * 3 / 4 + &,0 l & + s / 2 + &,& + s
case &2/8&:
return function(s) {
return &M 0,& + s + & l & + s + &,& + -s + & M & + -s / 4 + &,& + s / 4 + & l & + s / 2 + &,& + -s / 2 + &\nM & + 3 / 4 * s + &,& + 5 / 4 * s + & l & + s / 2 + &,& + -s / 2
case &diagonal&:
return function(s) {
return &M 0,& + s + & l & + s + &,& + -s + & M & + -s / 4 + &,& + s / 4 + & l & + s / 2 + &,& + -s / 2 + &\nM & + 3 / 4 * s + &,& + 5 / 4 * s + & l & + s / 2 + &,& + -s / 2
case &3/8&:
return function(s) {
return &M 0,& + 3 / 4 * s + & l & + s + &,& + -s / 2 + & M 0,& + s / 4 + & l & + s + &,& + -s / 2 + &\nM 0,& + s * 5 / 4 + & l & + s + &,& + -s / 2
case &4/8&:
return function(s) {
return &M 0,& + s / 2 + & l & + s + &,0&
case &horizontal&:
return function(s) {
return &M 0,& + s / 2 + & l & + s + &,0&
case &5/8&:
return function(s) {
return &M 0,& + -s / 4 + & l & + s + &,& + s / 2 + &M 0,& + s / 4 + & l & + s + &,& + s / 2 + &\nM 0,& + s * 3 / 4 + & l & + s + &,& + s / 2
case &6/8&:
return function(s) {
return &M 0,0 l & + s + &,& + s + & M & + -s / 4 + &,& + 3 / 4 * s + & l & + s / 2 + &,& + s / 2 + &\nM & + s * 3 / 4 + &,& + -s / 4 + & l & + s / 2 + &,& + s / 2
case &7/8&:
return function(s) {
return &M & + -s / 4 + &,0 l & + s / 2 + &,& + s + & M & + s / 4 + &,0 l & + s / 2 + &,& + s + &\nM & + s * 3 / 4 + &,0 l & + s / 2 + &,& + s
return function(s) {
return &M & + s / 2 + &, 0 l 0, & + s
lines = function() {
var g, i, len, o,
g = this.append(&defs&).append(&pattern&).attr({
patternUnits: &userSpaceOnUse&,
width: size,
height: size
if (background) {
width: size,
height: size,
fill: background
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = orientation. i & i++) {
o = orientation[i];
d: path(o),
&stroke-width&: strokeWidth,
&shape-rendering&: shapeRendering,
stroke: stroke,
&stroke-linecap&: &square&
return results
lines.background = function(_) {
background = _;
return lines
lines.shapeRendering = function(_) {
shapeRendering = _;
return lines
lines.heavier = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
strokeWidth = strokeWidth * 2
strokeWidth = _ ? strokeWidth * 2 * _ : strokeWidth * 2
return lines
lines.lighter = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
strokeWidth = strokeWidth / 2
strokeWidth = _ ? strokeWidth / (2 * _) : strokeWidth / 2
return lines
lines.thinner = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
size = size * 2
size = _ ? size * 2 * _ : size * 2
return lines
lines.thicker = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
size = size / 2
size = _ ? size / (2 * _) : size / 2
return lines
lines.orientation = function() {
args = 1 &= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
orientation =
return lines
lines.size = function(_) {
return lines
lines.stroke = function(_) {
stroke = _;
return lines
lines.strokeWidth = function(_) {
strokeWidth = _;
return lines
lines.id = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return lines
lines.url = function() {
return &url(#& + id + &)&
return lines
paths: function() {
var background, d, fill, height, id, paths, shapeRendering, size, stroke, strokeWidth, svgPath,
size = 20;
height = 1;
width = 1;
strokeWidth = 2;
stroke = &#343434&;
background = &&;
shapeRendering = &auto&;
fill = &transparent&;
id = void 0;
svgPath = function(_) {
switch (_) {
case &squares&:
return function(s) {
return &M & + s / 4 + & & + s / 4 + & l & + s / 2 + & 0 l 0 & + s / 2 + & l & + -s / 2 + & 0 Z&
case &nylon&:
return function(s) {
return &M 0 & + s / 4 + & l & + s / 4 + & 0 l 0 & + -s / 4 + & M & + s * 3 / 4 + & & + s + & l 0 & + -s / 4 + &\nl & + s / 4 + & 0 M & + s / 4 + & & + s / 2 + & l 0 & + s / 4 + & l & + s / 4 + & 0 M & + s / 2 + & & + s / 4 + &\nl & + s / 4 + & 0 l 0 & + s / 4
case &waves&:
return function(s) {
return &M 0 & + s / 2 + & c & + s / 8 + & & + -s / 4 + & , & + s * 3 / 8 + & & + -s / 4 + & , & + s / 2 + & 0\nc & + s / 8 + & & + s / 4 + & , & + s * 3 / 8 + & & + s / 4 + & , & + s / 2 + & 0 M & + -s / 2 + & & + s / 2 + &\nc & + s / 8 + & & + s / 4 + & , & + s * 3 / 8 + & & + s / 4 + & , & + s / 2 + & 0 M & + s + & & + s / 2 + &\nc & + s / 8 + & & + -s / 4 + & , & + s * 3 / 8 + & & + -s / 4 + & , & + s / 2 + & 0&
case &woven&:
return function(s) {
return &M & + s / 4 + &,& + s / 4 + &l& + s / 2 + &,& + s / 2 + &M& + s * 3 / 4 + &,& + s / 4 + &l& + s / 2 + &,& + -s / 2 + &\nM& + s / 4 + &,& + s * 3 / 4 + &l& + -s / 2 + &,& + s / 2 + &M& + s * 3 / 4 + &,& + s * 5 / 4 + &l& + s / 2 + &,& + -s / 2 + &\nM& + -s / 4 + &,& + s / 4 + &l& + s / 2 + &,& + -s / 2
case &crosses&:
return function(s) {
return &M & + s / 4 + &,& + s / 4 + &l& + s / 2 + &,& + s / 2 + &M& + s / 4 + &,& + s * 3 / 4 + &l& + s / 2 + &,& + -s / 2
case &caps&:
return function(s) {
return &M & + s / 4 + &,& + s * 3 / 4 + &l& + s / 4 + &,& + -s / 2 + &l& + s / 4 + &,& + s / 2
case &hexagons&:
return function(s) {
width = 3;
height = Math.sqrt(3);
return &M & + s + &,0 l & + s + &,0 l & + s / 2 + &,& + s * Math.sqrt(3) / 2 + &\nl & + -s / 2 + &,& + s * Math.sqrt(3) / 2 + & l & + -s + &,0\nl & + -s / 2 + &,& + -s * Math.sqrt(3) / 2 + & Z M 0,& + s * Math.sqrt(3) / 2 + &\nl & + s / 2 + &,0 M & + 3 * s + &,& + s * Math.sqrt(3) / 2 + & l & + -s / 2 + &,0&
return _(size)
paths = function() {
path = svgPath(d);
id = rand();
g = this.append(&defs&).append(&pattern&).attr({
patternUnits: &userSpaceOnUse&,
width: size * width,
height: size * height
if (background) {
width: size * width,
height: size * height,
fill: background
return g.append(&path&).attr({
fill: fill,
&stroke-width&: strokeWidth,
&shape-rendering&: shapeRendering,
stroke: stroke,
&stroke-linecap&: &square&
paths.background = function(_) {
background = _;
return paths
paths.shapeRendering = function(_) {
shapeRendering = _;
return paths
paths.heavier = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
strokeWidth = strokeWidth * 2
strokeWidth = _ ? strokeWidth * 2 * _ : strokeWidth * 2
return paths
paths.lighter = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
strokeWidth = strokeWidth / 2
strokeWidth = _ ? strokeWidth / (2 * _) : strokeWidth / 2
return paths
paths.thinner = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
size = size * 2
size = _ ? size * 2 * _ : size * 2
return paths
paths.thicker = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
size = size / 2
size = _ ? size / (2 * _) : size / 2
return paths
paths.d = function(_) {
return paths
paths.size = function(_) {
return paths
paths.stroke = function(_) {
stroke = _;
return paths
paths.strokeWidth = function(_) {
strokeWidth = _;
return paths
paths.id = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return paths
paths.url = function() {
return &url(#& + id + &)&
return paths
if (document.createElement('svg').getAttributeNS) {
var checkbxsCross = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('form.ac-cross input[type=&checkbox&]')),
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checkbxsList = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('form.ac-list input[type=&checkbox&]')),
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radiobxsFill.forEach(function(el, i) {
controlRadiobox(el, 'fill');
checkbxsCheckmark.forEach(function(el, i) {
controlCheckbox(el, 'checkmark');
radiobxsCircle.forEach(function(el, i) {
controlRadiobox(el, 'circle');
checkbxsBoxfill.forEach(function(el, i) {
controlCheckbox(el, 'boxfill');
radiobxsSwirl.forEach(function(el, i) {
controlRadiobox(el, 'swirl');
checkbxsDiagonal.forEach(function(el, i) {
controlCheckbox(el, 'diagonal');
checkbxsList.forEach(function(el) {
controlCheckbox(el, 'list', {
viewBox: '0 0 300 100',
preserveAspectRatio: 'none'
function draw(el, type) {
var paths = [],
svg = el.parentNode.querySelector('svg');
switch (type) {
case 'cross':
pathDef = pathDefs.
animDef = animDefs.
case 'fill':
pathDef = pathDefs.
animDef = animDefs.
case 'checkmark':
pathDef = pathDefs.
animDef = animDefs.
case 'circle':
pathDef = pathDefs.
animDef = animDefs.
case 'boxfill':
pathDef = pathDefs.
animDef = animDefs.
case 'swirl':
pathDef = pathDefs.
animDef = animDefs.
case 'diagonal':
pathDef = pathDefs.
animDef = animDefs.
case 'list':
pathDef = pathDefs.
animDef = animDefs.
paths.push(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path'));
if (type === 'cross' || type === 'list') {
paths.push(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path'));
for (var i = 0, len = paths. i & ++i) {
var path = paths[i];
path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', pathDef[i]);
var length = path.getTotalLength();
// Clear any previous transition
//path.style.transition = path.style.WebkitTransition = path.style.MozTransition = 'none';
// Set up the starting positions
path.style.strokeDasharray = length + ' ' +
if (i === 0) {
path.style.strokeDashoffset = Math.floor(length) - 1;
} else path.style.strokeDashoffset =
// Trigger a layout so styles are calculated & the browser
// picks up the starting position before animating
// Define our transition
path.style.transition = path.style.WebkitTransition = path.style.MozTransition = 'stroke-dashoffset ' + animDef.speed + 's ' + animDef.easing + ' ' + i * animDef.speed + 's';
path.style.strokeDashoffset = '0';
function reset(el) {
Array.prototype.slice.call(el.parentNode.querySelectorAll('svg & path')).forEach(function(el) {
function resetRadio(el) {
Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('input[type=&radio&][name=&' + el.getAttribute('name') + '&]')).forEach(function(el) {
var path = el.parentNode.querySelector('svg & path');
if (path) {
function calls() {
var svg = d3.selectAll(&svg&);
var austria = d3.select(&[id='at']&);
var belgium = d3.select(&[id='be']&);
var bulgaria = d3.select(&[id='bg']&);
// var croatia = d3.select(&[id='es']&);
var cyprus = d3.select(&[id='cy']&);
var czech_republic = d3.select(&[id='cz']&);
var denmark = d3.select(&[id='dk']&);
var estonia = d3.select(&[id='ee']&);
var finland = d3.select(&[id='fi']&);
var france = d3.select(&[id='fr']&);
var germany = d3.select(&[id='de']&);
var greece = d3.select(&[id='gr']&);
var hungary = d3.select(&[id='hu']&);
var ireland = d3.select(&[id='ie']&);
var italy = d3.select(&[id='it']&);
var latvia = d3.select(&[id='lv']&);
var lithuania = d3.select(&[id='lt']&);
var luxemburg = d3.select(&[id='lu']&);
var malta = d3.select(&[id='mt']&);
var netherlands = d3.select(&[id='nl']&);
var north_ireland = d3.select(&[id='gb-nir']&);
var poland = d3.select(&[id='pl']&);
var portugal = d3.select(&[id='pt']&);
var romania = d3.select(&[id='ro']&);
var slovakia = d3.select(&[id='sk']&);
var slovenia = d3.select(&[id='si']&);
var spain = d3.select(&[id='es']&);
var sweden = d3.select(&[id='se']&);
var united_kingdom = d3.select(&[id='gb-main']&);
austria.style(&stroke&, &black&);
belgium.style(&stroke&, &black&);
bulgaria.style(&stroke&, &black&);
cyprus.style(&stroke&, &black&);
czech_republic.style(&stroke&, &black&);
denmark.style(&stroke&, &black&);
estonia.style(&stroke&, &black&);
finland.style(&stroke&, &black&);
france.style(&stroke&, &black&);
germany.style(&stroke&, &black&);
greece.style(&stroke&, &black&);
hungary.style(&stroke&, &black&);
ireland.style(&stroke&, &black&);
italy.style(&stroke&, &black&);
latvia.style(&stroke&, &black&);
lithuania.style(&stroke&, &black&);
luxemburg.style(&stroke&, &black&);
malta.style(&stroke&, &black&);
netherlands.style(&stroke&, &black&);
north_ireland.style(&stroke&, &black&);
poland.style(&stroke&, &black&);
portugal.style(&stroke&, &black&);
romania.style(&stroke&, &black&);
slovakia.style(&stroke&, &black&);
slovenia.style(&stroke&, &black&);
spain.style(&stroke&, &black&);
sweden.style(&stroke&, &black&);
united_kingdom.style(&stroke&, &black&);
var veryHigh = d3.select(&[id='veryHigh']&);
var high = d3.select(&[id='high']&);
var midHigh = d3.select(&[id='midHigh']&);
var midLow = d3.select(&[id='midLow']&);
var low = d3.select(&[id='low']&);
var veryLow = d3.select(&[id='veryLow']&);
var t = textures.lines().orientation(&vertical&).size(90).strokeWidth(3); // Very Low
var t1 = textures.lines().heavier(2).size(90); // Low
var t2 = textures.circles().size(90).heavier(5); // Mid Low
var t3 = textures.lines().size(55).strokeWidth(20); // Mid High
var t4 = textures.lines().heavier(9).thinner(1.5).size(90); // High
var t5 = textures.lines().heavier(10).thinner(1.5); // Very High
var mt = textures.lines().orientation(&vertical&).size(10).strokeWidth(1); // Very Low
var mt1 = textures.lines().thinner(10).size(15); // Low
var mt2 = textures.circles().size(10); // Mid Low
var mt3 = textures.lines().size(6).strokeWidth(1.6); // Mid High
var mt4 = textures.lines().size(8).strokeWidth(3); // High
var mt5 = textures.lines().size(9).strokeWidth(1).heavier(3); // Very High
veryHigh.style(&fill&, mt5.url());
high.style(&fill&, mt4.url());
midHigh.style(&fill&, mt3.url());
midLow.style(&fill&, mt2.url());
low.style(&fill&, mt1.url());
veryLow.style(&fill&, mt.url());
function educationPainter() {
austria.style(&fill&, t2.url());
belgium.style(&fill&, t2.url());
bulgaria.style(&fill&, t.url());
cyprus.style(&fill&, t.url());
czech_republic.style(&fill&, t3.url());
denmark.style(&fill&, t1.url());
estonia.style(&fill&, t5.url());
finland.style(&fill&, t5.url());
france.style(&fill&, t1.url());
germany.style(&fill&, t4.url());
greece.style(&fill&, t.url());
hungary.style(&fill&, t1.url());
ireland.style(&fill&, t.url());
italy.style(&fill&, t1.url());
latvia.style(&fill&, t.url());
lithuania.style(&fill&, t1.url());
luxemburg.style(&fill&, t1.url());
malta.style(&fill&, t.url());
netherlands.style(&fill&, t4.url());
north_ireland.style(&fill&, t3.url());
poland.style(&fill&, t4.url());
portugal.style(&fill&, t1.url());
romania.style(&fill&, t.url());
slovakia.style(&fill&, t1.url());
slovenia.style(&fill&, t3.url());
spain.style(&fill&, t1.url());
sweden.style(&fill&, t1.url());
united_kingdom.style(&fill&, t3.url());
function humDevPainter() {
austria.style(&fill&, t4.url());
belgium.style(&fill&, t4.url());
bulgaria.style(&fill&, t2.url());
cyprus.style(&fill&, t3.url());
czech_republic.style(&fill&, t4.url());
denmark.style(&fill&, t5.url());
estonia.style(&fill&, t3.url());
finland.style(&fill&, t4.url());
france.style(&fill&, t4.url());
germany.style(&fill&, t5.url());
greece.style(&fill&, t4.url());
hungary.style(&fill&, t3.url());
ireland.style(&fill&, t4.url());
italy.style(&fill&, t4.url());
latvia.style(&fill&, t3.url());
lithuania.style(&fill&, t3.url());
luxemburg.style(&fill&, t4.url());
malta.style(&fill&, t3.url());
netherlands.style(&fill&, t5.url());
north_ireland.style(&fill&, t4.url());
poland.style(&fill&, t3.url());
portugal.style(&fill&, t3.url());
romania.style(&fill&, t2.url());
slovakia.style(&fill&, t3.url());
slovenia.style(&fill&, t4.url());
spain.style(&fill&, t4.url());
sweden.style(&fill&, t4.url());
united_kingdom.style(&fill&, t4.url());
function unemployementPainter() {
austria.style(&fill&, t1.url());
belgium.style(&fill&, t2.url());
bulgaria.style(&fill&, t3.url());
cyprus.style(&fill&, t4.url());
czech_republic.style(&fill&, t1.url());
denmark.style(&fill&, t1.url());
estonia.style(&fill&, t1.url());
finland.style(&fill&, t2.url());
france.style(&fill&, t3.url());
germany.style(&fill&, t.url());
greece.style(&fill&, t5.url());
hungary.style(&fill&, t2.url());
ireland.style(&fill&, t2.url());
italy.style(&fill&, t3.url());
latvia.style(&fill&, t2.url());
lithuania.style(&fill&, t2.url());
luxemburg.style(&fill&, t1.url());
malta.style(&fill&, t1.url());
netherlands.style(&fill&, t1.url());
north_ireland.style(&fill&, t2.url());
poland.style(&fill&, t2.url());
portugal.style(&fill&, t3.url());
romania.style(&fill&, t2.url());
slovakia.style(&fill&, t3.url());
slovenia.style(&fill&, t2.url());
spain.style(&fill&, t5.url());
sweden.style(&fill&, t2.url());
united_kingdom.style(&fill&, t1.url());
function pppPainter() {
austria.style(&fill&, t5.url());
belgium.style(&fill&, t5.url());
bulgaria.style(&fill&, t.url());
cyprus.style(&fill&, t2.url());
czech_republic.style(&fill&, t2.url());
denmark.style(&fill&, t5.url());
estonia.style(&fill&, t1.url());
finland.style(&fill&, t5.url());
france.style(&fill&, t4.url());
germany.style(&fill&, t4.url());
greece.style(&fill&, t2.url());
hungary.style(&fill&, t.url());
ireland.style(&fill&, t4.url());
italy.style(&fill&, t3.url());
latvia.style(&fill&, t.url());
lithuania.style(&fill&, t.url());
luxemburg.style(&fill&, t5.url());
malta.style(&fill&, t2.url());
netherlands.style(&fill&, t5.url());
north_ireland.style(&fill&, t3.url());
poland.style(&fill&, t.url());
portugal.style(&fill&, t2.url());
romania.style(&fill&, t.url());
slovakia.style(&fill&, t1.url());
slovenia.style(&fill&, t2.url());
spain.style(&fill&, t3.url());
sweden.style(&fill&, t5.url());
united_kingdom.style(&fill&, t3.url());
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style=&opacity:1;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#stroke-width:8;display:& d=&M 31.9437 C 52.16,06.18 M 83.5376 C 86.77,77.71 C 87.77,80.81 C 49.8,86.37 M 58.8241 C 63.34,62.48 C 88.22,8.95 C 91.787 74.24, C 78.92,75.22 C 07.41,9.38 C 84.18,88.95 C 98.52,22.95 C 04.57,07.02 C 9.63,04.36, C 53.42,94.19 C 42.47,21.09 C 2.05,08.93 C 46.2,94.78 C 55.63,91.56 C 43.76,76.83 C 55.29,61.46 C 9.82,83.17 C 76.14,81.58 C 70.93,04.53 C 75.75,59.36 C 3.3,8.53 C 3.62,6.13 C 19.42,07.83 C 36.5,4.585, C 75.93,65.54 C 92.93,65.12 C 18.78,75.86 C 07.405 93.73, C 14.63,5.08 C 13.34,57.86 C 03.51,62.67 C 31.88,84.72 C 76.97,41.99 C 57.98,83.1 C 69.031 84.41, C 89.09,92.96 C 84.22,1.8 C 90.64,54.01 C 76.57,17.82 C 29.01,41.85 C 82.39,60.7 C 92.03,58.92 C 08.71,57.94 C 52.25,77.81 C 82.1,84.86 C 77.94,00.382, C 02.64,44.67 C 30.98,56.22 C 74.57,83.86 C 97.08,66.66 C 9.52,93.43 C 09.3,76.25 C 06.38,02.87 C 08.223 85.18, C 25.4,72.46 C 6.62,83.26 C 44.09,9.16 C 29.64,36.89 C 22.46,49.31 C 45.807 10.68, C 21.92,63.25 C 37.33,60.85 C 47.08,49.9 C 41.829 38.5, C 40.16,12.85 C 54.65,39.8 C 56.23,36.18 C 93.423 80.3, C 87.82,66.61 C 94.26,07.88 C 07.15,84.51 C 07.42,02.41 C 09.31,09.88 C 99.8,26.78 C 7.819 17.06, C 7.819 12.99, C 22.09,79.47 C 45.46,76.44 C 80.5,32.93 C 86.01,23.67 C 12.58,4.72 C 09.45,49.57 C 15.242 26.86, C 26.94,81.751, C 98.044 15.242 9.4772 C 92.22,0.18 C 82.1,92.72 C 00.88,4.77 C 90.78,90.88 C 85.93,77.45 C 92.93,78.563, C 67.35,69.964, C 86.75,35.568, C 69.34,45.18 C 2.97,61.18 C 95.56,69.89 C 18.34,56.57 C 12.07,55.57 C 08.43,18.77 C 99.58,08.15 C 22.26,09.3 C 99.73,92.18 C 69.,93.363, C 6.82,56.86 C 52.62,97.99 C 0.26,93.89 C 09.96,31.4 C 99.57,21.2 C 18.2,92.57 C 12.35,88.89 C 0.61,62.38 C 55.39,52.37 C 15.242 25.62, C 99.28,8.1 C 95.13,4.23 C 82.08,86.34 C 72.62,98.34 C 66.1,21.01 C 43.84,37.32 C 45.43,44.79 C 29.81,1.544,5019.22 C 13.03,84.49 C 4.77,01.03 C 90.77,76.165, C 59.43,66.18 C 67.72,76.53 C 41.829 98.07, C 78.85,12.58 C 16.032 17.83, C 18.24,79.58 C 23.28,09.05 C 18.24,84.764, C 70.13,37.19 C 87.69,30.1 C 35.74,24.37 C 45.807 34.14, C 4.5,87.9 C 58.45,58.54 C 57.11,41.05 C 34.86,68.1 C 37.84,28.21 C 21.27,25.56 C 71.98,85.07 C 81.77,05.96 C 65.16,27.23 C 5.94,04.99 C 01.19,93.363, C 06.91,31.84 C 23.7,7.14 C 03.14,1.65 C 7.04,90.76 C 79.19,06.18 C 76.26,44.957, C 72.43,43.33 C 4.87,69.49 C 80.46,08.86 C 82.85,26.92 C 92.16,22.348, C 0.8,68.38 C 90.39,51.76 C 76.,35.94 C 30.85,52.2 C 13.87,1.61 C 01.12,48.81 C 53.14,78.12 C 58.92,72.95 C 43.68,88.62 C 02.24,49.578, C 43.76,49.578, C 98.59,33.4 C 08.7,29.76 C 84.58,12.85 C 31.71,59.59 C 85.34,63.17 C 88.98,94.7 C 66.808 75.407 73.9738 C 72.39,49.578, C 9.95,28.59 C 86.58,05.27 C 85.14,85.12 C 96.97,76.81 C 89.24,79.97 C 79.66,73.49 C 94.07,67.17 C 82.17,44.957, C 53.28,37.39 C 09.26,19.16, C 23.31,64.95 C 5.4,83.05 C 12.04,07.33 C 0.77,27.759, C 53.06,44.957, C 37.95,22.4 C 97.21,30.5 C 83.53,34.89 C 46.28,65.48 C 87.75,40.99 C 1.75,42.03 C 11.33,43.28 C 95.4,80.87 C 41.04,84.764, C 83.55,67.566, C 89.33,1.45 C 01.994 07.33, C 22.86,41.62 C 42.48,46.84 C 55.79,11.11 C 50.79,27.04 C 20.625 01.994 90.5286 C 90.55,71.16 C 57.43,50.368, C 54.35,68.62 C 23.07,48.77 C 33.202 27.19, C 05.5,80.27 C 61.67,97.15 C 50.68,17.74 C 51.19,97.57 C 24.02,47.93 C 09.21,29.98 C 01.38,46.86 C 87.11,33.44 C 05.26,16.61 C 22.45,7.566, C 35.23,73.3 C 41.45,77.2 C 57.62,98.774, C 55.811 1.72, C 40.99,41.35 C 04.03,38.44 C 04.53,48.93 C 7.43,56.5 C 17.8,48.71 C 99.7,63.71 C 04.72,96.01 C 99.84,30.27 C 72.5,79.96 C 8.23,3.78 C 8.51,4.35 C 9.84,04.76 C 03.53,37.49 C 9.43,39.9 C 65.2 56.601 50.8683 C 8.002 97.31, C 0.21,37.7 C 02.16,50. C 92.34,75.85 C 73.82,65.31 C 46.24,86.61 C 44.29,80.34 C 17.56,89.92 C 33.21,22.348, C 26.63,5.8 C 86.16,19.55 C 1.819 96.53, C 91.787 98.75, C 91.787 88.85, C 74.05,33.41 z M 87.9557 C 92.67,59.79 C 00.45,50.11 C 06.29,70.84 C 95.29,60.38 C 06.92,65.96 C 13.72,55.164, C 3.29,63.23 C 30.5,47.08 C 49.582 63.11, C 6.43,25.11 C 66.13,42.08 C 25.01,23.61 C 38.26,06.59 C 12.58,13.96 C 10.28,46.565, C 05.08,58.57 z M 45.9256 C 83.81,22.11 C 98.91,40.55 C 24.11,5.45 C 35.54,51.97 C 41.66,67.56 z M 76.0221 C 87.4,81.17 C 14.14,60.61 C 3.13,44.24 C 24.18,38.58 C 60.06,26.94 C 62.89,03.63 C 82.25,90.175, C 46.16,24.99 C 41.67,00.92 C 4.94,13.66 C 21.62,08.34 C 16.67,5.55 C 68.06,8.85 C 6.91,46.16 C 63.02,74.53 C 6.5,77.26 C 64.62,04.46 C 55.79,11.21 z&
class=&eu europe& id=&gb-main& /&
&path id=&si& class=&eu europe& d=&M 74.5379 C 73.58,1.52 C 71.58,98.86 C 00.21,75.17 C 00.94,74.38 C 20.08,22.08 C 50.87,32.91 C 42.01,81.98 C 35.57,97.14 C 49.04,82.36 C 56.21,91.69 C 98.4,38.79 C 73.66,22.01 C 80.69,95.99 C 3.47,88.09 C 56.2,78.79 C 98.12,12.38 C 82.,12.58 C 98.83,60.58 C 90.98,62.28 C 82.78,80.53 C 70.83,59.67 C 22.154 03.29, C 89.59,41.43 C 77.83,63.15 C 51.75,26.72 C 14.93,67.59 C 91.24,64.59 C 93.73,92.54 C 97.,26.06 C 08.61,60.81 C 03.67,79.33 C 14.57,83.852, C 97.32,09.32 C 81.22,15.2 C 45.52,97.94 C 57.34 44.33, C 40.09,65.864, C 44.45,60.93 C 11.99,94.59 C 05.53,1.79 z&
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&path id=&dk& class=&eu europe& d=&M 43.917 C 41.03,67.21 C 28.17,35.21 C 20.95,37.14 C 98.8,42.4 C 6.9,40.039, C 46.54,37.04 C 14.932 29.61, C 87.82,89.27 C 53.14,92.91 C 76.93,5.73 C 10.311 01.712 04.5783 C 07.46,5.62 C 23.56,4.45 C 97.51,88.13 C 70.92,88.42 C 51.46,94.79 C 47.19,01.81 C 94.98,08.2 C 45.4,85.39 C 62.08,87.51 C 24.321 18.37, C 15.722 15.722 14.2888 C 07.123 98.73, C 8.2,98.76 C 89.78,07.29 C 6.93 56.37, C 31.42,41.78 C 39.42,40.64 C 44.32,53.58 C 23.76,71.58 C 31.2,13.452, C 48.25,10.75 C 75.11,19.51 C 95.62,00.51 C 91.11,20.98 C 08.47,19.25 C 12.06,33.73 C 31.13,3.58 C 51.76,40.51 C 97.01,19.18 C 70.94,03.59 C 1.88,64.55 C 84.47,36.28 C 89.135 83.39, C 96.39,9.72 C 99.03,71.72 C 99.61,83.94 C 04.57,6.87 C 90.91,49.99 C 06.333 96.65, C 46.38,65.046, C 6.52,47.25 C 95.06,14.4 C 83.724 90.05, C 7.37,04.853, C 49.328 0.78, C 80.61,79.96 C 26.49,57.94 C 07.18,58.62 C 12.17,1.52 C 22.32,48.79 C 26.06,40.99 C 40.06,3.38 C 60.59,51.6 C 82.9,23.82 C 09.79,38.82 C 10.86,58.16 C 38.96,43.94 C 25.22,23.7 z M 0.6869 C 03.65,94.61 C 26.28,98.596, z M 50.2366 C 86.92,31.51 C 66.29,24.47 C 73.46,38.68 C 87.499 04.697 04.697 C 03.92,25.68 C 63.16,20.66 z M 06.0115 L 07.4445 C 95.96,1.83 C 07.34,8.73 C 21.12,48.79 C 64.51,52.87 C 3.96,26.35 C 16.01,42.04 L 49.328 C 59.26,08.91 C 83.724 05.26, C 06.19,73.3 C 95.51,88.62 C 83.724 72.97, C 60.03,68.234, C 9.23,46.33 C 59.48,26.96 C 63.58,23.7 C 34.79,08.96 C 30.64,20.74 C 84.37,90.843, C 73.77,83.13 C 57.77,52.21 C 18.91 1.89, C 13.11,9. C 21.23,61.25 C 24.16,09.86 C 66.14,95.98 C 99.21,08.89 C 18.91 26.51,4218.91 C 13.46,4.15 z M 35.3179 L 35.3179 C 36.84,15.43 C 41.84,15.7 C 46.63,04.91 C 56.72,95.12 C 63.09,94.45 C 66.09,94.75 C 66.09,94.12 C 63.97,1.12 C 65.18,49.97 C 75.48,2.23 C 51.47,99.442, C 39.74,25.41 C 28.97,92.33 C 48.09,94.65 C 35.08,73.04 C 8.19,89.09 C 19.11,24.84 C 32.74,22.79 z M 26.0757 C 28.82,89.11 C 28.51,9.57 z M 52.3411 C 68.106 45.3, C 4.83,79.93 C 11.32,34.93 C 26.68,05.78 C 36.88,4.2 C 8.86,1.83 C 4.34,55.68 C 54.7,28.7 C 74.95,34.88 C 12.88,40.039, C 02.88,23.82 C 89.96,79.41 C 22.67,12.14 C 15.37,39.45 C 95.37,26.78 C 43.64,40.11 z M 39.6174 L 1.0506 C 43.917 48.19, C 55.51,86.23 C 49.3,72.74 z&
style=&fill-opacity:1;stroke:#stroke-width:8& /&
&path id=&be& class=&eu europe& d=&M 27.0686 C 25.64,58.23 C 22.27,30.18 C 25.05,24.421, C 02.88,10.47 C 01.2,15.822, C 94.57,10.62 C 8.35,01.27 C 88.45,88.47 C 71.79,58.56 C 61.143 52.544 45.3781 C 39.59,54.96 C 25.85,61.85 C 09.549 05.44, C 93.32,38.431, C 46.22,75.69 C 19.71,86.59 C 03.17,76.37 C 89.02,88.98 C 49.41,23.24 C 46.41,25.12 C 10.17,80.7 C 02.92,65.018, C 7.31,37.78 C 77.5,01.31 C 01.74 01.74 01.74 C 94.75,02.24 L 58.745 C 96.68,53.56 C 83.8,53.78 C 03.39,96.67 C 80.73,16.19 C 1.98,16.04 C 1.93,28.35 C 1.08,45.28 C 48.05,44.19 C 71.12,78.97 C 51.44,71.45 C 80.34,1.24 C 51.57,22.41 C 98.49,94.646, C 24.35,7.33 C 9.81,76.71 C 57.08,81.66 C 63.86,71.19 C 06.361 96.329 97.7621 L 97.7621 C 07.26,6.9 C 26.11,37.22 C 30.89,29.02 C 50.69,49.19 C 82.57,16.85 C 86.54,65.03 C 68.82,73.59 L 27.0686 z&
style=&fill-opacity:1;stroke:#stroke-width:8& /&
&path id=&at& class=&eu europe& d=&M 16.8897 C 26.64,41.98 C 46.79,3.61 C 51.22,3.95 L 91.4142 L 08.6122 C 10.08,69.18 C 15.44,67.39 C 31.56,93.51 C 53.79,36.13 C 21.96,44.51 C 53.81,70.51 C 3.94,16.62 C 60.11,35.08 C 12.72,09.13 C 15.12,69.69 C 97.65,58.54 C 40.87,81.56 C 41.46,80.05 C 55.36,8.05 C 3.58,0.37 C 87.12,92.54 C 97.,26.06 C 08.61,60.81 C 03.67,79.33 C 14.57,83.852, C 97.32,09.32 C 81.22,15.2 C 45.52,97.94 C 57.34 44.33, C 40.09,65.864, C 44.45,60.93 C 0.77,73.22 L 08.6122 C 79.949 75.07, C 8.01,07.12 C 3.18,38.1 C 52.74,03.77 C 30.46,83.56 C 32.24,84.26 C 59.72,40.28 C 00.51,40.77 C 46.65,26.057, C 53.95,4.23 C 40.52,5.35 C 57.77,57.265, C 50.67,44.045, C 18.65,23.02 C 25.957 18.43, C 14.27,02.48 C 8.64,1.05, C 67.15,82.62 C 61.35,70.85 C 01.91,40.63 C 89.76,30.48 C 13.03,60.84 L 71.8184 C 7a6.29,62.68 C 23.08,21.75 C 7.17,14.7 C 26.12,06.87 C 3.8,31.33 C 00.09,66.09 C 50.97,4.48 C 88.51,73.34 C 16.04,67.92 C 08.19,5.68 C 3.68,2.58 C 91.21,94.73 C 76.761 83.87, C 79.51,69.83 C 72.55,64.256, C 02.558 93.959 01.1248 C 03.14,83.97 C 21.03,65.29 C 19.08,63.81 C 31.37,08.35 C 38.09,05.49 C 25.57,95.24 C 19.84,00.29 C 99.38,43.39 C 09.49,46.75 C 01.49,43.08 C 41.84,06.41 C 58.84,12.98 C 42.62,03.93 C 48.4,94.821, C 39.67,94.821, C 24.2,80.34 C 11.157 18.44, C 14.44,61.12 C 98.54,33.97 C 15.85,28.65 L 16.8897 z&
style=&fill-opacity:1;stroke:#stroke-width:8& /&
&path id=&cz& class=&eu europe& d=&M 66.0857 C 81.27,62.69 C 94.46,63.21 C 77.26,82.272, C 4.363 29.75, C 05.19,5.47 C 8.25,58.45 C 42.19,35.18 C 41.75,19.95 C 99.,90.871,5300.95 C 99.04,62.78 C 89.14,6.52 C 95.58,37.32 C 02.82,7.37 C 93.54,20.646, C 78.9,00.68 C 55.82,13.48, C 0.38,09.02 C 45.06,06.24 C 55.58,87.24 C 52.46,69.56 C 49.97,10.49 C 32.28,31.41 C 75.153 72.26, C 82.63,7.73 C 03.72,62.14 C 60.48,30.71 C 22.89,2.9 C 92.79,04.75 C 04.928 97.84, C 90.57,89.58 C 94.99,84.21 C 93.04,77.73 C 70.55,16.93 C 3.74,96.22 C 31.32,63.88 C 74.83,55.09 C 83.1,90.44 C 6.69,07.24 C 80.24,49.94 C 93.44,46.15 C 07.8,10.439, C 12.95,8.17 C 32.1,88.9 C 26.98,66.61 C 53.24,48.92 C 53.29,44.41 C 73.58,18.14 C 66.46,65.49 C 22.29,57.37 C 92.351 90.6, C 86.75,80.08 C 52.544 53.26, C 82.09,77.95 C 95.1,1.55 C 77.7,57.62 C 85.71,78.21 C 24.44,9.84 L 71.8184 C 83.84,30.48 C 00.44,40.63 C 89.13,70.85 C 99.88,82.62 C 57.37,01.05, C 60.353 8.32, C 11.16,21.81 C 18.43,3.02 C 27.91,44.045, C 18.96,57.265, C 54.35,75.35 C 51.754 40.74, C 34.556 53.7, C 54.92,40.77 C 54.09,0.57 z&
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&path id=&sk& class=&eu europe& d=&M 89.8062 C 04.6,16.39 C 48.566 58.34, C 77.54,93.79 C 0.17,98.75 C 33.43,65.92 C 37.36,49.18 C 33.14,07.96 C 04.16,70.7 C 30.65,93.97 C 43.155 81.79, C 90.62,54.31 C 01.57,8.96 C 19.42,80.75 C 14.52,77.45 C 49.96,96.87 C 64.85,04.73 C 03.47,0.07 C 16.568 79.53, C 75.31,84.26 C 59.72,40.28 C 04.72,51.854, C 81.27,2.69 C 94.46,63.21 C 77.26,82.272, C 4.363 29.75, C 05.19,5.47 C 9.42,82.78 C 81.73,84.89 C 14.86,39.08 C 56.93,5.78 C 78.341 4.4, C 78.341 84.1, C 86.94 79.52, C 86.94 14.84, C 24.69,04.38 C 09.81,21.96 C 17.2,60.88 C 66.15,77.83 C 71.31,91.93 C 65.7,21.73 C 81.72,41.25 C 62.08,34.98 C 39.94,53.35 C 55.14,62.13 C 41.61,50.35 C 61.143 71.63, C 79.73,88.05 C 6.94 88.51, z&
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&path id=&lu& class=&eu europe& d=&M 41.4003 C 38.94,14.44 C 34.87,91.03 C 42.98,90.76 C 2.13,71.86 L 21.3359 C 24.33,65.03 C 39.87,16.85 C 21.72,16.56 C 69.742 72.18, C 1.94,39.03 z&
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&path id=&pt& class=&eu europe& d=&M 42.0995 C 81.65,00.791, C 3.68,16.25 C 01.73,72.28 C 64.387 75.24, C 65.97,38.59 C 7.7,29.89 C 17.22,19.25 C 07.38,38.23 C 72.85,46.86 C 48.31,99.46 C 11.93,66.18 C 62.98,68.78 C 27.6,43.786, C 79.187 83.19, C 87.93,85.56 C 00.64,42.8 C 30.12,6.46 C 87.03,78.87 C 65.967 78.08, C 58.68,81.16 C 44.95,87.51 C 12.47,95.92 C 90.3,82.803, C 51.47,02.63 C 57.39,32.67 C 14.,06.86 C 52.2,67.84 C 2.25,7.86 C 80.71,01.69 C 77.47,84.79 C 75.25,84.64 C 02.44,36.69 C 77.32,19.01 C 80.27,25.44 C 69.75,11.84 C 66.36,83.84 C 66.78,85.27 C 59.1,85. C 6.39,48.84 C 43.83,3.4 C 17.14,2.76 C 14.76,55.56 C 01.51,72.72 C 36.23,42.32 C 63.19,67.17 C 76.34,47.11 C 6.8,43.06 C 68.02,50.59 C 9.5,29.57 C 42.21,16.26 C 57.63,36.25 C 31.39,44.36 C 61.74,10.16 C 85.67,3.19 C 30.29,71.31 C 48.769 51.09, C 61.51,76.85 C 57.368 68.08, C 00.43,13.05 C 54.79,94.22 C 4.09,98.8 C 73.77,65.8 C 7.45,68.81 C 12.37,25.44 C 96.54,41.78 C 39.7,49.987, C 54.08,85.69 C 51.52,00.42 C 45.69,15.64 C 56.21,23.47 C 8.21,23.54 C 9.23,41.08 C 94.48,94.37 C 51.74,07.81 C 78.36,05.13 C 17.03,78.21 C 54.93,87.7 C 74.77,82.67 C 95.84,92.982, C 98.783 95.03, C 14.4,68.75 C 57.96,31.21 C 26.11,48.94 C 13.18,74.94 C 14.98,87.31 C 17.46,94.02 C 65.44,46.95 C 42.6,64.95 z&
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