为什么日语励志的句子句子后面都有 diesi. 啊?这是什么意思??

I've read through some of the older marriage posts on this sub but none really touch upon my questions. I'm aware of the process to get married in China but I still have other questions. So for the Americans who have married a Chinese in China please help me by answering the following:我看了一些婚姻相关的老帖子,但是感觉都没有触及到我所存在的疑问,我已经知道了在中国结婚的相关的程序但是我还是有些问题,这个问题是给美国人的,如果有在中国与中国人结婚的经历的话请帮忙解答下好么:1、Is your name on the marriage certificate written in English or do you need to make up a Chinese name?1、你的英文名会写在结婚证上么?还是说得取一个中国名字?2、If you need to make up a Chinese name for the marriage certificate does that cause problems for America to recognize the marriage? I've heard that America recognizes Chinese marriages but I'm interested in anecdotal advice on what you had to do for America to recognize the marriage.2、如果要取个中国名字的话美国方面会承认这一婚姻么?我听说美国官方是承认中国婚姻的,但是我想了解下要让美国政府承认该婚姻的话具体要做什么。3、Even if China uses my English name on the marriage certificate my Chinese spouse would use her Chinese name so does that cause problems for America to recognize our marriage?3、假如中国方面将我的英文名登记在证书上而我的中国爱人会写上一个中文名字,那样会对美国政府承认该婚姻造成什么影响么?4、Does America require my wife to use my family name in America? As far as I know the wife keeps her family name in China.4、美国政府会要求我的妻子在美国使用我的家族姓氏么?据我所知在中国女方会保留自己的家族姓氏。5、We live in Shenzhen so is getting married in HK a better option? I doubt many people here have married in HK but I'd like some advice about that as well with regards to the questions above. Thanks in advance5、我们现住深圳,去香港结婚会更方便么?但是我觉得去香港结婚的人并没有很多,但是我想就这些问题寻求下意见。谢谢各位了。edit: formatting and her hukou is in shenzhen.附:请说一下需要准备的详细措施,还有她的户口现在深圳。


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