are、here are four simple、cakes、on、table、the连词成句

四年级英语课程练习 1 Unit 1 Welcome to my new home. Lesson 1―3 Listening Part I.听录音,选出你所听到的词。 (
)1. A. bedroom
)2. A. home
)3. A. kite
B. kitchen
)4. A. ball
C. balloon (
)5. A. armchair
C. sofa II. 听录音,标序号。 ( )
III. 听录音,判断正误。
Reading and writing part III. 选择填空。 (
is _______ the living room.
)2. --- ________ you come to my birthday party?
--- I’d love to. A. Will
)3. There are some _________.
A. sandwich
B. sandwiches (
)4. Look _________ my bedroom.
)5. --- _________ are my shorts? ---- Here they are.
B. Where (
)6. _________ is a new computer.
B. These (
)7. Welcome ___________ my new home.
)8. Can you do __________ housework with me?
B. some IV. 填入所缺的词。 1. What ________ in the living room. 2. Come ________ see. 3. There is ________ new TV. 4. There _________ three kites and a big clock on the wall. 5. The big cake is _________ my birthday. V. 判断句子与图片是否相符,相符的打“√”不符的打“×”。
)1. There is a new computer.
)2. Look! There are two sofas.
)3. There are four armchairs.
)4. There is two big cakes on the table.
)5.There are five hamburgers.
)6.There are four sandwiches.
)7. There are eight kites on the wall.
)8. There are five balloons. VI. 连词成句。 1. to, my, Welcome, new, home.
__________________________ 2. is, in, What, the, living room.
3. There, a , new, TV, is.
4. Come, the, kitchen, into, Li Yan.
5. four, are, There, armchairs.
The kites fly high.
The kites fly low.
The kites fly quickly.
The kites fly slow.
The kites fly round.
The kites go down.
The kites are in a tree.
The kites are free.
听力材料: I. Listen and choose. 1.
3. kitchen
4. balloon
5. armchair
II. Listen and number. 1. Welcome to my new home. 2. Look at my bedroom. 3. This is my living room. 4. Come into the kitchen, Li Yan.
5. --- Will you come to my birthday party? --- I’d love to.
III. Listen and tick or cross. 1. There is a new TV. 2. There are four armchairs. 3. There are three kites. 4. There are two clocks on the wall. 5.There are five mugs.
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 四年级英语练习题1_其它课程_高中教育_教育专区。七、选择最恰当的答案,将其序号填入前面的括号中。 ( ) 1.We___a new classroom. A. have B. are C....  苏教版译林版四年级英语上册unit1-4练习_英语_小学教育_教育专区。译林版四...小学四年级全科目课...专题 小学四年级英语单词和短... 新标准英语四年级上册...  8页 免费 一年级英语课程练习.4doc 4页 免费如要投诉违规内容,请到百度文库投诉中心;如要提出功能问题或意见建议,请点击此处进行反馈。 ...  译林版四年级下册unit1练习_四年级英语_英语_小学教育_教育专区。译林版四年级下册...9、今天早上 2、 我们的新课程表 4、什么科目 6、我的学校 8、 一门有趣...  四年级上册英语 综合练习1(北京课改版)_四年级英语_英语_小学教育_教育专区。朝阳区小学英语练习综合练习( 四年级英语 综合练习(一) 一、读单词,将单词按照相同的...  四年级英语下册全册课课练(1)_英语_小学教育_教育专区。人教版试卷-百度文库,北师大版-百度文库,上册下册- 百度文库,单元测试-百度文库,密卷-百度文库,毕业试 ...  四年级下册英语Unit1习题_英语_小学教育_教育专区。2017 年 2 月 18 日 四...练习一、英汉互译。 1. 两节课 2. make a big cake 3. 今天下午 4. our...  小学四年级英语练习题1 (1)_英语_小学教育_教育专区。北京出版社小学四年级英语下册一、翻译下列单词的汉语意思。 10.a lot 13.the ...Roses on the table
By Pauline D. Loh (China Daily)
It's Beijing's city flower and brightens the capital's major roads with a blaze of color. The rose also creates tourist attractions and is pretty good to eat, too, according to Pauline D. Loh.
The Chinese rose, rosa Chinensis, blooms with great abandon each summer. White, yellow, pink and red blossoms are a large part of the landscape in the sunniest season of the year from Beijing to Guangdong province's Shenzhen city.
But roses also grow wild in China and botanists acknowledge that there are at least four or five species in the genus that come from this country. If you are around Beijing, you would have also heard of Miaofeng Shan Rose Valley, the scenic attraction nestled on the Mentougou foothills in the northwestern suburb of the capital.
Every year in June, day-trippers flock to the area to admire the blooms and smell the roses on weekends and holidays during the annual Rose Festival.
They visit the ancient mountaintop shrines and pay homage to deities that have been worshipped for thousands of years. They stop at the farmhouse restaurants for an organic country meal and return with souvenirs like rose-petal jam and conserves, little rose-scented cakes and memories of a flower paradise.
The Mentougou rose petal jam is famous for its lasting floral scent. According to the flower farmers, flowers that are just starting to bloom are the best for making jam. They are harvested in the morning, just after the morning dew has evaporated and before the sun gets too strong. These blossoms are then slowly cooked with traditional brown sugar or white sugar.
These days, however, the best jam is made from cane sugar. The brown sugars are no longer pure, according to the farmers, and may have flour added, which makes the petal jam murky.
It's a long, slow process, and the cooking darkens the petals but retains and concentrates the perfume. I find that the best jam is very thick and almost caramelized, and not at all watery. There is also rose petal jam made with honey, and that's good with toast and butter but not so suitable for baking or cooking.
There are lots of uses for the rose petal jam, and I have baked with it, made sweet soups with it and even made a layered cake with it in the style of the flaky spring onion pancakes.
You can also fill little glutinous rice balls with it, making the famous yuanxiao or tangyuan that is served at festive occasions, such as weddings and birthdays.
But my favorite recipes are shortbread with a rose petal jam filling and thumbprint cookies filled with a thimbleful of jam. There is something about the combination of good butter and the scent of roses that will turn teatime into an occasion. The tub of cookies my husband brought to the office disappeared so quickly he came back asking for more.
The cookies are now part of my weekly baking cycle, at least until I run out of my supply of rose petal jam. But there is always more waiting at Miaofeng Shan every year.
Recipe | Rose Petal Jam Shortbread
Ingredients (makes 24 large or 36 small cookies)
200 g chilled butter
2 egg yolks, beaten
2 cups plain flour
1 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons rose jam
1 egg, beaten (for egg wash)
Sesame seeds
1. Sift flour and salt into a large mixing bowl. Cut the chilled butter into small pieces and drop them directly into the bowl.
2. Using cool fingers, gently rub the butter into the flour, tossing them in the air as you go to "aerate" the mixture until it resembles fine breadcrumbs.
3. Add the beaten egg yolks to the bowl and stir to bind the mixture until it just comes together. Do not knead as that will raise the gluten and make the shortbread tough.
4. Pinch off a small ball of dough and place a pinch of rose petal jam in the middle. Roll up again into a ball and place on a papered baking tray. Press to flatten the ball slightly.
5. Brush the tops of the cookies with egg wash and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
6. Bake in a pre-heated 180 C oven for 20 minutes, removing the shortbread when it turns a light golden color. Cool and keep in airtight containers for about a week.
Recipe | Thumbprint Cookies with Rose Petal Jam
Ingredients (makes 24 cookies)
200 g butter, softened
150 g castor sugar
2 whole eggs, beaten
0.5 cup milk
2 cups plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
6 tablespoons rose jam
1. Sift flour and baking powder together.
2. Cream butter and sugar until pale and fluffy. Beat in eggs one at a time.
3. Fold in sifted flour and add a little milk in between. Chill dough until it is firm.
4. Pinch off chestnut-sized pieces of dough and roll into a ball. Press down the center with your thumb, creating a depression. Fill with rose petal jam.
5. Place cookies on a papered baking tray and bake in a pre-heated 180 C oven for 20 minutes. Cool and keep in airtight containers. Eat quickly as these are richer cookies and may not keep for too long.
Recipe | Rose Petal Jam Pancakes
Ingredients(makes 6 pancakes)
200 g plain flour Water
100 g softened butter or vegetable oil
6 tablespoons rose jam
1. Add enough water to the flour to make a soft dough. Knead until it feels silky and soft. Allow it to rest for at least an hour.
2. Divide the dough into six pieces.
3. Roll out a piece of dough as thinly as possible and brush with softened butter or oil. Spread a spoonful of jam on top.
4. Roll up the dough from the furthest edge, gently stretching the roll as you go.
5. Curl the roll of dough like a snail shell and flatten with the palm of your hand, keeping the tabletop floured as you go. Roll out the flattened disc to a thin pancake.
6. Lightly oil a non-stick frying pan and fry the pancake over medium heat, flipping it as the pancake turns color.
7. Dust with icing sugar and serve quickly. Great with a hot cup of Chinese tea.
Recipe | Red and White Sweet Soup
Ingredients (serves 4)
8 dove or quail eggs
4 teaspoon rose petal jam
100 g lotus nuts, soaked
50 g sweet apricot kernels or nanxing
Honey to taste
Rose petals for garnish
1. Place the eggs in a pot with enough water to cover and bring to a boil. Let them cook for 10 minutes and immediately rinse the eggs under cold running water until totally cooled. Peel carefully and set aside.
2. Wash soaked lotus nuts and check to remove the bitter shoots, which hide in the middle. Place the cleaned nuts and sweet apricot kernels into boiling water. Turn down the heat once the pot boils and simmer until the lotus nuts are soft.
3. Add the rose petal jam and stir to dissolve. Add the eggs and a little honey to taste.
4. Serve in small bowls with fresh rose petals for garnish.
Food notes:
In traditional Chinese medicine, dove eggs are believed to have detoxifying qualities. Both the lotus nuts and the apricot kernels clear the lungs and nourish the bronchial system. If you do not like the aroma of roses, you can substitute with candied osmanthus.
(China Daily 06/18/2011 page12)) some milk,two eggs and a few cakes on the table.(北京四中网校-〉名师答疑-〉初三-〉英语) 
) some milk,two eggs and a few cakes on the table.
  There(&&&)&some&milk,two&eggs&and&a&few&cakes&on&the&table. A&is B&are& C&has& D&have
解析:同学你好! Milk是不可数名词,因此这里用is,there be句型中不能出现have或者has,因此这里的答案为A项。
  There(&&&)&some&milk,two&eggs&and&a&few&cakes&on&the&table.& A&is& B&are&& C&has&& D&have 为什么不用are,后面不是还有鸡蛋和蛋糕吗
答:同学你好!& 这就是语法中主谓一致的就近原则。ere be is.


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