大家好。请问一个向明友英语语法法问题。这句话有没有毛病。to be sent 是后置定语?。

一个语法问题 求高人解惑 谢谢【英语吧】_百度贴吧
一个语法问题 求高人解惑 谢谢收藏
几天前,在手机里发现一个游戏。游戏说明中有这样一句话Make your play using the circles to advance, avoiding the rival to steal the ball.看到这句话,我第一反应是你用圆圈来前进,躲开对手,去偷球但是无论从上下文,还是游戏事实来看,都是对手偷球,你要躲着他于是我就想,会不会这里to steal the ball 作的是the rival 的定语呢,像they need people to work in that factory,工作的是people,不是they。类似还有the local government built a plant to produce rubber.然后问了一个英国人这个问题,他说不是歧义,只看这句话一定会理解成是你去偷球,这句话跟factory那句话是definitely different的,但是他实在想不出该怎么解释所以,我现在的问题是,到底会不会出现把不定式看成名词后置定语和看成整个句子的状语,会出现两种解释的情况,就像我说的第一个句子,为什么不能看成后置定语呢?
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那时目的状语 , 定语很简单判断 ,看是否在从句中充当成分 ,如果这个还判断不出来 ,就看先行词 ,作为宾语一般会省略,这时看从句的谓语是否及物动词,当定语一定要和同位语区别 。 你的那些例子都是目的状语 。 那老外弄不懂很正常,就如我们中国人也没有几个说的清中国语法 。 但他们的语法结构就是我们古代的 。 如果可以你可以找几则论语对比下 。
我也不会解释,但我猜正确的说法应该是1. avoiding the ball's being stolen by the rival2. preventing the rival from stealing the ball3. preventing the ball from being stolen by the rival4. preventing the ball being stolen by the rival
小狗对小猫说:你猜猜我的口袋里有几块糖? 小猫说:猜对了你给我吃吗?小狗点点头:嗯,猜对了两块都给你! 小猫咽了咽口水说:我猜五块!然后,小狗笑着把糖放到小猫手里,说:我还欠你三块。——这不是低智商的笑话,而是,因为爱你,所以允许了你的小贪心。 猫兴奋的吃了这两块加大量安眠药的糖,昏死过去了。然后被狗日了
顶起 继续求高人
这为什么是语法问题,难道不是一个语境问题么?简单如:I need her to die.
楼主的例句they need people to work in that factory,说【工作的是people,不是they。】也只是一般语境中的理解,并不是因为语法要求这样理解。也可以制造特殊语境让变成工作的是they,不是people。比如假设:地球上有很多智慧物种,人类people只是其中一种,另有一种robots靠人类身体代谢的生化电来运转,但也是有智能的robots,为了让robots正常生活,他们体外直径5米之内必须有人类提供生化电能。这样的语境下,robots想要去factory工作,就需要people,people不用工作,在工厂里robots直径5米以内睡觉都可以。只要前一句提到robots,这一句用they指代,工作的就是robots,不是people。这种语境实在太特殊了,几乎是匪夷所思,所以基本上生活中都会理解成工作的是people,不会发生歧义,并不是因为语法,而是因为语境。至于the local government built a plant to produce rubber. 也是因为语境,gov和plant,明显还是plant更可能生产橡胶。
首先avoid的意思是?avoid someone to do something的意思是???
I spent quit a long time trying to think of something clear to answer 幕末飞天舞, but I failed.但我还是觉得你这样的说法是有问题的,有些想当然。虽然我以前也那么想,现在也不敢确定它是错的。但是想一下 如果你说 I need a pen to write the composition, 让native speakers 听起来肯定会觉得weird, 你得最后加with,也就是得让不定式短语去当pen的修饰词,而不是状语What I'm trying to say is, that maybe it has something to do with the predicate verb.尤其是need have这两词,感觉尤其强,这两个词的宾语后面的不定式,你很难强迫自己把它去理解成状语。感觉归感觉,还要请有研究的人判断
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find learning English difficult.(difficult
saw the kite up and down. up
and downTom made the girl cry. (cryto
1. consider, think, believe, discover, find, imagine, judge,
suppose, prove"to be+"think, consider, findto be
consider him (to be) a good teacher.
proved that theory (to be) very important.
thought her (to be) nice and honest the first time I met
like, prefer, hate, want, wish, expect
prefer you to leave him alone.
don't want there to be any trouble.
have something important to tell you
you see anything unusual in the picture
girl in the red hat is my younger sister
China is a great country with a long
is only a girl of ten years old
picture on the right is more beautiful
People here like to drink tea
the way homea big boy stopped him
Please answer the questions below
You'd better ask the policeman over
desk is two metres long
have a lot of work to do today
time to get up now
Would you like something to eat
you know the boy riding the bike
Greens have a daughter called Kate
consider him to be a good teacher. to + be +
proved that theory to be very important. to + be +
have a lot of work to do today. to + do()
is time to get up. to +
girl in the red hat is my sister.
China is a
great country with a long history.
yourself at home.
found him out.
please answer the question below.
your hands clean.
you see anything unusual?
+ +enough,
heard John singing. hear
you know the boy riding the bike?
heard my name called. ,hear
Greens have a daughter named Kate.


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