
彼得·卡什摩尔(Pete Cashmore)
榜单:30位& 美国的明日之星
在不到七年的时间里,卡什莫尔把Mashable.com从一个他自己在苏格兰阿伯丁的家中独自运营的博客发展成世界上最大的新闻站点之一。根据一个博客搜索引擎)的统计,Mashable是世界上被链接数第二多的博客,仅次于赫芬顿邮报网(Huffinton Post)。
尽管如此,这两家网站还有一个关键区别:和阿里安娜·赫芬顿(Arianna Huffington)不同,卡什莫尔从不引入外部投资者,即便是Mashable的员工团队已经从一个人扩大到了40人。所以,当这家公司也势必和赫芬顿邮报网一样被收购时——据说这已经被提上议事日程了——卡什莫尔个人会获得远远多得多的回报。
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Angry Churchill
During the World War II in 1941, British Winston Churchill came to Ottawa, Canada for an international conference, and Karsh was told to take pictures for Churchill at Parliament Building. After the meeting, Churchill with a cigar in his mouth to let Karsh take picture for him, while Karsh asked Churchill’s assistant to take off the cigar. It was Churchill’s habit to carry cigar all the time. He thought Karsh was very impolite after being asked to take off cigar. After reluctantly putting away the cigar, he behaved badly, and then Karsh pressed the prepared shutter line and photographed a world famous picture of the poster of Britain against Fascist Germany - Angry Churchill. Later Karsh explained to Churchill why he asked him to plucked from the cigar, Churchill said with a smile, “Can you take a smile picture for me?” Then another famous portrait photo was born- Smile Churchill. Churchill said to Karsh, “You can even make a roaring lion stand still to be photographed.”
Because Karsh had photographed many presidents of the United States, he has the White House VIP Pass. Once Karsh drove by the White House, he wondered if he could take a picture for President Carter. So he went in to ask Secretary, and the Secretary told him, “President know who you are and agree you to take picture for him, but you only have 15 minutes.” With hindsight, Karsh said that sometimes the opportunities are in few minutes.
When filming family photos for the Queen of England, because the two children were moving all the time, it could not be made at once. Karsh photographed many pieces and then spliced into a photo with each expression more perfect in the darkroom. It's easy to piece together with computer technology now. But it was not easy to make a mosaic of photographs that an expert could not easily detect in the age of film over 60 years ago. It showed Mr. Karsh’s superb darkroom techniques. So, Karsh said humorously, "Have I said I film it with one piece?"
Being told to take photo for Jacqueline Kennedy, Karsh had been thinking about the background as he knew the clothes Jacqueline would wear that day. One day he passed a Chinese antique shop and saw the big black screen, he rented it as a shooting scene. Jacqueline's long white dress, red shawl and the black screen formed a colorful and elegant work.
Karsh and Bernard Law Montgomery in his studio on the Spike street
1944年,卡什到英国为政要拍照,其中就有蒙哥马利将军。事后,记者问蒙哥马利:“被卡什拍摄有什么感觉?”蒙哥马利说:“I' ve been Karshed”。这是一个很巧妙的回答,中文的意思大约就是“感觉好极了”。
In 1944 he went to Britain to take pictures for dignitaries, General Montgomery was among them. Later a reporter asked Montgomery how he feels to be photographed by Karsh. Montgomery said, “I’ve been Karshed”. It was a skillfully comment, which meant “I feel wonderful” in Chinese.
After filming Muhammad Ali-Haj’s portrait, he emphasized on shooting Ali-Haj’s fists. Black skin, black suit and black background challenged Karsh’s technology, but Karsh photographed rich-leveled photos with his superb shooting skills. And the dark tone made Ali-Haj’s fists more prominent, being a masterpiece.
When filming Pablo Casals, the most outstanding cellist of the 20th century, Karsh said to Casals, “Everyone can see your front image when you perform on the stage, but few people can see your image behind them.” After asking for permission, he photographed the mien of the performer from the shadow. Deep color, leaving only a breathable window in the top right of the black base, likes the heavy sound of a cello that travels further.
俄国人一直有Great Bear(大熊)之称。赫鲁晓夫请卡什拍照时问:“我穿西装好不好?”卡什说:“不,穿毛皮衣好。”回加拿大后,卡什说:“俄国人自称熊,所以才请赫鲁晓夫穿毛皮衣。”
The Russians always have the name of "Great Bear". When Khrushchev invited Karsh to take pictures, he asked Karsh, "Shall I wear a suit?" Karsh said, "No, wear a fur." After returning to Canada, Karsh said he let Khrushchev wear a fur is because the Russians called themselves "Bear".
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill,KG,FRC
“You can make a roaring lion stand still to be photographed.”
Sir Winston Churchill to Yousuf Karsh
For 65 years, Karsh has presented us with a catalogue of famous faces. Karsh portraits have become 20th century icon-the kind of images that define an age and are etched into memory. Karsh portraits-some of which include Sir Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway and Albert Einstein-rank among the world’s most celebrated photographs.
Yousuf Karsh was born in Turkish Armenia, growing up as a Christian in Turkey under Muslim rule. Karsh was just 14 when the family fled the horror of genocide in Armenia for freedom in Syria, with nothing but their belongings on their backs. At the tender age of 16, Karsh’s parents sent him to Sherbooke, Quebec, to live and work with his uncle, George Nakash, a portrait photographer.
Recognizing his nephew’s talent, in 1928, Nakash sent 20-year-old Karsh to Boston to study with John H. Garo, one of the top portrait photographers in America. His exposure to the powerful and famous in Boston would leave an indelible impression on the young man and determine the course of his life.
Young, talented and hungry for knowledge, Karsh returned to Canada and set up a humble studio on Sparks Street in Ottawa. Eventually, he caught the eye of Prime Minister Mackenzie King, who took a liking to the relatively unknown photographer and helped him arrange for visiting dignitaries to sit for portraits.
One of the famous and accomplished portrait photographers of all time. Of the most 100 notable people of the century, named by the International Who’s Who (2000), Karsh had photographed 51, Karsh was also the only Canadian to make the list.
Yousuf Karsh died in a Boston hospital on July 13, 2002 after complications following surgery. He was 93.
Pope John XXIII,Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli
(日—日)教皇约翰二十三世,去世后被称作神圣的约翰二十三世,被选为罗马天主教第262任教皇。他召集了第二次梵蒂冈大会(近百年来一直未曾举行的普世会议,1962年—1965年),会议的目标是:“发扬圣道、整顿教化、革新纪律”。但在世时未能看见其结束,在完成最后的通谕《世界和平》(Pacem in Terris)两个月后逝世。日,为他与教皇庇护九世一起举行宣福礼,成为教皇庇护十世以来接受这一荣誉的一批教皇。日,在他逝世46周年纪念活动中,世界各地的众多天主教会一同做弥撒以便纪念他。在意大利,人们以“好教皇”(II Papa Buono)这个充满深情的称谓来纪念他。"
"Karsh and Pope John XXIII
Pope John XXIII, Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (25 November 1881 – 3 June 1963) was named Holy John XXIII after his death and was chosen as the 262nd Pope of the Latin Church. He convened the Second Vatican Conference (the universal meeting that has not been held for nearly a century, from 1962 to 1965) and the purpose of the conference was ""carrying forward the doctrine of the sages, rectifying the indoctrination and reforming discipline."" But he failed to see the end of it during his lifetime and died two months after he finishing the final encyclical of Pacem in Terris. On September 3, the beatification was held for him and Pope Pius VIIII and he became one Pope that received the honor since the Pope Pius X. On June 3, 2009, in his 46th anniversary memorial ceremony, many Catholic churches around the world joined in mass to commemorate him. In Italy, people commemorate him with the affectionate title of ""II Papa Buono""."
Ernest Miller Hemingway
(日—日)美国小说家、记者。海明威出生于伊利诺伊州奥克帕克,17岁时在《堪萨斯城明星报》(The Kansas City Star)担任记者,从此开始写作生涯。西班牙内战期间,他加入了一个志愿者救护队。这一经历成为小说《永别了,武器》(A Farewell to Arms,1929年)的基础。1953年,他的小说《老人与海》(The Old Man and the Sea,1952年)获普利策奖,1954年获诺贝尔文学奖。其他著名小说有《太阳照常升起》(The Sun Also Rises,1926年 )、《丧钟为谁而鸣》(For Whom the Bell Tolls,1940年)。他还写作了大量短片小说,收录在《没有女人的男人》(Men Without Women,1927年)、《&第五纵队&与首辑四十九篇》(The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories,1938年)中。"
Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American novelist and journalist. Hemingwaywas born in Oak Park, Illinois, served as a journalist at The Kansas City Star at the age of 17, and from then he began his writing career. During the Spanish Civil War, he joined a volunteer ambulance corps, which became the foundation of the novel A Farewell to Arms (1929). In 1953, his novel The Old Man and the Sea (1952) was awarded Pulitzer Prize and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. His other famous novels are The Sun Also Rises (1926), For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940). He also wrote many short stories included in Men Without Women (1927) and The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories (1938).
Humphrey DeForest Bogart
(日—日)美国演员。鲍嘉出生于纽约,1922年开始演出,20世纪20年代和30年代在百老汇频频出现。他的演艺事业后来扩展到电影,一生出演过75部电影。鲍嘉最著名的演出是在《北非谍影》(Gasablanca,1942年)、《夜长梦多》(The Big Sleep,1946年)以及《非洲女王号》(African Queen,1951年)等影片中的角色,《非洲女王号》使他获得了1951年第24届奥斯卡最佳男主角金像奖。"
Humphrey DeForest Bogart ( December 25, 1899 – January 14, 1957) was an American actor. Bogart was born in New York, began acting in 1922. Gradually he became a regular in Broadway shows in the 1920s and 1930s. His acting career later expanded to the film, played 75 films in his life. The most famous performances of Bogart were roles in Gasablanca (1942), The Big Sleep (1946), and African Queen (1951) and so on. His performance in the film African Queen earned him the 24th Academy Award for Best Actor in 1951.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a theoretical physicist, ideologist and philosopher. He was born in Germany, received most of the education in Switzerland, where he received a doctorate. His most outstanding contribution to physics is independently and completely formulated the General Relativity, finished the study of Brown's theory of motion and the evolution of physics. He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect".
Dr.Edward Teller
Dr.Edward Teller (January 15, 1908 – September 9, 2003) was a Hungarian-American theoretical physicist who was born in Hungary and left in 1926, and is known colloquially as "the father of the hydrogen bomb". He received his Ph.D. in physics at the University of Leipzig. Several later in Europe, Teller emigrated to the United States and taught at George Washington University. Teller was known for his work in Americans for Nuclear Energy program, especially as a memeber of Manhattan Project during the WWII, he played avital role in the development of atom bomb.
Leopold Anthony Stokowski
(日—日)指挥家。以其不受约束的演奏风格而著称,他甚至抛弃了传统的指挥方式,放弃指挥棒徒手指挥;为了获得极为辉煌盛大的声音效果,斯托科夫斯基指挥辛辛那提交响乐团、费城管弦乐团、纽约爱乐乐团以及美国国家广播公司交响乐团共同演出。他还创办了全美青年管弦乐团、纽约市立管弦乐团、好莱坞露天剧场交响乐团以及美国交响乐团。他曾为迪斯尼的影片《幻想曲》(Fantasia)指挥并在片中出现,成为《巨星总动员之长毛兔》(Looney Tunes:Long-Haired Hare,1949年)中兔八哥的原型。"
Leopold Anthony Stokowski (18 April 1882 – 13 September 1977) was an conductor. He was especially noted for his free-hand conducting style that spurned the traditional baton and for obtaining a characteristically sumptuous sound from the orchestras he directed. In order to get a grand sound effect, Stokowski conducted the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, the Philadelphia Orchestra, the NBC Symphony Orchestra, New York Philadelphia Orchestra to perform together. He was also the founder of the All-American Youth Orchestra, the New York City Symphony, the Hollywood Bowl Symphony Orchestra and the American Symphony Orchestra. Stokowski conducted the music for and appeared in the Disney's film Fantasia, becoming the prototype of Bugs Bunny of the film Looney Tunes:Long-Haired Hare (1949).
Yasunari Kawabata
Yasunari Kawabata (11 June 1899 – 16 April 1972) was a Japanese novelist. Born in Osaka, Japan, Yasunari was orphaned when he was twelve, after which he lived with his grandparents, and his grandparents successively died when he was fifteen. Yasunari began publishing short novels when he studied at The University of Tokyo. Most famous of his works are The Dancing Girl of Izu (1926), Snow Country (1937), Thousand Cranes (1952), and The Old Capital (1962). His spare, lyrical, subtly-shaded prose works won him the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1968, the first Japanese author to receive the award.
Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Jacques-Yves Cousteau (11 June 1910 – 25 June 1997) was a French naval officer, explorer and filmmaker. Cousteau was born in Saint-André-de-Cubzac, Gironde, France. Before joining the naval army, he studied at the High School of the Naval, where he participated the first underwater experiment. Cousteau began shooting underwater films in early 1940s, to show the public the still unknown place on earth, at the same time, invented and improved scuba (filled compressed air cylinders and the supporting underwater breathing system), prolonging the time of underwater exploration. Cousteau devoted himself to environmental protection all his life. In 1988, he was elected to the French Academy.
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno
María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso
(日—日)西班牙画家。出生于西班牙安达卢西亚地区的马拉加,七岁时从也是职业画家的父亲那里接受正规美术培训。作为20世纪艺术史上最著名的艺术家之一,以作品中风格多样而着称,从最初写实主义的影响到后来的立体派。他最著名的作品包括早期立体派的《阿维尼翁少女》(Demoiselles d'Avignon,1907年)以及描绘德国轰炸西班牙小城格尔尼卡的《格尔尼卡》(Guernica,1937年)。"
Pablo Picasso (25 October 1881 – 8 April 1973) was a Spanish painter. Born in the city of Málaga in the Andalusian region of Spain, he received formal art training from the father of a professional painter at the age of seven. Regarded as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, he is known for the wide variety of styles that he helped develop and explore, range from the influence of the initial realism to the later cubism. Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937), a dramatic portrayal of the bombing of Guernica by the German and Italian air forces.
Cecil Blount DeMille
(日—日)美国电影导演。出生于马塞诸塞州阿什维尔,就读于宾夕法尼亚军事学院,后来就读于美国戏剧艺术学院。最初是以演员身份开始演艺生涯,不久发现了自己在舞台剧和电影导演方面的天赋。在整个20世纪10年代至50年代,他执导了十分流行的影片,如《十诫》、《万王之王》(The King of Kings,1927年)。德米尔被视为好莱坞历史上最成功电影导演之一。"
Cecil Blount DeMille (August 12, 1881 – January 21, 1959) was an American filmmaker. Born in Ashfield, Massachusetts, he studied at Pennsylvania Military College and later at American Academy of Dramatic Arts. He began his acting career as an actor and soon found his talent for stage and film directors. From the whole 1910s to 1950s, he directed the popular films, such as the Ten Commandments, The King of Kings (in 1927). DeMille wais regarded as one of the most successful film directors in Hollywood history.


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