有人在用Spartan CUE 110这手机直播哪款声卡好用么

【图片】千元K歌声卡哪家强?AudioProbe Spartan A声卡简单使用介绍~【调音与录音吧】_百度贴吧
千元K歌声卡哪家强?AudioProbe Spartan A声卡简单使用介绍~收藏
学特色小吃哪家好? 找苏味轩 包教包会 一费到底 学2送2 自己创业做老板!
这楼简单说下特点.具体图片介绍啥的见某烧的评测.1.ADDA不错.(所用芯片的底子在那,即使一般也觉不出来.)2.耳放.(我的耳机是拜亚770pro 250欧,增益旋钮扭到10点附近.)3.跳线?(这个下楼单独说下.)
44.1 在宿主里开七八个插件也不会爆音.这么设置就打开了内录,很简单.这么设置,就可以搭载机架K歌了.另:我觉的这个卡的跳线是最简单方便的,一目了然,(好吧,本来想说点,但有事,感兴趣的去官网看下~)
最后.有时间再补充别的吧,发断干音.其中MP3是提升了音量了.WMA没有.链接: 密码: iqje
然而, 42秒以后都没有声音。。。。
我已经学会了用电脑控制挖掘机炒菜了,我下一步改怎么办[FACE SCREAMING IN FEAR]
承办方:丽江市体育局 丽江斐瑞康网络科技有限公司
你好,我想问一下电吉他插在乐器接口在YY里面有声音吗?我用SPL CRIMSON电吉他要插在mic口才有声音,在乐器接口就没有声音~望告知~~谢谢
这卡升级版 110 就k歌来说 还行,latency 开到64
挂了板岩VMR 通道条。俩混响。 挺稳定,就是话放品质没介绍说的那么好。
USB3.0下蓝不蓝屏??? 我的M-audio MobilePre Ⅱ 只要打开网页 纸牌之类的就蓝屏!
为什么我当时已经下单了,问某烧客服,他跟我说这卡yy K歌有很大延迟,叫我一定要考虑清楚,最后退货了
楼主求助!在叉烧那买的 因为什么都不太清楚 是客服推荐的 然后就买了 然后到了弄了好久还是不会客服也没回啊...一直都是不兼容 要怎么弄啊TT
刚在网上买了 但是客服介绍下驱动的网站打不开 楼主能不能发一个
你好,我买了AudioProbe Spartan A 这个卡。现在想YY唱歌 不知道用什么机架 好一些 麻烦推荐下。感谢
千元还是上maya22 省钱少折腾,要么直接rme bp
搂住你好 我买了玛雅22 请问 鸡架啥的咋个调- -
我买了这个声卡 … 淘宝问了几家都说没调过就很尴尬
外置声卡哪个牌子好?推荐回答:什么是外置声卡?外置声卡,一种有别于主板集成,或者通过PCI、ISA、PCI-E等接口与主板相连的内置的声卡。由于最常见的连接形式为USB接口,因此也被称为USB声卡。目前市场上做得比较好的有创新和德国坦克外置声卡怎么使用?简单的外置声卡 ,U盘式的外置声卡。这类声卡是无需驱动就可以直接运行的,所以当你需使用它的时候,你只需要把它插在USB借口里,直接把耳麦插在这个外置声卡的耳麦孔里就行了。如果你的电脑的声卡坏,自己有不想动自己的机子,那么你就直接买个外置的小声卡插上就可以听到声音了。如何在电脑端(win7)、声卡界面和AA界面进行设置才能录歌?问题详情:录音小白一名,现有Spartan Cue 110外置声卡、舒尔SM58话筒、AA软件。推荐回答:这样试试打开控制面板--声音--录制如图:这是我的机子Windows7在没插外接耳麦时的状态。这是系统默认的声音输入设备是内置的麦克风。然后插上带耳麦的耳机后;会添加一个外接的耳麦,这时候将你外接的耳麦设为右击设为默认录入设备就是了。为了方便区别我讲系统内置的耳麦禁用了。 如果你插上后是同一个设备名你可以试一试是哪一个就不用禁用一个了,当然使用完 如果没必要你就不用在恢复设置了。 最后一张是对比图 你可以根据右击查看他们的属性确定哪个是外接设备,外接设备的插座信息是面板3.55毫米的插座,这个就很明确了 。你好,我试过了,这样用电脑自带的录音机录音的时候,声音是从耳机的麦录进去;如果用Adobe Audition 录则还是从电脑录而不是从麦录进去,把电脑的那个麦克风禁用之后,AA就出现了下面这个,是怎么回事呢?谢谢!弈安传媒科技回复,[弈安传媒科技提升自己的平台]请关注:号及公众号 弈安传媒科技 外置声卡怎么用?问题详情:推荐回答:将USB声卡连接耳机或者音箱因这个声卡是免驱的,因此不用再去安装驱动,就可以使用。如果是非免驱的再看第三步。非免驱的USB声卡在购买的包装里带有安装盘,将安装盘放入电脑光驱按操作步骤安装即可。如果没有驱动光盘的看还是安装不上的,看下面步骤。下载驱动精灵,或者驱动大师。将本机的内置声卡禁用。以下是禁用本机声卡步骤。1.右击我的电脑,点“属性”选项2.在弹出“系统属性”窗体中点“硬件”选项卡。会看到“设备管理器”按钮。红色框起来的部分3.继第二部会弹出“设备管理器”窗体,在“设备管理器”右边窗口中找到“声音视频控制器”点开前面的“+”号,展开这一项,右键点击声卡,我的是ATI声卡,所以点第一个,大部分都点第一个。会弹出一个菜单,点菜单中的停用或卸载。按步骤操作完用安装好的驱动精灵,扫描安装 驱动就可以了。 一千多的外置声卡在录制干音的时候会有延迟吗?问题详情:推荐回答:还是稍微有一点延迟,个人感觉可以忽略。我发现所有的外置录音设备包括无线麦都有不同程度的声音延迟现象,声音的bit率越高越容易产生延迟,个人看法主要是和声音数据传输和处理速度有关系,电脑配置高一点情况会好。外置声卡都有什么效果?推荐回答:1.美化声音外置声卡可以设置各种复杂的音频效果,可以让声音更好听,声卡本来就是起修饰声音的作用,可以通过调试来美化声音。好的声卡声音还原度和音质是很出色的。2.听觉代入有的游戏玩家打游戏的时候,追求身临其境的感觉。或大多数人都会喜欢欣赏影视作品或音乐时,真实和身临其境的存在感。实现这些极致的音效,需要一定的物质基础。内置的高端声卡可以满足你的这些需求,但你需要在不同的设备之间切换时,外置的声卡就会方便许多,整合了高清音频耳放的便携外置声卡会是一个不错的选择。外置声卡一般都有什么功能?推荐回答:外置声卡一般都有什么功能?一、闪避外置声卡一般都有闪避功能,开始说话的时候,播放的音乐会静音,不说话的时候,音乐继续播放,这个用的就是闪避功能。二、调整高低音等效果外置声卡可以调节低音、中音、高音,这个要根据自己的声色进行调节。三、混响效果四、变声效果可以把你的声音改变,比如变成小孩、男生、女声、魔兽等声音。外置声卡一般都多少钱?推荐回答:去淘宝找了下,口碑不错的创新300-400元,一般的也有100-200元的。外置声卡有什么作用?
郑重申明:本文内容来源于互联网,由人工智能大数据分析系统自动抓取筛选后自动生成,非人力所为,若有侵犯您的合法权益,请点击右上角[侵权举报]按钮维权,我们将立即进行处理。PreSonus 普瑞声纳 Eris E5 有源双功放 监听音箱 (对装)
PreSonus 普瑞声纳 Eris E5 有源双功放 监听音箱 (对装)
更新时间: 09:41
PreSonus(普瑞声纳)是来自美国的专业音频产品制造商,成名于他的录音用音频信号处理器(压缩器、均衡器、话筒放大器、监听控制器、ADA转换器等)。PreSonus 紧凑型两分频有源监听音箱Eris系列 E5,使用了一个5.25英寸,由超轻型Kevlar(TM)凯夫拉(美国杜邦公司研制的一种防弹纤维材料)制成的低频单元和一个超轻型1英寸丝绸质地的球顶高 音单元,AB类双功放,这些足以让Eris传递出非常专业的音质。Eris同时提供了射频屏蔽,输出电流限制,过温保护,低音过载的辅助保护功能。传说中 2K级别的入门监听之王,什么值得买网友“Vincent_Wong”有一篇颇为,评价亦可参考。
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  SPARTAN CUE 110是一款USB经典2.0音频/MIDI音频接口,带有110dB输入输出,兼容Mac和Windows系统。当SPARTAN CUE 110与电脑连接时,音乐家和音乐编辑者们可以在任何地点任何时间完成高质量录音、编辑和mixing。在格莱美领先的《专业音频杂志》深度评测中,SPARTAN CUE 110在一堆声誉颇高的产品中被评为“高级产品”。在AUDIOPROBE工程师的丰富经验以及我们队全新潜在科技的热忱中设计出来的SPARTAN CUE 110,是处于全世界各处用户的最佳选择。产品提供最基本的功能和最优质的输入输出质量。主要特点符合USB Audio Class 2.0USB告诉操作,24-bit/192kHzASYNC : 零时钟抖动双耳机2个大功率耳机放大器[LO MUTE] : 只有HP输出,线路输出哑音[LO UNMUTE] : HP输出。只有线路输出110dBA Dynamics / Low Harmonic DistortionEasy Monitoring / Easy Source SelectHigh Fidelity Microphone PreampIndustry Top-Class Components AppliedEIN = -130dBu, Max Gain+48V Phantom PowerToggle Monitor Mode with 3-StepMono Mix / Off / Stereo MixJFET Instrument PreampJFET Based Preamp-Rich and Ample Sound5 Mega Ohms Input ImpedanceWide Range Gain Control Up To +34dBToggle Input Source with 3-StepMic and Inst/ Line Input Fixed Gain / Line Input Variable GainBalanced Line I/OProfessional Standard Balanced I/OWide Range Input Level Accepted with Gain ControlsOutput Volume AdjustmentBus Powered OperationAdditional Connector For External Power Source(Adaptor Not Included)Standard MIDI I/OMachine Cutting Fine Aluminum HousingInnovative Windows Device DriverCAPTURE PROBE : Flexible Internal Routing and Mixing SolutionMulti-Client ASIO 2.2Lowest LatencyHigh Gloss Acrylic Top Finish8-Step Input Level MetersWindows and Mac OS X
110dBA Dynamic RangeMore than 3 times quieter, 2 times lower distortionMaximum Dynamics in Real World, Low Harmonic Distortion, Low NoiseEngineering goal of newer SPARTAN CUE was to expand dynamic range and to reduce harmonic distortion and noise level than previous hardware. By upgrading many of discrete components and improving hardware design we had to be able to achieve satisfied audio quality. Now you are able to experience 110dBA excess Dynamic Range with extremely low harmonic distortion at all of analog I/O channels of SPARTAN CUE. All these quality improvement allow you to monitor and record your sound precisely. SPARTAN CUE presents the best computer music environment.Asynchronous USB Audio Class 2.0All digital technology begins with perfect analog technologyIn digital audio systems, clock jitter is a major cause of sound distortion. When using the old USB Full-speed (1.1) connection standard, various jitters result in significant sound distortion when recording and playing back the original audio, even though it might be high quality ADC/DAC. This is because the audio clock system has a significant amount of noise and is dependent on a computer clock that is not accurate. To solve the effects of these kinds of jitters, the Audioprobe engineers focused on solving two major technical problems.First, SPARTAN CUE connects to the computer through an asynchronous method with the USB Audio Class 2.0 standard. This allows SPARTAN CUE to remain unaffected by the computer and use a completely independent audio clock to operate the ADC/DAC, enabling it to perform more accurate sampling.Second, we focused on designing a stable power supply to reduce the clock errors that occur inside SPARTAN CUE. Supported by a highly reliable power supply, the audio sample clock is capable of up to 512 times the sampling rate while operating with minimal errors.A digital signal made up of bits of data can be converted to an analog signal without jitter distortions and vice versa. This allows you to experience clear and realistic audio.Learn MoreHigh Fidelity Microphone PreamplifierClear sound without noise ? close your eyes and judge for yourselfFrom general dynamic microphones to expensive top condenser microphones, SPARTAN CUE’s microphone preamplifier can clearly convey the characteristics of any microphone to which it is connected. Our preamplifier is made up of parts that have undergone a strict selection process.It was not only developed by Audioprobe’s skilled engineers, but also tested by experts with decades of experience in the field of recording. Close your eyes and experience sound that rivals the very best microphone preamplifiers.JFET High Impedance InputHelping guitarists find the right toneCheck out the video of the guitarist Hamm’s recording with SPARTAN CUE. See the big screenMany audio interfaces have average instrument inputs that are neither poor nor exceptional in quality. We began from scratch with the goal of implementing a sound that can satisfy guitarists.We use JFET devices to create a high impedance analog preamplifier with a range of up to 5 mega ohms. It captures high quality sound from normal single pickup electric guitars to bass guitars and even sensitive piezo pickup guitars. This enables you to feel the rich textures of the tone.8-step Input Level Meter and Operating Status LEDQuickly check the operating statusAn accurate dBFS meter mounted on the input channel is very useful when setting recording levels. Real-time monitoring of the input signal allows you to quickly set the appropriate level. For digital recording, the level meter can be monitored to record the maximum dynamic range without clipping. USB, +48V, and stream indicators conveniently show the operating status of SPARTAN CUE.Input Selection Switch and Monitoring Selection SwitchSelect the input and instantly monitor the soundThe input selection switch can be used to easily select the line level input or microphone and instrument input. In addition, the connected sources can be separated into mono/stereo and be monitored instantly. You can check the sound by simply using the switch, instead of clicking the mouse or operating the hardware. The switch can also be used to utilize a hidden feature.SPARTAN CUE can be used like an additional external preamplifier when exporting sound with a line level output from the high quality microphone preamplifier and instrument preamplifier mounted on SPARTAN CUE. Headphones with sufficient volume and balanced line level output can be connected to other devices.SC110 Input Source and MonitorSC110 Input Source and MonitorLow Noise Balanced Input and OutputExperts require balanced input and output+19dBu acceptable line input and +17dBu line output allows best connection with your professional audio equipment without loss of dynamics. Specially the gain selectable line input between ‘Fixed Gain’ and ‘Variable Gain’ helps to record your sound by sufficient dynamics without limitation of source levels.110_Balanced_SizematchedCAPTURE PROBE?Lossless routing of sound being playedCAPTURE PROBE? is a fantastic tool used to capture sound played on a Windows System, enabling you to easy record sound from a video or a movie soundtrack.Select the CAPTURE PROBE? button and mix the sound that is being played to SPARTAN CUE’s logical input. Depending on the running application’s output driver type, they can be selected altogether or individually to be recorded.Learn MoreWindows and OS XFlawless on both systemsOptimized for Windows 7, 8, 8.1ASIO2.2WDMWASAPI (Windows 7 or later)Mac_Logo_65px Compatible with OS X 10.6.1 and LaterCoreAudioSimple, Solid DesignWe spared no effortWe used high quality materials that cannot be imitated by similarly priced products, from the high-strength steel plate made of 3mm aluminum to the robotically processed high-gloss acrylic plates with a deep finish. You can’t judge it by pictures alone. You can only fully appreciate the difference when you experience its features for yourself.
Front View1 XLR Microphone Input2 6.35mm Instrument Input3 Input Source Selection Switch4 Monitoring Mode Selection Switch5 Headphone Output (with Line Out muted)6 Headphone Output (with Line Out unmuted)Rear View1 Line Output (Balanced)2 Line Input (Balanced)3 MIDI I/O4 External Power Input Connector5 USB 2.0 High Speed Connector6 +48V Phantom Power SwitchTop View1 Left/Right Input dBFS LED Meter2 USB Link LED Indicator3 +48V Status LED Indicator4 STREAM Status LED Indicator5 Input Gain Knobs6 Output Volume KnobSetup ExampleSetup Example 110_EN-02ANALOG PERFORMANCELine Outputs (Left, Right)Type Balanced Line AmplifiersConnector Type 6.35mm TRS Phone (balanced)Maximum Output Level +17.2dBu @ 0dBFS, Maximum Master LevelFrequency Response -0.04dB, 20Hz to 20kHzSNR and Dynamic Range 110dBA, 20Hz to 20kHz, Maximum Master LevelTHD 0.0010% @ 1kHz, 0dBFS, Maximum Master LevelTHD+N 0.0012% @ 1kHz, 0dBFS, Maximum Master LevelOutput Impedance 440 ohms balancedCrosstalk -110dB, 1kHz, channel to channel Line Inputs (Left, Right)Type Balanced Line Pre-Amplifiers with Gain ControlConnector Type 6.35mm TRS Phone (balanced)Total Preamp Gain +19dBMaximum Input Level for 0dBFS Line Fixed : 19dBuLine Gain : +13dBu (Minimum Gain)Line Gain : -6dBu (Maximum Gain)Frequency Response -0.03dB, 20Hz to 20kHzSNR and Dynamic Range 113dBA, 20Hz to 20kHz, @LINE Fixed Gain111dBA, 20Hz to 20kHz, @LINE Gain(Minimum Gain)THD 0.0003% @ 1kHz, -1dBFS, LINE Fixed GainTHD+N 0.0007% @ 1kHz, -1dBFS, LINE Fixed GainInput Impedance 33 kohms balancedCross Talk -109dB, 1kHz, channel to channel Headphone OutputsType Stereo Headphone AmplifierConnector Type 2 x 1/4″ TRS Phone (Stereo Unbalanced)Maximum Output Level +11.7dBu into 300 ohms, Maximum Master LevelFrequency Response -0.04dB, 20Hz to 20kHzSNR and Dynamic Range 111dBA, 20Hz to 20kHz, @ Max Output LevelTHD 0.0010% @ 1kHz, 0dBFS, +11dBu into 300 ohmsTHD+N 0.0012% @ 1kHz, 0dBFS, +11dBu into 300 ohmsRecommended 30 to 600ohmsCross Talk -95dB, 1kHz, channel to channel, into 300 ohmsPower @ 33ohm Load 200mW , (100mW/channel) Microphone InputType Low noise microphone preampConnector Type XLR (1:Ground, 2:Hot, 3:Cold)Total Preamp Gain +50dB Approx.Input Impedance 2.45 k ohms balancedFrequency Response -0.14dB, 20Hz to 20kHzEIN -130dBu(A), 20-20kHz, Maximum Gain, Rs=150ohmsSNR(Minimum Gain) 110dBA, 20Hz to 20kHz, Minimum GainTHD 0.0005% @ 1kHz, -1dBFS, Minimum GainTHD+N 0.0008% @ 1kHz, -1dBFS, Minimum GainMaximum Input Level +5.5dBu, Minimum Gain-44dBu, Maximum GainPhantom Power +48V, +/-10%, 5mA max Instrument InputType JFET High Impedance PreampConnector Type 6.35mm TS Phone (unbalanced)Total Preamp Gain +34dBInput Impedance 5 Mega ohmsFrequency Response -0.02dB, 20Hz to 20kHzSNR and Dynamic Range 110dBA, 20Hz to 20kHz, Minimum GainTHD+N 0.02% @ 1kHz, -3dBFS, Minimum GainMaximum Input Level +9dBu, Minimum Gain-25dBu, Maximum Gain Input SelectType Input Source SelectionSwitch 3-Step Toggle Switch with OffFunction Mic/Inst : Mic-Left and Inst-RightLine Fixed : Balanced line input with fixed gain for high level signalsLine Gain : Balanced line input with variable gain Monitor MixType Input Signal Mix to Output Channel (Mono/Stereo)Switch 3-step Toggle SwitchMix Function Mono Mix : -3dB Pan Law (L+R/0.707 → output L/R)Stereo Mix : : 0dB Mix on each output channelsOff : Monitor OffDIGITAL SPECIFICATIONClock and JitterSample Rates 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 and 192kHzAudio Clock Source Asynchronous Audio Clock System independent from USB Host clock.Master clock source of ADC and DAC is deliveredfrom precise on-boarded Crystal circuit.(less than 10ppm)22.5792MHz distribute for 44.1, 88.2 and 176.4kHz24.5760MHz distribute for 48,96 and 192kHz Analog to Digital ConverterType 24bit, 192kHz sigma-delta ADCSNR and Dynamic Range 103dBA Digital to Analog ConverterType 24bit, 192kHz sigma-delta ADCSNR and Dynamic Range 115dBA Input Level MetersType 8-Step LED Level MetersLevel Step -30, -24, -18, -12, -9, -6, -3 and 0dBFS System IndicatorsType LED IndicatorsLevel Step Green+48V RedSTREAM Red MIDI Input and OutputType Standard MIDI I/OConnector Type 5pin DIN USBType USB Audio Class 2.0 Asynchronous Operation (USB 3.0 ready)Connector Type Standard USB type BPower 5V/500mAGENERAL SPECIFICATIONWeight and DimensionDimensions(W x H x D) 172 x 56 x 132mm (Product), 227 x 95 x 178mm (Retail Package)Weight 670gram (Product), 1010 gram (Retail Package)Finish Top Panel ? Acrylic High GrossBody frame ? Aluminum (Anodic Oxide Coating) EnvironmentOperating Temperature 0 to 50 degree (Celsius), 32 to 122degree(Fahrenheit)Storage Temperature -30to 70 degree(Celsius), -22 to 167(Fahrenheit)Humidity Max. 80%


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