
托是什么意思 托在线翻译 托什么意思 托的意思 托的翻译 托的解释 托的发音 托的同义词 托的反义词 托的例句 托的相关词组
托 基本解释托[tuō]动:托。动:出发;(使)开始;引起;点燃。动serve as a contrast or foil:托;陪衬。动:委托,托付。名:支持;支撑;帮助;维持。名:基地;基础;根据;基数(如十进制的10 和二进制的2)。名sth. serving as a support量:托:压力单位,约等于1。316×10-3气压或133。322帕斯卡。托 汉英大词典托[tuō][动] (向上承受) support from under:  例:右手托着下巴    rest one's ch    托在手里    hold sth.    用拱托起屋顶    support a roof with arches[动] (陪衬) serve as a contrast or foil:  例:衬托    make sth. s    烘云托月    paint clouds provide a foil to set off a character or incident in a literary work[动] (委托; 寄托) trust:  例:托人情    ask sb.'    托人照看家    leave a house in sb.'    她托我寄这封信。    She entrusted me with mailing this letter.[动] (推托) plead:  例:托病    plead illness[动] (依赖) thanks to:  例:托赖大家的努力, 才能按时完成任务。    Thanks to our hard work, we can fulfil the task on time.[名] (托子; 类似托子的东西) sth. serving as a support:  例:茶托儿        花托        枪托    the stock [butt] of a rifle, etc.[量] (压强单位) torr托 网络解释1. 1. drag:dragEnterEvent() ,该函数在用户将一个对象托(drag)至widget之上时被调用,参数为QDragEnterEvnet型指针. dropEvent() ,该函数在用户将一个对象拽(drop)至widget之上时被调用,参数为QDropEvent型指针托 双语例句1. 1. 托布雷酒庄伐木工瑟美戎(Torbreck Woodcutter`s Semillon)具有其典型特点:果香浓郁,带有美妙的蜜渍柑橘的味道,以及杏仁和鲜花的香味。&&&&Torbreck Woodcutter`s Semillon is a case in point: this fruity white wine offers wonderful honeyed citrus, almond, and flower aromas.2. 在训练场边,在一个翻译的帮助下,帕托谈到了他的想法:对我来说,昨天是一个重要的夜晚,我有机会和舍甫琴科拥抱,他是米兰历史上最重要的7号。&&&&Close to the training ground, thanks to a translator, Pato spoke about his thoughts and explained: For me, yesterday was an importat night. I had the opportunity to embrace Shevchenko, the most important number 7 of the Milan history.3. 他的心把你与大地相系,他的芬芳托你入苍穹,在他的恒久里,你将永生。&&&&His mind binds you to the earth, his fragrance lifts you into space, and in his durability you are deathless.4. 4. 让我先介绍一下我自己:我目前在上海昂立托雅学院做英语教师。&&&&Let me first introduce myself. I`m currently working as an English teacher at Shanghai Onlytoya College.5. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D5. 让我先介绍一下我自己:我目前在上海昂立托雅学院做英语教师。&&&&I'm currently working as an English teacher at Shanghai Onlytoya College.6. 让我先介绍一下我自己:我目前在上海昂立托雅学院做英语教师。&&&&Let me firstintroduce myself. I`m currently working as an English teacher at Shanghai Onlytoya College.7. 我们趁上了一只完好的船,在我们祈祷托身上帝以后就出发了。&&&&We embarked on board a good ship, and, after committing ourselves to God, set sail.8. 另外,任何一个稍具姿色的女性在走投无路时,总可以托身某个男人。&&&&The result, for a tramp, is that he is condemned to perpetual celibacy.9. 当我想告别一段时光,我首先将与之相关的东西烧得一干二净。正因为现实中无处托身,它们反而在脑海里更顽固的盘踞。&&&&As long as I want to end a period, I will burn down everything relative to that period which hovers firmly in mind because of being inexistent in the reality.10. 中国国际海事博览会托身于 Europort Maritime ,有其独有的特色,与其他国内海事港口类主题展会有所不同的是,博览会将在疏浚工程,船舶和港口的特种机械以及舰艇装备技术等国内目前技术相对薄弱的领域做重点开发,同时引进欧洲专业性公司及展团来与国内进行技术和学术的交流。&&&&Europort China originates from Europort Maritime with its special features. It is fundamentally different from other domestic maritime and port exhibitions in that it focuses on the technology-wise, relatively under-developed fields in China, such as dredging, special machinery and equipment of ships and ports and naval technology. It introduces professional corporations in the industry to an intellectual communication with their Chinese counterparts.11. 这件事改变了他们从马赛返回法国的计划,取而代之的是去托斯库卢姆找教皇,直到罗马人起义将他们驱逐出去,在那里驻留了5个月。&&&&&&Later, at King Roger's court in Potenza, she learnt of the death of her uncle R this appears to have forced a change of plans, for instead of returning to France from Marseilles, they instead sought the Pope in Tusculum, where he had been driven five months before by a Roman revolt.12. 12. 演员:(系列演员概要- 1514年),大卫里士满为乔杰萨顿佩克(3集,2009年),伊丽莎白米切尔埃丽卡埃文斯(2集,2009),莫里斯尼古拉斯的瑞安板栗(2集,2009年),乔尔的父亲杰克兰德里Gretsch(2集,2009年),卢德迪克托。。。&&&&&&Cast:(Series Cast Summary - fourteen of fifteen), David Richmond-Peck as Georgie Sutton(3 episodes, 2009), Elizabeth Mitchell as Erica Evans(2 episodes, 2009), Morris Chestnut as Ryan Nichols(2 episodes, 2009), Joel Gretsch as Father Jack Landry(2 episodes, 2009), Lourdes Benedicto..13. 安哥拉,洛比托,11月24日-本格拉铁路局局长丹尼尔·齐帕克称,连接洛比托-卢奥的铁路重建工作将于2006年一月开始。洛-卢铁路位于安哥拉南部,由中华人民共和国资助重建。&&&&&&Lobito, Angola, 24 Nov – The reconstruction of the railroad line linking Lobito to Luau, in the South of Angola, a project financed by the People`s Republic of China, will begin in January 2006, the head of the Benguela Railroad has said.14. 小汤姆托着这一大盘黄尾鱼、黄白石鲈鱼和岩石斑鱼回到舵舱。&&&&&&Young tom brought the platter of yellowtail, yellow and white grunts, and rock hind up into the cockpit15. 15. 小汤姆托着这一大盘黄尾鱼、黄白石鲈鱼和岩石斑鱼回到舵舱。&&&&&&Young Tom brought the platter of yellow tail, yellow and white grunts, and rock hind up into the cockpit16. 16. 目的 :验证经过约 8 周的双盲治疗后,托莫西汀对注意缺陷多动障碍症状的改善不亚于哌甲酯。&&&&&&Objectives: To test the hypothesis that atomoxetine is noninferior to methylphenidate in improving Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms.17. 庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶,望帝春心托杜鹃,生物皆如此,花的魂灵来自于生命意义的延伸。&&&&&&The love heart of wang emperor repose in cuckoo. Critter are all as this. The soul of flowers are coming from prolongation of life`s meaning.18. 很简单,正如我所说的,肯瑞托已经准备了一个有着严格的检疫措施的隔离村庄&&&&&&As I have said, the Kirin Tor are already prepared to place the villages under strict quarantine.19. 19. 公司位於布斯托阿西齐奥,处於欧洲中心,交通方便,距米兰马彭萨国际机场只有10分钟路程。&&&&&&Syncro srl, based in Busto Arsizio, is located in the heart of Europe and easily reachable being just 10 minutes away from the Malpensa International airport in Milan.20. 他在1688年成为22岁的和尚,但他很快就获准离开秩序,成为在曼图亚公爵和蒙法拉托法院作曲家。&&&&&&He became a monk in 1688 at age 22, but he soon obtained permission to leave the order and become a composer in the court of the Duke of Mantua and Monferrato.托是什么意思,托在线翻译,托什么意思,托的意思,托的翻译,托的解释,托的发音,托的同义词,托的反义词,托的例句,托的相关词组,托意思是什么,托怎么翻译,单词托是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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