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掌握7国语言的Sid Efromovich。在18岁时就已经掌握了4门语言,之后3年的时间里又学会了3门新的语言。如此厉害的他讲述了他在后3年学习中总结出来的学习秘诀。大致分为以下5点。1、打破脑中的常识在学习语言中最重要的是要“出错”。当我们最初开始学发音的时候,会担心自己的发音是否正确,为什么呢,这是因为在这之前,我们脑中的语言数据基础中并没有这些东西。但是这又是最重要的事。为了感受数据基础外的东西,不断的出错,感受这种违和感是很重要的。更重要的是,跳出自己脑海中常识的感觉。比如说,感受到自己将“水”用英语读做“wara”有些不对劲。感到羞耻,就不会按照自己的常识去说,而是用当地的发音去说话,这是很重要的。2、记忆文字规则举例来说,在英语中,though和thought非常像,但意思上完全不一样。这里最重要的就是破坏外语词汇的外形,而去了解内在词汇形成的规则。许多(日本)人把巴西硬币“real”读成“lealu”。但是,这样别人是无法理解的。因为“real”在葡萄牙语中是读“heou”的。那么,为什么要写成“real”呢。因为这里面有文字规则,而我们在分解、认识它的时候又能进一步知道更多的东西。3、有帮自己指出错误的人第三点重要的是要找到一个能够帮自己指出错误的人,那种能帮人挑错挑到烦人地步的最好。然后,与这人搞好关系。不要认为改错是不好的事情,能为自己朝目标推一把,不断帮自己挑错的人。无论是老师还是朋友也好,有这样在自己身边为自己挑错的人是很重要的。而现在用网络也能简单查到很多东西。4/自言自语练习法接下来就是练习了。关于练习方法我推荐在洗澡的时候自言自语练习。虽然别人看来会有点奇葩,但是1个人试着练习多种对话形式会很有用。而且,也不一定要在洗澡的时候,这种练习方法何时何地都能实现。比如,在电车中,走路的时候,我用这种方法练了好几年。体育选手们其实也在用同样的方法。重要的是将脑中具体的画面印象化,然后重复替换。5/有学习同一种语言的小伙伴上面介绍的都是语言记忆的方法,接下来就介绍一个能激发学习兴趣的学习方法。要点是两人用最熟悉最好使的语言相互交流。可以的话,也会用上其他比较容易的语言吧。因此,需要找两人共通并且想学的语言。用网络来找小伙伴也行,要是能一同旅游那就更好了。还有一点,想介绍给大家最有趣的方法。以前工作的场所有一位懂得多种语言的学者。尽管对于我们来说英语交流最轻松,接下来是法语。但是我们相互间使用德语来交流。为什么要这样做呢,因为在那办公室里,有懂英语的也有懂法语的人。我们即使在说周末相约的事别人也听不懂。这能够在公共场合保护个人隐私。非常有意思。总结能做到以上几点,不但能减少压力和学语言的退缩感,还能让许多事变成可能。通过学习语言,能了解到更多新的文化生活方式,更重要的是,能比以前更了解自己。千里之行始于足下。但是,要怎样前进,你应该已经知道了吧。I speak seven languages. As soon as people find out about that, what I’m most often asked — other than for my phone number — is: “How did you do it? How did you go about learning all these different languages?”Well, today I’m going to share with you some answers. So my phone number is 212…I’m just kidding. See, I was raised as a polyglot. And by the time I turned 18, I could speak already four different languages. And then for the subsequent three years, I learned three additional languages. It’s about those 3 years that I want to talk about. Because my language acquisition process was very different from that of my peers, in that it was never of these stressful, strenuous, difficult, seemingly impossible tasks, but rather something enjoyable, fun, exciting. I loved it, every single moment of it. And I want to share with you why, what was it that made it so special.See, I did have a head start, in that I did have these four languages that I spoke ahead of time. But there were also these 5 techniques, 5 skills if you will, that I use that made the language learning process so much easier. And it’s about those 5 techniques that I want to talk about.So let’s dig right in. And for the first one, the first thing that we’ve got to do is to take a very deep breath. And relax. And the reason for it is because our entire lives, we’re taught how to do things right. From the moment we were born we’re taught what things we should do, things we shouldn’t do, and how to do things properly.Well, when it comes to language learning, the golden rule of language learning, the most important thing, is to get things wrong, to make mistakes, and that is the first rule. Let me explain to you why.See, when we’ve known languages, we know a whole collection of sounds and a whole collection of structures, which combined make what I like to call — and for the purpose of this presentation — ourlanguage database. And our language database will contain all the sounds and structures that we know. However, there is a whole family of sounds and structures that are beyond our database. And for us to be able to embark on those and to be able to explore those, there is nothing within our database, nothing within our knowledge that will tell us when we’re getting the structures right, nothing to tell us when that sound is precise.Let’s say we’re going to explore this one specific sound. There is nothing in our database. When we say it, we could say it perfectly, but in our minds, it will sound like a mistake. So you know that queasy feeling that we feel, that insecure thing, when we feel like we’re doing something wrong? That is the trigger that you need to look for. Because that is the signal that tells you that you’re going beyond your database and that you’re allowing yourself to explore the realm of the new language.Let me show you how this works in practice. Let’s say, we’re going to go and learn the word door in Spanish. So, the word door in Spanish is Puerta. So, for Puerta we’ve got a few sounds that exist in English. So, the Pu, e, and ta. However, when it comes to the r, that sound is not in our database. TheRR. The rolled r does not exist in the English sound database. And it’s a little bit on the outside. So, if we allowed ourselves to bridge through our database, and to really break through and to make the mistake, we could make sounds like the RR. But instead what sometimes happens is that we get the closest relative of it that is within the database, and that is the ah-er sound. And that ah-er sound makes something that sounds like pue-er-rta, which doesn’t mean a thing in Spanish, and actually doesn’t sound too charming. And it doesn’t tell you too much.So, for the first technique, allow yourself to make that mistake, so that sounds like Puerta can come out.And now let’s go to the second one. For the second one, I’m going to need some of your collaboration. We’re going to read these four beautiful words. And on the count of three. So let’s start with the first one, on the count of three: one, two, three.Mao. Mao, perfect.The second one: one, two, three. Coco. Perfect.ALSO READ: J.K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement 2008 (Transcript)ALSO READ: Paul Stamets on 6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save The World (Transcript)Third one. One, two, three. Cocao. Perfect.And the fourth one. One, two, three. Oh.Let me show you what happened when we did this. We get theses four words and we put them through a sort of American English filter. And we get something looks kind of like this. And I’ll tell you the results of that. So for the first one Mo, which means hand in Portuguese, we put it through the filter, we get Mao.For the second one we get coco, which is coconut in Portuguese, or coc, which means poop. We put it through the filter, and we get a warm cup of cocoa.And for the fourth one, we have huo, which means fire in Chinese. And we get — if you’re feeling really creative, maybe a dude doing karate… But anyways, they don’t tell you much about how these things are pronounced. And if you think it’s only one way, only if you’re going from English to a different language, think about non-native speakers. And try to explain to someone that this is pronouncedthough, and that this is pronounced thought. And even though they look almost identical, they have nothing to do with one another. Or try to explain to them that this is enough and that this (enuf) is just simply wrong.See, there is nothing useful about using that foreign alphabet, when you’re trying to learn a language. Why? Because it will give you wrong signals.So what is the second technique? Scrap it. Scrap the foreign alphabet. Let me give you an alternative of how you can go about this. This is a Brazilian currency, and it’s spelled like this. So on the count of three, can we all say the name of the currency. Real.We have some people who know the spelling. Yeah, re-al, for the most part. And as useful as this might seem, it doesn’t tell you a single thing. And when you’re speaking Portuguese, re-al means nothing.Let me give you an alternative. See, in Portuguese, the way that you say real is heou. So let me teach you how to say it. So on the count of three, let’s say he. So it’s hey without the y sound. So, one, two, three — he. Perfect. And now let’s say ou. It’s like ouch, but without the ch sound, so it’s ou. One, two, three, OU. Perfect.So, HE. OU. HE-OU, HEOU.Now you all sound like passionate Brazilian capitalists. So why would we go and use something that looks like this, that looks like real, when instead you can use something that looks like this and gives you so much more information about how to say something in a foreign language. And that puts us in a really good spot because at this point we allowed ourselves to break through our database and to make mistakes, to go into that uncharted territory of a new language. And then, we figured out how to take notations in a way that the information is actually meaningful.But then how can we test it? And that’s where technique number 3 comes in. Technique number 3 is about finding a stickler. So finding someone who’s detail-oriented and won’t let you to get away with the mistakes. And more than finding someone who is really that person, the guru for the language, it’s more about establishing the right sort of relationship. Relationship with someone, where they’ll correct you, they’ll feel comfortable correcting you and making sure that you’re getting to that spot you wanted in a language. But at the same time, someone who will encourage you to get things wrong and to make those mistakes in the first place. And sticklers could be your teacher, it could be your tutor, it could be a friend, it could be someone on Skype or on C it doesn’t matter. You can find sticklers all over the place, and with technology, it becomes a lot easier find them.And then it’s time to practice. And for practicing, we’ve got the fourth technique. See, I always thought I had this thing that was a little bit of Sid craziness that I did, and then I realized how useful it was. I always did what I like to call Shower Conversations. And shower conversations are exactly what they sound like. When I was learning a new language, I would stay in the shower for a few minutes. And I would remember having a I remember when I was learning Chinese, and I would haggle and try to get two yuan more, to get that wonderful dumpling, and
or I would go to Rome and I’d ask for directions to the best piazza. It was amazing.ALSO READ: Clifford Stoll Talks at TED on The Call To Learn (Transcript)ALSO READ: Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg on Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders (Transcript)And the beautiful thing about a shower conversation is that it allows you to find wherever you have a gap in your knowledge, because you’re having a conversation on both ends. For example, it’s easy to ask for directions, how about receiving them? Or even better, giving directions. Well, the shower conversation forces you to have both sides of the conversation. And you don’t need to have them in the shower. The wonderful thing about them as well is that you can have them anywhere. So you can have them in the shower, in your apartment, walking down the streets, in the subway, and seriously, if you’re in the subway, speaking to yourself in a foreign language in New York, you’ll fit right in. You’re fine. And it’s great, because you don’t depend on anything or anyone to get your practice, and I did this for years. And later on I found out that professional athletes do, too. Michael Phelps is known to visualize every single one of his races, several times over, before jumping in the water. Worked great for him, and it works great for me, too, so it would work for you as well.And now let’s go to using the language. Because up to now, it’s great, we’ve figured out how to do all these things, and that puts us in a really good position to use the language, and for that I recommend you find a conversation buddy. And to find a conversation buddy, I recommend you follow what I callThe Buddy Formula. And that is a way that you can make sure that your incentives are always aligned to use the new language. So for that is, the target language should be your best language in common.Why? If you’re anything like me, you like to learn languages, so that you can communicate with more people, so that you can reach out and understand a little bit more about their brains and hearts. And so, if we try to talk to someone in a foreign language that both of us don’t do really well, when we could be speaking English, or whatever language you’re more comfortable with as a pair, odds are that you’re going to revert to that language that is easier. So I recommend you find someone where your best language in common is your target language. And if you can’t find one locally, try technology. Or if you can travel, that would be perfect.There’s a problem with that, and I realize it, because it’s difficult to find someone that fits that profile exactly. Well I’ve got good news. And I’ve found that out when I was at work, and one of my colleagues, he’s a linguist, too, he speaks a ton of languages, and our best language in common was definitely English. Our second best language in common: definitely French. But we always spoke in German to each other in the office. Why was that? It was because there were people in the office who spoke E there were people in the office who spoke French. But we could talk about Friday and Saturday night in German, and nobody had any idea what we were talking about. So it can also be your best secret language in common. And it becomes such a convenient tool. You can have that with your friends and you get the sense of privacy in public. No matter where you are, you can have a private conversation.So, let’s recap. With the first technique we allow ourselves to break through the barrier of language and to explore the uncharted territory of sounds and structures outside our database.Then with the second one, we learn how to take notes and how to make sure that we can take notes in a way that we can replicate those sounds and structures later.Then we can check the mistakes by finding a stickler.Fourth: Practice. Have your shower conversations wherever you want to be. And then, follow the Buddy Formula, and you can find someone to practice your language with.And after that, [Italian] we get to a truly beautiful place, [German] where learning languages is no longer something stressful, difficult and boring, [Spanish] but rather a world of possibilities. A world where each of us has the opportunity to explore [French] new cultures and all the different ways of living. [Portuguese] The greatest reward from this is that we end up learning more about ourselves.[Greek] As of now, it may all sound Greek for you. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn it.[Mandarin Chinese] “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” [English] And this is not a problem because now you know how to walk.Thank you.
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作者最新文章TED翻译支招:7个学好外语的秘诀_沪江英语学习网网页版学习工具 &
They say that children learn languages the best. But that doesn&t mean that adults should give up. We asked some of the
in TED&s Open Translation Project to share their secrets to mastering a foreign language. Their best strategies distill into seven basic principles:人们常说小孩子学外语最厉害,但这并不是说成年人就该放弃了。我们向TED字幕翻译计划的多语使用者请教了掌握一门外语的秘诀。他们的方法可以提炼成7条基本法则:1. Get real. Decide on a simple, attainable goal to start with so that you don&t feel . German translator Judith Matz suggests: &Pick up 50 words of a language and start using them on people & and then slowly start picking up grammar.&1、投身于真实语境。从定一个简单、可实现的目标开始,那样你就不会找不着方向。德语翻译朱迪思&马茨建议:先找50个外语单词,用它们来跟别人交流,然后慢慢地学习语法。学好英语,听、说、读、写、译,各项技能都要练!&扫下方二维码练起来!2. Make language-learning a lifestyle change. Elisabeth Buffard, who in her 27 years of teaching English has always seen
as what separates the most successful students from the rest. Find a language habit that you can follow even when you&re tired, sick or madly in love.2、让外语学习成为你的生活习惯。伊利莎白&布法尔德教了27年英语,她一直认为正是习惯使得成功的学生从其他人中脱颖而出。培养学习外语的习惯,能让你不管累了、病了还是堕入爱河了,都会去学习。3. Play house with the language. The more you invite a foreign language into your daily life, the more your brain will consider it something useful and worth caring about. &Use every opportunity to get exposed to the new language,& says Russian translator Olga Dmitrochenkova. Label every object in your house in this language, read kids& books written in it, watch subtitled TED and TEDx talks, or live-narrate parts of your day to an imaginary foreign friend.3、和语言玩过家家。你越多地让外语进入日常生活,你的大脑就越会认为它有用并给予关注。&利用好每一个接触新语言的机会,&俄语翻译欧嘉&迪米特罗肯科娃说。用那门语言做成标签贴在家里的每一样东西上,读用那门语言写的童话,看有字幕的TED演讲,或者跟你想象中的外国朋友讲述一些一天里发生的事。4. Let technology help you out. Dmitrochenkova has a great idea: &A funny thing like resetting the language on your phone can help you learn new words right away,& she says. Ditto for changing the language on your browser. Or you can seek out more structured learning opportunities online. Dutch translator Els De Keyser recommends Duolingo for its gamified approach to grammar, and Anki for memorizing vocabulary with its &intelligent& flashcards.4、用科技帮助学习。迪米特罗肯科娃有一个很好的方法,她说:&重新设置手机语言就能让你马上学到新单词。&你也可以改浏览器的语言,或者在网上找一些更系统的学习资源。荷兰语翻译埃尔斯&德凯瑟建议用&多邻国&像玩游戏一样学习语法,用Anki的智能卡片背单词。(多邻国:英语为Duolingo,是一个免费语言学习网站;Anki:一款帮助记单词等的软件,通过记忆卡片呈现。)5. Think about language-learning as a gateway to new experiences. To Spanish translator Sebasti&n Betti, learning a language has always been about focusing on the experiences that the new language would open up, from &visiting theme parks, attending air shows, enjoying cowboy poetry and folk-rock festivals, to learning about photo-essay techniques.& In other words, he thinks of fun things that he wanted to do anyway, and makes them into a language-learning opportunity. Many of our translators shared this advice. Italian and French translator Anna Minoli learned English by watching undubbed versions of her favorite movies, while Croatian translator Ivan Stamenkovi? suddenly realized he could speak English in fifth grade, after years of watching the Cartoon Network without subtitles. So the next time you need a vegan carrot cake recipe, find one in the language you&re trying to learn.5、把外语学习看作通往新世界的大门。西班牙语翻译巴斯蒂安&贝蒂认为,外语学习就是着眼于外语带来的新的体验,包括&游览主题公园、观看现场表演、欣赏牛仔诗歌和民谣摇滚音乐节、学习摄影技术&。换句话说,他找出他想做的、好玩的事,然后把这些事变成学习外语的机会。我们很多翻译都提到了这点。意大利语和法语翻译安娜&米诺里通过看她喜欢的英语原版电影来学英语,而克罗地亚语翻译伊凡&斯达门科威克小时候看了很多年没有字幕的卡通频道,之后在5年级的时候,他突然发现自己会说英语了。所以你下次需要一份素萝卜蛋糕的食谱的时候,找一份用你想学的语言写的吧。6. Make new friends. Interacting in the new language is key & it will teach you to intuitively express your thoughts, instead of mentally translating each sentence before you say it. Find native speakers near you. Or search for foreign penpals or set up a language tandem online, where two volunteers help one another practice their
languages.6、交新朋友。用新语言交流很关键,能教会你直接用外语表达自己的想法,而不是在脑子里翻译一遍后才说出来。在自己身边找一些说那种语言的母语人士,或者在网上找外国笔友和语伴,两个人自愿地互相帮助练习对方的语言。7. Do not worry about making mistakes. One of the most common barriers to conversing in a new language is the fear of making mistakes. But native speakers are like doting parents: any attempt from you to communicate in their language is objective proof that you are a gifted genius. They&ll appreciate your effort and even help you.7、不要害怕说错。外语对话最大的障碍就是害怕说错。但是母语人士就像溺爱孩子的父母一样,他们会觉得你每一次尝试说他们的语言都是你天资聪颖的客观证明。他们很欣赏你的努力,甚至还会帮助你。Nervous about holding a conversation with a peer? Try testing your language skills with someone a little younger. &I was stoked when I was chatting with an Italian
and realized we had the same level of Italian,& recalls German translator Judith Matz.&跟同辈交流很紧张?那就和比你年轻一点的人练习外语。&当我跟一个说意大利语的小孩聊天时,我发现他的意大利语水平跟我一样,我顿时非常开心,&德语翻译朱迪斯&马茨回忆到。And be patient. The more you speak, the closer you&ll get to the elusive ideal of &native-like fluency.&&要有耐心,你说得越多,你就会越接近&像母语一样流利&这样的境界了。And to talking to people your own age.跟和你年龄相仿的人聊天。相关热点:


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