
167被浏览122652分享邀请回答/watch?v=Ctz_dHfYfb8 笑喷了。标题叫“Liberals Love Trump's Tax Plan... When Told It's Bernie Sanders' Plan(左派爱Trump的税收计划……只要告诉他们这是桑德斯提出的)”1 主持首先询问一群大学生对Trump税改方案的看法,所有人都反对或表示不乐观。2 主持接下来分项介绍Trump的税改具体方案(增加抚养孩子的税收抵扣、废除遗产税、给中小企业减税),同时告知受访者这些是伯尼桑德斯的税收方案,所有人都表示万分赞同。3 主持随后告知受访者这些方案其实是Trump的税改计划。大学生纷纷做尴尬状。所以我非常同意
的答案,许多反对者其实根本不知道Trump到底有什么经济政策(尽管这是最根本的问题),然而这并不妨碍他们坚定地认为Trump不行。42133 条评论分享收藏感谢收起12212 条评论分享收藏感谢收起    请谁来列举一下美国做什么事情惹你不高兴了,伤害到中国了,伤害到你了
楼主发言:20次 发图:0张 | 更多
  为什么全世界都讨厌美国? 难道就为美国到处杀人放火这点事吗?  。
也是正常的  就这么一个地球
  说反了吧.知道ching chong是什么意思不?
  美国有啥不同么?  为啥一个中国人要每天想美国呢?  或者说,是不是美国人,  天天意淫中国人会天天想【美国做什么事情惹你不高兴了,伤害到中国了,伤害到你了】  是什么造成美国人这样呢?  实话实说,美国管我屁事。  所谓美国  在我眼里  不异于洪都拉斯埃塞俄比亚马达加斯加。  关我屁事。
  美国伤害了 中国权贵官僚啊。  权贵官僚只想走 特色社会主义道路。  不想走 真正的 资本主义道路。  
18:12:00  美国支持菲律宾越南在中国南海抓中国渔民,  —————————————————  我讨厌美国!怎么不能给天朝致命一击~只能派杂碎跟狗在各大论坛狂犬  
  美国大兵经常改了公知和JY家的基因  我认为不对,会让他们搞不清楚他们老爸是谁  所以有点讨厌美国  但却因此得罪了公知和JY!
  美国什么都想说了算,自己一屁股屎,还成天指责别的国家。  阿富汗、伊拉克、叙利亚、利比亚,战火纷飞,不都是美国致使的吗?  好好一个世界,给弄这么乱,美国不令人讨厌吗?
  炸大使馆 银河号 南海撞机。算不算  
  @u_6-09-08 18:38  老子讨厌美国的最大愿意是美国收我铸币税!  -----------------------------  原因,吊药水打字不方便,见谅。
17:58:28  有个邻居天天担心你用的什么牌子套套,时间多长。还时不时拉上其他师奶讨论你用啥姿势,最后几个一起向你表示:我们不同意你用超薄!你必须换一种。。。  -----------------------------  哈哈
  @冰雪中的鹰 那你就劝劝你的美国爹今后不要在来南海派军舰来吧,傻逼比。
  @冰雪中的鹰   标题拟的有问题。  天涯国观扣除马甲,小号,就算活跃的人有50人;  20个五毛,20位右倾,10名中间派。其实讨论美国的人,非常有限。  这个天涯国观被五毛搞臭,也不是天涯的核心版块。  那个经济论坛,情感天地才算是核心版块,明显人气更高。  谈不上喜欢美国,也谈不上恨美国。做为普通人,来网络论坛聊两句,都是可以的。  但是捏造,瞎扯,然后得出美国如何如何的结论,行为让人非常反感。  言语反应出人格和品行。  例如常常能见到这样的语句:美国80%的人如何如何...  为什么不是81%,不是82%?  数据张口就来,其实是中国教育一贯虚假所致,,而且捏造者毫无愧疚之心。  哪怕你瞎编一个数据86.73%,看起来也仿真一些。但是五毛不管,学历又低,直接开口:80%的美国人如何如何...  因为他心目中感觉,差不多就是80%,所以他就用80%这个数据。
  霉帝是我的偶像,谁讨厌霉帝我和他急。 我这个资深婊子好不容易找到个偶像,决定学习霉帝立牌坊, 绝对不希望人家讨厌他。
  @冰雪中的鹰 你哇啊,肯定是受了方舟子的鼓吹吃多了转基因,然后娶了奥黑的黑屄老妈,出来胡说啊。
  @冰雪中的鹰 我提一点哈:美国是目前全世界最强大的国家,但是你看看他们,整天散步中国威胁论,我倒要问问美国人:我他妈的到底是哪里威胁到你了,是抢了你呢还是干了你,而且我也相信大部分的中国人都不会想要与美国发生任何战争,所以请美国人自己检讨一下,你为什么要这么招人厌。
  @冰雪中的鹰   没有美国,台湾早解放了。南海也没那么多事。
18:12:00  讨厌说不上,竞争对手而已。不过尤其讨厌吃里扒外的汉奸走狗卖国贼。  —————————————————  +10086  
18:11  十万美军死于解放军枪口。  -----------------------------  @北代之秋
18:19:08  很多解放军也死于美军大炮。  -----------------------------  所以你美爹威武啊,你美爹讨厌中国人啊。
  @冰雪中的鹰 不讨厌美国,只讨厌美狗,美国有来政府对付,美狗我们了对付
18:22:21  美国只记得向中国推销自由民主人权,中国人确实也需要,但中国还需要高技术和国家统一,需要安全和平的周边环境。非但不给,它还搅和。所以,美国佬是虚伪的。我讨厌一切虚伪的人或国家。  -----------------------------哈哈
19:56:00  @冰雪中的鹰 大陆脑残者不在少数,对损害自己利益的源头视而不见,对自己的权益受到侵害不敢声张,却仇视起八竿子打不着的美国来了!好像高油价高税收低福利、地沟油、苏丹红孔雀绿、毒大米瘦肉精、三聚氰胺膨大剂、毒胶囊、增白剂、重度雾霾是美国带来的!当官的早把亲属送到美国或者财产转移了,却煽动带毛的仇视美国,你们被卖了还帮人家数钱呢!  —————————————————  讲真话会天打雷劈的  
21:09:00  从美国培养了那么多美狗汉奸公知带路党来恶心我们,就知道美国有多可恨!  —————————————————  马教、共产国际等境外势力是那个带路党带进来的?  
21:53:00  美狗,美国为什么处处跟我们作对?  —————————————————  同样是华人的地盘,美国为何不找台湾的麻烦?  
  @dn-08 22:13:41  @hnthhc
21:53:00  美狗,美国为什么处处跟我们作对?  —————————————————  同样是华人的地盘,美国为何不找台湾的麻烦?  -----------------------------  因为全世界都知道台湾是自带狗粮的美狗
  小张孤俏香 楼主   19:28  我将飞机军舰派遣到你们美国的门口了?  还是我们在境内设立了夏威夷独立的基地了?  而你们放弃了在美国境内设立藏独,台独和疆独的培训基地吗?  尤其是你们让轮子嚣张,以为我们看不清你们?  我有同感
  @ty_不疑 15楼
18:12  讨厌说不上,竞争对手而已。不过尤其讨厌吃里扒外的汉奸走狗卖国贼。  -----------------------------  
  呵呵,赶英超美,美不让超,矛盾出现,就这么简单  事事无常,说不定过几年,中美又成朋友了。
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川普竞选获胜,华尔街道琼斯指数期货,先是暴跌900点,后来华尔街看到共和党大胜,可配合川普大力刺激传统经济的发展,便将市场迅速拔高。美国金融界一片喜气。很多人对川普的担忧开始消失,觉得美国强大的民主制度本身,能将权力怪兽,困在笼中。很多人都说,哪怕总统是个疯子,制度也能确保权力不被过分滥用。可川普当选才几天,各地的种族歧视案件就在全美频频涌现,而反川的游行示威也迅速扩展到全美各大城市。歧视者和被歧视者,在美国开始了前所未有的大规模斗争。难道川普真的会撕裂美国?大选前,我说不能选川普的最大的原因是,总统是人们和孩子们的榜样,会影响美国几代人。可有的人却说,大家都知道他是个疯子,不会有人学习他的。可是,川普当选刚几天,总统的榜样力量和言论,那些栏杆挡不住的东西,已然从笼子里肆虐地溢了出来。它们立即流渗进了社会的裂缝沟壑间,和里面的陈水腐质发生化学反应,伴着火光炸裂开来。那些曾经被“政治正确”压抑的人性的丑陋,开始用最明目张胆的方式爆发,在幼儿园、在学校、在人行道上、在居民区里,在没有新鲜事的太阳底下。美利坚合众国从南到北、从东到西,在那些看上去眼睛最澄澈、心思最天真的孩童们中间,最先上演了令人细思极恐的种族歧视的一幕又一幕:佛罗里达学校的两个喝水池上,分别贴上了两张纸,表明一个是给“有色人种”的,另一个是“只有白人”能用的。是的,你们那些黑的褐的黄的人,怎么能和白人从同样的地方喝水。另一个学校的献血公告牌上,被写上了“不是给黑鬼的”。你们的血,和我们的血,绝不可以混杂在一起。在密歇根的一所中学里,白人男孩们在午餐时自发高唱“Build the wall! Build the wall!”n.com/videos/politics//middle-schoolers-build-that-wall-n明尼苏达州的一所中学里,门上写着“草泥马黑鬼”、“滚回非洲”、“川普”、“让美国更伟大”。在宾州的约克,有色人种的孩子们不得不提前离开学校,因为校园里出现了太多对他们的威胁和暴力。一位微信网友在微信里写道:“我在纽约住了16年了,我机会每天都坐地铁,即便在外面喝完酒了,半夜里坐地铁也从来没有感到过半点不安全。可是今天我被一个白垃圾指着鼻子骂,他说他讨厌all minority and immigrants, 他的Trump是总统了,会把你们全送回家的。我从来没有感到过这么不安全。 我想起我以前说过的话,Trump的支持者比Trump更可怕!在他们眼里,除了白人外,都是异族。Take back America 其实就是take back white's america. Trump的华裔支持者们,等Trump的白人支持者,高举着pitchforks 和火把站在你门口时,不要忘了你帮他们数钱的样子。”另一位华人在微信写道:“今天下班本来是要去上课然后回家。在地铁上、有一个上了年纪的白种男人推开我的朋友、大叫着让我滚出坐着的位子、然后叫了一声"Go Trump"。相邻的位子都一样坐着人、可是只有我一个不是白人。 & &当我没有让开的时候、他把手指到我的眼睛上、然后开始无缘无故的谩骂。我真的从来没有这样愤怒过。在我质问他为何这样侮辱我的时候、理尽辞穷的他说: Go back to Hong Kong! (给我滚回香港) & &我回答 :Go back to whatever fucking european country your ancestors are from. This country does not need you.
& &这其实只是表面上的歧视。在生活中、工作上、很多的偏见和歧视是隐形的。而Trump的当选正在助长这种势力的抬头。所以下了地铁我和我的朋友喊着口号去抗议、去发声。”宾州的老师说,川普当选之后,学校里出现了各种各样的事情:卫生间里的纳粹符号,针对LGBTQ的仇恨言辞,墨西哥裔女孩的书包上被贴上“滚回墨西哥”……支持川普的孩子殴打墨西哥裔孩子,并且告诉他“等不及想看到他被川普驱逐出境的那一天了!”在各地的学校里,一群一群的男生们围攻穆斯林女孩,把她们的头巾一把扯下。有10岁的女孩在学校里被男生抓摸私处,当老师问男生为什么要这么做时,他回答:“既然总统都可以这么做,我也可以。”New York Daily News的一个专栏作者Shaun King说,短短一天内,他已经收到了数十件与此类似的女孩被男孩抓摸私处的消息。在推特上,在脸书上,如此种种像潮水般涌了出来,令人错愕、难以置信。他们只是孩子,但孩子可以让成人也觉得可怖。他们用稚嫩的言行折射出成人世界的黑影,却还不用受法律的束缚。是啊,孩子有胡作非为的权利,只要有人用言行告诉他们可以怎样胡作非为。我们都曾是孩子,也都知道孩子可以怎样被轻易引导,又可以怎样无所顾忌。更何况从此以后,他们有了美国总统这最有煽动力的榜样。要知道,在网络时代,屏幕上的美国总统也将不仅仅只是美国孩子的榜样。想到这一点时,我才开始感到极度恐慌。制度的笼子或许可以挡住权力的滥用,却哪里挡得住言传身教的影响。一个总统,不仅仅关乎经济政治、军事外交。而对于一个最擅长在屏幕上发动群众的总统来说,他所具有的最强大的力量、他能渗透社会的最深的根基,更源自于他的形象的号召。不论你愿意与否,他将成为、也已经成为一群群人的精神引领。他们以他为代言人,有了他的胜利,他们的歧视和暴力从此可以肆无忌惮、明目张胆。在辛辛那提的一场音乐会外,两个男人推搡着一个女性保安,她则用尽全力阻止他们闯入。这两个男人终于停下来之后,开始取笑女保安,并且说,他们会“Donald Trump”她,——我们都知道,当“Trump”被用做动词、而宾语是女性的时候,它的意义是什么。路过的另一个女性让他们尊重别人,但这两个男人则开始对着她的脸大喊“Trump!Trump!”在加州Simi Valley,一个叫做Chris Yun的亚裔美国人在买酒的时候被一群白人男子围住,问他说不说英文,然后跟他说:“中国佬该滚出这个国家,纯粹的美国终于要回来了!”他们还说,要把Chris烧死在十字架上。还有很多被喊“滚回中国”的亚裔,尽管其中有一些其实并非华裔。在星巴克里用手语和朋友视频聊天的有色残疾人,被一个白人男子指着说:“这里是白人的美国。带着你的残疾滚去别的地方。现在Trump是总统了。”在雪城的LeMoyne College外,三两皮卡插着KKK和纳粹的旗帜,威武地绕着圈招摇。类似的旗帜、标语,还被竖在房顶上、贴在车窗上。这几天之内发生的,还有太多,根本无法一一列举。很多东西,不是靠法律和制度能够控制的。当越来越多的歧视和暴力浮上水面、连成一片时,自然会成为主流。那么多年的平权运动之下,他们已经受够了“政治正确”的压制。接下来他们会怎样爆发,比纳斯达克的股指和中东的局势更难预料。但,肯定会爆发。人性难说是善是恶,但最根本的,是可向善也可向恶的欲望:肯定自我的欲望、寻找归属感的欲望、要自己更强大更有力的欲望。根源于这些欲望的种族歧视在被压制之后,不会消失、只会伺机爆发。对“政治正确”的宣扬从来就不曾消解歧视,它只是压制了歧视:事实上,对非我族类的歧视、对女性的歧视、对LGBTQ的歧视更深地埋藏在了众多不曾发声的心中。如果没有被疏导进入合适的渠道,如果不曾被认真地反观和思考,那么即使被一时压制,那股无明之气也将不断凝聚,最终会循着裂缝冲破被加之其上的五行山,让岩浆喷发、浓烟肆虐。Three days of hate in Donald Trump's America&A Muslim woman at San Diego State University is accosted, verbally abused, and has her car stolen by Trump supporters. An Asian American friend picks their child up early from school because the relentless bullying by children who support Donald Trump’s views on people of color became too much. Countless people posted about being harassed in the street by Trump supporters shouting at them to “go back to China”. An Asian American woman is assaulted by a Trump fan and is handcuffed by police for trying to fight off her attacker. A gay man is severely beaten by bigoted men, his blood covered face goes viral on social media, all because a hateful demagogue has spent nearly eighteen months encouraging such discrimination and violence. This is Trump’s America.I was so young the first time I encountered racism, I don’t remember if I could read yet, and I was much too young to understand it. I had learned from my mother that people don’t push you around if you don’t let them. From Montessori School until now, I’ve become an uncompromising debater, someone who never backs down. Part of me thinks much about the racism others experienced as children. I escaped because of my dominating personality which I inherited from my Japanese immigrant grandmother and my White American military veteran grandfather. But this personality that protected me from falling victim to much of the abuse others experienced, didn’t shield me from seeing it. From the newly immigrated Asian kids in elementary school, to the children of Latino farmworkers, to the two or three black kids in my entire school, I witnessed what cruelty they endured. Sometimes, I stayed silent out of fear of alienating White friends I had. For that, I will always regret that I put my own interests above the well-being of others.We now have a country deeply divided. Calls for unity fall on deaf ears when you fall into one of the groups that has been subjected to such hate by a presidential candidate for the last year-and-a-half. The only unity I personally will call for is that of marginalized groups and their allies to band together to fight the venom that has been unleashed on our country. The victory of Donald Trump validated the suppressed hate of millions of people, and it is open season on anyone who is not White, male, or Christian.Trump hate incidentsWith that, I have decided to begin documenting cases of hate crimes being committed against Asian American and Muslim American people. Journalists like Shaun King at the New York Daily News have been posting on social media about current events. King has become the go-to journalist for reporting civil rights violations. He has published hundreds of stories about people of color and police brutality, as well as racism in the United States. People seek him out on such a level that his Twitter page has become inundated with story after story of abuse, harassment, and assault. In the early morning hours of November 10th, King posted that he had woken up to hundreds of emails from people about the harassment and hate speech they had been subjected to. Organizations like CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) and SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) are also compiling lists of hate crimes. There are multiple accounts on Instagram and Twitter as well documenting the violence. Some of these accounts of harassment and violence have not been verified by AsAmNews. If you or someone you know is a victim, please contact the above people and organizations, even if you do not feel safe going to police. We appreciate the help of our readers in alerting us to incidents by posting on our Facebook page. notifying us on Twitter or emailing us at Here are a few cases I have come across or been sent in the last twenty-four hours:A Muslim woman was accosted at San Diego State University by men talking about President-elect Trump and Muslims in the United States. They went through her backpack and purse. The men took her keys and the woman contacted police. By the time police had arrived, her car was gone. This crime is being investigated by San Diego State Police Department as a hate crime and car theft. Anyone with information has been asked to call the police department at (619) 594-1991.Chris Yun was harassed in a 7-Eleven in Simi Valley, California by a group of White men. When an employee intervened, the men began to call him Bin Laden and threatened to come back and burn him on a cross.Maha Abdul Gawad claims a woman tried to rip off her hijab while she was shopping at WalMart. Claiming that headscarves were no longer allowed in the United States, she then proceeded to tell the woman to hang herself with it. WalMart is investigating the incident.Tani Ikeda was sprayed with a garden hose while walking through her neighborhood in Venice Beach, California. She and another person of color were forced to cross the street.In York, Pennsylvania at York Technical High School, students yelled “White power” and yelled slurs at ethnic minorities including Asian students. One student posted on social media that a Black student’s car tire had been slashed.Mariam Nomair, a student at El Camino High School in Woodland Hills, California claims she was Attacked Twice At School The Day after the election.A University of New Mexico student says a fellow student wearing a Trump shirt tried to Rip Off Her Hijab In A Campus Library while accusing her of being a terrorist.Another college student, this time at San Jose State claims a White Man Pulled On Her Hijab In A Campus Parking Garage causing her to choke. She did not suffer serious injury and campus police are investigating it as a hate crime.On Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016, Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. Over the next few days, a rash of racism, sexism, abuse, and hatred spread across the country.Here is a look at the first three days of Donald Trump's America. And be warned: The language and images below are highly upsetting. Sadly, they are all too real.Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016"I told them to back off when one of the men pushed me towards the wall. The woman then pulled my hair throwing all different kinds of racial slurs saying things like, 'Can you even speak English?' or 'Nobody even cares for your kind, you're hardly human, just an animal.' I started to cry and the threats just continued. I pushed back, trying to run or go through them, but I was immediately pushed back. Two older men came running to me and they tried to break up the commotion. One of the men was protecting me, as the woman was still trying to pull my hair saying, 'I can't believe you'd even protect something like that. Now that Trump's president, you won't have to see that!' The man protecting me pushed her back and she stopped. One of the men threatening said, 'You can't even tell what it is, is it Asian, Mexican, it needs to get out of here.'" [Facebook]"A Muslim student at San Diego State University was robbed Wednesday by two men who made comments 'about President-elect Trump and the Muslim community,' according to a police statement." [The San Diego Union-Tribune]"My first racist encounter after our new joke of a president, as I am at Walmart today a woman came up to me and pulled my hijab off and said, 'This is not allowed anymore, so go hang yourself with it around your neck, not your head.' I am traumatized." [Facebook]"Fuck niggers. #WhitesOnly. Trump." -Scrawled on a door in Maple Grove Senior High, Minnesota. [Facebook]"Dropping Jude off at school this morning and noticed a group of fifth graders chanting 'build a wall!' Fifth graders. Clearly they were parroting hate they heard at home. I'm so sad. I'm sad for our children. Here in Ventura [California], Jude is only one of a few Hispanic children in the school." [Facebook]"Now that Trump is president, we're gonna beat you chinks up and send you back to China!" [Facebook]"Guys, a Trump supporter tried pulling off my hijab ... This is not a joke anymore, all non-whites have become targets. Stay safe." [Twitter]"My mom literally just texted me 'don't wear the hijab please' and she's the most religious person in our family..." [Twitter]"My cousin (born + raised in America) walked past a Trump rally in NYC (where she lives!!!) and was told "go back to your country you chink." [Twitter]"So one of my student's aunts had to go pick up her daughter from school today because a boy grabbed her vagina. She's 10. When asked why, he said that if a president can do it, I can too." [Facebook]"'Black lives don't matter and neither does your vote' was spray painted on two Durham walls within a quarter mile of each other and community members are upset." [CBS North Carolina]"A USPS worker was filling up gas at a Shell station in Cambridge, MA... The USPS worker, a bearded white male, yelled at another male (who looked of Hispanic descent): 'Go back to your country. This is Trump Land. You ain't getting your check no more.' The other male went into the gas station and when he came out there was another heated exchange. This is repulsive, racist behavior and I hope it will be followed up on seriously." [Twitter]"Can't wait until your 'marriage' is overturned by a real president. Gay families = burn in hell. Trump 2016. Repent. God bless." [A note stuck on a car in North Carolina]"I just got back from class and on my way to class this guy went out of his way to bump into me and sort of shoved me off the sidewalk. And he said, 'No niggers allowed on the sidewalk.' And I was just shocked, I had no words. And this other guy behind, neither of them I knew, and the other one said, 'Dude, what are you doing, that's not cool.' And the other one was like, 'Dude, what? I'm just trying to make America great again.'" [Twitter]"Spray-painted swastikas, racist graffiti, and references to Donald Trump and Nazi Germany have appeared on a South Philadelphia storefront and elsewhere. The graffiti was spotted at Broad and Wharton streets a day after a bitter presidential election and on the 78th anniversary of Kristallnacht (or the Night of Broken Glass) attacks on Jews in Germany in 1938." []"A man came up to our table behind my seated friend and proceeded to, without greeting or warning or words at all, put his arms around her, hug her, and kiss her cheek. We all assumed it was an old friend and she squirmed around to see who it was and it was a complete stranger! … We all started telling him in no uncertain terms that he doesn't get to do that, just touch and kiss anyone whenever he feels like it, and he responded, 'But Trump just won the presidential race.'" [Facebook]"Sitting at the DMV and just witnessed something horrible. An older white man decided he didn't want to wait in line. He loudly yelled, 'I'm so glad Trump was elected. He will put an end to this bullshit.' And then, to the Hispanic woman in front of him, he said, "And you need to get the hell out of here and go back to your country." [Facebook]"Parents at Shasta High School in Redding, California, just wrote me and said white kids brought 'deportation letters' for Latino students." [Twitter]"Tonight, while at a concert in Covington [Ohio], two guys tried to push through a female security guard who was blocking off the bottom section of the venue. When they finally stepped back and understood she wasn't going to let them through, they went on to joke and laugh about how they were going to 'Donald Trump' her. You can figure out what that means on your own. When I turned around and told them to have some respect, they chanted 'Trump' in my face." [Facebook]"A possible attack against the local LGBTQ community happened this week — less than 24 hours after Election Day. There have been reports of rainbow pride flags being burned outside homes in Rochester [New York]. ... The victims, Greg Ventura and Lois Graham, say that they are shocked and believe that this was a hate crime." []"At Canisius College in Buffalo, in what officials said began as a prank, a black doll was photographed hanging from a curtain rod in a dorm room on Tuesday night. 'One student created a meme with language about 'Trump fans' and sent it to friends,' a university statement said." [The New York Times]A hateful note saying "Bye Bye Latinos Hasta La Vista" was found in Kivette Hall Room 100 this morning at @elonuniversity."Staff. I am writing to inform you of a situation happening on campus. Today, at least one GroupMe was made entitled 'Mud Men.' Every single black member of the Class of 2020 was added to this. Inside this GroupMe were messages suggesting a lynching of African-American students and photos of Jim Crow-era lynchings. Even an event was created entitled 'Daily Lynching' with today's date." [Email to University of Pennsylvania staff]"A Trump voter accosted my best friend's husband — a U.S.-born citizen of Korean heritage whose father served — to go back to his country. WTF." [Twitter]"I was out last night with a few friends, minding our own business until this man started screaming obnoxiously a few feet away from us. He was yelling random blabber and obscenities and then he yelled the words 'nigger bitch' and I immediately understood he was talking to me. I was the only black person in my friend group, let alone the whole area where we were sitting. We all got up and proceeded to slowly leave, not causing any trouble or saying anything. We just needed to get out of there. He continued to yell some more obscenities at me, saying how he was going to kill me and my family." [Twitter]I'm not scared of trump, whether he isn't really what he made himself out to be or not, i'm scared of his delusional, hate-filled supporters like this one:"[Psychotherapist Quinn] Gee says three of her clients between the ages of 10 and 14 needed to be placed on emergency suicide hold after the election. The children were stressed and afraid for the future, because their parents were undocumented immigrants, or because their parents were gay, Gee says." [The Verge]"When your school is so scared that Trump is president that they have to come on the intercom and reassure that things will be okay." [Twitter]全世界被歧视的人们,团结起来,一起和平抗议!Michael Moore: Get out and protest &/all-in/watch/michael-moore-get-out-and-protest-今年大选有不少华人投票给川普,但现在川普获胜后,华人在地铁上经常会受到极端的白人和黑人的羞辱,很多白人骨子里看不起中国人,不少黑人责怪华人投票给川普。在歧视横行的今天,我们不能再沉默了,不能再站错队了。我们华人要团结起来,为了我们华裔孩子们的未来,让我们联合起来,和平抗议!而和平抗议的第一步,是邀请您的美国朋友加入华人反歧视群:若此二维码失效,烦加微信号: IQvest, 注明“华人反歧视群”。


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