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英文翻译maize embryomaize germ&&&& I corn... &&&&&& plu ...... &&&&&&maize embryo cake... &&&&&&corn germ meal... &&&&&& maize germ oil... &&&&&&rice germ oil... &&&&&&o rice germ oil... &&&&&&corn germ cake... &&&&&& maize germ meal... &&&&&&corn germ protein... &&&&&& maize germ... &&&&&&riceblastdb... &&&&&&[植物学] pangen... &&&&&&1.(一年生草本植物) corn
嫩[甜] 玉米 糯玉米
...... &&&&&&embryo... &&&&&&plumula... &&&&&&plumule... &&&&&&germitrine... &&&&&& germy... &&&&&&germidine... &&&&&& wheat germ meal... &&&&&&plumular traces... &&&&&&germine... &&&&&&milled rice with embryo... &&&&&&embryo... &&
例句与用法Corn germ protein was hydrolyzed by trypsin and the effects of hydrolysates on mouse immunity were investigated用胰蛋白酶水解玉米胚芽蛋白,研究了玉米胚芽蛋白酶解物对小鼠体内的免疫调节作用。 The results demonstrated that they can increase the organic immune function and are good nonspecific immunity activators结果提示:玉米胚芽蛋白酶解物能提高机体的免疫功能,是一种很好的非特异性免疫激活剂。 Its colour and lustre are yellow and the odor is good . it is the hot choice for national vegetable oil factory莲花玉米胚芽饼,莲花味精股份公司出品。外观色泽浅黄,胚芽整壮,破碎率低,气味正常,是国内植物袖厂热选产品。 In the past , we cloned the cdna of zmcdc5 based on the studies on difference of gene expression in shoot and radicle of maize seedling in our lab and then got the whole genome sequence by maize genomic library screening and inverse pcr本实验室根据玉米胚芽和胚根差异表达的研究,克隆得到zmcdc5基因的cdna ,并通过筛库和反向pcr获得了zmcdc5基因组全长序列。 Adapt for drying of particular material , such as raw material , tablet of pharmacy , plastic rosin , citric acid and other powder of chemical industry , food and provision industry , forage , and rice embryo医药药品、化工原料、食品、粮食加工、饲料的干燥作业。如:原料药、压片颗粒、中药冲剂、保健食品、饮料冲剂、玉米胚芽、饮料、塑料树脂、柠檬酸和其它粉粒状物料的干燥除湿。 The results of the experiments showed that hydrolysates can remarkably enhance the thymus and spleen index , the phagocytsis index and phagocytsis percent of macrophage , and the lymphocyte transformation for normal mouse while also promote the form of hemolysin in mouse body研究结果表明,玉米胚芽蛋白酶解物能显著提高正常小鼠的免疫脏器指数、腹腔巨噬细胞的吞噬百分率、吞噬指数和淋巴细胞的转化功能活性,促进溶血素的形成。 It was appraised continuously by the government of fujian province and xiamen cith as a sincere , faithful company in twelve years . the series of produces with shengzhou brand are peanut oil , soybean oil , corn oil , sunflower oil , olive oil , camellia seed oil etc . the eligible oil was the first group that has won the title of trust oil rewarded by china grain industry association公司主要生产“盛洲”牌花生油大豆油玉米胚芽油葵花籽油橄榄油山茶籽油菜籽油等植物食用油系列产品,该系列食用油荣获全国首批“放心油”称号,企业及产品通过了iso9001 : 2000质量管理体系认证及产品质量双认证,亦是全国首批通过qs质量安全标志认证的产品, “盛洲”食用油是福建省名牌产品“盛洲”是福建省著名商标。 In july 2002 , arawana initially presented the second generation blending oil according with 1 : 1 : 1 food fatty acid ratio , based on the first generation blending oil , develops concept of health , adopts unique recipe , selects 8 kinds of materials - extracted vegetableseed oil , extracted bean oil , extracted corn embryo oil , aromatic groundnut oil , sesame oil , extracted flaxseed oil , extracted safflowerseed oil , not only retains the original flavor , but also keeps balanced nutrition , able to help human body absorb fatty acid to reach the perfect balance proportion of 1 : 1 : 1 , and contains rich vitamin e , initially accords with the international standard , so it is the genuine nutrition cooking oil brewed according to standard of " food and drink guide of china civilians " in the present market2002年7月,金鱼在中国率先推出符合1 : 1 : 1膳食脂肪酸标准的第二代调和油,是在第一代调和油的基础上,发展健康概念,采用独特配方,精选8种原料精炼菜籽油精炼大豆油精炼玉米胚芽油精炼葵花籽油浓香花生油芝麻油精炼亚麻籽油精炼红花籽油调和而成,不仅保有原有风味,香味浓郁,而且营养更均衡,能够帮助人体吸收脂肪酸达到1 : 1 : 1的完美平衡比例,并且含有丰富的维生素e ,在国内率先达到国际标准,是目前市场上率先根据“中国居民膳食指南”标准调制的,是真正的营养食用油。 &&
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  莲花味精总厂在河南省项城市莲花大道18号。  莲花味精和新飞电器是河南省最早的两个驰名商标,河南莲花味精股份有限公司是由河南省莲花味精集团有限公司(以下简称“莲花集团”)独家发起,以其所属的全部与味精生产有关的经营性净资产30,427.08 万元作为出资,按65.73%的比例折为20,000 万股国家股,经中国证券监督管理委员会证监发行字[ 号文核准,向社会公开募集股份而设立的股份有限公司。  于1998 年6 月15 日向社会首次公开发行人民币普通股9,000 万股,另向本公司职工配售1,000万股。公司成立日期为1998 年7 月2 日,注册资本人民币30,000 万元。1998 年8月25 日,公司发行的社会公众股在上海证券交易所挂牌上市。
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``莲花味精总厂在河南省项城市 莲花 (中国名牌,中国驰名商标) 莲花味精集团
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莲花味精财务报表简析2(国外英文资料).doc 19页
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Financial statement analysis
- Henan lotus gourmet powder Limited by Share Ltd (600186)
Abstract: This paper is on the Henan lotus gourmet Limited by Share Ltd from 2007 to 2009 consolidated balance sheet, the consolidated income statement and consolidated cash flow statement for simple analysis, including solvency analysis, profitability analysis, operation ability analysis and development capacity analysis, and carries on the comprehensive analysis and DuPont analysis of profit quality.
Key words: company situation, debt paying ability, profitability, operation ability, development capability, DuPont analysis, profit quality
I. overview of the company's situation
(a) Company profiles:
Henan Lianhuaweijing Limited by Share Ltd was founded in July 1998, and in August 1998 listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, is approved by the Henan Provincial People's Government approved the Henan shares batch word no. [1998]19, by the Henan lotus gourmet Group Limited is the sole sponsor and offer shares to the public and the establishment of the Limited by Share Ltd.
Registration number: Henan industrial and commercial enterprises 4;
Registered capital: RMB 884
Legal representative: Zheng X
(two) scope of business:
??? chicken, monosodium glutamate, glutamic acid, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, vinegar production, sales and related products
flour, gluten, starch, food, feed, fertilizer
production and sales of environmentally friendly products (limited branch according to the relevant provisions of the state); biological Engineering Research (except the special provisions of the state of the company's products); transportation and wa mechanical equipment, the export business of company products and company required spare parts, raw materials import business (the state companies or prohibit the import and export of goods and technology except).
Two, solvency analysis


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