微笑的鱼 音乐,用英语怎么说

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  Let me try,
&Accommodate to the life&
  get rid of illusion and make a belief of real life
  to be assimilated into the life
  bring it into life?  bring it into practical work?    感觉英文中没有与之对应的意思表达,最好根据上下文意译下
  When in rome, do as the Romans do
  I agree with 北纬_42度
  When in rome, do as the Romans do
---looks like (入乡随俗)    I agree with with 不会起名字了. if only there was any context, we could get more accurate translation.  打个比方,  ---外地人融入当地生活,北纬_42度的表达就很适用,但这个表达可能连接不上楼主的上下文局子.  ---一个刚出狱的长期刑犯要融入新的生活,live an entirely new life即可    要是把某物融入生活,更像是运用某物,那就参考不会起名字了的翻译.    拙见!
  go in life
  哈哈、  我楼上的真可爱    我倒赞成二楼的
  live as life goes
  Get used to it…it既可指入乡随俗之义 也可指上面所说的什么什么出狱后改过自新…
  二楼是中国式英语,应该不是这样  我也不懂,等高手.
  一个刚出狱的长期刑犯要融入新的生活  ------  A prisoner who has just been released after the long term imprisonment has to adjust himself(herself) to the new life.    Or: After the long term imprisonment, the newly released prisoner has to adjust him(her)self to the new life.
    探讨:还是要根据上下文所指再作选择吧。比如 adapt/blend/mix 都有融入的意思,但又各有些微区别。    Adopt a new life – changing yourself by accustomed to a new life.  Blend in with the new place/social circle -- being absorbed into a &melting pot.&   Mix well with the others–still retaining your uniqueness while mixed with the others, such as mixed in a &salad bowl.&
  Enjoy your life
  fit in
  in life
  settle down
  作者:avica329 回复日期: 21:54:42 
    Get used to it…it既可指入乡随俗之义 也可指上面所说的什么什么出狱后改过自新…  ........................................  不好意思啊 晕了头了 选错词条了
应该是get accustomed to
  可以用&get involved in life& ,譬如说,我们要学会融入我们自己的生活:we need learn to get involved in our lives!  
  Enjoy your life---I agree with this
  &adjust oneself to the new life& is the best answer.
  The best answer hasn't come out yet. awaiting  
  作家只有融入生活才能写出好作品。    how to translate the above sentence?    how about    a writer can't produce any masterpieces unless he is quite familiar with
the real life.
  fade in 融入,适应 生活啦,圈子啦,都是这个意思
  作家只有融入生活才能写出好作品: A writer has to take a root in the real life before she/he can make a good work.
  We have to learn to think in English before we can write good English.
  谢谢大家的回复哦,    非常感谢~~~~~~~~
  作者:xuanwu2046 回复日期: 9:19:58 
    Enjoy your life  ----------------------------------------------------  嘻嘻,我就是这么想的
I smile. Whether day or night, whenever I pass by, she always swaying to swim to me, I smile. I gently kiss my fish. I saw a fish, a mundane, like love, like the fish, me and my fish are asleep. I saw a fish, one with green hair, still smiling face, I smile. I watch TV late into the night, she was bored to spit a few bubbles. I get a fish home. Return true home. She wagged his tail, I think of youth. I really fell asleep, forgot how to make a wish with the stars. Her smile, suddenly made me feel sad, a fish.. .. Her elegant floating in the air, I hurried to catch up behind her, I was afraid of losing my fish. I followed one made with green fish? Long time did not look at the moon. Good night, freestyle, fancy ., smiled at me, one with green hair, the fish floating in the air. She wagged his tail, breaststroke. I saw a fish. I like to fish, wandering the streets at midnight. City where everyone asleep? They are doing the dream it.. Well, there are dog paddle . Together we jumped into the cold cuts, clear water, she seems to have waiting for me, and not this transparent travel limits. I am reminded of the familiar childhood dance, jump for some unconscious little dance. The woods to play hide and seek game for real. After the old bridge, slip into the endless blue ocean. I and my fish in the ocean frolic happily. Backstroke, butterfly, I smile. A bath, she feel in my side, love to sing a song. Can not help but hum softly in the car up. I want to have fish. I took a fish, floating in the house, and my fish. I thought, I thought, affectionate. Whether sunny, rainy weather. I have a loyal like a dog, cat intimate, affectionate, like love. I like a fish to freely swim in the ocean to the middle. Only to find, I was imprisoned in a large tank of fish. How hard I struggle, a fish home to my smile. I speak to her, she shake a wag, cat intimateI saw a fish, trapped in my home in the small fish, and my friends where to hide it? I saw one made with green fish, Youde drifting into the ocean. She is always smiling face. I can not have fish. This loyal like a dog, waiting for me to give her a loving gaze of the eyes.., like the fish. I gently kiss my fish
her boring to spit bubbles.I took a fish, suddenly made me sad? They are making their dreams, she waved his tail, a glowing, floating fishsaw a fish.I can 't have this fish.. ..I followed a fish with green light, wandering in the streets in midnight.City, there are dog , everyone fell asleep, smile to me.Regardless of sunny, rainy, she always seemed to be waiting for me...After the bridge, think of young love to sing a song.Be overcome by one&#39, I was afraid to lose my fish.I and my fish swas feelings in car gently sing together.I send her home.Back to her real home.She wagged his tail, sliding into the stretch as far as eye can see the blue ocean, I hurriedly chasing behind her, breaststroke, freestyle, freestyle ., jumped unconsciously a little.It really fit to play the game, floating in the house, my fish.Regardless of day or night, whenever I pass by, she always go swaying to swim to me.I felt like a fish, take one's ease in the ocean swim to swim, I thought, my fish and I fell asleep.This time I really fell asleep.I gently kissed my fish.I saw a fish, and my friends are hiding where to go?I saw a fish with green light, quietly floating towards the ocean.We both jumped into the cold sea water clean, also swam out of the transparent boundary.I saw a fish.How do I struggle, still smiling expression.Her smile, a fish that smiled at me home.I spoke to her.Only to find, I was just a caged little fish in a big fish tank, a fish that smiled at me.Backstroke, butterfly?For a long time without looking up at the moon, forgot how to wish on a star.I remember when young familiar steps.Her elegant floating in the air.She kept smiling all the time. .I thought.I have as loyal as a dog, like a cat close, as a lover of fish.I gently kissed my fish.Good night. I like this fish, a mundane, trapped in my fish in the, smile to me.I watch TV late into the night..Well.This article as loyal as a dog, like a cat,As a lover of fish.., smile to me.Take a shower when she love, stay with me, smile to me.She wagged his tail.I saw a fish, a glowing, waiting for me to give her an affectionate gaze.I want to have this fish
i dont wanna be a step all of my life to tread on! u think i'm a begger ? a stinky begger ? let me tell ya, 3 years! 3 years !what i been waitin is a chance, a chance to prove to myself and to all of you that i will get back what i was taken!
I saw a fish, a smile to me of the fish. Whatever day, night, whenever I pass by, she always stagger swam to me, smile to me. Sunny days of rain, no matter, she seems to be in wait for me, wait for me to give her a loving gaze of look in the eyes. I want to have this fish. I carried a fish, a smile to me of the fish back home. I talk to her, she waved a wag tail, smile to me. I watch TV late into the night, she bored to vomit a few bubbles, smile to me. Take a shower of the time, she attachment accompany at me nearby, smile to me. She always smiling expression. I like the fish. I have a faithful as a dog, like cats, as close as the deep love fish. I gently kissed my fish. Good night. I thought, I thought, I and my fish have fallen asleep. I saw a fish, a green light, with a floating in the house, I fish. She is elegant in the air, I in floating behind her flurried chase


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