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THE OATH OF A MEDICAL STUDENTHealth related, life entrusted.The moment I step into the hallowed medical institution,I pledge solemnly--I will volunteer myself to medicine with love for my motherland and loyalty to the people.I will scrupulously abide by the medical ethics ,respect my teachers and discipline myself.I will strive diligently for the perfection of technology and for all-round development of myself.I am determined to strive diligently to eliminate man' s suffering, enhance man' s health conditions and uphold the chasteness and honor of medicine.I will heal the wounded and rescue the dying ,regardless of the hardships.I will always be in earnest pursuit of better achievement .I will work all my life for the development of the nation' s medical enterprise as well as menkind' s physical and mental health.
艹了他           ———————— 凡是关注我ID者,可凭此ID,到附近超市领取老坛酸菜牛肉面一箱,领取方式:拿起就跑,越快越好。          --来自西北皇家医科大贴吧客户端
顶喽——————————————虽然你我都会下落不明但你知道我曾经为你动过情不要把一个阶段幻想得很好 而又去幻想等待后的结果 那样的生活只会充满依赖 我的心思不为谁而停留 而心总要为谁而跳动                —夏尔·皮埃尔·波德莱尔 
听着听着对不准词了 楼主你太6
说!这么多年的英语听力考试里的男声是不是都是你    --穿花蝴蝶那般愁,双宿双飞唯梦游.
说!这么多年的英语听力考试里的男声是不是都是你    -- 你灰色头像不会再跳动 哪怕是一句简单的问候
顶                        我想当一条长长的小尾巴~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦,所以就涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨呀涨   --心事难懂毕竟你是你我是我
好棒 来听听
好6其实每个人都很倔强 就像天气预报说明天气温低 你不信偏穿的单薄 最后淋雨生病 就像路人告诉你前面有石头小心点 你不信偏大步走 最后跌倒受伤 就像她说了很多遍“我们不可能了” 你还偏偏要试一下才知道是真的不可能了。
Time flies.
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