
Are those blauses hers?Are those blauses belong to her?Are those her blauses?
Pieces of brown shirt that is his.
The brown shirt is his.
I want that brown shirt或者I’m going to get that brown shirt.
那是谁的夹克?Whose jacket is that?那件棕色的衬衣是谁的Whose brown shirt is that?我认为那个男孩不是汤姆I don't think that boy is Tom.
This clothes costs me one hundred
I cannot get over/forget it.
The whole thing is disgusting.
This sweater should be paired with black stockings
He has a white shirt and a pair of black trousers.
.这么多这双棕色的鞋子多少钱 10美元 How much is this pair of red shoes? Ten dollars.这些裙子是红色的 These skirts are red.这件绿色的毛衣多少钱 20美元How much is this green sweater? Twenty dollars.
My friend's name is Tont.Today,he wears a white shirt,a black trousers,a blue hat on his head and a pair of white gloves.Look from the botton,there is a pair of
Do you have a white shirt?Yes,I do.
a yellow blouse 一件女式衬衣a yellow shirt 一件男式衬衣
1.设A种品牌的衬衣有x件,B种品牌的衬衣有y件 依题意可得①x+y=300②30*(1-20%)*(x+20)+30y=128802.设小明同学从家到学校的路程为x米,小红从家到学校所需时间是y分钟.由题意,得{x80=y+2 x/240=y-4 解得{x=720 y=7 答:小明同学从家到学校的路程为720米,小红
This shirt is worth 50 yuan.
Whose pink silk shirt is that?
This white shirt is my father's.That house is lucy's and lily's.Rabits' tails are short,monkeys' tails are long.Mr Green is one of fathers' friend.The leg of th
Now I recommend a top fashionable stripe shirt of England style to you, it use 100% cotton fabric, it's very suitable for skin susceptible people due to nice he
题目不完整啊! 再问: 商场销售A.B两种品牌的衬衣,单价分别为30元.50元,一周内共销售出300件;为扩大衬衣的销售量,商场决定调整衬衣的价格,将A种衬衣降价20%出售,B种衬衣按原价出售,调整后一周内A种衬衣的销售量增加了20件,B种衬衣的销量没有变,这周内销售额为12880元,求调整前两种品牌的衬衣一周内各销售
Yesterday Dany wore a blue blouse.迈克一家开车去了汤姆家 翻译成英文 过去式
迈克一家开车去了汤姆家 翻译成英文 过去式
Mike and his family drove to Tom's .
与《迈克一家开车去了汤姆家 翻译成英文 过去式》相关的作业问题
They are too heavy,I had to take a taxi home,home has seven o 'clock,next time I want to go with mother.
那是谁的夹克?Whose jacket is that?那件棕色的衬衣是谁的Whose brown shirt is that?我认为那个男孩不是汤姆I don't think that boy is Tom.
A visit to the Space Museum
May I go to England together with you?问题补充:May I travel in England together with you?May I go to England together with you for a trip?两句都可以
It was very interesting to visit the museum yesterday.
My favourite place in our school is playground , we usually play basketball here after school . 3Q
Please tell me how to get to the park
TOM has ever been China for several times
Beginning from today,for my girl to work hard
where does he go in the holiday?
Acctually I also want to go on a journey without destination and direction
“渔之家”- YUGA 再问: 这个好像是瑜伽的翻译吧 再答: 瑜伽 是 YOGA.可以考虑改为 Yuzga再问: 嗯,可以考虑下,不知道鬼佬会不会拼
Can you tell me the road which goes to a post office?
What are the Greens doing?They are all staying at home.
Let`s go to see elephant first.
Shall we go to watch the football game?or Let's go to watch the football game, OK?
I have been to Beijing,but never been to Shanghai.哪一个是汤姆?英文翻译
"哪一个" 的正确翻译是 which one is哪一个是汤姆?应该译为 which one is Tom?
Mike and his family drove to Tom's .
please calls to Tom
What's her age?What about Tom and you?
可以转译为black sheep 害群之马The rotten apple injures its neighbours.一只烂,烂一筐; 一个坏朋友可以影响一群好人.
Tomato soup西红柿汤A dumpling resteraunt一家饺子馆
This shirt isn't Tom's .或 This isn't Tom's shirt .保证正确 !
那是谁的夹克?Whose jacket is that?那件棕色的衬衣是谁的Whose brown shirt is that?我认为那个男孩不是汤姆I don't think that boy is Tom.
1. There is a popular children's story describes the miraculous change of the live puppet of a miracle. 2. Doctors did its best to save his life. 3, Tom humorou
1.Tom stays at home this weekend instead of playing football outside.2.I'm afraid the prices still have the trend of rising up.3.If you always waste time like t
Tom broke the glass.
My good friend Tom is a interesting person.
There is something broken with
The power of love ----" Uncle Tom's cabin,"Book Some time ago,I read a person's fame Khvostov of as "Uncle Tom's cabin." Integrity,good-natured,religious Uncle
Tom是第三人称单数,所以跟在后面的动词要用“三单”式.所以正确的应该是:Tom gives me his book.
Tom often gets up late,and that's why he is often late for work.
I have three pens.One is for you,one (或者 another)for Jim and the other for Tom.一定范围内的三者 一个用one 另一个 one或者another 第三个用 the othe


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