将乐拼370033 69-72P

水杨酸|Salicylic acid|69-72-7|参数,分子结构式,图谱信息 – 物竞数据库
水杨酸 Salicylic acid
邻羟基苯甲酸 2-羟基苯甲酸 柳酸 沙利西酸 o-Hydroxybenzoic acid 2-Hydroxy benzoic acid 农药中间体 芳香族羧酸及其衍生物 酸性溶剂
1.&&&&&& 性状:白色针状结晶或单斜棱晶,有特殊的酚酸味。在空气中稳定,但遇光渐渐改变颜色。2.&&&&&& 相对密度(g/mL,20/4℃):1.4433.&&&&&& 相对蒸汽密度(g/mL,空气=1):4.84.&&&&&& 熔点(?C):158~1615.&&&&&& 沸点(?C,2.67KPa):210(2666pa)6.&&&&&& 相对密度(25℃,4℃):0.94381597.&&&&&& 折射率(n20D):1.5658.&&&&&& 闪点(?C):1579.&&&&&& 气相标准燃烧热(焓)(kJ·mol-1):-3117.210.&&& 气相标准声称热(焓)( kJ·mol-1) :-494.811.&&& 蒸气压(114?C):1mmHg12.&&& 晶相相标准燃烧热(焓)(kJ·mol-1):3022.113.&&& 晶相标准声称热(焓)( kJ·mol-1):-589.914.&&& 临界温度(?C):不确定15.&&& 临界压力(KPa):不确定16.&&& 油水(辛醇/水)分配系数的对数值:不确定17.&&& 爆炸上限(%,V/V):不确定18.&&& 爆炸下限(%,V/V):不确定19.&&& 溶解性:微溶于冷水,易溶于热水,乙醇,乙醚和丙酮,溶于热苯。1克本品能溶于460毫升水,15毫升热水,2.7毫升醇,3毫升丙酮,42毫升氯仿,3毫升醚,135毫升苯,52毫升松节油。
1、&& 摩尔折射率:35.062、&& 摩尔体积(cm3/mol):100.33、&& 等张比容(90.2K):284.44、&& 表面张力(dyne/cm):64.45、&& 介电常数:未确定6、&& 偶极距(10-24cm3):7、&& 极化率:13.90
1. 在空气中稳定。见光渐渐变色。有毒。2. 常压下急剧加热分解为苯酚和二氧化碳。1g水杨酸可分别溶于460ml水、15ml沸水、2.7ml乙醇、3ml丙酮、3ml乙醚、42ml氯仿、135ml苯、52ml松节油、约60ml甘油和80ml石油醚中。加入磷酸钠、硼砂等能增加水杨酸在水中的溶解度。水杨酸水溶液的pH值为2.4。水杨酸与三氯化铁水溶液生成特殊的紫色。3. 本品刺激皮肤、黏膜,因能与机体组织中的蛋白质发生反应,所以有腐蚀作用。能使角膜增殖后剥离。其毒性比苯酚弱,但大量服用能引起呕吐、腹泻、头痛、出汗、皮疹、呼吸频促、酸中毒症和兴奋。严重时呼吸困难、虚脱,终致心脏麻痹而死。由于水杨酸从肾脏排出,常引起急性肾炎。家兔经口LD50:1.3mg/kg。操作人员应穿戴劳动保护用具。4. 存在于烤烟烟叶、白肋烟烟叶、香料烟烟叶、烟气中。5. 在水杨树中有微量存在。 
1. 应贮存于阴凉、通风、干燥的库房中,远离火源、热源,与易爆品、氧化剂分开存放。2. 包装采用内衬塑料袋,外套麻袋或聚丙烯编织袋或纤维板桶包装。3. 与爆炸物、氧化剂隔离。避光保存。
1.& 苯酚与氢氧化钠反应生成苯酚钠,蒸馏脱水后,通二氧化碳进行羧基化反应,制得水杨酸钠盐,再用硫酸酸化,而得粗品。粗品经升华精制得成品。原料消耗定额:苯酚(98%)704kg/t、烧碱(95%)417kg/t、硫酸(95%)500kg/t、二氧化碳(99%)467kg/t。该法分为常压法和中压法。(1)常压法&&& 将苯酚与50%的氢氧化钠溶液配制成苯酚钠,使游离碱在1%以内,减压脱水后,加苯酚作溶剂共沸脱水。然后苯酚钠在溶剂苯酚中通入干燥的二氧化碳羧化,再用硫酸酸化即得成品。&&& 将苯酚与50%氢氧化钠按1:1.02(mol)配比加入反应器中进行反应脱水,控制游离碱≤1%,减压脱水后,再加苯酚作溶剂共沸脱水。然后将苯酚钠在苯酚中通入干燥的二氧化碳气体,进行羧化反应3h后,第二次通入二氧化碳2h,再减压回收苯酚,即羧化完毕。再向上述水杨酸钠溶液中,加入水溶解成50%的溶液,在搅拌下加入7%-8%的硫酸酸化至pH值1-2,然后冷却过滤,真空干燥,即得水杨酸粗品,再将粗品在减压下升华,可得含量为99%的成品水杨酸,收率50%-70%。(2)中压法&&& 仍以苯酚为原料,先制成酚钠,在中压下用二氧化碳进行羧基化,生成碳酸苯酚酯,然后加压进行分子重排,生成水杨酸钠,再经酸化后处理制得水杨酸。&&&将苯酚用50%液碱中和,真空干燥,然后将釜温冷却至100℃,慢慢通入干燥的二氧化碳,当釜内压力达0.7-0.8Mpa时,停止通二氧化碳,此时生成碳酸苯酚酯钠,然后在130-140℃下发生分子内重排异构化,变为水杨羧钠,再用硫酸酸化,得水杨酸粗品。将粗品在减压下升华,即得水杨酸精品,含量99%,收率达98%以上。消耗定额(kg/t):苯酚(98%)704,烧碱(95%)417,硫酸(95%)500,二氧化碳(99%)467。&(3)制法 苯酚与氢氧化钠反应生成酚钠盐,然后再与二氧化碳合成邻羟基苯甲酸钠,经酸化制得水杨酸:粗品用水溶解后经活性炭脱色,再重结晶提纯。(4)将相同物质量的苯酚和50%的氢氧化钠在105~130℃下反应生成酚钠,控制游离碱1%以内。反应结束后,减压脱水,再用苯酚为溶剂共沸脱水。冷却至100℃后,通入干燥的二氧化碳进行3h羧化反应,温度由128℃升至200℃。待温度下降后,回收溶剂苯酚,2~3h后,再通入二氧化碳羧化2h,减压回收苯酚。( 羧化的另一种方法是在140~180℃通二氧化碳,控制反应压力为0.7~0.8MPa进行羧化反12h。 )羧化反应结束后,加水溶解水杨酸钠,调成50%的溶液,边搅拌边加入7%~8%的硫酸溶液,使ph值达1~2,冷却、过滤、甩干,用水洗涤数次,甩干后,再用蒸馏水加热溶解,加入少量活性炭,煮沸,趁热过滤,滤液冷却重复用蒸馏水溶解,过滤、甩干数次,即可得纯品水杨酸。所得水杨酸粗品也可用减压升华精制。过程反应式为:2. 烟草:OR,44;OR,26;FC,9;FC,54;BU,26;FC,40。
1、主要作为医药工业的原料,用于制备阿斯匹林、水杨酸钠、水杨酰胺、止痛灵、水杨酸苯酯、血防-67等药物。染料工业用于制备媒染纯黄、直接棕3GN、酸性铬黄等。还用作橡胶硫化延缓剂和消毒防腐剂等。2、用作环氧树脂固化的促进剂,也可作为防腐剂。可用来制备水杨酸甲酯、水杨酸乙酯等合成香料。染料工业用作制备直接染料及酸性染料等的原料。还可用作橡胶防焦剂、消毒剂等。3、碱量法及碘量法滴定的标准。荧光指示剂。络合指示剂。4、本品在橡胶工业中用作防焦剂及生产紫外线吸收剂和发泡剂等。5、用作荧光指示剂、配合指示剂、配合掩蔽剂。钛、锆、钨等离子的显色剂及防腐剂。6、水杨酸在某些弱酸性电解液中作为添加剂,也可用作电镀或化学镀的络合剂。7、化妆品防腐剂。主要用于花露水、痱子水、奎宁头水等水类化妆品。除防腐杀菌作用外,还有祛除汗臭、止痒消肿、止痛消炎等功能。8. 少量用于配制动物香型香精等日用香精。微量用于食品中,起防腐剂的作用。是医药工业重要的原料。
质谱图 (1/4)
红外图谱ir1 (2/4)
红外图谱ir2 (3/4)
拉曼光谱图片 (4/4)
物竟数据库 手机版国内首款化工类专业手机应用
公司总机: 021-
传真电话: 021-
客服电话: 021-newark • ecia (neda) member • authorized distributor
kester solder
solder wire, 63/37 sn/pb, 1lb, each
50 or more&:
itt cannon
dsub 37 m pcb str g50 zinc, each
250 or more&:
parallel line driver-t db25 ma, each
100 or more&:
itt cannon
mdm 51 skt d/c, each
50 or more&:
itt cannon
pv 76 24 l & w -r/ring, each
50 or more&:
itt cannon
er cet8-2 tip, each
50 or more&:
lens cap, each
250 or more&:
dilem-10 240vac
contactor, each
25 or more&:
bourns jw miller
high frequency inductor, 750uh 5.5a, tape on reel of 1
100 or more&:
bourns jw miller
high frequency inductor, 1mh, 4a, tape on reel of 1
100 or more&:
bourns jw miller
high frequency inductor, 10mh, 1.5a, tape on reel of 1
100 or more&:
protektive pak
small component shipper, each
protektive pak
small component shipper, each
protektive pak
small component shipper, each
ic, 3-to-8 line decoder/dmux, dip-16, each
1000 or more&:
vishay bc components
resistors, 4m7resistor, 4m7, each
5000 or more&:
vhdci connector, receptacle, 136pos, thd, each
100 or more&:
protektive pak
small component shipper, each
pin header, 24pos, 3.5mm, each
1000 or more&:
magnetic sensor, co, each
500 or more&:
current transducer, each
current transducer, each
current transducer, each
cornell dubilier
capacitor poly film 0.1uf, 600v, radial, each
500 or more&:
ssr, panel mount, 280vac, 280vac, 10a, each
100 or more&:
vishay bc components
resistors, 2m7resistor, 2m7, each
5000 or more&:
header, square pin, m/grid, 8way, each
1000 or more&:
smc 5 port 10/100 switch
or smcfs5, each
3000 or more&:
elite series fixed servervented shelf
19" rails, each
100 or more&:
amphenol industrial
circular connector plug size 17, 26pos, cable, each
50 or more&:
on semiconductor
scr thyristor, 8a, 200v, to-220ab, each
5000 or more&:
fuse, cartridge, 750ma, 6.3x32mm slo blo, each
5000 or more&:
fuse, pcb, 700ma, 125v, fast acting, each
5000 or more&:
avago technologies
optocoupler, logic gate, 5000vrms, each
2000 or more&:
avago technologies
optocoupler, phototransistor, each
2000 or more&:
avago technologies
optocoupler, logic gate, 3750vrms, each
2000 or more&:
avago technologies
optocoupler, logic gate, 3750vrms, tape on reel of 1
1000 or more&:
kester solder
solder wire, 63/37 sn/pb, 183c, 1lb, each
50 or more&:
kester solder
solder wire, 63/37 sn/pb, 183c, 1lb, each
50 or more&:
kester solder
solder wire, 63/37 sn/pb, 183c, 1lb, each
50 or more&:
kester solder
solder wire, 63/37 sn/pb, 183c, 1lb, each
50 or more&:
terminal block, pcb, 1pos, 16-4awg, each
1000 or more&:
bipolar transistor, npn, 80v, to-18, each
5000 or more&:
american tool
hanson six piece spiral screw extractor and drill bit set, contains: 5/64 , 7/64 , 5/32
drill bits and ex-1, ex-2 & ex-3 screw extractors, features:
3000 or more&:
te connectivity / schrack
power relay, 3pdt, 12vdc, 10a, plug in, each
100 or more&:
texas instruments
ic, quad or gate, 2i/p, soic-14, each
5000 or more&:
bridge rectifier, each
500 or more&:
vishay bc components
resistors, 6m8resistor, 6m8, each
5000 or more&:
vishay bc components
resistors, 8m2resistor, 8m2, each
5000 or more&:
vishay bc components
resistors, 5m6resistor, 5m6, each
5000 or more&:
vishay bc components
resistors, 2m2resistor, 2m2, each
5000 or more&:
vishay bc components
resistors, 3m3resistor, 3m3, each
5000 or more&:
amphenol commercial products
d sub connector, standard, 37pos, rcpt, each
100 or more&:
national semiconductor
ic, transconductance amp, 2mhz, soic-16, each
5000 or more&:
vishay dale
resistor, thick film, 124ohm, 100mw, 1%, tape on reel of 1
50000 or more&:
anti-static storage bags, pack of 100
klein tools
screwdriver, slotted head, 212mm, each
vishay dale
resistor, thick film, 200ohm, 500mw, 1%, cut tape
1000 or more&:
switch, pushbutton, spdt, 5a, 125v, each
1000 or more&:
fairchild semiconductor
optocoupler, each
5000 or more&:
vhdci connector, receptacle, 136pos, thd, each
100 or more&:
vhdci connector, receptacle, 136pos, thd, each
100 or more&:
pot, wirewound, 2kohm, 5%, 1w, each
50 or more&:
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 500uh, 6a, cut tape
2000 or more&:
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 500uh, 6a, tape on reel of 1
2000 or more&:
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 750uh, 5.5a, cut tape
2000 or more&:
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 750uh, 5.5a, tape on reel of 1
2000 or more&:
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 1mh, 4a, cut tape
1200 or more&:
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 1mh, 4a, tape on reel of 1
1200 or more&:
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 2mh, 3.5a, cut tape
1200 or more&:
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 2mh, 3.5a, tape on reel of 1
1200 or more&:
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 5mh, 2a, cut tape
1200 or more&:
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 5mh, 2a, tape on reel of 1
1200 or more&:
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 10mh, 1.5a, cut tape
2000 or more&:
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 10mh, 1.5a, tape on reel of 1
2000 or more&:
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 20mh, 1a, cut tape
2000 or more&:
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 20mh, 1a, tape on reel of 1
2000 or more&:
bourns jw miller
toroidal inductor, 270uh, 3.4a, 15%, each
2500 or more&:
test clip, 16pos, each
25 or more&:
resistor, wirewound, 15ohm, 12w, 5%, each
250 or more&:
vishay dale
resistor wirewound, 0.47ohm, 3w, 5%, tape on reel of 1
50000 or more&:
vishay dale
resistor, cur sense, 0.37ohm, 500mw, 1%, each
1000 or more&:
fairchild semiconductor
optocoupler, transistor, 2500vrms, each
2000 or more&:
thermometer, factory, each
500 or more&:
bracket, indexing, pair
250 or more&:
itw chemtronics
cleaning chemical, pen, 11g, each
switch, emergency stop, 1no/1nc, 600vac, each
250 or more&:
texas instruments
ic, dual 2 to 4 line decoder/dmux, sop16, tape on reel of 1
thomas & betts
reducing washers steel, each
5000 or more&:
spc technology
fiber optic jumper cable st / sc, each
250 or more&:
61 137 0021x
pushbutton switch, each
250 or more&:
61 137 0022x
pushbutton switch, each
250 or more&:
te connectivity / amp
wire-board connector plug, 14pos, 2.54mm, each
1000 or more&:
avago technologies
optocoupler, logic gate, 3750vrms, each
2000 or more&:
avago technologies
optocoupler, logic gate, 3750vrms, each
5000 or more&:
kester solder
solder bar, 63/37 sn/pb, 217c, 1lb, each
50 or more&:
barber - colman
valve actuator, each
barber - colman
valve actuator, each
spc technology
coaxial connector crimp tool, each
1000 or more&:
kester solder
solder wire, 63/37 sn/pb, 183c, 1lb, each
50 or more&:
view all results from newark...
element14 - asia pacific • authorized distributor
价格 (usd)
test clip, 16pos
wire-board conn, socket, 10pos, 2.54mm
socket, uhm, c-left guide, 55way
aavid thermalloy
aavid thermalloy
aavid thermalloy
aavid thermalloy
switch, 4pole, latching
plug, front panel mnt, c091a, 12way
socket, panel, 7way
amphenol commercial products
d sub connector, standard, 37pos, rcpt
amphenol commercial products
d sub connector, standard, 37pos, rcpt
amphenol industrial
connector, circ, 25-4, 56way, size 25
amphenol rf
rf/coaxial smb plug r/a 50ohm crimp/sldr
amphenol sine systems
sensor cable assembly
amphenol sine systems
sensor cable assembly
amphenol sine systems
sensor cable assembly
amphenol sine systems
sensor connector
amphenol sine systems
sensor connector
analog devices
ic, amp instrumentation, dip8, 623
avago technologies
optocoupler 1-ch
avago technologies
optocoupler, smd, ac/dc-to-logic
avago technologies
optocoupler, ac/dc-to-logic
avago technologies
isolated voltage current detector
avago technologies
optocoupler, ac/dc-to-logic
avago technologies
optocoupler, 10mbd, logic o/p
avago technologies
optocoupler, logic o/p
plug, free, 4-6mm, green, 5way
plug, free, 14way
plug, free, 16way
plug, free, 5way, r/a
plug, free, r/a, 2way
plug, free, r/a, 8way
enclosure, polycarbonate, ip65
enclosure, abs, ip65
cermet potentiometer
potentiometer, 1w, 2k
bourns jw miller
choke, 100uh, 400ma, 5%, 12mhz
hf inductor 71.3nh 500ma 5% 1.45ghz
mounting bracket
choke, com mode, 0.75mh, 5.5a
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 0.2mh, 7a
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 500uh, 6a
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 2mh, 3.5a
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 5mh, 2a
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 10mh, 1.5a
bourns jw miller
smd common mode choke, 750uh, 5.5a
bourns jw miller
inductor, 1mh, 4a
bud industries
enclosure, wall mount, steel, gray
magnetic sensor, co
d sub latching block, #4-40
4556 tin no2
hexagon bit, 1/4" shank, pozi no.2
cml innovative technologies
lamp, slide, t6.8, 30v, 1.2w
contact connectors
module, 20pole, 0.2mm, female
contact connectors
module, 20pole, 0.56mm, female
cooper bussmann
fuse holder, 5 x 20mm, in line
cornell dubilier
capacitor poly film 0.22uf, 630v, axial
ssr, panel mount, 280vac, 32vdc, 10a
ssr, panel mount, 280vac, 280vac, 10a
ssr, gn ip20, 10a/240vac, ac in, zc
lamp, indicator, incand, clear
diodes inc.
diode, schottky, 60v, 3a, smc
bridge rectifier
bridge rectifier
bridge rectifier
dow corning
rtv silicone, clear, 90ml, tube
mercury disp contactor dpst-no, 120v 35a
hm 2.0 m type b19 133p.ii pdni
tactile switch, spst, 20ma, 15vdc, smd
tactile switch, spst, 20ma, 15vdc, smd
fairchild semiconductor
optocoupler, logic o/p, 8-dip
fairchild semiconductor
header, vert, 200way
connector contact receptacle 28awg crimp
probe, spring contact
general devices
telescoping slide, 2 section 11.95in stl
box, abs, grey, 110x82x44mm
case, sloped, blue/grey
66 30 226 003700
hood + male insert, side entry, 24e
934 063-700
hirschmann test and measurement
test lead, 4mm, 1m, black
honeywell s&c
limit switch, side rotary, dpdt-2no/2nc
iqd frequency products
crystal, 16mhz
itt cannon
socket, dlm, pcb, 96way
itt cannon
junction shell kit, thermoplastic
plug, female, marine, 1mm, 37way
itt cannon
circular, size 20 , 8 way pin
itt cannon
circular, size 22 , 3 way skt
johanson technology
balun, wimax, 3.7ghz
kester solder
solder bar, 63/37 sn/pb, 217c, 1lb
kester solder
solder wire, 63/37 sn/pb, 183c, 1lb
kester solder
solder wire, 63/37 sn/pb, 183c, 1lb
led, 20mm red
linear technology
ic, transceiver, 3.3v, rs485, 8soic
linear technology
ic, dc/dc controller, smd, msop10
fuse, smd, 1206, fast, 2a
fuse, smd, 1206, fast, 3a
fuse, smd, 1206, fast, 4a
fuse, smd, 1206, fast, 7a
fuse, v fast acting, 700ma
fuse, quick blow, tr5, 80ma
view all results from element14 - asia pacific...
digi-key • ecia (neda) member • authorized distributor
digi-key #
te connectivity
cable 1 cond 22awg shielded
jumper ql 3 sak 35 3pos
term blk sak 4 ts32 krg blue
general cable/carol brand
8””2in 16/3 sjt blk pwr supply
pulse electronics corporation
transformer 115v 6v 83ma
general cable/carol brand
12”” 18/3 sjt black switch
littelfuse inc
fuse 3a 125v 5x20mm med ul
littelfuse inc
fuse 4a 125v 5x20mm med ul
littelfuse inc
fuse 5a 125v 5x20mm med ul
littelfuse inc
fuse 6a 125v 5x20mm med ul
littelfuse inc
fuse 8a 125v 5x20mm med ul
rose+bopla enclosures
box watertight 7.87x4.72x3.54
littelfuse inc
fuse 1a 125v 5x20mm med ul
general cable/carol brand
10”” 16/3 & 16/4 black switch
littelfuse inc
fuse 2a 125v 5x20mm med ul
itt cannon, llc
dust cover for mdm-51s
littelfuse inc
fuse fast 125v 700ma radial
littelfuse inc
fuse .700a/250v 3ag slo-blo
littelfuse inc
fuse 250v slo-blo 3ag .700a cart
littelfuse inc
fuse 250v slo-blo 3ag .700a
jumper for sak 2.5 2pos
mill-max manufacturing corp.
conn recept pin .065-.082" 18awg
mill-max manufacturing corp.
conn recept pin .065-.082" 18awg
littelfuse inc
fuse .700a 250v slo 3ag nckl mil
3.5mm euro plug vert grn 4pos
3.5mm euro plug vert grn 8pos
3.81mm euro plug str grn 2pos
3.81mm euro plug str grn 3pos
3.81mm euro plug str grn 4pos
3.81mm euro plug str grn 5pos
3.81mm euro plug str grn 6pos
3.81mm euro plug str grn 7pos
3.81mm euro plug str grn 8pos
3.81mm euro plug str grn 9pos
5mm euro plug str grn 2pos
5mm euro plug str grn 3pos
5mm euro plug str grn 4pos
5mm euro plug str grn 5pos
5mm euro plug str grn 6pos
5mm euro plug str grn 7pos
5mm euro plug str grn 8pos
5mm euro plug str grn 9pos
5.08mm euro plug str grn 2pos
5.08mm euro plug str grn 3pos
5.08mm euro plug str grn 4pos
5.08mm euro plug str grn 5pos
5.08mm euro plug str grn 6pos
5.08mm euro plug str grn 7pos
5.08mm euro plug str grn 8pos
5.08mm euro plug str grn 9pos
5mm euroblock pc str blk 2pos
5mm euroblock pc str blk 3pos
5mm euroblock pc str blk 4pos
5mm euroblock pc str blk 5pos
5mm euroblock pc str blk 6pos
5mm euroblock pc str blk 7pos
5mm euroblock pc str blk 8pos
5mm euroblock pc str blk 9pos
conn euroblock 4pos 5mm grn
kester solder
solder bar alloy 63/37 1.66lb
kester solder
soldr bar ultrapure 63/37 1.66lb
te connectivity
cable 20awg shielded
littelfuse inc
fuse 63v 1a fast smd 1206
littelfuse inc
fuse 63v 1a fast smd 1206
6000tape & reel
littelfuse inc
fuse 63v 1a fast smd 1206
7987cut tape
littelfuse inc
fuse 63v 2a fast smd 1206
littelfuse inc
fuse 63v 2a fast smd 1206
2397cut tape
littelfuse inc
fuse 63v 2a fast smd 1206
littelfuse inc
fuse 32v 3a fast smd 1206
littelfuse inc
fuse 32v 3a fast smd 1206
6000tape & reel
littelfuse inc
fuse 32v 3a fast smd 1206
8266cut tape
littelfuse inc
fuse 32v 4a fast smd 1206
littelfuse inc
fuse 32v 4a fast smd 1206
3000tape & reel
littelfuse inc
fuse 32v 4a fast smd 1206
4647cut tape
littelfuse inc
fuse 32v 5a fast smd 1206
13675cut tape
littelfuse inc
fuse 32v 5a fast smd 1206
littelfuse inc
fuse 32v 5a fast smd 1206
12000tape & reel
littelfuse inc
fuse 32v 7a fast smd 1206
12153cut tape
littelfuse inc
fuse 32v 7a fast smd 1206
littelfuse inc
fuse 32v 7a fast smd 1206
9000tape & reel
littelfuse inc
fuse 32v 8a fast smd 1206
3239cut tape
littelfuse inc
fuse 32v 8a fast smd 1206
littelfuse inc
fuse 32v 8a fast smd 1206
camera socket top mount smd
camera socket top mount smd
8800tape & reel
camera socket top mount smd
9598cut tape
shield cover for camera socket
itt cannon, llc
dsub 78 f crimp
itt cannon, llc
dsub 78 f crimp
enclosure safety gnd screw alum
te connectivity
boot molded straight
bel fuse inc
fuse 7a 250v fast ceramic 3ab
bel fuse inc
fuse 7a 250v fast axial 3abp
avx corporation
cap cer 10000pf 100v 5% x7r 0603
avx corporation
cap cer 10000pf 100v 5% x7r 0603
60118cut tape
avx corporation
cap cer 10000pf 100v 5% x7r 0603
56000tape & reel
t2 terminator assembly
compression spring
te connectivity
heat shrink tubing
fine adjust applicator
view all results from digi-key...
farnell • ecia (neda) member • authorized distributor
数量 europe
价格 (gbp)
enclosure, polycarbonate, ip65
fuse, v fast acting, 700ma
fuse, cartridge, 750ma, 6.3x32mm slo blo
fuse, 6.3x32mm, antisurge, 700ma
fuse, 6.3x32mm, antisurge, 700ma
enclosure, abs, ip65
jumper kit, 2way
cml innovative technologies
lamp, slide, t6.8, 30v, 1.2w
pin receptacle, pc board, solder
fuse, smd, 5a, 1206, fast acting
tape, duct cloth, silver, 48mm, 50m
kester solder
solder bar, 63/37 sn/pb, 217c, 1lb
screwdrivers, ph, 2pc, screw gripper
plug, free, r/a, 2way
plug, free, r/a, 8way
plug, free, 16way
filament bulb
side, ch20m, 8p, level 1, grey
itt cannon
socket, dlm, pcb, 96way
te connectivity
terminal block pluggable 10pos, 30-14awg
heatshrink, 2:1, 2.4mm, blue, 100m
sealant, teroson, white, 310ml
sealant, teroson, white, 310ml
sealant, teroson, white, 310ml
sealant, teroson, white, 310ml
sealant, teroson, white, 310ml
sealant, teroson, white, 310ml
sealant, teroson, white, 310ml
sealant, silicone, clear, 310ml
sealant, silicone, clear, 310ml
sealant, silicone, clear, 310ml
sealant, silicone, clear, 310ml
sealant, silicone, clear, 310ml
sealant, silicone, clear, 310ml
sealant, teroson, black, 310ml
sealant, teroson, black, 310ml
sealant, teroson, black, 310ml
sealant, teroson, black, 310ml
sealant, teroson, black, 310ml
sealant, teroson, black, 310ml
sealant, teroson, black, 310ml
case, sloped, blue/grey
box, abs, grey, 110x82x44mm
te connectivity / amp
connector, idc, transition, 16way
te connectivity / amp
connector, idc, transition, 16way
te connectivity / amp
connector, idc, transition, 26way
te connectivity / amp
connector, idc, transition, 26way
terminal block, din, 1pos, 26-14awg
base housing, size 4, aluminum
hood, top entry, pg21
hood, top entry, pg21
pg to npt adapter
te connectivity / amp
socket housing, 3way
te connectivity / amp
socket housing, 3way
te connectivity / amp
socket housing, 3way
te connectivity / amp
socket housing, 3way
lamp, indicator, incand, clear
te connectivity
label, equipment no, pk100
header, 10.16mm, r/a, 6way
header, flange, 10.16mm, strt, 7way
te connectivity
cable, m12, with led, female, 4pos
terminal block, 3 contacts, 24-16 awg
te connectivity / amp
housing, 2row, 20way
te connectivity / amp
housing, 2row, 20way
te connectivity / amp
housing, 2row, 20way
raf electronic hardware
aluminum standoff
led, mid groove, 12v, white
light, yel, 12-240v
terminal block pluggable, 4pos, 28-12awg
terminal block pluggable, 2pos, 28-12awg
hm 2.0 m type b19 133p.ii pdni
kester solder
solder wire, 63/37 sn/pb, 183c, 1lb
itt cannon
junction shell kit, thermoplastic
dow corning
rtv silicone, clear, 90ml, tube
dow corning
rtv silicone, clear, 90ml, tube
dow corning
rtv silicone, clear, 90ml, tube
dow corning
rtv silicone, clear, 90ml, tube
dow corning
rtv silicone, clear, 90ml, tube
dow corning
rtv silicone, clear, 90ml, tube
dow corning
rtv silicone, clear, 90ml, tube
lamp holder, e27, screw, 5kv rated
bipolar transistor, npn, 80v, to-18
adapter, bnc plug-binding post
wire-board conn, socket, 10pos, 2.54mm
sealant, chemical metal, mini tube
sealant, chemical metal, mini tube
sealant, chemical metal, mini tube
sealant, chemical metal, mini tube
sealant, chemical metal, mini tube
sealant, chemical metal, mini tube
sealant, chemical metal, mini tube
sealant, chemical metal, giant, tin
sealant, chemical metal, giant, tin
sealant, chemical metal, giant, tin
sealant, chemical metal, giant, tin
sealant, chemical metal, giant, tin
sealant, chemical metal, giant, tin
sealant, chemical metal, giant, tin
view all results from farnell...
tti • ecia (neda) member • authorized distributor
mfr. part #:
rf inductors 0603 27nh
mfr. part #:
te connectivity
wire identification tms-sce-1/8-2.0-4
mfr. part #:
i/o connectors sfp 1 pc cage assy solder post
mfr. part #:
common mode inductors (chokes) 1.0mh min
mfr. part #:
precision potentiometers 2k ohm 10-turn w/w pot
mfr. part #:
common mode inductors (chokes) 2.0mh min
mfr. part #:
te connectivity
cable mounting & accessories 202f221-51/164-0
mfr. part #:
board to board / mezzanine connectors 28-32awg receptacle
mfr. part #:
te connectivity
telecom & ethernet connectors 8/8 side entry
mfr. part #:
metal film resistors - through hole 4.99m ohm
mfr. part #:
metal film resistors - through hole 2m
mfr. part #:
metal film resistors - through hole 1.8m
mfr. part #:
metal film resistors - through hole 1/2watt 4.7mohms 1%
mfr. part #:
metal film resistors - through hole 3.3m
mfr. part #:
metal film resistors - through hole 470k
mfr. part #:
metal film resistors - through hole 200k
mfr. part #:
tantalum capacitors - solid smd 3.3uf/25v 20%esr
mfr. part #:
cornell dubilier
aluminum electrolytic capacitors - screw terminal 3700uf
mfr. part #:
common mode inductors (chokes) 0.2mh min
mfr. part #:
metal film resistors - through hole 220k
mfr. part #:
cornell dubilier
aluminum electrolytic capacitors - screw terminal 3700uf
mfr. part #:
automotive connectors mx150l 4p hdr ra pcb 12-8 awg
mfr. part #:
metal film resistors - through hole 10m
mfr. part #:
metal film resistors - through hole 1/2watt 10mohms 5% vr37
mfr. part #:
aluminum organic polymer capacitors 16volts 470uf smd low esr
arrow electronics • ecia (neda) member • authorized distributor
3m interconnect solutions
conn socket strip skt 24 pos 2mm solder st smd t/r
3m interconnect solutions
conn idc connector skt 10 pos 2.54mm idt ra cable mount
3m interconnect solutions
conn ejector header hdr 50 pos 1.27mm solder ra thru-hole
3m interconnect solutions
conn dip test clip pin 16 pos solder st thru-hole 1 port
3m interconnect solutions
conn board stacker hdr 30 pos 2.54mm solder st thru-hole
click buy for pricing
3m interconnect solutions
conn board stacker hdr 14 pos 2.54mm solder st thru-hole
click buy for pricing
3m interconnect solutions
conn board to board connector hdr 22pos 2.54mm thru
3m interconnect solutions
conn board stacker hdr 14 pos 2.54mm solder st thru-hole
3m interconnect solutions
conn unshrouded header hdr 2 pos 2.54mm solder st thru-hole
3m interconnect solutions
conn shrouded header hdr 10 pos 2mm solder st thru-hole
amd (advanced micro devices)
socket with 2.0ghz core frequency
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
scsi card 29160lp kit
adaptec scsi 29160lp kit
2g fibre, 5 meters
pcm3536 / pcm3538t
intel p3 70 pgafcpga w/ fan
aavid thermalloy
heat sink passive to-220 solder tab 21.2°c/w black anodized
aavid thermalloy
heat sink passive to-220 solder tab 21.2°c/w black anodized
aavid thermalloy
heat sink passive to-220 solder tab 21.6°c/w black anodized
aavid thermalloy
heat sink passive to-220 solder tab 21.6°c/w black anodized
aavid thermalloy
heat sink passive to-220 clip/solder tab 20.4°c/w black anodized
aavid thermalloy
heat sink passive to-220 solderable tab 16°c/w black anodized
aavid thermalloy
heat sink passive to-220 solder tab 16°c/w black anodized
aavid thermalloy
heat sink passive to-220 mounting tab 27.3°c/w black anodized
aavid thermalloy
heat sink passive to-220 clip 26.8°c/w black anodized
aavid thermalloy
heat sink passive to-220 clip 26.8°c/w black anodized
sonic mydvd studio deluxe kit
serial ata raid 10pk
adaptec serial ata raid10pk
adaptech serial ata raid
2410sa-10 pack
ana-62022 sgl/1737000
ethernet nic
ana-62022 sgl
scsi card 29160lp kit
gb cf card, xp emb
alpha & omega semiconductor
trans mosfet n-ch 30v 3.3a 5-pin sot-23
american power conversion
1284;parallel print
american power conversion
ieee 1284 parallel print
american power conversion
ieeel1284 parallel print
american power conversion
15ft printer a to c cabl
american power conversion
ieee 1284 parallel print
american power conversion
ieee 1284 parallel print
american power conversion
1284 parallel print
american power conversion
ieee 1284 parallel print
american power conversion
parallel printer
american power conversion
ieee 1284 parallel print
american power conversion
ieee 1284;par printer
american power conversion
american power conversion
ieee 1284 parallel print
american power conversion
ieee 1284 parallel print
american power conversion
ieee 1284 parallel print
american power conversion
1284 parallel print
american power conversion
ieee 1284 parallel print
american power conversion
1284 parallel print
american power conversion
ieee 1284 parallel print
american power conversion
ieee 1284;par printer
american power conversion
ieee 1284 parallel ext
american power conversion
ieee 1284;comp to switch
american power conversion
ieee 1284 parallel ext
american power conversion
ieee 1284 parallel exten
american power conversion
ieee 1284 parallel ext
american power conversion
1284;parallel exten
american power conversion
1284 par.ext.;db25 m/m
american power conversion
ieee 1284 parallel ext
click buy for pricing
click buy for pricing
click buy for pricing
click buy for pricing
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
soc insert
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
call 1-800-833-3557 for quote
view all results from arrow electronics...
avnet express • ecia (neda) member • authorized distributor
itt interconnect solutions
8 wks factory lead time
requires quote
te connectivity / raychem wire
tnel lck adptr str alum alloy olv/dr cad ovr elctrlss nkl - bulk
8 wks factory lead time
samtec inc.
conn bd stacker hdr 3 pos 2.54mm sldr st th - bulk
1 wks factory lead time
itt interconnect solutions
14 wks factory lead time
requires quote
conn scsi rcp 136 pos 1.6mm sldr ra th 136term 2port - trays
8 wks factory lead time
itt interconnect solutions
ca coaxial 0.914m 26awg 37 pos d-sub skt crmp - bulk
9 wks factory lead time
requires quote
te connectivity / amp
conn idc conn m 6 pos 2.54mm idt ra cbl mnt - bulk
call for delivery
requires quote
te connectivity / cii
3sbc016/37-001m - bulk
18 wks factory lead time
conn scsi rcp 136 pos 1.6mm sldr ra th 136term 2port - trays
5 wks factory lead time
16 wks factory lead time
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
ca coaxial 0.457m 26awg 37 pos d-sub skt crmp - bulk
10 wks factory lead time
requires quote
conn scsi rcp 136 pos 0.8mm sldr ra th - trays
5 wks factory lead time
conn scsi rcp 136 pos 1.6mm sldr ra th 136term 2port - trays
8 wks factory lead time
conn cont 1 pos crmp cbl mnt - tape and reel
10 wks factory lead time
conn scsi rcp 136 pos 1.6mm sldr ra th 136term 2port - trays
5 wks factory lead time
itt interconnect solutions
mdmv96637-10 - bulk
15 wks factory lead time
requires quote
te connectivity / amp
conn idc conn m 34 pos 2.54mm idt ra cbl mnt - bulk
13 wks factory lead time
te connectivity / amp
609-4043=pcb idc p 40 st .125 - bulk
call for delivery
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
ca coaxial 0.457m 26awg 37 pos d-sub skt crmp - bulk
10 wks factory lead time
requires quote
conn scsi rcp 136 pos 1.6mm sldr ra th 136term 2port - trays
5 wks factory lead time
itt interconnect solutions
ca coaxial 0.152m 26awg 37 pos d-sub skt crmp - bulk
9 wks factory lead time
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
9 wks factory lead time
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
call for delivery
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
11 wks factory lead time
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
mdvb1-37ss-1 - bulk
9 wks factory lead time
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
13 wks factory lead time
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
mjsr-76pl61 - bulk
13 wks factory lead time
requires quote
aavid thermalloy
12 wks factory lead time
requires quote
3m interconnect solutions
conn shrd hdr hdr 50 pos 2.54mm sldr st th - bulk
5 wks factory lead time
samtec inc.
conn bd stacker hdr 60 pos 1.27mm sldr st smd - bulk
1 wks factory lead time
qd term f - tape and reel
7 wks factory lead time
itt interconnect solutions
mdmv96637-13 - bulk
15 wks factory lead time
requires quote
te connectivity / amp
conn idc conn m 16 pos 2.54mm idt ra cbl mnt - bulk
call for delivery
conn tnc f 0hz to 11ghz 50ohm st pnl mnt au over ni - bulk
5 wks factory lead time
itt interconnect solutions
mtv1-15shx01-04 - bulk
30 wks factory lead time
requires quote
qd term 18-22awg f 15.8mm 4.6mm tin - tape and reel
4 wks factory lead time
itt interconnect solutions
shell assy junct dl3-4-j/s - bulk
12 wks factory lead time
requires quote
conn smb f 0hz to 4ghz 50ohm crmp st cbl mnt au over ni - bulk
5 wks factory lead time
itt interconnect solutions
mdmv96637-12 - bulk
15 wks factory lead time
requires quote
conn scsi rcp 136 pos 1.6mm sldr ra th 136term 2port - trays
5 wks factory lead time
itt interconnect solutions
conn cont skt 1 pos crmp st 1term - bulk
7046 in stock
requires quote
te connectivity / amp
block, contact - bulk
14 wks factory lead time
conn scsi rcp 136 pos 1.6mm sldr ra th 136term 2port - trays
5 wks factory lead time
itt interconnect solutions
dust cap mdm-51s **bulk** - bulk
6 wks factory lead time
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
15 wks factory lead time
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
cnt asm s kjl-12 - bulk
call for delivery
requires quote
on semiconductor
ee prog 3-pll clock - rail/tube
19 wks factory lead time
te connectivity / amp
779-2153=apptl idc p - bulk
12 wks factory lead time
ass””y bnc m - m cab 6/75 - bulk
call for delivery
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
cover,dl4-2496p - bulk
call for delivery
requires quote
texas instruments
nand gate 3-elem 3-in bipolar 14cdip - rail/tube
36 in stock
texas instruments
inverter 6-elem bipolar 20lccc - rail/tube
4 wks factory lead time
itt interconnect solutions
9 wks factory lead time
requires quote
trans gp bjt npn 80v 1a 3pin ub - gel-pak, waffle pack, wafer, diced wafer on film
200 in stock
conn scsi rcp 136 pos 1.6mm sldr ra th 136term 2port - trays
5 wks factory lead time
female rec. .180 dia.krimptite (aaz-1120 - bulk
call for delivery
avago technologies
optocoupl ac/dc-in 1ch darl w/base dc-out 8pdip - rail/tube
320 in stock
itt interconnect solutions
mjsr-76pl62 - bulk
11 wks factory lead time
requires quote
te connectivity / amp
779-2150=snap die, female sock - bulk
8 wks factory lead time
itt interconnect solutions
11 wks factory lead time
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
dl3-3-j/s - bulk
10 wks factory lead time
requires quote
conn smb f 0hz to 4ghz 50ohm crmp st cbl mnt au over ni - bulk
5 wks factory lead time
te connectivity / amp
779-2152=apptl idc p - bulk
14 wks factory lead time
requires quote
n plug str clamp - bulk
call for delivery
requires quote
te connectivity / raychem wire
- tape and reel
1000 in stock
itt interconnect solutions
227- - bulk
call for delivery
requires quote
11- - bulk
call for delivery
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
283- - bulk
call for delivery
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
tip cet-0-1 extraction - bulk
10 wks factory lead time
requires quote
60- - bulk
14 wks factory lead time
requires quote
te connectivity / raychem wire
cbl term - bulk
6 wks factory lead time
te connectivity / raychem wire
harness component - bulk
8 wks factory lead time
te connectivity / raychem wire
contact pin solder st cbl mount - bulk
63 in stock
itt interconnect solutions
call for delivery
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
ring o ca-ke 32 1.599 i.d. - bulk
43 in stock
requires quote
60- - bulk
call for delivery
requires quote
te connectivity / raychem wire
10 wks factory lead time
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
conn 26482 circ pin 26 pos crmp st wall mnt - bulk
12 wks factory lead time
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
l/c-120 - bulk
call for delivery
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
tip cet-16-9 extraction - bulk
10 wks factory lead time
requires quote
t 5,0v e_m - bulk
7 wks factory lead time
requires quote
nut - bulk
13 wks factory lead time
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
shell,p/frt,2dd 100(a101) w/dimples - bulk
626 in stock
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
e/d dpd2-dm-3 - bulk
26 wks factory lead time
requires quote
te connectivity / raychem wire
b-053-70-03 - bulk
9 wks factory lead time
itt interconnect solutions
tip cet-4-8
c50 - bulk
58 in stock
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
dpxms coax pin - bulk
call for delivery
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
battery tool - bulk
call for delivery
requires quote
switch cse15 ug 5-24v max sensitive togg - bulk
6 wks factory lead time
requires quote
nut / 7728599 - bulk
14 wks factory lead time
requires quote
te connectivity / raychem wire
alais ,2- - labels that come on sheets or rolls
4 wks factory lead time
te connectivity / raychem wire
6 wks factory lead time
sfp one pc cage asy - w/spring fngr gskt - trays
3109 in stock
itt interconnect solutions
conn 26482 circ pin 8 pos crmp st wall mnt - bulk
13 wks factory lead time
requires quote
nut - bulk
13 wks factory lead time
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
e/d dpd2r-dmra-1 - bulk
call for delivery
requires quote
60- - bulk
14 wks factory lead time
requires quote
itt interconnect solutions
conn acc insertion/extraction tool plastic for cont size 8 t - bulk
call for delivery
requires quote
te connectivity / raychem wire
cbl marker - cable rools/shrink tubing
925 in stock
te connectivity / raychem wire
heat shrnk tbing polyfn wh flat spled - cable rools/shrink tubing
1200 in stock
view all results from avnet express...
verical • authorized dealer
tyco electronics
cable accessories heat shrinkable tubing polyolefin black piece
tyco electronics
cable accessories marker sleeve polyolefin yellow
national semiconductor
op amp dual transconductance 18v/36v 16-pin soic n rail
connector accessories sfp cage right angle press fit tray
fuse 0.125a 250v fast acting 2-pin bulk
fairchild semiconductor
optocoupl ac/dc-in 1-ch darl w/base dc-out 8-pin pdip-b tube
avago technologies
optocoupl ac/dc-in 1-ch darl w/base dc-out 8-pin pdip tube
fci electronics
conn contact rcp 1 pos crimp st cable mount loose piece
fuse 0.25a 250v subminiature 2-pin bulk
on semiconductor
diode pin switch 20v 3-pin sot-23 t/r
trans gp bjt npn 80v 1a 3-pin to-18
trans gp bjt npn 80v 1a 3-pin to-18
trans gp bjt npn 80v 1a 3-pin to-18 bag
res metal glaze 2m ohm 1% 1/2w 200ppm/c axl thru-hole t/r
res metal glaze 10m ohm 1% 1/2w 200ppm/c axl thru-hole ammo pack
ind common mode 5mh 2a t/r
aavid thermalloy
heat sink passive to-220 solderable tabs 21.2c/w black anodized
aavid thermalloy
heat sink passive to-220 clip 26.8c/w black anodized
ind common mode choke 200uh t/r
trans gp bjt npn 80v 1a 3-pin to-18
trans gp bjt npn 80v 1a 3-pin to-18
avago technologies
optocoupl ac/dc-in 1-ch darl w/base dc-out 8-pin soic tube
national semiconductor
op amp dual transconductance 18v/36v 16-pin soic n t/r
avago technologies
optocoupl logic-out open collector dc-in 1-ch 8-pin pdip tube
trans gp bjt npn 80v 1a 3-pin ub
avago technologies
optocoupl ac/dc-in 1-ch darl w/base dc-out 8-pin pdip smd tube
avago technologies
optocoupl ac/dc-in 1-ch darl w/base dc-out 8-pin pdip tube
avago technologies
optocoupl ac/dc-in 1-ch darl w/base dc-out 8-pin pdip smd tube
res metal glaze 100k ohm 5% 1/2w 200ppm/c axl thru-hole t/r
tyco electronics
cable accessories solder sleeve shield terminator polyvinylidene fluoride transparent blue
aavid thermalloy
heat sink passive to-220 27.3c/w black anodized
avago technologies
optocoupl logic-out open collector dc-in 1-ch 8-pin pdip w tube
fci electronics
conn power hdr 6 pos press fit ra thru-hole 36 terminal 1 port tube
fuse 0.4a 250v quick acting 2-pin bulk
trans gp bjt npn 80v 1a 3-pin to-18
connector accessories sfp cage tray
semicoa semiconductors
trans gp bjt npn 80v 0.001a 3-pin to-18
tyco electronics
cable accessories heat shrinkable tubing polyolefin white flat spooled
tyco electronics
cable accessories solder sleeve shield terminator
trans gp bjt npn 80v 1a 3-pin ub
connector accessories sfp cage right angle tray
connector accessories sfp cage right angle press fit tray
ind common mode choke 2mh t/r
national semiconductor
op amp dual transconductance 18v/36v 16-pin mdip rail
res metal glaze 10m ohm 5% 1/2w 200ppm/c axl thr
res metal glaze 1.2m ohm 5% 1/2w 200ppm/c axl th
texas instruments
conv dc-dc single inv 2.7v to 5.5v 10-pin vson ep
connector accessories sfp cage right angle tray
conn usb pl 4 pos solder ra thru-hole 4 terminal 1 port tray
connector accessories sfp cage right angle press fit tray
fuse 0.63a 250v fast acting 2-pin bulk
res metal film 499k ohm 1% 1/2w 200ppm/c conformal axl thru-hole t/r
res metal glaze 33m ohm 1% 1/2w _200ppm/_c axl thru-hole t/r
fuse 0.8a 250v fast acting 2-pin bulk
texas instruments
nand gate 3-element 3-in bipolar 14-pin cdip tube
texas instruments
nand gate 1-element 13-in bipolar 16-pin cdip tube
texas instruments
conv dc-dc single inv 2.7v to 5.5v 10-pin vson ep t/r
conn vhdci rcp 136 pos 1.6mm solder ra thru-hole 136 terminal 2 port tray
fci electronics
conn hdmi rcp 21 pos 1.27mm solder st smd 21 terminal 1 port t/r
res metal glaze 499k ohm 1% 1/2w 200ppm/c conformal axl thru-hole ammo pack
phototransistor ir chip silicon 850nm 2-pin plcc t/r
semicoa semiconductors
trans gp bjt npn 80v 1a 3-pin to-18
semicoa semiconductors
trans gp bjt npn 80v 1a 3-pin to-18
texas instruments
nand gate 4-element 2-in bipolar 14-pin cdip tube
semicoa semiconductors
trans gp bjt npn 80v 1a 3-pin csot-23
ind common mode choke 750uh t/r
res metal glaze 1m ohm 5% 1/2w 200ppm/c conformal axl thru-hole ammo pack
itt interconnect solutions
connector accessories insertion/extraction tool plastic for contact size 8 twinax
fci electronics
conn sca-2 rcp 40 pos 1.27mm solder st smd 40 terminal 1 port tray
tyco electronics
res metal glaze 1m ohm 1% 1/2w 200ppm/c conformal axl thru-hole ammo pack
res metal film 680k ohm 5% 1/2w 200ppm/c conformal axl thru-hole t/r
tyco electronics
semicoa semiconductors
tyco electronics
tyco electronics
tyco electronics
on semiconductor
allied electronics • ecia (neda) member • authorized distributor
interconnect devices, inc.
standard series, size 0, 4-point crown tip style, 3.7 spring force, gold plated
twin industries
case and prototyping board combo (7.7 x 4.3 x 1.4)
twin industries
extender card
twin industries
proto board, 6 in. by 4 in.; 100 mil grid
twin industries
case and prototyping board combo (7.7 x 4.3 x 2.9)
twin industries
surface mount adapters for soic medium, metric, or tiny
twin industries
3u compact pci to 64-bit desktop pci.
twin industries
smt adapter for tssop packages. .50mm pitch. 6"w x 4"l
twin industries
protoboard featuring 2mm x 2mm grid of plated through holes. 160mm w x 100mm l
twin industries
3u compact pci prototyping board. grid of .1" x .1" plated thru holes
twin industries
6u, 80mm rear compact pci prototyping board. grid of .1" x .1" plated thru holes
twin industries
breadboard, solderless
twin industries
wire kit, 140 piece
twin industries
breadboard with 70 piece wire kit
twin industries
breadboard with 70 piece wire kit and power/ground posts
twin industries
breadboard with 140 piece wire kit and power/ground posts
twin industries
smt adapter for tssop packages. .50mm pitch 6 in w x 4 in l
twin industries
protoboard, lead free, 4 inch x 10 inch, gold plated holes, .1 x .1 inch grid
twin industries
protoboard, lead free, 4 x 5 inch board, gold plated holes, .1 x .1 inch grid
twin industries
protoboard, lead free, 4 x 5 inch board, gold plated holes, .1 x .1 inch grid
twin industries
protoboard, lead free, 4 x 5 inch board, gold plated holes, .1 x .1 inch grid
twin industries
kit, temperature meter, includes components, pc board and instructions
twin industries
kit, logic probe, includes components, pc board and instructions
twin industries
kit, combination lock, includes components, pc board and instructions
twin industries
kit, 5 ultra bright led flasher, includes components, pc board and instructions
twin industries
kit, big pic clock, includes components, pc board and instructions
twin industries
kit, intro to lcds, includes components, pc board and instructions
twin industries
kit, 40 sec message recorder w/looping opt, incl components, pc board & instr
twin industries
kit, usb pic programmer, includes components, pc board and instructions
twin industries
kit, uhf rolling code 4-channel remote control, incl components, pc bd & instr
twin industries
kit, 3 1/2 digital led panel meter, incl components, pc board and instructions
twin industries
kit, continuity tester, incl components, pc board and instructions
twin industries
kit, multi-mode timer, incl components, pc board and instructions
twin industries
6u compact pci prototyping board
twin industries
protoboard, lead free, gold plated holes, 10 in x 10 in
twin industries
protoboard, lead free, gold plated holes, 4.5 in x 6.5 in
twin industries
compact pci extender card
twin industries
compact pci extender card
twin industries
extender cards 2.13 x 6.35 2 layers
twin industries
extender card
twin industries
extender, passive card, test points for all signals
twin industries
extender card, 4.20 inches in width, 6.90 inches in length
twin industries
extender card, 9.20 inches in width, 9.63 inches in length
twin industries
extender card, 32-bit pci bus
twin industries
project box, 4.5 in. length, 2.3 in. width, 1.7 in. height, non-plated holes
twin industries
project boxe, 4.5 in. length, 2.3 in. width, 1.7 in. height, plated holes
twin industries
project box, 5.3 in. length, 2.9 in. width, 1.9 in. height, non-plated holes
twin industries
project box, 5.3 in. length, 2.9 in. width, 1.9 in. height, plated holes
twin industries
project box, 6.3 in. length, 3.7 in. width, 2.4 in. height, non-plated holes
twin industries
project box, 6.3 in. length, 3.7 in. width, 2.4 in. height, plated holes
twin industries
10 pieces of 10cm prototyping wires with machine pin ends
twin industries
isa extender card
twin industries
plated proto board for b40 and b45 box
honeywell elmwood div
thermostat, presicion, non hermetic, low silhoutte
amphenol-tuchel electronics
connector,circular din,male panel recept,front mt,12 silver-pltd solder contact
transistor, 80 140 7 1 1.8 w @ <= 25 c
okw enclosures, inc.
wallmounting clip for 272-6025 and 272-6030
national semiconductor
op amp dual transconductance 18v/36v 16soic n
nte kester
h sn63pb37; .015 core 66; 1 lb
nte kester
h sn63pb37; .02 core 66; 1 lb
nte kester
h sn63pb37; .04 core 66; 1 lb
nte kester
h sn63pb37; .062 core 66; 1 lb
eao switch
actuator, pushbutton, blk bezel, 16mm mount, clear w/white diffuser, momentary
microchip technology inc
ic,max. input,6v;output,3.3v;1000accuracy,0.5%;to220-3
amphenol alden products
connector,metal circ,str plug,ethernet,cat 5e,4 pin cont,for 22,24awg str,24 sol
recom power incorporated
3w; 3-6 input 90-264vac
tyco electronics passives
res 0pwr-rtg 0.1250805
tyco electronics passives
res 0pwr-rtg 0.251206
tyco electronics passives
res 0pwr-rtg 0.10603
tyco electronics passives
res 68pwr-rtg 0.33tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 100pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 100pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 120pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 120pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 12pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 15pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 1pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 220pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 22pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 2.2pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 330pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 330pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 33pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 3.3pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 470pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 47pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 47pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 4.7pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 4.7pwr-rtg 0.25tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 10pwr-rtg 0.33tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 10pwr-rtg 0.33tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 10pwr-rtg 0.33tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 120pwr-rtg 0.33tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 12pwr-rtg 0.33tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 150pwr-rtg 0.33tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 15pwr-rtg 0.33tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 180pwr-rtg 0.33tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 1pwr-rtg 0.33tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 1.2pwr-rtg 0.33tol 5%;axial
tyco electronics passives
res 1.5pwr-rtg 0.33tol 5%;axial
view all results from allied electronics...
future electronics &#149; ecia (neda) member &#149; authorized distributor
价格 (usd)
aavid thermalloy
heat sink-3 reels
aavid thermalloy
heat sink-3 reels
aavid thermalloy
to-220 23.20 c/w thermal resistance spring action low cost heat sink
aavid thermalloy
to-220 21.20 c/w thermal resistance spring action low cost slide on heat sink
aavid thermalloy
to-220 package 21.60 c/w thermal resistance low cost labour saving heat sink
aavid thermalloy
to-220 package 16.00 c/w thermal resistance low cost labour saving heat sink
aavid thermalloy
to-220 / to-262 package 27.30 c/w thermal resistance vertical plug in heat sink
aavid thermalloy
to-220-single gauge black anodize hight 15.24mm
altech corporation
akz950 series 2 position 5.08 mm green screw-cage clamp pluggable terminal block
altech corporation
akz950 series 3 position 5.08 mm green screw-cage clamp pluggable terminal block
altech corporation
akz950 series 8 position 5.08 mm green screw-cage clamp pluggable terminal block
avago technologies
dip-8 through hole 1 channel 3750 vrms high speed ttl compatible optocoupler
avago technologies
dip8 through hole single channel 5000 vrms high speed ttl compatible optocoupler
avago technologies
so-8 surface mount single channel 3750 vrms ac/dc to logic interface optocoupler
avago technologies
dip8 through hole single channel 3750 vrms ac/dc to logic interface optocoupler
avago technologies
dip8 smt single channel 3750 vrms ac/dc to logic interface optocoupler
avago technologies
dip8 smt single channel 3750 vrms ac/dc to logic interface optocoupler
desco industries
small component shipper 4 1/2 x 3 1/16 x 1 in
desco industries
statshield 12 inch x 16 inch 3.0 mils metal-in esd bag with zipper
desco industries
small 2.50 inch x 1.25 inch shielding layer component shipper
desco industries
small 3.4375 inch x 2.125 inch shielding layer component shipper
desco industries
small 3.75 inch x 3.75 inch shielding layer component shipper
desco industries
small component shipper 7 x 3-1/2 x 1 in
desco industries
small 5.25 inch x 1.25 inch shielding layer component shipper
desco industries
small 2.75 inch x 2.75 inch shielding layer component shipper
desco industries
statshield small blue poly carbon esd jacket with snap front closure
digital view
pp4 external panel power input 160mm flying lead 4 wire cable
digital view
lvds panel cable
32k byte embedded sram display buffer 16k gray scale qfp13-64 controller
dip8 through hole single channel 2500 vrms ac/dc to logic interface optocoupler
dip8 surface mount single channel 2500 vrms ac/dc to logic interface optocoupler
heico lighting
virgolite equi-brite 3" short rectangular cool white 6500 k 4 led module
heico lighting
virgolite equi-brite 3" short rectangular cool white 6500 k 4 led module
kester solder
ultra low dross 63% tin 37% lead solder bar
kester solder
ultrapure 63% tin 37% lead solder bar
kester solder
ultrapure 63% tin 37% lead solder bar
kester solder
ultra low dross 63% tin 37% lead solder bar
kester solder
ultrapure 63% tin 37% lead solder bar
kester solder
rosin activated 63% tin 37% lead solder wire
kester solder
rosin activated 63% tin 37% lead solder wire
kester solder
rosin activated 63% tin 37% .025 inch diameter lead solder wire
kester solder
rosin activated 63% tin 37% lead solder wire
kester solder
rosin activated 63% tin 37% lead solder wire
kester solder
rosin activated 63% tin 37% lead .040 inch diameter 5lb. packaging solder wire
measurement specialties
m-12 series 20 mm stroke 3 v layer wound lvdt sensor
uc/gui driver: guidrv_13700
uc/gui driver: guidrv_13700
uc/gui driver: guidrv_13700
5137 series nail head type printed circuit pin
pc board pin, nail head type
national semiconductor
lm13700 series so-16 surface mount dual operational transconductance amplifier
national semiconductor
lm13700 series so-16 surface mount dual operational transconductance amplifier
national semiconductor
lm13700 series so-16 surface mount dual operational transconductance amplifier
national semiconductor
lm13700 series mdip-16 through hole dual operational transconductance amplifier
new japan radio
njm13700 series 36 v 2.6 ma 50 v/us slew rate dual operational amplifier - dmp16
new japan radio
dual operational transconuctance amplifier
new japan radio
the njm13700m-te2 is a dual operational amplifier. it””s a 16 pin dmp package.
nuventix inc
synjet wire harness 4 wire 370 mm length accessory
ptn3700 series 1.95 gbps 1.8 v simple mobile interface link bridge ic - vfbga56
on semiconductor
fs6370 series eeprom programmable 3-pll clock generator ic - soic-16
on semiconductor
fs6370 series eeprom programmable 3-pll clock generator ic - soic-16
on semiconductor
mmbv3700lt1g series 0.7 ohm 1 pf high voltage silicon pin diode-sot-23-3
philips lighting
dynadimmer selv 1-10 v lighting control system (european and asian version)
philips lighting
actilume 1-10 v sensor (global version)
philips lighting
actilume 1-10v switchbox (global version)
philips lighting
xitanium 80 w 24 v 3.15 a outdoor led driver gen-1
philips lighting
xitanium 12 w 33 v 0.35 a outdoor led driver
philips lighting
xitanium 17 w 24 v 7 a outdoor led driver gen-1
philips lighting
xitanium 20 w 100 - 240 v outdoor led driver
philips lighting
xitanium 20 w 24 v 0.85 a outdoor led power driver
philips lighting
xitanium 60 w 100 - 240 v outdoor led power driver
philips lighting
xitanium 60 w 24 v 0.85 a outdoor led power driver
philips lighting
xitanium 100 w 100 - 240 v outdoor led power driver
philips lighting
xitanium 100 w 24 v 0.85 a outdoor led power driver
philips lighting
xitanium 40 w 24 v 1.75 a outdoor led driver gen-1
philips lighting
xitanium 67 w 24 v 2.8 a outdoor led driver gen-1
recom power inc
single output 3 w 700 ma 3 to 6 v ac/dc converter led driver module
2n3700 series npn 80 v 1 a general purpose amplifier through hole - to-18-3
te connectivity
10 position slimline printed circuit board connector assembly
te connectivity
1.90 mm pin receptacle
8.4 inch xga 1024 x 768 led backlight 400 nits lanscape colour tft lcd module
hvr37 series 0.5 w 100 kohm
200 ppm/c axial metal film leaded resistor
hvr37 series 0.5 w 1 mohm 1 % 200 ppm/k high ohmic/voltage metal film resistor
hvr series 4 x 12 mm 0.5 w 1 mohm 200 ppm/k 5 % metal leaded resistor
hvr37series 0.5 w 10 mohms 1 % axial lead high voltage resistor
hvr37 series 0.5 w 10 mohms 1 % 200 ppm high ohmic metal film leaded resistor
hvr series 4 x 12 mm 0.5 w 1.2 kohm 200 ppm/k 5 % metal leade


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