
兴趣爱好的英语对话 完美作业网 www.wanmeila.com
求一篇关于兴趣爱好的英语对话。 A:Hello,Tom.What are you doing now? B:I am studying English. A:oh,I think it is difficult to study well. B:I don`t think so.My favorite subject is English.I think it is very easy.What are you doing ? A:I`m watching ''Happy family '',this is my favorite TV show. B;Really,I also like it very much,I`ll watch it right away . A:Are you free in the afternoon? B:Yes? A:Let`s play basketball. B:Good idea. I like playing basketball best. A:What time? B:At 2:00pm. A:OK.See you later. B:See you.
讨论爱好和业余时间都干嘛的英语对话 A:Do you have any hobbies? What is it or what are they?B:I am interested in watching TV or other relaxing games.A:How do you spend your spare time?B:I usually read or so some sports.A:What kind of book are you interested in?B:My favorite books are those about detectives.A:Well, those books are really good. I like them too. Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?B:In fact, I wouldn't call myself extroverted. Sometime I enjoy being by myself very much. But other times, I like sharing activities with others too, especially during these last few years.A:What kind of sports do you like?B:I like almost all sports, and I enjoy both playing and watching. I especially like tennis and mountain climbing.A:What kind of personality do you think you have?B:Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, I think, and I don't like to leave anything half-done. It makes me nervous- I can't concentrate on anything else until the first thing is finished.A:你有什么爱好吗?它或它们是什么?乙:我在看电视或其他休闲游戏感兴趣。A:你的空闲时间怎么打发?乙:我经常阅读或做一些体育运动。A:你喜欢什么类型的书?B:我最喜欢的书是关于侦探。答:嗯,那些书真的很不错。我也喜欢他们。你认为你的性格是内向还是外向?B:事实上,我不认为自己外向。有时我喜欢独自一人。但其他时候,我喜欢和别人一起玩,尤其是前几年。答:你喜欢什么体育运动?乙:我喜欢几乎所有的运动,我喜欢踢球和看。我特别喜欢网球和爬山。一:你认为你是什么性格的人?乙:嗯,我做事非常热心,我想,我不喜欢半途而废。它让我紧张,我无法集中精力于别的前一件事情完成。
急求以“兴趣爱好”为主题的英语对话,急急急,明天就要用了 A:Do you have any hobbies? What is it or what are they?B:I am interested in watching TV or other relaxing games.A:How do you spend your spare time?B:I usually read or so some sports.A:What kind of book are you interested in?B:My favorite books are those about detectives.A:Well, those books are really good. I like them too. Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?B:In fact, I wouldn't call myself extroverted. Sometime I enjoy being by myself very much. But other times, I like sharing activities with others too, especially during these last few years.A:What kind of sports do you like?B:I like almost all sports, and I enjoy both playing and watching. I especially like tennis and mountain climbing.A:What kind of personality do you think you have?B:Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, I think, and I don't like to leave anything half-done. It makes me nervous- I can't concentrate on anything else until the first thing is finished.……Words & Expression:Hobby: 爱好,尤其指业余爱好Spare time: 空闲时间,业余时间Be good at: 擅长Favorite: 最喜欢的,特别喜欢的,中意的Detective: 侦探,侦探的;在对话中指侦探小说Performance: 表演,演出Ballet: 芭蕾舞Introverted: 内向的,含蓄的,闭关自守的Extroverted: 外向的,喜社交的Personality / character / disposition / temperament: 个性,性格Characteristic: 独特的,特有的,表示特性的Enthusiastically: 热心地,狂热地...
以“”谈论各自的兴趣爱好以及课余生活;”英语对话。英语英语。 两人对话,要求16句话。快来人。 说吧
编一篇英语口语情景对话,要求含有(学习,兴趣或爱好,朋友,约定)几个单词。 谢谢啦! Amy:hi,long time no see.What have you done on holiday?Penny:I have study other foreign language.Lucy:What is that?Penny:JapaneseAmy:Wow!It sounds amazing!Lucy:I really want to study,too.Penny:Haha,it is one of my hobby.If you really want to try it,we can enage on Monday at the school,I reall want to go to with you ,my friend~Amy:Me too.Lucy:Then ,ok.Amy&Lucy&Penny:See Tomorrow
关于爱好的英语对话,要求七个人人。 A:There is a football club in our city.Do you like playing football ,(某人)列如:Jack?B:Yes,I do.lt's my favourite sport.A:me too.Let's join the club together.How about you ,(某人)列如:Kitty.C:I don't like playing football.I like playing badminton.Then, (某人)列如:Peter and Alice walked to come over.D,E:Hi ,(某人)列如:Jack.Hi,(某人)列如:Danny.Hi,Kitty.A,B:Hi,Peter.Hi Alice.B:There is a football club in our city.Danny and I want to join it.Would you like to come with us?D:Oh,sure.I'd love to.E:I never play football.l like playing volleyball.人物:A:Danny B:Jack C:Kitty D:Peter E:Alice这篇只有五个人,行不?望采纳哦!
八个人的英语对话 兴趣爱好 题干不全
急求一篇英文对话,有关询问对方兴趣爱好的? What is your hobby?What is your interest?What do you often do after work?What do you usually do at leisure time?都行,可以自己组合多长的对话?
求英语对话,主要内容,讨论兴趣爱好,2个人对话,2~3分钟长度。最好自创.copy要稀有的。谢谢。 Hello!Good morning!Morning!Oh ,what are you doing?I'm drawing a picture.Wonderful! You're drawing a nice village!Yeah. I like draw you very much. And my favorite subject is art. What about you? What's your favorite subject?I like playing football very much. Do you like playing football?Yes, I like it, too.Would you like to come with me and have a football match with my friends?That's a good idea! Let's go!
用英语来写一段关于爱好的对话,短一点的。 l like playing sports急求一篇英文2人对话,关于讨论课余活动喜欢做什么?谢谢!_百度知道
No. Table tennis for today.
Jim:Great. I love table tennis? Playing badminton again?
we have an extracurricular activity this afternoon.
C? C: I&#39: Oh good, thanks, Mary! We have a small discussing group for prepare the final exam. How about you, Leo! B: Ok! See you guys on Saturday! A&#47.00pm Sll be in library on time. C, how's going with your study? B: Of course! I've already in this group, hehe~ So what time we will meet this week, but I will try my best to be on time: Oh~ I think maybe I will be latea: Hi Jack? B: Er~ How about 2: See you then. Would you like to join us? A? A: Sure, I&#39, because I will go to td love to
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typed out the information on a form and waited
for a reply. A few moments later he gave us our
tickets. His machine must have been connected
to a computer. 1--That&#39. 1--I&#39Talking About Computers 1--Do you know much about computers? 2--Ns right, but they&#39
What about this pair?It looks a little larger?I am looking for a pair of sports boots?Size eight.This pair looks beautifu.What size do you want,you can try them on.Ok,I'll take themHello,can I help you
Hellow~Hi~How are you?I'm fine Thanks and you?I'm very well.bye bye
很简单 自己想出来的
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。求翻译成英文!!急要!!!明天就要交啦!!不要在网上复制翻译的 谢谢!!_百度拇指医生
?求翻译成英文!!急要!!!明天就要交啦!!不要在网上复制翻译的 谢谢!!
政治制度&br /&&br /&中国有四大政治制度,一个根本三个基本。人民代表大会制度是根本制度,政治协商,民族区域自治和基层群众自治是基本政治制度。&br /&&br /&人民代表大会制度是中国人民民主专政的振权组织形式。中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民,人民行使国家权力的机关是全国人民代表大会和地方各级人名代表大会。全国人民代表大会和地方各级人名代表大会都有民主选举产生对人民负责受人民监督。全国人民代表大会是最高国家权力机关,地方各级人民代表大会是地方国家权力机关。全国人民代表大会是由省,自治区,直辖市和军队选出的代表组成。&br /&&br /&政治协商,是人民政协三大主要职能之一。政治协商是对国家和地方的大政方针以及政治,经济,文化和社会生活中的重要问题在决策之前进行协商和就决策执行过程中的重要问题进行协商。&br /&&br /&民族区域自治制度,是指在国家统一领导下,各少数民族聚居的地方实行区域自治,设立自治机关行使自治权的制度,是建设中国特色社会主义政治的重要内容,建立相应的自治机关,设立自治机关,行使自治权,自主的管理本民族、本地区的内部事务,行使当家做主的权力。&br /&&br /&基层群众自治制度,是在新中国成立后的民主实践中逐步形成的,并首先发育于城市。&br /&&br /&失业率是指失业人口占劳动人口的比率是反映一个国家或地区失业状况的主要指标。中国在2012年全球失业率中位列第十四名,失业率预计为4%。2010年中国登记失业率为4.1%。&br /&&br /&中国著名领导有孙中山,毛泽东,周恩来和邓小平。&br /&&br /&孙中山,生于广东农村家庭,青少年时期受到广东人民斗争传统的影响,向往太平天国的革命事业,是中国近代民主主义革命的先行者,中华民国和中国国民党创始人,三民主义的倡导者。首举彻底反封建的旗帜,“起共和而终帝制”。&br /&&br /&毛泽东,湖南人。诗人,伟大的马克思主义者,无产阶级革命家、战略家和理论家,中国共产党,中国人民解放军和中华人民共和国的主要缔造者和领导人。他对马克思列宁主义的发展,军事理论的贡献以及对共产党的理论贡献被称为毛泽东思想。&br /&&br /&周恩来,浙江人。伟大的马克思列宁主义者,中国无产阶级革命家、政治家、军事家、外交家,中国共产党和中华人民共和国的主要领导人,中国人民解放军主要的创建人和领导人。他是以毛泽东同志为核心的党的第一代中央领导集体的重要成员。在国际上也想有很高威望。&br /&&br /&邓小平,四川人。是我国中国共产党第二代领导核心领导者,马克思主义者,无产阶级革命家、政治家、军事家、外交家,同时也是中国人民解放军中华人民共和国的领导人之一。他是中国社会主义改革开放和现代化建设的总设计师,创立了邓小平理论。他所倡导的改革开放及一国两制政策理念,改变了二十世纪后期的中国也影响了世界。&br /&孙中山投身民主革命于1907年镇南关起义时亲临前线参加战斗,英勇战斗,给清政府以沉重打击,给全国人民以极大的鼓励。1911年广州黄花岗之役在全国引起了巨大震动
政治制度中国有四大政治制度,一个根本三个基本。人民代表大会制度是根本制度,政治协商,民族区域自治和基层群众自治是基本政治制度。人民代表大会制度是中国人民民主专政的振权组织形式。中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民,人民行使国家权力的机关是全国人民代表大会和地方各级人名代表大会。全国人民代表大会和地方各级人名代表大会都有民主选举产生对人民负责受人民监督。全国人民代表大会是最高国家权力机关,地方各级人民代表大会是地方国家权力机关。全国人民代表大会是由省,自治区,直辖市和军队选出的代表组成。政治协商,是人民政协三大主要职能之一。政治协商是对国家和地方的大政方针以及政治,经济,文化和社会生活中的重要问题在决策之前进行协商和就决策执行过程中的重要问题进行协商。民族区域自治制度,是指在国家统一领导下,各少数民族聚居的地方实行区域自治,设立自治机关行使自治权的制度,是建设中国特色社会主义政治的重要内容,建立相应的自治机关,设立自治机关,行使自治权,自主的管理本民族、本地区的内部事务,行使当家做主的权力。基层群众自治制度,是在新中国成立后的民主实践中逐步形成的,并首先发育于城市。失业率是指失业人口占劳动人口的比率是反映一个国家或地区失业状况的主要指标。中国在2012年全球失业率中位列第十四名,失业率预计为4%。2010年中国登记失业率为4.1%。中国著名领导有孙中山,毛泽东,周恩来和邓小平。孙中山,生于广东农村家庭,青少年时期受到广东人民斗争传统的影响,向往太平天国的革命事业,是中国近代民主主义革命的先行者,中华民国和中国国民党创始人,三民主义的倡导者。首举彻底反封建的旗帜,“起共和而终帝制”。毛泽东,湖南人。诗人,伟大的马克思主义者,无产阶级革命家、战略家和理论家,中国共产党,中国人民解放军和中华人民共和国的主要缔造者和领导人。他对马克思列宁主义的发展,军事理论的贡献以及对共产党的理论贡献被称为毛泽东思想。周恩来,浙江人。伟大的马克思列宁主义者,中国无产阶级革命家、政治家、军事家、外交家,中国共产党和中华人民共和国的主要领导人,中国人民解放军主要的创建人和领导人。他是以毛泽东同志为核心的党的第一代中央领导集体的重要成员。在国际上也想有很高威望。邓小平,四川人。是我国中国共产党第二代领导核心领导者,马克思主义者,无产阶级革命家、政治家、军事家、外交家,同时也是中国人民解放军中华人民共和国的领导人之一。他是中国社会主义改革开放和现代化建设的总设计师,创立了邓小平理论。他所倡导的改革开放及一国两制政策理念,改变了二十世纪后期的中国也影响了世界。孙中山投身民主革命于1907年镇南关起义时亲临前线参加战斗,英勇战斗,给清政府以沉重打击,给全国人民以极大的鼓励。1911年广州黄花岗之役在全国引起了巨大震动Political systemChinese has four big political system, a basic three basic. The people's Congress system is the basic system, political consultation, regional national autonomy andgrass-roots mass autonomy is a basic political system.The system of people's Congress is right Chinese vibration form of organizationof the people's democratic dictatorship. All power in the people's Republic of China belongs to the people, the National People's Congress and local people's Congress is the highest organ of state power. The National People's Congress and local people's Congress have democratic elections and the people responsible for the supervision of the people. The National People's Congress is the highest organ of state power, local people's congresses at various levels arethe local organs of state power. The National People's Congress is composed of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government and military representatives elected.Political consultation, is one of the three main functions of the cppcc. Political consultation is the fundamental policy and national and local political, economic,cultural and social life is an important problem in the decision before theconsultations and negotiations on important decision problems in the implementation process.The system of regional ethnic autonomy, means that under the unified leadership of the state, regional autonomy is practiced in areas where people of minority nationalities, organs of self-government are established to exercise the power of autonomy system, is an important content of the socialist political constructionChinese characteristics, establish the organs of self-government of the corresponding, organs of self-government are established to exercise the power of autonomy, autonomy, the management of the national, local area internalaffairs, take leadership of the exercise of power.The grass-roots mass self-government system, is formed gradually in the newChina democratic practice after the establishment of, and first developed in thecity.The unemployment rate refers to the ratio of the working population unemployed population is the main index to reflect the unemployment situation of a country or region. China ranked fourteen. China ranked fourteenth in the world in 2012 the unemployment rate, the unemployment rate is expected to be 4%. In 2010Chinese registered unemployment rate was 4.1%.Chinese famous leader Mao Zedong, Sun Zhongshan, Zhou Enlai and Deng xiaoping.Sun Zhongshan, born in Guangdong rural families, influence adolescent period isthe struggle of the people of Guangdong traditional, longing for the TaipingRevolution, is the forerunner of democratic revolution in modern China, Republic of China and the founder of the Kuomintang China, three principles of the people's advocate. Heave thoroughly feudalism flags, &from the Republic and end the monarchy&.Mao Zedong, the people of Hunan. The poet, Marx the great Marxist, proletarian revolutionary, strategist and theorist, China China Communist Party, the people's Liberation Army and the people's Republic of the main founders and leaders. He told Marx Lenin doctrine of development, military theory and contribution to theCommunist Party's theoretical contribution is known as Mao Zedong thought.Zhou Enlai, Zhejiang. The great Marx Lenin nationalists, China proletarian revolutionary, statesman, military strategist and diplomat, the main leaders ofChina Communist and people's Republic of China, the people's Liberation ArmyChina main founders and leaders. He is an important member of the party's first generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Mao Zedong as the core of the. Also has a high international prestige.Deng Xiaoping, Sichuan people. China is China second core leadership of the Communist Party leader Marx, Marxist, proletarian revolutionary, statesman,military strategist and diplomat, but also one of the China people's Liberation Army of the people's Republic of China leaders. He is the chief designer Chinesesocialist reform and opening up and modernization construction, founded theDeng Xiaoping theory. He advocated the reform and open policy and the policyidea, change in late twentieth Century China also affects the world.Sun Zhongshan devoted himself to the modern democratic revolution in 1907Town South Gate uprising to the front to fight, fight bravely, to the Qing government with a heavy blow to the people of the whole country, greatly encouraged. The 1911 Guangzhou Huanghuagang caused great shock in thecountry
The political system China has four big political system, a basic three basic. The people's Congress system is the basic system, political consultation, regional national autonomy and grass-roots mass autonomy is a basic political system. The system of people's Congress is right Chinese vibration form of organization of the people's democratic dictatorship. All power in the people's Republic of China belongs to the people, the National People's Congress and local people's Congress is the highest organ of state power. The National People's Congress and local people's Congress have democratic elections and the people responsible for the supervision of the people. The National People's Congress is the highest organ of state power, local people's congresses at various levels are the local organs of state power. The National People's Congress is composed of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government and military representatives elected. Political consultation, is one of the three main functions of the cppcc. Political consultation is the fundamental policy and national and local political, economic, cultural and social life is an important problem in the decision before the consultations and negotiations on important decision problems in the implementation process. The system of regional ethnic autonomy, means that under the unified leadership of the state, regional autonomy is practiced in areas where people of minority nationalities, organs of self-government are established to exercise the power of autonomy system, is an important content of the socialist political construction Chinese characteristics, establish the organs of self-government of the corresponding, organs of self-government are established to exercise the power of autonomy, autonomy, the management of the national, local area internal affairs, take leadership of the exercise of power. The grass-roots mass self-government system, is formed gradually in the new China democratic practice after the establishment of, and first developed in the city. The unemployment rate refers to the ratio of the working population unemployed population is the main index to reflect the unemployment situation of a country or region. China ranked fourteenth in the world in 2012 the unemployment rate, the unemployment rate is expected to be 4%. In 2010 Chinese registered unemployment rate was 4.1%. Chinese famous leader Mao Zedong, Sun Zhongshan, Zhou Enlai and Deng xiaoping. Sun Zhongshan, born in Guangdong rural families, influence adolescent period is the struggle of the people of Guangdong traditional, longing for the Taiping Revolution, is the forerunner of democratic revolution in modern China, Republic of China and the founder of the Kuomintang China, three principles of the people's advocate. Heave thoroughly feudalism flags, &from the Republic and end the monarchy&. Mao Zedong, the people of Hunan. The poet, Marx the great Marxist, proletarian revolutionary, strategist and theorist, China China Communist Party, the people's Liberation Army and the people's Republic of the main founders and leaders. He told Marx Lenin doctrine of development, military theory and contribution to the Communist Party's theoretical contribution is known as Mao Zedong thought. Zhou Enlai, Zhejiang. The great Marx Lenin nationalists, China proletarian revolutionary, statesman, military strategist and diplomat, the main leaders of China Communist and people's Republic of China, the people's Liberation Army China main founders and leaders. He is an important member of the party's first generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Mao Zedong as the core of the. Also has a high international prestige. Deng Xiaoping, Sichuan people. China is China second core leadership of the Communist Party leader Marx, Marxist, proletarian revolutionary, statesman, military strategist and diplomat, but also one of the China people's Liberation Army of the people's Republic of China leaders. He is the chief designer Chinese socialist reform and opening up and modernization construction, founded the Deng Xiaoping theory. He advocated the reform and open policy and the policy idea, change in late twentieth Century China also affects the world. Sun Zhongshan devoted himself to the modern democratic revolution in 1907 Town South Gate uprising to the front to fight, fight bravely, to the Qing government with a heavy blow to the people of the whole country, greatly encouraged. The 1911 Guangzhou Huanghuagang caused great shock in the country
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