请问Episode "ONE"quot是什么意思思?

"I'm Luffy! The Man Who Will Become the Pirate King!" is the 1st episode of the .
The series begins with an attack on a cruise
at the hands of . , a slave of Alvida, discovers a barrel. One of Alvida's
attempts to open the barrel, but a young boy emerges and accidentally hits him. The remaining pirates attack him, but the stranger stops them and says that his name is . Luffy drags Coby to the storage cellar of the ship, where he eats and converses with Coby, who reveals his dream of being a . Alvida confronts Luffy, but he escapes and knocks her pirate crew down with his
power. Luffy explains that he ate the , therefore he has the powers of rubber. Coby, inspired by Luffy, stands up for himself when Alvida confronts them. Luffy uses his Gomu Gomu no Pistol technique on Alvida. Luffy and Coby sail away in a "borrowed" boat from Alvida's crew. Luffy asks about the pirate hunter Coby mentioned earlier. Coby says that he was captured by the Marines, and Luffy announces his intention of asking him to join his crew.
The series begins with a barrel floating in the water. Aboard a passenger ship, two sailors spot the barrel floating in the sea. The ship is hosting a formal dance for the rich passengers, and among them, a
is invited to dance. The two sailors cast out a rope to reel the barrel in. When they pull it in, however, another sailor spots a pirate ship in the distance, a pink one - belonging to the pirate Alvida. The pirate ship, known as the , fires its cannons and the barrel is knocked out of the sailors' hands, sent rolling into the kitchen. Panic ensues as the pirate ship attacks the cruise vessel, pulling up beside it and allowing the pirates to board, led by Alvida.
While pirates are attacking the ship, Coby, a young boy who is essentially a slave of Alvida's, sneaks into the kitchen and notices the barrel. As he is rolling it away, several pirates come in and ask why he's sneaking around. They then proclaim that they are thirsty and just as one of the pirates is about to smash open the barrel with his fist, it bursts open and out jumps Monkey D. Luffy, shocking everybody . The pirates try to attack him, but they are easily defeated and flee, and Coby is left intrigued by Luffy. Luffy and Coby head to the storage cellar of the ship and Luffy starts eating apples out of a crate.
While in the cellar, Luffy asks if they are on a pirate ship. Coby replies that they are not, but rather on a cruise ship being raided by pirates. Luffy then explains how his dinghy was destroyed in a whirlpool and how he barely survived by jumping into the barrel. Then, Coby explains how he ended up getting picked up by Alvida's pirates and how he has been their slave ever since. Luffy then mentions his dream, how he wants to become the Pirate King, which causes Coby to lose it, realizing that Luffy is a pirate. While this conversation is being held, Alvida's pirates tell their captain that there is a barrel monster aboard the ship, and are all oblivious to the fact that Nami is robbing them blind.
Alvida bursts through the ceiling of the cellar and sees Luffy, mentioning how he is not actually Roronoa Zoro. Luffy then asks who the fat lady is, infuriating Alvida. Alvida attacks but Luffy picks up Coby and launches himself out of the cellar, and onto the deck. He is attacked by Alvida's pirates but knocks them all out using a Gomu Gomu no Rocket attack. When everyone is shocked by this, Luffy explains that he is a rubber man who ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi. He says he wants to find One Piece and that he is currently looking for a crew, thinking that ten people is a good amount. Alvida asks Coby who the most beautiful woman in the world is. Alvida, who had trained Coby to stay by her side, is shocked when Coby, inspired by Luffy, stands up for himself and yells that Alvida is a smelly, fat, old hag.
Alvida becomes livid and attacks. Her mace strikes Luffy right on the head, but he stays standing. Luffy proclaims that a normal attack like that won't work on a rubber man, then winds back and uses a Gomu Gomu no Pistol attack to send Alvida flying, defeating her with one hit. Luffy orders Alvida's remaining pirates to get a boat ready for him and Coby, and they jump into the boat and sail away, briefly seeing Nami in her boat as they head off. Sailing out into the great blue sea, Luffy asks about the pirate hunter Coby mentioned. Coby says that he was captured by the Marines, and Luffy announces his intention of asking him to join his crew. This causes Coby to lose it again. Luffy makes up his mind, saying that he will recruit Roronoa Zoro as his next member. While they are speaking, the scene changes to a nearby Marine base where a
with a green bandanna is tied to a cross, looking up.
The characters of "つづく" at the end card is translated to "Followed by".
The end card here was replaced by the "To Be Continued" card from Episode 3 in the FUNimation DVD release.
In the manga, the setting was on an island, but in the anime, it was on the .
appeared in this episode, while she does not appear in the manga until .
A scene is added that shows
in the cellar where Luffy is eating apples.
In the manga, Coby shows Luffy a boat that he built in 2 years to escape from Alvida. This is not shown in the anime.
In the manga,
and her crew seriously discuss the possibility that Coby had hired
to attack them. This is simplified in the anime, with Alvida simply mistaking Luffy as a bounty hunter.
Pandaman makes his first anime appearance, in this episode's theme song.
The first set of
premiered in this episode. Both featured Luffy, but were set to different pieces of music. The music accompanying the first Eyecatcher would go on to become Zoro's theme.
This episode is not based on , which is later covered in . Instead, it is based off of material from .
One of the pirates in this episode (only credited as "Pirate A") is voiced by Hiroshi Kam he will later have the more notable role of .
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"Luffy's Past! The Red-Haired Shanks Appears!" is the 4th episode of the .
A view into
past is shown as we are introduced to his hero, the man who gave him the , . Shanks and his crew stand up to a group of bandits in the town as young Luffy is taken by the bandits' leader and thrown into the water, where he cannot swim due to his . Shanks saves Luffy's life.
The episode opens with three pirates from
that come upon
stranded in a boat. She asks them to save her in exchange for payment, but when they climb onto her boat for her treasure, she steals their ship, leaving them stranded in the ocean. Meanwhile,
are hanging in their boat, drifting at sea, and both of them wonder why they do not have any navigating skills. Suddenly, however, the boat is rocked and Luffy's straw hat blows off of his head, fluttering around through the air. Luffy frantically reaches for it, and Zoro catches it before it lands in the water. Zoro then inquires about the hat's importance, which triggers a flashback showing Luffy's past.
Young Luffy is in a bar filled with pirates, the crew of . Shanks makes fun of Luffy for being a kid, though Luffy thinks he's a man.
remarks that he has a
about the same age as Luffy. A bandit, named , then kicks down the door and walks into the bar, ordering some sake. The bartender, a girl named , says that all of the sake has been sold to the pirates in the bar. Shanks offers him a bottle but Higuma smashes it, claiming he is a wanted man with 8,000,000 on his head. He storms out of the bar, and all of the pirates start to laugh. Luffy gets angry that Shanks did not fight back against Higuma, and in a huff, he spots a purple fruit in a small box, the , and eats it. When Shanks notices this he holds Luffy upside down and orders him to spit it out, but it's too late and the effects have already set in as Luffy's body stretches. Shanks tells Luffy that he just ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi, a Devil Fruit, and now he is a rubber man and will not be able to ever swim again.
Later, Luffy finds himself in trouble when he gets attacked by Higuma and his bandits outside. Makino sees this and runs to the
for help, who yells at the bandits to stop. Higuma decides he will kill Luffy, but then Shanks and his crew arrive. One of the bandits points a gun at Shanks' head and orders that he stay still, but with insane speed,
shoots the bandit through the head and kills him. Everyone gasps in shock as Shanks explains that they are dangerous pirates. More bandits charge at Shanks, but
steps forward and swings his rifle like a club, taking them all out. Beckman quips that if the bandits were truly serious about fighting them then they should have brought a battleship. Higuma, frightened, throws down a smoke bomb and makes his escape and taking Luffy with him. He flees out to sea in a boat, where he throws Luffy out into the water. Luffy, having eaten the Gomu Gomu no Mi, cannot swim and is about to drown.
As Higuma laughs at Luffy's plight, a big
comes up behind him and devours him in one bite. The sea monster then goes for Luffy, but Shanks stops the sea monster as it takes a bite, and with
drives the beast away. Luffy clutches Shanks and starts crying since Shanks' arm was bitten off by the creature. Shanks replies that it's fine, as long as Luffy is safe. Later, Shanks and his pirates pack up their ship, ready to leave. Luffy decides he will become a pirate on his own and go on a great adventure. Shanks gives his
to Luffy and tells him to return it when Luffy becomes a great pirate and they meet again. The pirates then sail away as the flashback ends.
Back on their boat in the present, Luffy spots a pink bird in the sky and decides to eat it. He launches himself at it using Gomu Gomu no Rocket, but the bird grabs his head in its beak and flies away. Zoro paddles after it in a fury and comes upon the pirates that Nami left stranded earlier. They try to take over the boat, but Zoro gives them a beating and they end up having to row instead. The pirates mention that they are members of Buggy's crew and that Buggy has eaten a Devil Fruit, making him one of a kind. The bird, by this time, has flown over a nearby town. In the town is Nami, seen fleeing from Buggy's pirates with a map of the Grand Line. Buggy orders that the bird in the sky to
be shot down, and when it does, Luffy comes hurtling down. Nami and Buggy's pirates watch in shock as Luffy lands in front of her, and he stands up, saying it was an interesting experience, ending the episode.
The episode based on the
of the manga, but the ending bit showing
is snipped out in the anime adaptation until . In this episode, we are introduced to
This was the first appearance of . It was used by Shanks, who used it against the .
In the manga, Luffy cut his lower left eye creating a scar to prove to Shanks he is a real man but the anime cut it out.
In the manga, before
shows up, Luffy was already eating the
and Shanks did not find out until he grabs Luffy's arm and watched it stretch. In the anime, after Higuma left, Luffy found the Devil Fruit in a chest and started to eat it. Shanks caught him and turned him upside down to make him spit it out, ending up with his body falling to the floor, with Shanks still holding his legs.
In the manga when Shanks lost his arm, it was dripping blood, but in the anime, it does not.
This is the first episode of the .
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