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客户端下载112被浏览5,758分享邀请回答276 条评论分享收藏感谢收起51 条评论分享收藏感谢收起什么是好作品1、尼采 | Nietzsche德国著名哲学家、诗人、思想家、文化评论家“A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends.一个好的作家不仅能掌控自己的灵魂,还有他的朋友们的。2、加缪 | Albert Camus法国作家、存在主义大师、诺贝尔获得者“The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.”写作的目的是为了阻止人类文明的自我毁灭3、简奥斯丁 | Jane Austen英国著名女性小说家“For my own part, if a book is well written, I always find it too short.”就我而言,写得好的文章往往让我觉得意犹未尽。写作的基石是大量的阅读4、史蒂芬金 | Stephen King畅销悬疑小说家、编剧、文学评论家“If you want to be a writer,” says Stephen King , “you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”如果想成为作家,万事之前,你要先做到2件事,读很多,写很多5、福克纳 | William Faulkner美国文坛标志,意识流作家代表,诺贝尔得主“Read, read, read. Read everything - trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it. Then write. If it's good, you'll find out. If it's not, throw it out of the window.”阅读,阅读,再阅读。读你能找到的所有东西:垃圾文章,经典作品,不管是好的还是坏的,然后思考作者是如何做到的。就像一个木匠,在学徒时期,他会研究大师的作品那样。多读,吸取对自己有用的东西,然后开始写作。如果写的好,你自己就会知道,如果写得很糟糕,那就扔出窗外。一切感动源于真实6、罗伯特弗罗斯特 | Robert Frost美国最受欢迎的诗人,四次普利策得主“No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.”一个作家要想感动读者,必先感动自己。要想给读者以惊喜,必先自己感到惊喜。7、狄更斯 | Charles Dickens英国文豪,批判现实主义鼻祖“I have
unless, indeed, I were to confess that no one can ever believe this narrative, in the reading, more than I have believed it in the writing.”我无可奉告,一定要的话。我坦白,对于我的作品,没有一个读者能比我在写作的时候更相信我的文字的真实性。8、爱伦坡 | Edgar Allan Poe诗人、小说家美国文学先驱、推理小说鼻祖“Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.”真实的文字拥有震撼心灵的强大力量。自由的思想9、伍尔夫 | Virginia Woolf英国文学家、意识流代表人物、文学批评家、文学理论家“Lock up your l but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.”虽然你可以锁上你的图书馆,但是世上没有任何的门,任何的锁,任何门闩能限制我的自由思维。10、纳博科夫 | Vladimir Nabokov俄裔美国文学家、翻译家、文学批评家“Literature was not born the day when a boy crying 'wolf, wolf' came running out of the Neanderthal valley with a big gr literature was born on the day when a boy came crying 'wolf, wolf' and there was no wolf behind him.”什么是文学创作?当一个小男孩被一头大灰狼追着从穴居人居住的山洞跑出来,喊着“狼来了,狼来了”这并不是文学创作;当一个小男孩被从穴居人居住的山洞跑出来,喊着“狼来了,狼来了”,可事实上并没有狼在追他的时候,这才是.笔耕不辍11、马尔克斯 | García Márquez当代最有影响力小说家、魔幻现实主义代表、诺贝尔得主'When I sit down to write, which is the essential moment in my life, I am completely alone. Whenever I write a book, I accumulate a lot of documentation. That background material is the most intimate part of my private life. It's a little embarrassing - like being seen in your underwear It's like the way magicians never tell others how they make a dove come out of a hat.在坐下写作,这一我生活中最重要的时刻的时候,我是完全独处的。我写书之前会做很多功课。这些相关背景资料都是我个人生活中最私密的部分。这会让我觉得有点尴尬,就好像被人看到你穿着内衣的样子。正如魔术师从不告诉大家,他怎么从帽子里变出鸽子那样。12、马克吐温 | Mark Twain美国文坛代表人物、文学家、演说家The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is that you really want to say.当你觉得你已经完成了让自己非常满意的作品时,这恰恰是“开始”写作的最佳时机。因为那时你真正对自己的文章有了一个清晰的概念,你才能意识到自己真正想表达的是什么。13、巴尔扎克 | Honore de Balzac法国文豪、剧作家、现代法语小说之父“If the artist does not fling himself, without reflecting, into his work, as Curtis flung himself into the yawning gulf, as the soldier flings himself into the enemy's trenches, and if, once in this crater, he does not work like a miner on whom the walls of his ga if he contemplates difficulties instead of overcoming them one by one... he is simply looking on at the suicide of his own talent.”如果一个艺术家不能不顾后果得全身心的投入到他的作品中;就像柯蒂斯跳入咆哮的深渊,士兵义无反顾冲入敌人的战壕;如果在矿坑前如果面对重重困难他停步犹豫了,而不是一个个克服,那他就是在冷眼旁观自己才华的灭亡=================================想学接地气的实用英语表达?想看最新环球热点资讯?想听最原汁原味的英(美)音?关注微信订阅号洛基英语:rocky_english(长按微信号复制关注)每周七天,我们为您的英语保鲜!


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